Tanakan, analogues on iHerb and unique gingko biloba. What analogues does tanakan have? Tanakan original drug

Tanakan was prescribed by a neurologist to improve cerebral circulation. I took 3 months in complex treatment. A herbal drug, it helped me cope with my ailments. The drug is not cheap, but it's worth it. A normal effective drug, I am very satisfied, I feel much better after using it.


The child was at the neurologist with complaints - hyperactivity, distracted attention, very increased activity in the evening ... She prescribed a tanakan for an 8-year-old child. I read the instructions for this drug - it's scary ... The instructions clearly spell out from the age of 18 and in rare cases to children.

A miracle pill for a miracle price (not in a good way, of course). I wanted to improve cerebral circulation, remove tinnitus, than I thought when I bought tanakan - I don’t know .. I didn’t even deign to read the reviews. I drank for 2 months (two months, why??), I should have quit in the first month when the headaches became more frequent, but I was hoping ... A miracle pill for a miracle price (not in a good way, of course). I wanted to improve cerebral circulation, remove tinnitus, than I thought when I bought tanakan - I don’t know .. I didn’t even deign to read the reviews. I drank for 2 months (two months, why ??), I had to quit in the first month, when headaches became more frequent, but I hoped that the drug would still help. As a result, they stopped drinking it is not clear what and switched to a normal drug that removed tinnitus in half a month

But, unfortunately, it didn’t suit me at all ((((I prescribed a neurologist in the complex for the treatment of headaches. I drank it for three weeks, three tablets a day. By the end of the first week, I realized that it had become worse to fall asleep - some kind of excitement or something, she closed her eyes, and before her eyes it was as if multi-colored flies were flying, at first she thought ... But, unfortunately, it didn’t suit me at all ((((I prescribed a neurologist in the complex for the treatment of headaches. I drank it for three weeks, three tablets a day. By the end of the first week, I realized that it had become worse to fall asleep - some kind of excitement or something, she closed her eyes, and as if multi-colored flies were flying before her eyes, at first she thought it would pass, but in the end she stopped taking it ... although the drug is natural, it is very individual, be careful.


I had a problem with the vessels of the brain. After the examination, the neurologist prescribed me Tanakan in the complex treatment. This drug improves cerebral circulation, has the ability to positively influence the tone of the entire vascular system. I was also prescribed gymnastics for the cervical vertebra, as small plaques were found there. I drank Tanakan... I had a problem with the vessels of the brain. After the examination, the neurologist prescribed me Tanakan in the complex treatment. This drug improves cerebral circulation, has the ability to positively influence the tone of the entire vascular system. I was also prescribed gymnastics for the cervical vertebra, as small plaques were found there. I took Tanakan for 2 months, 1 tablet 3 times a day. And everything in the complex led to a positive result. The drug helped me a lot to cope with my problems. I emphasize that 100% this herbal preparation is just super! I recommend!



I took Tanakan as prescribed by a neurologist, 1 tablet 3 times a day for dizziness. After 2 months of taking it, my health improved a lot, my head began to hurt less, I began to sleep better at night, tinnitus disappeared. In general, the drug had an effective effect on me.


I had a problem of this nature: constant dizziness, sleep disturbance, tinnitus. It was simply unbearable to endure and I had to turn to a neurologist. After a complete examination of my condition, I was diagnosed with non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the BCA. The doctor prescribed the drug Tanakan. I took one tablet 3 times a day for two months. The drug turned out to be... I had a problem of this nature: constant dizziness, sleep disturbance, tinnitus. It was simply unbearable to endure and I had to turn to a neurologist. After a complete examination of my condition, I was diagnosed with non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the BCA. The doctor prescribed the drug Tanakan. I took one tablet 3 times a day for two months. The drug turned out to be effective, does not cause any side effects. In a word, it helped me a lot.

I suffer from cerebrovascular accident. The symptoms are tinnitus and frequent headaches. I drank a lot of different drugs. Recently, my doctor prescribed me the drug Tanakan. I took it 1 tablet 3 times a day. Took about a month. Finally, the noise in my ears disappeared. The doctor said... I suffer from cerebrovascular accident. The symptoms are tinnitus and frequent headaches. I drank a lot of different drugs. Recently, my doctor prescribed me the drug Tanakan. I took it 1 tablet 3 times a day. Took about a month. Finally, the noise in my ears disappeared. The doctor said that it was a good drug and assured me that Tanakan would help me. Indeed, after the course of treatment, the tinnitus disappeared and the head stopped hurting. I also wondered how long this effect would last. The doctor told me that one course of treatment with Tanakan lasts about a year.

Mom asked me to find analogues of the drug Tanakan, which the doctor prescribed for her. I think it will be interesting to blog readers who do not know that you can find analogues of many pharmacy products on iHerb.

I already told my parents that iHerb has supplements that are cheaper and healthier. What can not be said about our funds. They are registered as drugs, but the worst thing is… they may turn out to be a fake, have you already heard about the case in Helmholtz? Nobody is immune from this.

And this happened to my mom! The doctor advised her to drink expensive Tanakan, but the second package turned out to be a fake! Mom bought ″medicine″ in different pharmacies, the first one immediately gave a lasting effect and relieved dizziness, and the second drank for a month and zero reaction! I just lost time, and I don’t know what I drank ...

Of course, I immediately read the instructions for the drug, which contains only one active herbal substance. This is a standardized extract of Gingko Biloba, which contains 24% flavone glycoside and 6% terpene lactones!

The manufacturer writes about its originality. Needless to say, iHerb has a lot of gingko preparations, that contain just such an extract? And Tanakan is not a unique supplement at all, it is easy to find its analogues at a more budgetary cost! And I found three excellent high quality budget supplements!))

  • deterioration of cerebral circulation
  • decreased vision caused by vascular changes in old age
  • memory impairment, concentration, depressed mood
  • with tinnitus
  • with hearing loss and dizziness caused by vascular changes
  • poor circulation, when feet and hands are constantly cold

In a post about memory supplements, I wrote that gingko has the most positive studies! It improves mood, acts as an antioxidant, improves memory and brain function.

Tanakan analogues: Gingko biloba extract

As part of Tanakan, a standardized extract of ginkgo biloba at a dosage of 40 mg. Gingko extract is also standardized to 24% flavonoid glycosides and 6% terpenes.

I chose the exact analogues with gingko extract:

Gingko extract Natural Factors Ginkgo Biloba, 60mg extract per capsule with exactly the same 24/6 flavonoid formula. I ordered it for my mother already, a few pieces.

Pure Gingko Extract Wakunaga Kyolic, Brain Focus contains 120mg per capsule. Excellent extract, I already bought it for my dad and he drank it to improve memory. It turns out about 6 times cheaper than Tanakan and also its complete analogue.

Complex for memory Wakunaga Kyolic, Brain Memory contains 40 mg of Gingko extract + Eleutherococcus (adaptogen) + aged garlic extract, which protects brain cells from oxidative stress.

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Vascular diseases often lead to complications associated with pathological disorders of vision, circulatory system, brain function and other abnormalities. For preventive and therapeutic purposes, experts recommend drugs that help normalize cerebral and peripheral circulation. This group of drugs includes Tanakan and its analogues.

About the drug

The drug Tanakan is of plant origin and contains in its composition the main substance in the form of an extract of biloba ginkgo leaves. The drug has a positive effect on cell metabolism, improves the rheological properties of cells and affects the vasomotor-type reactions occurring in the blood vessels.

The manufacturing company sells the drug Tanakan in tablets and a solution used for internal administration.

Tanakan is used for indications:

  • various genesis of cognitive or neurosensory deficit;
  • syndrome, or Raynaud's disease;
  • impaired coordination, constant dizziness;
  • hearing impairment, the presence of tinnitus;
  • visual impairment (including due to vascular genesis);
  • consequences of arteriopathy of the lower extremities.

According to research results, Tanakan funds give a positive effect within a month. The course of treatment for pathologies associated with vascular changes lasts at least three months.

Contraindications to Tanakan therapy:

  • exacerbation of cerebral circulation disorders;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • poor blood clotting rate;
  • period of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer / 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • acute period of erosive gastritis;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to one or more components of the composition;
  • childhood.

The drug affects the composition of the blood, so there is a risk of side effects:

  • dizziness, tinnitus, migraine;
  • decreased blood clotting, bleeding;
  • abdominal pain, dispersion, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • eczema, rash, swelling, itching.

Tanakan refers to drugs that have a fairly high cost. The price for the drug is an average of 650 rubles.


The effectiveness of Tanakan is confirmed by observations of the results of therapy. However, some patients may have contraindications to the medication, or an adverse reaction occurs during treatment. Also, sometimes the cost of the drug plays a significant role. For these reasons, the attending physician may recommend the use of Tanakan analogues.

Ginkgo biloba

Tanakan's Ginkgo Biloba substitute also applies to herbal medicines. The drug has a similar effect on the body by influencing the state of the vascular system. A cheap analogue is often prescribed in combination with other drugs in the fight against brain diseases.

Ginkgo consists of plant components, the main of which is the leaf extract of the Ginkgo Biloba tree. The substance contains a unique composition of phyto- and chemical elements. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug in tablet and capsule form.

  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • disruption of brain receptors;
  • Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia;
  • mental and nervous disorders;
  • neurosensory deviations;
  • circulatory disorders.

A cheap analogue of Ginkgo Biloba is contraindicated for the treatment of patients:

  • with hypersensitivity to components;
  • with acute circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (exacerbation);
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute period.

Also, a cheap substitute is contraindicated for women when breastfeeding a child and during the period of gestation. Do not prescribe the remedy and children under 16 years of age.

If the instructions for use are followed, the side effect is an exceptional case. If the instructions for the use of Ginkgo Biloba are violated, the patient may experience:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • migraine.

An analogue is much cheaper than Tanakan. The cost of the drug is from 100 rubles.


The Bilobil analogue is used in the complex therapy of diseases of the circulatory system of the brain, and a cheap analogue is also used to improve hearing impaired due to problems with peripheral blood supply.

The active component of the capsules (the only form of release) is an extract of ginkgo leaves.

Indications for the drug:

  • impaired mental development and memory;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • deviations in blood circulation in the brain;
  • increased feeling of anxiety and isolation;
  • sleep problems, tinnitus, migraines.

Contraindications to taking a cheap analogue:

  • erosive gastritis;
  • reduced rate of blood clotting;
  • ulcers in the cavity of the duodenum, as well as the stomach;
  • acute period of pathologies of cerebral circulation;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • composition intolerance;
  • age up to 18 years.

A well-tolerated drug rarely causes a side effect:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dispersion disorders;
  • disorders of the nervous system (insomnia, migraine, etc.);
  • hearing loss.

The analogue is cheaper than Tanakan. The price for a package of capsules has an average price of 350 rubles.

The main characteristics of both drugs are similar, therefore, between the drugs Tanakan or Bilobil, there is no particular difference in the medicinal effect. Their main difference is the manufacturer.


An analogue of Tanakan may be a cheaper drug Ginkoum. The substitute is intended to improve brain function by eliminating circulatory disorders.

The composition of the Tanakan analogue also includes a plant extract obtained from the leaves of the Ginkgo tree. Ginkoum is produced in the dosage form - hard capsules.

Indications for a cheap analogue:

  • the consequences of impaired cerebral circulation (impairment of mental abilities, gaps in memory, etc.);
  • deviations in relation to the peripheral circulation (chills in the limbs, problems with gait, convulsions, etc.);
  • dysfunction of the middle ear (hearing loss, noise, etc.).

The drug Ginkoum is contraindicated:

with ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation;

  • with pathologies of blood clotting;
  • with individual intolerance to the components;
  • with erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A side effect can be expressed in the form of a gastrointestinal disorder and an allergic reaction.

The price of the drug Ginkoum - from 300 rubles.


The cheapest substitute for Tanakan is the drug Ginos. The composition of the analogue contains an active substance of a plant type - an extract of woody leaves (Ginkgo biloba). The component has properties that improve blood microcirculation in the brain.

Pharmaceutical companies sell the drug in tablet form.

Indications for the use of analogue:

  • circulatory disorders after brain injury, age-related changes, stroke;
  • unsteadiness of gait, tinnitus, migraines resulting from neurosensory abnormalities;
  • Raynaud's syndrome and peripheral circulatory pathology.

The drug is not prescribed by specialists with contraindications:

  • ulcers or erosion in the digestive tract;
  • children's age less than 12 years;
  • poor blood clotting rate;
  • pregnancy;
  • sensitivity to constituent substances;
  • lactation;
  • chronic heart failure.

If the conditions of the instructions for the use of a cheap analogue are violated, side effects may appear in the form of allergies and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

The cost of the drug Ginosa averages 150 rubles.

What other analogues of mono can replace Tanakan?

An analogue of the drug Tanakan is selected depending on the reasons for which it is necessary to replace the medicine. If a replacement is required due to intolerance to the active substance or side effects, then experts recommend preparations containing the substance memantine.

If it is necessary to select cheaper funds, the analogues described above are prescribed instead of Tanakan. Memoplant can also be a substitute containing an extract of the leaves of the ginkgo tree. The tool has a higher cost.

Memoplant or Tanakan, which is better? Medicines are used to treat diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain, however, Memoplant has a stronger effect and a wide spectrum of action. It is not prescribed for preventive purposes. Therefore, which drug is better to take depends on the indications.


Which drug to replace Tanakan should be recommended only by the attending physician. It should be remembered that the drugs of this group affect the blood vessels and have serious side effects and contraindications, therefore, without the appointment of a specialist, you should not choose cheap analogues on your own.

Tanakan is an angioprotective drug of plant origin that improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation.

The herbal composition ensures its soft and gentle effect on the body. Tanakan significantly improves microcirculation and has a beneficial effect on the processes of blood circulation in the brain area.

Tanakan increases venous and arterial tone, provides the brain with an optimal amount of oxygen, as well as glucose. Also, the drug has the ability to relieve swelling of various localization.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Phytopreparation that improves cerebral and peripheral circulation.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Tanakan cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 600 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Dosage forms of Tanakan:

  • Tablets: round, biconvex, brick-red film-coated; at the break - light brown (15 pieces in blisters, in a cardboard bundle 2 or 6 blisters);
  • Oral solution: brownish-orange in color, with a characteristic odor (30 ml in dark glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box, complete with a 1 ml pipette dispenser).

The composition of the tablets (in 1 pc.):

  • Active ingredient: ginkgo biloba leaf extract (EGb 761) - 40 mg, including flavonol glycosides - 22-26.4%, ginkgolides-bilobalides - 5.4-6.6%;
  • The composition of the tablet core: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate;
  • The composition of the film shell: hypromellose (E464), titanium dioxide (E171), macrogol 400, macrogol 6000 and iron oxide red (E172).

The composition of the solution for oral administration (in 100 ml):

  • Active ingredient: ginkgo biloba leaf extract (EGb 761) - 4000 mg, including flavonol glycosides - 24%, ginkgolides-bilobalides - 6%;
  • Auxiliary components: sodium saccharinate, ethanol 96%, purified water, orange and lemon flavors.

pharmachologic effect

Herbal preparation Tanakan affects the process of metabolism in cells, improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood. In addition, the drug normalizes the tone of the blood vessels of the body, improves cerebral circulation and the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain.

Other positive properties of Tanakan include an obstacle to erythrocyte aggregation with inhibition of platelet activating factor. When taking the drug, the maximum effect is achieved within 1-2 hours, and its bioavailability is 80-90%.

Indications for use

Tanakan is used in therapy:

  • vertigo, which has a vestibular origin;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders. Such a pathology can also occur as a complication after Raynaud's disease;
  • neurosensory disorders, which usually appear as a result of diabetic retino-/polyneuropathy and are manifested in tinnitus, hypoacusis, dizziness;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathies, which have a different genesis (post-stroke, senile, a consequence of a traumatic brain injury), manifest themselves in the form of sleep disturbance, attention, memory, and a decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • asthenic conditions. In such conditions, patients have symptoms of general exhaustion of the body, which are the result of traumatic, neurotic, psychogenic processes.


  • period of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • exacerbation of erosive gastritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the phytopreparation;
  • glucose / galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactose intolerance, congenital galactosemia, lactase deficiency (for tablets).

Tanakan in the form of a solution should be taken with caution in the presence of the following conditions / diseases:

  • liver disease;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • brain diseases;
  • alcoholism.

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

There is no clinical experience with the use of Tanakan tablets and solution among women who are carrying a child, so the drug is not recommended for expectant mothers. It is not known how therapy can affect the intrauterine development of the baby.

It is not known whether the active substance of the drug is excreted in breast milk and how this may affect a child who is breastfed. Given this information, tablets and solution of the drug should not be prescribed to nursing mothers, and if therapy is necessary, it is recommended to resolve the issue of stopping lactation.

Dosage and method of application

As indicated in the instructions for use, Tanakan is prescribed for adults by mouth at 40 mg (1 tablet or 1 ml of oral solution) 3 times / day with meals. The tablet should be taken with half a glass of water.

The oral solution should be dissolved in half a glass of water. When taking the drug in the form of a solution for oral administration, the supplied pipette dispenser should be used (1 dose = 1 ml of solution).

The minimum course of treatment is at least 3 months. An increase in the duration and repeated courses of treatment is possible on the recommendation of a doctor.

Side effect

The use of the drug can cause the following side effects: headache, dizziness, rash, eczema, itching, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, decreased blood clotting and dyspepsia.

Sufficiently prolonged use of Tanakan may cause a risk of bleeding.


Currently, no cases of drug overdose have been recorded.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. Before using the drug, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  2. Improvement of the condition is manifested 1 month after the start of treatment.
  3. One single dose of oral solution contains 450 mg of ethyl alcohol (57% v / v), in the maximum daily dose - 1.35 g of ethyl alcohol.

During the period of taking the drug, it is not recommended to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms), because. the drug may cause dizziness and the solution contains ethyl alcohol.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug should not be used in patients who systematically receive acetylsalicylic acid (as an antiplatelet agent), anticoagulants (direct and indirect action) and other drugs that reduce blood clotting.

In clinical studies with EGb 761, both inhibition and induction of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes were detected. When EGb 761 was co-administered with midazolam, the level of the latter changed, presumably due to an effect on CYP3A4. Thus, caution should be exercised when EGb 761 is co-administered with drugs metabolized by CYP3A4 and having a low therapeutic index.

With the simultaneous use of Tanakan in the form of an oral solution with antibiotics of the cephalosporin group (cefamandol, cefoperazone, latamoxef), gentamicin, chloramphenicol, disulfiram, thiazide diuretics, anticonvulsants, oral hypoglycemic drugs (chlorpropamide, glibenclamide, glipizide, tolbutamide, metformin (may develop lactic acidosis)), antifungal drugs (griseofulvin), 5-nitroimidazole derivatives (metronidazole, ornidazole, secnidazole, tinidazole), ketoconazole, cytostatics (procarbazine), tricyclic antidepressants, tranquilizers, reactions such as hyperthermia, flushing of the skin, vomiting, increased heart rate may occur , since 1 dose of Tanakan in the form of an oral solution contains 450 mg of ethyl alcohol.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about tanakan analogues of which are very common everywhere.

Therefore, our main task will be to figure out whether the analogues of this drug are really just as effective.

I would also like to tell you about its cost and how to use it for children.

Tanakan analogues

The main active ingredient of this remedy are the leaves of Ginkgo Biloba, better known as Ginkgo Biloba. The extract from this plant helps to improve cerebral circulation, as well as peripheral.

It is worth saying that the demand for medicines of this type is growing, and, as a result, every year more and more analogues appear on the pharmaceutical market, which include:

  1. Ginos.
  2. Vitrum Memory.
  3. Gingium.
  4. Ginkoba.
  5. Ginkoum.
  6. Ginkgo biloba.
  7. Ginkgoing and many more.

However, one of the main analogues is still Bilobil. Currently, it is very popular, so it can be found in almost every pharmacy.

True, if we are talking about tanakan, the Bilobil analogue has almost the same cost.

This is due to the fact that all drugs containing ginkgo biloba extract are very expensive. Plus, their production is very profitable for pharmaceutical companies.

Food for thought...

The main advantages of drugs of this type is that they can affect the changes that occur in the blood circulation, inhibiting them.

I repeat once again that, just like tanakan, the analogues include ginkgo biloba extract, so they differ little from the product itself.

However, the form of release may be different. The most popular pills and mixtures for oral administration.

If we talk about the pharmacological action, then it is based on:

  • Activity of vasomotor reactions.
  • Improving blood rheology.
  • Strengthening cellular processes.
  • Improving cerebral circulation by increasing the supply of oxygen and glucose.

Tanakan for children

Parents often have a question about its use in childhood, therefore, I decided to open this question a little.

If we consider the annotation, we can conclude that the drug is absolutely safe, so you can take it in childhood. True, few parents believe this.

In fact, this tool includes only herbal ingredients. It is able to minimize disturbances of the vegetative-vascular system, as well as improve cerebral circulation.

It is thanks to this that doctors prescribe tanakan for children. However, with such use, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, which can only be established by a neuropathologist for each individual case.

Important to remember!

In no case should you take the medicine yourself, relying on the advice and results of friends. Only a doctor is able to determine the dose that is suitable for the baby, as well as the number and duration of doses.

Do not forget about the contraindications that exist for children. Contraindications include:

  • lactose intolerance,
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • lactose deficiency and chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • Otherwise, it is safe and can be prescribed not only for infants, but also for newborns.

How much does tanakan cost

Now let's figure out how much it costs. As noted earlier, the price for it is very high, however, it is better not to save on it.