Technologies for the development of speech in preschool children. The use of innovative technologies in the process of educational activities for the speech development of preschoolers

"Modern technologies for the development of speech of preschool children" Kiseleva Natalya Viktorovna NUUC educator "Erfolg"Karaganda city

"Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it."

G. Hegel.

Speech is one of the most important means of developing the personality of the child as a whole. Understanding the speech of others and their own active speech accompany all the activities of the child. The speech development of a child in the first years of life is important for his entire subsequent life, therefore, speech development must begin from the first days of a child's life. Timely and complete mastery of speech is the first most important condition for the formation (appearance) of a full-fledged psyche in a child and its further proper development. Timely - means started from the very first days after the birth of a child; full-fledged - means sufficient in terms of the volume of language material and encourages the child to master speech to the fullest extent of his capabilities at each age level.

Each child must learn to express his thoughts in a meaningful, grammatically correct, coherent and consistent way. At the same time, children's speech should be lively, direct, expressive.

The problem of speech formation in preschool children is relevant today. The formation of speech in preschoolers is an important and difficult task. The successful solution of this problem is necessary both for preparing children for the upcoming schooling, and for comfortable communication with others. However, the development of speech in children in the present tense is an urgent problem, due to the importance of coherent speech for preschoolers.

The traditional method of teaching preschoolers recommends using a sample teacher's story as the main method of teaching. But experience shows that children reproduce the teacher's story with minor changes, the stories are poor in expressive means, the vocabulary is small, and there are practically no simple common and complex sentences in the texts. But the main drawback is that the child himself does not build a story, but only repeats what he heard. In one lesson, children have to listen to several monotonous stories of the same type. For children, this type of activity becomes boring and uninteresting, they begin to be distracted. It has been proven that the more active the child, the more he is involved in activities that are interesting for him, the better the result. The teacher needs to encourage children to speech activity, and it is also important to stimulate speech activity not only in the process of free communication, but, above all, in speech therapy classes.

It became obvious that it was necessary to change the way the teacher worked in the classroom for the development of the speech of preschoolers. Such means are innovative methods and techniques for the development of speech in preschoolers.

At present, it is already impossible to imagine the development of modern society and production without information and communication technologies. Today, ICT is beginning to occupy its niche in the educational space of preschool educational institutions. This allows:

Present information on the monitor screen in a playful way, which is of great interest to children, as this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - the game;
- clearly, figuratively, in a form accessible to preschoolers, present new material, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
- to attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation;
- to encourage children in solving a problematic task, using the possibilities of the curriculum, which is an incentive for the development of their cognitive activity;
- develop exploratory behavior in preschoolers;
- to expand the creative possibilities of the teacher himself.

Currently, teachers of educational institutions face the most important task: the development of children's communication skills.

The task of teachers is to create conditions for the practical mastery of colloquial speech for each child, to choose such teaching methods and techniques that would allow each pupil to show their speech activity, their word creation. One of the most common methods of developing a child's speech is Mnemonics.

Mnemonics, or mnemonics, is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. Such techniques are especially important for preschoolers, since visual material is absorbed better than verbal.

Features of the technique - the use of not images of objects, but symbols for indirect memorization. This makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. The symbols are as close as possible to the speech material, for example, a tree is used to designate wild animals, and a house is used to designate domestic animals.

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start work with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively move on to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables, because the children retain separate images in their memory: the Christmas tree is green, the berry is red. Later - to complicate or replace with another screensaver - to depict the character in a graphical form.

Mnemotables - schemes serve as didactic material in the development of coherent speech of children. They are used: to enrich the vocabulary, when learning to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when guessing and guessing riddles, when memorizing poetry.

In older groups, any lesson begins with research activities, Therefore, the use of such pedagogical technology as research activity - one of the components of any lesson. Technology has been widely used in the education of children, such as sign-symbolic activity(modeling). This technique helps teachers to visually identify the elementary connections and relationships between objects, objects of reality.

It is recommended for children of younger and middle age to draw colored mnemotables, since separate images remain in the memory of children: the fox is red, the mouse is gray, the Christmas tree is green, and for older preschoolers it is black and white. Older preschoolers can themselves participate in their drawing and coloring.

mnemonic table to memorize the poem by E. Mikhailova "What is the new year?"

Models are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: the key word or phrase in each poetic line is “encoded” with a picture that is suitable in meaning, so the entire poem is drawn automatically. After that, the child from memory, relying on a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. At the initial stage, I offer a ready-made plan-scheme, and as the child learns, he is actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

In the process of developing children's speech senior and preparatory groups, special object-schematic models are used. When children form ideas about the word and sentence, children are introduced to the graphic scheme of the sentence. The teacher reports that, without knowing the letters, you can write a sentence. Separate dashes in a sentence are words. Children can be invited to build a sentence (Cold winter has come. A cold wind is blowing).

Graphic schemes help children to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling. In this work, you can use various pictures and objects.

For verbal analysis of sentences in preparatory groups educators use the "living words" model. How many words in a sentence are so many teachers and calls the children. Children stand in order according to the sequence of words in the sentence.

For the development of speech of preschool children, teachers use such a technique as fairy tale therapy. fairy tale therapy It is recommended to do it once a week. In the younger and middle groups, the duration of fairy tale therapy is 15-20 minutes. In the senior and preparatory group 25 - 30 minutes.At carrying out fairy tale therapy in junior and middle groups mainly such techniques are used as verbal - director's play, psycho-gymnastics, verbal commenting, joint verbal improvisation - to learn to continue the teacher's suggestions that complement the description of the emotional state of the characters (children wake Burenka). In older groups, the same methods are used, but they complicate the tasks; children perform interesting tasks such as pantomime studies, rhythmization exercises, etc.

The use of multimedia aids in the development of the speech of preschool children significantly optimizes the educational process, expanding the possibilities of presenting the material. Proper use of the methods of presenting information allows you to simultaneously use all the senses of the student, activating his cognitive abilities.

The way we use to organize educational activities for the development of speech of preschoolers contributes to the formation of stable knowledge among students.

An important place in the development of children's speech is the use of articulatory gymnastics. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of violations of sound pronunciation of any origin; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The success of teaching children at school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. Perception and reproduction of text educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, to express one's own judgments independently - all these and other educational activities require a sufficient level of development of coherent speech.

The development of children's speech and vocabulary, mastering the riches of the native language is one of the main elements in the formation of personality, the development of developed values, national culture, is closely related to mental, moral, aesthetic development, is a priority in language education and training of younger students. We assume that the active introduction of a variety of methods of work on the development of speech into the educational process will contribute to the formation of communicative skills, the development of independent creative thinking, the emotional world of the child, and the formation of a positive attitude to learning.

Speech is a human activity, the use of language for communication, to convey one's thoughts, intentions, feelings. Speech is varied. This is a conversation of friends, and an artist's monologue, a speaker's call, and a student's response in the class, and scientific work. Work on the development of speech requires a variety of techniques and means. In the process of classes, the educational situation and the motives of speech change many times. Students either express themselves freely, or perform a task that disciplines thought and directs their speech activity into a strict channel. In the development of speech, it is necessary to combine both. Well-developed speech is one of the most important means of active human activity in modern society, and for a student it is a means of successful schooling. Speech is a way of knowing reality. On the one hand, the richness of speech to a large extent depends on the enrichment of the child with new ideas and concepts; on the other hand, a good command of the language and speech contributes to the successful knowledge of complex relationships in nature and in the life of society.

1. Polat E.S. New pedagogical technologies. - M., 2000.
2.Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education. - M., School-Press, 1994.
3. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. - M., Vlados, 1999.
4. Yakovlev A.I. Information and communication technologies in education. 2005

5. Bolshova T.V. We learn from the story. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics. SPb., 2005.

"Modern effective technologies of speech development of preschool children".

One of the main indicators of the level of development of the child's mental abilities is the richness of his speech, so it is important for adults to support and ensure the development of the mental and speech abilities of preschoolers.

At present, the structure of the general educational program of preschool education includes a high level of development of speech abilities in preschool age:

Possession of literary norms and rules of the native language, free use of vocabulary and grammar when expressing one's thoughts and composing statements of any type;

Ability to make contact with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, object, explain; argue etc.

Knowledge of the norms and rules of "speech etiquette", the ability to use them depending on the situation;

As a result of classes using modern educational technologies, the feeling of constraint is removed, shyness is overcome, the logic of thinking, speech and general initiative gradually develops.

The main criterion in working with children is intelligibility and simplicity in the presentation of material and the formulation of a seemingly complex situation. It is best to implement priority technologies based on the simplest examples. Fairy tales, game and everyday situations - this is the environment through which the child will learn to apply Triz solutions to the problems that confront him. As contradictions are found, he himself will strive for the ideal result, using numerous resources.

In our work with children, we pay great attention to speech development, so we use the following technologies in our practice:

Teaching children to create figurative characteristics by compiling comparisons, riddles, metaphors.

Games and creative tasks for the development of expressiveness of speech.

Teaching children the expressiveness of speech is one of the problems of preschool education. Under the expressiveness of speech is understood not only the emotional coloring of the sound, achieved by interjections, strength, timbre of the voice, but also the figurativeness of the word.

The work of teaching children figurative speech should begin with teaching children how to create comparisons. Then the ability of children to compose various riddles is worked out. At the final stage, children of 6-7 years old are quite able to compose metaphors.

Technology for teaching children to make comparisons.

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should start at the age of three. Exercises are carried out not only in the classroom for the development of speech, but also in their free time.

Comparison model:

The teacher names an object;

Denotes its sign;

Specifies the value of this attribute;

Compares the given value with the attribute value in another object.

At a younger preschool age, a model for compiling comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out.

In the fifth year of life, the trainings become more complicated, more independence is given in making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a sign to be compared.

In the sixth year of life, children learn to make comparisons on their own according to the criterion given by the educator.

The technology of teaching children how to make comparisons develops observation, curiosity, the ability to compare features of objects in preschoolers, enriches speech, and promotes motivation for the development of speech and mental activity.

The technology of teaching children to compose riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, work with riddles is based on guessing them. Moreover, the technique does not give specific recommendations on how and how to teach children to guess hidden objects.

Observations of children show that guessing occurs in preschoolers, as it were, by itself or by sorting through options. At the same time, most of the children in the group are passive observers. The teacher acts as an expert. The correct answer of a child to a specific riddle is very quickly remembered by other children. If the teacher asks the same riddle after a while, then most of the children in the group simply remember the answer.

Developing the mental abilities of a child, it is more important to teach him to make his own riddles than just to guess familiar ones.

The teacher shows a model for making a riddle and offers to make a riddle about an object.

Riddles writing.

"Land of Mysteries" \ Alla Nesterenko's technique \

City of simple riddles \ color, shape, size, substance \

City 5 senses\touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste\

A city of similarities and dissimilarities\for comparison\

City of mysterious parts \ development of the imagination: streets of unfinished paintings, dismantled

objects, silent riddles and debaters\

City of contradictions\ can be cold and hot-thermos\

City of Mystery.

Thus, in the process of compiling riddles, all the mental operations of the child develop, he receives joy from speech creativity. In addition, this is the most convenient way to work with parents on the development of the child’s speech, because in a relaxed home environment, without special attributes and preparation, without looking up from household chores, parents can play with the child in making riddles, which contributes to the development of attention , the ability to find the hidden meaning of words, the desire to fantasize.

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

As you know, a metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects.

The mental operations that make it possible to compose a metaphor are fully assimilated by children as early as 4-5 years old. The main goal of the teacher is to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for compiling metaphors. If the child has mastered the model for compiling a metaphor, then he may well create a phrase of a metaphorical plan on his own.

It is not necessary for children to use the term "metaphor". Most likely, for children, these will be the mysterious phrases of the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

The method of creating metaphors (as an artistic means of expressiveness of speech) causes particular difficulty in the ability to find the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another based on a feature common to the compared objects. Such a complex mental activity allows children to develop the ability to create artistic images that they use in speech as expressive means of language. That allows you to identify children who are undoubtedly capable of creativity, and contribute to the development of talent in them.

Games and creative tasksfor the development of expressiveness of speech, they are aimed at developing the skills of children to highlight the signs of objects, teach children to determine the object from the description, highlight the characteristic specific meanings of the object, select different values ​​​​for one attribute, identify the signs of the object, make riddles according to models.

The development of speech in a playful form of activity gives a great result: there is a desire of absolutely all children to participate in this process, which activates mental activity, enriches children's vocabulary, develops the ability to observe, highlight the main thing, concretize information, compare objects, signs and phenomena, systematize accumulated knowledge .

Teaching children to compose creative stories based on a picture.

In terms of speech, children are characterized by the desire to compose stories on a specific topic. This desire should be fully supported and their skills of coherent speech should be developed. Pictures can be a great help for the teacher in this work.

The proposed technology is designed to teach children to compose two types of stories based on a picture.

1st type: "text of a realistic nature"

2nd type: "text of a fantastic nature"

Both types of stories can be attributed to creative speech activity of different levels.

The fundamental point in the proposed technology is that teaching children to compose stories based on a picture is based on thinking algorithms. The child's education is carried out in the process of his joint activity with the teacher through a system of game exercises:

"Who sees the picture like that?" \ see, find comparisons, metaphors, beautiful words, colorful descriptions \

"Live pictures"\ children depict objects drawn in the picture\

"Day and Night" \ painting in a different light \

« Classical paintings: "Cat with kittens" \\ the story of a little kitten, what he will grow up to be, find friends for him, etc.\


Composing poems.\ Based on Japanese poetry\

1. The title of the poem. 2. The first line repeats the title of the poem. 3.Second

line-question, what, what? 4. The third line is an action, what feelings does it cause.

5. The fourth line repeats the title of the poem.

Fairy tale therapy. (Composing fairy tales by children)

"Salad from fairy tales" \ mix of different fairy tales \

"What will happen if ...?"\ The plot is set by the educator\

"Changing the character of the characters" \ old fairy tale in a new way \

"Using models" \ pictures-geometric shapes \

"Introduction to the fairy tale of new attributes" \ magic items, household appliances, etc. \

"Introduction of new heroes" \ both fabulous and modern \

"Thematic tales" \ flower, berry, etc. \

The above technologies have a significant impact on the development of speech in preschool children.

Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, thinking in an original way, creative, able to make non-standard decisions and not afraid of it. Modern educational technologies can help in the formation of such a personality.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

" Sun"

Presentation on the topic:

"Technologies of speech development of preschoolers"

Compiled by:

Senior teacher Leshukova A.N.

One of the main indicators of the level of development of the child's mental abilities is the richness of his speech, so it is important for adults to support and ensure the development of the mental and speech abilities of preschoolers.

At present, in accordance with the Federal State Standards for the structure of the general educational program of preschool education, the educational area "Speech Development" involves:

  • possession of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  • enrichment of the active dictionary;
  • development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;
  • acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  • the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

When working with children, it is necessary to pay great attention to speech development, therefore, from the previously developed methods for this problem, the following technologies can be applied in practice:

Teaching children to create figurative characteristics by compiling comparisons, riddles, metaphors.

Games and creative tasks for the development of expressiveness of speech.

Teaching children to compose creative stories based on a picture.

Teaching children the expressiveness of speech is one of the problems of preschool education. Under the expressiveness of speech is understood not only the emotional coloring of the sound, achieved by interjections, strength, timbre of the voice, but also the figurativeness of the word.

The work of teaching children figurative speech should begin with teaching children how to create comparisons. Then the ability of children to compose various riddles is worked out. At the final stage, children of 6-7 years old are quite able to compose metaphors.

Technology for teaching children to make comparisons.

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should start at the age of three. Exercises are carried out not only in the classroom for the development of speech, but also in their free time.

Comparison model:

The teacher names an object;

Denotes its sign;

Specifies the value of this attribute;

Compares the given value with the attribute value in another object.

At a younger preschool age, a model for compiling comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out.

In the fifth year of life, the trainings become more complicated, more independence is given in making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a sign to be compared.

In the sixth year of life, children learn to make comparisons on their own according to the criterion given by the educator.

The technology of teaching children how to make comparisons develops observation, curiosity, the ability to compare features of objects in preschoolers, enriches speech, and promotes motivation for the development of speech and mental activity.

The technology of teaching children to compose riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, work with riddles is based on guessing them. Moreover, the technique does not give specific recommendations on how and how to teach children to guess hidden objects.

Observations of children show that guessing occurs in the smartest preschoolers, as it were, by itself or by sorting through options. At the same time, most of the children in the group are passive observers. The teacher acts as an expert. The correct answer of a gifted child to a specific riddle is very quickly remembered by other children. If the teacher asks the same riddle after a while, then most of the children in the group simply remember the answer.

Developing the mental abilities of a child, it is more important to teach him to make his own riddles than just to guess familiar ones.

The teacher shows a model for making a riddle and offers to make a riddle about an object.

Thus, in the process of compiling riddles, all the mental operations of the child develop, he receives joy from speech creativity. In addition, this is the most convenient way to work with parents on the development of the child’s speech, because in a relaxed home environment, without special attributes and preparation, without looking up from household chores, parents can play with the child in making riddles, which contributes to the development of attention , the ability to find the hidden meaning of words, the desire to fantasize.

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

As you know, a metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects.

The mental operations that make it possible to compose a metaphor are fully assimilated by mentally gifted children as early as 4-5 years old. The main goal of the teacher is to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for compiling metaphors. If the child has mastered the model for compiling a metaphor, then he may well create a phrase of a metaphorical plan on his own.

It is not necessary for children to use the term "metaphor". Most likely, for children, these will be the mysterious phrases of the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

The method of creating metaphors (as an artistic means of expressiveness of speech) causes particular difficulty in the ability to find the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another based on a feature common to the compared objects. Such a complex mental activity allows children to develop the ability to create artistic images that they use in speech as expressive means of language. That allows you to identify children who are undoubtedly capable of creativity, and contribute to the development of talent in them.

Games and creative tasks for the development of expressiveness of speech, they are aimed at developing the skills of children to highlight the signs of objects, teach children to determine the object from the description, highlight the characteristic specific meanings of the object, select different values ​​​​for one attribute, identify the signs of the object, make riddles according to models.

The development of speech in a playful form of activity gives a great result: there is a desire of absolutely all children to participate in this process, which activates mental activity, enriches children's vocabulary, develops the ability to observe, highlight the main thing, concretize information, compare objects, signs and phenomena, systematize accumulated knowledge .

Teaching children to compose creative stories from a picture .

In terms of speech, children are characterized by the desire to compose stories on a specific topic. This desire should be fully supported and their skills of coherent speech should be developed. Pictures can be a great help for the teacher in this work.

The proposed technology is designed to teach children to compose two types of stories based on a picture.

1st type: "text of a realistic nature"

2nd type: "text of a fantastic nature"

Both types of stories can be attributed to creative speech activity of different levels.

The fundamental point in the proposed technology is that teaching children to compose stories based on a picture is based on thinking algorithms. The child's education is carried out in the process of his joint activity with the teacher through a system of game exercises.

Technology for the development of speech and thinking through mnemonics.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful development of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of the story, the preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

Mnemotables - schemes serve as didactic material when working on the development of coherent speech of children, to enrich vocabulary, when teaching how to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when guessing and guessing riddles, when memorizing poems.

Technologies of mnemonics allow solving problems of development of all types of memory (visual, auditory, associative, verbal-logical, processing of various memorization techniques); development of figurative thinking;

development of logical thinking (ability to analyze, systematize); development of various general educational didactic tasks, familiarization with various information; development of ingenuity, training of attention; development of the ability to establish causal relationships in events, stories.

Information and communication technologies allow you to make each lesson unconventional, bright, rich, lead to the need to use different ways of presenting educational material, provide for a variety of techniques and teaching methods.

Priority technologies for the speech development of a preschooler are also
1. TRIZ. (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
2. Logarithmics. (Speech exercises with movements)
3. Writing.
4. Fairy tale therapy. (Composing fairy tales by children)
5. Experimentation.
6. Finger gymnastics.
7. Articulation gymnastics.
Consider some word games using non-traditional techniques.
“Yes, no” \ the subject is thought about, a question is asked, we answer only “yes” or “no”. Scheme for the game: a circle divided into two parts - living, not living, depending on the age of the children, there are more divisions
“Name the common features” \ strawberry and raspberry, bird and man, rain and shower, etc. \
“How are they similar?” \ grass and frog, pepper and mustard, chalk and pencil, etc. \
“What is the difference?”\ autumn and spring, a book and a notebook, a car and a bicycle, etc.\
“How are they similar and how are they different?”\ kit-cat; mole cat; cat-current, etc.\
“Name the object by action.”
"Anti-action" \ pencil-eraser, dirt-water, rain-umbrella, hunger-food, etc. \
“Who will be who?”\ Boy-man, acorn-oak, sunflower seed, etc.\
“Who was who” \ horse-foal, table-tree, etc. \
"Name all the parts" \ bicycle → frame, handlebars, chain, pedal, trunk, bell, etc. \
“Who works where?” \ cook-kitchen, singer-stage, etc. \
“What was, what became” \ clay-pot, cloth-dress, etc. \
“So it was before, but now?”\ sickle harvester, torch-electricity, cart-car, etc.\
“What can he do?”\ scissors - cut, sweater - warm, etc. \
"Let's swap"\elephant→drenches→water, cat→licks→tongue→fur, etc.\

Writing fairy tales.
"Salad from fairy tales" \ mixing different fairy tales
“What will happen if?” \ The plot is set by the teacher
"Changing the nature of the characters" \ old fairy tale in a new way
"Using models" \ pictures - geometric shapes
"Introduction to the fairy tale of new attributes" \ magic items, household appliances, etc. \
"Introduction of new heroes" \ both fabulous and modern
"Thematic tales" \ flower, berry, etc. \

Composing poems.\ Based on Japanese poetry
1. The title of the poem.

  1. The first line repeats the title of the poem.

3. The second line is the question, which one, which one?
4. The third line is an action, what feelings does it cause.
5. The fourth line repeats the title of the poem.

Riddles writing.
"Land of Mysteries"

City of simple riddles color, shape, size, substance
-city 5 senses \ touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste
- city of similarities and dissimilarity \ for comparison
-city of mysterious parts development of the imagination: streets of unfinished paintings, dismantled
objects, silent riddles and debaters
- the city of contradictions can be cold and hot - thermos \
- the city of mysterious affairs.

"Modeling by little men"
gas formation, liquid, ice.
-more complex models: borscht in a bowl, an aquarium, etc.
-highest level: depicting relationships between objects \attracted, repelled, inactive\
"Dissolves, does not dissolve."
"Floats, sinks."
"Flowability of sand".
Examining the picture and compiling a story based on it \should take place in the game
“Who sees the picture like that?” \ see, find comparisons, metaphors, beautiful words, colorful descriptions
"Live pictures"\ children depict objects drawn in the picture\
"Day and night" \ painting in a different light
« Classical paintings: "Cat with kittens" \\ the story of a little kitten, what he will grow up to be, find friends for him, etc.\

A system of exercises for the formation of a sound culture of speech.
"Airplane" \ t-r-r-r \
"Saw" \ s-s-s-s \
"Cat" \ f-f, f-f \ phrasal, energetic.

"Yawning Panther", "Surprised Hippo", etc.\exercises to warm up the muscles of the neck\
"Snorting Horse", "Piglet", etc.\exercises for the lips\
"The longest tongue", "Needle", "Shovel", etc. \ exercises for the tongue, relaxation
articulation apparatus

Diction and intonation expressiveness.
Onomatopoeia with different strengths and voice heights \ funny and sad, affectionate, gentle song, whispered song, loud, hero's song.
Tongue twisters, tongue twisters, rhymes at a pace, any speech material.
Development of auditory perception whispering speech
“Who called?”, “Bring a toy”, “Call”, “What rustles?”, “What is that sound?”, “Repeat after me”, “Broken phone”.

Phonetic-phonemic hearing. Speech experimentation.
Finger games with a word, games with a word and onomatopoeia, outdoor games with text, round dance games and round dance games based on nursery rhymes for young children "Bubble", "Loaf", etc. \

Minidramatizations, dramatizations.

Finger gymnastics.
"Rubbing" or "Sipping", "Spiders" or "Crabs" \ warming up each finger "Birds", "Butterflies", "Motors", "Fish" \ large and small, "House", etc.

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.
TRIZ toolkit.
Brainstorming or collective problem solving.
A group of children is given a problem, everyone expresses their opinion on how to solve it, all options are accepted\there are no incorrect judgments\. When brainstorming, there may be a "critic" who expresses doubts that activate thought processes.

Focal object method \intersection of properties in one item
Any two objects are selected, their properties are described. In the future, these properties are used to characterize the object being created. We analyze the subject from the position of "good-bad". We draw the object.
Describe the properties of a banana, curved, yellow, tasty, and a round, wooden table.

Morphological analysis.
Creation of new objects with unusual properties, the choice of properties is random. We are building a house. Constituent elements: 1) color. 2) material. 3) form. 4) floors. 5) location.
(I live in a blue, wooden house, round, on the 120th floor, in the middle of a puddle).

system operator. \Perhaps, give a description of any subject.
A table of nine windows is compiled: past, present, future horizontally and vertically by subsystem, system and supersystem. An object is selected.
-properties, functions, classification.
-functions of parts.
-what place does it take in the system, communication with other objects.
- how the object looked before.
What parts does it consist of.
where they could meet him.
- what it can consist of in the future.
What parts will it consist of?
- where it can be found.

Synthetics \combining the incompatible\
- reception "Empathy" \ sympathy, empathy. "Depict the unfortunate animal what it is experiencing."
Gold fish. \ Helps to understand the essence of magic, fairy tales, fiction.
Floor-by-floor construction \ drawing up a descriptive story about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.
Canvas in the form of a house with a dormer window and nine pocket windows.
1) Who are you? 2) Where do you live? 3) What parts do you consist of? 4) What size? 5) What color? 6) What shape? 7) What does it feel like? 8) What do you eat? 9) What benefit do you bring?
Three scales are laid out in a circle, on which the letters of the Russian alphabet are located.
We come up with a name by connecting letters with strings \ name from 3 to 5 letters. Next We invent a friend for him → planted a tree → grew up → harvested fruits → made jam → invited a friend to a tea party, etc. \ the story is being saturated with objects and actions,
growing snowball.

The following technologies play a leading role in organizing work on the development of communication and speech:

technology of project activity;

technology for the development of children's speech creativity;

technology of group interaction of children;

technology of search and research activities;

technology for creating a children's portfolio;

collection technology;

information and communication technologies.

When choosing a technology, it is necessary to focus on the following requirements:

orientation of technology to the development of children's communication skills, education of a culture of communication and speech;

technology should be health-saving in nature;

the technology is based on personality-oriented interaction with the child;

implementation of the principle of the relationship between the cognitive and speech development of children;

organization of active speech practice of each child in various activities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

Sincwine - new technology in the development of speech of preschoolers.

Cinquain is a five-line poem without rhyme.

Work sequence:

  • The choice of words-objects. Differentiation "living" - "non-living" object. Statement of relevant questions (graphic image).
  • Selection of action words that this object produces. Asking relevant questions (graphic).
  • Differentiation of the concepts "words - objects" and "words - actions".
  • Selection of words - attributes to the object. Asking relevant questions (graphic).
  • Differentiation of the concepts "words - objects", "words - actions" and "words - signs".
  • Work on the structure and grammatical design of the sentence. (“words - objects” + “words - actions”, (“words - objects” + “words - actions” + “words - signs.”)

Pros of syncwine

The material studied in the lesson acquires an emotional coloring, which contributes to its deeper assimilation;

Knowledge about parts of speech, about the sentence is being worked out;

Children learn to observe intonation;

Vocabulary is significantly activated;

The skill of using synonyms and antonyms in speech is being improved;

Cogitative activity is activated and develops;

The ability to express one's own attitude to something is being improved, preparation for a brief retelling is being carried out;

Children learn to determine the grammatical basis of sentences ...

The above technologies have a significant impact on the development of speech in preschool children.

Modern educational technologies can help in the formation of an intellectually bold, independent, original thinking, creative person who can make non-standard decisions.

List of used literature

  1. The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers: Games, exercises, notes of classes. Ed. Ushakova O.S.-M: TC Sphere, 2005.
  2. Sidorchuk, T.A., Khomenko, N.N. Technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions, 2004.
  3. Ushakova, O.S. Theory and practice of the development of speech of a preschooler: Developing speech.-M: TC Sphere, 2008.
  4. Akulova O.V., Somkova O.N., Solntseva O.V. et al. Theories and technologies for the development of speech in children of preschool age. - M., 2009
  5. Ushakova O.S. The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten. - M., 1994
  6. O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish "Introducing literature to preschoolers. + Lesson notes" - M., 2002
  7. Sidorchuk T.A., Khomenko N.N. Technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. 2004, /tmo/260025.pdf
  8. The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers: games, exercises, notes of classes / ed. O.S. Ushakova. - M., 2007

« Modern technologies of speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education ».

“Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, on the future of children'sdevelopmentOnly then will it be able to bring to life in the process of learning those processes that now lie in the zone of the nearestdevelopment» L. S. Vygotsky

In the Federal State Standardpreschool education« Speech development » highlighted as maineducational area. Speech is the basis fordevelopmentall other types of children's activities: communication, cognition, cognitive research and even play. In this connectiondevelopmentthe speech of the child becomes one of the urgent problems in my work. The main taskspeech development of a preschool childage is the possession of the norms and rules of the language, determined for each age stage, anddevelopmenttheir communication abilities.

Factors affectingchild's speech development:

1. Emotional communication with the child from the moment of birth.

2. Creationconditionsto interact with other children.

3. Joint games of an adult and a child.

4. Adult speech is an example to follow.

5. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

6. Satisfaction of the child's curiosity, answers to all his "why".

7. Reading fiction.

8. Learning poetry.

9. Telling verses with your hands.

10. Joint field trips, excursions, museum visits.

The aim of the work onspeech development of preschool childrenage is the formation of the initial communicative competence of the child - his ability to solve game, educational, everyday tasks through speech.

Working on a problemspeech development in preschool children, teachers often make mistakes of the following nature, we have made an analysis in ourpreschool organization:

Teachers talk too much themselves, do not provide activechildren's speech practice. Often, when posing a question, they do not allow the child to think, they are in a hurry to answer themselves, or vice versa, they “pull out” the answer. It is important to ensurespeech activity of all children.

Atchildren are not formed, in due measure, the ability to listen to others.speechactivity is not only speaking, but also listening, perception of speech. It is important to accustomchildrenlisten to the teacher the first time.

Teachers repeat children's answers, and children do not get used to speaking clearly, loudly enough, understandable for listeners.

Very often, teachers require only "full" answers from the child. Answerschildrencan be short anddeployed. The answer depends on the type of question.


Health savingtechnology

Information and communicationtechnology

Development technologycritical thinking




Personally oriented

Organizationspeech development of childrenprovides for the search for effectivetechnologies for the development of children's speech. innovativetechnologyis a system of methods, ways, methods of teaching,educational resourcesaimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in personalchild development in modern conditions.

When choosingtechnologyyou need to focus on the following requirements:

Orientationtechnology not for education, and ondevelopmentcommunication skillschildreneducation of culture of communication and speech;

Technologyshould be health-saving in nature;

basistechnologyconstitutes a personality-oriented interaction with the child;

Implementationthe principle of the relationship between cognitive andspeech development of children;

Organization of an activespeechpractice of each child in different activities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics.


Goalstechnology: forming ychildrenideas about the art of human relationships, emotional and motivational attitudes towards oneself, others, peers and adults; creating the experience of adequate behavior in society and preparing the child for life.

Firsttechnology- this is"ABC of communication" . The main authors of the program are Lyudmila Mikhailovna Shipitsyna, Oksana Vladimirovna Zashchirinskaya(co-authors Alla Voronova, Tatyana Nilova) .

Usagetechnology"ABC of communication" alloweddevelopinterpersonal skillschildrenfrom 3 to 6 years old with peers and adults.

The result of the implementationtechnology"ABC of communication" understanding and acceptance of ideas has become - learnchildrenlove and understand people, and there will always be friends next to you! If you don't understand the other person, you will have problems. The central idea for us was the establishment of mutual understanding between parents, children and teachers.

To solve these problems, the following forms are used in the workeducational activities: - educational games(verbal, role-playing, theatrical) ; - etudes, improvisations; - observations, walks, excursions; - modeling and analysis of communication situations; - writing stories, etc.


The theory of inventive problem solving, or TRIZ - the field of knowledge about mechanismsdevelopment of technicalsystems and methods for solving inventive problems.


The main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Search for the essence

2. "Mystery of the Double"

3. Resolution of contradictions

(with the help of games and fairy tales) .

I would also like to note that the most effective aretechnologies for the development of children's speechdeveloped on the basis of TRIZ methods and techniques(theory of inventive problem solving) and RTV( development of creative imagination )

AuthortechnologyTRIZ is Soviet(Russian) inventor and patent expert Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, who was convinced that it was possible to identify from the experience of predecessors steadily repeating methods of successful inventions and the opportunity to teach thistechniqueall interested and capable of learning. Now itWe also use technology, teachers. TRIZ forpreschool childrenage is a system of games, activities and tasks that can increase the effectiveness of the program,diversifytypes of children's activitiesdevelop creative thinking in children, technologyallows naturalwayimplement a person-centered approach, which is especially relevant in the context ofGEF preschool education.

The main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Search for the essence

Children are faced with a problem(A question to be answered.) And everyone is looking for different solutions, what is the truth.

2. "Mystery of the Double" . At this stage, we identify the contradiction: good-bad

For example : the sun is good and bad. Good - warms, bad - can burn

3. Resolution of these contradictions(with the help of games and fairy tales) .

For example : you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

Also, children can be given tasks for reflection,for example :

How to transfer water in a sieve(change the state of aggregation - freeze water) ; (ANSWER)

Next technology - this is a syncwine.

Cinquain is an unrhymed 5-line poem that absolutely everyone can compose. This is a huge plus in terms of maintaining the self-esteem of the child. Sinkwine helps childrenimplementtheir intellectual capabilities, to replenish vocabulary for compiling a brief retelling; helpsdevelopspeech and thinking through play. Drawing up a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered, for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

MNEMOTECHNIQUE - (Greek) "the art of memory" is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information.

This system of methods contributesdevelopment of different types of memory

(auditory, visual, motor, tactile) ;

thinking, attention,imagination and speech development of preschoolers.

Visual modeling methods are actively used in the work« mnemonics »

Methodsmnemonicsvery effective in teachingchildrenretelling works of fiction, when memorizing poetry. Moreover, the monitoring showed us the effectiveness of the implementation of methods and techniquesmnemonicsboth in learning anddevelopmentcorrect self-esteemchildren.

The authors : Valentina Konstantinovna Vorobyeva, who developed sensory-graphic schemes; Tatyana Alexandrovna Tkachenko, author of the object-schematic model; Vadim Petrovich Glukhov, who proposed the use of block squares; Tatyana Vasilievna Bolsheva introduced collage into« mnemonics » , Lyudmila Nikolaevna Efimenkova, who proposed a scheme for compiling a story. The main authors of mnemotables are presented on the screen. You may well make your own.

« mnemonics » uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of storing, storing and recalling information. Usagemnemonics in the speech development of preschool childrenage promotes creative cognitionpreschoolersphenomena of the native language, the construction of independent coherent statements, the enrichment of vocabulary.

Forchildrenjunior and middlepreschoolage, colored mnemonic tables are used, since in the memory ofchildrenremain separate fasterimages: fox - red, herringbone - green. For older children, we offer schemes in one color so as not to distract attention from the brightness of symbolicimages. mnemonicswe use in the form of mnemonic squares, mnemonic tables, mnemonic tracks. We compose mnemonic tables for Russian folk tales, riddles, counting rhymes, poems.

For readerschildrenyou can offer memorization of poems or fairy tales by keywords.

Linguistic games

"Name the common features" (strawberry and raspberry, bird and man, rain and shower, etc.) .

"How similar?" (grass and frog, pepper and mustard, chalk and pencil, etc.) .

"What is the difference?" (autumn and spring, book and notebook, car and bicycle, etc.) .

"How are they similar and how are they different?" (whale - cat; cat-mole; cat-current, etc.) .

"Anti-action" (pencil - eraser, dirt - water, rain - umbrella, hunger - food, etc.) .

"Who will be who?" (a boy is a man, an acorn is an oak, a seed is a sunflower, etc.) .

"Who Was Who" (a horse is a foal, a table is a tree, etc.) .

"What was, what became" (clay - pot, fabric - dress, etc.) .

"What can he do?" (scissors - cut, sweater - warm, etc.) .

Technology activating learning of speech as a means of communication (author Olga Afanasievna Belobrykina)

improvementspeech activity of preschoolersis to create an emotionally favorable situation conducive to the desire to actively participate inspeech communication.

Back to main activitiespreschoolerrelate the game and communication, therefore, game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement ofchild's speech activity.

Using the linguistic games presented in thistechnology, allowsdevelop various types of speech activity, it is easy and free for each child to show intellectual initiative, which is a specific continuation of not just mental work, but cognitive activity, notconditionedneither practical needs nor external evaluation.

Task foraudience : name the complete proverb(for 2 given words)

For example, dear colleagues, I offer you such an exercise.

Let's try to fully name the proverbs in two words.

CLICK - Family, soul

CLICK - Family together - soul in place

CLICK - House, walls

CLICK – Houses and walls help

CLICK - Feeds, spoils

CLICK - Work feeds, and laziness spoils

CLICK - Time, hour

CLICK - Business - time, fun - an hour.


I suggest you complete the linguistic task.

Each word must be replaced with the opposite in meaning and get the name of the fairy tale.

CLICK - Hatless Dog, CLICK - Puss in Boots

CLICK - Red mustache, CLICK - blue beard

CLICK - Beautiful chicken, CLICK - ugly duckling

CLICK - Silver Hen, CLICK - Golden Cockerel

CLICK - Black shoe, CLICK - Little Red Riding Hood

Rules for the brave and stubbornteachers :

Plan work fordevelopment of speech is not sometimesnot often, but very often.

Never answer your own question. be patient and youwait for thatthat your children will respond to it.

Never ask a question that can be answered"Yes" , or"No" . It does not make sense.

If the story did not work out or turned out with difficulty - smile, because it's great, because success is ahead

Having analyzedcollected material, my colleagues and I implementmodern technologies in your practiceincluding parents in this activity. And today we already see positive results in the manifestation of creative,speechactivities of our students.

Summing up, we can say that the abovetechnologyhave a significant impact onspeech development of preschool childrenespecially our institution. Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, thinking in an original way, creative, able to make non-standard decisions and not afraid of it.

MADOU "Kindergarten "Crane"

"Modern educational technologies for the development of speech of preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.""

Educator Sycheva Yu.S.

S. Pokrovo-Prigorodnoe


In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, a fundamentally new is the need to solve speech problems in the context of children's activities (games, children's research, labor, experimentation), without translating it into a learning one in form and methods of influence. This requires new technologies for the speech development of preschoolers.

When choosing a technology, it is necessary to focus on the following requirements:

1) the orientation of technology is not on learning, but on the development of children's communication skills, the upbringing of a culture of communication and speech;

3) technology should be of a health-saving nature;

4) the technology is based on personality-oriented interaction with the child;

5) implementation of the principle of the relationship between the cognitive and speech development of children;

6) organization of active speech practice of each child in different types of activities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

Technologies of speech development:

1) project activities;

2) research activities;

3) gaming technologies;

4) information and communication technologies;

5) technology of problem learning.

Project method

It is recommended to carry out mono-projects with preschoolers, the content of which is limited to the framework of one educational area, and integrated projects in which tasks from different educational areas of the program are solved.

Topics for monoprojects on the speech development of preschoolers can be as follows:

“Let's play with words - we will learn a lot of new things”, “One - a word, two - a word” (to form in children an interest in word creation and a poetic word);

"Use forѐ mov mnemonics for the development of monologic speech "(to teach coherently, consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly express their thoughts, talk about events from the surrounding life);

"The development of dialogical speech in children of senior preschool age through the study of the basics of journalism" (introduction to creative professions: poet, musician, journalist, writer)

How is a book born? (development of speech creativity of children);

"Is it hard to be polite?" (mastering the rules of etiquette, the ability to use them in everyday communication);

“Dispute good and bad” (mastering the etiquette of persuasion and argument).

In the younger group, it is possible to use short-term mini-projects, which are a series of educational situations: "Katya's doll walk" (selection of outerwear and dressing the doll in accordance with the season, selection of toys for games on a walk, acquaintance with safety rules when going for a walk) ; “Let's help babies (animals) find their mothers” (recognition, naming and matching of adult animals and their cubs, acquaintance with the external features of pets and some rules for handling them), etc.

Projects in the middle group require the mandatory use of elementary experimentation, the implementation of project tasks in pairs or small subgroups.

Sample project topics for children of the middle group: “Why do people need transport?”, “Stone, scissors, paper”, “How does a person know the time?”, “Why did a person invent dishes?”, “Why are juice, water, milk of different colors?” and etc.

Projects for children of senior preschool age are characterized by a cognitive and socio-moral focus on the topic: “If you went on a journey with a friend ...”, “Kind words on your birthday”, “How to open a book hypermarket?”, “The Complaint Book of Nature”.

The theme of children's projects can correspond to holidays and significant events taking place in the country, city, kindergarten or group.

For example, in preparation for the celebration of Teacher's Day, children of the preparatory group for school interview kindergarten workers, learn about the features of their professional activities, note some personality traits, and, taking this into account, prepare congratulations and gifts.

The result of the project activity can be a collective product obtained as a result of the cooperation of the children of the whole group: an album of drawings, stories, a collage "Our Kindergarten", etc.

Technology of research activity.

Cognitive activity is realized by children in observations, sensory examination, experiments, experimentation, heuristic discussion, educational games, etc. The child can argue, argue, refute, prove his point of view in active cognitive activity. For this purpose, the teacher can use a variety of everyday and problem situations containing cognitive tasks, borrow them from fiction and scientific literature, from the phenomena and processes of the surrounding natural world.

Classes on experimental and research activities allow you to enrich, activate and update the child's vocabulary. The conceptual dictionary formed in the process of practical actions is very deep and stable, since it is associated with the formation of the child's own life experience, and is more actively included in coherent speech. Having lowered a piece of ice into water, the child will remember this phenomenon for a long time; having identified its cause, he will know that ice floats, because it is lighter than water. If placed a large number of ice floes into the water, you can observe how they collide, rub against each other, crack and crumble, which resembles the phenomenon of ice drift. The simulated situation will allow the child to vividly and in detail describe the arrival of spring in the future. There is a formation and consolidation of grammatical categories of speech: agreement of nouns with adjectives, pronouns, numerals; the formation of case forms, complex syntactic constructions, the use of prepositions.

In the lessons-experiments, coherent speech develops. After all, when posing a problem, it must be formulated; when explaining their actions, be able to choose the right words, intelligibly convey their own thoughts. During such classes, the formation of monologue speech takes place, the ability to build and verbalize one's own actions, the actions of a friend, one's own judgments and conclusions. Dialogic speech is also developing (joint observation of objects and phenomena, discussion of joint actions and logical conclusions, disputes and exchange of opinions). There is a strong surge of speech activity and initiative. At this moment, little speaking children are transformed, striving to come to the forefront of communication.

Gaming technologies

ϖ Mnemonics

This technology includes various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations.

Features of the technology: the use of not images of objects, but symbols for indirect memorization. This makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. The symbols are as close as possible to the speech material, for example, a tree is used to designate wild animals, and a house is used to designate domestic animals.

It is necessary to start work with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively move on to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables, because the children retain separate images in their memory: the Christmas tree is green, the berry is red. Later - to complicate or replace with another screensaver - to depict the character in a graphical form.

Mnemotables - schemes serve as didactic material in the development of coherent speech of children. They are used: to enrich the vocabulary, when learning to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when guessing and guessing riddles, when memorizing poetry.

ϖ Simulation

Models are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: the key word or phrase in each poetic line is “encoded” with a picture that is suitable in meaning. Thus, the whole poem is sketched automatically. After that, the child from memory, relying on a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. At the initial stage, a ready-made plan-scheme is offered, and as the child learns, he is actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

In the process of speech development of older preschoolers, special subject-schematic models are used. When children form ideas about the word and sentence, children are introduced to the graphic scheme of the sentence. The teacher reports that, without knowing the letters, you can write a sentence. Separate dashes in a sentence are words. Children can be invited to build a sentence: “Cold winter has come. Cold wind is blowing".

Graphic schemes help children to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling. In this work, you can use various pictures and objects.

For verbal analysis of sentences in preparatory groups, educators use the “living words” model. How many words in a sentence are so many teachers and calls the children. Children stand in order according to the sequence of words in the sentence.

ϖ Articulation and speech exercises

ϖ Games for the development of speech breathing

ϖ Mobile and round dance games with text

ϖ Games for the formation of phonemic perception

ϖ Communication games

ϖ finger games

ϖ Didactic games:games with objects (toys, real objects, natural material, objects - arts and crafts, etc.); desktop-printed (paired pictures, dominoes, cubes, lotto); word games (without visual material).

ϖ Theatrical play

ϖ Logarithmics

Information and communication technologies

Computer game complexes (CMC) are one of the modern forms of work in which the relationship between an adult and a child is built through technical types of communication that allow not only to communicate on an equal footing, but also to systematize knowledge, consolidate skills, and freely use them in independent life.

Along with the use of developing computer games, teachers create computer presentations that they use in their classes in accordance with the requirements of the program being implemented, and frontal and subgroup classes are held with children of primary and secondary preschool age using multimedia equipment (projector, screen), which increases the interest of children to the material being studied.

Problem learning technology

This is the organization of educational activities, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of the educator and the active independent activity of pupils, as a result of which speech development occurs. The teacher does not speakѐ a hard leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities who accompanies and helps the childѐ NCU to become an active communicator, which is relevant at the present time and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

It is useful for teachers to have a file of problem situations and questions, which will allow you to ask a problem situation in the process of ML.

Examples of problem questions insection "Introduction to fiction and the development of speech."

What will happen if a new hero appears in the fairy tale?

Do you think Baba Yaga is good or evil?

If you were in the place of the hero of the story, what would you think?

Why do they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”?

What are figurative words used for?

Is it possible to “paint” a portrait with words?

What would you do if you were in the place of the hero of the work?

"Preparing for Literacy":

What does the word consist of if we pronounce it?

What does a word consist of if we write it?

Can a word contain only vowels?

Can a word consist only of consonants?

The teacher reads the letter: “Hello guys. My name is Umka. I live in the eternal realm of ice and snow, in the north. Recently I learned that summer has come to you. I have never seen summer, but I really want to know what it is. How can we help Umka learn about the season - summer?

"Connected Speech"

Theme: "Hedgehog Soup"


- Learning to compose the end of the story according to this beginning, illustrating the continuation of the unfinished story;

- Development of skills of independent coherent retelling of the text with a preliminary display of its content in drawings - illustrations;

– Development of creative imagination;

– Training in planning activitiesѐ twisted statement based on the compilation of a visual

picture plan;

- Activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

Tasks Using illustrations for a fairy tale as a picture plan, retell the fairy tale;

Come up with your own fairy tale by analogy with this one, directing the imagination of the childѐ nka with the help of questions, helping him to illustrate his i essay.

Technologies for teaching figurative speech:

Technology for teaching children to make comparisons.

Comparison model:

- the teacher names an object; - indicates its sign;

– determines the value of this attribute;

– compares the given value with the attribute value in another object.

At a younger preschool age, a model for compiling comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out.

In the fifth year of life, more independence is given in making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a sign to be compared.

In the sixth year of life, children learn to make comparisons on their own according to the criterion given by the educator.

The technology of teaching children how to make comparisons develops observation, curiosity, the ability to compare features of objects in preschoolers, enriches speech, and promotes motivation for the development of speech and mental activity.

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects. It is not necessary for children to use the term "metaphor". Most likely, for children, these will be the mysterious phrases of the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

Reception of a simple algorithm for compiling a metaphor.

1. Object 1 (rainbow) is taken. A metaphor will be made about him.

2. He has a specific property (multi-colored).

3. Object 2 with the same property is selected (flower meadow).

4. The location of object 1 is determined (the sky after the rain).

5. For a metaphorical phrase, you need to take object 2 and indicate the location of object 1 (Flower meadow - the sky after the rain).

6. Make a sentence with these words (the flowery heavenly glade shone brightly after the rain).

ϖ Teaching children to compose creative stories from a picture.

The proposed technology is designed to teach children to compose two types of stories based on a picture.

1 - "text of a realistic nature"

2 - "text of a fantastic nature"

Both types of stories can be attributed to creative speech activity of different levels.

The fundamental point in the proposed technology is that teaching children to compose stories based on a picture is based on thinking algorithms. The child's education is carried out in the process of his joint activity with the teacher through a system of game exercises.

A technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantees the achievements of a preschooler and further guarantees their successful schooling.

The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state.