Test civil war and the politics of war communism. Test on the history of Russia "NEP"

Test: “Civil War. "War Communism"

1. One of the main causes of the civil war in Russia

A) the alliance of the Bolsheviks with the Left SRs.
B) strengthening and developing a multi-party system.
C) the coming of the Bolsheviks to power and their policy.
D) deployment of intervention by the Entente countries.

2. A full-scale civil war in Russia began:

A) in the spring of 1917
B) in the autumn of 1917
C) in the spring of 1918
D) in the fall of 1918

3. One of the generals of the White Army during the civil war:

A) A.I. Egorov.
B) A. I. Denikin.
C) M.V. Frunze.
D) I.I. Vatsetis.

4. What is a civil war?

5. The goals of the Reds in the civil war:

A) The constitutional order, integrity and indivisibility of Russia.

C) the dictatorship of the proletariat.

6. The beginning of the civil war is associated with

A) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps;
B) Wrangel's speech;
C) Yudenich's attack on Petrograd;
D) war with Poland.

7. The policy of “war communism” is characterized

A) the introduction of self-sufficiency and self-financing;

B) encouraging free trade;
D) rapid economic growth.

8. The obligatory surrender by the peasants to the state at fixed prices of all surpluses in excess of the established norms during the years of war communism was called

A) labor service;
B) tax in kind;
B) nationalization;
D) surplus.

9. Arrange the events in chronological order.

A) Creation of the Revolutionary Military Council headed by Trotsky.
B) War with Poland.
C) overthrow of the Provisional Government.
D) Kolchak's attack on Moscow.

10. Match.

A) V.I. Lenin.

1) Commander of the Western Front of the Red Army in the war with Poland.

B) A.V. Kolchak.

2) Commander of a division of the Red Army.

C) M.N. Tukhachevsky.

3) Admiral, "Supreme Ruler of Russia".

D) V.I. Chapaev.

4) Leader of the Right SR party.

5) Chairman of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense.

11. One of the reasons for the intervention of the Western powers during the civil war:

A) an alliance with the Bolsheviks and the Left SRs;
B) assistance to the red movement during the war years;
C) the establishment of socialism in their countries;
D) weaken Russia as its competitor.

12. The liquidation of the last white front in the Crimea was completed:

A) in the spring of 1920
B) in the fall of 1920
C) in the spring of 1919
D) in the autumn of 1922

13. One of the commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War;

A) M. N. Tukhachevsky.
B) A. I. Denikin.
C) N. N. Yudenich.
D) A. V. Kolchak.

14. What is an intervention?

15. The goals of the whites in the civil war:

A) The return of autocracy, the integrity and indivisibility of Russia.
B) Democratic Russia, elections to the Constituent Assembly.
C) the dictatorship of the proletariat.

16. The beginning of the civil war is associated with

A) Yudenich's attack on Petrograd.
B) Wrangel's speech.
C) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps.
D) the offensive of neighboring states.

17. The policy of white governments is characterized by:

A) rapid economic growth
B) the nationalization of industry;
C) the abolition of the Bolshevik Decree on Land;
D) the introduction of surplus appropriation.

18. Admiral, who proclaimed himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia:

A) P.N. Krasnov.
B) A.V. Kolchak.
C) L.G. Kornilov.
D) A.F. Kerensky.

19. Arrange the events in chronological order.

A) the defeat of Wrangel.
B) The capture of the Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks.
C) Denikin's movement on Moscow.
D) Decree on the organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Red Army.

20. Match.

A) L.D. Trotsky.

1) The commander of the White forces in southern Russia.

B) P.N. Wrangell.

2) Commander of the Red Army.

C) M.V. Frunze.

3) Chairman of the Provisional Government.

D) A.I. Denikin.

4) Commander of the White Volunteer Army.

5) Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic.

1 option

This is an armed clash of various
social groups for power within one country

14. This is the violent intervention of others.
states in the internal affairs of the state

A-5, B-3, C-1, G-2

Test on the topic "NEP"

1. One of the reasons for the transition to NEP is

a) the socio-political crisis of the Bolsheviks' power

b) the desire of the Bolsheviks to socialize the means of production

c) search for funds for industrialization

d) the desire to increase labor efficiency

2. The transition to the NEP was carried out in

a) 1917

b) 1918

c) 1921

d) 1922

3. The rationing system for bread was introduced in

a) 1921

b) 1929

c) 1923

d) 1924

4. A social group of people that appeared during the NEP years:

a) lumpen

b) the proletariat

c) Nepmen

d) fists

5. By 1928 the overall size of the working class has increased

a) 2 times

b) 3 times

c) 4 times

d) 5 times

6. Appearance instead of depreciated money hard convertible

currency - gold chervonets refers to

a) 1921

b) 1922

c) 1923

d) 1924

7. One of the social results of the NEP was

a) the prevalence of the poor in the countryside

b) an exorbitant increase in the bureaucratic apparatus

c) the deterioration of the life of the peasants

d) decrease in the number of prosperous households

8. Who owns the statement: “NEP is serious and for a long time”?

a) I.V. Stalin

b) N.I. Bukharin

c) V.I. Lenin

d) L.B. Kamenev

9. Match the term with its definition



A) denationalization

B) food tax

B) rent

D) concession

D) cost accounting

1) use of the property of another owner for a certain period and on certain conditions

2) a method of management based on the comparison of costs and results of economic activity

3) an agreement for the delivery of enterprises or land plots with the right to production activities to foreign firms

4) a state-established mandatory payment collected from peasant farms

5) transfer of state property to private ownership

10. Match Date to Event

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

11. Establish a correspondence between the policy of the Soviet government and its features

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Arrange events in chronological order

A) the appearance of the first Soviet car

B) grain procurement crisis

C) the abolition of the card system

D) the proclamation at the X Congress of the RCP (b) of the new economic policy (NEP)

D) drought and famine in the Volga region

E) achievement by Russia of the level of 1913 in terms of the main indicators of grain production and the development of animal husbandry

13. Name the provisions that are the goals of the NEP

1) improvement of the socio-economic condition of society

2) search for new ways of building the economic foundations of socialism

3) socialization of the means of production

4) overcoming the political crisis of the Bolsheviks

5) receiving funds for industrialization

6) centralized management of the economy

Answer: _________________

14. What are the features that characterize the main directions of the NEP

1) centralization of economic management

2) the admission of investing in the economy of foreign capital

3) nationalization of small and part of medium industry

5) replacement of the surplus with a tax in kind

6) abolition of universal labor service

Answer: _________________

15. Select the provisions related to the NEP

1) the use of hired labor

2) universal labor service

3) surplus appropriation

4) land lease

5) food tax

6) use of foreign capital

7) nationalization of banks

Answer: _________________


1. a

2. in

3. b

4. in

5. g

6 g

7. b

8. in

13. 1,2,4

14. 2,5,6

Test: “Civil War. War Communism" (1st version).
Grade 9, preparation for the OGE
1. One of the main causes of the civil war in Russia
A) the alliance of the Bolsheviks with the Left Social Revolutionaries. B) the strengthening and development of a multi-party system. C) the coming of the Bolsheviks to power and their policy. D) the deployment of intervention by the Entente countries.
2. A full-scale civil war in Russia began:
A) in the spring of 1917 B) in the autumn of 1917 C) in the spring of 1918 D) in the autumn of 1918
3. One of the generals of the White Army during the civil war:
A) A.I. EgorovB) A.I. DenikinC) M.V. FrunzeG) I.I. Vatsetis
4. What is a civil war?
5. The goals of the Reds in the civil war:
A) The constitutional order, integrity and indivisibility of Russia. B) Democratic Russia, elections to the Constituent Assembly. C) Dictatorship of the proletariat.
A) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps; B) Wrangel's speech; C) Yudenich's attack on Petrograd; D) the war with Poland.
7. The policy of "war communism" is characterized
A) the introduction of self-sufficiency and self-financing; B) the nationalization of industry; C) the promotion of free trade; D) rapid economic growth.
8. The obligatory surrender by the peasants to the state at fixed prices of all surpluses in excess of the established norms during the years of war communism was called
A) labor service; B) tax in kind; C) nationalization; D) surplus appropriation.

A) Creation of the Revolutionary Military Council headed by Trotsky. B) War with Poland. C) Overthrow of the Provisional Government. D) Kolchak's attack on Moscow.
10. Match.
A) V.I. Lenin.
1) Commander of the Western Front of the Red Army in the war with Poland.

B) A.V. Kolchak.
2) Commander of a division of the Red Army.

C) M.N. Tukhachevsky.
3) Admiral, "Supreme Ruler of Russia".

D) V.I. Chapaev.
4) Leader of the Right SR party.

5) Chairman of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense.

11. Who are we talking about?
Born in the family of a military paramedic, who became a professional revolutionary. He studied at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1905, he led the Ivanovo-Voznesensk strike. In 1909 1910. was twice sentenced to death. In 1910-1915 in hard labor, fled. During the Civil War, he commanded the army, the Southern Group of Forces of the Eastern Front and the Eastern Front. He commanded the Southern Front during the defeat of the troops of P.N. Wrangel.

Test: “Civil War. War Communism" (2nd version)
Grade 9, preparation for the OGE

1. One of the reasons for the intervention of the Western powers during the civil war:
A) an alliance with the Bolsheviks and the Left SRs; B) assistance to the red movement during the war years; C) the establishment of socialism in their countries; D) weaken Russia as its competitor.
2. The liquidation of the last white front in the Crimea was completed:
A) in the spring of 1920 B) in the autumn of 1920 C) in the spring of 1919 D) in the autumn of 1922
3. One of the commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War;
A) M. N. Tukhachevsky. B) A. I. Denikin. C) N. N. Yudenich. D) A. V. Kolchak.
4. What is an intervention?
5. The goals of the whites in the civil war:
A) The return of autocracy, the integrity and indivisibility of Russia. B) Democratic Russia, elections to the Constituent Assembly. C) The dictatorship of the proletariat.
6. The beginning of the civil war is associated with
A) the attack on Petrograd Yudenich. B) the performance of Wrangel. C) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps. D) the offensive of neighboring states.
7. The policy of white governments is characterized by:
A) rapid economic growth; B) the nationalization of industry; C) the abolition of the Bolshevik Decree on Land; D) the introduction of a surplus appraisal.
8. Admiral, who proclaimed himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia:
A) P.N. Krasnov.B) A.V. Kolchak. B) L.G. Kornilov.G) A.F. Kerensky.
9. Arrange the events in chronological order.
A) The defeat of Wrangel. B) The capture of the Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks. C) Denikin's movement to Moscow. D) Decree on the organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Red Army.
10. Match.
A) L.D. Trotsky.
1) The commander of the White forces in southern Russia.

B) P.N. Wrangell.
2) Commander of the Red Army.

C) M.V. Frunze.
3) Chairman of the Provisional Government.

D) A.I. Denikin.
4) Commander of the White Volunteer Army.

5) Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic.

11. Who are we talking about?
He participated in the Northern Polar Expedition of the Academy of Sciences, in the Russo-Japanese War he was a prisoner of the Japanese, commanded the Black Sea Fleet. In 1918 he agreed to become the dictator of Russia. He, an excellent connoisseur of maritime affairs, lacked the dexterity of a civil administrator. In January 1920, his troops were defeated near Krasnoyarsk. And he himself was shot without trial and investigation, and his body was lowered under the ice of the Angara.


1 option
Option 2

This is an armed clash of various social groups for power within one country.
This is the forcible intervention of other states in the internal affairs of the state.


A-5, B-3, C-1, G-2
A-5, B-1, V-2, G-4

Mikhail Frunze
Alexander Kolchak

Test on the topic "NEP"

1. One of the reasons for the transition to NEP isa) the socio-political crisis of the Bolsheviks' powerb) the desire of the Bolsheviks to socialize the means of productionc) search for funds for industrializationd) the desire to increase labor efficiency
2. The transition to the NEP was carried out in a) 1917 b) 1918 c) 1921 d) 1922
3. The rationing system for bread was introduced in a) 1921 b) 1929 c) 1923 d) 1924
4. A social group of people that appeared during the NEP years: a) lumpen b) proletariat c) Nepmen d) kulaks
5. By 1928 the overall size of the working class has increased a) 2 times b) 3 times c) 4 times d) 5 times
6. Appearance instead of depreciated money hard convertible currency - gold chervonets refers to a) 1921 b) 1922 c) 1923 d) 1924
7. One of the social results of the NEP wasa) the prevalence of the poor in the countrysideb) an exorbitant increase in the bureaucratic apparatusc) the deterioration of the life of the peasantsd) decrease in the number of prosperous households
8. Who owns the statement: “NEP is serious and for a long time”? a) J.V. Stalin b) N.I. Bukharin c) V.I. Lenin d) L.B. Kamenev
9. Match the term with its definition


10. Match Date to Event

the date

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
11. Establish a correspondence between the policy of the Soviet government and its features

The policy of the Soviet government

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
12. Arrange events in chronological orderA) the appearance of the first Soviet carB) grain procurement crisisC) the abolition of the card systemD) proclamation X Congress of the RCP (b) New Economic Policy (NEP) D) drought and famine in the Volga regionE) achievement by Russia of the level of 1913 in terms of the main indicators of grain production and the development of animal husbandry 13. Name the provisions that are the goals of the NEP1) improvement of the socio-economic condition of society2) search for new ways of building the economic foundations of socialism3) socialization of the means of production4) overcoming the political crisis of the Bolsheviks5) receiving funds for industrialization6) centralized management of the economy Answer: _________________
14. What are the features that characterize the main directions of the NEP1) centralization of economic management2) the admission of investing in the economy of foreign capital3) nationalization of small and part of medium industry4) a ban on the use of hired labor5) replacement of the surplus with a tax in kind6) abolition of universal labor service Answer: _________________
15. Select the provisions related to the NEP1) the use of hired labor2) universal labor service3) surplus appropriation 4) land lease 5) tax in kind 6) use of foreign capital7) nationalization of banks
Answer: _________________


1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. d 6 d 7. b 8. c

13. 1,2,4
14. 2,5,6
15. 1,4,5,6

1. The transition from the policy of "war communism" to the NEP (new economic policy) V. I. Lenin proclaimed: 1) on his birthday April 22, 1921 2) with the beginning of spring sowing in 1922 3) on the eve of the Kronstadt "mutiny » 4) from January 1, 1922 5) in March 1921 at the X Congress of the RCP (b)

3. A significant reduction in the size of the tax in comparison with the surplus created an incentive for the peasants, who received at their disposal surplus agricultural products. But for this incentive to work, it was necessary to: 1) create a network of procurement enterprises 2) return to freedom of trade 3) establish the production of industrial goods needed by the peasant 4) build a network of warehouses for storing and processing surplus agricultural products 5) restore the confidence of the peasants

4. NEP in the sphere of industrial production led to: 1) the abolition of the decree on the complete nationalization of industry 2) the transfer of small and part of medium-sized enterprises to private hands 3) the permission to lease some large enterprises to private individuals 4) the admission of the creation of concessions using foreign capital

7. The desire of the Bolsheviks under the NEP to retain their “commanding heights in the economy” was expressed in the fact that the state remained in the hands of: 1) entire industries or a significant part of industry 2) a significant part of industry and all foreign trade 3) all foreign and almost all domestic trade (except trade. from hands and trays) 4) almost all domestic trade and all exports 5) almost all domestic and foreign trade and entire industries

10. Pre-revolutionary sown areas under the NEP were basically restored by ... year: 1))))) 1927

11. With the beginning of the NEP, the pre-war level in animal husbandry was reached by ... year: 1))))) 1927

12. In industry, according to the main indicators, including national income, the country reached the pre-war level by ... year: 1))))) 1929

13. In conditions when the authorities announced that "NEP is serious and for a long time", but not forever, private capital rushed into: 1) retail trade 2) retail and wholesale trade 3) wholesale trade and housing construction 4) housing construction and light industry 5) light industry and gold mining

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