Dry cat food: what is the harm and what is the benefit? Dry and wet cat food: what is cat food made of and is it harmful? Are dry ones harmful?

Lisa A. Pierson, DVM

The cornerstone of cat health is proper nutrition. This article lays out some of the often overlooked fundamentals of cat nutrition. Explains why a cat is much more likely to stay healthy when fed canned food rather than dry food. A conscious choice of food can significantly improve the health of a cat throughout her life. This may well help prevent the development of serious, painful, life-threatening diseases and, consequently, high medical costs.

More and more veterinarians are now strongly recommending the use of canned food instead of dry food for cats. However, many veterinarians continue to allow dry food. Unfortunately, such a diet contributes to the emergence of many diseases, which will be described below.

We have to admit that during their studies veterinarians receive insufficient knowledge about healthy nutrition. Moreover, the knowledge gained mostly comes from representatives of large firms, which often sponsor educational institutions (therefore, they can influence curricula). After graduation, most self-education sources for veterinarians also provide information that supports the interests of feed manufacturers, including therapeutic ones.

Dependence on dry food.

If your cat is refusing any food other than dry food, don't stop trying to change the diet. Any cat can be transitioned to a water-rich, low-carb diet with enough patience and a little ingenuity.

The use of dry food is associated with three main problems:

  • Too low water content. Increases the chance of cats developing serious and life-threatening urinary tract infections. Among them are extremely painful and often fatal (and expensive treatments) such as urethral obstruction.
  • Too high carbohydrate content. Causes a predisposition to diabetes, obesity and bowel disease. Note that low-carb dry foods are also not considered healthy foods, as they contain little moisture and lose nutrients when cooked during manufacture.
  • Too high vegetable protein content regarding animals. Cats are obligate predators, their body is adapted to eating meat. Herbal ingredients are only needed to increase the profits of manufacturers and do not contribute to the preservation of feline health.

Among other problems:

  • bacterial infection (may cause vomiting and diarrhea);
  • fungal mycotoxicoses (due to fungi contained in cereal grains that produce extremely toxic substances);
  • insects and their faeces (may cause breathing problems);
  • ingredients that often cause allergic reactions;
  • lack of nutrients due to their loss in the feed manufacturing process;

But my cat is doing great on dry food!

This statement is heard very often. However, the following should be taken into account:

  • Any living creature "looks great" as long as the outward signs of the disease are not visible.
  • Any cat with confirmed diabetes was "perfectly healthy" until their owners noticed signs of the disease.
  • Every cat with urinary tract obstruction was "healthy" until urinary problems developed, either died from a ruptured bladder or had to be rushed to the clinic for emergency catheterization.
  • Any cat with inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) was "healthy" as long as it showed no signs of pain, blood in the urine, and instances of urination outside the litter box - not because of bad manners, but "for health reasons."
  • All cats are healthy until food with allergenic ingredients results in signs of food intolerance, inflammatory bowel disease, or asthma.
  • Any cat with kidney or bladder stones looks healthy until they reach a size that causes outward signs of illness.
  • Even in cats with cancer in the early stages, while the tumor is small, there are no signs of the disease.

The fact is that diseases begin long before the cat begins to feel them.

This is why the claim that a cat feels good on dry food means little to a veterinarian recommending preventive nutrition. Instead of wasting time, nerves and effort on treatment, it is better to avoid the onset of the disease by immediately adopting a diet suitable for the species. It is a low carb wet (canned) or balanced homemade food (which is harder of course), but not a dry food.

Of course, when choosing preventive nutrition, a person should understand the following:

  • All organs of the urinary system will function better if a sufficient amount passes through them. water. Urinary tract obstruction is commonly seen in cats (especially cats) fed dry food. This dangerous disease, however, is very rare in canned cats, especially if water is added to the food. Both cats and cats, with such a diet (rich in water), are much less susceptible to cystitis.
  • Cats are by nature low sensitivity to thirst Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with water intake with food. In nature, a cat's prey is approximately 70-75% water, while dry food contains only 5-10% water. Cats do not make up for this deficiency from a saucer of water. as it seems to their owners. Some studies show that cats on wet food consume twice the amount of liquid compared to those on dry food, even when water is constantly available.
  • Carbohydrates can contribute to the violation of the sugar-insulin balance increasing the risk of developing diabetes. Dry food, like some canned food, contains a lot of carbohydrates, among which they can be harmful. Note that "grain-free" foods are not necessarily low-carb, as potatoes and peas are often used instead of grains.
  • Cats belong to obligate predators. Their body is adapted to obtain protein from meat, and not from grains, peas or potatoes, which are present in large quantities in dry food.
  • Popular myth that dry food is good for teeth has no scientific basis. Cats often swallow the pellets whole, but even when chewed they are not abrasive as they are brittle and easily crack. True, canned food also does not have any abrasive effect. In this sense, they are no better (but no worse) for dental health than dry ones. You need to take special care of your teeth, not counting on the action of food.

Proponents of dry food often say that wet food is too expensive. However, when you consider the costs of treating diseases that occur with such a diet, the picture changes. Many change their minds when they see a veterinarian bill. Perhaps, it is worth considering the option of feeding canned food as a preventive one, which helps to prevent many diseases.

Cats need to consume enough moisture with their food.

This is a very important statement because it highlights that even low-carb, grain-free dry foods may not be the optimal source of nutrition for cats. Remember that even cheap canned food is better than any dry food..

Compared to other species, cats tolerate a lack of water much better. It is very important to ensure that they are drinking enough fluids during meals.

In nature, cats get most of their fluid from the prey they eat, as their prey is about 70 percent water. During the manufacturing process of dry food, the water content is reduced to 5-10 percent, while canned food contains about 78 percent water. Clearly, canned foods are better suited to meet fluid requirements. Cats fed dry food tend to drink more, but their total fluid intake is about half that of wet food diets.

Such a significant underestimation of water consumption contributes to the development of dangerous diseases kidney and bladder, as well as urethral obstruction (blockage of the urethra), which are extremely painful and expensive to treat.

On a wet food diet, the cat's urinary tract is flushed several times a day. This is an important point in the prevention of urinary tract problems, including obstruction, infections, inflammation (cystitis), chronic kidney disease.

Cats need animal protein.

Cats are obligate carnivores, so their nutritional needs are significantly different from those of dogs. What does "obligate predator" mean? This means that Mother Nature has appointed them to receive the necessary substances from animal proteins (based on meat and other organs), and not vegetable proteins (grains, vegetables).

It is important to understand that proteins have a different nature.

Animal proteins found in animal tissues have a complete amino acid profile. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins and can be thought of as the pieces of a puzzle that make up the overall image. Plant proteins do not contain a complete set (all mosaic particles) of critically important amino acids required by obligate predators. The quality and composition of proteins (are all mosaic particles present?) are called biological value.

The human body and, for example, a dog can extract from plant proteins the parts necessary to build the elements that are missing in the mosaic and synthesize them on their own. The body of a cat is not capable of doing this, therefore, unlike humans and dogs, they cannot live on a vegetarian diet. Note that a vegetarian diet is still not recommended for dogs.

Generally speaking, the proteins in dry food, a significant proportion of which are plant-derived proteins that undergo rigorous processing when cooked, not equivalent in quality proteins in canned food. In them, proteins, as a rule, are of animal origin and have been subjected to much milder processing. Dry feed proteins thus have a lower biological value. However, since vegetable proteins are cheaper than animal proteins, it is more profitable for manufacturers to use corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, etc. to make them.

Most canned foods, when calculated by dry weight (not the weight indicated on the package, as it includes all components, including water), contain more protein than dry ones. But it should be remembered that the main value is not the amount of protein, but its biological value.

There are too many carbohydrates in cat food.

In nature, cats never consume the amount of carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, potatoes, peas, etc.) found in dry food (and some canned food) that we usually feed them. The prey of wild cats (rodents, birds, lizards, etc.) contains a lot of meat (protein), moisture, and an average amount of fat. Carbohydrates account for less than 2 percent of a meal's calorie content.

In dry food, carbohydrates account for (on average) 35-50 percent of calories. Such a diet can significantly change the sugar-insulin balance in the cat's body. In quality wet food, on the other hand, carbohydrates account for only 3-5 percent of total calories. Unfortunately, not all canned foods provide a sufficiently low level of carbohydrates, since they can also include cereals, potatoes, peas in large quantities ...

Cats do not have a need for carbohydrates, in fact, a diet rich in carbohydrates can be detrimental to their health. It never occurs to anyone to feed herbivores (horses, cows and other animals) with meat, so why do we feed cats with inappropriate food?

Many of us have heard advice from nutritionists to shop for fresh, unprocessed foods (fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.). It goes without saying that dry pet food undergoes deep processing during the manufacturing process (for example, it is boiled for a very long time at a high temperature). Why are they so popular? It's easy to guess. Dry food is cheap and convenient. Accessibility and convenience are easily sold.

Can cats live on dry food that is low in water, high in carbohydrates, plant-based, highly processed and prone to bacteria? Yes they can. However, it is better to choose a diet for them that will promote health, and not simple survival.

“We are what we eat” is not just a beautiful phrase. Food is the foundation of health for all beings, including our pets.


Man changed the genotype of cats in order to breed breeds with a given phenotype. For animals obtained artificially, it is required to create conditions that are different from natural ones. However, man did not succeed in completely overcoming the feline nature. The transformation from wild animals to decorative ones has undermined the foundations of life of cats, so the slightest deviations in living conditions and nutrition lead to diseases. Providing purebred animals with natural feed requires fundamental knowledge, a willingness to spend a lot of effort and time. Fellinologists sooner or later realize that they are not able to provide the pet with good nutrition and switch to food prepared by professionals. This article informs cat lovers about economy class dry food and warns about the possible consequences of their use.

The influence of habitat on the nutritional needs of cats

The ancestors of modern cats, living in nature, fed on small rodents, birds and fish, eating them along with the skin and entrails. In this way they satisfied their needs for minerals, vitamins and cellulose. Living next to a person, felins have adapted to eating the remains of human food. Natural selection shaped the appearance of the modern domestic cat, and non-viable races died out. Decorative breeds newly created by man are prone to diseases, so they require special feed.

The habitat has changed. If cats eating Kitty-Kat diversify their diet with mice, as well as grass, then those living in apartments of high-rise buildings are deprived of such an opportunity. From lack of movement, adynamia develops, so the need for calories decreases. Animals are deprived of the joy of communicating with the opposite sex. The owners, observing the suffering of the pet, decide to sterilize. Metabolism, and consequently, the need for nutrients change dramatically. Therefore, ordinary food becomes toxic for cats. Of particular importance is the consistency of the feed. Some animals, due to their physiological characteristics, age and lack of teeth, are shown wet food.

The main advantage of semi-liquid foods is the ease of transition from milk to solid foods. In case of dental diseases or stomatitis, it is recommended to exclude hard particles from the diet. Some fellinologists believe that it is better to feed spayed cats with soft food. However, constant feeding of wet food contributes to the formation of dentoliths and the occurrence of gingivitis. Wet foods spoil quickly, so some cat owners prefer to alternate them with solid foods.

Characteristics of economy class dry food

From the above, it follows that the harmfulness of dry food lies not in its form, but in an imbalance in a number of nutritional components. The raw materials for economy-class dry feed are waste from meat processing plants. As sources of carbohydrates, feed grains containing allergens and antinutrients are used. They are inactivated by extrusion, but not completely. Flavorings and flavor correctors are added to the feed to make it attractive. The following brands are popular in Russia:

  • Kitty-Kat.
  • Dr. Clauder.
  • Whiskas.
  • Friscas.

The demand for such food is due to the low purchasing power of the population.

The harmfulness of such feeds is established if they are fed to purebred cats. Sterilization makes animals more vulnerable. But such products are popular with owners of outbred feline. Cats fed dry or wet economy food live up to 10-15 years, so it is impossible to determine what exactly caused their death.

The most characteristic symptoms of pathologies caused by unbalanced feeds are urolithiasis and allergic manifestations.

Food "Kitty-Kat"

Disadvantages of natural feeding

Some cat owners, fearing for the health of their pet, refuse cheap food, but do not purchase expensive ones, but prefer natural food. In this case, the cat's diet may become even less balanced. The cat ceases to receive sources of cellulose, vitamins, minerals. The presence of salt, as well as spices in the waste from the table causes chronic poisoning. Many human foods are unacceptable to cats and cause digestive upset. Fans of pampering their pet with fish run the risk of causing anemia due to the presence of iron-binding compounds in some types. Other varieties may contain thiaminase, which degrades vitamin B 1 . Food poisoning from spoiled foods is possible.

To create a balanced diet for a cat from natural products, you need to have special knowledge in the field of feeding feline, as well as the skills of food preparation.

Benefits of premium food

Breeders, as well as experienced cat owners, prefer to deal with high quality food. Their physical form is not of decisive importance. The high cost of food is compensated by the increased duration of communication with the pet, the minimization of the cost of veterinary services, as well as the preservation of high reproductive abilities. Experts recommend dry food of the following brands:

  • Eagle Pack.
  • Filiday.
  • Leonardo.
  • Ikeniba.


From the foregoing, it follows that the form of food does not adversely affect the cat's body. The illiterate use of cat food can harm. This applies to cheap and expensive, dry and wet, factory-made and home-made feeds.

The harm of any product is determined by two factors: the presence of toxic substances in it and the compliance with the individual needs of the organism of the animal for which it is intended. In this article, we will look at whether dry cat food can be harmful and debunk the most common myths about this.

Harmful substances added to dry food

Dry food is the world's most popular type of commercial pet food. But, like all mass-produced products, they are suspicious of some owners who believe that only natural food is truly healthy. In fact, there is no fundamental difference between dry, wet or “natural” products, it all depends on the composition, and any food will not be beneficial if it is not balanced in essential nutrients and does not meet the needs of animals.

All manufacturers are interested in their food being bought again and again, and therefore they are very concerned about the safety of their products. Moreover, the production of dry food is regulated by industry regulations that do not allow the addition of any harmful substances.

Technologies are constantly improving, and, for example, if at the dawn of the industry synthetic preservatives were still used in feed, now almost all diets are preserved with natural plant extracts with a high content of vitamin E. So you definitely should not be afraid of dry food, but you should choose them very carefully.

The harm of dry food is addictive

Pet owners note that some diets are attractive to cats, who, having tasted the contents of the package, subsequently refuse any other food. This effect is explained by the addition of attractants, that is, substances that cause increased appetite in animals. In fact, there is nothing particularly harmful in them, because, as a rule, these are animal protein hydrolysates, which are obtained by splitting the latter into individual amino acids. In this form, proteins are not only better absorbed, but also smell very strongly, affecting the olfactory system of animals.

Although hydrolysates are not particularly harmful in themselves, they are most often added in order to “mask” the poor composition of the product, to make attractive what carnivores cannot attract in any way. Feeds that use these ingredients tend to be high in grain and not fresh meat. Such a poor composition over time can disrupt metabolism and lead to disease. In particular, low animal protein sources and high carbohydrate content often lead to obesity and diabetes.

Dry food causes urolithiasis

Many cat owners fear that feeding dry food can cause kidney stones in their pets. The logic is this: cats naturally have a reduced sense of thirst, and since ready-made industrial diets contain practically no moisture, the animals that feed on them experience an acute shortage of fluid.

In fact, this is nothing more than a myth. The feeling of thirst is regulated in the hypothalamus of the brain and is directly related to the amount of fluid that comes with food. A cat eating canned or natural food may not drink water at all, and this is normal for her. If there is not enough liquid in the food, then the signal generated in the animal's brain will make it look for water in order to make up for its lack in the body. The task of the owner is simply to provide the cat with constant access to clean fresh water.

In addition, the very development of urolithiasis is not associated with the amount of fluid consumed, but with the composition and pH balance of urine, which directly depend on the composition of food, and not on the amount of moisture in it. Diets high in carbohydrates cause alkalinization of the urine, leading to the most common type of disease, struvite.

What dry food is good for cats?

Cats, as carnivorous predators, need foods high in animal protein, so the more meat they have, the better. It is not difficult to determine the amount of animal components in the feed - they should occupy the first places in the list of ingredients, and if the manufacturer indicated their content as a percentage, then even better.

It is also desirable that the feed does not contain grain components, in particular, wheat and corn, and carbohydrate sources in general occupy a minimum volume - no more than 15%. There is no place in cat food and dedicated sources of vegetable protein, as it is incomplete for these animals.

Thus, the harm of dry cat food is determined by the composition of the product, and if the diet is created correctly and meets the needs of animals, then this is a convenient and complete type of food on which your pet will live a long life.

Since pet care in this case is minimized: no need to boil and butcher fish or meat, the dishes are always impeccable, you just need to add a new portion of food on time and make sure that there is enough water for the animal. All this, coupled with the fact that the pet willingly eats such food, encourages the owners to use it for feeding systematically. However, the solution is .

"Cons" of dry food

Firstly, it is that it is dry. Not every cat likes to drink a lot, it is forced by the thirst that she feels after eating. But the animal's body perceives wet food much better, since quite a lot of energy is expended on additional dilution of dry food with water. Manufacturers advise those whose pets do not like to drink a lot of water to moisten the granules directly in the cup. But here another problem arises: for some unknown reason, some animals refuse such “porridge”.

Secondly, the lack of dry food is that it is stuffed with various chemicals: flavor enhancers, flavors, synthesized vitamins. These substances are harmful to animals as well as to humans. There are especially a lot of them in economy-class feeds, which are often not only useless for nutrition, but also cause significant harm to the health of pets. The opinions of many veterinarians agree: cats that eat exclusively dry food do not live long.

Modern testing methods do not allow us to prove that such food provokes the development of allergies in an animal, which manifests itself in cat baldness, redness on the skin, itchy ulcers on the muzzle, neck and nape. But studies have shown that this disease is caused by plant protein, which acts as an allergen and is found in excess in dry food. Therefore, if after eating the cat begins to itch intensely, such nutrition is contraindicated for her.

What changes in the body of the animal causes dry food?

U.S. veterinarians have conducted research and found that owners of cats that eat mainly such foods spend a lot of money on their treatment later. The animal sooner or later becomes ill with cystitis, it forms kidney stones, the work of the gallbladder is weakened. In this case, the recommendation of experts is the same: to abandon economy-class dry food, and strictly dose elite products, since they also contain chemicals and vegetable protein.

That joyful moment came - a real kitten appeared in the house, a small fluffy lump with paws and a tail. We heartily congratulate you! However, do not forget about the huge responsibility that you now bear for this tiny creature. And last but not least, the health and vigor of a cat will depend on what she will eat. So all the same, "natural" or "crackers"? harmful or not? Let's take a look in detail.

Natural cat food: what is bad and what is good?

Perhaps the voice of the older generation will sound here, they say, why spoil them? Food costs money, as we fed cats all their lives with what was left from the table, and now we will feed them. And in general, he is a predator, let him catch and eat mice, and the harm of dry cat food, first of all, has been proven for the family's wallet.

Of course, if you live in a private house and the issue with mice is relevant, then, most likely, additional feeding is really not useful. However, veterinarians today are increasingly saying that the concentration of field chemicals in rodents can seriously damage the health of the furry purr, and it may still be worth feeding the cat so that he does not eat the mice he has caught.

If you want to feed a domestic cat with natural products, then it is worth considering a number of points:

In general, it is possible to feed a cat with natural products, but it is quite laborious. It is much easier to buy high-quality cat food, in which everything is already balanced, for example, the German Sanabelle from Bosch. The main thing is not to forget about a bowl of clean fresh water for the cat, which should always be freely available.