Meadowsweet useful properties and contraindications. Healing gift of nature: meadowsweet, its medicinal properties and contraindications Meadowsweet that heals

Dear readers, I welcome you to the site In My Home! The surrounding world is rich in medicinal plants. Sometimes we don’t even realize that a natural first-aid kit can be at arm’s length.

To learn more about the herbs around us, I propose to consider the beneficial properties of meadowsweet and figure out what ailments it can support our body.

General characteristics and composition

Meadowsweet or meadowsweet is a perennial plant belonging to herbs, which is distributed mainly in northern latitudes. It has several varieties, among which are especially often used:

  • elmous;
  • ordinary or six-petal.

Both the benefits and harms of each medicinal herb are determined by the substances and vitamins that make up its composition.

In the case of meadowsweet, we are talking about the following compounds that have a beneficial effect on our health:

  • ascorbic acid - helps cleanse the body of toxins, improves immunity, fights stress and improves a person's mood;
  • tannins - thanks to their enveloping characteristics, they help stop bleeding;
  • phenol compounds - improve the functioning of the urinary system, fight bacteria;
  • salicylates - have an analgesic effect, help in the fight against edema;
  • flavonoids - strengthen the body as a whole, improve the functioning of the heart, reduce the risk of ulcer formation;
  • catechins - help in the fight against tumors;
  • essential oil - favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, fights inflammation;
  • fatty acids - promote cell renewal, control glucose absorption;
  • starch - stabilizes the intestines;
  • carotenoids - accelerate metabolism and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Based on its healing properties, the meadowsweet can be used by both men and women for a variety of diseases, for example:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • inflammation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • seasonal colds.

Most often, decoctions and tinctures are made from this plant, which can be taken orally, for example, for constipation, to relieve pain in women during menstruation, as well as to combat internal inflammation and bleeding.

The use of inflorescences, leaves and roots

For the preparation of decoctions, both the upper part of the plant - leaves, stems, inflorescences, and the rhizome are used.


Meadowsweet roots are full of tannins, so they are especially useful for stopping bleeding and treating blood vessels, as well as fighting fever.

They are used to treat headaches and stop diarrhea.

The flowers do not have to be used dried, they can also be used fresh, for example, in salads or for making fragrant herbal teas.


Meadowsweet leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, as well as tannins and flavonoids, therefore they are used primarily as an immunostimulant and antioxidant that frees the human body from toxins.

It is enough to brew the leaves with boiling water to get a healing elixir to combat stuffy nose, fever and insomnia.

How to apply

Depending on the ailment in question, traditional medicine offers various recipes for using the meadowsweet. It could be:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • ointment;
  • oil.


If we are talking about kidney ailments and problems with the bladder, then it is best to use a decoction.

Its recipe is very simple - just brew 1 tablespoon of dried herbs with 250 ml of boiling water, let the broth brew and cool for 15-20 minutes, then filter the liquid and drink it in several small sips throughout the day.


For problems with the gastrointestinal tract or poisoning, a tincture is usually used.

It can also be used to treat high blood pressure, bronchitis, diabetes.

To prepare the infusion, you should take about 10 g of dried and pounded roots and one glass of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for 4-5 hours.

Then the liquid must be filtered - and after that it is ready for use.

It can be used for the following ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • joint inflammation.

Important! Meadowsweet can not provide a full-fledged treatment, but only be an adjuvant for the medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you. Before using a decoction or tincture, I strongly recommend that you consult your doctor.


There are several uses for meadowsweet tea.

The most common is to use it as a healthy drink.

To do this, just take about 5 g (1 tablespoon) of dried flowers and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Then let the drink brew for 10-20 minutes, and you can drink it. Meadowsweet tea has a very pleasant aroma and honey taste.

Important! When drinking meadowsweet tea, do not forget that the herb has a strong diuretic effect, so try to observe the rate of its consumption.

In addition to being used internally, tea can also be used as an external cosmetic product.

Try soaking a cotton pad in liquid and wiping your face with it or doing compresses.

This procedure helps to effectively fight skin inflammation and acne. At the same time, tea does not dry the skin, which means it is suitable for the most delicate skin types.

Rubbing can be done daily to achieve high-quality cleansing and deep soothing of the skin.


Making an ointment may seem like a complicated process, but I assure you, everything is not so scary. The main thing in this matter is the choice of a suitable base. You can use fatty creams, petroleum jelly or lanolin, and even unsalted butter.

To make an ointment, you need about 100 g of the base.

Then you should take about 30 g of dried meadowsweet, grind it to a powder state and mix with cream.

It is better to apply the ointment immediately so that it does not wind up or be influenced by bacteria from the outside. It should be applied in a thin layer directly to the skin where there is inflammation or irritation.


You can get high-grade meadowsweet oil under industrial conditions, as this requires special equipment, as well as a large amount of grass. If you still want to make this remedy at home, you can try a simple recipe that is suitable for independent use. Mix 50 ml of olive oil with one tablespoon of meadowsweet. Then leave the mixture in a carefully closed glass container for at least a week.

The resulting remedy can be used to combat dermatitis, acne.

You can also learn about the beneficial properties of meadowsweet from the video.

Contraindications and harm

Although meadowsweet has many useful properties, it also has certain contraindications that it is important to know about before using it.

You should not use meadowsweet too often if you regularly suffer from high blood pressure.

In addition, meadowsweet is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy;
  • thrombocytopathy;
  • serious problems with blood clotting.

Collection and drying

In order to be able to prepare healing tinctures and decoctions from meadowsweet, you must be able to collect raw materials.

Meadowsweet flowers are usually harvested in May-June.

For more information on when it is better to organize the collection of this plant, read our article.

  1. Grass should be taken away from roads and industrial areas.
  2. It is best to collect inflorescences in the morning.
  3. Meadowsweet should be dried in places sheltered from possible precipitation, and where there is good air exchange: for example, in the attic.
  4. The finished material should be removed in glass containers or cloth bags and stored in a dry place.

Rhizomes should be dug out in autumn, in September-October. During this period, they contain a maximum of healing agents.

  1. Choose those rhizomes whose upper part has already dried up.
  2. Thoroughly clean the underground part of the plant from earth and other contaminants.
  3. Dry the roots outdoors or indoors by laying them out on paper.
  4. When the rhizomes dry out a little, cut them into small pieces and continue to dry.
  5. When the roots are dry, they should be stored in cardboard boxes or glass containers.


Meadowsweet can be your reliable assistant in the treatment of certain diseases, or simply become a delicious ingredient for brewing herbal tea. Do not forget about possible contraindications and be sure to consult your doctor.

Tell us in the comments what recipes with meadowsweet do you prefer?

Meadowsweet (second name - meadowsweet) refers to perennial herbs from the pink family. At least 16 species of this plant are known. Meadowsweet loves moisture very much, grows near streams and rivers, on the banks of lakes, near swamps, in moist deciduous forests.

The plant can reach a height of 120-175 cm, its leaves are very reminiscent of elm foliage, hence the more complete name - meadowsweet elm. The plant has a creeping rhizome, a straight ribbed stem with a large number of leaves. The leaves are pinnate, the upper surface is smooth, the lower one resembles soft felt. The flowering of the meadowsweet begins in early summer. Rather small flowers of white or pale pink color are collected in a large decorative inflorescence. The main habitat of the meadowsweet is the middle part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Caucasus. Lush beautiful inflorescences have a rich honey aroma, bloom throughout the summer. If you grind the leaves of meadowsweet, they emit a sharp characteristic smell.

For several centuries, the meadowsweet has been used as a medicinal plant, so its composition has been studied in some detail.

Flowers, stems and rhizomes of the meadowsweet contain:

  1. Flavonoids (primarily quercetin and kaempferol) - 4-8 percent. They help reduce inflammation, resist the action of viruses. Flavonoids have an antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-cancer effect, heal ulcers well.
  2. Phenolic glycosides - spirein, isosalicin, monotropitin. They have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the kidneys and biliary tract, control the functioning of the immune system. Phenol compounds act as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic.
  3. Polyphenolic compounds - caffeic and ellagic acids. Phenolcarboxylic acids normalize the activity of the liver and kidneys, relieve inflammation in them.
  4. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting.
  5. Salicylic acid and its derivatives, such as methyl salicylate and salicylic aldehyde, reduce inflammation, remove puffiness.
  6. Tannins (they contain about 19%) are famous for their antioxidant, hemostatic and astringent properties.
  7. Ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, restores damaged tissues, and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  8. Essential oils are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. They also have an antitussive effect, strengthen the heart muscle.
  9. Starch, which forms a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa, preventing the harmful effects of some aggressive products on it. Thus, starch prevents the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Due to the presence of starch, the body receives a boost of energy, a person has a feeling of satiety.
  10. Catechins successfully neutralize free radicals and have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  11. Glycosides have a laxative and diuretic effect. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, dilate blood vessels.
  12. Fatty acids are involved in the normalization of metabolism in the body, in the restoration of destroyed cells.

An important component of the meadowsweet is salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Based on it, acetylsalicylic acid was created. This drug was given the name "aspirin" and began to be used as an analysing, antipyretic, analgesic. Aspirin is an unusually common drug all over the world. It got its name from the Latin name of the meadowsweet.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

In different types of meadowsweet, different parts of the plant have healing properties. In the meadowsweet, stems, flowers and leaves are used; the six-petal has tubers and rhizomes. The Kamchatka and hand-shaped varieties are fully used. The root part can be harvested in early autumn, as well as in March and April. The rhizomes are dug up, the earth is shaken off from them, cut into strips, and dried. Flowers and leaves are collected in September-October, washed, laid out in a thin layer on cloth or paper and dried in a ventilated room without access to sunlight, turning over from time to time. It is necessary to store dried medicinal raw materials in paper or cloth bags. The shelf life should not exceed 3 years.

Useful properties of meadowsweet

This plant often grows in home gardens as an ornamental. Many do not know that with its help you can get rid of serious ailments. All parts of this plant are used in folk medicine. Useful substances are unevenly contained in flowers, leaves and rhizomes, this is the reason for the differences in their use.

In this part of the plant, tannins are found in the highest concentration. The crushed root is indispensable for the preparation of decoctions and infusions, which are excellent anti-ulcer, astringent, wound healing agents. Infusion of the root of the meadowsweet mild diuretic.

These decoctions are used to treat the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease:
  • gout;
  • kidney disease;
  • gynecological problems.

It is noticed that the use of tincture from the root of the meadowsweet can reduce the intensity of epileptic seizures.

The grassy part of the meadowsweet contains the same beneficial substances, but with a lower concentration. A decoction of the herb has a milder effect, it can be used for a long time. It is used to treat diseases of the throat and bronchi.

The flowers of the meadowsweet contain substances that have a sedative effect. They are added to tea, decoctions are prepared. Powder prepared from dried flowers is used to treat purulent wounds, to reduce sweating of the feet.

Use for the treatment of gynecological diseases

In folk medicine, meadowsweet is used to treat inflammation, infertility, endometriosis:

  1. In inflammatory processes, a teaspoon of dried roots is poured with cold boiled water for 8 hours infusion. Then it must be filtered and taken throughout the day in several doses.
  2. To get rid of infertility, you need to mix three tablespoons of meadowsweet, clover and linden, pour a liter of boiling water, strain after 2 hours. It is necessary to drink 400 ml of infusion per day.
  3. To stop uterine bleeding, the crushed rhizomes of the plant are poured with vodka and infused for 7 days. The recommended intake is one teaspoon of infusion 2 times a day.
  4. In the treatment of endometritis and fibroids, it is necessary to prepare a complex collection, which includes St. John's wort, meadowsweet, juniper berries, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, calamus. Combine a teaspoon of medicinal herbs, pour into a liter of vodka. After two weeks of infusion, the drug is ready.

Treatment of colds

An infusion of meadowsweet flowers is used to prevent and treat acute colds and viral infections. Flowers are poured with cold water, infused for 12 hours, filtered. After that, the grass should be squeezed out. To enhance the effect, you can mix this liquid with an alcohol tincture of calendula. The drug is taken one teaspoon per dose three times a day. It is recommended to use it during mass epidemics of influenza and colds for prevention from 3 to 7 days.

Treatment of pancreatitis

The disease is characterized by the presence of acute pain. To reduce it, you can apply an infusion from the aerial part of the meadowsweet. This drug will reduce inflammation and pain in the pancreas. Pour 15-20 grams of crushed raw materials with two glasses of cold boiled water, leave to infuse for 2 hours, or overnight. This medicine must be taken in several doses throughout the day, preferably before meals. The use of infusion relieves the patient's condition, reduces nausea, blurred vision, weakness.


Meadowsweet contains natural salicylates that do not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. This favorably distinguishes the infusion from the meadowsweet from aspirin. This is the reason for the use of medicinal tinctures from the meadowsweet by patients with varicose veins. With regular course intake of meadowsweet, blood clotting normalizes. One teaspoon of crushed rhizomes must be poured with 450–500 ml of hot water, kept in a water bath for half an hour. The cooled liquid must be filtered, topped up with boiled water to the initial volume. Take a tablespoon of infusion three times a day after meals. This infusion reduces blood viscosity, reduces the prothrombin index. It is necessary to regularly take a blood test for the level of coagulation in order to avoid side effects.

Meadowsweet also has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation. Phytotherapists recommend using it to improve the condition after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, with a decrease in memory in old age. Improves blood microcirculation, peripheral blood supply.

Joint diseases

To relieve inflammation and improve joint mobility, you can take a decoction of meadowsweet roots. Pour four tablespoons of raw materials with a liter of boiling water, soak for an hour in a water bath, strain. It is necessary to take this decoction in a quarter cup 4 times a day. The same decoction helps with diseases of the digestive system, they can wash wounds and burns.

To prepare an alcohol infusion, pour 200 g of dry grass with half a liter of vodka, add the same amount of water. Soak the tincture in a cool place for 10 days. Treat ulcers and wounds with it, the tincture promotes their healing. From this tool, you can prepare lotions that help with neuralgia, arthritis, arthrosis. To enhance the effect of the medicine, drink tea from the flowers of the meadowsweet.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicinal plant, meadowsweet has a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • anemia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • constipation;
  • allergy, intolerance to certain components that make up the plant;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

Infusions and decoctions from the meadowsweet are unacceptable in the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

It is very important to use medicinal herbs that grow in our forests, fields, and gardens to maintain health and prevent diseases.

Video: useful properties and use of meadowsweet

Meadowsweet (another name for the plant is meadowsweet) is a perennial, belongs to the Pink family. It has a pleasant sweet-bitter flavor. It is used as a healing herb, added to various dishes, used to flavor rooms. Thanks to decoctions, tinctures based on this herb, you can get rid of many diseases.

Chemical composition

Experts managed to study in detail the composition of the meadowsweet:

  • flavonoids - quercetin, kaempferol;
  • polyphenolic compounds - ellagic, caffeic acid;
  • glycosides - monotropitin, spirein, and isosalicin;
  • tannins;
  • heparin;
  • glycerides of stearic and linoleic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils.

The oil contained in meadowsweet has a pronounced honey aroma. It contains vanillin, ethyl benzoate, methyl salicylate and other substances that have a positive effect on the general well-being of a person.

Let us consider in more detail each component, as well as the effect that these substances can have on the body:

  1. Phenols. They have analgesic, choleretic, antiseptic action. They have a mild sedative effect. They also remove excess fluid from the body, stabilize blood pressure.
  2. Salicylic acid. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces pain by acting directly on the nerve endings.
  3. Flavonoids. Scientists were able to establish that the substances have an anti-allergic effect, they also effectively fight viruses, remove toxins and excess water from the body. In addition, there is a version that these compounds have an anticarcinogenic effect (prevent the development of cancerous tumors).
  4. Kakhetians. They prevent the aging process, as they contribute to the release of free radicals. In addition, they prevent cell aging by triggering regenerative processes in the body, and prevent the development of cancer.
  5. Phenolic acids. Eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, activate the activity of the biliary tract, promote the excretion of bile. Beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys.
  6. Essential oils. They have a sedative, bactericidal, antiseptic effect. They are useful literally for all systems of our body: cardiovascular, nervous, gastrointestinal tract. Prevent, treat cough by removing mucus from the bronchi.
  7. Glycosides. They dilate blood vessels, have a disinfectant, diuretic, laxative, vasodilating effect.

What it looks like and where it grows

The plant can reach more than 200 cm in height, has a wide, long root. Stem erect, leafy. It is noteworthy that the meadowsweet has rather large leaves (up to 30 cm long), the cuttings are short. The main difference of the plant is pinnate, intermittently growing leaves; small ones can be present between large leaves. Leaves are corrugated along the veins. The flowers have a concave hypanthium. The chemical formula is as follows: *Ch5L5T∞P∞. It begins to bloom at the end of July or in August, the fruit is a multi-nutlet.

It grows almost throughout the European part of Russia. He likes places with high humidity, marshy and damp meadows, forests. Often forms impenetrable thickets, which are located in the floodplains of rivers located in the forest.


In nature, there are many varieties of plants, consider them in detail.

  1. Aurea. It belongs to the garden form, has incredibly beautiful leaves of yellow-green color.
  2. Rosea. This species has beautiful pink flowers. Rare, considered a hybrid.
  3. Plena. It has a large number of white double flowers. The plant is tall, the shoots are bare at the base - gardeners attribute this moment to disadvantages.
  4. Aureovariegata. It has an unusual appearance - there are golden stains on the leaves. To emphasize this feature, experts recommend growing meadowsweet in sunny areas of the garden.
  5. Filipendula camtschatica. The plant is tall, has large leaves - up to 40 cm in length. On the stems there are large inflorescences of cream or white flowers. Begins to bloom in mid-June. Loves moisture, grows well both in the shade and in the sun.
  6. Meadowsweet red. It grows in areas of North America, where it is called the queen of the prairies. Powerful, tall, has a five- or seven-lobed share. It begins to bloom at the end of July, the inflorescence is quite dense, consists of pink flowers. Likes light and high humidity. Frost resistant.
  7. Common meadowsweet. Can reach 1 m in height. It has large flowers - up to 1 cm, the color varies - cream, white or pink. Blossoms, as a rule, at the end of May. It has an attractive appearance and at the end of flowering. Does not require a large amount of moisture, unpretentious.
  8. Purple meadowsweet. Refers to hybrids, very popular in Japan - it is used as an ornamental plant. It is low, the maximum height reaches 1 m. The leaves are beautiful, palmate. The flowers are painted in dark pink or purple, the legs are clearly distinguishable in the fruits, which are usually not fully developed.
  9. elegans. It begins to bloom at the end of July, it has beautiful white flowers with red stamens.
  10. Korean meadowsweet. It grows in the South Kuril Islands, in Japan, in the south of Primorsky Krai. The plant is low, but graceful. It is noteworthy that the flowers are pink when they are in bud, when blooming they turn white.
  11. The meadowsweet is multi-paired. They are divided into two forms - alpine and forest. The latter species can be found along the banks of streams, it reaches 80 cm in height, has beautiful leaves - pinnate, thinly cut. Flowers are bright pink. Alpine species of meadowsweet can most often be found in the highlands, the plant is low (about 30 cm), the leaves are small.
  12. Meadowsweet is narrow-lobed. The plant has unusual leaves - they are thinly dissected, covered with white-tomentose omission below. It can be found in the south of the Amur region, the meadowsweet often hybridizes.
  13. Western meadowsweet. It grows in forests, on rocky shores. It grows up to 1 m, has graceful leaves of a rounded shape. Fruits - ciliate-hairy, white flowers, can reach 1.5 cm in diameter.
  14. Kyrasian meadowsweet. It belongs to rare species, it can be found only in Taiwan, in the northern part. The maximum height is 30 m, the inflorescences are pink, small. It is noteworthy that the plant is polygamous, you can find bisexual flowers: both male and female.
  15. Tsugovo. Not fully studied species, outwardly similar to the cuirassian meadowsweet, but it does not have bisexual flowers. The flowers are white.
  16. Filipendula formosa. It grows up to 1 m tall, the leaves are rounded, the inflorescences have a dark pink color. Poorly studied by specialists, it is rare - literally a dozen herbarium specimens can be found all over the world.
  17. Steppe meadowsweet. Outwardly, it is similar to the meadowsweet, the maximum height of the bush is 1 m, it has a dense basal rosette of leaves, which is preserved during the flowering period. Considered a rare species.

Collection and storage

It is necessary to collect flowers during the flowering period - as a rule, this is the end of July or the beginning of August. The inflorescences must be cut without leaves, and dried in a well-ventilated place, having previously spread out in a thin layer on parchment (experts do not recommend using newspapers, since harmful ink can poison the workpiece). Store in a box, in a dark and dry place.

The roots of the plant are also harvested. They need to be collected either in early spring or autumn. Before drying, remove the soil, rinse thoroughly under running water. They are dried in the same way as flowers - they are laid in a thin layer on paper, left in a well-ventilated room, in the shade. If leaves are planned to be used for medicinal purposes, they also need to be harvested during the flowering of the meadowsweet. The storage period is 3 years, then the grass gradually begins to lose its beneficial properties.

The plant is considered extremely useful due to the rich chemical composition, high content of essential oils. The body can have the following effects:

  • effectively removes excess fluid;
  • activates the activity of the bile ducts;
  • increases immunity with regular use during outbreaks of infectious diseases;
  • normalizes sleep, helps in the fight against stress;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action.

It is noteworthy that many experts recommend the use of grass in the rehabilitation period after a stroke - it helps to recover faster. Also, the plant will help to cope with diseases such as gout, pyelonephritis, rheumatism, excessive swelling.

Important: before using decoctions and tinctures based on meadowsweet, you need to make sure that a person does not have an individual intolerance to the components of the meadowsweet. Otherwise, you may feel worse, the occurrence of allergic reactions.

For women

The plant is useful for females - it eliminates anxiety, insomnia due to its sedative effect. Therefore, many recommend taking meadowsweet infusions during menopause. They successfully help fight diseases such as infertility and endometriosis. They are used for thrush, erosion, cystitis, douching. As a complex therapy used for hemorrhoids.

The plant is also used for cosmetic purposes. If you want to have thick, strong and beautiful hair, just rinse your head with a decoction of meadowsweet after each wash: the result will not be long in coming.

For men

Decoctions based on the meadowsweet will be extremely useful for males as well, as they help fight stress and eliminate fatigue. Men often suffer from high blood pressure. If you use a decoction or infusion based on the meadowsweet, you can get rid of hypertension. Due to the anti-inflammatory action, it will also help with prostatitis, relieve accumulations of excess fluid, as it activates the kidneys. It is recommended to use decoctions and tinctures for diabetes, atherosclerosis: men are more susceptible to these diseases than women.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women are not recommended to use meadowsweet as a medicinal herb. The same goes for women who are breastfeeding.

For kids

Experts say that for children who have not reached the age of 12, meadowsweet can be dangerous. A fragile body may not be able to cope, since the gastrointestinal tract is poorly developed in children, many enzymes are not enough for the quality assimilation of useful herbs. Due to this, the use of meadowsweet is fraught with the appearance of allergic reactions, rashes on the skin, colic and nausea.

Consider what types of fees based on the meadowsweet exist, and what diseases can be cured by using decoctions with the addition of this medicinal herb.

Collection from diseases of a gynecological nature

  • spiraea;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • vodka.

For 1.5 liters, take 1 tbsp. all of the above ingredients. Mix thoroughly, place in a bottle, put in a cool dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. The tincture is ready. Apply daily for 1 tbsp. 2 times a day. It is advisable to drink on an empty stomach if a woman does not have an ulcer or acute gastritis.

Collection to increase tone

Such a recipe will be useful for people involved in physically hard work, with exhaustion. Often, the collection is recommended to be taken by cancer patients after undergoing chemotherapy. You will need:

  • spiraea;
  • licorice - root;
  • nettle - root;
  • succession;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sweet clover;
  • yarrow.

All components must be in equal proportions, they must be crushed. Next, mix everything. To prepare 2 cups of broth, you need 3 tbsp. the resulting mixture. Cooking is simple - add the grass to boiling water, send for 30 minutes in a water bath. After insisting an hour. Strain. Apply after meals, 150 ml. The course lasts until the person feels improvement in the general condition.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic compresses

To prepare a decoction for a compress, you will need a thermos. Finely chop the root of the meadowsweet, select about 60 g and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid, leave for an hour. The decoction can not be filtered. Soak gauze with the resulting mixture, put it on a sore spot, wrap it with a film on top, then with a scarf. Hold the compress for 30 minutes.

Decoction for diarrhea

An unpleasant phenomenon that often forces you to change plans. It is not necessary to run to the pharmacy for medicines - the infusion based on the meadowsweet will perfectly cope with the problem. For 1 tbsp. herbs (pre-dried) will need 200 ml of water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for an hour. Drink 2 tbsp. decoction after each urge.

From diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

It will take 20 g of sugar and 50 g of meadowsweet. All this must be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. Remove the mixture in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain, take on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

For colds, to improve immunity

Here are some examples of effective recipes.

  1. You will need meadowsweet and rose hips, in a ratio of 1 to 10. Pour boiling water over, leave for 30 minutes. Add honey, drink like regular tea.
  2. Meadowsweet flowers - 10 pcs., 12 tbsp. honey and water. You also need the zest and juice of 2 lemons. Mark in a saucepan, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling. When the infusion has cooled - strain. Drink daily on an empty stomach: 2 tbsp. Dilute the resulting mixture in a glass of warm water.
  3. In equal quantities, take dried meadowsweet, Ivan tea. For 70 g you will need 500 ml of water. It is desirable to insist in a thermos (30 minutes), if it is not available - in a jar, wrapped and placed in heat. Take 100 ml daily.

For hypertension

If a person has high blood pressure, it can be eliminated through the regular use of decoctions with the addition of meadowsweet. Preparing a decoction is easy. Pour 30 g of dried plant with a glass of boiling water, place in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the broth should be infused for another 1 hour. Take 30 ml daily.

Types of healing compounds

Consider below in what forms a medicinal plant can be used.


Infusions on meadowsweet are effective with severe swelling, metabolic disorders, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not difficult to prepare a healing infusion: pour 60 g of pre-dried flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, send to a water bath for 15 minutes. Infuse after another 15 minutes. After strain, drink twice a day (each time half a glass). This decoction is not only a diuretic, but also a diaphoretic. Therefore, it is often recommended to people with SARS, but in this case, you need to take half a glass of decoction at night.

With diarrhea, severe swelling (including those caused by heart problems), insomnia, traditional healers recommend taking this tincture. It will take 100 g of dried meadowsweet flowers and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Place everything in a thermos, leave for 4 hours. Take 100 ml twice a day.

There is also a recipe for infusion of fresh flowers. You will need water (cold) - 1 glass, the same amount of raw materials. Mix everything, cover the dishes with a lid, put in a cool and dark place for 12 hours. Next, strain the broth, add 100 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula there. Such an infusion is useful for colds, SARS. As a preventive measure, drink 1 tsp. mixture three times a day on an empty stomach. It also prevents such an unpleasant disease as herpes.

Infusions can be made directly on the basis of the meadowsweet herb. In boiled, cooled water (250 ml), add 1 tsp. raw materials, cover with a lid. Clean in a cool and dark place for 9 hours. Helps to get rid of edema, hypertension, an excellent prophylactic during the epidemic of colds. Drink 4 times a day for 1 tbsp. If desired, compresses can be made from this infusion - if the skin has been damaged, suppuration is present, or an inflammatory process has begun. Meadowsweet has a powerful antiseptic effect, so inflammation and swelling of tissues will pass quickly if used regularly.


You will need alcohol (dilute with water 50 to 50) or vodka. The proportions are as follows: for 100 ml of vodka you will need 1 tsp. herbs, which are pre-crushed. Mix the ingredients, leave for 3 days. Strain at the end. Take 2 tbsp. 2 times a day.

If a person has stomach diseases (not an acute form), then such a tincture recipe is suitable. Ingredients:

  • meadowsweet flowers fresh - 25 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • vodka - 500 ml.

Mix everything, pour into glassware, leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Drink 1 tsp. tincture 3 times a day.

You can treat the wound with tincture - to exclude the possibility of infection, accelerate the healing process of tissues. It is necessary to dilute alcohol, the approximate strength is 20%. Mix with crushed meadowsweet leaves (grass - 1 part, diluted alcohol - 5 parts). Infuse for 1.5 weeks, then strain. The same infusion can be used as a facial lotion if a person has problem skin.

For people who are prone to bronchitis, respiratory diseases, you should take care of your health in advance and prepare the tincture in the summer. Pour 150 g of fresh meadowsweet with 2 cups of cold boiled or purified water. To prevent the tincture from blooming, add a solution of alcohol tincture of calendula there - 100 ml. Put in a cool dark place for two weeks. Take 1 tsp. three times a day.


The standard recipe for making a decoction is as follows:

  • prepare 1 tbsp. herbs and 2 glasses of water;
  • mix everything, send to a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • let the broth cool, strain.

Drink every day 2-3 times, 1 tbsp. It will help normalize blood sugar levels, blood pressure, restore water balance and get rid of edema.


If you constantly feel weak and tired, there are problems with sleep - in this case, meadowsweet tea will be useful. Pour dried flowers (1 tsp) with boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Add honey if desired. Drink no more than 2 cups per day.


In the presence of inflammatory processes, psoriasis, you can prepare an ointment based on meadowsweet at home. Vaseline or lanolin, glycerin is suitable as a base. Melt in a water bath, add powder from the leaves of the plant there (you can grind the meadowsweet in a coffee grinder or grind it by hand). Slightly sweat on fire, cool. For cooking, you need 9 parts of the base and 6 parts of the herb. Lubricate problem areas daily, 2 times a day. Apply to previously cleansed skin.

There is a simplified version of the preparation of the ointment - mix the powder of the meadowsweet with baby cream (10 g of flower powder and 40 g of cream).

Meadowsweet oil: properties and uses

Many argue that meadowsweet oil can be a full-fledged replacement for many pharmacological preparations. No wonder the people call it a remedy for 40 ailments. It is noteworthy that useful substances are found in all parts of the meadowsweet - in the root, stem, leaves, fruits, flowers.

Oil can be used as:

  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • antioxidant;
  • antipyretic;
  • inside - as a hepatoprotector (protects the liver, restores damaged areas);
  • stimulating brain activity.

In addition, the oil helps restore the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate excessive anxiety, effectively lowers blood pressure, and has an analgesic effect.

Meadowsweet oil can be taken orally if there are such pathologies:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling;
  • thrombosis;
  • high blood sugar, early stages of diabetes;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • diarrhea;
  • too thick blood (there is a risk of thrombosis);
  • frequent SARS.

If desired, you can add oil to baths - to normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improve the quality of sleep. Many experts recommend doing inhalations with meadowsweet oil for angina and bronchitis. The oil is also used as a massage oil. Ideal for aromatherapy - will help to relax, find peace and harmony. Especially such procedures will be useful for people who are involved in work that requires high mental stress.

There are contraindications for use, you also need to know about them:

  • constipation;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • low blood pressure or blood sugar.

How to apply:

  1. Inside, 10 ml during a meal. The course of therapy is usually 1 month.
  2. For baths, add 6-10 drops of oil directly to the water.
  3. For aromatherapy - put a couple of drops of oil on the aroma lamp.

It is impossible to cook oil on your own - this is a complex process that requires compliance with all the technology and the use of special equipment. At home, you can make an extract - it has useful properties, the composition of the mixture is similar to the oil of the meadowsweet. Consider the recipe:

  1. Place seeds with flowers in a container.
  2. Pour in any refined vegetable oil.
  3. Place the vessel in a water bath, on a slow fire. The mixture must not boil!
  4. After the raw material warms up well, remove from heat and leave to cool.
  5. Pour everything into a glass jar.
  6. Place in a dark place for 14 days. Then strain.

Before using the oil, it is advisable to consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Application in cosmetology

Experts have found that if you regularly use a decoction of the meadowsweet to rinse the curls, then in a short time it will be possible to note an incredible result: the hair will become smooth, strong, and stop falling out. The meadowsweet also copes well with problem skin - if a person suffers from enlarged pores, acne, blackheads, he definitely needs to try tinctures with the addition of this wonderful herb.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair due to the fact that it contains a large amount of flavonoids, phenols. All these substances act as powerful antioxidants, they also contribute to the release of free radicals, and therefore slow down the aging process. The composition also contains salicylates - they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Meadowsweet also contains tannins, vitamins and trace elements, ethyl benzoate, fatty acids. The action of all these substances favorably affects the condition of the epidermis, as well as hair.

It is noteworthy that the extract of the meadowsweet is used by many for weight loss due to the fact that the main active ingredients contribute to the stabilization of tissue metabolism.

It is worth noting that meadowsweet acts as a powerful decongestant. It's no secret that fluid retention in tissues significantly slows down the process of losing weight and interferes with sports. Drinking decoctions is useful for detoxifying the body in order to remove all harmful substances that also negatively affect the condition of the hair, skin, and general appearance. Meadowsweet can often be found in special tablets, tinctures for weight loss.

It will be useful to use products based on this plant if you need:

  • increase the tone of the skin;
  • remove inflammation, irritation on the face;
  • eliminate puffiness, dark spots under the eyes;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration, including after mechanical cleaning, acid peeling, etc.;
  • get rid of dandruff, prevent hair loss.

It is noteworthy that you can use meadowsweet externally, as well as take tinctures, drink delicious teas - this way you can achieve a positive effect faster.

Meadowsweet can be found in ready-made products presented on the shelves of our stores. For example, creams or gels based on this herb are great for oily skin if a person suffers from acne and rashes. You can find meadowsweet in the composition of the means for and after shaving. Plant extract is added to sprays, masks, lotions.

All parts of the plant can be used to prepare tonics - from rhizomes to fruits.

Consider several recipes with the addition of this medicinal plant.

  1. Face mask #1. If the pores are enlarged, acne is periodically disturbed, then this version of the mask is suitable: decoction of meadowsweet (1 tbsp. per 1 glass of water, boil, leave for 15 minutes, strain) mixed with 1 tsp. honey and freshly squeezed carrot juice 1 tsp. To stir thoroughly. Apply in multiple layers. What does it mean? Apply the first layer on the face, wait a bit until the mixture dries. After applying the second layer, etc., but not more than 5. After a couple of sessions, the result will be noted: the skin will become smooth, and inflammation will disappear.
  2. Face mask #2. For people who have oily or combination skin, this option is suitable: mix the broth with cereal (pre-grind in a coffee grinder) and juice of 1 lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly, leave for 30-40 minutes to swell the oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, wash off after 15 minutes.

Important: Moisturize your face whether you have dry or oily skin. There are a large number of meadowsweet-based face gels on sale - they will be an excellent solution for girls suffering from excessive oiliness of the epidermis.

Consider recipes for decoctions for hair growth. It is worth adding that regular rinsing of the hair and scalp with meadowsweet decoction will help get rid of seborrhea. Also, such procedures will be useful for those who have oily hair too quickly.

  1. Infusion number 1. 2 tsp dried plant (it does not matter which part it will be) pour boiling water in the amount of 2 cups. Insist half an hour. Rinse hair immediately after it has been washed. Do not dilute, do not rinse.
  2. Infusion number 2. For 1 glass of water, take 30 g of raw meadowsweet flowers. Hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes. Strain.

Such decoctions should be used regularly - you will definitely notice a positive trend.

Contraindications for use

Meadowsweet should not be used by people who have an individual intolerance to the plant, as this can provoke an attack of an allergic reaction. It is also not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • reduced blood pressure;
  • predisposition to constipation;

Meadowsweet grass is a unique plant and has been used for many years not only for medicinal purposes, but also for making a delicious drink with a hint of honey, which has no less useful qualities. If you turn to the medical literature, you can find a lot of references to a wonderful plant, most of the information is about the content of vitamins and substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. Against what diseases meadowsweet can come to the rescue, useful properties and contraindications, features of preparing medicines based on it are the main questions that arise among admirers of traditional medicine.

What is valuable grass meadowsweet, medicinal properties

It is not for nothing that the wonderful meadowsweet plant became famous among the common people, the beneficial properties and contraindications have been studied for years, and they have been used against many ailments. Even today, it does not lose popularity and is widely used in traditional medicine. What is the reason for such a prevalence of the plant among admirers of non-traditional methods of treatment?

Meadowsweet, medicinal properties:

  • impact on microbes that enter the body, because grass is a natural antiseptic;
  • tannins allow you to deal with pain and high fever;
  • some substances can stop bleeding;
  • beneficial effect on heart disease;
  • increase the immune forces of the body;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • slowing down aging;
  • elimination of puffiness and allergic manifestations.

Regular use of decoctions and infusions has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves insomnia and mental disorders.

For rural residents who know the surroundings very well, it will not be difficult to stock up on valuable raw materials for a long time. For the townspeople, everything is a little more complicated, because even passing next to the plant, they are unlikely to guess what a storehouse of useful substances they met on their way. It will help to understand what kind of meadowsweet has a photo, thanks to which you can easily recognize the grass.

Meadowsweet, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have long been no secret to anyone, likes to grow in swampy areas, prefers water meadows or damp ravines, it can be found almost near every reservoir. You won’t find a special decorative effect in the grass, the only thing that distinguishes it is fluffy panicles-inflorescences and a delicious smell associated with honey.

The plant easily grows up to one and a half meters in height, so spotting it is quite simple. Flowers will also tell you about the location of the thickets - the shrub at the time of flowering resembles a snowdrift.

The stems are quite powerful, branching only in the upper part of the plant. The leaves are a bit reminiscent of elm, so in the common people the grass is often called elm-leaved meadowsweet. For treatment, flowers and rhizomes are usually used. They must first be dried; in this form, raw materials can be stored for up to 5 years.

Medicinal herb meadowsweet, how to apply for diseases

Due to its remarkable properties, the plant can be used both for the treatment of ailments and for preventive purposes. What diseases can meadowsweet, a medicinal herb, cope with?

You can use plant materials against such body problems:

  • colds;
  • influenza, pneumonia, tonsillitis;
  • heart disease;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • high blood pressure;
  • thrombus formation;
  • inflammation in polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (diarrhea, ulcers, dysentery);
  • skin lesions (long-term non-healing wounds, lichen, herpes).

You can use the herb in the impact on women's diseases, in addition, it copes well with mental disorders. The main thing is to choose the right form of home medicine, because traditional medicine presents recipes not only for decoctions, but also for fragrant tea, tinctures and even ointments from this useful plant.

What are the properties of meadowsweet honey

Meadowsweet honey is a remedy that has not lost its value for hundreds of years, because this fragrant substance with a unique aroma is famous for its special qualities. The plant is an excellent honey plant, and at the time of flowering, bees from all over the area flock to it to stock up on a delicious product.

The shade of honey is slightly different from the golden bee product that everyone is used to seeing on store shelves. The tool has unique qualities that must certainly be directed to the fight against various diseases.

A bee product extracted from meadowsweet is able to relieve pain, and it can be used not only inside, but also for compresses or lotions. It can act on ulcers, inflammation, diseases of the kidneys and stomach. It will also be useful for women's ailments - thrush or inflammation of the cervix.

Of particular value is honey against colds. With it, you can quickly get rid of high fever, soothe irritation in the throat, relieve coughs and even suppress fever attacks.

Meadowsweet tea, benefits and harms

Most often, meadowsweet tea is used for preventive purposes, the benefits and harms of which were established many years ago. You can safely use a drink against colds - it will greatly alleviate the condition.

Preparing a drink:

  • 15 gr. Pour the flowers of the plant with boiling water (250 ml).
  • Cover the container with a lid, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Strain the liquid, you can add honey, but not necessary.

To drink tea made from this herb, you need only in small sips, be sure to retain the liquid in the mouth. This will not only allow you to feel the fragrant bouquet of delicious taste, but also have a healing effect on inflammation of the gums or relieve toothache.

Can a drink be harmful? Despite numerous studies, allergens have not been identified in it, so you can use it without fear. The only thing that doctors recommend is not to drink it during pregnancy and in case of chronic diseases. With poor blood clotting, it is also better to refrain from drinking tea.

Meadowsweet root, medicinal properties and proper use

All parts of the plant can be used for treatment, and meadowsweet root, whose medicinal properties are practically not inferior to the beneficial qualities of flowering, can be used against many ailments. Usually, funds based on it are used against high blood pressure, gout, and kidney diseases.

Means preparation:

  • Rinse and grind 15 gr. dry roots.
  • Pour the prepared vegetable raw materials with boiling water (500 ml), send to a water bath.
  • Keep the composition for about half an hour at a low boil.
  • Infuse the product for an hour, be sure to leave the lid closed.
  • Strain and add boiled water to the original volume.

Take the remedy three times a day, only 25 ml at a time. It is recommended to do this only after eating. You can add a small amount of sugar or diversify the taste with good honey.

Rhizome ointment can be used to treat wounds, burns and all types of dermatitis. It is easy to prepare - grind the roots into powder (20 gr.), Mix with (90 gr.). Use a rubbing or compressing agent several times a day. You can also use it to affect sore joints, but it is better to do this after prior agreement with the doctor.

Meadowsweet, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are so diverse, is not in vain considered one of the most popular plants in folk medicine, because this herb is able to cope with a considerable number of diseases. The wonderful effects should not be avoided - even a simple tea will have a beneficial effect on health and improve well-being.

Since ancient times, herbs have been used to treat various diseases. Over time, medicine was able to make huge strides, invented vaccines, inoculations, even learned how to treat or remove cancerous tumors, but the beneficial properties of herbs are used in the treatment of many diseases to this day. Meadowsweet (or as I also call it “meadowsweet”) is one of these herbs. Its useful properties can be listed for a long time, and its use in medicine is very wide. What is this herb? What does it look like, where to find it and how to treat it?

The composition and useful properties of the plant

Vitamin C improves the state of the immune system, participates in the restoration of damaged tissue, and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Flavonoids help relieve inflammation, resist viruses, improve bile flow, relieve spasms, have anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, diuretic effects, promote healing of ulcers.

Tannins have an antioxidant, astringent effect, help stop the blood.

Salicylic acid relieves inflammation, reduces tissue swelling.

Phenol compounds stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder, improve the functioning of the immune system, act as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, and have a diuretic effect.

Phenolcarboxylic acids improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, kidneys, relieve inflammation.

Catechins are involved in the neutralization of free radicals, have an antibacterial effect.

Essential oils are involved in the normalization of the digestive tract, have an antitussive effect, improve heart function.

Starch has an enveloping effect, saturates with energy.

Glycosides give a laxative, diuretic effect, calm the nervous system, dilate blood vessels, and have an antimicrobial effect.

Fatty acids normalize metabolism, cell regeneration.

Wax has an astringent and bactericidal effect.

Grass meadowsweet (meadowsweet): what is it and what does it look like?

In order not to confuse the plant, you need to know how it looks. According to the description, it has a high trunk. In height, it can reach 1.5 m. The plant lives for several years. In spring and summer, it begins to bloom in white or yellow. The inflorescences are large, have the form of panicles, spreading a strong aroma.

To use in folk medicine, you need to find out where meadowsweet grows. Most often, the plant grows in meadows, closer to water bodies. It is located next to other shrubs.

photo of a plant in its natural habitat

There are about 20 varieties of meadowsweet, only some of them can be used in medicine to eliminate various conditions and diseases:

  • meadowsweet ordinary;
  • six-petal meadowsweet;
  • meadowsweet.

For medical purposes, the most commonly used meadowsweet.

Useful and medicinal properties of meadowsweet

The plant has the following therapeutic effect:

  • increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors, viruses and infections;
  • strengthening immunity, due to which the pathogen that has entered the body is eliminated faster;
  • increased production of corticosteroids;
  • improving the quality of a person's emotional state, which is necessary during times of stress and depression;
  • stimulation of the production of adrenergic hormones, serotonin and endorphin;
  • elimination of the inflammatory response.

nature endowed the plant with a mass of substances useful for the human body

The beneficial properties and contraindications characteristic of meadowsweet determine the substances that make up its composition:

  1. Vitamin C - tones the vascular endothelium and the entire body. Strengthens the immune system. Improves the quality of connective tissue.
  2. Tannins - eliminate pain during inflammation. They increase secretion production by the mucous membrane, so many pathogenic microorganisms are not able to penetrate inside.
  3. Phenols - contribute to the production of bile, stop bleeding, increase spasm of smooth muscles, remove fluid from the body through the urinary system, and calm a person during times of stress. Additionally, they have a slight antistatic effect, due to which some pathogenic pathogens are destroyed immediately after penetration.
  4. Salicylic acid - has a strong antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation and local pain. Promotes increased production of inflammatory mediators in immune system cells.
  5. Flavonoids - protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from inflammation and damage, reducing the risk of developing ulcers. Increase bile production. Strengthen the body's resistance to the action of free radicals, viruses, allergens and malignant cells. Relieve inflammation.
  6. Catechins - help slow down the aging of the body. They have an antibacterial effect. Destroy emerging malignant cells.
  7. Phenolcarboxylic acids - have anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect. Stimulate the work of the urinary system and liver. Quickly remove toxins from the body.
  8. Glycosides - dilate blood vessels, so that blood pressure decreases. Favorably affect the respiratory tract, promoting the elimination of bacteria and viruses, dilute the secretion of sputum. Eliminate fluid from the body due to the diuretic action.

In order for all these substances to have a beneficial effect on the human body, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials.

in nature, there are different types of plants, but not all of them are used for medicinal purposes

Collection, drying and storage of meadowsweet

Each part of the plant must be collected in a timely manner:

  • meadowsweet flowers - in July;
  • trunks - in August;
  • roots - in the middle of autumn.

Most of the nutrients are concentrated in the rhizome. It must be dug up, carefully shaken off the ground. After that, cut the root into small strips, no more than 15 cm long.

The part of the plant that is above the ground must be cut off from the root and washed thoroughly in cold water. Lay out all the raw materials on paper separately from each other. Drying should take place in a dark dry place, avoid exposure to open sunlight. The room must be well ventilated to prevent mold.

If all the steps have been completed correctly, the resulting raw material will turn brown. It will taste bitter. All parts of the plant should be stored for no more than 3 years in a dry and dark place.

This plant not only pleases the eye with its beauty, but also has a healing effect.

Indications for use

The components of meadowsweet showed the greatest efficiency in the following conditions and diseases:

  • skin diseases caused by the penetration of viruses and other non-infectious causes (erosions and ulcers, bedsores, diaper rash, adenovirus, herpes);
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, including the intestines (impaired peristalsis, growths and polyps on the mucous membrane);
  • diseases of the reproductive system in women, inflammatory conditions of the uterus, ovaries, tubes;
  • viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • inflammation of the liver;
  • diseases of the respiratory system of an allergenic nature (bronchial asthma);
  • high body temperature;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints (gout, arthritis, rheumatism);
  • inflammation of the nerves;
  • increased excitability of the central nervous system, for example, with epilepsy.

Therapy of the disease cannot occur only with the help of a herbal remedy. It is included in the treatment as an additional component. Initially, a person needs to use medications.

Contraindications and side effects

Plant-based products have not only a positive effect on the body. If used in high concentrations or improperly prepared, they will cause the following side effects:

  • constipation;
  • weakness, fatigue, lethargy due to an excessive decrease in pressure against the background of vasodilation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • excessive blood thinning, leading to profuse bleeding, even with minor injuries;
  • decreased concentration of attention, which does not allow driving a vehicle;
  • allergic reactions, manifested locally (itching, burning, rash, inflammation, redness of the skin and mucous membranes) or systemically (suffocation, Quincke's edema);
  • stomach dysfunction.

Due to the presence of possible side effects of meadowsweet, contraindications to its use are such conditions and pathologies:

  • hypotension;
  • allergic reaction to herbal remedies;
  • excessively thin blood with a reduced number of platelets and clotting factors;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Since the plant has not undergone sufficient clinical trials and it is not known what negative reactions it has on the fetus and the body of the woman herself, meadowsweet is not used during pregnancy and during lactation.

Properly harvested raw materials have retained all the beneficial properties of the plant and have medicinal properties.

Substances in meadowsweet, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are studying, have a pronounced effect, therefore preparations with it are used in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal atony, intestinal spasms, dysentery, diarrhea);
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases (purulent wounds, psoriasis, herpes, diaper rash, bedsores, boils);
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • colds;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • headaches, migraine;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of the sciatic, trigeminal, facial nerve.

Based on its healing properties, the meadowsweet can be used by both men and women for a variety of diseases, for example:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • inflammation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • seasonal colds.

Most often, decoctions and tinctures are made from this plant, which can be taken orally, for example, for constipation, to relieve pain in women during menstruation, as well as to combat internal inflammation and bleeding.

When meadowsweet cannot be used

Not only has useful properties meadowsweet. And there are also contraindications. If they are not taken into account, then this can provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the body. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to constipation (astringent properties will aggravate the situation);
  • low pressure;
  • low platelet count (may cause bleeding);
  • pregnancy.

To avoid unwanted situations, you need to consult a doctor.


The meadowsweet herb has almost no obvious contraindications or side effects, if you do not take into account individual intolerance. There are side effects from some decoctions, tinctures and other derivatives. For people with a diseased liver, meadowsweet tinctures are contraindicated due to the alcohol content. Those who often suffer from constipation may become worse when using meadowsweet due to the astringent properties of the herb. It is not recommended to take decoctions for people with low blood pressure, because of the meadowsweet, it will drop more strongly, causing weakness, dizziness and nausea. If used incorrectly or calculated, there may be an overdose, which will lead to stomach diseases and nausea. Meadowsweet-based cosmetics are best tested first on skin areas on the wrist. It may cause an allergic reaction.

The use of roots and rhizomes of meadowsweet

A distinctive feature of the underground part of meadowsweet is the high content of tannins.

Powder is made from the roots, used in decoctions, infusions and tinctures, teas.

The use of meadowsweet roots in preparations helps:

  • with bleeding (accelerates the process of blood clotting);
  • reduction of pain in rheumatism, gout;
  • reduce body temperature;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • with helminthic invasion;
  • in the prevention of thrombophlebitis;
  • during the recovery period after a heart attack;
  • in the treatment of pustular skin diseases.

Ointment for arthritis, rheumatic pains is prepared as follows: 25 g of the root, ground into powder, stir with 100 g of butter (butter) or petroleum jelly, rub into the sore spot, wrap.

A decoction of the roots during recovery after a heart attack can be prepared as follows. Insist, using a water bath, 20 g of roots in one liter of water (15-20 minutes). Drink 50 ml four times a day.

Can be used in compresses for purulent skin diseases.

Ointment for burns, ulcers: root powder (1 part) and vegetable oil (5 parts) insist 12 hours, squeeze, apply a compress for 6-7 hours. Before mixing, sterilize the oil in a bottle (in water over low heat).

General characteristics and composition

Meadowsweet or meadowsweet is a perennial plant belonging to herbs, which is distributed mainly in northern latitudes. It has several varieties, among which are especially often used:

  • elmous;
  • ordinary or six-petal.

Both the benefits and harms of each medicinal herb are determined by the substances and vitamins that make up its composition.

In the case of meadowsweet, we are talking about the following compounds that have a beneficial effect on our health:

  • ascorbic acid - helps cleanse the body of toxins, improves immunity, fights stress and improves a person's mood;
  • tannins - thanks to their enveloping characteristics, they help stop bleeding;
  • phenol compounds - improve the functioning of the urinary system, fight bacteria;
  • salicylates - have an analgesic effect, help in the fight against edema;
  • flavonoids - strengthen the body as a whole, improve the functioning of the heart, reduce the risk of ulcer formation;
  • catechins - help in the fight against tumors;
  • essential oil - favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, fights inflammation;
  • fatty acids - promote cell renewal, control glucose absorption;
  • starch - stabilizes the intestines;
  • carotenoids - accelerate metabolism and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Use of seeds and flowers

In the cold season, it is important how the prevention of colds is carried out. For preventive purposes, meadowsweet inflorescences are used in infusion.

Meadowsweet flowers strengthen the immune system, have an antimicrobial effect, therefore they are successfully used in the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections.

An infusion of flowers is prepared as follows. Fill a jar (500 ml) tightly with flowers to half the volume, fill with cold water, hold for 12 hours. To preserve the infusion, add 25 g of calendula tincture (pharmacy). Add to tea, fruit drink, compote.

Ointment for psoriasis: mix 10 g of crushed flowers well with 40 g of petroleum jelly, rub into problem areas.

Meadowsweet seed tincture after a stroke: stand 100 g of vodka and 2 teaspoons of seeds without access to light for 10 days, take 2 teaspoons with meals.

Where else is meadowsweet used?

In addition to medicine and pharmacy, meadowsweet can be used to prepare various dishes or cosmetics. The latter are effective for rejuvenation and toning the skin of the face.

In cooking

Any component of meadowsweet has a pleasant taste and smell. Therefore, the tool is used for the manufacture of herbal teas, jams, preserves, dressings for meat or salads. In some countries, the plant is added to wines to make the taste more tart.

It is necessary to add only a small amount of the plant, strictly observing the proportions. Otherwise, you can achieve excessive bitterness.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, masks are used that contain meadowsweet oil extract, which effectively smoothes the skin, prevents the formation of early wrinkles and cleanses pores.

To do this, you need to brew the flowers of the meadowsweet (2-3 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water), let the liquid brew. With this decoction, you need to wipe your face every morning and evening after removing makeup. After this, the skin may feel tight, so you can apply a moisturizer.

An ointment based on petroleum jelly and meadowsweet is applied to problem areas of the skin.

Meadowsweet herb: medicinal properties

In the leaves and stems of the meadowsweet, the presence of ascorbic acid in large quantities was noted, so the herb is used:

  • to restore the functioning of the nervous system (insomnia, fatigue);
  • to increase the protective functions of the body;
  • with diaper rash (powder).

In these cases, it is useful to use herbal infusion: 250 ml of boiled water at room temperature and 1 tsp. herbs withstand 8 hours, drink before meals four times a day for half a glass.

The infusion is used for compresses (ulcers, wounds), to strengthen the hair (rinsing the hair after washing).

The use of inflorescences, leaves and roots

For the preparation of decoctions, both the upper part of the plant - leaves, stems, inflorescences, and the rhizome are used.


Meadowsweet roots are full of tannins, so they are especially useful for stopping bleeding and treating blood vessels, as well as fighting fever.

They are used to treat headaches and stop diarrhea.

The flowers do not have to be used dried, they can also be used fresh, for example, in salads or for making fragrant herbal teas.


Meadowsweet leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, as well as tannins and flavonoids, therefore they are used primarily as an immunostimulant and antioxidant that frees the human body from toxins.

It is enough to brew the leaves with boiling water to get a healing elixir to combat stuffy nose, fever and insomnia.


Meadowsweet tea strengthens the immune system, is the prevention of diseases in the cold season, reduces pain in the stomach, relieves irritation:

  • 2 tbsp. soak spoons of meadowsweet for no more than 15 minutes in a liter of boiling water, drink with honey during the day;
  • brew a teaspoon of meadowsweet flowers for five minutes in 250 ml of boiling water.

Meadowsweet grass and flowers can be added to various teas (green and black, fireweed) and used as a preventive measure in the cold season in hot or warm form with the addition of honey.

Application in cosmetology

Experts have found that if you regularly use a decoction of the meadowsweet to rinse the curls, then in a short time it will be possible to note an incredible result: the hair will become smooth, strong, and stop falling out. The meadowsweet also copes well with problem skin - if a person suffers from enlarged pores, acne, blackheads, he definitely needs to try tinctures with the addition of this wonderful herb.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair due to the fact that it contains a large amount of flavonoids, phenols. All these substances act as powerful antioxidants, they also contribute to the release of free radicals, and therefore slow down the aging process. The composition also contains salicylates - they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Meadowsweet also contains tannins, vitamins and trace elements, ethyl benzoate, fatty acids. The action of all these substances favorably affects the condition of the epidermis, as well as hair.

It is noteworthy that the extract of the meadowsweet is used by many for weight loss due to the fact that the main active ingredients contribute to the stabilization of tissue metabolism.

It is worth noting that meadowsweet acts as a powerful decongestant. It's no secret that fluid retention in tissues significantly slows down the process of losing weight and interferes with sports. Drinking decoctions is useful for detoxifying the body in order to remove all harmful substances that also negatively affect the condition of the hair, skin, and general appearance. Meadowsweet can often be found in special tablets, tinctures for weight loss.

It will be useful to use products based on this plant if you need:

  • increase the tone of the skin;
  • remove inflammation, irritation on the face;
  • eliminate puffiness, dark spots under the eyes;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration, including after mechanical cleaning, acid peeling, etc.;
  • get rid of dandruff, prevent hair loss.

It is noteworthy that you can use meadowsweet externally, as well as take tinctures, drink delicious teas - this way you can achieve a positive effect faster.

Meadowsweet can be found in ready-made products presented on the shelves of our stores. For example, creams or gels based on this herb are great for oily skin if a person suffers from acne and rashes. You can find meadowsweet in the composition of the means for and after shaving. Plant extract is added to sprays, masks, lotions.

All parts of the plant can be used to prepare tonics - from rhizomes to fruits.

Consider several recipes with the addition of this medicinal plant.

  1. Face mask #1.
    If the pores are enlarged, acne is periodically disturbed, then this version of the mask is suitable: decoction of meadowsweet (1 tbsp. per 1 glass of water, boil, leave for 15 minutes, strain) mixed with 1 tsp. honey and freshly squeezed carrot juice 1 tsp. To stir thoroughly. Apply in multiple layers. What does it mean? Apply the first layer on the face, wait a bit until the mixture dries. After applying the second layer, etc., but not more than 5. After a couple of sessions, the result will be noted: the skin will become smooth, and inflammation will disappear.
  2. Face mask #2.
    For people who have oily or combination skin, this option is suitable: mix the broth with cereal (pre-grind in a coffee grinder) and juice of 1 lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly, leave for 30-40 minutes to swell the oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, wash off after 15 minutes.


Moisturize your face whether you have dry or oily skin. There are a large number of meadowsweet-based face gels on sale - they will be an excellent solution for girls suffering from excessive oiliness of the epidermis.

Consider recipes for decoctions for hair growth. It is worth adding that regular rinsing of the hair and scalp with meadowsweet decoction will help get rid of seborrhea. Also, such procedures will be useful for those who have oily hair too quickly.

  1. Infusion number 1.
    2 tsp dried plant (it does not matter which part it will be) pour boiling water in the amount of 2 cups. Insist half an hour. Rinse hair immediately after it has been washed. Do not dilute, do not rinse.
  2. Infusion number 2.
    For 1 glass of water, take 30 g of raw meadowsweet flowers. Hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes. Strain.

Such decoctions should be used regularly - you will definitely notice a positive trend.


Meadowsweet tincture is always prepared on the basis of an alcohol-containing component. It can be alcohol, vodka, wine.

Alcohol tincture (diabetes, gastritis, stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, gout, inflammation of the joints):

  • one liter of vodka (alcohol);
  • 50 g of flowers;
  • 20 g of granulated sugar.

Keep the composition in a cool and dark place for two weeks. Dosage: teaspoon three times a day before meals. The duration of admission is from 21 days to 30 days.

Tincture for compresses: 1 part of crushed meadowsweet and 5 parts of vodka stand for five days.

Tincture on water (high pressure):

  • 1 st. a spoonful of meadowsweet leaves;
  • two cups of boiling water.

Keep the mixture wrapped for 15 minutes, drink a teaspoon before meals.

What it looks like and where it grows

The plant can reach more than 200 cm in height, has a wide, long root. Stem erect, leafy. It is noteworthy that the meadowsweet has rather large leaves (up to 30 cm long), the cuttings are short. The main difference of the plant is pinnate, intermittently growing leaves; small ones can be present between large leaves. Leaves are corrugated along the veins. The flowers have a concave hypanthium. The chemical formula is as follows: *Ch5L5T∞P∞. It begins to bloom at the end of July or in August, the fruit is a multi-nutlet.

It grows almost throughout the European part of Russia. He likes places with high humidity, marshy and damp meadows, forests. Often forms impenetrable thickets, which are located in the floodplains of rivers located in the forest.


In nature, there are many varieties of plants, consider them in detail.

  1. Aurea.
    It belongs to the garden form, has incredibly beautiful leaves of yellow-green color.
  2. Rosea.
    This species has beautiful pink flowers. Rare, considered a hybrid.
  3. Plena.
    It has a large number of white double flowers. The plant is tall, the shoots are bare at the base - gardeners attribute this moment to disadvantages.
  4. Aureovariegata.
    It has an unusual appearance - there are golden stains on the leaves. To emphasize this feature, experts recommend growing meadowsweet in sunny areas of the garden.
  5. Filipendula camtschatica.
    The plant is tall, has large leaves - up to 40 cm in length. On the stems there are large inflorescences of cream or white flowers. Begins to bloom in mid-June. Loves moisture, grows well both in the shade and in the sun.
  6. Meadowsweet red.
    It grows in areas of North America, where it is called the queen of the prairies. Powerful, tall, has a five- or seven-lobed share. It begins to bloom at the end of July, the inflorescence is quite dense, consists of pink flowers. Likes light and high humidity. Frost resistant.
  7. Common meadowsweet.
    Can reach 1 m in height. It has large flowers - up to 1 cm, the color varies - cream, white or pink. Blossoms, as a rule, at the end of May. It has an attractive appearance and at the end of flowering. Does not require a large amount of moisture, unpretentious.
  8. Purple meadowsweet.
    Refers to hybrids, very popular in Japan - it is used as an ornamental plant. It is low, the maximum height reaches 1 m. The leaves are beautiful, palmate. The flowers are painted in dark pink or purple, the legs are clearly distinguishable in the fruits, which are usually not fully developed.
  9. elegans.
    It begins to bloom at the end of July, it has beautiful white flowers with red stamens.
  10. Korean meadowsweet.
    It grows in the South Kuril Islands, in Japan, in the south of Primorsky Krai. The plant is low, but graceful. It is noteworthy that the flowers are pink when they are in bud, when blooming they turn white.
  11. The meadowsweet is multi-paired.
    They are divided into two forms - alpine and forest. The latter species can be found along the banks of streams, it reaches 80 cm in height, has beautiful leaves - pinnate, thinly cut. Flowers are bright pink. Alpine species of meadowsweet can most often be found in the highlands, the plant is low (about 30 cm), the leaves are small.
  12. Meadowsweet is narrow-lobed.
    The plant has unusual leaves - they are thinly dissected, covered with white-tomentose omission below. It can be found in the south of the Amur region, the meadowsweet often hybridizes.
  13. Western meadowsweet.
    It grows in forests, on rocky shores. It grows up to 1 m, has graceful leaves of a rounded shape. Fruits - ciliate-hairy, white flowers, can reach 1.5 cm in diameter.
  14. Kyrasian meadowsweet.
    It belongs to rare species, it can be found only in Taiwan, in the northern part. The maximum height is 30 m, the inflorescences are pink, small. It is noteworthy that the plant is polygamous, you can find bisexual flowers: both male and female.
  15. Tsugovo.
    Not fully studied species, outwardly similar to the cuirassian meadowsweet, but it does not have bisexual flowers. The flowers are white.
  16. Filipendula formosa.
    It grows up to 1 m tall, the leaves are rounded, the inflorescences have a dark pink color. Poorly studied by specialists, it is rare - literally a dozen herbarium specimens can be found all over the world.
  17. Steppe meadowsweet.
    Outwardly, it is similar to the meadowsweet, the maximum height of the bush is 1 m, it has a dense basal rosette of leaves, which is preserved during the flowering period. Considered a rare species.

Collection and storage

It is necessary to collect flowers during the flowering period - as a rule, this is the end of July or the beginning of August. The inflorescences must be cut without leaves, and dried in a well-ventilated place, having previously spread out in a thin layer on parchment (experts do not recommend using newspapers, since harmful ink can poison the workpiece). Store in a box, in a dark and dry place.

The roots of the plant are also harvested. They need to be collected either in early spring or autumn. Before drying, remove the soil, rinse thoroughly under running water. They are dried in the same way as flowers - they are laid in a thin layer on paper, left in a well-ventilated room, in the shade. If leaves are planned to be used for medicinal purposes, they also need to be harvested during the flowering of the meadowsweet. The storage period is 3 years, then the grass gradually begins to lose its beneficial properties.

Meadowsweet: recipes of traditional medicine

Herbalists believe that meadowsweet helps against forty diseases and the range of its use is quite diverse.

Let's look at some recipes.

From meadowsweet, you can prepare an infusion for tumors of various etiologies, bleeding, convulsions. Infuse 2 teaspoons of roots in a glass of water for 35 minutes in a water bath. Take 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Infusion from diarrhea: insist 10 minutes 1 tbsp. a spoonful of roots in a glass of boiling water (preferably in a water bath). Reception - four times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.

Tincture for neurasthenia, atherosclerosis, stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatism: withstand 14 days 5 tbsp. l. flowers (or 2 tablespoons of roots) in 100 ml of vodka. Drink 15 drops of tincture in a spoonful of water twice a day after meals.

Compresses for sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, etc. can be done like this: grass wrapped in gauze, hold in boiling water for half a minute, keep on the sore spot for 1-8 hours.

Meadowsweet oil: properties and uses

Many argue that meadowsweet oil can be a full-fledged replacement for many pharmacological preparations. No wonder the people call it a remedy for 40 ailments. It is noteworthy that useful substances are found in all parts of the meadowsweet - in the root, stem, leaves, fruits, flowers.

Oil can be used as:

  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • antioxidant;
  • antipyretic;
  • inside - as a hepatoprotector (protects the liver, restores damaged areas);
  • stimulating brain activity.

In addition, the oil helps restore the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate excessive anxiety, effectively lowers blood pressure, and has an analgesic effect.

Meadowsweet oil can be taken orally if there are such pathologies:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling;
  • thrombosis;
  • high blood sugar, early stages of diabetes;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • diarrhea;
  • too thick blood (there is a risk of thrombosis);
  • frequent SARS.

If desired, you can add oil to baths - to normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improve the quality of sleep. Many experts recommend doing inhalations with meadowsweet oil for angina and bronchitis. The oil is also used as a massage oil. Ideal for aromatherapy - will help to relax, find peace and harmony. Especially such procedures will be useful for people who are involved in work that requires high mental stress.

There are contraindications for use, you also need to know about them:

  • constipation;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • low blood pressure or blood sugar.

How to apply:

  1. Inside, 10 ml during a meal. The course of therapy is usually 1 month.
  2. For baths, add 6-10 drops of oil directly to the water.
  3. For aromatherapy - put a couple of drops of oil on the aroma lamp.

It is impossible to cook oil on your own - this is a complex process that requires compliance with all the technology and the use of special equipment. At home, you can make an extract - it has useful properties, the composition of the mixture is similar to the oil of the meadowsweet. Consider the recipe:

  1. Place seeds with flowers in a container.
  2. Pour in any refined vegetable oil.
  3. Place the vessel in a water bath, on a slow fire. The mixture must not boil!
  4. After the raw material warms up well, remove from heat and leave to cool.
  5. Pour everything into a glass jar.
  6. Place in a dark place for 14 days. Then strain.

Before using the oil, it is advisable to consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Meadowsweet for women's health

Useful properties of meadowsweet are also used in gynecology.

Broth for douching (hemorrhoids, mastopathy, endometriosis, thrush, erosion): stir 6-7 teaspoons of meadowsweet (roots, flowers) in water (1 liter), keep for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain well through two layers of gauze. Douche with warm decoction up to three times a day.

Infusion for the treatment of infertility: take meadowsweet, linden, clover flowers in equal parts, chop, 3 tbsp. collection spoons insist in a liter of boiling water for three hours. Take 1 glass before meals three times a day.

Collection, drying, storage

The meadowsweet grows in Western Asia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia. Therefore, we can say that the collection of medicinal raw materials can be carried out everywhere. Meadowsweet is a "regular" of swampy areas, water meadows and banks of reservoirs, floodplain forests.

That is, she loves shady areas and moist soils. Of particular value are the "tops" and "roots" (inflorescences and rhizomes). Raw materials are collected at different times: inflorescences - in June-July, rhizomes - in September-October.

Drying of raw materials is carried out in the shade and in a draft (in attics, in sheds and under sheds). Dried parts of the plant can be stored for up to two years - in cardboard boxes and canvas bags (subject to the correct temperature and humidity conditions).

culture properties

Grass meadowsweet - what is it from and what diseases does it help to cure? Herbaceous plant has properties that have a positive effect on the human body:

  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anthelmintic.

Important! The herb restores the normal functioning of the liver and allows you to disinfect the organ and remove toxic accumulations from the body.

Related article: Field thistle - useful properties, description

On the basis of the meadowsweet, you can make healing:

The latter are used to treat dysentery, epileptic seizures, inflammation of the kidneys and urinary system, nervous ailments and hypertension. A decoction made from the root system and flowers can be consumed as an anthelmintic. Flower-based tinctures will help get rid of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Ointments from the meadowsweet will help in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Infusions from the meadowsweet

The use of meadowsweet will help get rid of many ailments and quickly restore lost health.


Tavolozhka, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, Ivanov color - this was the name of meadowsweet in Russia, where they made strong whips (labazins) from it, prepared healing infusions and brewed fragrant tea with a honey taste.

In England, this plant was also honored - since the distant XIV century, such eminent herbalists and biologists as John Gerard, Nicholas Culpeper and Philip Miller wrote about it. What is special about this perennial among other, often much more spectacular-looking plants?

Since ancient times, meadowsweet has been used as a natural antiseptic, helping to fight pathological microbes that have entered the body. In case of inflammation, fever, various types of pain, it was sometimes enough to drink a few cups of an amber drink for the painful symptoms to disappear without a trace.

This effect is explained by the high content of natural acetylsalicylic acid, which, by the way, was once synthesized in a form suitable for medicinal use from the meadowsweet.

Thanks to the tannins contained in the rhizomes, in addition to the antipyretic and analgesic properties, the perennial is also able to stop bleeding, helping the blood to clot faster if the vascular system is damaged.

The meadowsweet plant also shows beneficial properties for the cores: back in 1983, it was proved that the use of aspirin-containing drugs reduces the risk of such a life-threatening disease as myocardial infarction. In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, the roots and leaves of the herb contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which is famous for its antioxidant, immunomodulatory and stabilizing effects on the body.

Due to it, due to the regular use of meadowsweet tea, it is possible to significantly improve adaptive capabilities, eliminate inflammation, and improve the psycho-emotional state.

As for other nutrients, the following are also found in various parts of the meadowsweet:

  • tannins - thanks to them, infusions from the plant are effective for rinsing the mouth with sore throat and other bacterial diseases, diarrhea and stomach ulcers;
  • flavonoids, including catechins - compounds that reduce vascular fragility, relieve swelling and allergic manifestations, maintain normal metabolism and slow down aging;
  • glycosides - substances similar in composition to hormones, aggressive against pathogenic microorganisms, activating the heart muscle, eliminating stagnant fluid from the body.

Due to such a wide range of effects, meadowsweet has honorably entered not only the arsenal of traditional medicine, but is also officially included in the list of pharmacopoeial medicinal plants.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the huge list of useful medicinal properties of the plant, there are also many contraindications from it, which every person who plans to use it must be familiar with.

If a man or woman often has high blood pressure, then it is dangerous to prescribe such a natural remedy to yourself. This should be done exclusively by an experienced competent doctor. Usually, under such conditions, medicines from meadowsweet are allowed to be used for a short time.

Meadowsweet - how to collect and dry?

In folk medicine, inflorescences and roots are used, which are collected at different times. For the first plant materials, you need to go from May to June. Only the upper parts of the shoots with a flower panicle should be cut. Meadowsweet grass should be collected and dried according to a number of rules:

  1. It is important to collect in clean places away from roads and factories. Choose undamaged branches that look fresh.
  2. The best time to cut the flowers is in the morning when the dew has dried.
  3. Hang bunches of meadowsweet in the shade, for example, in the attic or loggia. Another option is to spread the grass in a thin layer on paper and stir it up periodically.
  4. Store raw materials in a dry place where there is no moisture and sun. Choose glass containers that seal tightly. Meadowsweet ordinary will retain its properties for two years.

Roots and rhizomes should be collected in September-October, since at this time the maximum of useful substances is concentrated in them. There are a number of rules to consider:

  1. The roots should be dug when the upper part is almost dry.
  2. Discard the ground, cut off the side roots and the aerial part. Rinse the roots and inspect them, removing rotten parts.
  3. Lay out the roots on cardboard and dry them. After that, grind them and dry them again. You can do this in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 ° C.
  4. Store raw materials in glass containers or cardboard boxes. Roots can be used in traditional medicine for up to five years.

Procurement and collection of whitehead (meadowsweet)

Meadowsweet meadowsweet is a plant recognized by both folk and official medicine. For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers of the plant are used, less often the roots.

The aerial part is harvested during flowering. Drying the flowers of the meadowsweet should be done quickly to avoid their blackening. Shelf life is one year.

The roots of the plant are dug up in early spring or autumn, shaken off the ground, washed in cold water. The raw materials are dried, as usual, in the shade or in a well-ventilated area, spreading a thin layer, while not forgetting to periodically loosen to avoid decay. Shelf life is three years.

Raw materials are stored in paper, canvas bags, boxes. Flowers can be stored in closed glass jars.

How to take the plant

For the purpose of healing, both the aboveground and underground parts of the meadowsweet are used:

A decoction of meadowsweet inflorescences is able to eliminate the main signs of respiratory diseases during the day.


  1. Pour 5 g of crushed roots with 240 ml of non-hot water, leave to infuse for 7 hours.
  2. Release the drink from the cake, drink in small sips throughout the day.

The infusion helps with cancer of a different nature, hepatitis, joint problems, leukemia, psoriasis, diabetes.


To prepare a drink, you need 4 g of inflorescences to brew 230 ml of boiling water. After 5 minutes, tea can be drunk. When drinking, you need to remember that this drink is a strong diuretic.


Grind into powder 20 g of grass. Add petroleum jelly, lanolin or unsalted butter (100 g).

Ointment lubricates the joints affected by rheumatism, inflamed skin three times a day.


The tool helps with long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, it is a strong antibacterial agent. When taken orally, it prevents the appearance of ulcers, calms the nervous system, and reduces capillary permeability.

To prepare the tincture, pour 1 part of dry meadowsweet with 5 parts of vodka (or three parts of alcohol). It takes 5 days for the medicine to ripen, after which the cake must be removed.

Inside, the tincture should be taken in a diluted form - 25 drops of medicine per 150 ml of water. The daily dosage includes 3 doses.

A little about the "Queen of the Meadows"

High moisture-loving and cold-resistant shrub, up to two meters high, grows almost throughout Europe, Turkey, Kazakhstan. This unpretentious plant can be found in low-lying places, on grassy swampy soils, in floodplain meadows, on forest edges and along river banks.

It has a strong erect stem with large, elongated leaves, pinnate, dark green in color, and with a white edge below. It blooms with beautiful small, fragrant, dazzling white or cream flowers, collected in lush inflorescences.

From May to July, the fragrant, heady aroma of meadowsweet - a beautiful honey plant - prevails over the place where it grows. The French don't call her the Queen of the Meadows for nothing.

Meadowsweet in the treatment of kidney stones: a recipe



  • Meadowsweet flowers - 2 tsp
  • Water - 0.2 l


  1. Pour 2 tsp. dried, crushed flowers in a thermos
  2. Fill the container with boiling water
  3. Close up thermos
  4. After four hours, the tea is ready to drink.
  5. The drink is divided into four doses and drunk before meals.

Recipes for creating a drink

Meadowsweet + green or black tea

it acquires a fragrant aroma and honey taste. You can drink tea with meadowsweet throughout the year - it will improve well-being and strengthen immunity. It has practically no contraindications - it does not harm health. You can buy tea at any pharmacy or online store of medicinal herbs.

Tea with meadowsweet and angelica

this is the most famous collection for women, which is used to prevent endometriosis and mastopathy. Fermented tea is considered the best - it reveals all its healing properties when brewed.

Medicinal plant - meadowsweet: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

Due to its chemical composition, honeydew has found wide application in medicine. Namely, this plant contains:

  • Ascorbic, salicylic acid
  • Many vitamins, including vitamin C
  • Essential oils, tannins
  • Carotene, rutin, astringents, catechins
  • Wax, fat, terpene.

  • Migraine. The amazing property of meadowsweet to cool and promote blood circulation helps to cope with severe headaches.
  • stomach ulcers. The drug is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of this disease. It is better to use it with chamomile, plantain, marshmallow.
  • Heartburn, gastritis, hyperacidity. The astringent properties of honeydew contribute to the enveloping of the walls of the stomach. In addition, meadowsweet is able to stop pain and kill germs.
  • diarrhea. Even children will like the pleasant taste of brewed grass. With the help of such a natural healer, you will get rid of diarrhea and discomfort in the stomach.
  • Rheumatism. The action of the herb is effective for joint pain, as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Conjunctivitis. A warm decoction of the leaves is effective against this infection.
  • Dysplasia of the cervix. Meadowsweet in this disease is used in combination with other drugs.
  • diabetes. An extract of the meadowsweet herb is added to the composition of medical preparations to treat this disease.
  • Fever with SARS. If you use complex therapy with meadowsweet and yarrow, then the fever will pass in a short time.
  • Gout. For the treatment of this disease, it is better to use tea from the leaves of the grass, in addition, this tea is an excellent diuretic.
  • dysentery, pneumonia, diphtheria. Meadowsweet contains substances that cope with the microorganisms that cause these infections.
  • burns. Minor burns can be treated with an ointment made with the addition of meadowsweet.


  1. Allergic reactions to aspirin
  2. Bronchial asthma
  3. The presence of constipation
  4. Poor clotting, thrombocytopathy
  5. Children and teenagers up to 12 years old
  6. Do not take meadowsweet with flu and chickenpox
  7. Use with caution at low blood pressure (hypotension).

Chemical composition

The following valuable components were found in the roots:

  • phenol glycosides (monotropitin, spirein);
  • chalcones, tannins;
  • flavonoids, ascorbic acid;
  • traces of coumarins.

But what is rich in the above-ground part:

  • essential oils;
  • phenol glycosides;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (ellagic, coffee);
  • flavonoids (avicularin, hyperoside);
  • tannins;
  • steroids;
  • aromatic compounds (salicylic aldehyde, methyl salicylate, vanillin);
  • higher fatty acids (linoleic, stearic);
  • catechins, chalcones;
  • ascorbic acid, camphor.

Is it possible for pregnant lingonberries?

Diseases and pests

Meadowsweet is a medicinal herb that is naturally endowed with strong immunity. By caring for a plant, you can protect it from the appearance of various ailments. Only:

  • Powdery mildew. Most often, this fungal disease affects the Kamchatka species of meadowsweet. When affected, the young shoots of the meadowsweet are covered with a whitish-gray loose coating. A month later, the sporulation of the fungus captures the foliage, flowers and bracts. For the treatment of powdery mildew, experts recommend treating the herbaceous culture with a solution of colloidal sulfur. You can also use soda ash. The affected parts of the grass must be urgently cut and burned.
  • Rust, most often affecting the meadowsweet. A sign of damage will be the appearance of red-brown fungal pads on the foliage of the plant. In adult grass, most often there is a massive damage to the leaves of basal rosettes. Experts advise the infected bush to be treated as soon as possible with a fungicidal preparation, for example, topaz, chorus and cuproxate. Processing is carried out with a mandatory interval, which should last 8-10 days. Spraying of bushes should be carried out until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated.

Pests such as:

Quite often, people plant a meadowsweet using seeds. The growth of planting material is hampered by the impermeability of the shell and the deep physiological dormancy of the seeds. The state of dormancy can sometimes drag on so much that some of them will begin to germinate only the next year after natural stratification.

To get seedlings at home, you will need to use one of the traditional methods:

  • subject the seed material to stratification at low temperature in the refrigerator or simply under a layer of snow;
  • carry out the treatment with growth regulators and a solution of microfertilizers;
  • carry out scarification by soaking the planting material in water for 5-8 days (you can alternate the process of soaking with drying).

Important! The seeds of the meadowsweet are photosensitivity. That is why it is not recommended to cover them abundantly with soil. The optimal temperature for growing is considered to be between 17°C and 25°C, which is combined with natural light.

If the seeds do not germinate, this will not always be the seller's fault. As a rule, planting material, despite the place of collection and environmental conditions of cultivation, may have different germination and germination friendliness. Seeds that have been collected in dry habitats are most likely to sprout. The degree of germination is maintained for 6 years.

When the following conditions are met, the propagation of meadowsweet by seeds will be very effective:

  • Soil moisture should be high.
  • Seeds must be treated with growth stimulants before sowing, which affect the level of germination.
  • The first months after the emergence of seedlings, they should be shaded. In nature, the grass gets used to the lack of sunlight in the first year of growth. It is very important to adhere to the natural growth conditions of the plant.

Note! The growth of the meadowsweet is slow. The rosette begins to form only 24 months after germination. The grass will delight with flowering for 9 years after planting (at home) and for 5 years (in natural conditions).

Experts consider it appropriate to use the vegetative method of reproduction, which can be carried out using special formations:

  • root tuber (in common meadowsweet);
  • root offspring in the elmous type of culture.

Collection and storage

The flowering of the meadowsweet lasts from mid-June to the end of July. Fruit ripening begins only after flowering is completed. It is best to harvest the root part of the culture in late September or early April. To do this, you need to dig a root with a shovel, shake it off the ground and cut it into strips, the length of which should be left within 10-14 cm. Using a knife, the aerial part of the grass is cut off and washed immediately under running water.

When collecting raw materials, you should place it in a thin layer on a paper surface and dry it under a canopy on the street. If the grass is placed to dry in the attic, it is important to provide good ventilation in the room. Properly collected and dried grass will be colored in dark brown tones, have a pleasant smell and a bitter-tart taste.

Note! You can store dried meadowsweet for 3 years in a dry room with good ventilation. Before treatment with meadowsweet, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, otherwise you can cause even more harm to health.

Thus, it is possible to grow this grass at home, but for this you will have to make every effort to provide the meadowsweet with the necessary conditions. Yes, flowering will have to wait at least 5 years, but for the sake of the medicinal properties of the culture, you can endure. At this time, the main thing is to ensure that the grass is not affected by diseases and pests!

Tea and decoction how to brew?

The meadowsweet plant is often used as an ordinary tea, it perfectly relieves swelling, and is used in the correction of metabolic processes. The brewing recipe is simple, but the medicinal properties do not change from this: 2 tsp. pour boiling water over any parts of the plant, insist and drink 2 times a day in small sips. When preparing a decoction, it is necessary to insist on a water bath for at least 30 minutes, it is then that the plant will give all its beneficial properties. But take it ¼ cup 3 times a day no more. You can buy ready-made tea. Leaves and flowers for it are harvested by fermentation at a low temperature with high humidity in the room.

Harvesting meadowsweet for the winter

Meadowsweet meadowsweet grows well on the banks of water bodies (pond, lake, swamp). If there is no desire to collect it for harvesting in the forest, the meadowsweet may be planted on its site. Growing is possible both in the sun and in the shade, but the grass requires abundant watering. Landing should be done immediately after the snow melts. This is a perennial bush care, which consists in regular pruning.

Absolutely all useful parts of the plant can be used for harvesting for the winter, but the collection must be carried out according to certain rules.


The upper parts begin to be collected until July, the entire flowering period. At this time, preparation begins. Carefully cut off the very tops of the shoots. The lower parts of the plant are harvested after the vegetative period has ended, and a maximum of useful and medicinal substances have accumulated in the rhizomes.

Leaf drying

Drying of horses occurs in early spring or late autumn. The roots are thoroughly washed and small shoots are removed. The leaves are harvested from August to late autumn. All rotten, spoiled and dried parts are carefully removed. All parts are crushed and begin to dry on days when the weather is good. Raw materials are spread on the surface and how many times a day they stir. Then they are packed in glass jars, canvas bags or cardboard boxes and stored in a dark room. Term at correctly storage no more than 5 years.


Meadowsweet honey is a remedy that has not lost its value for hundreds of years, because this fragrant substance with a unique aroma is famous for its special qualities. The plant is an excellent honey plant, and at the time of flowering, bees from all over the area flock to it to stock up on a delicious product.

The shade of honey is slightly different from the golden bee product that everyone is used to seeing on store shelves. The tool has unique qualities that must certainly be directed to the fight against various diseases.

A bee product extracted from meadowsweet is able to relieve pain, and it can be used not only inside, but also for compresses or lotions. It can act on ulcers, inflammation, diseases of the kidneys and stomach. It will also be useful for women's ailments - thrush or inflammation of the cervix.

Of particular value is honey against colds. With it, you can quickly get rid of high fever, soothe irritation in the throat, relieve coughs and even suppress fever attacks.

Procurement of raw materials

Official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of meadowsweet. In folk medicine, they are actively harvesting all parts of the elmous and common species of meadowsweet.

  • inflorescences. They are collected during the period of mass flowering, cutting off part of the stem with an inflorescence, without leaves. They are laid out in one layer on a pallet made of paper or fabric, or hung on a thick thread. Dry in a shady, well-ventilated place. It is necessary to dry the meadowsweet and common meadowsweet using a dryer, subject to a temperature regime of 40 ° C. It is necessary to store meadowsweet inflorescences in dense cardboard packaging.
  • Leaves, grass. Collected in the flowering phase, since it is at this time that the maximum of useful compounds accumulate in the grass. Cut off the leaves or the aerial part. Dry under a canopy with a thin layer or by hanging panicles of meadowsweet. Store in a glass or wooden container.
  • Roots and rhizomes. Dig up in early spring or late autumn. After digging the plant with a shovel, it is gently pulled out of the soil, the ground is shaken off, and the aerial part is cut off. After that, the meadowsweet roots are washed with plenty of running cold water. Dry in the open air, lay out in a thin layer in the shade, with good ventilation. Dried roots are stored in cloth bags for three years, subject to good ventilation and a dry room.

Unlike the roots, which are stored for a long time, the aerial part of the meadowsweet is stored for only one year.

Chemical composition

As mentioned above, the chemical composition of meadowsweet and meadowsweet is similar. A common characteristic for both plants is the content of an extensive complex of useful substances.

  • Vitamin C. The most famous natural antioxidant is a connective tissue stabilizer. It has an immunostimulating effect. It exhibits anti-stress activity by regulating the production of neurotransmitters responsible for the psycho-emotional state. Member of hormonal synthesis in the adrenal glands. Has anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Tannins. There are in all parts of the plant, are represented by compounds of the pyrocatechin group. Precipitate proteins with the formation of albuminates. May exhibit irritant or enveloping activity. The effect of tannins on the body depends on the concentration in which they enter the mucous membranes. Meadowsweet tannins are known to be astringent, stop bleeding, and also have an antioxidant effect.
  • phenolic compounds. Presented by monotropitin, spirein, spiramine, spiratin. These substances stimulate the formation of bile, urine, normalize blood clotting, and have antibacterial properties. They are able to stimulate the adrenal cortex, and also exhibit an antispasmodic effect.
  • Salicylates. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, due to the ability to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins. They show the ability to normalize capillary permeability, eliminating and also preventing the development of edema.
  • Flavonoids. They have a vasoprotective, antihypertensive effect. Stimulate the work of the heart muscle, dilute the blood. Being antioxidants, they exhibit anticarcinogenic, antitumor effects. Stimulate the body's defenses. They exhibit antiulcer, choleretic, diuretic properties.
  • Catechins. Compounds with pronounced antitumor activity. Able to neutralize radical compounds, slow down and stop the development of tumor structures.
  • Phenolcarbolic acids. They have hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, diuretic properties. They relieve spasms of blood vessels, normalizing the delivery of blood to the renal pelvis.
  • Essential oil. Its main component is salicylaldehyde, which gives meadowsweet inflorescences a pronounced honey tint of aroma. Essential oil stimulates the cardiovascular system, has bactericidal, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Stimulates the discharge of bronchopulmonary secretions.
  • Fatty acid. They participate and optimize lipid metabolism, are the basis for the production of high density lipoproteins. They stabilize cell membranes, being their main structural component. Chlorogenic acid, found in meadowsweet inflorescences, prevents the absorption of glucose in the intestines, which is very useful in type 2 diabetes.
  • Glycosides. Stimulants of diuresis, peristalsis, excitation processes in the nervous system. Show sedative properties, antimicrobial activity.
  • Starch. Easily digestible source of glucose, has enveloping properties.
  • Wax. It exhibits antibacterial activity, as well as the ability to regenerate and accelerate the healing of skin lesions.
  • Carotenoids. Precursors of vitamin A, a participant in metabolic and regenerative processes.

Meadowsweet and meadowsweet are characterized by the content of tannins in all parts of the plant.

Plant characteristic

Meadowsweet meadowsweet prefers swampy and well-moistened places for its growth. Meadowsweet ordinary - drier meadows and light edges. Both species are quite valuable, however, the meadowsweet ordinary is rarely found in natural conditions.

Where can I find

Meadowsweet meadowsweet is found everywhere on the moist, fertile soil of the European part of Russia. In particular, she loves moist forest areas, especially in alder forests. Located near forest streams. Growing, meadowsweet meadowsweet forms difficult to pass thickets. Unlike this species, meadowsweet is rarely found on roadsides, which indicates its unpretentiousness to moisture and soil composition.

Morphological features

The most significant difference between the elmous and common meadowsweet is the size of the plants. The common species is often smaller.

  • Roots. The difference between the root system of the two plants is the presence of root tubers in the common species. In the meadowsweet, the roots are represented by fleshy rhizomes arranged in a fibrous type.
  • stems. The erect stems of plants are cylindrical in shape, ending in voluminous inflorescences. Meadowsweet stems are leafy. Often do not branch. The height of the stems of the common species does not exceed 80 cm, while the height of the elmous leaf can reach 150 cm.
  • Leaves. Unpaired, can reach a length of 30 cm. Equipped with stipules. Leaf blades are ovoid, the surface is corrugated along the venation. The edge is serrated. The underside is lighter in color than the top. The elm-leaved species of meadowsweet is distinguished by the presence of small leaves on the rachis, between large ones.
  • Flowers. Inflorescences are located at the top of the stems. Small flowers are collected in small corymbs, a large number of which form a wide sprawling panicle. The corolla of flowers is five-membered. The flowers of the meadowsweet are yellow-white, the flowers of the common meadowsweet are white. In addition, the common meadowsweet is distinguished by a smaller diameter of flowers and the volume of inflorescences. Combines both types of pleasant aroma exuded by the plant during flowering. Active flowering is observed in late July - early August.
  • Fruit. Represented by multi-nutlets, consisting of bare spirally twisted crescent-shaped nuts.

Both species are classified as perennial herbs.

Growing conditions

Meadowsweet is a very unpretentious plant, resistant to frost and does not require any special preparation for the winter period. Prefers moist and fertile soils. But when planting, the ground should not be too moistened - abundant watering is important in the summer.

The meadowsweet can be propagated both by segments of rhizomes and by seeds. It is best to plant in late autumn. Between plants, a distance of 40 to 50 cm should be maintained. Meadowsweet can grow in one place for a long time, it is worth transplanting it no earlier than five years later.

Meadowsweet: medicinal properties, plant root and its cultivation

People like the meadowsweet because it is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a decoration. Planting and caring for the meadowsweet is not a difficult process, as the plant grows well in the wild. The main criterion for caring for the meadowsweet is to provide it with sufficient moisture and proper lighting.

The red and elm-leaved meadowsweet loves a humid location, but the common meadowsweet ideally tolerates a dry climate. Planting meadowsweet must be done in early spring with the help of seeds. There should be a lot of them, since half of them do not germinate due to their hard shell.

If you want to see the meadowsweet blooming early, then you need to prepare the seedlings in advance. When caring for a plant, you need to provide it with sufficient watering and good drainage. In order to lay drainage, it is necessary to use materials such as expanded clay or sand and gravel. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other. The meadowsweet grows quite large, so it needs enough space to grow.

Meadowsweet belongs to perennials, so caring for it does not take much time. The plant is resistant to heavy rainfall and frost.

  • Do not drink tea containing this plant in the morning. The concentration of attention decreases, the person becomes inhibited and drowsy. Tea should only be consumed in the evening;
  • But at night you should not drink a large amount of tea, as the meadowsweet has a diuretic property. Each person must find their own volume of drink;
  • Creams, ointments and powder can cause an allergic reaction. Before using the cream with meadowsweet, it is necessary to conduct an individual test. Apply a small amount to the area of ​​​​the body and carefully look at the reaction;
  • You should not treat your disease with only one plant. The effect will be noticeable only with complex therapy;
  • For the treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of the meadowsweet, first of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The medicinal properties of the meadowsweet are very impressive, I think that if there are no contraindications, then you should definitely try this folk remedy in treatment, in my practice there have been cases of persistent improvement in the condition of grade 2 hypertension, good epithelialization of varicose trophic ulcers that were not amenable to other treatment.

Varieties of meadowsweet

There are about two dozen varieties of meadowsweet. The medicinal properties and contraindications of each differ a little.

In the European part of Russia, on the territory of Siberia and the Caucasus, meadowsweet is common. This variety is famous for the fact that its flowers help relieve a hangover. In addition, it is also used for urolithiasis.

The common meadowsweet is the most common. Its inflorescences consist of a large number of small white flowers. This is a wonderful honey plant, a delicacy for bees. Due to its compactness, it is used to decorate flower beds and flower beds. Very attractive fern-shaped leaves and beautiful inflorescences make this meadowsweet a real decoration of the garden. Photos of him can often be found on the pages of landscape design magazines. It rightfully takes its place among the most beautiful plants.

The six-petal meadowsweet is so named because of its flowers, which have 6 petals. Inflorescences of white or pink color have an amazing honey smell. The stem of this plant, the lower part of which is covered with ovate leaves, reaches a height of 170 cm.

Red meadowsweet is native to North America. The powerful reddish stem of this plant sometimes reaches a height of up to 2 m. Bright fruits adorn the red meadowsweet until late autumn. This variety is better known as a decorative meadowsweet. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are described very little. The plant is very resistant to low temperatures and easily tolerates even 35-degree frosts.

Meadowsweet in landscape design

Meadowsweet is not only unpretentious, but also versatile: it is often used as a hedge, tall species can be used to camouflage various outbuildings. The plant is ideal for decorating all kinds of reservoirs.

In culture, meadowsweet is widely used to create compositions with other perennials, trees and shrubs (background or center), undersized varieties can be used to decorate rockeries or to emphasize the line of borders. The tall Kamchatka meadowsweet looks great in single plantings against the backdrop of open lawns or lawns.

Meadowsweet is good in combination with ferns, hosts, volzhanka, lilies and daylilies, astilbes, irises, loosestrife, carnations, forest and fragrant tobacco, dicentra, as well as paniculate or tree hydrangea.

What is a meadowsweet

This perennial plant from the Rosaceae family grows in swampy meadows of river floodplains, near water bodies and dense shrubs. Meadowsweet, or meadowsweet, due to its healing qualities and a small list of contraindications, has become widely used in folk medicine. Different recipes use the whole plant, or flowers, stem, leaves or rhizomes. Each part contains useful substances. The meadowsweet is officially included in the register of the pharmacopoeia, which defines the medicinal properties and contraindications to its use.

How to use meadowsweet extract for aging skin?

In order for your skin to regain its former elasticity and become radiant and young again. Use an ointment with oil of the meadowsweet externally and a decoction with the leaves of this plant inside. It is enough to apply the ointment only once a day in the evening. And you should drink the drug in the morning before eating.

IMPORTANT: Before using a medicinal plant, be sure to read the contraindications.

cooking recipes

Traditional medicine uses all parts of the meadowsweet. Each of them helps with a certain disease. The plant has an immunostimulating effect, strengthens the body as a whole. Due to its anti-carcinogenic properties, the plant fights various kinds of tumors, reducing their size. A decoction prepared from the rhizome is indicated for cancer, but only along with drug therapy. There are various herbal remedies. It can be a decoction, infusion, tea, ointment or tincture, which are prepared using a special technology.


  • 1 tsp flowers or roots of meadowsweet;
  • 480 ml of boiling water.

The flowers must first be crushed and poured into a glass container. The next steps for preparation are:

  1. Pour boiling water, then warm for half an hour in a water bath.
  2. Allow to cool slightly, strain from the sediment and add water to the original level, because part of it will evaporate.
  3. Take the drug inside 15 ml up to 3 times throughout the day.


The infusion is prepared a little easier - they simply pour a certain amount of herbs with boiling water, and then leave it for a couple of hours or days, depending on the recipe. For such a remedy, you will need the roots of the meadowsweet. In the form of an infusion, they help with diseases of the joints and even oncology. The tool is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of meadowsweet root powder.
  2. Next, pour it with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 8-10 hours. You can wrap it in something warm.
  3. After the specified time, strain the infusion. Drink the remedy during the day, using half a glass.


Meadowsweet tea not only quenches thirst, but also fills the body with natural minerals and vitamins. It is especially beneficial when combined with honey. In this case, the medicinal properties of the meadowsweet are more fully manifested. Making herbal tea is very simple:

  1. Take about 50 g of fresh meadowsweet flowers, place them in a saucepan.
  2. Then pour 1 liter of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes, then cool.
  4. When the tea has cooled, strain, then add a couple of tablespoons of honey to taste.


For the treatment of wounds, especially those that do not heal for a long time, it is more convenient to use the meadowsweet in the form of an ointment. To make it, the rhizomes of the plant are often used. In addition to them, you will need 100 g of ordinary Vaseline. It must be mixed with 3-4 tsp. rhizomes of the meadowsweet, which were previously crushed. The finished composition lubricates the damaged areas several times a day. Another option is to apply a bandage or gauze to the wound with a small amount of ointment.

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This type of remedy is prepared on alcohol or vodka. A tincture based on the meadowsweet can be used as a remedy for headaches, rheumatism and neuralgia. To prepare the product, you will need the grass itself and vodka, taken in a ratio of 1: 5. Meadowsweet is better to grind beforehand. Then it remains only to fill it with vodka and send it to infuse in a dark, cool place for 5 days. A ready-made tincture is used externally in the form of lotions on sore spots.

Elm-leaved meadowsweet: description of the plant

The culture belongs to perennial herbaceous plants. Characteristics:

  • height - up to 60 cm;
  • standard form, with large, oval-pointed leaves;
  • smaller leaves grow between large ones;
  • blooms in the second half of summer with a small color, up to 5-8 mm in diameter;
  • flowers united in a paniculate-corymbose inflorescence;
  • color is whitish.

Elm-leaved meadowsweet can be found in most regions of the Russian Federation. The plant loves excess moisture, therefore it readily grows in floodplains, swampy areas, damp forests. Sometimes it grows into impenetrable thickets.