Nausea after eating. What's the matter, and what to do? Sudden attacks of nausea Headache and discomfort

If “Unclear head”, “Turbid head” is the feeling with which you get up and lie down, and if increased irritability, fatigue and poor sleep are added to this, most likely, we are talking about astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Main symptoms: A lot of people complain about “fog in the head”, “head like cotton wool”, “unclear head” and similar symptoms.

If you notice overwork, constant irritability, then you may have a mental disorder called astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Prevalence: This disease is one of the most widespread "diseases of civilization". It is often referred to as the "management flu".

The disease affects people who are educated and prosperous. The most characteristic age is from 20 to 40 years. These are entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, teachers. In a special risk group are people whose work is associated with increased responsibility, for example, air traffic controllers.

In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome was called "nervous exhaustion"

Also at risk are creative individuals.

Causes of occurrence: The main causes of occurrence are stress, prolonged nervous excitement, chronic lack of sleep, constant overwork. Also, factors contributing to the emergence of astheno-neurotic syndrome are past diseases, including colds, some viruses, poisoning, and poor environmental conditions.

Similar symptoms: What diseases can manifest themselves as “head in a fog”, poor sleep, weakness and irritability, except for neurasthenia? First of all, these are asthenic conditions with incipient serious illnesses. In the second - masked depression, which at the beginning can easily be confused with astheno-neurotic syndrome. And chronic fatigue syndrome can manifest itself in a similar way.

So the correct diagnosis can only be made by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. To make a diagnosis, professional psychological diagnostics (psychotests) are usually used, which you can go through on your own (following this link).

How the disease develops: The syndrome occurs gradually, with a combination of emotional and physical overstrain, constant fatigue. Most often, patients complain of general weakness, increased irritability, "fog" in the head, inability to cope with the usual amount of work.

If a person continues to be stressed and does not seek medical help, his condition worsens - tearfulness and fog in the head join the usual set of complaints about a "cotton" head. Irritability increases to an extreme degree, but irritation is quickly replaced by weakness. Sleep is usually unstable, does not bring a feeling of rest, after sleep the head is “like cotton wool”. Appetite worsens, constipation or diarrhea may disturb. in both men and women. The condition worsens before a change in the weather (the so-called "weather sensitivity"). In the absence of treatment at this stage, apathy, lethargy, severe weakness and a persistent decrease in mood follow. Interest in life is reduced, the patient thinks only about his painful condition, about his "obscure" head.

Left untreated, psychotic disorders can develop.

Treatment: The prospects for treatment are positive, usually psychotherapeutic methods give excellent results up to a complete cure. In severe cases, a combination of psychotherapy with psychopharmacotherapy is used.

Self-medication usually worsens the condition and leads to the progression of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, a psychotherapist, in order to make a correct diagnosis, needs to exclude all diseases in which similar symptoms appear, because the more accurate the diagnosis, the more successful the treatment will be.

Different diseases with similar symptoms need to be treated differently. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. A good psychotherapist selects therapy that is appropriate for the specific manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome is one of the most common "diseases of civilization". It is often referred to as the "management flu".

The treatment of the syndrome depends on the severity of the painful symptoms, but is primarily aimed at eliminating psychotraumatic factors. It is necessary to reduce both mental and physical stress. This is the most important condition for treatment, without such measures it will not be possible to defeat the disease. In the early stages of the development of the disease, normalization of the rhythm of life, elimination of stress and psychotherapy may be enough to significantly improve the state of health. And, of course, at this stage, psychotherapy methods that do not use drugs give a very good effect - cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy methods are very effective.

In any case, you need to contact a psychotherapist.

In more advanced cases, additional psychopharmacotherapy may be required. General tonic drugs, tranquilizers, if necessary, sleeping pills and antidepressants are used. Psychotherapy is also actively used in the treatment of advanced astheno-neurotic syndrome.

The first indicator of improvement is the normalization of sleep and the disappearance of the feeling of "fog" in the head. With timely prescribed treatment, the problem can usually be completely overcome, however, if the tense situation and stress at work and in personal life continue to persist, various complications are possible.

Terminology and other names: In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome, together with diseases of similar symptoms, was called "nervous exhaustion".

In modern psychiatry, the term "neurasthenia" is more often used to refer to neuro-asthenic syndrome (synonyms). In the everyday sense, neurasthenia is usually perceived as a painfully nervous, unbalanced state, characteristic of weak-willed people, easily amenable to various influences and moods, in a state of acute mental crisis. And in the medical sense, this is - "obscure head."

The defeat of the neck in osteochondrosis is accompanied by a large number of unpleasant signs and consequences for the head, neck and other organs that are located in the upper part of the body. It has to do with the structure of the spinal cord. It is located inside the spine, and its nerve endings control the entire body.

Ringing in the ears is considered one of the fairly characteristic symptoms of neck lesions with osteochondrosis. Often this symptom is due to impaired nutrition of neurons located in the brain. This is due to impaired blood microcirculation, which occurs due to vascular compression. This leads to insufficient supply of oxygen to this section (hypoxia develops). Hypoxia, in addition to ringing in the head, can give other signs:

  • Memory problems.
  • Pathological sleep.
  • Pain in the occipital and temporal parts of the head and neck.
  • visual disturbances.

Ringing in the head with osteochondrosis may appear on its own or be provoked by other sounds. In addition, there may be crackling, tapping, buzzing and other uncomfortable sensations.

In this case, the provoking circumstances are:

  • Viruses.
  • Smoking.
  • Diabetes.
  • Drinking large amounts of caffeine.
  • Injuries.
  • Pathology of the heart and kidneys.
  • Alcohol abuse.

Also, osteochondrosis can give symptoms associated with dizziness, fog and clouding in the head. As you know, the vertebrae that are in the neck are smaller than the rest. At the same time, the load that they experience is stronger, since they are responsible for holding the head. Even a slight damage to them can cause a large number of unpleasant symptoms associated with squeezing of blood vessels. Specifically, fog, lightheadedness, and similar symptoms are due to pressure on the vertebral artery in osteochondrosis.

At the same time, cerebellar and stem signs associated with impaired blood supply are observed. Gradually, hypoxia of these brain regions is formed. Disrupted in osteochondrosis and the supply of oxygen to the occipital part of the brain, which is responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Muddy, dull, unclear head with osteochondrosis of the neck

Dizziness can appear at different times of the day, it can be provoked, for example, by sleeping on a high pillow. Often they are accompanied by nausea, impaired sweating, pain and a baking feeling in the face, neck, redness or pallor, and a change in the position of the eyeballs.

There are two main types of vertigo: systemic and non-systemic. The system is felt by the movement in a circle of the body itself or objects around. It occurs as a result of disruption of the vestibular apparatus, receptors or visual analyzers.

Non-systemic dizziness includes - a feeling of dizziness in the head, cloudiness, uncertain standing in an upright position. In this case, there is no sensation of circular movements. This symptom is most characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis. Also, with this disease, there may be such symptoms:

If one of these symptoms appears, you should consult a doctor, since without a qualified examination, osteochondrosis in the neck can be confused with another brain disease.

What to do with osteochondrosis of the head and neck?

It makes no sense to treat pain or ringing in the head with osteochondrosis. The elimination of the causative factor of such unpleasant symptoms is the main direction of treatment, i.e. it is aimed at the treatment of osteochondrosis. The main methods of treating the disease are: pharmacological agents, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage techniques and others.

When prescribing a method of treatment, all factors that initiate the development of the cervical form of osteochondrosis should be taken into account: heredity, infections, injuries, hormones, vascular diseases. Drugs are used that improve and restore blood circulation in the vessels of the neck, anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroprotectors, muscle relaxants. Chondroprotectors are used to restore cartilage tissue. Osteochondrosis is also treated with physiotherapeutic methods, exposure to light, laser and magnetic radiation on the neck area.

It is very important not to be limited to any one technique. It should be added to the treatment of lifestyle changes, physical activity. Self-treatment is unacceptable, since the disease can lead to more unpleasant consequences. In order to remove dizziness, you need to sleep in the correct position, on a less high pillow, but it is better to use a roller.

An exacerbation of osteochondrosis, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, it can “shoot through” the back or neck strongly.

Pain in osteochondrosis is a consequence of changes occurring in the spine.

In medical practice, migraine is commonly understood as acute painful attacks that are localized in.

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Heaviness in the head dizziness weakness causes

Many people experience heaviness in the head. The reasons for this condition can be very different, ranging from simple fatigue to serious somatic and mental illness. Such a seemingly insignificant syndrome brings a lot of discomfort during the performance of everyday activities, makes it difficult to focus on work and goals.

Each person experiences symptoms individually. Some feel dizzy and see a haze in front of their eyes, others feel a dull and prolonged pain in the forehead, which can also cause severe drowsiness.

In some cases, many symptoms disappear on their own. A little rest or a short walk in the fresh air is enough; for some, a long sleep helps. But in some situations, such symptoms signal the development of acute diseases, for the diagnosis of which it is necessary to consult a doctor for a complete examination.

Issues of etiology

Heaviness in the head is caused by such reasons as:

  1. Diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis

Such diseases interfere with normal blood flow, which causes changes in the shape of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, resulting in problems with motor functions and coordination. Often it is with age that the deformation of the bones of the spine occurs, which becomes the main cause of poor health and frequent migraine attacks.

For the treatment of problems with the vertebrae, an integrated approach is used, which is aimed at taking medications, using manual techniques and massage.

This pathology occurs due to large volumes of fluid entering the region of the skull and brain. The causes can be head injuries, congenital diseases, acute poisoning, tumors and oxygen starvation of tissues.

With high pressure inside the skull, the brain loses the ability to adequately perform its functions, as a result, along with other symptoms, a feeling of heaviness in the head appears.

Rapidly developing inflammation in which destruction of the inner ear occurs. In this case, there is heaviness in the head, dizziness, weakness, as well as nausea and pain.

This disease is also called asthenic neurosis. It occurs when the reserves of the nervous system are depleted due to prolonged physical exertion and emotional experiences. Causes of occurrence include:

  • stressful situations,
  • frequent conflicts,
  • Long hard work
  • Lack of sleep.

The complete recovery of the patient is rather slow and in most cases it is necessary to resort to the help of psychotherapists and serious sedatives that can quickly normalize the patient's condition. But even after a course of medication, a long good rest, a change of scenery and the complete absence of any stressful situations or conflicts are necessary. It is recommended, if possible, to change the type of main activity for a while: replace physical work with mental work and vice versa.

Mechanical injuries and bruises

A feeling of heaviness in the head and confusion can cause mechanical damage to various parts of the body, as they strongly irritate the pain receptors of nerve endings.

Mild and inconspicuous bruises usually do not cause such problems. In most cases, pain in the head occurs after suffering "whiplash" injuries received in transport. An abrupt stop during movement causes injury to the muscle, sprain of the joints, as well as damage to the cervical vertebrae.

Another possible cause is pressure injury to the lungs from scuba diving or after a violent cough.

Other reasons

Among the rather rare, but still possible reasons, we can distinguish:

  • Biting problems. Symptoms may not manifest themselves for a long period of time, and also tend to intensify at night.
  • Infections in the lungs, organs of vision and hearing.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition to a feeling of heaviness in the head and dizziness, shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure appear.
  • Injuries and inflammatory processes in the motor apparatus.
  • Prolonged work at the computer and hypodynamism. With a sedentary lifestyle, the system of blood vessels and capillaries begins to suffer. They lose the ability to transport blood to the tissues, because of which it can accumulate, including in the head, causing pain.
  • Stroke. Causes complete or partial brain damage.
  • Acute poisoning with medicines and drugs that affect the human vestibular apparatus.
  • Cholestomas are tumor formations that occur on the eardrums and contribute to their destruction.
  • Hormonal disease and failures. Poor health and constant heaviness in the head often accompany a restructuring inside the body. If you suspect problems with the hormonal system, you should contact an endocrinologist.
  • Lack of oxygen in the surrounding air, as well as sharp jumps in atmospheric pressure.

The number of causes that cause headaches is quite large, and before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of their occurrence.

Diagnostics and therapy

There is a wide range of diseases that have similar symptoms. To establish the true causes, the patient needs to undergo many examinations that can accurately diagnose the disease that caused the pain in the head.

In the diagnosis, various types of tests, MRI and radiographs are used. The appointment of examinations is not of a general nature, since each patient has individual complaints and symptoms. Immediately after the diagnosis is made, treatment is immediately started. To improve the general condition of the patient, he is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, and also uses various orthopedic methods.

A good effect is brought by physiotherapy exercises, which use special exercises aimed at the tone of the muscular corset and the flexibility of the spine. Spinal traction procedures can reduce stress and reduce pain in the occipital and frontal lobes. Manual methods of treatment, as well as procedures in the physiotherapy room, have proven themselves well. In addition to exercise and medication, you need to adjust your own diet and exclude sour and spicy foods from it, as well as coffee and alcohol. In severe cases, you have to resort to surgery. The main indication for its implementation is the compression of the spinal nerves.

A feeling of heaviness in the head is not a harmless symptom. It cannot be ignored and let everything take its course, as it can be a manifestation of many pathological processes, ranging from ordinary overwork to spinal injuries.

Heaviness in the head from time to time occurs in almost everyone. It can appear both independently and together with other symptoms: weakness, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, etc. What causes such sensations and how to deal with them? How dangerous is the pathology and is it always necessary to treat it? Today we will deal with this.

Causes of heaviness of the head

The main reasons that can provoke the occurrence of heaviness in the head include:

  • Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine associated with changes in cartilage tissue that are dystrophic in nature. In such cases, cervical vessels and spinal nerve roots may be compressed. Due to the fact that there is a violation of cerebral circulation, the brain begins to receive less of the necessary amount of oxygen. As a result, there is heaviness, headache and dizziness, lethargy. The cause of this condition is a violation of blood circulation in the head.
  • Nasal congestion in diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, mastoiditis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ears or throat can provoke a headache.
  • Overstrain of the facial muscles, which can occur as a result of increased facial expressions, when the facial muscles freeze in one position. This condition leads to a tensor headache. At the same time, the person himself may not even realize that the muscles of his face are overstrained and this leads to pressure in the forehead area.
  • cervical spondylosis. With this ailment, the patient's range of motion decreases, it is difficult for him to turn it, there is a severe headache, tinnitus and lethargy.
  • Meniere's disease. The main symptoms of the disease are dizziness, headache, which has a pressing character, weakness, tinnitus. In some cases, nausea is possible.

Borisov Alexey Sergeevich, a neurologist, will tell you more about the pathology:

  • Depression and psychological stress. Various neuroses can be accompanied by increased anxiety, dizziness, sleep disturbance, pain in different parts of the body, including the headache.
  • Incorrect position of the body during sleep, when the neck and head have an unnatural position, which causes the blood supply to the brain to become difficult. It can also occur during the day when a person is forced to sit for a long period of time in one position.
  • Malocclusion. In this case, headache, heaviness of the head may appear. In the evening, discomfort can intensify and last for a long time. During the opening of the mouth, there is a click of the joint.
  • Intoxication of the body with the decay products of ethyl alcohol or hangover. Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the body, including the brain, which provokes a feeling of heaviness in the head. In addition, the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are: dizziness, general weakness, reaction inhibition, headache, nausea and a feeling of drowsiness.
  • High or low blood pressure. Among the main symptoms of hypertension is precisely the feeling of heaviness and headache. Hypotension is manifested by a feeling of "cotton head". The main causes of this condition are hypoxia due to insufficient blood supply to the head.
  • During a migraine, the patient notes that he has "head pressure".
  • Violations of the outflow of blood from the head through the veins that do not have valves, so this outflow occurs due to gravity. If a person has problems with the veins, then after sleep they often feel heaviness in the head.
  • The feeling of a heavy head may be a symptom of vegetovascular dystonia. This is a disease in which blood vessels suffer due to a loss of tone in their walls and there is a dysregulation in the subcortical centers of the brain. The cause of the disease can be disorders in the work of internal organs or psychological problems. Among other symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia: dizziness, weakness, nausea, tinnitus or stuffiness, drowsiness. This condition requires mandatory treatment.
  • Banal hypothermia can lead to an unpleasant feeling of heaviness of the head.

How to determine the cause?

To find out exactly the cause of the severity or headache, the doctor prescribes some tests and other examinations, including:

Separately, you may need to consult narrow specialists: an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, a cardiologist.

Methods of treatment

Before treatment can be started for this condition, the exact cause must be determined. If it is associated with the manifestation of osteochondrosis, neck and head massage, manual therapy are used. In order to prevent further destruction of the disks or cartilaginous tissue of the neck, the patient is prescribed medications based on chondroitin and glucosamine. Muscle relaxants or the potassium drug "Asparkam" will help relieve muscle tension.

To keep the discs in good condition, you must follow the correct drinking regimen. Silicon mineral water is suitable for this, since without this element, the production of collagen fibers becomes impossible. Also during treatment it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. During this period, preference should be given to plant foods and foods rich in potassium.

During the working day, you need to take breaks as often as possible, use a massage pillow, which allows you to relax the neck muscles and restore blood circulation to the head. For sleep, you need to choose special orthopedic pillows and mattresses.

If the reason that the head is pressing and tinnitus has appeared is an overstrain of the facial muscles, you should try to relax your face. When prescribing treatment, neurologists recommend using drugs - muscle relaxants, which are aimed at relaxing muscles and relieving headaches.

Heaviness in the back of the head, dizziness, weakness, noise and stuffy ears, which can occur in the morning due to improper venous outflow, are usually treated with phlebotonic drugs. In the composition of such preparations, extracts of horse chestnut, arnica or two-lobed ginkgo are often used.

We have an interesting video for you, in which osteopath Alexander Smirnov will talk about how to independently improve the venous outflow of the brain:

If the cause of drowsiness, muscle weakness, inhibition of the reaction and headache lies in the inflammation of the sinuses and cranial cavities, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotic treatment to the patient.

To prevent the onset of symptoms such as heaviness and headache, nausea, weakness and lethargy, patients are advised to pay attention to their daily routine, adhere to the drinking regimen, give up alcohol, limit the use of sour, salty, smoked foods and convenience foods, caffeine and simple carbohydrates. An excellent result will ensure regular exercise. Thanks to simple exercises, you can strengthen muscles, relieve stress from the spine and, ultimately, reduce heaviness and headache.

Preventive measures

Usually, after the heaviness and pain in the head go away, the person relaxes and stops thinking about the problem until the next similar attack. However, there is an opportunity to prevent the recurrence of such sensations. To do this, you must, first of all, reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Eat properly.
  • Spend more time relaxing and exercising.
  • Be outdoors daily.

Always, therapy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, such as heaviness in the head, should be accompanied by the normalization of the daily routine and the rejection of bad habits. The duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours, and during the day you need to find time for feasible physical activity. This is the only way to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the head area for a long time and ensure a full life.

When they say that a heavy head? It is impossible to say exactly what each patient, voicing this complaint to the attending physician, means. This can manifest itself: dizziness, high or low blood pressure, dull painful sensations that cause drowsiness and fog before the eyes.

Heaviness in the head makes it difficult to do ordinary things, concentrate, and perform work duties. Sometimes the unpleasant sensation goes away by itself, if you get distracted from work, take a walk in the fresh air or get enough sleep. But it also happens when a heavy head and dizziness are the first symptoms of serious diseases of the vessels or the brain.

If you constantly have a heavy head and weakness is present, you should definitely consult a doctor. Most often, the symptoms of vertebrogenic headache are associated with problems of the cervical spine.

It provokes a state of impaired blood flow, which appears due to osteochondrosis. Its exacerbation causes an increase in intracranial pressure.

Degenerative changes in the vertebral discs increase with age, and when moving, the nerve roots are pinched. In order to prevent soreness, they try to keep the neck in a certain state. Static impairs blood flow, the instability of the metabolic process causes oxygen starvation in the brain, and therefore there are complaints that a constant heavy head, like cotton wool, prevents drowsiness from concentrating.

“Fog in the head” - this is how they express it when the coordination of movements is disturbed.

In addition to osteochondrosis, other causes of heaviness in the head can be distinguished:

  • constant work at the computer;
  • stressful situations;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skull trauma.

A heavy head and a tendency to dizziness occur with Meniere's disease - damage to the labyrinth of the ear and with brain tumors.

Even a slight bruise can cause heaviness in the head, but whiplash injuries are the most dangerous. Often they are received in moving vehicles, mainly in cars. You don't have to be in an accident to get that kind of damage.

A sharp jerk, causing an unexpected movement of the neck, injures the muscles and can lead to a dislocation or subluxation of the spine in the cervical region. In the future, the blood flow is clamped, and heaviness and accompanying weakness appear.

Vertebrogenic pains force to limit the amplitude of head movement. Soreness can be localized in absolutely any part of the brain at any time of the day. Symptoms are aggravated by tilting and turning the neck.

Separately, it is worth considering why the head is spinning?

Cause this phenomenon:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • vestibular neuronitis;
  • also Meniere's disease;
  • injuries of the temporal regions;
  • destruction of eardrums of any etiology;
  • respiratory failure, which can even be caused by a common cold;
  • stroke and migraine.

Many nervous diseases and infectious processes are accompanied by nausea, weakness, dizziness, heaviness in the head, especially when the condition worsens and a high temperature appears.

As you can see, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on one symptom - heaviness in the head.

The usual advice for acute abdominal pain is to call an ambulance without taking any medication. Do you really have to endure the heaviness and pain in your head until you make a final diagnosis and find out its causes?

If a painful symptom occurs suddenly and is accompanied by vomiting and fever, a rash appears on the face and body, or a disorder of consciousness, then you should also consult a doctor immediately.

But more often, unpleasant sensations do not cause acute pain and, apart from dizziness, no other ailments are felt. In this case - while the diagnosis is being established - you need to try to get rid of headaches.

The Japanese and Chinese prefer to normalize the blood supply with massage effects, the Europeans - while the causes of the disease are being clarified - drink medicines.

So that the “fog” does not float before your eyes, you should first think about pressure.

After the measurements are made, drugs are used that normalize it. Small deviations from the usual data can be corrected - if the pressure is low - with tincture of ginseng, a cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate, if high - with a glass of green tea, chokeberry jam, hawthorn tincture.

If the pressure differs significantly from the usual, then the use of medications is necessary.

Preparations "for pressure" and "for him" have an individual effect on the body, and it takes time to select "your remedy". When you finally manage to find "your medicine" - heaviness in the head will not bother.

If an unpleasant symptom bothers you periodically, and the pressure is stable at the same time, antispasmodics will help eliminate heaviness in the head.

Massage helps to relieve dizziness - you can learn how to do it yourself. Massage effects should be started from the neck, gradually rising up the back of the head to the crown of the head.

What else can you do if a heavy head is an almost permanent condition? It is necessary to be more in the fresh air, do special gymnastics for the neck, swim in the pool. All these actions are aimed at improving blood flow in the cervical spine.

The above tips can be harmful if there is a pathology of the brain or cervical spine. Therefore, before intensively exercising, you should consult your doctor.

To determine the causes of unpleasant symptoms - in addition to general tests - the following examinations are prescribed. They do an encephalogram - this procedure is recommended after any head injury - MRI, CT, sometimes an x-ray of the brain and cervical spine, a biochemical blood test are prescribed.

In most cases, consultations with an ENT, cardiologist and ophthalmologist are required. After the diagnosis is established, directed actions are begun to eliminate heaviness in the head and associated symptoms.

After establishing the causes, the patient often calms down and does not take any measures to improve his own condition. He drinks pills when dizziness, weakness, fog before his eyes appear, and that's it.

Cervical osteochondrosis - if there is no vertebral hernia - can be stopped by an increase in motor activity, vegetative-vascular dystonia - in the same way, supplementing therapeutic measures with the normalization of work and rest, rational nutrition.

Do not neglect a visit to the vertebrologist, massage, physiotherapy. All these effects normalize the blood supply.

Each medication is addictive, after their use there are side effects that affect other body systems.

If the problem can be solved without the use of medicines, this opportunity should be tried to use.

Heaviness in the head creates discomfort, but if it is not caused by serious organic pathologies, you should not abuse drug treatment.

Heaviness in the head is an extremely unpleasant feeling, which, unfortunately, is familiar to almost everyone. In this state, a person often suffers from bad mood, irritability, incontinence, clouding of consciousness and lethargy in the head. There are difficulties with the ability to think, concentrate and even do ordinary things, and the only desire is to fall asleep as soon as possible and wake up as a healthy person.

But despite all the difficulties delivered, heaviness in the head is usually not perceived as a serious problem, especially if it overtakes a generally healthy person only periodically and disappears without a trace after, for example, a walk in the fresh air. In this case, a temporary deterioration in well-being is usually associated with overwork, lack of sleep, stress, psycho-emotional overload, or a change in the weather. At the same time, this kind of malaise can be a sign of many serious diseases. Let's try to figure out what heaviness in the head can signal.

A "heavy" head can be a manifestation of a wide variety of pathologies - both non-dangerous and life-threatening. However, the uncomfortable feeling in the head itself is always due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain or venous blood stagnation in the head area.

Symptoms, including heaviness in the head, accompanies:

Head and cervical spine injuries

A feeling of heaviness in the head can be the result of a variety of injuries to the head or cervical spine. And it can even be a slight injury. But one of the most common causes of headache, heaviness, weakness is the so-called whiplash injury, which is received in car accidents. A sudden jerk during sudden braking leads to trauma to the soft tissues of the neck and can cause dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, which often result in headache and cerebrovascular accident.

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine

Unpleasant sensations, constant heaviness in the head, which lays the ears, dizziness, lethargy are often the result of various problems in the cervical spine, in particular osteochondrosis and cervical spondylosis. Pathological changes in the vertebral structures in these diseases often lead to irritation and compression not only of the nerve roots, but also of the vertebral arteries. In view of the latter, blood supply worsens, venous outflow becomes more difficult and intracranial pressure increases.

With pathologies of the cervical spine, heaviness in the head can disturb throughout the day, intensifying with bending, sudden movements and turns of the neck.

In addition, concomitant pain in the affected spine forces a person to limit the amplitude of head movement. Hence - the deterioration of blood flow, limited oxygen supply to the brain and constant tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.

Increased intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is manifested by pressing, bursting pain and a feeling of heaviness in the head. In addition, the patient may also experience nausea and vomiting.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Symptoms of high blood pressure, characteristic of many cardiovascular diseases, are often not felt. However, in some cases it can be manifested by a severe headache in the back of the head, a feeling of heaviness, dizziness, lethargy and a rapid heart rate.

cervical myositis

Soreness arising from inflammation of the muscles of the neck due to trauma, hypothermia, or under the influence of a long stay in an antiphysiological posture, usually also extends to the occipital region and causes a pressing sensation in the head. Learn more about myositis of the neck muscles

Meniere's disease

Typical manifestations of Meniere's disease are tinnitus, heaviness in the head, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue.

Tumor processes

Heaviness in the head with brain tumors is usually accompanied by intense headaches, often aggravated by a change in body position, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs, speech and coordination.

Neurotic disorders and depression

Heaviness in the head, combined with increased irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, dizziness, sleep disturbances and autonomic disorders, pain in different parts of the body can be a manifestation of neurosis.


Heaviness in the head along with pain in the back of the head and ears can be caused by malocclusion or problems with the temporomandibular joint, which lead to a shift in the center of gravity of the head and improper distribution of the load on the cervical spine. With these pathologies, the symptoms are usually present for a long time, and intensify in the evening.

Infectious diseases of the ENT organs

Infections of the hearing and respiratory organs, in addition to severity and pain in the head, are always accompanied by other characteristic symptoms, such as a runny nose, cough, and fever.

How are the causes of heaviness in the head diagnosed?

As you can see, the number of diseases that can cause heaviness in the head and its accompanying manifestations is quite large and many of them are very serious. However, you should not give in to panic at the slightest discomfort in your head. It is much more advisable to consult a doctor who can competently assess all the symptoms and prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures.

The examination should begin with a visit to a neurologist, but later consultations with a cardiologist, ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist may also be needed.

To determine the causes of heaviness in the head, dizziness, weakness and other similar symptoms, encephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography are prescribed. Often, an electrocardiographic study, Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck, and an audiographic study are also required.

Timely diagnosis in case of complaints of discomfort in the head is of paramount importance. The correct approach to treatment and its success largely depend on its quality and usefulness.

Methods for treating heaviness in the head

As already mentioned, heaviness in the head itself is not a disease. This is only a symptom, and it is the root cause of this condition that needs to be treated.

The treatment of the underlying disease is specific, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body and entirely depends on the identified violations.

However, symptomatic treatment of heaviness in the head and similar accompanying manifestations is also possible. Most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics and other drugs are used in therapy to relieve discomfort. In some cases, they resort to blockades.

However, do not forget that long-term drug treatment is addictive, and drugs lose their effectiveness over time. So this approach to treatment can only be truly justified in a situation where the heaviness in the head is caused by serious organic lesions. In other cases, if possible, it is recommended to solve the problem through safer therapeutic methods without the use of "chemistry".

So, heaviness in the head can be easily eliminated with the help of self-massage of biologically active zones of the back of the neck, occiput, temporal region, crown. The impact on these areas allows not only to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck, but also stimulates the flow of fresh blood, which helps to improve well-being and restoration of performance.

In addition, attention should be paid to a number of treatment methods that have proven effective in improving blood flow in the cervical spine and normalizing the blood supply to the brain. First of all, these include manual therapy and all kinds of physiotherapy procedures.

Physiotherapy exercises can also give a good result in the fight against heaviness in the head, drowsiness, fatigue and other associated symptoms. Physical activity contributes to the saturation of blood and tissues with oxygen. In addition, regular performance of even simple exercises allows you to strengthen the muscular corset and, accordingly, reduce the load on the spinal column itself and protect it from the development of destructive processes in it.

Often, after a quick relief or after an independent retreat of unpleasant sensations in the head, a person calms down and does not take any measures to prevent a second attack. At the same time, a radical review of the entire lifestyle is the most important step towards well-being.

Therapeutic measures to eliminate heaviness in the head must necessarily be supplemented by the normalization of the regime of work and rest. The duration of sleep should be limited to 8 hours, and include time for physical activity in the daily routine. It is necessary to be more in the fresh air and, if possible, give up bad habits.

Only such an integrated approach to solving the problem will help get rid of heaviness in the head and maintain the clarity of consciousness and thinking necessary for a fulfilling life.

Fog in the head, heaviness, squeezing, tapping in the temples, clouding of consciousness ... With such symptoms, people are increasingly turning to the doctor.

As medical practice shows, this condition causes many reasons. The most common are: astheno-neurotic syndrome, circulatory disorders in the brain and cervical osteochondrosis.

About what it means and why there is a fog in the head, we will tell further.

Symptoms such as cloudiness, dizziness, heaviness, feeling as if the head is in a fog, can accompany a person constantly or appear several times a week.

This condition does not always mean that a person has a disease. Often these signs occur due to the influence of certain factors: changes in weather conditions, excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, mental work, etc.

The main feature of the symptom of fog in the head is its unexpected appearance. So, a person who felt good a minute ago, almost instantly feels discomfort, foggy, dizziness, blurred vision, dullness of consciousness.

The whole problem is that these symptoms can manifest themselves in the workplace or when performing an important task. In view of this, a person is deprived of the opportunity to carry out his usual activities.

The fog in the head is often supplemented by various symptoms:

  • an increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • daytime drowsiness and sleep disturbance at night;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • excessive sweating, etc.

Often this picture is accompanied by a feeling of unreasonable fear, a feeling of lack of air,. There are many reasons for this condition.

Causes of the symptom

As mentioned earlier, the causes of brain fog may not always be health problems. So, in case of failures in the hormonal system, there is almost always a fog in the head. During pregnancy, a woman is often accompanied by such a condition, as well as irritability, forgetfulness. The same symptoms can be observed during menopause.

Other causes of cloudy head:

Astheno-neurotic syndrome

If there is no clarity in the head, then, most likely, we are talking about astheno-neurotic syndrome. This pathology, in addition to fogging in the head, is accompanied by other signs:

  • superficial sleep;
  • sleep problems;
  • irritability, suspiciousness, irascibility;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • fast fatigue;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • memory problems;
  • squeezing headaches;
  • dizziness;

The syndrome is mainly affected by people whose work is associated with mental activity, increased responsibility. In addition, pathology often affects those who have an unstable psyche.

The main causes of astheno-neurotic syndrome are prolonged stress, prolonged nervous tension, anxiety, chronic lack of sleep, overwork. In addition, pathology occurs in people with:

  • chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • acute viral infections;
  • poisoning;
  • bad habits;
  • head injuries.

The syndrome develops gradually. At the initial stage of neurosis, a person feels weakness in the morning, slight irritability, anxiety.

Then, in the absence of medical assistance, other symptoms join in the form of loss of strength, sleep disturbance, memory problems, a feeling of "cottoniness", heaviness in the head, the appearance of fog in the eyes, decreased ability to work, etc.

Then pains in the heart join, strong irritability is replaced by weakness, appetite disappears, libido (sexual desire), mood decreases, apathy appears, the patient constantly thinks about his health, fear of death appears. The subsequent ignoring of these symptoms leads to mental disorders.

Vegetovascular dystonia

VSD is the most common cause of fog in the head. Vegetovascular dystonia is not a separate disease, but a set of many symptoms that occur against the background of disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

VSD is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • fog, heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • unreasonable fears;
  • nausea, stomach pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • lack of air;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • unsteadiness when walking;
  • sleep disorders - insomnia, superficial sleep;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • irritability;
  • "midges" before the eyes;
  • ringing in the ears, etc.

The list of symptoms in VVD can be endless. The main feature of the disease is frequent relapses, manifested in the form of panic attacks.

If you do not take any action - do not use medications, do not strive for changes in lifestyle, do not seek help from doctors (psychotherapist, neurologist) - this can result in the appearance of various phobias and fears.

Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain

If the brain experiences a lack of oxygen, then this leads to a feeling of clouding of consciousness. The process of hypoxia develops due to the compression of blood vessels, through which the blood carries oxygen and all the substances necessary to nourish the organ.

At the same time, in addition to nebula and "cottoniness" in the head, a person has:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • severe heaviness in the head;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • memory problems;
  • vagueness of consciousness;
  • problems with the perception of information;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • severe weakness, fatigue.

With severe oxygen starvation, a person can lose consciousness.

The reasons for this condition may be:

  • the presence of cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • use of drugs and alcohol;
  • hypertension, hypotension;
  • previous traumatic brain injury;
  • smoking;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • limited motor activity;

If this pathology is not treated, then the brain cells experiencing oxygen starvation gradually lose their functionality, which ultimately leads to serious complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Fog in the head is the main symptom that accompanies cervical osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical vertebrae.

This process is almost always accompanied by squeezing of arteries and other vessels in the specified area. This leads to impaired blood circulation and malnutrition of brain cells.

In this regard, a person begins to feel all of the above symptoms, which are joined by:

  • pain in the neck when tilting, turning the head;
  • severe heaviness in the head;
  • pain in the shoulders, arms;
  • feeling of "dull pain in the head";
  • weakness in the neck;
  • stiffness of movements in the shoulder joints.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops due to malnutrition, lack of physical activity, staying in the same position for a long time.

In advanced cases, the neck and shoulders can be completely immobilized.

Frequent consumption of gluten-containing foods

Not only diseases of the spine, neurosis and VVD can cause a feeling of haziness, heaviness and "woolness" in the head, but also the use of products containing gluten. An allergy to this component causes the production of substances that have a negative effect on the brain.

If people with a gluten allergy eat a lot of buns, bread, semolina, pasta made from wheat flour, they will gradually develop the following symptoms:

  • violation in the work of the digestive tract - bloating, constipation, replacing diarrhea, pain in the stomach, intestines;
  • weakness, fatigue, apathy, lethargy;
  • fog in the head;
  • inhibition of the reaction;
  • vagueness of mind;
  • depression;
  • psychological confusion;
  • blurred consciousness.

To find out if it is really a gluten allergy, you should consult a doctor and take an allergy test.


If the unclear head appeared due to lack of sleep, and the symptom is temporary, then it is enough just to rest and sleep. With the regular manifestation of this symptom, measures should be taken to avoid complications.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the feeling of fog in the head.

If the astheno-neurotic syndrome has become the source, then it can be cured with the help of psychotherapeutic methods. But first, all provoking factors should be excluded - stress, lack of sleep, excessive physical and mental stress.

If the influence of these factors is not reduced, then psychotherapy and drug treatment will not have the desired effect and will not eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Medicines are used in severe cases. General tonic, sleeping pills, antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers are considered effective.

With symptoms of VVD, you should consult a specialist. The therapist deals with this issue. To relieve symptoms, various drugs are used - sedatives, sleeping pills, to normalize pressure, etc. In addition to drug therapy, it is recommended to adjust the lifestyle:

  • engage in light, non-competitive sports;
  • learn to eat right;
  • go out of town more often or just go outside, taking long walks;
  • eliminate stress factors;
  • learn to go to bed and wake up at the same time;

Physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massage will help get rid of nebula in the head with VVD.

Eliminate the symptoms of neurosis drugs that normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, as well as drugs with a sedative effect.

In case of poor blood circulation in the brain, accompanied by nebula in the head, drugs with a vasodilating and nootropic effect are prescribed. It is possible to treat pathology at the initial stage without drugs - with the help of massage and manual therapy.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and eliminating pain. For this, NSAIDs, nerve blockade, drugs that normalize blood circulation are prescribed.

In addition to drug therapy, people with cervical osteochondrosis are recommended physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, manual therapy.


If the cloudiness in the head appears constantly, then this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Therapists, neurologists, psychotherapists deal with this issue.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must interview the patient and find out what additional symptoms he has, as well as conduct a diagnosis. Here is a list of mandatory tests needed to find out why unclear head syndrome has arisen:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Exclude the presence of inflammatory reactions and infectious processes.
  • Ultrasound of vessels in the cervical spine.
  • CT or MRI of the spine and brain. The passage of MRI and CT will allow to exclude malignant processes, determine the state of blood vessels, reveal the presence of chronic diseases of the nervous system, etc.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels.

Also, the patient may need to consult other specialists.

Preventive measures

A cloudy head will no longer bother if you follow preventive measures. It is easy to guess that, first of all, this symptom appears with the wrong lifestyle.

If a person eats poorly, walks little in the fresh air, smokes, drinks alcohol, does not want to play sports, takes drugs, sleeps poorly, or constantly experiences stress, then there is no need to talk about good health here.

  • normalize sleep and rest - sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • increase physical activity, go in for sports. The best option is cycling, swimming, jogging;
  • eat properly;
  • get rid of bad habits.

By completely changing your life, you can not only get rid of the feeling of fog in your head, but also strengthen your immune system and improve your health.

How often do you experience nausea after eating? The urge to vomit is accompanied by discomfort in the diaphragm. Frequent feelings of nausea should not be ignored.

It is necessary to find out the cause of this condition and act on the nausea-provoking factor.

Causes of the state of nausea

The reasons can be trivial, and if this sign indicates a serious illness, then be sure to consult your doctor.

Sometimes nausea is the result of short-term problems:

  • Binge eating;
  • Strong headache;
  • Intoxication due to poisoning with low-quality products;
  • Vestibular disorders;
  • The reaction of the body to taking the wrong medication;
  • Stress, anxiety;
  • Defeat by worms.

Nausea can be caused by:

  • Hypothyroidism;
  • bowel disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • Disorders in the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • liver problems (hepatitis or cirrhosis);
  • Ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Duodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Heart "malfunctions";
  • Renal failure.

Each of these diseases is accompanied by additional very "eloquent" symptoms. You need to carefully observe for some time the sequence of attacks of nausea in yourself and associated pain or other symptoms.

The most common causes of nausea are those associated with gastrointestinal diseases.

If nausea is accompanied by belching or heartburn, and aching pains appear from time to time in the epigastric region, then it's time to contact a gastroenterologist, as these are manifestations of gastritis or ulcers. With an ulcer of pain, vomiting sometimes opens more strongly, after which it is usually easier for a person.

The acute stage of pancreatitis will “bring” with it swelling, pain on the left or right under the ribs, and often vomiting.

Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones. It is manifested by a decrease in appetite and at the same time the weight of a person gradually increases. Chilliness can be observed and, if you check the level of cholesterol, then it will obviously be elevated. However, this disease is rare.

With increased pressure, the pain is throbbing, concentrated in the temples and occipital region of the head.

Problems with the liver and gallbladder are manifested by bitterness in the mouth, lightheadedness and decreased appetite.

Acute cholecystitis reveals itself, in addition to nausea, vomiting, and headache. Acute conditions are unequivocally treated with medication according to the doctor's recommendations. If the process is aggravated, then the temperature is raised systemically.

Liver disease - cirrhosis occurs when the liver is enlarged and urgent action is needed. Such symptoms are manifested - nausea and vomiting, fever and all signs of jaundice.

As you know, nausea accompanies pregnancy. But this is not a reason to panic. Nausea usually goes away in the second semester of pregnancy. If this bothers you a lot, try to avoid those foods and smells that make you feel bad.


If the attacks are getting worse every day, then you should not delay diagnosing the problem. Call the doctors. Doctors will only indicate to you the degree of risk of complications, explain what causes pain and nausea. And they will give you the right treatment.

It should be noted that you can deal with some "problems" on your own. For migraines, you can take metoclopramide, or another triptan drug, and rest. There is only when the headache is gone.

Also with stress and an attack of fear. It is impossible at this time to “load” the body with food, since the biological “mechanism” is not programmed to digest food when danger threatens. It is better to be in solitude and calm down, take a contrast shower or drink valocordin. Only after the condition is normalized can you eat.

Treatment of nausea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If an infection that has entered the intestines is “guilty” of an attack of nausea and vomiting, then you will notice this in a couple of hours. There comes pain in the navel, fever, diarrhea, weakness. Similar symptoms in poisoning. As soon as you understand what hides such a symptom as nausea, urgently flush the stomach. To stop diarrhea, drink any absorbent.

If gastritis or duodenitis is detected, you can drink anti-inflammatory drugs and be careful about food. During the spring exacerbation, unconditionally follow a diet and do not take alcohol. You should also undergo a routine examination and find out the acidity of the stomach and the nature of the inflammation.

Pancreatitis, if it has passed into the chronic stage, also requires complex treatment. At the pharmacy, buy anti-inflammatory drugs and pancreatic enzymes contained in the dragee.

But self-medication is rarely helpful. Therefore, it is required to undergo a study in a special center in order to find out exactly about your condition. Get an ultrasound, and let the doctor prescribe treatment for you individually.

Lightheadedness due to heart disease or hypertension

If obvious paleness of the skin and squeezing appear along with nausea, call a doctor. Cardiac pathologies require examination in the clinic. And possibly inpatient treatment.

The heart is our main organ. If medicine can remove the pancreas, then the human heart cannot be removed. Therefore, special care is needed for the health of the heart. During an attack, there may be pain on the left, but there may not be such a symptom. Still, this situation cannot be ignored.

And hypertensive patients are all under vigilant supervision. Pressure is measured every day, and it is advisable to keep your biological diary.

Help with cirrhosis, cholecystitis and kidney failure

Cholecystitis can occur with or without gallstones. You must know your diagnosis and monitor how you feel. Severe pain syndrome, with acute inflammation of the gallbladder, is removed with painkillers. And endure nausea and vomiting, because it is caused by fatty acids.

At this time, the immediate help is diet. And if these are seasonal exacerbations of a chronic disease, then try to eat less, but more often. And you will have to give up too spicy, as well as fatty foods in the diet.

Liver cirrhosis at severe stages is treated in a hospital. Because complications cannot be allowed. After you leave the hospital, follow the instructions of the doctors.

Kidney failure requires a special diet. Try to eliminate or minimize the consumption of spicy and salty foods. In this case, it is important to undergo an ultrasound.

Folk methods of struggle

When faintness becomes "on duty", due to some physiological or somatic reasons, it can be calmed down by some folk methods.

  • Basil infusion. One tablespoon of dry basil in a glass of boiled water. Brewing is enough for twenty minutes.
  • An excellent cure for nausea is ordinary mint. Prepare a tincture or mint essential oil. For infusion, you need 2 tbsp. l. peppermint drenched in boiling water. Peppermint oil takes a long time to make. It will take 2 months to insist. A couple of handfuls of washed and crushed mint are thrown into the jar, poured with 50-65% vodka and this is infused in a dark secluded corner.
  • The aroma of wormwood. An essential oil is made from the plant and inhaled.

So, when tired of nausea, you can deal with it. Be sure to follow the instructions that the emergency doctor leaves. And it’s not a sin to use the above methods of traditional medicine.

The defeat of the neck in osteochondrosis is accompanied by a large number of unpleasant signs and consequences for the head, neck and other organs that are located in the upper part of the body. It has to do with the structure of the spinal cord. It is located inside the spine, and its nerve endings control the entire body.

Ringing in the ears is considered one of the fairly characteristic symptoms of neck lesions with osteochondrosis. Often this symptom is due to impaired nutrition of neurons located in the brain. This is due to impaired blood microcirculation, which occurs due to vascular compression. This leads to insufficient supply of oxygen to this section (hypoxia develops). Hypoxia, in addition to ringing in the head, can give other signs:

  • Memory problems.
  • Pathological sleep.
  • Pain in the occipital and temporal parts of the head and neck.
  • visual disturbances.

Ringing in the head with osteochondrosis may appear on its own or be provoked by other sounds. In addition, there may be crackling, tapping, buzzing and other uncomfortable sensations.

In this case, the provoking circumstances are:

  • Viruses.
  • Smoking.
  • Diabetes.
  • Drinking large amounts of caffeine.
  • Injuries.
  • Pathology of the heart and kidneys.
  • Alcohol abuse.

Also, osteochondrosis can give symptoms associated with dizziness, fog and clouding in the head. As you know, the vertebrae that are in the neck are smaller than the rest. At the same time, the load that they experience is stronger, since they are responsible for holding the head. Even a slight damage to them can cause a large number of unpleasant symptoms associated with squeezing of blood vessels. Specifically, fog, lightheadedness, and similar symptoms are due to pressure on the vertebral artery in osteochondrosis.

At the same time, cerebellar and stem signs associated with impaired blood supply are observed. Gradually, hypoxia of these brain regions is formed. Disrupted in osteochondrosis and the supply of oxygen to the occipital part of the brain, which is responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Muddy, dull, unclear head with osteochondrosis of the neck

Dizziness can appear at different times of the day, it can be provoked, for example, by sleeping on a high pillow. Often they are accompanied by nausea, impaired sweating, pain and a baking feeling in the face, neck, redness or pallor, and a change in the position of the eyeballs.

There are two main types of vertigo: systemic and non-systemic. The system is felt by the movement in a circle of the body itself or objects around. It occurs as a result of disruption of the vestibular apparatus, receptors or visual analyzers.

Non-systemic dizziness includes - a feeling of dizziness in the head, cloudiness, uncertain standing in an upright position. In this case, there is no sensation of circular movements. This symptom is most characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis. Also, with this disease, there may be such symptoms:

If one of these symptoms appears, you should consult a doctor, since without a qualified examination, osteochondrosis in the neck can be confused with another brain disease.

What to do with osteochondrosis of the head and neck?

It makes no sense to treat pain or ringing in the head with osteochondrosis. The elimination of the causative factor of such unpleasant symptoms is the main direction of treatment, i.e. it is aimed at the treatment of osteochondrosis. The main methods of treating the disease are: pharmacological agents, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage techniques and others.

When prescribing a method of treatment, all factors that initiate the development of the cervical form of osteochondrosis should be taken into account: heredity, infections, injuries, hormones, vascular diseases. Drugs are used that improve and restore blood circulation in the vessels of the neck, anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroprotectors, muscle relaxants. Chondroprotectors are used to restore cartilage tissue. Osteochondrosis is also treated with physiotherapeutic methods, exposure to light, laser and magnetic radiation on the neck area.

It is very important not to be limited to any one technique. It should be added to the treatment of lifestyle changes, physical activity. Self-treatment is unacceptable, since the disease can lead to more unpleasant consequences. In order to remove dizziness, you need to sleep in the correct position, on a less high pillow, but it is better to use a roller.

An exacerbation of osteochondrosis, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, it can “shoot through” the back or neck strongly.

Pain in osteochondrosis is a consequence of changes occurring in the spine.

In medical practice, migraine is commonly understood as acute painful attacks that are localized in.

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"Unclear head" - one of the main signs of astheno-neurotic syndrome

Main symptoms: A lot of people complain about “fog in the head”, “head like cotton wool”, “unclear head” and similar symptoms.

If you notice overwork, sleep disturbance, constant irritability, then you may have a mental disorder called astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Prevalence: This disease is one of the most common "diseases of civilization". It is often referred to as the "management flu".

The disease affects people who are educated and prosperous. The most characteristic age is from 20 to 40 years. These are entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, teachers. In a special risk group are people whose work is associated with increased responsibility, for example, air traffic controllers.

Also at risk are creative individuals.

Causes of occurrence: The main causes of occurrence are stress, prolonged nervous excitement, chronic lack of sleep, constant overwork. Also, factors contributing to the emergence of astheno-neurotic syndrome are past diseases, including colds, some viruses, poisoning, and poor environmental conditions.

Similar symptoms: What diseases can manifest themselves as “a head in a fog”, poor sleep, weakness and irritability, except for neurasthenia? First of all, these are asthenic conditions with incipient serious illnesses. In the second - masked depression, which at the beginning can easily be confused with astheno-neurotic syndrome. And chronic fatigue syndrome can manifest itself in a similar way.

So the correct diagnosis can only be made by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. To make a diagnosis, professional psychological diagnostics (psychotests) are usually used, which you can go through on your own (following this link).

How the disease develops: The syndrome occurs gradually, with a combination of emotional and physical overstrain, constant fatigue. Most often, patients complain of a breakdown, general weakness, increased irritability, “unclearness” in the head, and the inability to cope with the usual amount of work.

If a person continues to be stressed further and does not seek medical help, his condition worsens - tearfulness, complaints about the heart, fog in the head join the usual set of complaints about a "cotton" head. Irritability increases to an extreme degree, but irritation is quickly replaced by weakness. Sleep is usually unstable, does not bring a feeling of rest, after sleep the head is “like cotton wool”. Appetite worsens, constipation or diarrhea may disturb. Decreased sex drive in both men and women. The condition worsens before a change in the weather (the so-called "weather sensitivity"). In the absence of treatment at this stage, apathy, lethargy, severe weakness and a persistent decrease in mood follow. Interest in life is reduced, the patient thinks only about his painful condition, about his "obscure" head.

Left untreated, psychotic disorders can develop.

Treatment: The prospects for treatment are positive, usually psychotherapeutic methods give excellent results up to a complete cure. In severe cases, a combination of psychotherapy with psychopharmacotherapy is used.

Self-medication usually worsens the condition and leads to the progression of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, a psychotherapist, in order to make a correct diagnosis, needs to exclude all diseases in which similar symptoms appear, because the more accurate the diagnosis, the more successful the treatment will be.

Different diseases with similar symptoms need to be treated differently. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. A good psychotherapist selects therapy that is appropriate for the specific manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient.

The treatment of the syndrome depends on the severity of the painful symptoms, but is primarily aimed at eliminating psychotraumatic factors. It is necessary to reduce both mental and physical stress. This is the most important condition for treatment, without such measures it will not be possible to defeat the disease. In the early stages of the development of the disease, normalization of the rhythm of life, elimination of stress and psychotherapy may be enough to significantly improve the state of health. And, of course, at this stage, psychotherapy methods that do not use drugs give a very good effect - cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy methods are very effective.

In any case, you need to contact a psychotherapist.

In more advanced cases, additional psychopharmacotherapy may be required. General tonic drugs, tranquilizers, if necessary, sleeping pills and antidepressants are used. Psychotherapy is also actively used in the treatment of advanced astheno-neurotic syndrome.

The first indicator of improvement is the normalization of sleep and the disappearance of the feeling of "fog" in the head. With timely prescribed treatment, the problem can usually be completely overcome, however, if the tense situation and stress at work and in personal life continue to persist, various complications are possible.

Terminology and other names: In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome, together with diseases of similar symptoms, was called "nervous exhaustion".

In modern psychiatry, the term "neurasthenia" is more often used to refer to the neuro-asthenic syndrome (synonyms). In the everyday sense, neurasthenia is usually perceived as a painfully nervous, unbalanced state, characteristic of weak-willed people, easily amenable to various influences and moods, in a state of acute mental crisis. And in the medical sense, this is a state of depression, irritability, "a vague head."

How to get rid of the feeling of stupidity in your head when talking?

I am 18. Recently, I have noticed that quite often I have a feeling of my stupidity in conversations with strangers or unfamiliar people in real communication, when I can freely communicate on the Internet without any sensations. Sometimes inhibited, the reaction is reduced. What is wrong with me and how can I get rid of it?

A very interesting question.

It happens to me too sometimes, although I am much more than 18 years old.

I think that there is such a reaction to strangers due to self-doubt and low self-esteem.

That is, it begins to seem that you are about to brecze some stupidity.

It seems to me that you just need to try to develop self-confidence, not be shy and not think that you are dumber than your opponent.

Also try to educate, learn, develop.

You need to be bolder.

Then self-confidence will increase, and low self-esteem will disappear.

I read, for example, a lot and drunkenly and even self-confident. I just consider myself unsociable. Maybe you have the same temperament. On the network, you do not see the interlocutor, his reaction and do not worry, suddenly you offended him with something or not. And not all people "love the whole world", lively and super sociable.

Again, I just do not like to communicate for days. The best entertainment for me is not chatter, but a book. And this is not isolation in itself, and even more so, it is not stupidity. Each person is individual.

I'm even looking for a job so that there are a minimum of people. I worked as a copywriter for several years. No one is above the soul)

Usually, well-read and self-confident people do not have this. I would advise you to communicate more in real life, and not online. The Internet is so addictive that sometimes you can’t even connect a couple of words. When I worked in the media and wrote news all day, I also thought that I had only news in my head, which was not interesting for me. Therefore, firstly, I took a part-time job (then I left completely) and at any opportunity I communicated in real life.

If you can’t get rid of the problem on your own, talk to a psychologist, he will surely give good advice.

This is a kind of inferiority complex, insecurity, which comes from childhood. How to fix? - Having blurted out what you consider stupid, pretend to be right, and say: These are my opinions, if you do not agree with them, it does not mean that I am wrong.

Dull headache causes

Persistent headaches: understand the causes

In many cases, persistent headaches are signs of serious diseases: hypertension, VVD, tumors, stroke, etc.

With the help of this symptom, the body notifies a person about unfavorable processes occurring in him, various inflammations, and so on.

The periodicity of the painful condition, pulsation in the temples, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea are sure signs that it is time to visit a doctor.

Unfortunately, in our society it is not customary for such trifles as headaches to immediately seek qualified medical help and be examined to determine the true cause of their appearance.

Instead, many prefer to resort to grandmother's recipes, traditional medicine, the advice of relatives or friends, or even just use the usual and well-proven analgesics in pain relief.

However, this kind of manipulation only eliminates the symptoms and absolutely does not solve the essence of the problem itself.

Moreover, such self-medication can have detrimental and even tragic consequences.

Pain is different

Headaches are conditionally classified into:

  • psychogenic or stress;
  • vascular (migraine and hypertension);
  • cluster;
  • pain outside the brain causes (infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • pain in organic diseases of the brain or liquorodynamic disorders (head trauma, brain tumor, meningitis, etc.).

Each of these types has its own symptoms of manifestations and methods of treatment. In addition, the causes of headaches can be very diverse - ranging from serious diseases and ending with the usual overwork.

Therefore, each case when a person is overcome by constant headaches should be analyzed separately.

Symptoms of diseases

Common headache symptoms are:

  • pulsating, growing or sluggish muffled (“dull”) pain in the temples;
  • possible dizziness and nausea;
  • weakness;
  • localization of the pain syndrome in the frontal, parietal or occipital region;
  • sensation of constriction in the temples, like a hoop or helmet.


In addition, depending on the etymology of the origin of pain, the symptoms will differ. For example, psychogenic headaches are characterized by:

  • constant, compressive, tightening, squeezing character;
  • weak or moderate intensity.

This form is the most common.


Vascular pain is associated with pathological changes in the vessels of the brain and manifests itself in the form of migraine and arterial hypertension, which are characterized by:

  • growing heavy, pressing. throbbing pain;
  • localization in the neck and neck;
  • light and sound fear;
  • increased pain on movement
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

In addition, the so-called side factors that provoke vascular pain can be stress, hunger, overwork, alcohol and coffee abuse, changes in atmospheric pressure, the action of certain drugs and certain foods.


Very unpleasant and insidious is the cluster headache, which is tolerated quite hard and requires strict prescription therapy.

Her symptoms include:

  • acute, predominantly, constant pain in the eye area;
  • strict time periodicity with a duration of 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • swelling of the eyelids, tearing, redness of the eyes and stuffy nostrils;
  • strengthening when taking a prone position.

The peculiarity of this type of pain is that, according to statistics, men over 30 years of age most often suffer from it.

brain injury

The most severe course is characterized by pain during the development of various pathological diseases and due to brain injuries.

In such cases, they are systematic, difficult to treat and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever.

Given all the signs of the disease, you should not let it take its course or self-medicate. However, even with minor, mild, infrequent headaches, you do not need to immediately run to see a doctor.

If in general they do not cause any discomfort, you can get by with taking an analgesic.

However, if the pains appeared suddenly, they have an acute, growing undulating character, accompanied by loss of consciousness, discoordination and temperature. urgent medical attention is needed.

The reasons

As noted earlier, the causes of pain can be very diverse, sometimes not even directly related to the head. It is constant or recurrent headaches that are the body's reaction to any uncharacteristic changes in the state and effects of "enemy" agents.

The most common causes of headaches include:

  • spasms of the head muscles, often with pain in the temples;
  • spasms of the vessels of the head;
  • compression of the lining of the brain;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • poor blood supply, oxygen starvation;
  • low pressure. in which dizziness, weakness, drowsiness are not uncommon;
  • diseases of the heart, lungs, etc.;
  • poisoning of various etymologies.

It should be remembered that dizziness, acute pain in the temples, nausea, vomiting are reasons to seriously think about your health. And before embarking on a full-scale treatment, be carefully examined to exclude sinister diagnoses.


Speaking about the methods of treating headaches and its causes, one should always rely on the results of diagnostics and the opinion of qualified specialists.

As a rule, pharmacological and complex therapy is used to treat this disease. The latter is most effective only in cases of moderate and rare headaches.

Common methods of treatment mainly include: aromatherapy (pretty good at eliminating dizziness), manual massage (very effective for throbbing in the temples), inhalation, meditation, drinking herbal teas, walking in the fresh air, etc.

For more severe pain, various analgesics are used. allowing you to get rid of the pain for a while. Unfortunately, these are only symptomatic measures. Whereas with the full treatment of headaches, their causes should be eliminated.

One of the surest ways in the fight against constant headaches and a good prevention of the disease can be a healthy lifestyle: a balanced diet, regular exercise, walks in the fresh air, good sleep and rest, as well as positive emotions.

To prevent dizziness, any pain in the head, temples, etc., the impact of any negative triggers and stresses in life should be minimized.

Good health to you!

In the head area there are many nerve endings, which, when irritated, cause pain. Headache is one of the leading symptoms of many diseases, including infectious ones (SARS, flu), but it can also appear in a healthy person, for example, when overtired or due to changes in atmospheric pressure.

There are several types of headaches: severe, throbbing, pressing, dull, bursting, etc. Below are the main causes of dull pain in the head, as well as some tips on how to get rid of these unpleasant sensations. Dull and monotonous pain spreads throughout the head, most often it occurs in the late afternoon. The reason for this is usually overvoltage, causing spasm in the vessels of the brain. To improve well-being, massage the back of the head, lightly massage the temples and knead the neck muscles. After that, take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and imagine that you are somewhere on vacation, and all the problems and worries are far away and at the moment do not concern you at all. Spend minutes in this state. Aching dull pain in the head is accompanied by weakness, possibly dizziness, appears closer to the middle of the day or after minor physical exertion. Most likely, the reason is that you are weather dependent. Your body is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in temperature and wind direction, which contributes to the formation of vasospasm. Determine your blood pressure using a tonometer or by the nature of the headache: with reduced pressure, it occurs in the temporal region, with increased pressure, in the back of the head. With reduced pressure, it is recommended to lie down a little with raised legs, and with high pressure, on the contrary, with a raised head. Do a massage (suitable for any change in pressure). Touch the center of your forehead with the pad of your right index finger. Then vertically raise your finger above the hairline by 1 cm, press on the indicated point and hold your finger in this position for 2-3 seconds, then gently lower your finger to the point between the eyebrows (above the bridge of the nose), press again and hold for 2-3 seconds. Do this massage for 1 minute, then break for 3 minutes and repeat again. If you do not feel better in minutes, call your doctor. A dull, pressing pain occurs in the left or right side of the head, sometimes accompanied by pain in the eyes, while your face turns pale or red. The cause is irritation of the trigeminal nerve, which occurs due to overwork, excessive excitement, sometimes when the weather changes. Create a twilight in the room and take a comfortable position. Take a small terry towel and a bowl of hot or cold water with you (if your face is red, you need cold water, otherwise hot). Wet a towel, wring it out and, putting it on your face, leave it for 5-7 minutes. Then wet the towel again, wring it out and place it on your face. Repeat this procedure for minutes. Dull pain in the head in the morning. The reason for this may be lack of sleep or caffeine addiction. Try to increase your sleep time, and reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink to 1-2 per day. If methods without medication do not help you, consult a doctor and undergo examinations. Depending on the severity of your disease, an experienced doctor will prescribe the necessary medications or prescribe herbal tinctures.

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Constant headache

Today, more and more often we are faced with such a condition as a constant headache, or, scientifically, cephalgia. She exhausts, squeezes out all her strength every day; in such a state it is impossible to simply exist, let alone work. The head can hurt regardless of gender, age, occupation. Not to mention that this state #8212; already quite dangerous, we should mention the accompanying signs that aggravate the problem, such as impaired vision, memory, speech, coordination, weakness and numbness in one half of the body or part of it (for example, some fingers on the hand).

Possible Causes of Chronic (Persistent) Pain

If your head hurts all the time, it can mean a lot. Headache can occur due to various infections #8212; sluggish caries or sinusitis. Also, this should include polyps deep in the nose or ears, tumors and other intracranial formations. Due to head injuries, pathologies in the development of the skull, face, neck, daily pain is quite natural. Vascular disorders (migraine) and increased intracranial pressure bring a lot of suffering, adding their symptoms in the form of a change in smell, nausea, dizziness and photophobia.

The lack of fresh air, regular physical activity, as well as excessive exacerbate discomfort. Insufficient blood circulation worsens the nutrition of the brain, and lack of movement causes osteochondrosis. Salts deposited in the vertebrae compress the vessels narrowed from the sluggish blood flow. The result is a constant headache. This is the scourge of all modern office workers.

Metabolic disorders and hormonal disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, have a great influence on frequent cephalgia. And the very substances that we use can be very insidious. If you are taking medication, your body will react to the new drugs introduced into it. Or vice versa, being without the support of chemical #171; crutches#187;, when you have just finished taking it, it will begin to act up and try to adapt to new conditions. Continue the theme of allergies, both explicit and hidden. Hypertension, hypotension, arterial hypertension and other pressure changes are also on the list of reasons why the head often hurts.

The human body is designed in such a way that in a moment of danger, the muscles contract, preparing to protect what is hidden under them. Emotions such as excitement and fear cause spasms, and head #8212; not an exception. Tension Pain #8212; a frequent occurrence, because the current conditions almost constantly make us feel stressed. If stress becomes chronic and consciousness cannot overcome it, #171;caring#187; the subconscious seeks to hide it in itself, so as not to distract the consciousness from pressing matters. And then, it would seem, causeless pain in the head comes with even greater force.

If painful sensations torment you every day, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor - a general practitioner or a neurologist, and undergo a series of examinations prescribed by him. It is possible that you will be referred for examinations and to other specialists.

Types of headaches and their symptoms

There are four types:

  • Vascular. Sensation of pulsation, bursting, the head dully whines and spins, it periodically darkens before the eyes. It hurts to bend over, lie down, walk in a hat, comb your hair. Usually this is caused either by low pressure, when the blood stagnates in the vessels and stretches them, or increased, when the blood is pushed through the arteries at too high a speed and puts pressure on the surrounding tissues, or by osteochondrosis, when salts deposited on the bones compress the blood flow.
  • Liquorodynamic. Dizziness, nausea, pressure in the frontal part of the skull, temporary blurring of vision. With hypertension, the pain either increases or subsides depending on the various positions of the body. For hypotension #8212; especially painful to stand. The reason lies in the increase in the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid. Because of it, intracranial pressure increases.
  • Neuralgic. Sharp or cutting, sudden, accompanied by dizziness. If you press on the sore spot, then it spreads to neighboring areas. Redness and swelling of the skin, changes in its sensitivity are possible. Unpleasant sensations almost do not go away even from taking painkillers. They can last for weeks or months. They can be provoked by prolonged and excessive physical exertion in combination with hypothermia. This explains why microtrauma and inflammation of the nerve roots occur. Also, nerve fibers can be affected by various toxins that accumulate in the body due to infection (for example, botulism), contact with heavy metals (lead, mercury) or abuse of hard liquor.
  • Muscular tension. Painful aches, a feeling of squeezing, constriction, limitation, sometimes you want to scratch. It occurs against the background of eye strain, from an abundance of various smells, loud music, with fears and unrest, lack of movement, pressure on various parts of the head (tight hair ties, hats, uncomfortable pillows and glasses).

Prevention and relief of headaches

There is a ban on certain products and procedures if you have a constant headache:

  1. Sausage products may contain an increased amount of nitrites - dyes that give the product a pleasant pinkish color, and artificial flavors.
  2. Chewing gum, chocolate, sweet soda, some types of sweets - the substance phenylethylamine.
  3. Sugar substitutes, such as aspartame and additives E 961, can provoke headaches. They are found in soda, yogurt, low-calorie desserts, candy, cough drops, and vitamins.
  4. Cheese, red wine, smoked fish, nuts, chicken liver - the amino acid tyramine.
  5. Spices, soy #8212; vegetable protein monosodoglutamate.
  6. Alcohol. After a small dose, the discomfort may ease and disappear, but later they may return. But what if you suffer from cephalalgia all the time?
  7. Smoking. Nicotine causes muscle spasms.
  8. Taking large amounts of painkillers.
  9. Cold. Ice compresses and washing will give nothing but additional vasospasm and muscle tension.

If you have not yet been able to find out the reasons for your frequent torment, try to help yourself and at least somehow alleviate the attacks, perhaps by the following harmless means:

  • Fresh air. Regular walks and frequent airing of the room will supply the body with oxygen.
  • Decoctions of herbs. Brew some lavender or chamomile and drink it like a tea. After that, try to sleep.
  • Compress. In warm or slightly cool water - as you like - drip a few drops of mint or lavender essential oil. Then wet a towel or piece of cloth and apply for a while to the forehead and temples.
  • Self-massage. Slightly lower your head, massage with your fingertips, moving from the forehead to the back of the head. Walk through each zone several times. It would be useful to massage the neck and ears as well.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. Do not self-medicate by swallowing handfuls of pills every day. If cephalgia keeps bothering you, seek medical help as soon as possible to find out why and how dangerous your condition is, and what to do about it.