Subtle human bodies and their functions. Subtle bodies of a Human - full description

You must have heard that each of us, in addition to the physical body, has other bodies? This is true. They are called the seven subtle human bodies and six of them cannot be seen. Where are the 7 human bodies located? What is the function and role of the 7 subtle bodies of a person? In this article you will find answers to your questions.

There are 7 human bodies located around the physical body, including the physical body itself, which create an aura. Some people believe that the 7 subtle bodies of a person are similar to the structure of an onion - under one layer there is another. However, this is a bit of an erroneous opinion and with the seven bodies of a person, everything is different. Moving from one layer of the aura, you never lose touch with the previous one. The truth is that there are bodies that are easier to feel, and there are bodies that are very hidden, and one has to practice a lot to "make friends" with them.

To deal with the 7 subtle human bodies in more detail, you can divide them as follows. There are three bodies of the physical type, three bodies of the spiritual type and the astral body which is the bridge between these two groups. The lower three subtle bodies work with energy in the physical plane, while the higher three take care of the spiritual realms.

Each of the 7 human bodies differs in the frequency of its vibration. The higher the vibration, the farther it is from the physical shell. Also, each of the 7 human bodies has its own shape, structure, color, density and location relative to other shells.

So, below are 7 subtle human bodies

First layer. Physical body

Our physical body is considered the most primitive among the 7 subtle human bodies. However, without it, our existence would be impossible and we would not be able to take lessons on this planet without a physical shell. Why is the physical body considered a subtle body? - you ask. Because it also has its own level of vibrations. Because the same sacred, inexplicable things happen in it, as well as at higher levels. The work of the human brain cannot be called the process of the “material world”.

The etheric body is the lowest vibrational body, located as close as possible to the physical shell. It has a great influence on the physical body and is responsible for the flow of energies in it. From the etheric body of a person depends on his health, longevity, the amount of vitality and enthusiasm.

Through the etheric body, a person communicates with the invisible forces of the universe. The etheric body is a bridge that connects the gross material "skin" with the external transcendental world. In addition, he leads a person to higher frequency etheric bodies, of which he has 5 more.

Second layer. etheric body

Why was the human ethereal body named that way? Because the ether is a transitional state from matter to energy and vice versa. The etheric body of a person is an electromagnetic layer located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the physical body. Electromagnetic devices capture it as a bluish or light gray layer of "loose" and flickering energy. In ancient writings, the etheric body of a person is often referred to as a vehicle for qi or prana energy. Wise men of different schools wrote about the same thing in different words.

Speaking in the words of modern science, the ethereal body can be called the human matrix, which consists of network communication channels through which energy circulates, just as current or information flows through electrical wires. This is a very complex scheme, because it stores all the data about the human body, from the work of its organs to the chemical composition of the blood. The etheric body can safely be called a person's medical card.

The etheric body repeats its form after the physical body, so if a person has illnesses, injuries, blocks or any other ailments, the etheric body will definitely display them on itself. As mentioned earlier, the etheric body is a connector and conductor between the visible and the invisible, therefore, a sufficient amount of cosmic energy enters a healthy body, but not an unhealthy (physically or mentally) one, because the blocks do not allow energy to flow in the right direction.

Third layer. Astral or emotional body

We want to dispel a little these stereotypes about the astral and the human astral body. The good news is that astral travel is much closer than you think. And the key to it is your third subtle body, the human astral body. Everyone and everyone has it, the only difference is that someone has an astral body that is activated and functions at 100%, while someone else has not been able to set it up in the right way.

The first mention of the human astral body is found in the Indian Upanishads. Helena Blavatsky frequently referred to the human astral body in her writings, sometimes referring to it as the emotional body. It so happened that over time, the concepts of the astral body, the body of desire and the emotional body of a person became synonymous. We can say that this is true.

The astral body of a person is located at a distance of 10-100 cm from the physical body. Unlike the etheric body of a person, which is responsible for the connection of the physical body with its surrounding energies and is the basic conductor, the astral body of a person is responsible for energy exchange with other people, entities, phenomena, events , emotions, desires. The astral body of a person is a tool with which a person translates all his plans into reality. That is why the astral body is sometimes called the emotional body.

The astral body of a person is considered his aura, and it can have color. The color varies depending on the psycho-emotional state of a person, and its spectrum starts from black (negative emotions) and ends with white (complete inner harmony). The color of the astral body can be different - in the region of Anahata, for example, green, and in the region of Manipura - red at the same time. Devices have already been invented that can take pictures of the astral body of a person and specialists will be able to decipher what this or that color means. As a rule, pastel colors always symbolize calmness, while bright or too dark colors symbolize aggression or negativity. The color of the astral body can change throughout the day depending on the mood.

The activation of the astral body directly depends on the emotional state of a person and his desires and dreams. If a person is purposeful, he has set himself clear tasks, both everyday and grandiosely large, his astral body works actively. It receives energy from space, it interacts with other people, as a rule, as purposeful as he is, and suggests how to act in a given situation. If a person does not know or does not want to know what to do, his astral body "goes out" and the energies of other sources do not penetrate to him. Selfish, destructive desires have a negative impact on the astral body of a person, since they cause great harm to the environment and its energy. People with a negative point of thinking have a bad effect on the astral body of a person. Also, excessive experiences or prolonged use of narcotic, alcoholic substances that destroy the nervous system at the physical level have a bad effect.

In order to set up the wrong functioning of the astral body of a person, it is necessary to begin with the desire to be useful to others. Service is like a healing balm for the astral body. The energy exchange between people is activated and a person who does good to others receives even more from them than he gives. This is one of the most powerful practices for activating the astral body.

Secondly, it will be useful to perform regular meditation aimed at monitoring the internal emotions that are projected onto the astral body. Harmonization, calming, normalization of certain desires or emotions will balance the work of the astral body and give you peace and tranquility throughout the day.

For those people who have no problems with the astral body and feel that it is working correctly, it is recommended to perform practices during dreams - astral travel. When the physical body is asleep, the human soul has the opportunity to leave it, enter the astral body and go to other layers of the universe. Some people prefer to perform these practices with the help of hallucinogenic substances, but do not forget that they can do much more harm than good.

All shamans of the world have the ability to see and connect both to their own and to someone else's astral body. Without this skill, they would not be able to heal people, since access to the "information field" of a person lies through his astral body, aura. Professionalism, the phenomenon of shamans lies in the fact that they are able to see and penetrate into the astral body without harming it. In addition, they perfectly control their astral body, not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness. Therefore, one can often hear stories that the same human shaman was seen in different places. There is nothing surprising - he used his astral body to move through space.

Psychic blocks are most often located in or in the Nadi channels. There are three Nadi channels - Pingala (right channel), Ida (left channel) and Sushumna (central channel). All three pass through the seven chakras of man, from Muladhara to Sahasrara. If Nadis and chakras are clear, then the etheric body of a person conducts cosmic energy along the entire length of these channels and centers, as a result of which a person feels healthy, strong, cheerful, happy, full of strength and desire to live and create. Such people can be seen from afar, neither electrical appliances nor clairvoyant people are needed for this. Those whose energy flows through the etheric body correctly spread their rays to everything around them.

However, most people have fears, bad memories, mental disorders, unresolved resentments, psychosomatic illnesses, and a host of other "anchors" that keep them at their lowest frequencies. Blocks can also appear if a person is not doing his own thing, when he is not satisfied with the events taking place in his life, when he deliberately wishes harm to others or engages in destructive activities. The etheric body immediately displays all this data and, as a conductor, does not work correctly.

What should be done to bring the etheric body to the correct work? This requires careful work on yourself and your inner self. First of all, you need to find those problems that worry you. These may be the most secret, secret and inexplicable facts, or they may be banal fears of society. When you figure out what is preventing you from living, you will be able to find a way to solve these problems and set up the etheric body in the right way. Listen to the etheric body - it will tell you how to act. Roughly speaking, if you even just make a request to the Universe, then the ethereal body will transmit its answer to you by any means. Be careful.

Next, you need to realize that working with the inner self requires specific actions. For some, it will be weight loss, for someone - reconciliation with relatives. Someone will need to give up a hated job, and someone, on the contrary, will finally get a job somewhere. The etheric body is not an ephemeral shell that unusual people talk about. This is just a reflection of a person’s life, and the more holistic and purposeful a person is, the stronger and clearer his etheric body is and the more benefits it brings him.

Do not forget that you will have to do self-education. The etheric body requires a person to understand its structure, and the more information-savvy a person is, the easier he will cope with his problems. It doesn't matter what sources you start your education with - from Hindu, Slavic or Chinese teachings, all will equally smoothly lead you to your path of self-realization.

When you start working with the etheric body of a person, be prepared for the fact that your nervous system may “fail”. Mood swings, tantrums, emotional burnout or an inexplicable high are signs that you have activated your Nadi channels and prana energy has flowed through them through the etheric body. Be patient and do not bring mental harm to others.

Fourth layer. Mental body or intellectual

At the level of the astral body, emotions arise in a person, and thoughts arise at the level of the mental body. Any thought processes, learning, subconscious and conscious, is first born in the mental body of a person, and then reaches the physical. Moreover, absolutely any information remains in the mental body forever. Thought forms, which are already a secondary product of the thinking process, are associated with the three subtle bodies of a person: the astral body, the mental body and the karmic body. They are inseparable and fully responsible for human behavior in society. At the astral level, an emotion arises, at the mental level, a thought is born from it, and at the level of the karmic body, the thought takes shape and is fulfilled by a person.

The mental body of a person can be cleansed by controlling food and sleep patterns. The simpler, healthier and lighter your diet is, the more active your brain will work, the more information you will be able to perceive and process. The mental body will fill up faster. Proper sleep in sufficient quantities, regular physical activity will also increase the tone of the body and there will be more strength to fill the mental body with new information and clear rooted stereotypes.

Do not forget that the higher the vibrations of your mental body, the finer and better knowledge will come to you from outside. Get ready for new teachings, new incredible knowledge, for adventures that did not happen to you until you began to work with your mental body.

Fifth layer. Causal or karmic body

We have already written earlier on our website that all actions, emotions and thoughts of a person are stored in his energy field. Each action has its own layer. There is an astral body for emotions and feelings, a mental body for thoughts and information storage, and a causal body for performing an action and storing this action in the memory of the Universe. Every human action, even inaction, has some reason and purpose. Moreover, each action is followed by the result and cause of the following incidents. That is, anything from a simple walk to the construction of a ship has a reason, meaning, purpose. Where do people get these or those desires to act in one way or another? How to explain that some succeed in making their dreams come true, while others fail? Why are some of us born into rich families and others into poor ones?

The answers to these and other questions have a karmic body of a person or a causal body of a person. It, like a real information field, retains the memory of all the actions of a given soul in all its rebirths. That is why this body is called the human karmic body. The ancient Indian scriptures paid much attention to the concept of karma. Karma is the totality of all the done deeds of the soul and the result of what he receives in return. Karma is the universal law of cause and effect, exceptionally fair, according to which all living beings get what they deserve and according to which the energy balance of the world or Samsara is maintained. The karmic body of a person can tell about who the person was in a past life or five lives before it. The karmic body of a person remembers all his good and bad deeds, the causal body can tell why this person was born in such conditions and even knows what awaits him ahead. The karmic or causal body of a person is not at all a magic ball for predictions, it can simply calculate what a person deserves for his efforts.

Unlike the astral, for example, the karmic body of a person does not have clear boundaries and there are no electrical appliances in the world that can capture its shape and size. The color of the karmic body is also unknown. However, they say that it is the karmic body that the soul takes with it after death and carries it through the centuries throughout its worldly existence. The ancient yogis set themselves the goal of burning karma - that is, getting rid of the karmic body. To do this, they performed serious austerities, meditated for months, led a monastic lifestyle. They believed that if they could get rid of karma, they would forever leave Samsara (the circle of death and rebirth) and fall into Nirvana, the Absolute, Brahman, etc.

A person can work with his physical, ethereal, astral, mental bodies, performing certain practices, but as for the karmic body, things are different here. All a person can do to "improve" their karmic body is to start following the Dharma. Dharma is the personal duty of each individual, intended only for him and due to be performed in order to maintain the universal balance. It is believed that those who live according to the Dharma burn their negative karma and accumulate positive ones. Positive karma makes it possible to be born in the next life in more favorable conditions, on divine planets, possessing various siddhis. One who does not observe the Dharma will be born in the next life in the body of an animal, plant, or an even lower evolutionary being to go through all the lessons anew.

It is believed that the karma of the family is stored in the karmic or causal body of a person. In many religious movements, it is repeatedly mentioned that the karma of one person is passed on to his descendants in several generations and, for example, grandchildren or great-grandchildren may be responsible for a serious crime. To learn about such curses, you need to learn to see the karmic body of a person, connect to it, read information from it and know how to correct certain other people's sins. Be careful and avoid charlatans, who may connect to your karmic body, however, can cause even more harm. The best thing is to find your teacher and understand that learning takes time.

If you realize your Dharma, live righteously and do not commit sins, your karmic body will begin to be cleansed of the memory of past negative deeds. You will discover the knowledge of how to recover from diseases that have been tormenting you for a long time, and if you manage to get rid of them, you will gain access to how to heal other people.

Sixth layer. Buddhic or intuitive body

Man is the most complex creation of the Universe, if we consider it on the energy plane. It seems to us that we consist only of bones and blood, but in reality there are at least 7 thin planes, 7 shells, on each of which the most important processes of our life activity take place.

Each of the seven subtle human bodies has its own vibration frequency, and the farther the shell is located from the body, the higher its vibration. The penultimate of the subtlest human bodies is the buddhic body, also called the intuitive human body. Previous bodies, for example, the mental or karmic bodies are responsible for very real events in life - for thoughts, actions, deeds. They store information about the activities of the soul and go on further journeys with it after the death of the body shell. However, at the level of the buddhic body of a person, flashes of intuition, forebodings, instincts, the so-called "sixth sense" occur. Information exclusively here and now. Science is used to giving the phenomenon of intuition a subconscious origin, considering it the result of brain activity. However, people who have at least some relation to spiritual teachings are accustomed to interpreting the emergence of intuition differently. They believe that it originates in the buddhic body, in the intuitive body of man.

The very name "buddhic" comes from the Sanskrit term "buddhi", which means the inner mind, an organ that allows you to comprehend God, comprehend the ideas and thoughts of a living being. Unlike other subtle bodies, the buddhic body of a person or the intuitive body of a person allows him to completely go beyond his physical shell and mind, and get into the information field of the Universe. It is often referred to as the Akashic Records.

The buddhic or intuitive body of a person is considered to be that invisible layer where brilliant ideas and thoughts are born, big problems are solved and insights come. Clairvoyants work through the intuitive body. The better a person's buddhic body is tuned to receive information, the better a person orients himself in life, the more ideas and goals he has, the better his interests are, the more truth he knows and sees.

It is believed that one who wants to know his true destiny must discard all conventions and turn to his buddhic body. It is the buddhic or intuitive body of a person that will tell him what to do and what profession to choose, whether to be near a particular person or leave him, build a house in this place or go in search of another refuge. Intuition is an information wave, it is always active, it all depends on how buddhic or intuitive the human body is tuned to receive.

Intuition is very important for people who are engaged in creative activities. Any artist, writer or musician will tell you that there are times when the "muse" comes and it's easy, fast and pleasant to create. Most likely, at such moments, the buddhic body is activated, it enters into resonance with the information of the environment and projects it onto the person and his activity. In order to develop intuition and increase the activity of the buddhic or intuitive body of a person, it is necessary to perform some simple practices. One of these practices is the abandonment of the constant desire to give everything a logical explanation. Turn off your mind and try to look at the situation through the eyes of a child devoid of stereotypes. Your intuitive body will tell you what happened. Be prepared for the fact that completely inexplicable things will begin to happen to you. This is fine.

Next, learn to trust your own hunches and listen to your inner voice. If you are haunted by an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, this may be the voice of a person's intuitive body. If everyone around you keeps telling you the same thing, and you stubbornly do your own, knowing that you are right, this means that you, in a good sense of the word, follow the lead of your buddhic body and intuition, which comes from the universal information field. The buddhic or intuitive human body gives commands and clues in the form of dreams. In the people it is called prophetic dreams. In order not to miss a single detail, just start a small diary for yourself, in which write down everything that you dreamed about, saw, seemed unusual. All events will be intertwined later in one inseparable thread, just trust the buddhic body.

The Ajna chakra or the third eye is the symbol of the buddhic or intuitive body of man. If the pineal gland is activated, if a person skillfully uses the information stored in the information field, if he knows and uses the fact that the material visible world is just a drop in the great ocean of the Universe, he becomes friendly with his buddhic body and it begins to supply the person truly sacred knowledge, which he will later be able to pass on as teachings to the next generations. A person with an activated buddhic body is capable of leading thousands of people.

If you have managed to awaken your buddhic body and tune it in the right way, the quality of your life will noticeably increase: those issues that previously required you to take a long time to think will now be resolved in a matter of seconds. Through interaction with your buddhic or intuitive body, you will get rid of the concept of "risk", because now you will inextricably connect every moment of your existence with the manifestation of Divine Energy.

Seventh layer. Atmanic body

There is critically little information in the public domain about the human atmic body: who first spoke about it, who was the first to mention it in their writings, and so on. Modern scholars of Hinduism agreed that the Vedas and Upanishads note the existence of seven subtle human bodies. Each of them has its own clear location and function. The human atmic body is the highest, most powerful, subtlest of the seven bodies. In this article, we have collected useful information about the human atmic body, collected from many different sources.

As you know, each of the seven subtle bodies of a person has its own specific function and connects the soul, and then the body with one or another level of vibrations. For example, the etheric body contains information about a person's health, about his mental state, and the karmic body remembers all the actions of the soul and tells what awaits him ahead, according to his actions. The Atmic body of a person stands above all other bodies and connects the previous six with the Absolute, with God. Many names can be given to this boundless expanse, which is all that exists.

The name of the human atmic body comes from the Sanskrit term "atma". This is a complex concept that requires a long explanation, but if you try to fit it in a few words, then atma is a state of the soul that has realized itself. Atma is the merging of the being with the Absolute, enlightenment. The atmic body of a person received such a name, because it is with the help of it that a person acquires full awareness, peace, with the atmic body he cognizes God.

According to many spiritual currents, the self-realization of the individual consists in the destruction of the ego, in the burning of karma and in union with the Absolute. To do this, people perform various practices, do yoga, worship various deities, perform austerities and, in general, build their lifestyle according to this great goal. The Atmic body of a person is the key to the door of God, and in order to reach it, you need to know your own Self, which includes seven subtle bodies.

The atmic body of a person translates the appeal of the soul to God and vice versa. The purer the other six bodies, the faster the transfer of this information in both directions. When a person prays, turns to God, meditates on him or performs selfless deeds, sacrificing himself, it is the atmic body that transfers his blessings to the higher layers of space. As a rule, the reward, although it is not the meaning of the activity of such a person, is not long in coming. There is an energy exchange and through the atmic body a person receives goodness a hundred times stronger than he gives.

Only a few can maintain the constant active activity of the atmic body. This requires constant concentration, being in the state of here and now, inner peace and ultimate awareness. Meditation allows you to increase concentration, both during the process itself and throughout the day after practice. The atmic body of a person tunes in to receive energy, and at such moments many people notice an inexplicable surge of strength, unreasonable joy and inspiration. When the atmic body is at its most active, a person can experience ecstasy, visions, hallucinations, and see prophecies.

In most people, the atmic body is in a state of sleep. Blocks are present at the physical level, in the etheric body, in the astral, which no longer allows the atmic body to function correctly. A person has seven chakras and three subtle Nadi channels through which energy flows. If there are blocks in some area in the form of fears, unpleasant memories, attachments, the influence of the ego, and so on, the energy circulates incorrectly, which is displayed on the physical shell in the form of diseases. A person remains at the level of solving his everyday needs and needs, and there can be no talk about the development of the atmic body.

Therefore, in order to gain access to your own atmic body and learn how to work with it, you must start from the very first body - from the physical. The advice here is extremely simple: work on your own weaknesses and bad habits, normalize sleep, work and rest, proper communication, nutrition and living conditions. Education plays a very important role.

After the physical body is “adjusted”, you can move on to the next stage and work with your own emotions. Remember that the activation of the atmic body and work with it can take not only many months, but even years. Monks, wise elders and shamans, who achieved wisdom only after decades of hard efforts, can serve as an example.

When a person has managed to set up the work of the physical, etheric, astral bodies, he proceeds to practices aimed at specific cases, the mental and karmic bodies are responsible for them. The practice at these stages is to mentally work on your knowledge and behavior. Purity of thoughts and deeds is the basis for advancing further, to the atmic body of a person.

The two highest, thinnest layers - the buddhic and atmic bodies will be available to those who have learned the previous lessons and passed them with dignity. The human buddhic body is responsible for intuition, creativity, unconditional discoveries and ideas. At this level, a person draws his inspiration for life and work. When he realized that everything that surrounds him is God, he creates and creates in his name, he gives every second of his existence to him and is grateful for it. It is then that the atmic body of a person opens. God sees that a person has realized and comprehended his secrets and begins to endow him with the joy of being.

Staying here and now is the basis for the proper functioning of the atmic body.

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In different sources - Western and Eastern - subtle bodies have different names, so let's dwell on some adapted, convenient and easy-to-understand terminology. Recently, by the way, traditional medicine treats the doctrine of the subtle bodies of a person more calmly, at least without hysteria. And some doctors, in particular psychotherapists, even use certain methods in their practice, for which in the old days they would have been accused of obscurantism.

Thin human bodies

To begin with, it should be noted that a person has the following main bodies: physical, ethereal and subtle. With the physical body, everything is clear, presumably.

etheric body

The etheric body is an intangible matrix (information code) of a person, a model according to which an adult person grows out of a child. Otherwise, how else will the baby's physical body know to what length the arms or, for example, the head should increase? The etheric body, or, as it is sometimes called, the etheric double, "knows" what a particular physical body should be like, how it should grow and develop. The work of the immune system and general vitality are connected with the etheric body. A weak etheric body entails "mistakes" in the development of the physical body, which also leads to diseases. It is the etheric body that is responsible for the rehabilitation period after diseases, bone fractures, injuries - since it is its commands that determine how, for example, the bone should grow together.

The etheric body has another important function - it is a link between the physical body of a person and his subtle, intangible bodies. Communication between bodies - physical, ethereal and subtle - is carried out through chakras and energy channels.

The size of the etheric body of a person is somewhat larger than the size of the physical. Being inside (in the volume) of the physical body, the ethereal body, as it were, protrudes beyond the surface of the physical by several centimeters. A trained person is able to control his etheric body. For example, reducing the size of the etheric body in such a way that it does not go beyond the boundaries of the physical one makes a person less noticeable to others. It is with such practices that cases of "inexplicable" penetration of individuals through strict posts and cordons are associated.

After death, the etheric body of a person is separated from the physical, the full volumetric matrix of a person, including consciousness, passes to the so-called ethereal plane. It is with this that the sensations of "looking at one's physical body from the side" during clinical death are connected.

According to some data, the time of existence of the ethereal body separated from the physical body is about three days. There is a hypothesis that during this period the deceased person may not be fully aware that he has physically died, since the etheric body continues to be in the same spatio-temporal boundaries (i.e. in the same environment) as before death. After this, the separation of the remaining subtle bodies from the etheric takes place.

Thin bodies

Humans have five subtle bodies:
Astral (emotions, imagination)
Mental (mind, thought)
Causal (karma, fate, intuition)
Buddhic (spiritual mind)
Atmic (spark of God, spirit)

astral body

The astral body is associated primarily with the emotional sphere of human life. Such feelings as love and, conversely, hatred - reflect the degree of activity of the astral body.

Thus, it can be argued that a person who is "nothing" in life, who does not cause an emotional response in other people and does not experience emotions (what is called a "rusk") - has an undeveloped astral body. Such people are usually not endowed with any developed imagination, they rarely dream, they are cold and imperturbable in communication.

The reverse overlap is also possible, when the active astral body, as it were, itself is looking for ways to get vivid emotional sensations. People with an overly active astral body are quick-tempered, have a highly developed imagination, love to be in sight, causing a storm of emotions in those around them (no matter what sign they are). Such people are usually distinguished by inconstancy in affections, quarrelsomeness in the team.

It is the astral body, as the focus of emotions and the shaper of imaginary images, that is responsible for human activity during sleep. The astral body is able to move a considerable distance from the physical body of a person - the so-called astral travel.

It should be noted that any experiments with the isolation of the astral body from the general energy structure of a person are quite dangerous. This is written to the fact that recently magical forums on the Internet have been paying a lot of attention to the topic of astral experiments. When the astral body is separated from the energy shells, it nevertheless maintains contact with them with a thin energy thread, sometimes called the "silver thread". In the event of a complete detachment of the astral body, physical death occurs. This is what, for example, is usually observed with a drug overdose or toxic poisoning.

The shape of the astral body is ovoid, it also has such additional characteristics as density and color. It is the astral body that is usually tried to capture on film in the form of an aura. We will talk about this in another article. The sizes of astral bodies are different for all people. According to some reports, the aura of the Buddha had a size of over 5 km.

mental body

The mental body is the mind, the continuous flow and circulation of thoughts, the ability to logic, learning.

People with a developed mental body are able to receive the necessary information and deftly use it. These are thinkers, scientists, prominent public figures, leaders. A person with a developed mental body "does not go into his pocket for a word", this is an interesting interlocutor, an erudite and developed personality.

Recently, a certain overlap in the upbringing of children has been noticeable in society - a lot of attention is paid to the development of mental abilities, and often to the detriment of everything else. Of course, it's good when a child grows up smart. However, for the harmonious development of erudition alone is not enough for a person. It is necessary in the upbringing of a child to pay attention to the proper development of other subtle bodies.

An adult person must maintain the active working capacity of his mental body, giving him food in the form of information - books that can cause the need for reflection. Moreover, it is books, and not reading matter, like worthless novels and newspaper and magazine waste paper. If a person does not properly use his mental body, it "falls asleep", and the owner gradually degrades as a thinking person, becomes lethargic and uninteresting to others.

The human mental body has no definite size. It is as infinite as thought itself. It is with this feature, among other things, that the healing effect produced by one person (healer) on another (patient) at a distance is associated.

Causal body

The causal body is the basic karmic matrix. The main one - in the sense that it is in this subtle substance that the main life milestones and events of the entire subsequent life of a person are, as it were, programmed. It also contains information about previous incarnations of a person.

It is the causal body that determines the conditions and environment for the next incarnation of a person, based on his mission and the circumstances of the past incarnation - in what country he will be born, in what family, in what social environment and at what time.

The causal body, according to many specialists in occult forecasting (in other words, fortune-tellers), is of primary interest to them, since it is precisely from this subtle substance - the causal body - that information about past and future significant events is extracted.

Often a person with an active causal body is able to foresee some events of his life with the help of intuition. The main source for intuition in this case is the person's own karmic matrix - the causal body.

This characteristic - the ability to read the information of one's own causal body, or the subtle body of another person - determines the level of intuition of the person himself. The level and quality of fortune-telling is determined by the ability of a specialist (fortuneteller) to read information from someone else's karmic body. Here is the answer to the question of whether anyone can read Tarot cards if they are given a deck and detailed instructions.

Developed and well controlled by the person himself (his other subtle bodies), the causal body opens a certain channel for him, allowing him to influence the causal bodies of other people. Thus, what is called "correction of karma" in the advertisements of some specialists implies a strong impact of its energy on the characteristics of the patient's causal body. How successful is already a completely different, second, aspect. How beneficial this effect will be for the patient is the third aspect.

We would recommend all amateurs to periodically "correct their karma" by contacting specialists in this area to be extremely careful. If a specialist dealing with karmic problems loses (or only weakens) the control of his own subtle bodies, then the impact on the causal matrix of the patient's causal body may turn out to be unfavorable.

Moreover, there are strong doubts that the correction of karma is generally a solvable task. Most likely, the negative aspects of a particular karmic program are not corrected, but simply passed on to descendants, in particular, to children and grandchildren.

Thus, it can be argued that a person with an active causal body has a well-developed intuition and is able to foresee and predict many events, and not only for himself. In life, such people enjoy a reputation as good advisers; other people willingly turn to them in critical situations. Over the course of life, a person gradually adapts to receive information both from his own causal body and from similar bodies of other people, interlocutors. This is exactly what is called "worldly experience". That is why an elderly person has a much more developed intuition than a young one - it's just that his connection with causal bodies has already been established through experience - a kind of intuition training.

After the physical death of a person, the causal body does not disappear, but passes into the causal body of an infant during a new incarnation.

buddhic body

The buddhic or spiritual body is an even more subtle karmic body of a person, which has a number of additional characteristics. The information of this body is not as clear as in the causal body, more blurry, so to speak. Nevertheless, it is the buddhic body that contains data on the main direction of the development of human life and maintains many important connections.

The buddhic body determines such qualities of a person as the main features of character, worldview, attitude to life, i.e. the general life direction of all human existence.

The buddhic subtle body carries out and regulates the owner's connection with energy egregors - communities - tribal, family, religious, professional. It is the buddhic body that determines the main indicators of a person's heredity, maintaining a connection with his etheric double (etheric body). It can be assumed that the etheric body receives some corrective commands from the buddhic body. That is why a particular person inherits certain characteristic features of his ancestors - elements of appearance, character traits, and so on.

A person with a well-developed, active buddhic body is usually an undisputed authority, a Master with a capital letter. It is these people who are able to change the character of another person, adjust his attitudes in life, have a significant impact on the worldview, and even completely turn it around. People with a strong buddhic body are priests (confessors), who enjoy well-deserved honor and respect, preachers, orators. The development of the buddhic body is evidenced by such qualities as disinterestedness, kindness, readiness to help.

A certain danger to the surrounding people, especially those who are in a critical, stressful state, is represented by a person with a strong buddhic body, but impure (destructive) goals and thoughts. Such people are the leaders of all kinds of sects and destructive cults. It is they who, having the necessary strength of their buddhic body, are able to wrest another person from any egregor - family, religious - and completely "redirect" his main life component in the direction they want. For this, blocking of other thin bodies that can resist such breaking is usually used. The astral body of the victim switches to ecstatic emotions - euphoria - by participating in rituals, the state of artificial "happiness" is stimulated. The mental body is suppressed by taking tranquilizers or narcotic drugs with the function of suppressing the will. The causal body, which is responsible for intuition, is blocked by cutting off past connections and attachments, switching to life "with a new destiny."

A person with an undeveloped buddhic body does not have a clear position in life. He lives in the absence of a common purpose of existence. As a rule, such people are closed, they are skeptical of everything that involves working on themselves, their own character and inclinations. These people are not attached to such concepts as the Motherland, society, and also sincerely consider themselves to be the creator of their own destiny.

The human buddhic body is immortal. It exists forever as a constantly reincarnating independent entity.

Atmic body

The Atmic body is a particle of the Higher Mind, God, the Absolute (as one likes) in a person. It is the atmic body that contains information about the main (main) task of a particular person. The same subtle substance of the energy body reflects the general philosophical outlook of a person.

Every person has an Atmic body - a spark of God - but not all people are aware of its presence. A person who is aware of and uses his atmic body has direct communication with the positive entities of the Higher Plan. Such people are saints, holy-blessed in life.

Suppression by a person of his atmic body leads to the position of convinced atheism. Such a person is in life a "subverter of authorities", a destroyer. An example is the numerous bloody revolutionaries known in history.

Ten years ago, I said the phrase: “If children played with nesting dolls, then the problem of cellulite would not be so acute!”
At first she said, and then she realized how deep the meaning of this statement is.

After all, when disassembling a nesting doll, a child would download into his subconscious mind a model of thinking that a person has content, that it is multifaceted, that a person is not only a shell. It would be easier for a growing child to explain that a person has not only a physical body. He would understand this process as natural, as the only correct and complete one. It is this integrity that is extremely important in understanding the world. Everything in the world, any process, phenomenon has seven aspects. This is the law.

All human bodies are one. They cannot be separated just because medicine, for example, is not able to treat the etheric, astral, mental and other subtle bodies, but deals only with the problems of the physical. But from this, the other six bodies are not free from problems. That is why they call medicine imperfect, ineffective, because the causes of diseases lie precisely in the subtle, mental and other bodies. Without healing (cleansing) of subtle bodies, it is impossible to completely get rid of diseases.

Sometimes, when examining a patient, I see where the disease originates and warn the patient about it. It is a pity that sometimes people do not have responsibility for their lives and health. But today I didn't want to talk about that.
Let's finally figure out what these Seven bodies are and where they "suddenly" came from.

Let me just say that they have always been there. Surely you have heard, and maybe even seen ghosts. This is the ethereal body of the restless soul.
Maybe you have seen in some photograph the blue contour of a person alive and healthy? This is the etheric body.

Also, everyone already knows that a person has an aura - it is a reflection of all his bodies. The colors in the aura are a mixture of the colors of his bodies, the boundaries of which also merge on the aura and it is impossible to separate them.

Seven bodies accompany the physical body of a person throughout life. They live and die with you. All - seven, except for one - karmic - it is preserved by the Universe to transfer the karmic task.

So let's start with the aura.
Together, the subtle bodies of a person form his aura. After special training, many people begin to see the aura in all its diversity of colors. In addition, today there are special cameras with which any person can photograph their aura in color.

True, cameras shoot all the subtle bodies of a person at once, without making a distinction between them. Meanwhile, these differences are very important.
Each subtle body has its own name and performs a specific function. Moreover, in different sources there are several variants of the names of the same subtle bodies. For consistency, we will have to choose only one of them.

etheric body

The first subtle body is the etheric or energy body of a person. This body is an exact copy of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, going beyond its limits by 3-5 cm.

This subtle body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special kind of matter called aether. The ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter of which our world consists, and even more subtle than ethereal types of matter.

The bodies of many entities are composed of ether, the mention of which we meet in fairy tales and in mystical literature. These are ghosts, brownies, various kinds of underground inhabitants - gnomes, trolls, etc. Whether they exist in reality or not, a person who develops the appropriate vision can tell. But do we believe his stories?

In principle, any person, if desired, can see a bluish haze of the etheric body around his fingers, if he looks at them with a dispersed gaze on a white background. In addition, the well-known Kirlian effect allows photographing the etheric body.

The color of the etheric body, as psychics perceive it, changes from light blue to gray. In a sensitive person, it has a bluish tint; in an athletic, physically strong person, gray tones predominate in the etheric body.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond. People with highly sensitive vision see all the organs of the human body as if they were made of flickering gray light.

Distortions that occur in the human energy body lead first to a disorder, and then to the rebirth of the organs of our physical body (ie disease). Bioenergetics feel with their hands the distortions of just the energy body, and make corrections to it. In the case of correct influence, after the correction of the energy body, the healing of the physical organ occurs.

In the same body, there are various energy flows, including those very “wonderful meridians” that are affected during acupuncture and acupressure.

Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical, it is sometimes called the etheric double of a person.

The etheric body of a person has a weight of about 5-7 grams. This was established by American researchers during an experiment when a person died lying on very sensitive scales (completely voluntarily). In the course of this not very usual experiment, it was found that after death a person’s weight decreases precisely by these 5 grams.

After the death of a person, all subtle bodies leave our physical body. But only the “transitional” etheric body has weight, the rest of the bodies are too incorporeal. After the death of a person, the etheric body also dies, but not immediately, but on the 9th day after death. Then it also decomposes, being close to the decomposing physical body. This explains why people sometimes meet ghosts in cemeteries in the evening - these are their ethereal counterparts wandering around the buried bodies.

Some people are able to leave their physical body in the etheric body (the so-called ethereal projection), remaining conscious and remembering their sensations. G. Durville's book "The Ghost of the Living" describes experiments during which people in ethereal bodies left their physical bodies and performed pre-agreed actions - they stood on sensitive scales, illuminated photographic plates, closed bell contacts, passed through walls, etc.

The physical body at that time was in the chair completely motionless. Interestingly, it completely lost sensitivity - it could be pricked, cut, burned, and the person did not react. Those. without the etheric body, our entire system of receptors, nerves, and other elements of the physical body does not work - there is no life in it.

astral body

The next, the astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than the etheric.

This body is 5-10 centimeters beyond the physical body. It does not have such a clear form as the ethereal one. It is a continuously iridescent colored blobs of energy. In an unemotional person, this body is quite uniform and discharged. In a very emotional person, these multi-colored clots are thicker and denser. Moreover, flashes of negative emotions manifest themselves as clots of energies of “heavy” and dark colors - burgundy-red, brown, gray, black, etc.

If a person is emotional, but quick-tempered, then the clots of negative energies in the emotional body dissipate relatively quickly. But if a person has lingering negative emotions such as constant resentment towards people or life, or constant aggressiveness towards life or other people (communists, democrats, Jews, boss, ex-husband, etc.), then such emotions create long-term clots negative emotional energy. These clots further have a negative impact on health.

By the colors of the astral body, clairvoyants easily determine what emotions are inherent in a given person.

Astral energies create a whole so-called astral plane, on which the entities of the astral plane live. For example, to form events, we use the help of egregors, which are created from the energies of just the astral and the next, mental planes.

In addition to egregores, many completely independent entities live on the astral plane, also from the fabulous and mystical repertoire.

In addition, all the entities and objects that you created in your dreams live on the astral plane. Moreover, the more vivid the dream you saw, the longer it persists on the astral plane. Since the theme of most dreams is erotica, sex or fear, you can imagine what events are constantly developing on this plane. We can see some semblance of the events taking place there in Western porn films, horror films and in cool action films.

The astral plane has several levels (or floors). The lower floors, as you might guess, are the same “hell”, in which souls with a full “vessel of karma” experience various troubles.

It can be stated with certainty that the lower floors of the astral plane are precisely the lower (1-2) floors of the Subtle World. The entire astral plane occupies 5-6 floors in the Subtle World. Those. the upper floors of the astral belong to the 5th-6th level of the entire Subtle World.

A person has the opportunity to consciously get into this plane in the astral body and observe what is happening there. The well-known popularizer of esoteric knowledge C. Leadbeater described the events taking place there most fully in his book “The Astral Plane”. Similar experiments are described in sufficient detail in the works of other authors.

After the death of a person, his astral body also dies, but only on the 40th day. The rest, more subtle bodies, can remain on the astral plane if they are kept there by the load of the "vessel of karma".

mental body

The third human body is called the mental body. It is the body of man's thoughts and knowledge. It is very developed among scientists, researchers and people who are fond of some area of ​​knowledge (history, architecture, botany, etc.). And it is weakly manifested in people engaged in physical labor.

The mental body goes beyond the physical body by 10-20 cm and generally repeats its contours.

It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane. On this plane also live fabulous entities that do not have a stable shape and size. The structure of the mental plan is described in some detail in the work of Ch. Leadbeater "The Mental Plan".
In particular, the egregors we have previously considered live and feed on the energies of the astral and mental planes.

The mental plane occupies the 7th-8th floors of the Subtle World.

The mental body has a bright yellow color emanating from the head of a person and extending to the whole body. When a person thinks intensely, the mental body expands and becomes brighter.

There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms.

Thought forms can only consist of the energy of the mental body - if our beliefs are not accompanied by emotions. And if beliefs are connected with emotions, then the thought-form is formed by the energies of the mental and emotional planes. Accordingly, if a stable negative belief sits in us (for example, about our government or close relatives), and it is accompanied by completely unkind emotions, then the corresponding thought-form is colored with dirty colors of the emotional body.

Thought form can be blurred if our knowledge or beliefs are fuzzy or inaccurate. Conversely, it is perfectly clear-cut if our beliefs are stable and complete.

After the death of a person, his mental body also dies - along with the knowledge he has accumulated. It dies, according to some reports, on the 90th day after the death of a person.

All considered three subtle bodies of a person belong to our material world, are born and die together with a person.

Karmic body

The next, fourth body of a person belongs to his immortal component and passes from life to life of a person during his reincarnations. This is the so-called causal or karmic body - the body of the soul, which contains the causes of all human actions and information about possible future human actions.

Clairvoyants see the karmic body in the form of a cloud of multi-colored clots of subtle energy, protruding 20-30 cm beyond the physical body. These clumps are similar to the clumps of the emotional body, but they are more blurred and dominated by light (pink) colors.

It seems to us that it is this body that is our own “caretaker”, which is engaged in the “education” of a person in accordance with the requirements of the Higher powers.

Since the karmic body is located in close proximity to the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, it has the full ability to control our thoughts, beliefs and real actions. And, noticing violations, take measures to correct our erroneous emotions or beliefs.

After the death of a person, his karmic body does not die, but, together with the rest of the more subtle bodies, goes to some floor of the Subtle World. The floor, as we have already indicated, is determined by the amount of information about our positive deeds and mistakes accumulated during our life. Or, in a different way, according to the fullness of the “vessel of karma”.

Intuitive Body

The fifth body of man has various names. Some authors define it as an intuitive (or buddhic) body - an energy body that concentrates higher unconscious processes in itself.

B. Brennan calls it the etheric determining body. This body is the matrix on which our ethereal (first) body is built. If we have a failure in the etheric body, then it is restored just according to the template, which is our fifth body.

Clairvoyants see it as a dark blue oval, extending 50-60 cm. outside of the physical body. Inside this oval there is a void that completely coincides with our etheric body. Those. the ethereal (first) body fills this void, and thus its shape and dimensions are determined.

As you understand, it is easy for the fifth human body to both restore and distort our etheric body - if desired, of course.

Heavenly body

The next, the sixth body, was called the celestial body.

It extends 60-80 cm beyond our physical body. Clairvoyants see it as multi-colored rays of flame emanating from the physical body of a person.

At the level of this body, a person experiences high feelings - spiritual ecstasy experienced as a result of prayer or meditation.

Keter body

The seventh body of a person is the highest, atmic, or keter body of a person (from the Kabbalistic term “keter” - crown, crown).

It goes to a distance of 80-100cm. outside of the physical body. In people with high energy, it can be even more.

Outwardly, it looks like a golden egg, containing all the previous human bodies. The outer surface of the egg has a protective film 1-2 centimeters thick. This film is strong, elastic and prevents the penetration of external influences on a person.

Inside the golden egg, clairvoyants can observe the main energy flow connecting the tops of the egg and passing through the human spine. On the surface of this egg one can sometimes see colored hoops of light corresponding to bright events in the person's previous life.

This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there.

This body contains the program of human life. In other words, these are the obligations that the human soul took upon itself, heading to earth for the next reincarnation.

Our fourth (karmic) body reads this program and compares it with the real actions and thoughts of a person. And at the divergence, he proceeds to our “education”.

This is what a person looks like in all the complexity of the structure of his body. However, his “construction” does not end there. In the structure of human bodies there is one more element (more precisely, many elements), which we cannot do without considering if we have a strong desire to understand how the world and man work.
Next, you should familiarize yourself with the information about the chakras. (See the articles in the Chakra Collection.

A beautiful video about chakras and energy flows.

Product video 7 human bodies. Anatomy of dense and thin bodies.
The animation shows the movement of energy, the location of the chakras and energy flows.

Below is information from Osho, about 7 human bodies, with a detailed description.

7 human bodies esotericists have varying degrees of materiality. Like a cocoon, subtle bodies wrap around the visible, the physical. A few centimeters above the human skin is the ethereal body that connects the physical and astral bodies. Above the astral body is the mental body. The next trinity is causal, buddhial and atmanic. Now let's look at them in more detail and in order.

So, here they are - our legs and arms, ears, hair and eyes. Our physical body. It is intended for activity in the physical world. Shows up with actions. Its beauty or, on the contrary, “ugliness”, is determined, among other things, by our behavior in past lives. His illnesses are directly related to permanent or temporary defects in the more highly organized "subtle" bodies. An important conclusion follows from this: a serious bodily disease will not succumb to a simple symptomatic treatment, because the root cause of a "karmic" disease is beyond the reach of traditional medicine.

The etheric body is a copy of the physical body and serves to maintain its form. It transmits to the physical impulses of neighboring, more highly organized bodies: astral and mental. Its color is defined by some esotericists as a faintly luminous purple. Energy, prana, descends to the physical body through the etheric. With age, the ability of the etheric body to conduct energy weakens, and the physical body undergoes changes from this, called aging.

The etheric body is capable of fixing some devices: a well-known experiment, when a torn leaf of a plant can be seen whole with their help, according to some researchers, confirms the existence of an invisible etheric body in every living being.

The astral body is the body of emotions and desires. Those of the psychics who “see the aura” are considering the astral body of a person. "Seers" claim that the astral body exceeds the physical body by several tens of centimeters. Its color is different in its different departments. In addition, the color of the astral body depends on the intensity and "quality" of the emotions and desires produced by a person, on his state of mind at any given moment. Mental activity has a yellowish color, "life force" - red.

The human mental body is "responsible" for reasonable behavior and socialization. Like all of the above, it is not eternal. After death, a person discards these bodies, which have become unnecessary. What is left for him? What remains is the causal, the buddhial, and the atmanic, which together form the eternal part of man.

The causal body stores the results of the life experience of all previous incarnations of each particular individual. It is a repository of mental and moral qualities; this is exactly the material with which karma “works”. Our life experience in every possible way serves to strengthen and develop (or, conversely, degrade) the causal body. It is it that stores our “baggage”, which we will carry as a result of this incarnation.

The buddhial body is the body of superconsciousness, intuition, divine insight. The Atmanic body, on the other hand, is like a precious core wrapped in many layers - a particle of the Absolute in each of us, where the mission is encrypted - that for which we were created.


The multidimensional system of human bodies, both field and material, has been created for many millions of years. First Monads arose - field (wave) matrices, perfect particles of the Absolute. Then the Monads clothed themselves with a Buddhial body, also a field body - this body is intended to express the principle of Being. That is, if the Monads are all the same, absolutely identical, then the Buddhial body already has differences, this is the first body of the personality. The buddhial body does not have the characteristics of polarity, it does not carry either good or evil, this body has a vibration code, this is the energy matrix of the individual, his vibrational characteristic. The buddhial body is also perfect, it determines the inclinations of the personality, its inclinations, talents, talents. Thus, talents are given to absolutely every person. The buddhial body is formed randomly, but its energy parameters are constant.

The third body of a person is also field, it is Causal*, causal, karmic body (“causal” - causal). The causal body has a variable energy characteristic, its parameters change depending on the energies with which the person interacts, it directly depends on the actions of the person. The vibrational parameters of the Causal body are not constant, they are measured by the sum of the deeds of the personality both during the incarnation on various material Planes (Mental, Astral, Physical), and outside the incarnation, in the non-material, field Worlds (the so-called "Heavens", where Gods, Heavenly Angels live , Ascended Masters).

Three Higher, field, non-material bodies make up a single "Great Triad", "Higher Self", Soul, the basis of personality. The Soul can evolve or degrade by changing the amount of vibration of the Causal body. The soul exists until the end of Manvatara (the existence of the Universe), or until it unites with the Creator, returns to the bosom of the Absolute. This process takes place constantly, that is, the Souls that have reached the highest level of vibrations in the process of evolution return to the Creator (“fall into Nirvana”). Other Souls that have not completed evolution or have degraded exist until the end of Manvatara.

Entering the Material Worlds, the Soul is clothed in the Mental body, the body of thought. This does not mean that there is no thought process in the field Worlds, it is simply that it is very difficult for you, incarnated people, to explain the difference between Consciousness and intellect. Consciousness is a wave, non-material process, and intelligence, thinking is a material process, the movement of subtle mental matter, its fluctuations, the construction of forms, their interaction. The mental plane is inhabited by Spiritual Angels, disembodied people, Teachers, Egregors, Thought forms, Ideas. The mental body of any person lives in this World, being both a part of a living being and a part of the Mental World. The thought process takes place in the mental body. The brain is just a "biocomputer" - an organ for "digesting" thoughts, carrying out the connection between the Mental and physical bodies, its main function is to control the physical body. Many cases have been recorded in history when a person was in clear consciousness until the end of his life, having a completely destroyed brain, which was revealed during an autopsy, since the physical body also has other channels of communication with the mental body through the etheric body and chakras.

The next material body is the Astral, the body of desires, emotions. The personality is clothed in it, entering into life on the Astral plane. This Plan is the most populated in the Universe. Almost all planets and even stars are inhabited on this Plan. In the Astral plane there are also the so-called "Paradise", "Hell", and "Purgatory", these are just different subplanes of the Astral world. Numerous intelligent beings live there - people, spirits, human angels, essences, elementals, devas, the so-called "demons", "devils" and other characters. Astral matter is very plastic and therefore the Astral body can be built by willpower. An inhabitant of the Astral world can build a palace, simply by “inventing” it, planting a beautiful garden. But the maintenance of artificially created forms requires a constant supply of energy, and as soon as it stops, the object takes its "natural" form. The true image of the inhabitant of the Astral world is formed on the basis of the energy characteristics of his Soul. Good is beautiful, and Evil is ugly. Evil can dress up in beautiful masks, but this requires a lot of energy and cannot last long. The astral body of an embodied person, as a rule, has a true appearance. People with developed astral "vision" "see", feel, intuitively feel the true essence of a person.

Now let's talk about the two most "dense" human bodies - Etheric and Physical. These bodies are necessary for life in the Physical world. This plan is the most dense, "heavy", sparsely populated. During pregnancy, both bodies of the unborn child are formed in the mother's body, and the etheric body can begin to form even before the conception of the physical body. The etheric body is the "energy matrix" of the physical body, which is built on the basis of this matrix, the etheric body is always a perfect, ideal model and outstrips the child's physical body in its development. The etheric body is exactly what distinguishes the "living" from the "non-living". The etheric body has people, animals, plants, microorganisms, crystals, all these are living beings. The ethereal body has ice, water, which has retained its crystalline structure, is also “alive”, while “dead”, non-crystalline water does not have an ethereal body.

Everything around is filled with ethereal energy (prana, life force), but the “body” is that which has a form, an ordered structure. The ethereal energy scattered in space serves as a building material, "food" for the etheric bodies. A drop of boiled water is inanimate, its ethereal energy has no form, but, having become a snowflake, having acquired a crystalline structure, it “comes to life”. Life originates where the ethereal energy acquires a structure, a form. What can serve as an initiating factor? Firstly, Consciousness, and secondly, some physical processes, for example, temperature changes (crystallization of water during cooling or crystallization from a melt), pressure (transformation of graphite into diamond), and so on. The main life-giving factor is the Consciousness of the Absolute. That is, as it is told in the Bible, God populated the earth with plants and animals, this is an allegorical interpretation of a complex and lengthy process, but that is exactly how it was. Darwin is also right, because the evolutionary process is the Law of God in action. If a living being is injured (amputation of a limb, docking of a puppy's tail, pruning of a tree, cutting of a crystal), the etheric body retains its perfect form for a long time. An amputated leg “hurts” a disabled person, a dog waves its non-existent tail, a tree shakes its cut branches.

At the time of death of a person, the complex of seven bodies is divided, the physical and etheric bodies remain on the Physical Plane, and the remaining five bodies, of which the astral body remains the outermost, pass to the Astral Plane. The etheric body, which during life is closely connected with the physical body, retains this connection for about 3 more days. Then it gradually separates from the physical body, and for some time, up to 9 days, is next to it. Then, within a period of up to the 40th day, it dissolves into space. There are exceptional cases when the ethereal body does not dissolve, but retains its form due to an external influx of energy, and then a ghost (etheric variety) appears. Such a ghost, as a rule, is tied to a specific place - a cemetery, a castle, a forest, a crossroads. The source of energy that feeds such a ghost can be both the consciousness of a rational being and energy flows on the ground. But these are quite rare and exceptional cases. The physical body, after it leaves the ethereal body, is irreversibly destroyed, decomposed into chemical elements. Modern medicine cannot revive a person after the so-called "brain death", but in history there are cases of "miraculous resurrection" and at a later date. If the etheric body has not had time to leave the physical body, then even the processes of decomposition are reversible. An important question: will the same five bodies return to this shell? This is a separate big topic. You know about the existence of "zombies", about people who completely lost their memory, about those who, after some traumatic situation, underwent a personality change, lost interest in their relatives, but this is a separate conversation, and it is ahead.

*). Some esoteric schools call the Third body Casual (from "kasus" - an accident). This is not an entirely accurate designation, because the energy parameters of the Third Body are formed mainly not by chance, but by conscious acts of the individual.

The seven bodies of man are the essence of his personality.



Matter types
The entire substance of the universe consists of seven types of matter, of types of atams. They are also called the seven worlds, or planes of nature.
These are the worlds:
1. - the highest, or subtlest, - the divine plan.
2. - the monadic plane, it is in it that human personalities - monads - are born and live.
3. - the atmic plane, the highest spirit of man, Atma, operates in it.
4. - buddhic, or the world of intuition, in which all the highest insights of a person pass.
5. - the monasic, intellectual, or mental plane, it is from the matter of this plane that the human mind consists.
6. - the astral plane, the world of human emotions and passions.
7. - the physical world, part of which we can perceive with our senses.
In turn, each of these seven worlds consists of seven levels, that is, there are forty-nine levels of matter in total.
physical world

Modern science knows three states of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous. All these three types of matter belong to the lowest, the seventh physical world.

The physical world, like other worlds, consists of seven levels of matter (arranged in order of decreasing density):

1. Solid.
2. Liquid substance.
3. Gaseous.
4. Essential substance.
5. Super ether substance.
6. Subatomic matter.
7. Atomic matter.

Where exactly are these plans? -Everywhere. All seven worlds consist of seven kinds of atoms. There are so large distances between atoms that all seven types of matter can easily fit in any part of space without interfering with each other.
A classic example: a sponge is a solid. But if you wet it, then inside the sponge there will be a liquid substance - water. There are air bubbles inside the water.

That is, outwardly the sponge has not changed, but in the same area of ​​​​space there are both solid, liquid, and gaseous substances at the same time.

The structure of man.

1.Physical body of a person is well enough studied and researched - these are bones, muscles, internal organs, skin, lungs, blood, etc. It consists of three types of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous.
Often the physical body is identified with the person himself. This is not true, because the hundred physical body is only a part of a person.

2. Ethereal double human being consists of ethereal matter, in which there are vortex centers of vital force.
Outwardly, it looks like a faintly luminous cloud in the form of a gray-violet human figure. The etheric body protrudes beyond the boundaries of the physical body by about 1-2 cm.
The etheric double can be separated from the physical body, but this is always accompanied by danger to the person. When the ethereal body completely and forever leaves the physical body, the physical body, having lost all vitality, seems to “die”.
The etheric body, separated from the physical body, becomes helpless and vulnerable to various extraneous beings. In an ordinary healthy person, such a separation of bodies is very difficult. With the use of anesthesia, painkillers, you can achieve the separation of the ethereal double.

In seriously ill people, the etheric double can separate on its own. In this case, the physical body becomes insensible.
After the death of a person, the etheric body can be located near the physical body. Sometimes some living people can see the ethereal double of a deceased person, mistaking him for a ghost or ghost.

This explains the numerous legends about ghosts walking in cemeteries or in those places where a murder has been committed. If a person loved his body and himself during his lifetime, for three days his ethereal body continues to be near the body, but there are only a few such people. Usually the etheric body hurries to visit dear people who were far from it, and say goodbye to them.

3. Astral body of a person is responsible for the emotions, passions and desires of a person.
If a person has passions, desires, emotions are base and animal, then the matter of the astral body is rough and its color is dark and unattractive - brown, dark red and dirty green tones predominate in it.

The purity of the astral body largely depends on the frequency of the physical body. If a person uses drugs, alcohol, tobacco or meat, then he attracts impure astral energy to himself.

And vice versa, if a person takes care of his health and refuses to use negative products, then his aura brightens and cleanses.
During sleep, the astral body separates from the physical body along with the higher principles of man. During sleep, in cultured and highly cultured people, the consciousness continues to be awake and develop.

Amazing things can happen in the astral world - a person can communicate with long-dead people, acquaintances and relatives, and have meaningful conversations with them. Waking up after this, a person sometimes cannot immediately understand that everything that happened to him was not in a dream, but in reality.
In dreams, the world of living people intersects with the world of the dead.

A well-developed astral body is able to anticipate, sense other invisible beings, experience, cognize the world during sleep.
Conversely, people with a low level of development of the astral body almost never remember their dreams. It seems to them that they do not see any dreams at all.

With the help of training, one can achieve that in his dreams a person will be able to act in full consciousness. He can have meaningful conversations with the characters of his dreams, receive valuable and useful information from them, learn, find answers to many questions, see pictures from the future and the present.
A striking example to illustrate these possibilities is the well-known story of how the great Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev saw in a dream the famous table of periodic elements, later named after him.
After death, a person lives for some time in the astral world in the same astral body as during life. The more he learned to control his astral body during life, the easier it will be for him to manage it after death.

4. Mental body consists of even finer matter than the astral. The mental body is capable of responding with vibrations to every change in our thought.

Each change of consciousness can cause a vibration in the mental body, which is then transmitted to the astral body, and the latter transmits it to the physical brain, which in turn gives commands to the physical body - arms, legs, etc.
That is, a thought is not born in the brain, as it was previously thought, a thought is born in the mental body, and only then it enters the physical brain along the chain.

The mental body, just like the astral body, consists of different people from different matter - in cultured, highly developed individuals it consists of fine matter, in primitive people - of coarser matter.

In developed people, the mental body is constantly in motion and has clearly defined boundaries. In primitive people the mental body is like a cloud with indistinct, fuzzy edges.

The mental body continues to be awake even during sleep, so a person is able to think during sleep.
The mental body can be developed and perfected through study, prayer and meditation. A person with a good mental body is capable of high emotions and has clear, precise thinking.

Evil thoughts, on the contrary, can spoil the mental body beyond recognition, so that later it will be difficult to cure it and return it to its original form.

After death, a person continues to live in the mental body for quite a long time, therefore, during earthly life, one should try to develop and strengthen the mental body as best as possible.


The first four bodies of a person - physical, ethereal, astral, mental - are mortal, that is, after a certain period of time, they all disintegrate without a trace.

But the next three bodies - intellectual, spiritual and higher spiritual - are immortal.

5. Intelligent body- the higher mind, capable of abstractions. A person with the help of this mind is able to know the truth by intuition, and not by reasoning.

The intellectual body stores all the experience of a person, accumulated by him on the mental, astral and physical levels.
The intellectual body is like a luminous egg-shaped cloud extending about half a meter from the surface of the physical body.
In a primitive, wild man, the intellectual body looks like a colorless bubble of very small dimensions, barely protruding beyond the limits of the physical body.

In a highly developed individual, it looks like a huge luminous ball, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, emitting rays of love and care in all directions. The size of the aura in this case can reach several kilometers. The Buddha's intellectual body stretched around for five kilometers.

The intelligent body colors have the following meanings:
pale pink - selfless love;
yellow - intelligence;
green - compassion;
blue - piety and deep devotion;
lilac - high spirituality.
The negative qualities of a person, such as pride and irritability, do not affect the intellectual body in any way, because all the vices of a person are concentrated on lower levels - mental and astral.

6. Spiritual body(Buddhic) belongs to the world of pure, spiritual wisdom, knowledge and love, combined into one whole. It feeds on all lofty, loving aspirations, pure compassion and all-encompassing tenderness.

7. Higher spiritual body(atmic) consists of the finest matter, the shell of the spirit. In this higher body, the results of all experiences accumulated throughout eternity are collected.

All three immortal bodies merge into one spiritual body, forming, as it were, a bright garment for a perfect person.


Stages of development of subtle bodies

Man is made up of seven bodies. The first is the well-known physical body. The second is the etheric body; the third, different from the second, is the astral body. The fourth, distinct from the third, is the mental or psychic body; the fifth, again different from the fourth, is the spiritual body. The sixth, different from the fifth, body is called cosmic. The seventh and last is called nirvana sharir, or nirvana body, the incorporeal body. A little information about these seven bodies will help you understand Kundalini more fully.

In the first seven years of life, only the sthul sharir, the physical body, is formed. The rest of the bodies remain only seeds. They are endowed with the potential for growth, but dormant early in life. Therefore, the first seven years are the years of limitations. During these years there is no growth of intellect, feelings or desires. All this time only the physical body develops. Some people never grow beyond this age, they get stuck at the seven-year-old level and remain nothing more than animals. Animals develop only physical bodies, all the rest remain intact in them.

In the next seven years - from seven to fourteen - the bhava sharira, or etheric body, develops. These are seven years of emotional growth of the personality. That is why it is at the age of fourteen that sexual maturity sets in, carrying with it the strongest of all feelings. And some people stop there. Their physical body continues to grow, but they get stuck in the first two bodies.

In the next seven-year period, from fourteen to twenty-one, the sukshma sharira, or astral body, appears. And if emotions and feelings develop in the second body, then mind, thinking and intellect develop in the third. Therefore, not a single court of the world holds children under the age of seven accountable for their actions, because the baby still has only a physical body. In this sense, we treat the child in the same way as an animal, and we cannot hold him responsible. Even if he commits a crime, we believe that it is committed under someone else's direction, that the real culprit is someone else.

With the development of the second body, man reaches maturity. But that's just puberty. Here the work of nature ends, and therefore nature renders full assistance to man only up to this stage. But at this stage, a person does not yet become a person in the full sense of the word. The third body, with which the mind, thinking and intellect develop, is given to us by education, civilization and culture. Therefore, we get the right to vote at the age of twenty-one. This practice prevails in the world, but now in many countries the issue of granting this right to eighteen-year-olds is being discussed. This is natural, because with the evolution of man, the usual seven-year period for the development of each of the bodies is getting shorter and shorter.

All over the world, girls reach puberty between the ages of thirteen and fourteen. But in the last thirty years, this age has become less and less. Even ten-eleven-year-old girls reach puberty. The lowering of the voting age to eighteen years is an indication that many people began to complete the work of twenty-one years in eighteen. However, in the usual case, the growth of the three bodies still takes twenty-one years, and most people do not develop further. With the formation of the third body, their growth stops, and they no longer cultivate for the rest of their lives.

What I call the psyche is the fourth body or manas sharira. This body has its own wonderful experiences. A person with an undeveloped intellect cannot be interested in and enjoy, for example, mathematics. There is a special charm in mathematics, and only Einstein can immerse himself in it, like a musician in sounds or an artist in colors. For Einstein, mathematics was not work, but play, but in order to turn mathematics into a game, the intellect must reach the pinnacle of its development.

With the development of each body, endless possibilities open up before us. One whose etheric body has not been formed, who has stopped after seven years of development, has no other interests in life than eating and drinking. Therefore, the culture of civilizations, where most people develop only to the level of the first body, is mixed exclusively on sweet roots. The culture of civilizations where most people are stuck on the second body is purely sex oriented. Their outstanding personalities, literature, music, their films and books, their poetry and painting, even their houses and cars, are all centered on sexual relations; all these things are thoroughly saturated with sex, sexuality.

In a civilization where the third body is fully developed, people are intelligent and thoughtful. When the development of the third body becomes especially important for society, there are many intellectual revolutions. This is the caliber of people that prevailed during the time of Buddha and Mahavira in Bihar*. That is why, in the small province of Bihar, eight people were born, comparable in scale to the Buddha and Mahavira. Lived in those days and thousands of other people overshadowed by genius. The same situation developed in Greece in the times of Socrates and Plato and in China in the times of Lao Tzu and Confucius. And it is especially surprising that the time of life of all these amazing people falls on some five hundred years. In these half millennia, the development of the third body of man reached its peak. Usually a person is on the third body and stops. Most of us don't develop beyond the age of twenty-one.

* Bihar is a state in India with its capital at Pant, located in the Ganges valley, to the west of Bangladesh. - Approx. transl.

With the fourth body one has a very unusual experience. Hypnosis, telepathy, clairvoyance are the potentialities of the fourth body. People can communicate with each other, bypassing space and time. They can, without asking, read the thoughts of others or project their own. Sow ideas in other people's minds without any outside help. A person is able to travel out of the body, make astral projections and study himself from the outside, from outside the physical body.

The fourth body is endowed with great potential, but we do not try to fully develop it, because this path is very risky and deceptive. The more subtle world we enter, the more likely we are to be deceived. First of all, it is difficult to find out whether a person has really left his body. Whether it seemed to him that he left him, or whether he really did it, - in both cases, he himself remains the only witness. So it's easy to get confused here.

On the other side of the fourth body the world is subjective, but on this side it is objective. When I hold a rupee in my fingers, I, you, fifty others can see it. This is a common reality in which we all participate, and it is easy to find out whether I have a rupee in my fingers or not. But you are not my companion in the realm of my thoughts, but I am yours in the realm of yours. Here begins the personal world with all its dangers, here our external rules and justifications lose weight. So, from the fourth body, a truly deceptive world begins. And everything that is deceptive in the three previous worlds is just a trifle.

The greatest danger is that the deceiver is not necessarily aware of the fact that he is deceiving. He can, without knowing it, deceive others and himself. Everything on this level is so subtle, impermanent and personal that a person has no way of verifying the reality of his experience. Therefore, he is not able to say for sure whether he is just imagining something or whether this is really happening to him.

That is why we have always tried to save mankind from this fourth body by cursing and executing those who used it. In Europe, hundreds of women were branded and burned as witches at one time - just because they used the possibilities of the fourth body. Hundreds of Tantrics were killed in India for working with the same body. They were aware of some secrets that seemed dangerous to others. They knew what was going on in your mind; never once entering your house, they knew where you had it. Traveling in the realm of the fourth body was considered a "black" art all over the world, for one can never foresee what will happen at the next step. We have always tried our best to keep people from taking any steps beyond the third body: the fourth seemed too dangerous to us.

Yes, there are dangers waiting for a person, but with them amazing achievements. Therefore, it was necessary not to stop, but to explore. Perhaps then we would have found ways to test the reality of our experience. Now we have new scientific tools, and human abilities to comprehend have increased. So, perhaps some future discoveries will help us find the right paths, as it has happened more than once in science.

Do animals dream? How can you know if the animals don't talk? We know that we dream because we get up in the morning and tell each other about what we dreamed about. Recently, after a huge and persistent effort, a way has been found. The answer came from a man who had worked with monkeys for many years; and it is worth understanding the methods of its work. He was showing the monkeys a movie. As soon as the film began, the experimental animal was shocked. A button was provided on the spectator seat, and the monkey was taught to press it when it sensed a shock. So, every day she was put on the seat and with the beginning of the film, the current was applied. The monkey immediately pressed the button and turned it off.

This went on for some days; then the monkey was euthanized on the same seat. Now, with the beginning of the dream, the monkey must have felt uncomfortable, because for him the film on the screen and the film in the dream are one and the same. She immediately pressed the button. She pressed the button again and again, and this proved that the monkey was dreaming. So man managed to penetrate into the inner world of animal dreams.

Meditators have also learned to check the reality of the events of the fourth body from the outside, they can distinguish true experience from false. From the fact that the experience of Kundalini in the fourth body is psychic, it does not follow that it is false. There are true mental states and false mental states. Therefore, when I speak of Kundalini as a psychic experience, this does not mean that it is necessarily false. Psychic experience can be both false and true.

At night you see a dream, and this dream is a fact, because it was. But when you wake up in the morning, you can remember some dream that you didn’t actually have, and claim that you dreamed it. Then it is a false dream. A person may wake up in the morning and say that he never dreams. Many people really believe that they do not see them. But they dream, they dream all night, it's scientifically proven. However, in the morning they insist that they have never seen anything like it. So their words are absolutely false, although they don't realize it. In fact, they simply do not remember their dreams. The opposite also happens... you remember dreams you didn't have. This is also false.

Dreams are not false, they are a special reality. But dreams are real and not real. Real dreams are those that were actually dreamed. The problem is that when you wake up, you cannot retell your dream exactly. Therefore, in the old days, people who could retell them clearly and in detail were highly respected. It is very difficult to accurately retell the dream. You see a dream in one sequence, and remember - in reverse. It's like a movie. The plot in the film that we are watching unfolds from the beginning of the tape. It is the same in a dream: while we sleep, the coil of the drama of the dream turns in one direction, and when we wake up, it begins to turn in the other, so at first we remember the very end and then we remember everything in reverse order. And the first thing we dreamed about is remembered last. It's like if someone tried to read the book from the wrong end, the reversed words would create exactly the same chaos. So remembering dreams and retelling them correctly is a great art. Usually, when we remember dreams, we recall events that we never dreamed of. We lose a significant part of sleep immediately, and a little later - everything else.

Dreams are the events of the fourth body, and its potential is enormous. All the siddhis or supernatural powers mentioned in yoga are found in this body. Yoga tirelessly warns the meditator not to chase the siddhis. This distracts the seeker from the path. No psychic abilities have spiritual value.

So, when I spoke about the psychic nature of Kundalini, I meant that it is a phenomenon of the fourth body. Therefore, physiologists cannot detect Kundalini in the human body. It is only natural that they deny the existence of the Kundalini and the chakras and regard them as fabrications. These are the phenomena of the fourth body. The fourth body exists, but it is very subtle; it cannot be squeezed into the narrow framework of comprehension. Only the physical body can be squeezed into the frame. Nevertheless, there are correspondence points between the first and fourth bodies.

If we put together seven sheets of paper and pierce them all through with a pin, then even if the hole on the first sheet is smoothed over, it will still leave a mark corresponding to the holes in other sheets. And so, although there is no hole in the first sheet, there is a dot on it that exactly matches the holes in the other sheets, if you put them all together. Similarly, chakras, Kundalini and other phenomena do not belong to the first body, but there are points of correspondence in the first body. Therefore, denying their existence in our body, physiologists are not mistaken. Chakras and Kundalini are in other bodies, and in the physical body you can find only points of correspondence.

So, Kundalini is a phenomenon of the fourth body and has a psychic nature. And when I say that psychic phenomena are of two types - true and false - you must understand what I mean. These phenomena are false when they are generated by the imagination, since the imagination itself is only a property of the fourth body. Animals have no imagination, so they do not remember the past well and have no idea about the future. Animals do not know worries, for worries are always about the future. Animals often see death but cannot imagine that they themselves will die, and they have no fear of death. Many people are also not worried about the fear of death. Such people associate death exclusively with others, but not with themselves. The reason for this is that the power of imagination in their fourth body has not developed sufficiently to see into the future.

It turns out that imagination can also be true and false. True imagination means the ability to look into the future, to imagine what has not yet happened. But if you imagine something that cannot happen, then it is false imagination. The right use of the imagination is science; science is originally only imagination.

For thousands of years man has dreamed of flying. The people who dreamed about it must have had very strong imaginations. And if people never dreamed of flying, then the Wright brothers would not have been able to build their plane. They just turned the human passion for flying into something concrete. It took some time for this passion to take shape, then there were experiments, and finally the person still managed to take off.

For thousands of years, man has wanted to go to the moon. The people who dreamed about it had a very strong imagination. In the end, their fantasies came true... so they weren't on the wrong track. These fantasies followed the path of reality, which was discovered a little later. So, both the scientist and the madman use the imagination.

I say that science is imagination and madness is also imagination, but don't think they are the same thing. The madman imagines non-existent things that have nothing to do with the physical world. The scientist also imagines ... he imagines things that are most directly related to the physical world. And if they are not feasible now, then, quite possibly, they can be implemented in the future.

When working with the possibilities of the fourth body, there is always the possibility of going astray. Then we enter false worlds. Therefore, when going to this body, it is better not to have any expectations. The fourth body is the psychic. If, for example, I want to go down from the fourth floor to the first, I need to find an elevator or steps for this. But if I want to descend in my thoughts, then there is no need for these devices. I can go downstairs without getting up from my chair.

The danger of the world of imagination and thoughts lies in the fact that the only thing that is needed here is to imagine and think, and anyone can do this. Moreover, if someone enters this realm with preconceived ideas and expectations, then he immediately plunges into them completely, for he is very willingly assisted by the mind. He says, "Do you want to awaken the Kundalini? Good! She's rising... well, she's already risen." You will imagine how the Kundalini has risen, and the mind will encourage you in this false sensation, until finally you feel that the Kundalini is fully awakened, the chakras are activated.

However, there is an opportunity to check how real these experiences are ... the fact is that with the opening of each chakra, your personality changes significantly. You cannot imagine or invent these changes as they occur in the material world.

For example, with the awakening of the Kundalini you cannot take any intoxicating drink, that is out of the question. The mental body is very subtle, and alcohol affects it instantly. Therefore (perhaps this will surprise you) a woman, drinking alcohol, becomes much more dangerous than a man. And all because her mental body is thinner than a man's, and under the influence of alcohol she loses control over herself more easily. Therefore, certain rules have historically developed in society that protect women from this danger. This is one of the areas where women until recently did not try to achieve equality with men, although recently they have begun to strive for this as well. The day a woman asserts her equality in this area and tries to surpass men, she will do herself such harm as no man has ever done to her.

Your words about the experienced sensations cannot serve as confirmation of the awakening of the Kundalini in the fourth body, because, as I said, you can imagine this awakening and, accordingly, an imaginary flow of energy. Only your spiritual qualities and the changes in character that must accompany this process allow you to judge something. As soon as energy wakes up, changes will be indicated in you. That is why I always say that behavior is only an external indicator, and not an internal cause. This is the criterion of what is happening inside. Any effort will inevitably lead to certain results. When the energy wakes up, a person engaged in meditation can no longer use any intoxicating substances. If he abuses drugs or alcohol, then know that all his experiences are imaginary, because this is completely incompatible with true experience.

After the awakening of the Kundalini, the tendency to violence completely disappears. A person who meditates not only does not commit violence, he does not feel any violence within himself. The impulse to violence, the impulse to cause harm to others, can manifest itself only as long as the vital energy is dormant. The moment she wakes up, others are no longer different, and you no longer wish them harm. And then you do not have to suppress the violence within yourself, because you are simply not capable of it.

If you feel that you have to suppress the craving for violence, then know that the Kundalini has not yet awakened. If, having gained sight, you are still probing the road in front of you with a stick, then your eyes still do not see, and you can prove the opposite as much as you like - until you give up the stick, all these are just words. Whether an outside observer will come to the conclusion that you have gained sight depends on your actions. Your stick and your stumbling, unsteady gait prove that your eyes have not yet seen the light.

So, with awakening, your behavior will change radically, and all religious prescriptions - about non-violence, about refraining from lies and squabbles, about celibacy and constant vigilance - will become something simple and natural for you. Then you can be sure that your experience was true. It is a psychic experience, and yet a true one. Now you can move on. You can move forward if and only if you are on the right path. You cannot stop at the fourth body forever, because that is not the goal. There are other bodies, and they have to be passed.

As I have said, very few succeed in developing the fourth body. Therefore, there are miracle workers in the world. If everyone developed a fourth body, there would be no room for miracles. If, in a certain society, consisting of people whose development stopped at the second body, one person suddenly advanced a little further and learned to add and subtract, he, too, would be considered a miracle worker.

A thousand years ago, a person who predicted the date of a solar eclipse was known as a miracle worker and a great sage. Now everyone knows that even a machine can give such information. You just need to make a series of calculations, and for this you do not need an astronomer, or a prophet, or just a very learned person. A computer can give you information about millions of eclipses. He can even predict the day when the sun will cool down - for this is calculable. Using the data entered, the machine will divide the total energy of our luminary by the amount of energy emitted by it per day, and calculate the time allotted to the sun.

But all this does not seem like a miracle to us now, since we have a developed third body. A thousand years ago, if a person predicted that on such and such a night of such and such a month of the next year a lunar eclipse would take place, then this was a miracle. He was considered a superman. The "miracles" performed today are the ordinary activities of the fourth body. But we do not know anything about this body, and therefore it all seems like miracles.

Imagine that I am sitting on a tree, and you are under a tree, and we are talking. Suddenly I notice in the distance a wagon approaching us and I tell you that it will not take even an hour for it to drive up to us. You ask: "What are you, a prophet? You speak in riddles. I don't see any cart anywhere. I don't believe you." But not even an hour passes, as a wagon rolls up to a tree, and then there is nothing left for you but to touch my leg and say: "Beloved teacher, I bow to you. You are a prophet." And the only difference between us is that I was sitting a little higher - on a tree - from where I could see the wagon an hour earlier than you. I was not talking about the future, but about the present, but my present is an hour different from yours, because I climbed higher. For you it will come in an hour, but for me it has already come.

The deeper a person sinks into his inner being, the more mysterious he seems to those who still remain on the surface. And then all his deeds seem mysterious to us, because we are not able to evaluate all these events, not knowing the laws of the fourth body. That's how miracles happen: it's just a matter of some development of the fourth body. And if we want miracle workers to stop exploiting people, then simple sermons will not help here. Just as we develop the third body of a person by teaching him languages ​​and mathematics, we must also train his fourth body. Every person must be taught, and only then will miracles stop. Until then, there will always be those who want to take advantage of human ignorance.

The fourth body is formed before the age of twenty-eight, that is, seven more. But very few manage to develop it. the body is very important. If a person develops properly, then this body is fully formed by the age of thirty-five. But for the majority, this is only an abstract idea, because even the fourth body is developed by very few. That is why the soul and everything connected with it is for us only a topic for conversation... there is no content behind this word. When we say atman, it is nothing more than a word, there is nothing behind it. When we say "wall", behind this word there is a completely material substance. We know what "wall" means. But behind the word atman there is no meaning, because we have no knowledge, no experience of atman. This is our fifth body, and you can enter it only if the Kundalini wakes up in the fourth. There is no other entrance. After all, we are not aware of our fourth body, therefore the fifth remains unknown to us.

Very few have succeeded in discovering the fifth body - we call such people spiritualists. They often believe that they have reached the end of the journey and declare: "To reach the atman is to reach everything." But the journey is not over yet. However, people who stop at the fifth body deny any continuation whatsoever. They say... "Brahman does not exist, paramatman does not exist," just as people who are stuck on the first body deny the existence of the atman. The materialists say, "The body is everything; when the body dies, everything dies." And the spiritualists echo them: "There is nothing beyond the atman, the atman is everything, the highest level of being." But this is only the fifth body.

The sixth body is the brahma sarira, the cosmic body. When a person outgrows the atman, he has a desire to part with it, and he enters the sixth body. If humanity developed correctly, then the natural formation of the sixth body would be completed by the age of forty-two, and the seventh - nirvana sharira - by forty-nine. The seventh body is the body of nirvana, the non-body is the state of incorporeality, incorporeality. This is the highest state where only vacuum remains - not even brahman or cosmic reality, but only emptiness. Nothing remains, everything disappears.

Therefore, when the Buddha was asked: "What is happening there?", He answered:

The flame goes out.

And what happens then? - they asked him then.

When the flame goes out, there is no point in asking, "Where did it go? Where is it now?" It's gone, and that's it.

The word nirvana means "extinction". That is why the Buddha said that nirvana is coming.

Moksha is experienced in the fifth body. The limitations of the first four bodies are overcome and the soul becomes completely free. So liberation is the experience of the fifth body. Hell and heaven belong to the fourth body, and one who stops here will experience them for himself. For those who have settled on the first, second or third body, everything is limited to life between birth and death, life after death is not for them. And if a person grows to the fourth body, then after death, heaven and hell will open before him with endless possibilities of happiness and suffering.

And if he gets to the fifth body, then he finds the door to liberation, having reached the sixth body, he gains the possibility of realization in the Divine. Then there are no questions about freedom or lack of freedom, he himself becomes both. The statement "Aham Brahmasmi" - I am God - belongs to this level. But there is one more step, the last jump - to where neither aham nor Brahman exists, where neither "I" nor "you" exist, where there is simply nothing, where there is complete and absolute emptiness. This is nirvana.

Here are seven bodies developing over forty-nine years. That is why the fiftieth anniversary is considered a revolutionary point. For the first twenty-five years, life flows according to one pattern. At this time, human efforts are directed to the development of the first four bodies, then it is considered that education is completed. It is supposed that after that the person will search for his fifth, sixth and seventh bodies himself and will find them in the next twenty-five years. Therefore, the year of the fiftieth anniversary is considered critical. At this time one becomes a vanaprastha. It only means that from now on he must turn his gaze to the forest - turn away from people, society, bazaars.

The age of seventy-five is another revolutionary point when it is time for a person to initiate sannyasins. To turn one's gaze into the forest means to move away from the crowds of people; to become a sannyasin means to go beyond the ego, to transcend the ego. In the forest, the "I" still necessarily remains with a person, even if he has renounced everything else, but with the onset of his seventy-fifth birthday, he must also renounce this "I" of his.

However, the prerequisite for this is that during his life as an ordinary family man, a person develops all his seven bodies, and then the rest of the journey through life will pass for him joyfully and at ease. If something is missed, then it is very difficult to make up for it, since a strictly defined phase of development is associated with each seven-year cycle. If the child's physical body does not develop fully in the first seven years of his life, then he will remain sickly forever. Although he will not necessarily be bedridden, he will never become completely healthy, because the foundation of health laid in the first seven years of life is shaken. What should be solid and durable is damaged at its very birth.

It's like laying the foundation of a house... if the foundation is not secure, it will be difficult - what's there, impossible - to fix it after the roof has been erected. It can be well laid only at the initial stage of construction. So, if in the first seven years the first body is given proper conditions, then it develops properly. If during the next seven years the second body and emotions develop badly, this will lead to a series of sexual perversions. And it will be very difficult to fix something later. That is why it is so important not to miss the appropriate stage.

At each life stage, each body has a predetermined period of development. There may be all sorts of minor differences, but that's not the point. If in fourteen years the child does not reach puberty, then his whole life will become one severe test for him. If a person does not develop intelligence by the age of twenty-one, then he has very little chance of catching up something later. So far, everything is fine with us, we take care of the first body of the baby, then we send the child to school to develop his intelligence as well. But we forget that a certain time is also allotted for other bodies, and any omissions here turn into huge difficulties for us.

In fifty years a man develops the bodies that he should have completed by the age of twenty-one. Obviously, at this age he already has much less strength than he did then, and now it is very difficult for him. And what used to be easy, is given hard and long.

But he also faces another difficulty: at the age of twenty-one, he stood right next to the door, but did not open it. Now, over the past thirty years, he had been in so many places that he had completely lost sight of the right door. And now he just can't find the place he used to be in the days when all he had to do was push the knob a little and get in.

Therefore, before children reach the age of twenty-five, they should be well prepared. All necessary measures must be taken to raise them to the level of the fourth body. If this succeeded, everything else is simple. The foundations have been laid, it remains only to wait for the fruits. With the fourth body the tree is formed, with the fifth body the fruits begin to set, and with the seventh they reach maturity. Somewhere around here we can afford to miss the deadline, but we have to be very careful when laying the foundations.

There are a few other things to keep in mind in this regard. In the first four bodies, man and woman are different from each other. For example, if you are a man, then your physical body is masculine. But then your second, ethereal body is female, since neither the negative nor the positive pole can exist separately from each other. The male and female bodies, in terms of electricity, are positive and negative poles.

The physical body of a woman is negative, so she is not characterized by sexual aggression. She may be abused by a man, but she herself is not able to resort to violence. Without the consent of the man, she will not do anything with him. The first body of a man is positive - aggressive. Therefore, he can show aggression towards a woman without her consent, there is an aggressive beginning in his body. But "negative" does not mean null or absent. In terms of electricity, minus is susceptibility, reserve. The female body is a store of energy, and a lot of it accumulates there. But this energy is not active, it is inert.

The physical body of a man is positive, but behind the positive body there must also be a negative one, otherwise it simply cannot exist. Both bodies coexist, and then the circle is complete.

So the second body of a man is female, and the second body of a woman is male. That is why (and this is a very interesting fact) a man looks very strong, and as far as his physical body is concerned, he is. But behind this external force lies a weak female body. Therefore, he is only able to exercise power for a short time. And at long distances, he is inferior to a woman, because behind her weak female body is a positive, masculine one.

Therefore, the resistance of a woman, her endurance is stronger than that of a man. When a man and a woman suffer from the same disease, the woman is able to resist longer. Women give birth to children. If men were to give birth, they would have to go through the same ordeal. And then, probably, there would be no need for family planning, for a man would not be able to endure such a long pain. He may flare up with anger for a second or two, even beat a pillow, but he is not capable of carrying a child in his womb for nine months and then patiently raising him for years. In addition, he can easily strangle a baby if he starts screaming all night. He can't bear this worry. He is extremely strong, but behind the external force is a fragile and delicate ethereal body. Therefore, he does not tolerate pain and discomfort.

As a result, women get sick less and live longer than men.

The third, astral body of a man is again male, and the fourth, psychic, is female. For women, it's exactly the opposite. This division into male and female persists only up to the fourth body, the fifth body is already beyond sexual differences. Therefore, with the attainment of the atman, neither male nor female remains, but not before.

In this regard, another thing comes to mind. So, every man carries a female body, and every woman a male body, and if a woman accidentally finds a husband whose body is identical to her male body, or a man marries a woman identical to his female body, then the marriage is successful. Otherwise - no.

That's why ninety-nine percent of marriages are unhappy... people just don't know the basic rule of success yet. Until we are able to secure the union between the respective energy bodies of the people, marriages will remain mostly unsuccessful, no matter what steps we take in other directions. Successful marriages are possible only if there is absolutely clear scientific information about the various internal bodies. It is very easy for a girl or boy who has awakened the Kundalini in himself to choose the right partner for life. Having gained knowledge of all his internal bodies, a person is able to make the right external choice. Otherwise it is very difficult.

Therefore, people who know have long insisted that a person must first develop the first four bodies, practicing brahmacharya until the age of twenty-five, and only then marry, otherwise whom will he marry? Who does he want to spend the rest of his life with? Who is he looking for? What kind of man is a woman looking for? She is looking for a man inside herself. If, quite by chance, the relationship turned out to be correct, then both the man and the woman are satisfied. Otherwise, there is no satisfaction, and this leads to thousands of perversions. A man goes to a prostitute, runs to a neighbor ... He becomes more and more bitter every day, and the higher his intelligence, the more unhappy he is usually.

* Brahmacharya is one of the degrees of spiritual asceticism in Hinduism. The brahmachari lives in the house of his guru, attends to him, studies the Vedas and observes a number of vows, the first of which is the vow of celibacy. - Approx. transl.

If a person's personal growth stopped at the age of fourteen, he would not have to suffer this pain, for such suffering comes only with the third body. If a man has developed only two bodies, he will be satisfied with his sex life in any case.

So there are two ways: either during the first twenty-five years, in the process of brahmacharya, we develop children to the fourth body, or we encourage child marriage. Child marriage is a marriage performed before the development of the intellect, and then the person stops at sexual life. In this case, there are no problems, because the relationship here remains on a purely animal level. Relationships in child marriage remain purely sexual; and there can be no love here.

Now, in places like America, where the level of education is high and the third body is fully developed, marriages are increasingly breaking up. It cannot be otherwise, as the third body rebels against the failed partnership. And so people get divorced, because such a relationship becomes an unbearable burden for them.

Right education is aimed at developing the first four bodies. A good education takes you to the level of the fourth body, and only then is its work completed. No amount of training will help you to enter the fifth body - you have to get there yourself. A good education can easily take you up to the fourth body, but after that, the growth of the fifth - very valuable and very personal - body begins. Kundalini is the potential of the fourth body and is therefore a psychic phenomenon. I hope you understand now.

We all have 7 bodies. Let's briefly review (or relearn) about each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but this is not so. BODY PHYSICAL- this is just a space suit of a true person, which consists of subtle bodies. Our eyes are designed to see only dense material objects. But if we begin to develop spiritually, then more perfect parts of the brain and the vision of subtle objects will open. And in our world there are people who see the subtle plans of the surrounding life.

ethereal body is the matrix of the physical body, but in a subtle, spiritual-material form. If the organs of the etheric body are healthy, then they are automatically healthy in the dense body as well. And the etheric body will be healthy when the mental and astral bodies create healthy and clean organs in it through pure thoughts and good desires.

To the "seeing" the etheric body appears greyish-violet; short pale bluish rays emanate from it in all directions, the so-called AURA of health. If these rays are perpendicular to the surface of the body, the person is healthy; in the sick, they fall down and are confused, especially in that area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that is sick. It is these short rays, which are a manifestation of vitality, that repel illness from a person.

Some sources put the Etheric body in the explanations after the Mental one - the fourth one - explaining this by the fact that in terms of vibrations that exist in a modern person with his expanded consciousness, it surpasses both previous ones.

astral body- the body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are completely controlled by our highly spiritual bodies, then the need for an astral body will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped man is a cloudy, ill-defined mass of astral matter of a lower type, which is capable of responding to animal desires. Its color is dull - brown, muddy red and dirty green tones. Various passions appear in them as heavy waves; so, sexual passion causes a wave of cloudy carmine color. And a rush of anger - a red lightning with a bluish tint.

The astral body of a moderately developed person is larger in size and has a luminous appearance. And the manifestation of higher emotions evokes in him a wonderful play of colors. Its outlines are clear, it takes on a resemblance to its owner. And the "wheels" of the chakras in it are already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is a beautiful sight in terms of radiance and color. Unprecedented shades appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the "wheels" indicates the activity of the higher centers; the absence of gross particles makes him unable to respond to the vibrations of low desires, and they rush past without being attracted or touching him.

Thinking or MENTAL BODY given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has a higher vibration than the astral body, and when it is fully turned on, the astral body does not participate in the joint work. The mental body is an expression of the Personality, but the Synthesis of incarnation is preserved in the higher, immortal nature of man.
It develops by clearing thoughts and expanding consciousness.

In a highly developed person, it is a beautiful sight of rapidly pulsing delicate and bright shades of light.
People engaged in mental and mental activity rarely plunge into that atmosphere of feelings and desires that are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal Triad of the human soul has the names Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise activity - will - wisdom).

CAUSAL BODY(manas) stores the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We were from different worlds, were men and women, rich and poor, kings and beggars ...
All of us had our memory erased for a while so as not to cause harm in our current existence. All people who have contact with us have had it in previous lives, and the memory of previous relationships can only hurt.

ATMIC BODY stores all the information about our present life - from the day of birth to the present day. It does not disappear with the death of the physical body, but is present with us until we learn and understand all the lessons destined for us.

BODY OF BUDDHI is the most important. It summarizes the entire experience of our soul, which has accumulated over the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the realm of the Spirit (Atma-Buddhi) there is complete Unity, which says that we are all one in origin, one in the way of our evolution and one in the common goal of our being. The only difference between us is that some started their journey earlier and others later. Some went faster, others slower.

The recognition of the universal Brotherhood and the desire to realize it in earthly life is the strongest impetus for the development of the Higher nature of man.

Material taken from esoteric literature