Solar plexus point plexus point massage. Massage for neuralgia of the solar plexus

While doing the previous exercise, Jizhong Breathing, you may have noticed some tension in the solar plexus area. The solar plexus is located about an inch or one and a half below the end of the sternum. You should already be familiar with this point, because this is where you place your fingertips during the Spleen Healing Sound you learned in Week Five. The Healing Sound of the Spleen, H-U-U-U-U-U, is extremely effective in relieving tension in the solar plexus area. However, this point can accumulate a huge amount of toxins, it is very prone to stress and enslavement, and requires massage in order to completely relax it. The Solar Plexus Point in Chinese is called Zhongwang. In the West, it is often called the "pit of the stomach." It is located on the Functional Channel which runs down the front of the body, between the heart and the navel. Massaging this point will have a positive effect on the spleen, pancreas, stomach and liver. The Solar Plexus point also controls the aura of the body, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. In addition, the Solar Plexus Point locates the Middle Dan Tien, used by Taoists in advanced Inner Alchemy practices that are far beyond the scope of this book.1. Fold both hands with the backs in front of you.2. Press on the solar plexus area with index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.3. Massage in circular motions, make at least 9 movements clockwise and 9 movements counterclockwise. Do not apply too much pressure at first

Massage in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is prescribed to have a normalizing effect on the neuroregulatory apparatus of the abdominal organs in order to improve their secretory activity, improve the function of the smooth muscles of the intestine and stomach, and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Massage with chronic gastritis. Indications: chronic gastritis, developed as a result of irregular nutrition, chronic intoxication, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, etc.

Massage plan: impact on the paravertebral zones and reflexogenic zones of the back, neck and abdomen, massage of the stomach, massage of the abdominal muscles. The position of the patient is lying down.

Methodology. Massage of the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments D 9 - D 5 and C4 - C 3: planar deep stroking, circular rubbing with fingertips, hatching, sawing; kneading is longitudinal, vibration is continuous, patting. Massage of the broad muscles of the back and trapezius muscles: stroking, rubbing - hatching, sawing, kneading, vibration. Stroking, rubbing with fingers and the ulnar edge of the palm of the inner edge and angle of the left shoulder blade. Massage of the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Massage of the anterior surface of the chest: large pectoral muscles - stroking, rubbing, kneading; stroking the intercostal spaces, III-VI ribs on the left, rake-like rubbing from the sternum to the spine, stroking and rubbing the supraclavicular and subclavian zones on the left and costal arches from the sternum to the spine. Massage of the area of ​​reflexogenic zones of the sun

furnace plexus- stroking and rubbing circularly with the ends of the fingers and the palmar surface of the hand from the sternum to the navel. Massage: Stomach: circular strokes from right to left in the stomach, at first gentle flat, then deeper when the muscles relax. Rake-like gentle rubbing of soft tissues in the region of the left hypochondrium. Continuous vibration of the stomach with the palm of the hand: shaking the stomach with rake-like fingers placed on the epigastric region on the left, pushing the stomach. Gentle superficial continuous and intermittent vibration in the region of the caecum. Abdominal massage: stroking, rubbing - planing, sawing, crossing, kneading - longitudinal, transverse, stretching, compressing, shifting, rolling, vibrations - continuous vibration stroking, gentle patting. Concussion of the abdomen. Shaking the abdomen. Procedure time - 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures every other day.

Massage for chronic colitis and dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract. Indications: chronic colitis, accompanied by spastic and atonic constipation, weakening of the motor function of the stomach and intestines, increased motor function of the stomach.

Massage plan: impact on the paravertebral zones and reflexogenic zones of the body (Fig. 67), abdominal massage, massage of the stomach and intestines, shaking of the abdomen and pelvis. Breathing movements and movements to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The position of the patient is lying down.

Methodology. Massage of the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments L 2 - L b D 12 - D 5 , C 4 - C3: planar superficial and deep stroking, transverse rubbing with the ends of the fingers - longitudinal, circular, hatching, sawing; kneading - longitudinal, shifting, pressure; continuous vibration with the palm, intermittent vibration with the ends of the fingers, patting, chopping. Stroking, rubbing and kneading the broad muscles of the back and trapezius muscles. Massage of the scapular region on the left: rubbing, vibration; stroking and rubbing the vertebral edge and angle of the scapula, costal arches and iliac crests. Belly massage. Planar superficial and deep circular stroking from right to left around the navel; stroking towards the axillary and inguinal glands. Rubbing the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall: hatching, sawing, grinding,

67. Localization of reflex changes in intestinal diseases (according to O. Glezer and A. V. Dalikho, 1965): a - in front; b - behind

intersection. Longitudinal kneading of the rectus abdominis muscles in the direction from the pubic articulation to the xiphoid process. Stroking and kneading the oblique abdominal muscles. Vibrations in the form of puncturing techniques, gentle patting with the palm of your hand, quilting and vibration stroking. Concussion of the abdomen in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Concussion of the pelvis. Massage: areas of the solar plexus

niya: circular stroking, rubbing and gentle vibration from the xiphoid process to the navel. Massage of the stomach area. Planar circular stroking in the stomach. Gentle rubbing with the ends of the fingers of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles of the left hypochondrium. Light shaking of the tissue of the epigastric region on the left with the ends of the fingers, placed rake-like. Pushing the stomach. Vibration stroking of the stomach area. Bowel massage. Alternating with the techniques of circular stroking of the anterior wall of the abdomen, the techniques of intermittent vibration with the ends of the fingers and alternate pressure on the abdominal wall, over the entire surface of the abdomen, are performed. The colon is massaged clockwise, first the ascending colon is affected, then the transverse, and then the descending. Apply stroking with the ends of the fingers along the intestines and ironing, superficial and deep; circular rubbing with the ends of the fingers and a weighted brush, hatching; vibrations - continuous and intermittent, with the ends of the fingers, gentle pressure, shaking and pushing of individual sections of the colon; gentle vibration of the caecum area. The massage ends with gentle patting and shaking of the abdomen, circular planar stroking. Breathing movements. Movements to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Procedure time - 12-15 minutes. The course of treatment - 12 procedures, every other day.

Massage for chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Indications: chronic hepatitis in remission.

Massage plan: impact on the reflexogenic zones of the chest, massage of the solar plexus area, massage of the abdomen, liver and gallbladder. Breathing movements. The position of the patient is lying down.

Methodology. Massage of the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments C3 - C4, D 6 - Di 0 - planar and embracing stroking, vibration stroking, circular rubbing with the ends of the fingers, stroking, comb-like rubbing, sawing, kneading - longitudinally, shifting, stretching, vibrations - puncturing, patting, tapping , transversely fisted, chopping. Stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration of the trapezius muscles, stroking and rubbing the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, the corner and its inner edge, raking

different stroking and rubbing of the intercostal muscles in the region of the VII-IX ribs on the right and in the region of the right armpit. Neck massage: transverse kneading, rubbing and stroking, forceps-like stroking and kneading of the sternocleidomastoid muscles. chest massage: stroking is planar and embracing from the white line of the abdomen to the armpits, rubbing and kneading the large pectoral muscles, stroking and rubbing the supraclavicular and subclavian zones on the right and the sternum area, vibration stroking of the chest. Stroking and rubbing the costal arches. Massage of the solar plexus area - circular stroking, rubbing and intermittent vibration from the xiphoid process to the navel. Concussion of the chest. Belly massage. Planar. superficial stroking from right to left around the navel, gentle circular rubbing and shading with the ends of the fingers of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles of the right hypochondrium. Kneading the anterior abdominal wall - longitudinally and transversely, shifting and stretching. Massage of the right rectus abdominis muscle - rubbing, kneading, vibrations. Gentle small amplitude concussion of the abdomen in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Massage: Liver: gentle stroking with the ends of the fingers and the palm of the hand in the area of ​​​​the liver from the bottom left and right up towards the gates of the liver; rubbing with the ends of the fingers in the circular directions of the right hypochondrium, gentle intermittent vibration with the ends of the fingers of the edge of the liver under the costal arch, intermittent and continuous gentle vibration of the liver area with the palm of your hand. Liver boost. Concussion of the liver. With atony of the walls of the gallbladder - massage: gallbladder: gentle planar circular stroking, rubbing and continuous vibration with the ends of the fingers, rhythmic light shallow pressure. The massage ends with stroking the abdomen and chest, breathing movements. Procedure time - 12-15 minutes. Course - 12 procedures, every other day.

Massage with ulcerative stomach diseases and duodenum. Indications: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission in the absence of pain on palpation, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

Massage plan: impact on the reflex zones of the back, chest and cervical symp-

tic nodes, massage of the stomach area. Breathing movements. The position of the patient - sitting and lying.

Methodology. Massage of the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments D 9 -D 5 , C7 -C3 - planar deep stroking, rubbing with the elbow edge of the palm, sawing, planing, longitudinal kneading, shifting, pressing, patting, chopping, vibration stroking. Massage of the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Shchsheobraznoe stroking and kneading the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Stroking and rubbing the interscapular and left scapular regions, the inner edge and angle of the left scapula, V-IX intercostal spaces and costal arches. Stroking and kneading the pectoral muscles. Rubbing the ends of the fingers of the sternum, stroking and rubbing the sub- and supraclavicular zones on the left and from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the navel. Abdominal massage: superficial stroking from right to left around the navel. Gentle rubbing with the ends of the fingers of the left hypochondrium. Kneading of the anterior abdominal wall - longitudinally, transversely, shifting, stretching, rolling. Gentle small amplitude shaking of the stomach and large intestine from the right iliac region up to the right costal edge towards the left hypochondrium and down the descending colon. End the massage of the abdomen with circular planar strokes. Compression and stretching of the chest, concussion of the chest, abdomen with small amplitude in the direction from left to right and from bottom to top. Concussion of the pelvis. Breathing movements. Procedure time - 15 min. A course of 12 procedures, every other day.

Massage is contraindicated in the acute stage of diseases of the internal organs, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to bleeding, in tuberculosis lesions, in neoplasms of the abdominal organs, in acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, during pregnancy, in the postpartum and postabortion periods during 2 months

It is interesting to note that the chest cavity contains only 2 organs: the lungs and the heart (the esophagus is an appendage of the gastrointestinal tract). Vegetative innervation of the organs of the chest cavity is carried out by the cervical ganglion and the vagus nerve. The abdominal cavity contains 9 times more internal organs than the chest cavity. It is for this reason that the Slavic style of massage pays much more attention to the massage of the abdominal organs, and practices the treatment of the organs of the chest cavity very little. The abdominal cavity contains 18 organs: the end section of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, two kidneys, two adrenal glands, bladder, ureters, spleen, female reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries, vagina), male reproductive organs (prostate), aorta, lymph nodes, autonomic ganglia, etc. The vegetative innervation of the abdominal organs is carried out by the abdominal ganglia, which are controlled by the solar plexus. Masseurs working according to the laws of ancient Slavic massage begin massage of the chest and abdominal organs with the activation of the work of the main autonomic nerve ganglia that innervate all internal organs: the cervical ganglion and the solar plexus.

1. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system. Any large vessel is shrouded in a thin network of vegetative fibers; nerves and veins lie on its surface. That is why not only the large somatic nerve is subjected to mechanical compression in sciatica, but also the vessels, and the thin network of autonomic nerves that envelops the large vessels along the periphery.

Figure 33 - 1, 2. Nodes (ganglia) of the autonomic nervous system, view of the inner surface of the body: 1 - pterygopalatine node, 2 - cervical node and descending vagus nerve, 3 - thoracic ganglia (total number No. 8), 4 - solar plexus, gl. solaris, 5 - ganglia of the abdominal cavity (total number No. 12), or celiac plexus of the autonomic system, 6 - sacral (sacral) ganglia (total number No. 6).

All internal organs of a person are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. Massage can affect large nodes of the autonomic system of the spine, which are located on the inner surface of the chest and abdominal cavity. It is interesting to note that it is impossible to influence the nodes of the autonomic nervous system of the thoracic region with massage, since the chest interferes with this. At the same time, you can easily massage the nodes of the autonomic nervous system of the lumbar spine through the abdominal wall. To this end, the massage therapist's fingers should go deep to the "bottom" of the abdominal cavity (with the patient lying down), that is, a deep massage of the abdominal cavity is performed. Simultaneously with the nodes of the autonomic nervous system, somatic nerves that innervate the legs (ligaments, articular bags, tendons, muscles, fascia surrounding all muscles) can also be massaged through the abdominal wall. See figure 33. According to the location and functional role, the autonomic nervous system is divided into into the central and peripheral departments. The central department represented by parasympathetic nuclei III, VII, IX and X pairs of cranial nerves lying in the brain stem ( in the hypothalamus), the autonomic nucleus of the lateral (intermediate) column VIII of the cervical, all thoracic and two upper lumbar segments of the spinal cord, the sacral parasympathetic nuclei of the three sacral segments of the spinal cord. In the brain stem (in the hypothalamus), biocurrents are generated for the entire autonomic nervous system. Autonomic (peripheral) nerve fibers form nerve trunks and follow as part of the cranial and spinal nerves, and along the way there are necessarily vegetative nodes, where the transfer of excitation from the central neuron to the peripheral one takes place. Thus, autonomic nerve fibers are divided into prenodal (preganglionic) and postnodal (postganglionic) nerve fibers. Prenodular fibers are covered with myelin sheath and exit from the brain and spinal cord as part of the roots of the corresponding cranial and spinal nerves. The post-nodal fibers of the myelin sheath do not have and carry a nerve impulse from the nodes to the smooth muscles, glands and tissues. Vegetative fibers are thinner than somatic ones, and nerve impulses are transmitted through them at a slower speed. Depending on the topography of the autonomic nuclei and nodes, the nature of the influence on the functions of the innervated organs, as well as differences in the length of the pre- and post-nodal fibers, the autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The influence of these two parts on the work of various organs usually has an opposite character: if one system has an amplifying effect, then the other one has an inhibitory effect. Thus, both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers go to all organs and tissues; the exceptions are most of the smooth muscle membranes of blood vessels, ureters, smooth muscles of the spleen, hair follicles, etc., devoid of parasympathetic innervation. A distinctive feature of the sympathetic nervous system is that its centers are located in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord, and the prenodal fibers are shorter than the postnodal ones. The centers of the parasympathetic nervous system lie in the brainstem and in the sacral spinal cord, and the pre-nodal fibers are longer than the post-nodal ones (the nodes of this part of the autonomic nervous system are most often located in the walls of the innervated organs).

The autonomic nervous system regulates the biochemical metabolism in organs and tissues, regulates the secretory activity of organs and peristalsis of the ducts. Masseurs, in parallel with the normalization of muscle tone, altered by the pathological process, use a treatment method in the form of an impact on the centers of autonomic innervation in order to improve and intensify metabolic processes. For a successful fight against any disease, an active recovery process is necessary, the regeneration of cells “crippled” by the pathological process. It is well known from human physiology that regenerative (restorative, nutritional, trophic) processes are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. You can stimulate the healing process by massaging the local centers of accumulation of vegetative fibers. The author significantly improved the health status of patients with massage in the presence of various diseases of the nervous system, such as solaritis, ganglionitis, truncitis, constipation of the large intestine, hypertension, Crohn's disease, Slater's disease, and so on, which were unsuccessfully treated for 5-8 years with drug therapy in our clinics and hospitals. Parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, pancreas, large and small vessels of the body) are 100% innervated autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic). Large arteries are always surrounded by a dense network of autonomic nerves. Therefore, compression of large vessels is always accompanied by a vegetative-vascular syndrome.

2. According to the traditional view of the Slavic healers and healers of Ancient Russia cervical ganglion, which is located at the level of the upper third of the length of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, coordinates the work of the autonomic nervous system, consisting of 8 ganglia of the chest cavity (to the right and left of the spine), and two organs of the chest cavity (lungs, heart). It is this vegetative node that controls the trophism of the esophagus, lungs, pleura, bronchi, heart, pericardium, and diaphragm. Healers believe that if a person’s lungs or heart are sick, then when pressed, the cervical ganglion will also hurt. The trunk of the vagus nerve passes near the cervical ganglion, which (in addition to the reticular innervation of the autonomic system) carries out the autonomic innervation of all internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavities. Therefore, massage of the cervical plexus is automatically accompanied by a massage of the vagus nerve. Simultaneously with the cervical plexus, healers massage the right and left carotid arteries, which have a dense network of vegetative fibers around them. That is why many Slavic-style massage therapists, before treating the organs of the chest cavity (heart, lungs), always massage the cervical ganglion in order to stimulate the activity of the entire autonomic nervous system of the chest cavity.

3. Localization of the solar plexus. Down the midline from the diaphragm to linea terminalis is the abdominal aortic plexus, plexus aorticus abdominalis. See figure 33. It consists of: celiac plexus; superior mesenteric plexus; intermesenteric plexus; inferior mesenteric plexus; iliac plexus; superior hypogastric plexus. As can be seen from this list, visceral plexuses are located along the aorta and its visceral branches. The celiac plexus, plexus coeliacus, is the largest and most important visceral (vegetative) nerve plexus lying in the retroperitoneal space (it is often called the "solar plexus" because of the many incoming and outgoing branches). This is the superior aortic plexus of the retroperitoneum. The celiac plexus is located at the level of the XII thoracic vertebra on the anterior surface of the aorta, on the sides of the celiac trunk. At the top, the plexus is limited by the diaphragm, below by the renal arteries, from the sides by the adrenal glands, and in front by the pancreas (this explains the unbearable pain in tumors and inflammation of the gland) and is covered by the parietal peritoneum of the posterior wall of the omental sac above the pancreas. The plexus coeliacus includes two celiac nodes (right and left), ganglia (glandula) coeliaca, two aortorenal nodes, ganglia aorticorenalia, and an unpaired superior mesenteric node, ganglion mesentericum superius. Several groups of branches depart from the celiac nodes. Along the branches of the aorta, they go to the organs, forming perivascular plexuses. These include: diaphragmatic plexus, hepatic, splenic, gastric, pancreatic, adrenal, renal, ureteral plexus, plexus on the inner surface of the sacrum. See figure 33. The branches of the abdominal aortic plexus below the celiac plexus form plexuses that accompany the testicular (ovarian) arteries. The branches of the abdominal aortic plexus, as well as the superior mesenteric visceral (vegetative) node along the course of the superior mesenteric artery, form the superior mesenteric plexus, plexus mesentericus superior, which innervates the intestinal sections supplied by this artery, as well as the pancreas. Direct, direct catarrh of the solar plexus gl. solaris (solaritis) is a fairly rare disease. The cause of solaritis are infections: food poisoning of a toxic nature, dysentery, salmonellosis, influenza, inflammatory diseases of the peritoneum. Solarite is characterized by pain in the abdomen, increased blood pressure, inhibition of peristalsis, constipation. The main neurogenic causes of abdominal pain are abdominalgia (severe abdominal pain), so the disease has a different name - abdominal migraine.

4. Indications for solar plexus massage. Solar plexus massage. When massaging any organ of the abdominal cavity, healers first massage the solar plexus, which is located in the abdominal cavity above the navel, and which coordinates the work of the autonomic nervous system of all 16 ganglia (nodes) of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis (8 ganglia on the left and 8 on the right). Ganglia, in turn, innervate 18 organs of the abdominal cavity. It is the vegetative ganglion called the "solar plexus" that controls the work of 16 vegetative ganglia of the abdominal cavity, and they carry out the innervation of the abdominal organs through a thin autonomic network. According to healers, the solar plexus is the "third brain" of the body (after the brain and spinal cord). The solar plexus is the "visceral brain" of the body, which controls the nutrition (trophism) of most human organs (stomach, intestines, pancreas), controls the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (liver activity), water-salt metabolism (kidney activity), synthesis red blood cells (activity of the spleen, lymphatic system, bone marrow), excretion of bile (activity of the gallbladder), elimination of toxins (activity of the bladder and rectum), reproductive function (activity of the genital organs). According to the healers, “wrong”, “not good enough” innervation of the solar plexus of 16 ganglia of the abdominal cavity leads to a deterioration in the functioning of all organs. Imbalance in innervation leads to the formation of stones in the pancreas and gallbladder, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis, sugar debit, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea and constipation, ulcerative colitis and other diseases. Healers say that if there is inflammation of some organ of the abdominal cavity, then the vegetative innervation of the organ, which is controlled by the solar plexus, will certainly suffer. That is why many Slavic-style massage therapists always massage the solar plexus before starting the treatment of the abdominal organs in order to stimulate the activity of the entire autonomic nervous system of the abdominal cavity. Simultaneously with the solar ganglion (plexus), healers massage the abdominal aorta along its entire length, since the aorta contains around it a dense network of vegetative fibers that innervate all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Massage of the "vegetative system" of the aorta also stimulates the innervation of the internal organs.

The internal organs of the abdominal cavity are innervated by the autonomic nervous system, which is entirely under the control of the solar plexus. Slavic massage very often begins with the toning of the solar plexus, since this can affect the entire vegetative system of the body. Indications for solar plexus massage: with a stretched abdominal wall, obesity, chronic gastritis, gastroptosis, visceroptosis, chronic non-infectious colitis and enterocolitis, solaritis, diabetes mellitus, chronic cholecystitis, atonic and spastic constipation, hypertension and hypotension, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities , gastric and duodenal ulcers without exacerbation, Hirschsprung's disease, rickets, malnutrition in children, cachexia in women after prolonged fasting, and so on.

Contraindications to solar plexus massage: during menstruation, pregnancy, especially in its second half, suspected ectopic pregnancy, the presence or suspicion of a malignant or benign tumor of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, active tuberculosis, acute purulent diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs, often aggravated cholelithiasis and chronic often aggravated appendicitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with a tendency to bleeding and in the acute stage, with umbilical hernia and hernia of the white line of the abdomen.

5. Solar plexus massage technique. Guidelines for the solar plexus massage technique are as follows. The initial position of the patient during the massage of the abdominal press or abdominal organs lying on his back. The head and shoulder girdle are located on the pillow. The arms, slightly bent at the elbows, are located along the body, palms down. The legs are located on the cushion. The hips are slightly apart. The initial position of the massage therapist is standing on the side of the patient's right hand opposite the patient's abdomen. Massage is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall, pressing with a certain force on a point 3 centimeters down from the xiphoid process. See figure 34 - 1.

Figure 34 - 1, 2. Massage of the solar plexus (1). Vibration massage through the anterior abdominal wall of the autonomic nerve ganglia of the abdominal cavity (2).

The distance from the lower end of the xiphoid process (sternum) to the navel is divided into three equal segments. An imaginary line runs exactly along the middle of the body. The point at the end of the first upper segment when the massage therapist's fingers are deepened "to the bottom of the abdomen" (if the patient is lying on his back) is an exact projection of the solar plexus. The localization of the solar plexus from the back is the 12th thoracic spinous process. It is believed that massage of the solar plexus helps to relax the diaphragm, which is useful for pathological hiccups.

1) Massage of the solar plexus should not be done after eating. Before the massage, the patient must empty the intestines and bladder.
2) At the point of localization of the solar plexus, massage techniques are performed with the pad of the middle finger of one hand or all four fingers of both hands: circular planar stroking, circular rubbing, mechanical vibration with a vibrator or fingers. The average duration of a solar plexus massage should not exceed 10 minutes.

4) Massage of the solar plexus must be done with dry, warm hands. The touch of cold and especially wet hands causes discomfort in the patient and reflex tension of the abdominal muscles.

5) Simultaneously with the solar ganglion, the adjacent vegetative ganglia located to the right and left of the spine are massaged. See figure 34 - 2.

6) Massage of the solar plexus plays a preparatory role in the massage of any organ of the abdominal cavity. After the massage of the solar plexus, the healer proceeds to the direct massage of the internal organ of the abdominal cavity.

Stomach massage.

This paragraph is devoted to the use of massage in the treatment of stomach diseases. Most often, the population of the planet suffers from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer (most often occurs simultaneously with duodenal ulcer) and gastroptosis (gastric prolapse). These diseases affect 60 to 90% of the population in various countries. The causes of diseases are different: malnutrition, nervous stress, hard work, poor-quality food, poor environmental conditions. Now science has advanced in many ways in diagnosing these diseases and offers many drugs for their treatment. But, unfortunately, it should be noted that the number of such diseases is increasing. This paragraph offers one of the effective and completely harmless means that will help to cope with such diseases - therapeutic massage in the Slavic style. It should be said that massage will quickly give the desired result only if it is used in combination with other therapeutic agents: regular and high-quality nutrition, elimination of stress from life, long sleep, refusal to drink vodka and coffee. Each patient, first of all, must strictly observe the diet, apply a qualified massage, visit the steam room in the bath once a week, and exercise on their own for at least one hour a day.

2. Anatomy. The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the xiphoid process with a turn to the right along the edge of the right costal arch by 3-4 centimeters. The stomach consists of the inlet part - the cardial opening (cardia), the main part - the vault (bottom), the middle part of the organ - the body (body). The stomach ends with the pyloric (antral) part, which is separated from the stomach by the pylorus, the sphincter. See figure 35.

Figure 35. The structure of the stomach: 1 - fornix; 2 - large curvature; 3 - folds of the mucous membrane; 4 - sine; 5 - pyloric department; 6 - duodenum; 7 - gatekeeper; 8 - food track; 9 - small curvature; 10 - body; 11 - entrance.

There are two types of curvature in the stomach: small, facing the liver, and large, facing the spleen. The wall of the stomach consists of an outer layer (serosa) and three inner layers: muscular, submucosal, and mucosal. In the region of the body of the stomach, there are glands that provide gastric digestion by secreting pepsin and hydrochloric acid. In the gastric mucosa (in the antrum) there are cells that produce mucus, which plays a protective role for the stomach from hydrochloric acid, thereby creating a barrier that prevents self-digestion of the gastric mucosa. The main functions of the stomach are secretory-digestive and motor. In addition, it performs an absorption of nutrients and an excretory (secretory) function. The secretory function is to secrete gastric juice along with hydrochloric acid. This process is carried out in two phases: a reflex act (release of gastric juices under the influence of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes), stimulation of the main cells by gastrin (a hormone that causes the formation of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid). Motor function is of great importance in the process of digestion, since at rest the stomach contracts only occasionally. At the moment food enters the stomach, active peristaltic movements occur, leading to the grinding of food and its advancement into the duodenum. The function of the pyloric sphincter is to separate the stomach from the duodenum. This is carried out by a special obturator reflex from the duodenum, which occurs when acidic contents or fat enter it. Swallowed food in the stomach is arranged in layers as it is received. Moreover, the outer layers are digested and enter the duodenum earlier than those closer to the center of the stomach. The stomach is a sac-like extension of the digestive tract located between the esophagus and the duodenum. The gastric juice secreted by the glands contains digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and other physiologically active substances. It breaks down (digests) proteins, partially fats, has a bactericidal effect. The mucous membrane of the stomach produces anti-anemic substances - complex compounds that affect hematopoiesis. The size of the stomach varies greatly depending on body type and degree of filling. A moderately full stomach has a length of 24-26 cm. The length of an empty stomach is about 18-20 cm. The capacity of an adult's stomach is on average 2.5 liters (1.5 liters for a woman - 4.0 liters for a large man). The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, under the diaphragm and the liver. Three quarters of the stomach are in the left hypochondrium, one quarter in the epigastric region. The cardiac inlet is located to the left of the bodies of the 10th-11th thoracic vertebrae, the pyloric outlet is at the right edge of the 12th thoracic or 1st lumbar vertebrae.

4. Clinic. Indications for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) with Slavic massage are as follows:

1) “Abdominal breakdown”, that is, back pain with irradiation of pain in the abdominal cavity and legs after lifting excessive weights, after excessive physical work, after physical strain on the muscles of the back and anterior abdominal wall. According to the clinic, the Slavic diagnosis of “abdominal breakdown” is identical to the sum of modern diagnoses such as osteochondrosis, sciatica and sciatica.

2) Pain in the abdomen with intestinal volvulus.

3) Inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis).

4) Gastrointestinal disorders (colitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic constipation, indigestion).

5) Intestinal atony, constipation, flatulence.

6) Omission of the stomach (gastroptosis).

Chronic gastritis is the most common disease of the digestive system. In many countries, more than 90% of the population suffers from gastritis, but even in European countries, such as Finland or Sweden, chronic gastritis is observed in 60% of the population. Recently, the disease has significantly "rejuvenated". Even at the age of 5–6 years, cases of chronic gastritis have been reported. This disease is characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa, in which the glands that produce hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and mucus suffer. With gastritis, the processes of cell regeneration worsen, and as a result, the function of the stomach is disturbed. These disorders can be of two types: elevated levels of hydrochloric acid (chronic gastritis with increased secretory activity) and low levels of hydrochloric acid (chronic gastritis with reduced secretory activity).

The clinical symptoms by which healers determine the presence of stomach diseases are as follows. A person with constant pain in the stomach always has a reduced emotional background. On the face, the triangle of the nose is yellowish, and in the cold the tip of the nose is whitish, as in frostbite. Pimples on wings of nose. Very often such people suffer from herpes. Painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. When overeating, there is heaviness in the stomach. Sagging of the lower lip indicates the presence of gastroptosis. Poor digestion of food in the intestines, constant "gurgling" in the stomach from peristalsis and the passage of gases. After eating, there is weakness, drowsiness. Gastritis causes anemia, and this causes shortness of breath and weakness. The healers of Ancient Russia even had an original test to determine if a patient had chronic gastritis: the patient eats a plate of hot and rich cabbage soup, and if after that he really wants to sleep, then the patient clearly has gastritis. In addition, healers argued that with chronic gastritis that occurs for a long time in adolescents, the second toe will be longer than all other fingers.

In the treatment of hypocidic acute gastritis, healers sometimes recommend taking gastric enzymes (acidin-pepsin, abomin) for a week. It is advisable to use highly mineralized waters ("Slavyanskaya", "Smirnovskaya", "Arzni", "Essentuki", etc.) in a cool form, with gas. Instead, you can use a large amount (up to 2 liters per day) of herbal decoctions from medicinal herbs: plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, mint, sea buckthorn wormwood.

5. Diagnosis in diseases of the stomach. The healers of Ancient Russia were sure that inflammatory diseases of the stomach cause pain, and pain causes tension in the muscles of the back, and displaces the internal organs of the abdomen upward. The navel moves up, the umbilical fossa will be pulled up. The navel may deviate from the center upward due to tension only muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, at the same time powerful paravertebral muscles of the back. Consequently, the muscles that touch the stomach in front (abdominal wall) and behind (paravertebral muscles) are also tense. Palpation of the stomach with an inflamed mucous membrane will naturally be painful. Inflammation of the walls of the stomach is transmitted to the nearest nerve ganglia, including the solar plexus, which, when palpated through the front wall of the abdomen, will be painful. In diseases of the stomach, you can find several painful points "at the bottom of the abdomen." Healers use all diagnostic methods specific to Slavic medicine:

1) Palpation of the stomach causes pain,

2) with severe pain in the stomach, the navel moves up,

3) with severe pain in the stomach, the umbilical fossa lengthens, stretches upwards,

4) displacement of the aorta to the right is rare,

5) false shortening of the leg is rarely observed and only with severe pain,

6) in the presence of gastritis and gastric ulcer, a lot of pain points “on the bottom of the abdomen” are diagnosed,

7) with severe pain in the stomach, the patient stoops heavily.

8) Modern massage therapists use all the achievements of medical science for diagnosis: clinical and biochemical analyzes, X-ray studies, ultrasound examination, computer scanning, etc.

Read more about diagnostic methods in § 5.

6. Enumeration of the methods of treatment used in Slavic massage. The stomach is well accessible for massage. For treatment, healers actively used the physical displacement of the internal organs down, and used vacuum technologies to move the internal organs down. For diseases of the stomach, you can use all methods of therapeutic massage of the Slavic style.

1) warming up the stomach and the whole body in the bath, using more herbal solutions (phytotherapy, herbal medicine) after the steam room, depending on the type of gastritis (hypocidal or hyperacid), the healer prescribes various herbal infusions,

2) massage of the solar plexus, massage of other ganglia of the abdominal cavity,

3) massage of painful points "at the bottom of the abdomen",

4) force displacement of the abdominal organs down to the pelvis,

5) squeezing the abdominal organs with a fist,

6) direct massage of the "sick" organ,

7) massage of distant painful points (trigger points) on the limbs and located behind the body (not inside the abdomen, but along the spine),

8) force displacement of the aorta to a physiologically correct position,

9) vacuum techniques (pot vacuum, abdominal wall upward traction, scooping method, deep breathing method),

10) massage of the stomach with the help of tension and relaxation of the diaphragm,

11) forceful closure of the aortic lumen for "washing blood" of the stomach.

12) in case of a chronic infectious disease of the stomach that cannot be treated with antibiotics (for example, a disease of viral etiology), a massage method is used to increase immunity, which consists in massage of the adrenal glands, tonsils, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity, lymphatic capillaries of the entire surface of the body, lymphatic superficial lymph nodes (cervical, axillary and inguinal) and autohemotherapy is used (transfusion of the patient's own blood from a vein into a muscle).

Read more about the mentioned methods of treatment in § 6.

Performing the previous exercise, Breathing jizhong, you may have noticed some tension in the solar plexus area.

The solar plexus is located about an inch or one and a half below the end of the sternum. You should already be familiar with this point, because this is where you place your fingertips during the Spleen Healing Sound you learned in Week Five. The Healing Sound of the Spleen, H-U-U-U-U-U, is extremely effective in relieving tension in the solar plexus area. However, this point can accumulate a huge amount of toxins, it is very prone to stress and enslavement and requires massage in order to completely relax it.

The solar plexus point is called in Chinese Zhongwang. In the West, it is often called the "pit of the stomach." It is located on the Functional Channel* which runs down the front of the body, between the heart and the navel. Massaging this point will have a positive effect on the spleen, pancreas, stomach and liver. The Solar Plexus point also controls the aura of the body, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. In addition, the Solar Plexus Point determines the location of the Middle Dan Tian, used by the Taoists in the advanced practices of Inner Alchemy, which are far beyond the scope of this book.

1. Fold both hands with the backs in front of you.

2. Press on the solar plexus with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.

3. Massage in circular motions, make at least 9 movements clockwise and 9 movements counterclockwise.

Don't push too hard at first. As you progress, you can increase the pressure. With practice, you will feel how the Solar Plexus Point relaxes as you massage it.

*Point number 12.

How to see the human aura

Most people cannot see the aura without special training. In China, the ability to see the human aura is highly valued among qigong practitioners. I personally studied with a qigong master who diagnosed his patients based on the color of their aura. Here is a simple exercise he taught me.

1. Put your partner in front of a white wall, screen, or any other light surface. The lighter the background, the easier it will be to see the aura.

2. Stand about ten paces away from your partner and look at a point about an inch above their head.

3. No need to stare too hard, just let your eyes relax.

4. After some time, you should see something along the contour

partner's head. It may look like a vague shadow or a haze over the hot surface of the freeway. It may rise as little as an inch or surround the entire head, extending around for a full foot or more. It can be colorless or any color.

The idea is to see something. When you see it, most of you will realize that you have experienced it many times, but you just didn't pay attention. Once you get comfortable with this, seeing an aura will become quite easy for you. Be aware that the aura can shift or disappear and reappear, especially if you try to stare directly at it. Try to look a little higher or a little to the side.

All have an electromagnetic field. It can be photographed using the Kirlian method. This is science, not mysticism.

You can do this exercise yourself using a large mirror and standing against a white or light-colored surface. The best way to see the aura of someone who doesn't know what you're doing is to watch a speaker address a group of people. If the speaker is standing against a light background, then it will not be difficult for you to see his aura. I remember the first time I did it. I watched a lawyer testify before a jury in a criminal court. And as I looked at him, I could see a red-gold aura around his head. He made some spectacular statement and then turned to the left - while his aura continued to move to the right. I told my teacher about this incident. He smiled and said, "Now you understand."

Some people cannot see the aura no matter how hard they practice. If you are one of those people, don't despair. It's not for everyone, so what? There are many other valuable exercises in this book for you.

Aura protection

Aura is just the name of the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings. And whether we see it or not, when we are in the company of other people, our own electromagnetic field interacts with and overlaps with other electromagnetic fields. And these fields of the aura, in turn, fall under the influence of our thoughts and feelings. Brainwaves carry a small electrical charge that can change the electromagnetic field of our aura.

Taoist martial artists used their aura in various ways to defeat their opponents. The most important technique was to expand your aura and "envelop" your opponent with it. When your opponent is inside your energy field, you begin to feel his movements before they occur.

The Solar Plexus point controls the aura. Well, if it is open and not blocked. When it is closed or tense, you feel restless and panicky. When it is open, you are fearless and able to take risks. However, if your Solar Plexus Point is too open, it may not be possible to shield the thoughts and emotional feelings of others when you are in their company and you feel overwhelmed or lost.

You must be able to determine for yourself how open you want to be to another person or group of people. Here's how it's done.

1. Imagine a shield in front of your solar plexus. It can be of any shape you like, and if you are also prone to visualization, imagine some kind of drawing or inscription on it. (Your initials are fine.)

2. When this shield is in front of your

solar plexus, you close this point and your aura thickens. This protects you from being influenced by other people's thoughts and feelings.

3. Raise or lower the shield as much as you like to determine the intensity of human interactions.

Daoyin: Part Two

This week we will continue to explore Daoyin for the legs and internal muscles of the pelvis. The set of exercises you will learn this week is one of my favorites. All of this cycle is performed lying on your back. The key is to keep your buttocks off the floor, press your lower and middle back firmly against the floor, and do Abdominal Breathing. The active part falls on exhalation.

Daoyin 5: Extend Elbows and Close Knees

1. Lie on your back with your legs off the floor and your feet together in a butterfly pose.

2. Place both hands between the legs above the center line of the body, palms of both hands together.

3. Extend your elbows until they touch your knees; if necessary, bring your knees together slightly, but keep your elbows in contact with your knees.

4. Inhale Abdominal Breathing and remain relaxed.

5. Exhale slowly and at the same time try to squeeze your knees together and push your elbows out to the sides so as not to let your knees move more than an inch or two. Raise your buttocks off the floor.

6. Inhale and relax as you lower your buttocks to the floor.

7. Repeat at least three times per session.

Daoyin 6: Pushing the knees up

Massage for diseases of the nervous system is an effective treatment. It improves blood circulation, tissue trophism in case of paralysis, strengthens muscles, stretches muscles that are in a state of contracture, prevents muscle atrophy, relieves or reduces pain, activates the process of restoration of nervous tissue, and increases the patient's vitality.

Intercostal neuralgia appears as a result of scoliosis, rib injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, deforming spondylarthrosis, influenza, intoxication, and diseases of internal organs.

With intercostal neuralgia, persistent or paroxysmal pains are noted on the left side in the back and lateral surface of the chest.

At some points, the pain can be especially severe, spreading in a semicircle along the intercostal nerves (from the spine to the sternum).

1. Back area.
2. Chest area.

Back massage

Before performing the techniques, you should determine the place of concentration of pain. Massage must first be done on the healthy side, and then on the diseased side. When pain spreads along the left and right half of the back, massage should be carried out on the half on which the pain is less:

1. Stroking (done along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle):
a) rectilinear; b) alternate.

2. Squeezing beak-shaped with the base of the palm along lines 3 and 4 from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back: a) circular with the pad of the thumb; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers; d) circular with the pads of bent fingers; e) circular base of the palm with a roll.

4. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi: a) ordinary; b) double neck; c) double ring; d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

5. Kneading on the fascia of the trapezius muscle and the suprascapular region: a) circular with the thumb pad; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular with the edge of the thumb; d) "forceps"; e) circular tubercle of the thumb; e) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb.

6. Kneading at the intercostal spaces: a) rectilinear with the pads of four fingers alternately; b) rectilinear pads of four fingers; c) rectilinear thumb pad; d) circular thumb pad; e) rectilinear with the pads of the middle finger; e) "dashed" with the pads of the middle finger.

When performing techniques, one should not cross the pain threshold of the person being massaged.

chest massage

To massage the patient, you need to lay on his back and lubricate his chest with cream, vegetable oil or warming ointments. Massage of the large pectoral muscles consists of the following techniques:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

d) combined; e) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Massage of the intercostal spaces of the chest:

1. Rubbing: a) rectilinear with the pads of four fingers; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) rectilinear thumb pad; d) circular thumb pad; e) rectilinear with the pad of the middle finger; e) "dashed" with the pad of the middle finger.

Massage of the hypochondrium:

Rubbing (performed in the classical way).

A massage session should be carried out for 15-20 minutes. The recommended number of sessions is 8-10.

The cause of neuralgia of the occipital nerve can be cervical osteochondrosis and complications after the flu. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the nerve endings in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae. It is accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head and neck, radiating to the shoulder blade, increased tone of the muscles of the back of the head and neck.

Massage should be performed in the following sequence:

1. Back massage.
2. Neck massage along with the trapezius muscle.
3. Massage the back of the head.

Back massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back: a) circular with the pad of the thumb; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) "forceps"; d) circular with the edge of the thumb.

4. Kneading the muscles of the back between the spine and the shoulder blade: a) rectilinear with the pad and tubercle of the thumb; b) circular thumb pad; c) circular with the pads of four fingers; d) circular with the edge of the thumb; e) circular tubercle of the thumb.

5. Stroking all over the back.

6. Squeezing all over the back.

Neck massage along with the trapezius muscle

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) ordinary; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers; d) double ring.

Head massage

1. Stroking is rake-like.

2. Squeezing is coracoid.

3. Rubbing: a) rectilinear; b) zigzag; c) circular with the pads of four fingers; d) circular phalanges of bent fingers; e) circular beak-shaped; e) circular tubercle of the thumb.

After 3-5 sessions, including the above techniques, you need to massage with the addition of new techniques:

4. Rubbing along the cervical spine: a) rectilinear with the pads of four fingers; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers of one or the other hand.

Particular attention should be paid to the exit points of nerves and pain points:

5. Rubbing.

6. Vibration (along the nerves with the pad of the middle finger).

The region of the large occipital nerve should be massaged in the middle between the upper cervical vertebra (near the skull) and the mastoid process. The area of ​​the lesser occipital nerve should be massaged behind the mastoid process.

In addition, massage should be performed on the sternocleidomastoid muscles.

The cause of the disease can be hypothermia, otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), mumps (inflammation of the parotid gland), damage to the facial nerve, etc.

As a rule, the disease is accompanied by paralysis of the muscles of half of the face. The patient cannot perform many simple movements, for example, close his eyes on the affected part of the face, frown, puff out his cheeks, etc. Often, with neuritis of the facial nerve, pain in the ear region is noted.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, facial massage is indicated.

During the massage, the following techniques should be performed:

1. Semicircular rubbing (gentle and easy).

2. Stroking is continuous.

Receptions must be performed alternately.

Vibration massage also has a positive effect.

The disease is characterized by pain in the lower extremities, lumbosacral, gluteal regions, tension in the back muscles, hypotension and hypotrophy of the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs, painful sensations on palpation of the paravertebral points, spinous processes and points along the sciatic nerve.

Massage involves the impact on the paravertebral zones of the lower thoracic, lumbar, sacral spinal segments D12 - D4, L5 - L1, S3 -S1.

Massage techniques are performed in the following areas:

1. Back area.
2. Pelvic region.
3. Lumbar region.
4. Lower limb on the affected side (posterior and anterior surfaces).

Back massage

1. Stroking: a) rectilinear; b) alternate.

2. Squeezing: a) longitudinal; b) coracoid.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back: a) circular with the pad of the thumb; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers; d) circular with the pads of the thumbs; e) circular tubercles of the thumbs.

Pelvic area massage

First you need to conduct receptions on the healthy half, and then on the patient.

Massage of the gluteal muscles:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) ordinary; b) double neck; c) double ring;
d) circular phalanges of bent fingers; e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Sacrum massage:

1. Rubbing: a) rectilinear with the thumb pad; b) circular pads of four fingers; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers; d) circular with the edge of the palm.

Massage of the back muscles (from the lumbar region to the lower corners of the shoulder blades):

1. Squeezing.

2. Stroking.

Massage of the lumbar region

1. Rubbing: a) rectilinear with the thumb pad along three lines; b) circular thumb pad; c) circular with the pads of four fingers; d) circular phalanges of bent fingers; e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

In a healthy area, one series of receptions should be carried out, and in a sick area, two or three. All techniques should be alternated with stroking and squeezing on the lower back.

Massage of the lower limb on the side of the lesion (posterior and anterior surface)

Massage of the muscles of the back of the thigh:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) ordinary; b) double ring; c) combined; d) ordinary-longitudinal; e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

When massaging the sciatic nerve, vibration should be applied.

Calf massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) ordinary; b) double annular longitudinal; c) circular phalanges of bent fingers; d) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Massage on the front of the thigh:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) ordinary; b) double ring; c) double ordinary; d) double annular longitudinal; e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Massage on the anterior muscles of the lower leg:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading: a) circular with the pads of four fingers; b) circular phalanges of bent fingers; c) circular beak-shaped; d) circular base of the palm.

Vibration should be performed in the area of ​​the popliteal nerve.

Ankle massage:

1. Stroking is concentric.

2. Rubbing: a) "tweezer" rectilinear; b) circular with the pads of four fingers, first one, then both hands; c) circular beak-shaped, first with one, then with the other hand; d) rectilinear with tubercles and pads of the thumbs from top to bottom.

Back of foot massage:

Rubbing (from the base of the fingers to the ankle joint): a) rectilinear with fingertips; b) circular with fingertips; c) rectilinear thumb pad; d) circular thumb pad.

Particular attention should be paid to pain points and nerve trunks. Pain points can be identified by palpation of the paravertebral zones, interspinous spaces, as well as the region of the iliac crests and thigh along the sciatic nerve. You need to follow these steps.