Are nicknames and abbreviations really that harmless? The name Vladislav in abbreviation: meaning, origin and character of the name Short and full names.

Many people have probably heard how parents (mostly mothers and grandmothers) affectionately address their children: “honey,” “bunny,” “chick,” “kitten,” etc.

Many people have probably heard how parents (mostly mothers and grandmothers) affectionately address their children: “honey,” “bunny,” “chick,” “kitten,” etc. Such touching epithets, as well as the customary manner of using the so-called “affectionate diminutive” and “abbreviated” forms of names (“Dimochka”, “Seryozha”, “Mashulya”, etc.) in relation to children, as a rule, are considered almost obligatory manifestations of maternal love and do not evoke anything other than tenderness and admiration from others. On the contrary, parents who call their children by full names, for example, “Alexander” or “Evgenia,” are sometimes reproached for being too strict and even cold.

But are all sorts of nicknames and abbreviations really so harmless and cute? Where do they come from and what effect do they have on their carriers?

From a cultural point of view, all these “bunnies” and “cats” used in relation to a child seem to be quite possible. In traditional societies there were children's nicknames (and these are nicknames, not names) and even cooler ones. Before coming of age and the ritual of receiving a human name, the child could be called “Hare” and “Mishka” and “Shishka”. Therefore, we can assume that here we are dealing with echoes of the tradition of “children’s names.” And then there is nothing wrong with using any animal epithets. But it's not that simple. In the old days, a temporary nickname was first given, which was then harmoniously changed to an adult name. Today, everything turns out the other way around. First, the child is given a permanent name, and then he is also “rewarded” with a nickname. And from this point of view, any, even the most affectionate nickname for a child, no longer looks so harmless, because there are no guarantees that the semantic codes of this, in fact, second name, will not come into conflict with the real name and will not begin to reshape his fate.

The same simple consideration applies to abbreviated “variants” of names. After all, the Name is a script imprinted in letters. Or rather, a set of scenarios. Each name has its own for the simple reason that different names consist of different letters. Therefore, in fact, there are no names derived from others, just as there are no “abbreviated” names. “Anastasia” and “Nastya”, “Sasha” and “Alexander”, “Masha” and “Maria” and even “Tatiana” and “Tatiana” are all different names (!), having different meanings, semantic fields and forming their carriers have different characters, types of thinking, sets of behavioral scenarios and algorithms, ways of interacting with the world and building relationships with others.

The only exception here, perhaps, are diminutive names. Their use, from the point of view of the science of the Name, with some reservations, is quite acceptable. After all, they are “diminutive”, that is, by using them we make someone smaller. Since a child is in fact a small creature, this is completely justified. It’s another matter when a teenager, and then an adult, is called “Dimochka”. There is already something as unnatural in this as in the case of “brutal” nicknames. Moreover, it is so unnatural that, unwillingly, the question arises - why does anyone call a child or any other person by a name other than his real name?

We can answer it only by understanding that when we call someone’s name, we are not simply addressing its bearer. We begin to build a certain space of relations with him. And we do this with a specific purpose, because the space of relationships is also a space for satisfying desires, a space for realizing some of our needs. And if we name someone, then we name him as the one with whom we will solve our problems and realize our desires in this space. We call upon the named to become a participant in this process and say that for this it is convenient for us that he be who this or that name makes him. For example, “Kitty”, “Dimochka” or “Shura”. That is, by and large, it is necessary to understand that the one who names us, in some sense, declares his views and desires regarding us. But further, we either agree with the proposed role or not. If we were named somehow and we agreed with it, then this means that we accepted the rules of the game, recognized our dependence, subordinate position (after all, the one who named us was the one who “created”) and demonstrated a willingness to forget about ourselves and satisfy someone else's desire. If we are called by the name by which we introduced ourselves, it means that we are accepted and recognized as a person, as an individual, our well-being, self-awareness, etc. are respected. In this case, the space of our relationships will be a space where everyone will equally realize their own desires and help fulfill the desires of the other.

To illustrate how this happens, here is a very illustrative case from practice. A man named “Eugene” is the head of a company where all the other employees are women. The team lives like “one big family,” so all employees simply call their boss “Zhenya.” However, at the same time, among themselves, they often discuss the director and complain that the director behaves like a “rag.” But they need a real man, a strong leader, with whom things will really “go uphill.”

What happens behind all this ordinary office life? We have already talked about what the one who calls us by some name does - in a sense, he defines us. This is exactly what the employees did with their boss. They defined him as Zhenya, that is, they turned him into a woman (in the meaning of “Zhenya” is a wife, that is, a woman). Therefore, he simply could not show his masculine qualities and the qualities of a male leader. That is, in the language of psychoanalysis, subordinates unconsciously “castrated” the director, and then, when he turned into a woman, he was devalued as a leader. What does this mean? About the unconscious hatred of these women towards men in general. They compete with a man, and do everything in order to be superior to him, in order to win and have the right to devalue him. For them, Evgeniy became Zhenya - a wife - a woman, and when he began to show himself accordingly (weakness, passivity), they said - “what kind of leader is this, what kind of a man is this, this is a rag!” Thus, naming can also be a way of clarifying relationships. Moreover, both with the one we name, and with another person, whose image we project onto the named one. Therefore, the employees did not just somehow turn to the boss. They projected onto him the image of those men with whom they wanted to get even (not by chance, most of these women are either divorced or unhappy in marriage) and satisfied their desire through a derogatory name.

As in the example described, the one who calls us something always has some motivation. Either way, by using a certain name, he is doing something to us. And we either agree to something or we don’t. It all depends on choice. After we do it, a certain game begins to unfold in the space of relationships.

If, for example, a person introduces himself as “Sasha,” then he seems to be saying: “I have a great need for love. Love me, because I myself am not capable of love. I don't have the strength for this. I don’t know how to love at all, because I wasn’t loved as a child. The only thing I can do is consume your love.” But by calling someone “Sasha”, we agree that he “consume” us. We become “donors of love” for him.

The one who calls himself "Sanya" reports that he is an orphan who lacks his father's love. He invites us: “Be my father, adopt me for a while and give me what my father did not give.” Therefore, if we call someone “Sanya,” we automatically “adopt” this person, becoming his father and taking responsibility for him. But this becomes possible only if he agreed with this name. If a person says that his name is Alexander, and not Sanya, then we must understand that such a game will not work with him.

Thus, each space of relations has its own law, which is determined by our names. Agree, there will be a big difference between the spaces of relationships “Vasily - Alexander”, “Vasya - Sasha” or, for example, “Kitty - Bunny”. In the first case, we are dealing with a relationship between two adult men, in the second, two immature, infantile creatures who will only be busy making up for their shortcomings at the expense of each other. The third example should generally be considered either by a veterinarian or an animal psychologist. However, this happens all the time among people.

So, at one of the consultations, a woman talked about difficulties with her beloved man. She physically felt bad because he constantly called her “kitty” and other “affectionate” epithets. She felt that these labels were beginning to change her behavior and cause her to behave differently in these relationships than she would like. She saw that by calling her by the name of an animal, a man expected corresponding – animal – manifestations from her. But that’s exactly what she hated. As soon as she stated that she was a woman and a person, and not a cat and would not allow such treatment, the man was forced to agree, and she felt better.

It is very important to keep track of how we call ourselves and how others call us, as well as how we ourselves call others. This is not a matter of etiquette or standards of decency. The reason for the need to maintain a kind of personal hygiene is that any distortion of anyone’s name leads to certain problems.

We should be especially careful about how others and ourselves call our children. After all, how they begin to call themselves will largely depend on this. And by naming ourselves, we create ourselves. It is no coincidence that in myths (for example, about Osiris) the Creator often gives birth to himself, calling himself by name, and only then begins to create other gods and the world.

“By name and life,” says popular wisdom. Therefore, how we call ourselves is how we live. Unfortunately, modern man often calls himself not by his own name, but by the name imposed on him by his parents, friends, etc. By and large, starting from childhood, all we do is diligently abandon our addiction, resigning ourselves to the personal code that someone imposed on us. Thus, we recognize that “someone” has the right to control his own destiny and use us as an instrument to satisfy his desires.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that many fathers and mothers, as well as teachers and educators, use children’s full names only in those moments when they reprimand or simply scold them for something. That is, whether by will or not, the child develops a clear associative connection between his own name and a certain unpleasant emotional experience. Therefore, in the future, quite naturally, he will unconsciously avoid his full name.

For example, if the boy “Vsevolod” is constantly called “Seva” by his parents and relatives, then over time, he himself will begin to introduce himself as “Seva”. And this is nothing more than a rejection of one’s own name, and, therefore, of one’s destiny and oneself. That is, the child’s unconscious understands that if he remains Vsevolod, he will feel bad. The world (and the world for him is, first of all, his parents) does not accept him as Vsevolod, so with this name he cannot survive in it. The world is only interested in him as Seva and the child becomes Seva. But it’s named differently. And his real name is a condensed text of fate, which talks about why he came to this earth, what his tasks and lessons are. It is these tasks that he needs to complete in order for his life to take place. But what happens in reality?

“Seva” is only a small part of “Vsevolod”. That is, figuratively speaking, a person took the book of his destiny and tore out more than half of it. At the same time, he did not just deprive himself of part of his own life. He radically changed its meaning. After all, if the name “Vsevolod” carries the meaning of “mastering knowledge about the world,” then one of the semantic levels of reading the name “Seva” is “servant.” This means that instead of mastering knowledge and growing himself, increasing the strength of his clan and people, our boy will serve all his life. We think you've already guessed who. That's right, the one who gave the name.

Any similar renaming turns out no less dramatically, when Georgy is turned into Zhora, Tatyana into Tanya, etc. And it’s really bad when a child is turned into a kitten.

Therefore, dear parents, remember that when you call your children “Kitty”, “Bunny”, “Zhenya”, “Tanya”, etc., you are not at all showing tenderness and love. At this moment you are engaged in their recoding, taking over their world. You impose your law on the child in order to completely subjugate him to yourself. And such submission is achieved through one very unpleasant phenomenon. The fact is that replacing one name with another affects and deforms the deep, fundamental layer of the child’s inner world - the so-called dynamic body image.

This concept, used in depth psychology, is very important for a clearer understanding of how close the connection between a name and a person is and how strong the influence of a name is on its bearer. Therefore, without particularly going into scientific terms, let’s see what a dynamic body image is and what task it performs.

To put it somewhat simply, dynamic body image is how we perceive ourselves. This is our view of ourselves from the outside. It is called dynamic because it consists of three unconscious images: the basic, functional and erogenous image of the body. The basic image allows us to identify our body, the functional image determines the body’s ability to act, and the erogenous image allows us to receive pleasure from the actions performed. In other words, we somehow imagine ourselves in this world, somehow we act and somehow we get pleasure. For example, we identify our body as male, therefore we act like a man - we enter into active creative interaction with the world and enjoy the process of active creation.

All this together makes up a dynamic body image, which is formed in childhood. And the most interesting thing is that this image is formed by nothing more than a name. It contains, in a compressed form, information about what we are. And this means that any distortion of the name leads not only to the deformation of the dynamic image, but also of our image as a whole.

Judge for yourself, if from childhood we get used to a certain naming, then we simply don’t perceive ourselves any other way. This name forms the appropriate behavior patterns, and, most importantly, the basic body image, which does not change after that. That is, if the boy was always and everyone’s name was Zhenya, then his unconscious will perceive his body as female. Consequently, it will have to function according to the female type and receive satisfaction as a woman. But physiologically this boy is male and his birth certificate says “Eugene.” Such inconsistencies lead to a person losing his identity and experiencing serious psychological problems. Practice, and not only ours, confirms this.

Thus, according to the observations of the French psychoanalyst F. Dolto: “insufficiently formed sexual identity occurs in children who bear names that can be used as male and female, or nicknames borrowed from animals; they generate fragile narcissism, which in turn contributes to the fragility of the emerging healthy unconscious body image.” In this regard, it is quite understandable why the majority of Evgenies, whom others call Zhenya, when coming to consultations, admit that psychologically they do not perceive themselves as men and generally do not understand their gender. The same applies to Sasha. And here, women too “lose” themselves, especially if they are named after men. So, in one case known to us, the father named his daughter Alexandra in honor of his brother. By doing this, he immediately introduced a certain distortion, which then intensified, because everyone addressed the girl as Sasha. But this can be the name of not only a girl, but also a boy. It is not surprising, therefore, that, as Sasha grew up, she faced the problem of gender self-identification.

Therefore, you need to take the choice of a name seriously; if you want to call your child a short name, then it is better to choose one right away. Moreover, now you can choose any name; in general, there are no restrictions. Use common sense when choosing a name; it should not only be beautiful, but also carry a good meaning, because the person who is given the name will hear it constantly! published

When naming a child, parents strive to give him a beautiful and sonorous name. And most importantly - not hackneyed. When choosing a name for your son, look into the future. Think about your grandchildren: what will the middle name sound like? Isn't it too cumbersome or complicated?

Yes, and you need to think about the baby. The name must have diminutive forms. And light contractions.

What is Vladislav's short name? Let's talk about this in the article and find out everything.


There are two versions of the origin of this name. The first says that the roots of the name must be sought in Slavic Rus'. According to the second theory, the name Vladislav is Polish. There is a paired version of it - Vladislav.


As we said above, there are two options for the origin of the name. By the way, what is Vladislav’s shortened name? More on this a little later. Now let's return to its meaning.

If we talk about Slavic origin, the name Vladislav translates as “owner of glory.” The Polish meaning translates to "good ruler".

Character of Vladislav

What is the abbreviation for Vladislav? The most common option is Vlad, Vladik. What can you say about a person with this unusual and sonorous name?

The name itself carries a majestic connotation. There are proud notes in its sound. A powerful man appears, a kind of king in his circle.

But is Vladik as he is portrayed? As a child, he is an inquisitive boy who enjoys learning. A thirst for constant new knowledge, diligence and attentiveness are the companions of little Vladislav. He can pore over a difficult task for hours without asking for help. If he can’t solve it, he will ask for help. He is not shy about asking for help, not considering it shameful.

Teachers love little Vladik. Not only is he smart and picks things up on the fly, he is also kind. Helping a classmate who is lagging behind in his studies, or a teacher organizing a class hour, or a grandmother-cleaner carrying a bucket of water to the drainage point - Vladik will not refuse and will not disdain.

Young Vladislav is a confident young man. Often he is not handsome, but his natural charm takes its toll. Girls are drawn to a guy endowed with charisma.

By the way, what is the abbreviation for Vladislav? Besides Vlad and Vladik? You can call the guy Slavik. Slava, Slavik - there is something tender in these forms. Slavik is a caring boy, quiet and calm. Mom's favorite, dad's delight.

In fact, Slava is not as simple as it may seem. He is a fairly strong-willed and purposeful young man. Already at a young age, he knows exactly what he wants to become. And he persistently pursues his goal. Vladislavs choose “male” professions: military, police, sailor. Many of them have their own businesses.

Before achieving dizzying career success, Vladislav works for a long time. He goes to a good university, where they give knowledge, and do not just serve the required hours in classrooms. The thirst for new knowledge accompanies him throughout his life.

As for relationships with girls, Slava gets married quite early. The bride is chosen by the economic one. He is a supporter of the wife staying at home and taking care of the children, and Vlad will be the breadwinner in the family. Despite her domestic activities, Vladislav’s wife is well-groomed, dresses well and has an attractive appearance. The man spares no expense to maintain her beauty.

He loves children and sits with them. But it’s difficult to call Vladislav an exemplary nanny. He will gladly relieve himself of this responsibility at the first opportunity. The children adore their father, although he does not spoil them. Strict and strong-willed Vladislav carefully guides his son or daughter in the right direction, without putting any moral pressure on the child at all. Another thing is that the always busy Vlad does not have much time allotted to raising children. He earns money for the family.

Does Vladislav have friends? Very few, but all of them are time-tested. Reliable, who will always come to the rescue. Vladislav is not friends with flatterers, because he prefers to hear only the truth about himself. If a friend begins to praise or flatter him, Vladislav quickly puts an end to this friendship.

He has no health problems, takes care of himself and plays sports. As a rule, he does not drink or smoke.

Short male name Vladislav

Here we come to the main idea of ​​our article. What abbreviated forms of the name exist? Vlad, Slava, Vladya, Vladulya, Ladya, Vadya, Laszlo.

This is how the name Vladislav sounds in abbreviated form. Strict Vladislav easily turns into a smiling Vladik or his mother’s favorite Slavochka. Diminutive forms are formed simply; there is no need to rack your brains and invent something.


We found out what the name Vladislav sounds like in abbreviated form. Should I call my son that? Why not. The name is beautiful, not well-known, easily shortened and formed into affectionate forms. The grandchildren's middle name will be Vladislavovich or Vladislavovna. Soft and sonorous, goes with almost any name.

The man has a good character. He is a faithful husband and father, knows how to earn money, treats his parents warmly and does not forget them. If you like the name, feel free to call your son it. Give him not only a beautiful name, but also a character worthy of a man.

When naming a child, parents strive to give him a beautiful and sonorous name. And most importantly - not hackneyed. When choosing a name for your son, look into the future. Think about your grandchildren: what will the middle name sound like? Isn't it too cumbersome or complicated?

Yes, and you need to think about the baby. The name must have diminutive forms. And light contractions.

What is Vladislav's short name? Let's talk about this in the article and find out everything.


There are two versions of the origin of this name. The first says that the roots of the name must be sought in Slavic Rus'. According to the second theory, the name Vladislav is Polish. There is a paired version of it - Vladislav.


As we said above, there are two options for the origin of the name. By the way, what is Vladislav’s shortened name? More on this a little later. Now let's return to its meaning.

If we talk about Slavic origin, the name Vladislav translates as “owner of glory.” The Polish meaning translates to "good ruler".

Character of Vladislav

What is the abbreviation for Vladislav? The most common option is Vlad, Vladik. What can you say about a person with this unusual and sonorous name?

The name itself carries a majestic connotation. There are proud notes in its sound. A powerful man appears, a kind of king in his circle.

But is Vladik as he is portrayed? As a child, he is an inquisitive boy who enjoys learning. A thirst for constant new knowledge, diligence and attentiveness are the companions of little Vladislav. He can pore over a difficult task for hours without asking for help. If he can’t solve it, he will ask for help. He is not shy about asking for help, not considering it shameful.

Before achieving dizzying career success, Vladislav works for a long time. He goes to a good university, where they give knowledge, and do not just serve the required hours in classrooms. The thirst for new knowledge accompanies him throughout his life.

As for relationships with girls, Slava gets married quite early. The bride is chosen by the economic one. He is a supporter of the wife staying at home and taking care of the children, and Vlad will be the breadwinner in the family. Despite her domestic activities, Vladislav’s wife is well-groomed, dresses well and has an attractive appearance. The man spares no expense to maintain her beauty.

He loves children and sits with them. But it’s difficult to call Vladislav an exemplary nanny. He will gladly relieve himself of this responsibility at the first opportunity. The children adore their father, although he does not spoil them. Strict and strong-willed Vladislav carefully guides his son or daughter in the right direction, without putting any moral pressure on the child at all. Another thing is that the always busy Vlad does not have much time allotted to raising children. He earns money for the family.

Does Vladislav have friends? Very few, but all of them are time-tested. Reliable, who will always come to the rescue. Vladislav is not friends with flatterers, because he prefers to hear only the truth about himself. If a friend begins to praise or flatter him, Vladislav quickly puts an end to this friendship.

He has no health problems, takes care of himself and plays sports. As a rule, he does not drink or smoke.

Short male name Vladislav

Here we come to the main idea of ​​our article. What abbreviated forms of the name exist? Vlad, Slava, Vladya, Vladulya, Ladya, Vadya, Laszlo.

This is how the name Vladislav sounds in abbreviated form. Strict Vladislav easily turns into a smiling Vladik or his mother’s favorite Slavochka. Diminutive forms are formed simply; there is no need to rack your brains and invent something.


We found out what the name Vladislav sounds like in abbreviated form. Should I call my son that? Why not. The name is beautiful, not well-known, easily shortened and formed into affectionate forms. The grandchildren's middle name will be Vladislavovich or Vladislavovna. Soft and sonorous, goes with almost any name.

The man has a good character. He is a faithful husband and father, knows how to earn money, treats his parents warmly and does not forget them. If you like the name, feel free to call your son it. Give him not only a beautiful name, but also a character worthy of a man.