Acupressure for dizziness. The use of acupuncture for the treatment of dizziness Is it permissible to massage for dizziness

If the head is spinning only occasionally and not for long, then this is often ignored. Otherwise, a person runs to the pharmacy or tries to get rid of dizziness at home. However, before embarking on self-treatment, you should consult with a specialist and find out what led to the onset of the disease.

If the head is spinning not due to a serious illness, then during an attack, you should perform actions that will help you quickly get rid of the ailment:

  1. Lie down or sit down for at least a couple of minutes(in extreme cases, you can go down directly to the ground, this will allow you not to be afraid of an unexpected fall and alleviate the condition as a whole).
  2. Drink water, hot tea, compote or juice(Especially needed when dizzy due to dehydration).
  3. Eat a few pieces of chocolate(Helps raise blood glucose levels)
  4. Fix your eyes on one point(it will allow to stabilize the work of the vestibular apparatus due to the realization that the object in question, like everything around it, does not rotate).
  5. Take a deep breath.
  6. Put out the light Or make it a little less bright.
  7. Tilt your neck and head about 45˚(Epley maneuver).
  8. Open a window or window providing an adequate supply of oxygen.
  9. Remove clothing, which can interfere with free breathing or squeeze blood vessels.
  10. Make a cold compress on the forehead.

Elderly people can be given about 10 drops of Atropine solution with a concentration of not more than 0.1% to improve well-being. If none of these methods helped, and the head is still very dizzy, then you need to call an ambulance. Later, you will need to contact a neurologist or therapist.

It should be borne in mind that dizziness may be associated with brain injuries, infectious and nervous diseases, or other causes. For example, in women, this symptom may indicate the onset of pregnancy, and in adolescents, it is associated with intensive growth during the transition period.

If the problem is the presence of a serious pathology, then it is pointless to fight the symptom without curing the underlying disease, which in most cases cannot be done without the participation of doctors and the use of pharmacy medicines.


It is necessary to deal with the treatment of dizziness under the guidance of a specialist who will determine the general course of therapy, including medication and non-pharmacological means of overcoming malaise.


One way to deal with any ailment is to take the appropriate pills. But the elimination of dizziness with the help of medicines should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Suitable drugs are determined based on the underlying cause of the symptom.

factor causing dizziness Useddrugs
OverworkAnalgin, Aspirin
Disturbed work of the vestibular apparatus (improvement of the process of transmission of nerve impulses is required)scopolamine, cinnazirine
Psychogenic illnessesBetaserc
Metabolic disorders and vascular weaknessCavinton, Memoplant
Mental disorders, difficulties with adaptationPiracetam, Glycine, Cinnarizine, Phenibut
Pathologies of cerebral circulationVasobral
Anxiety disorders, depressionsedatives and antidepressants

These drugs vary in price, but they have the desired effect regardless of cost. However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their composition and possible side effects, and not just the number of positive reviews that these drugs have received. To do this, you need to read the instructions attached to the drug in detail.


Help with dizziness is associated not only with the appointment of medications. You can fight the disease through physiotherapy procedures:

  • implementation of reflexology;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • performing a sparing complex of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises);
  • conducting massage sessions.

The last two points allow the patient to improve the condition of the spinal column and stimulate blood circulation in all parts of the body, as well as improve metabolism.

Folk recipes

The head can spin at any moment, so it will be useful to remember a few folk recipes that will bring relief or even completely eliminate the disease:

  1. Ginger tea.
    Regular consumption of a drink prepared using crushed and dried ginger root will remove not only dizziness, but also a headache. Ginger tea is not only pleasant in taste and smell, but also very effective (a noticeable improvement occurs after the first application).
  2. Vinegar-honey drink.
    This remedy allows you to stop dizziness, provoked by a sharp change in blood pressure. To prepare it, it is necessary to dilute honey and 5% apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon each) in warm water (0.2 l). Take daily before breakfast and after dinner until the attack stops completely.
  3. Juice from beets, pomegranate and carrots.
    Juices of each type are mixed in the ratio 1:1:1. Drink the finished product before meals for 0.5 cups. It relieves vascular spasms, relieves the feeling of weakness and alleviates the general condition of the patient.
  4. A decoction of oregano and lemon balm.
    Pour the dried herbs with hot boiling water and sweat in a water bath for about 10 minutes. For some time to insist, and then - strain the broth. You can season it with lemon and honey. It is used to provide emergency relief for dizziness, additionally produces a calming effect.

The use of folk remedies allows you to eliminate the disease without leaving the house. But dizziness should be treated in this way only with the approval of a specialist.

other methods

In addition to the main methods of conducting therapy, there are several additional methods:

  1. Acupuncture (acupressure).
    This is one of the achievements of Chinese medicine, widely used by modern specialists. The procedure is associated with massage of special points that are located on the hands (mainly) or other parts of the body.
    For example, two such areas are located on a conditional line running along the back of the head from the top of one ear to the top of the other. If you put your palms on your head so that the little fingers touch your ears, then the necessary points will be located at the intersection of the index fingers with this imaginary line.
    It is necessary to massage these areas for one minute, pressing hard enough, but not so that it hurts. Effects of this kind make it possible to stop dizziness even in a child, but it is impossible to cure the disease that caused it with the help of acupuncture alone.
  2. Homeopathy.
    An ambiguous technique, which is doubtfully perceived by many specialists. It involves treating the patient according to the principle of similarity with extremely small doses of the drug (there is practically no active substance left in the solution). Supporters of this direction believe that homeopathic remedies can eliminate both moderate and severe dizziness, but there are no confirmed data on this.
  3. Bubnovsky exercises.
    Kind of gymnastics. Its second name is extreme rehabilitation. It is used to treat radiculitis, joint pain, cervical osteochondrosis (the latter often causes dizziness).
    It is desirable to perform Bubnovsky's exercises on special MTB simulators. Together with this, the patient is prescribed the passage of cryotherapy and a visit to the Russian bath. A person is considered cured when the muscle constant is restored, which is verified by performing weight-bearing exercises without feeling pain (all actions performed are safe for health and are of a therapeutic nature).

Any of the methods presented here can be applied in practice, but only with the participation of a specialist who understands the intricacies of its implementation. Otherwise, instead of benefiting health, you can get injured or miss the moment when it was necessary to start treatment for a serious illness.

Preventive measures

There are several ways to prevent dizziness attacks:

  • medication use, supporting the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus, or special bracelets from motion sickness;
  • quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages(all this contributes to lower blood pressure);
  • habit formation eat well and regularly;
  • avoiding shoes with very high heels(due to its wearing, blood circulation throughout the body is disturbed);
  • daily sleep at least 7 hours, normalization of the sleep-wake cycle;
  • timely treatment colds and other diseases;
  • undergoing a medical examination with a certain frequency;
  • regular physical activity and taking walks in the fresh air;
  • drinking enough liquid(about 2 liters per day);
  • careful lifting from the bed;
  • temporary withdrawal from activities that require significant concentration(driving, cycling, etc.);
  • carrying out a light massage of the temples.

Compliance with these rules will minimize the risk of an illness and even prevent the development of diseases, a symptom of which it could be.


There are many ways to overcome dizziness (medicated, non-medicated, folk remedies, etc.), and everyone can use the option that suits them best. The greatest difficulty here is to correctly assess the severity of your condition and understand when it is permissible to act on your own, and when you need to call a doctor.

Dizziness indicates a violation of blood circulation and is caused by various reasons: a change in pressure, a sudden rise, a change in weather conditions. With frequent dizziness, you should consult a doctor.

In Eastern medicine, vital energy is associated with the meridian of the kidneys, therefore, when the activity of the kidneys is weakened, the amount of vital energy decreases and, consequently, dizziness appears. In most cases, dizziness will help to eliminate finger massage and other special techniques.

Reception 1. Purpose: prevention of dizziness.

Performance. To prevent dizziness, it is necessary to massage a point on the palm, located on the side of the little finger (Fig. 148). The massage is performed with the ball of the thumb for one minute.

Reception 2. Purpose: prevention of dizziness.

Performance. With a nut or thumb pad, massage the saninko point, located seven centimeters above the ankle on the inside of the lower leg, for three minutes. Massage is performed in a sitting position (Fig. 149).

Reception 3. Purpose: prevention of dizziness.

Performance. To prevent dizziness, you need to put a nut on the palm between the thumb and forefinger, closer to the index finger, and perform circular movements with the palm of the other hand. Exercise is performed 20-25 times for each hand.

Reception 4. Purpose: prevention of dizziness.

Performance. Squeeze the wrist of one hand with the other hand and rotate the brush 20 times in each direction, as shown in (Fig. 150).

Then you should change the position and repeat the reception.

Reception 5. Purpose: prevention of dizziness.

Performance. To prevent dizziness, put a stick with a diameter of 30 cm on the back of the head and roll it up and down, while turning the head to the right and left. The execution time is three minutes. When performing the reception, two points located on the back of the head are affected, thereby supplying the meridians of the whole body with air vital energy.

Today, the doctor of Chinese medicine, Liu Hongsheng, shares his knowledge, tells and shows: how to get rid of dizziness. Recall that we continue to publish the advice of Dr. Liu, who tells how to quickly improve your well-being or get rid of minor but unpleasant diseases on your own by pressing special points. points for dizziness POINT #1. These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head. It is necessary to draw an imaginary line through the back of the head from the upper edge of one ear to the upper edge of the other. Then put the palm of your right hand on your head so that the little finger touches the ear. Then the point will be at the intersection of the edge of the index finger and an imaginary line. Similarly, a point is also found on the left side of the back of the head. POINT #2. Two symmetrical points are located above the edges of the eyebrows in the place where the hairline makes the so-called "corner". You should press just in the upper "top" of this corner.
Missing the point is not scary!- Dr. Liu, many readers write that they would like to take your advice, but are afraid. They are afraid that they will incorrectly determine the place where they need to press, and this will damage their body. “I don't think there's much danger in that. Even if someone makes a mistake, he will not do much harm. After all, massage is designed to activate blood flow to the right places, that's all. In the worst case, if you make a mistake, you simply will not get any effect.

Treatment for dizziness

Holding the brush of one hand in the other, turn it back and forth.

The vertigo can be vertical, like going down an elevator, or rotational, like sitting on a spinning bowl in the park. It may also be accompanied by Meniere's syndrome - nausea and tinnitus. One way or another, but recently the number of cases of dizziness has increased dramatically.

Dizziness is more often observed in connection with mental and physical overstrain; middle-aged and older women
or men in the prime of life while working, it happens that they suddenly try to grab onto a wall or squat from unexpected dizziness.

In some people, it gets dark in the eyes when getting up from a sitting position, as if "blood drains from the head."

Exercise 1. The method of maintaining health with finger exercises focuses on the meridian of the bladder,
because the two points of Tenchu ​​(on the back of the head at the edge of the hair, on the right and left on the large muscles), as well as the meridians of the whole body, must be provided with moderate amounts of air-blood energy.

A stick with a diameter of about 2 cm is applied with little effort to the back of the head, rolled up and down, and then the head is turned to the right and left and the stick is rolled up and down again (3 minutes).

Exercise 2. Apply a nut to the Gokoku point (on the back of the hand between the metacarpal bones of the large and index
fingers, a little closer to the index) and with the palm of the other hand make circular movements with a nut about 20 times.

Exercise 3. Hold one hand with the other by the wrist and turn the free hand of the first hand alternately to the outside, then to the inside (15 times for each hand).

Exercise 4. Poor functioning of the stomach and intestines leads to a breakdown in water metabolism, as a result
called "water poison" can cause dizziness. Put your hands on your belt so that your thumbs are next to
spine on the right and left, and bend back. It is important during the exercise to gradually move the thumbs and exhale with each press (3 minutes).

Since the symptoms are quite vague and can be caused by a number of factors, it takes trial and error to find a way to stop or prevent the feeling of dizziness.

Here is a selection of quick methods you can try when trying to stop dizziness (lightheadedness):

1. Sit or lie down

Dizziness or lightheadedness usually strikes when you stand or move around. At the first sign of lightheadedness or dizziness, sit or lie down immediately. This usually helps to remove the sensation of rotation of surrounding objects and is safe in case you fall.

If you are sitting, try resting your head on your knees (even better, lower it between your knees). This will increase blood flow to the brain. You will achieve the same result if you lie down
Sit or lie down for 1-2 minutes or until the dizziness subsides.

2. Drink water

Dizziness is often the result of dehydration. Dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water, and dehydration tends to get worse during or after exercise.

Dehydration can also be a problem when you're suffering from an illness that causes vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever that can make you lose a lot of fluids.

If you find it difficult to drink plenty of water, try drinking other liquids such as energy drinks, hot tea with a little sugar, soups and broths, or diluted fruit juices.

3. Focus on a specific point

To prevent dizziness when everything is spinning around, many dancers focus their eyes on a certain place. The same technique can be used by people who suffer from bouts of vertigo.

Focusing on a specific spot, such as a crack in the ceiling or a speck of dirt on the floor, will help your sense of balance realize that you are not spinning, contrary to what your body is telling you.

4. Breathe deeply

Dizziness may occur due to an anxiety attack. Often during panic attacks, you feel like you can't breathe.

Typically, the problem is that you are trying to breathe too much. If so, try breathing slowly and deeply. This will help you calm down and overcome the feeling of dizziness.

How to relieve fatigue in five minutes!

Tips on how to quickly relieve fatigue after a long sitting at a table or driving a car.

It often happens that after prolonged work at the computer or during a long trip by car, a person feels general fatigue, eyes get tired, concentration drops.

To improve well-being, you need to massage a few points on your face.

You will feel much more energized almost immediately.

Point #1.
Inner corner of the eyes.
Press simultaneously on both sides.

Point number 2.
Just three points.
The outer edge of the eyebrow, the middle and the inner edge. Press on symmetrical points on both eyebrows at the same time.

Point number 3.
A convex tubercle above the bridge of the nose is strictly between the eyebrows.

Point number 4.
Under the pupil of the eye at a distance of half a centimeter from the lower eyelid. Press simultaneously under both eyes.


These points should be massaged with your fingertips. within a minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain.

How to cure a runny nose in five minutes!

There are few people who would consider a runny nose as a serious illness, but it poisons the lives of almost everyone. You can help the body cope with malaise, activate internal forces to fight the common coldwith massagethe following points on the face:

Point #1. If you continue the line of the eyebrows, then this point will be at the intersection with the line of the bridge of the nose.

Point #2. These symmetrical points are located on both sides of the face. Slightly noticeable depressions two centimeters from the outer edge of the eyebrow. They must be pressed at the same time.

Point #3. Two symmetrical points at the base of the nose, near the edge of the eye sockets. Massage at the same time.

Point number 4. Symmetrical points half a centimeter from the wings of the nose.

These points should be massaged with your fingertips for one minute.


These points need to be massaged with tips fingers within one minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain. It doesn't matter if it's clockwise or counterclockwise. It is important that there is a feeling of pressure on the point.


The main thing is the right blood flow!

- How can you, by pressing somewhere, affect the disease?

– Chinese medicine believes that the most important thing is the correct flow of blood to the muscles and tissues. If somewhere in the body there is stagnation of blood, then a disease can begin in this place. And vice versa - if you provide proper blood flow, then the body itself is able to heal the disease. Therefore, massage of key points helps to restore well-being.

How to relieve a headache in five minutes, or at least ease a headache?

Point number 1. If you continue the line of the eyebrows, then this point will be on it strictly above the bridge of the nose.

Point number 2. Symmetrical points on both sides of the faces. Slightly noticeable depressions two centimeters from the outer edge of the eyebrow. Press at the same time.

Point number 3. Two symmetrical points above the edges of the eyebrows, in the place where the hairline makes the so-called corner. Click on the top "top" of this corner.

Point number 4. This point is not on the face, but on the head. You need to draw an imaginary (or you can just measure with a thread or ribbon) line from ear to ear.

In the middle of this line, at the top of the head, there is a point.


Is there an anti-smoking point?

- Neither with the help of massage, nor with the help of acupuncture, it is impossible to rid a person of a bad habit.
There is no such point that you can click on, and - everything is gone. With the help of massage and acupuncture, this difficult process can be facilitated for a person quitting smoking.
But this requires a serious course of several full-fledged sessions.

How to get rid of stomach pain in five minutes!


To find this point
you need to put your hand on your stomach.

In this case, the edge of the little finger should be above the navel. In this case, the point will be just above the edge of the index finger.

Press hard, but gently and not to the point of pain, since the "solar plexus" is located nearby
- a large plexus of nerve nodes.


In fact, these are two whole points located symmetrically with respect to point No. 1. You need to measure four fingers to the sides of the first point. They should be massaged simultaneously with strong circular movements, but not to the point of pain.

This material can be cut and saved. In the following issues, you will find Dr. Liu's advice on how to relieve and stabilize high blood pressure and other minor annoyances. By putting all these publications together, you will receive a small home health benefit.

Does a person have a weight loss point?

- Are there points that cause weight loss?

- Massage can contribute to this, but there are no special points, after pressing which the body will begin to lose weight. You can reduce your appetite for a while, but the optimal effect is achieved only in combination and only with a strong desire of the person himself to lose weight. Among other things, we also need physical activity and a moderate diet.

How to get rid of nausea in five minutes!

Massage of these two points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness.


To find this point, you need to put the palm of your left hand on the inside of your right so that the little finger touches the edge of the brush. In the center of the line along which the index finger will touch the right hand, this point will be located.
You can massage points on both hands.


This point is located on the wrist.
To find it, you need to put the thumb of your left hand between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand.
In this case, the “strip” between the phalanges of the thumb of the left hand should fall on the skin fold between the fingers of the right hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the brush, and there is a point. After massaging the point on one hand, go to the other.


These are two points at once, which are located on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint. Press on both sides at the same time.


Massaging these two points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness caused by motion sickness or a sudden change in body position.

In case of poisoning or diseases of the digestive system, they will not help and will not replace serious treatment!

How to get rid of dizziness in five minutes!

These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head.


These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head. It is necessary to draw an imaginary line through the back of the head from the upper edge of one ear to the upper edge of the other.

Then put the palm of your right hand on your head so that the little finger touches the ear.

Then the point will be at the intersection of the edge of the index finger and an imaginary line. Similarly, a point is also found on the left side of the back of the head.


Two symmetrical points are located above the edges of the eyebrows in the place where the hairline makes the so-called "corner". You should press just in the upper "top" of this corner.

Missing the point is not scary!

- Many readers write that they would like to take your advice, but are afraid. They are afraid that they will incorrectly determine the place where they need to press, and this will damage their body.

“I don't think there's much danger in that. Even if someone makes a mistake, he will not do much harm.

After all, massage is designed to activate blood flow to the right places, that's all. In the worst case, if you make a mistake, you simply will not get any effect.

How to increase the pressure in five minutes!

True, for this you will have to try a little, the points “responsible for pressure” are literally scattered from head to toe.


To find this point, you need to put your right hand with your palm on your stomach. In this case, the index finger should be immediately below the navel. In this case, the point will be just under the edge of the little finger.


You should look for this point on the head, or rather, on the back of the head. It is necessary to attach the right hand to the back of the head so that it touches the right ear with the little finger, and measure the same four fingers along the imaginary line between the earlobes. Where this "line" intersects with the edge of the index finger, and there will be a point.


This point is located on the leg, on the outer side of the lower leg. To find it, you should measure all the same four fingers from the upper edge of the bone on the ankle. If the little finger touches the bone, then the point will be above the edge of the index finger.

How to lower the pressure in five minutes!

Desired points


By and large, this is not even a point, but a whole line.
It runs from a point hidden under the earlobe to the middle of the collarbone.

But it should not be pressed or massaged, but stroked very gently.

An almost imperceptible movement from top to bottom, only the tip of the finger barely touches the neck. Repeat ten times on one side, then switch to the other.


This point is located on the face at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose.

How to soothe a toothache in five minutes

Point number 1.This point must be sought by clenching your teeth tightly. You need to find with your finger the place where the teeth “end” and the muscles “begin”, and retreat half a centimeter. At this point there should be a small depression. It needs to be massaged.

Point number 2. The point is located on the face at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose.

Point number 3. It is not on the face, but on the hand. It is necessary to attach the thumb of one hand with a “stripe” from the first phalanx between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the brush, this point is located.

This material can be cut and saved. In the following issues, you will find Dr. Liu's advice on how to stabilize high blood pressure, cure hiccups and other minor annoyances. By putting all these publications together, you will receive a small home health benefit.


These points should be massaged with your fingertips for a minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain.


It is impossible to get rid of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity with the help of massage or acupuncture. If, after pressing the points, the teeth stop hurting, this does not mean at all that they do not need to be treated. With the help of Dr. Liu's advice, in this case, you can only eliminate the pain, but not its cause!

How to get rid of hiccups in five minutes

Hiccup Point

These two points are located on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint. It should be pressed simultaneously from both sides until slight pain appears.


In this case, gender difference matters. Men need to press the points on the left hand, women - on the right.

Gymnastics will replace a dozen doctors

— We published your advice to readers. We hope they help people. What would you advise your "patients" in the latest issue?

- I would wish them two simple, but in fact very important things. Firstly, Be sure to take care of your health. There is a saying in China thathealth is half happiness.

Therefore, everything needs to be treated on time. Secondly, pay as much attention as possible disease prevention.
I understand that Russia is not China, here thousands of people do not do qigong exercises in the parks in the mornings, but at least it’s worth doing exercises in the mornings.

Believe me, someday she will replace a dozen doctors for you.

From an interview with Dr. Liu Hyunsheng.

Not so long ago, one of the patients complained to me about the fact that he developed dizziness after a massage of the cervical spine. This fact prompted me to write this article. So, why does dizziness develop after a massage (especially after a massage of the cervical spine), how to avoid this unpleasant sensation, is it possible to massage with dizziness? I will try to answer these and some other questions.

The reasons

Perhaps I will start again with the patient who asked me a question about massage and dizziness, and in answering why he had dizziness, I will give the first reason: a drop in blood pressure. Active massage movements can lead to an effect on the level of blood pressure, both lowering and raising it. This in itself can cause a feeling of dizziness, as well as decompensate existing vascular disease.

The second reason for dizziness during neck massage is the destabilization of the location of the vertebrae. Violation of the stability of the vertebrae during active and frankly illiterate massage can lead to a short-term effect on the system, if such an effect was noted earlier, and also, because of this, can cause dizziness. Although this reason is usually inseparable from the first.

Dizziness after massage can be caused by overstimulation of proprioreceptors (deep sensitivity) of the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the neck, which, as you know, are one of the components of the sense of balance (determine the position of the head relative to the body by stretching the muscles and ligaments on the one hand and reducing them on the other ).

Also, theoretically, dizziness can be caused by fear and the development of a psychogenic state due to fear of medical manipulations in general, as well as due to the presence of pain during massage.

More formidable conditions cannot be ruled out: for example, the detachment of an unstable plaque in the carotid arteries, but, as they say, this is rather a fantastic casuistic reason that is not even described in the scientific literature.

How to avoid dizziness during massage?

How to avoid the development of dizziness during massage? There may be several answers. The first one is banal. Don't go for a massage. But this is more of a joke.

The second one, although similar to the first, is still the most true - do not go for a massage to an illiterate specialist. How to determine which massage therapist or chiropractor is competent? The answer is very complex. Here it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors, relatives, acquaintances, you can sometimes even take into account reviews on the Internet, also a competent massage therapist usually asks to see the doctor’s conclusions, and also asks to see the results of studies (radiography of the cervical region, MSCT, MRI, etc.). In my opinion, the correct answer can only be given by the totality of such collection of information, with a possible emphasis on the opinion of the attending physician.

The third option is not to do any active actions on the collar zone, except for stroking and rubbing, although, at the same time, the meaning of the massage as such is practically lost.

Is it permissible to do massage with dizziness

Allowed in some cases. If dizziness is caused, where the main method of treatment is "manual" in the form of an otolith repositioning maneuver, a non-progressive vascular disorder (), a psychogenic condition, multiple sclerosis. And it is unacceptable to massage the collar zone with, in the presence of a reliably confirmed vertebral artery syndrome, as well as malignant neoplasms of other localization, if there is a tendency to. It would be best to contact a healthcare professional to determine if there are indications/contraindications for massage.


Massage can hardly be called an absolutely safe procedure. In itself, massage can not only help with dizziness, but also cause a feeling of dizziness. At the same time, there are certain contraindications to massage, which should be considered. Because of this, the author of the site strongly recommends consulting a doctor before performing a neck massage, this is much more correct than going to him with dizziness that appeared during a massage of the neck and collar zone. Thank you for your attention!

The quality of blood supply to the brain, which depends on the state of the cervical spine, directly affects the well-being of a person. A common cause of a decrease in the speed and volume of blood flow in this area is osteochondrosis. Many are unaware of the development of pathology, taking its symptoms as a consequence of overwork or pressure drops. Dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most characteristic manifestations.

Clinical manifestations

Dizziness in osteochondrosis is sudden and short-lived. Usually felt with sudden movements of the head, in the morning after getting out of bed. In the latter case, the head is dizzy regularly if the pillow is too high.

The state can be described as follows:

  • clouding in the eyes (dark or dirty yellow veil, ripples, spots, dots);
  • aches in the eye sockets;
  • feeling that everything around is spinning;
  • noise or squeak in the ears;
  • soreness of the skin of the face, redness, pallor;
  • lack of coordination.

I feel dizzy with osteochondrosis and during a long static stay in a standing position, especially in a stuffy room, in a subway car. Sometimes a phenomenon such as a drop attack occurs, when a person, after a sharp turn of the head, falls to the floor due to a short-term compression of the brain. Complete loss of consciousness is rare. After a few seconds, the condition stabilizes.

With cervical osteochondrosis, not only dizziness.

Outside of attacks, other symptoms may occur:

  • dull pain in the back of the head, neck, shoulder, forearm, in the region of the heart;
  • periodic burning sensation in the region of the protruding cervical vertebra;
  • numbness of the extremities, more often at night;
  • muscle weakness of the hands;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Of the non-specific signs: lethargy, resentment, nervousness, feeling of a "heavy" head, mood swings, insomnia.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness, tinnitus, headache have one reason for the appearance - a partial clamping of the arteries feeding the brain.

The spine owes its flexibility and shock-absorbing properties to cartilage pads - discs covered on both sides with a hyaline layer. The normal thickness and good elasticity of the disc guarantee the integrity of the vertebral bones, preventing them from touching, and also maintain the anatomical position of the arteries passing through the holes in the processes of the cervical vertebrae. Thinning, desiccation, violation of the shape of cartilage, displacement of the vertebrae, growth of osteophytes (bone outgrowths) lead to infringement of blood vessels (vertebral artery syndrome). The volume of blood and oxygen entering the brain drops, and at certain positions of the neck, the arteries are squeezed even more. This is the main reason why the head is spinning.

In accordance with which brain centers lack blood supply, dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis is divided into two types:

  1. Vestibulo-atactic type. If the blood supply is disturbed in the area of ​​the receptors of the vestibular apparatus, then attacks of dizziness are accompanied by a loss of coordination in space, an optical illusion of the collapse of the ceiling, circling of the walls, vision becomes cloudy. Probably spontaneous movement of the eyeballs.
  2. Cochlear-stem type. Occurs when the center of balance and the auditory apparatus are affected. In this case, not only the head is spinning, but also the ears are tightly laid, a ringing, background noise is heard, and after a few seconds, the congestion can be replaced by a squeak.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the vertebrae and vascular compression.


With regularly recurring dizziness, you should contact a neurologist or vertebrologist. To determine the presence and degree of damage to the vertebrae and discs, you can use the following diagnostic methods:

  • MRI. Soft tissues are well visualized: it is possible to determine the size of the hernia, the degree of squeezing of the vessels;
  • SCT - helical computed tomography based on x-rays. Suitable for diagnosing bone structures;
  • Ultrasound of the cervical vessels;
  • rheovasography. The volume and speed of blood flow through the cervical region is estimated;
  • angiography. The patency of the vessels is examined (using x-rays).

Conventional x-rays for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis in the early stages are not very informative.


Patients are primarily interested in how to get rid of obsessive dizziness that unpredictably occurs with cervical osteochondrosis, and how to relieve a protracted attack.

The task of therapy is to work on releasing the arteries from the clamp (decompression), while improving the activity of the general and cerebral circulation. Basically, the treatment is carried out by conservative methods.

Vertebral decompression

You can fight dizziness that occurs with cervical osteochondrosis with the help of the Shants collar. This device, when worn periodically, will help relax the muscles of the neck and slightly increase the clearance between the vertebrae. Use only on medical advice.

The decompression process can be accelerated by a course of forced traction procedures carried out on special equipment in a hospital. As a result, the intervertebral distance increases to 1-3 mm. This is enough to release the roots and arteries. The pressure inside the discs decreases, which leads to partial retraction of the hernias, the osteophytes open. In total, 10 to 20 sessions are required.

If the pinching is caused by a spasm, then muscle relaxants are prescribed to relieve it - drugs that relax the muscles ("Mydocalm").

With cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness can be provoked by pinching of the artery due to displacement or subluxation of the vertebra. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce it (sometimes under anesthesia), after which a retainer is prescribed (Schanz splint, orthoses).

Disk Recovery

Treatment of dizziness in osteochondrosis includes the elimination of degenerative changes in the discs and vertebrae of the cervical region.

Preparations based on the following components are used:

  • Chondroitin is a substance of the class of glycosamines. Its intake stimulates the growth of cartilage cells (chondrocytes), the production of the body's own collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • glucosamine. Helps accelerate metabolic processes in cartilage, improves tissue nutrition;
  • hyaluronic acid is an important component of the joint lubricating fluid. Taken as a tablet or injected directly into the affected area;
  • Collagen is a fibrillar protein responsible for the strength of connective tissue structures.

Dosages of taking any folk or medication should be prescribed by your doctor.

Complex therapy is effective: combining oral administration of drugs in tablets, capsules and powders with the application of ointments. The duration of the course is about six months or more.


Video - dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

Elimination of dizziness

Cartilage repair and arterial decompression take time. Therefore, in parallel, a faster way is used, how to treat dizziness that haunts with cervical osteochondrosis - these are drugs to prevent attacks and relieve symptoms. These include Vestibo, Tagista, Betaserk. Their action is aimed at improving blood flow in the basilar arteries, normalizing the state of the vestibular apparatus. These drugs for dizziness prevent nausea, which often occurs as a concomitant symptom, and also eliminate headaches, tinnitus.

Another group of tablets prescribed for dizziness (and not only for cervical osteochondrosis) are circulatory stimulants:

Taking these drugs relieves dizziness quickly and for a long time, most of them have a cumulative effect.

Surgical methods

If dizziness that occurs with cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by severe neurological pathologies, or conservative therapy has not shown positive dynamics for 3 months, then surgical methods are used (in 1-3% of cases).

Direct readings :

  • lack of control over defecation and urination;
  • significant displacement of the vertebrae;
  • clamping of the vascular and nerve plexuses, spinal cord.

Hernial protrusion is an indirect indication. Is it worth excising a hernia - the attending physician decides based on the symptoms and size of the protrusion. Removal is performed by minimally invasive methods.

Surgical methods are aimed at decompression of the vertebrae and their subsequent stabilization. In severe cases, it may be necessary to remove part or the entire vertebra (corpectomy), after which a bone graft is placed. Resection of individual discs (discectomy) is possible. Implants have already been developed to replace them, but installation operations are still experimental. Partial prosthetics involves the replacement of only the nucleus pulposus.


Physiotherapy methods help to effectively relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Physiotherapy methods:

  • electrophoresis. Used to transport drugs to the site of injury. Electrophoresis procedures can partially destroy osteophytes, eliminate such manifestations of osteochondrosis as dizziness and pain in 3-4 weeks;
  • magnetotherapy. Anesthetizes, relieves swelling, accelerates the excretion of carbon dioxide, improves blood filling of brain tissues;
  • ultrasonic impact. Stimulates metabolic processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • laser therapy. Improves blood flow.

Physiotherapy sessions are held 3-4 times a week, and special exercises that help against dizziness with developed cervical osteochondrosis should be performed daily. With their help, you can relieve tension from the muscles and eliminate small clamps.

Main complex:

  1. Moving the head back and forth, the shoulders are static, the chin does not fall or rise.
  2. Bring the right hand behind the back, with the left from above, gently press on the head on the right side, stretching the lateral muscles of the neck.
  3. Tilts head down.
  4. Tilts back.
  5. Turns left and right. The chin is at the same level, the shoulders are lowered.
  6. Put your hand on the back of your head, try to tilt your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hand. The same thing is repeated with the lateral muscles: the palm is placed on the temple, the head tends to tilt.
  7. Rest your palm on your temple, try to turn your head, overcoming the resistance of your hand.

The delay in each position is 3 seconds, 10 sets are performed. Such training will help with dizziness, teach you to feel the muscles of the neck and strengthen it. Part of the exercises can be used as a charge. Basic rules: perform movements without jerks, pain is unacceptable.

Massage is also included in the treatment plan for dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis. This may be an independent light proneness of the muscles located along the vertebrae (from top to bottom), but the best effect of relaxation and stimulation of blood flow is achieved in sessions conducted by specialists. Massage is done in courses of 10-14 procedures during periods of remission, when there is no pain.

You can also fight dizziness with folk remedies:

  • neck applications with warm clay, ozocerite;
  • massage with a piece of ice;
  • rubbing the neck with vodka with the addition of camphor oil and iodine;
  • ingestion of tincture of garlic or chestnuts.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis will occur less frequently if you include in your diet foods that accelerate blood flow and cleanse blood vessels:

  • cereals;
  • cabbage;
  • greens;
  • berries, tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • cold water oily fish, olive and flaxseed oils are sources of omega 3-6-9 acids.

A few tips on what to do if the dizziness is taken by surprise and lasts longer than a few seconds:

  • sit down or lean on a support, relax;
  • concentrate on deep breathing;
  • massage the back of the head and crown, the area between the lip and nose;
  • if possible, drink warm tea or coffee.

You can avoid dizziness in the morning by preliminary sipping and light massage of the neck area. In the afternoon, an attack that begins due to a long static standing position can be prevented (it is preceded by slight clouding in the eyes and ear noise) by massaging the whiskey with a mixture of essential oils: camphor (10 parts), fir and juniper (1 part each).

Dizziness against the background of osteochondrosis is a natural phenomenon that occurs against the background of malnutrition of the brain. This is not the most dangerous symptom, but it warns of the possibility of more serious disorders.

You should not deal with the consequences of pathology on your own, it is safer to diagnose and treat it with precision under the guidance of a specialist.

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