Labor conflicts - ways to prevent and resolve them. It is useful for the leader to know what character traits, features of human behavior are inherent in a conflict personality



and contracts



The work of the councils

and conferences

labor collectives,

regions and industries

Adoption of departmental and interdepartmental conventions

Labor conflict- a type of social conflict, the object of which is labor relations and the conditions for their provision. In addition to a collision in the field of labor relations, it often includes a conflict of interest. Strikes or demonstrations may be accompanied by demands not only for higher wages, but also for better food supplies, political demands. Therefore, a labor conflict can be regulated both by the norms of labor legislation and by other legal and non-legal means.

It is possible to allocate interpersonal and intergroup labor conflicts. The former are usually "vertical" conflicts. Based on the characteristics of the parties, intergroup labor conflicts can be represented by the following types:

□ between the labor collective and the administration;

□ between the labor collective and the trade union committee;

□ between the administration and the trade union committee;

□ between the labor collective and industry management;

□ between labor collectives of different organizations;

□ between labor collectives and government bodies.

Depending on the sphere of interaction in which the contradiction arises, three subjects of the conflict can be distinguished:

□ working conditions (technology, regulation, regime, safety, etc.);

□ Resource distribution system (payment of wages, expenditure of funds, distribution of profits, participation of employees in capital management, etc.);

□ fulfillment of previously accepted agreements (mutual deliveries, settlements, repayment of debts, etc.).

The following are known ways to resolve labor conflicts.

1. The most important mechanism for the peaceful resolution of labor conflicts are collective agreement, agreements and contracts, containing the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, including in the event of a conflict. The very purpose of the collective agreement, the democratic nature of the procedure for its adoption at general meetings of collectives make it possible to reveal in advance the causes of possible labor conflicts, to outline measures to resolve them (I. Grabovsky).

2. Conflict issues in the relationship between the employer and the employee can be considered labor dispute commissions or courts of general jurisdiction. The employee has the right, bypassing the elected trade union body, to go to court after considering the conflict in the commission on labor disputes.

3. The resolution of labor conflicts contributes work of councils and conferences of labor collectives, regions and individual industries with the participation of representatives of the industry leadership or the government of the region.

Section 4. Conflicts in various spheres of human interaction

Interethnic conflicts





Resolution of interethnic conflicts






Chapter 17

A special place in a number of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts is occupied by interethnic conflicts occurring between individual representatives or social groups of different ethnic groups. Ultimately, this is a struggle for control over the distribution of material and spiritual resources.

The reasons leading to them are manifold. Three factors are necessary for conflict to arise.

The first is related to the level of national self-consciousness. It can be adequate, underestimated and overestimated. The last two lead to ethnocentric aspirations.

The second factor is the presence of a critical mass of problems that put pressure on all aspects of national life.

The third factor is the presence of political forces capable of using the first two factors.

To understand the causes of interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to analyze a number of aspects:

ethnopsychological - the threat of destruction of the habitual way of life, material and spiritual culture, etc. cause opposition from the ethnic community, since the rejection of familiar values ​​gives rise to a feeling of second-rateness;

sociocultural (sociocultural differences) - forced forced linguistic assimilation, the destruction of culture and norms of a religious or civilizational nature causes defensive reactions;

socio-economic - its significance is different, it can play a decisive role, be one of the causes of conflict, reflect real socio-economic inequality, imaginary discrimination or economic interests of narrow groups;

political - the resurgence of ethnicity is accompanied by the emergence of new minority political leaders seeking greater political power on this wave. They question the legitimacy of the existing state system, defending the right to self-determination of a minority as an equal member of the international political system, as a nation among nations.

A system for resolving interethnic conflicts can be created on the basis of a combination institutional and instrumental approaches.

Institutional Approach - creation of a network of organizations, a special infrastructure for the prevention and settlement of internal conflicts.

Instrumental approach - a skillful combination of specific measures of regulatory influence on interethnic conflict.

Among the solutions to the settlement of interethnic conflicts are:

tactical decisions which are aimed at regulating conflicts through forceful, including economic, pressure on its participants or through the establishment of a negotiation process;

operational solutions which are associated with one-time actions aimed at limiting the spread of conflicts or at eliminating the consequences of conflicts, etc.;

strategic decisions which are focused on preventing crises in interethnic relations on the basis of the early creation of legal, political, economic and socio-psychological conditions for painless problem solving.

Chapter 18

Domestic political conflicts


Chapter 1. The concept and general characteristics of labor disputes………………....5

Chapter 2. Individual labor disputes……………………………………..7

2.1. Resolution of individual labor disputes through negotiations with the employer……………………………………………………………………..8

2.2. Consideration of individual labor disputes in the commission on labor disputes……………………………………………………………......11

2.3. Consideration of individual labor disputes in courts……………….13

Chapter 3. The concept, subject, parties and types of collective labor disputes………………………………………………………………………………….16

3.1. Resolution of collective labor disputes in the conciliation commission……………………………………………………………………….....18

3.2. Resolution of collective labor disputes with the participation of a mediator…..19

3.3. .Consideration of a collective labor dispute in labor arbitration ……………………………………………………………………….......19

3.4. Strike as a way to resolve collective labor disputes ...... 21

Chapter 4. State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation…………………………………………………………….......28

4.1 Federal Labor Inspectorate……………………………………………...28

Chapter 5. Problems in resolving labor disputes…………………..........34



More than 10 years have passed since the Constitution of the Russian Federation came into force. Article 37 of the Constitution enshrines the right of citizens to labor disputes as a way to protect their labor rights. This is a fundamental point regarding labor relations, concretizing in the aspect of the branch of labor law the constitutional norm on the right of citizens to protect their rights by all legal means. During these ten years, all the legislation of the Russian Federation was brought into line with the new Constitution. So from February 1, 2006, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No.

It's no secret that the Russian economy is in its infancy. Many enterprises have passed into private hands, and are subjects of entrepreneurial activity. And the purpose of entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit, moreover, its size should be as high as possible. At the same time, employers often violate the rights of workers, putting at the same time at the forefront the reduction of material costs for the implementation of these rights, thereby trying to increase the share of net profit. Consequently, there is an objective contradiction between the rights of workers in the sphere of labor relations and the main goal of entrepreneurial activity, which is to extract maximum profit.

In this case, the legislator becomes to protect the rights of workers. The new Labor Code of the Russian Federation has many mechanisms for protecting the rights of workers, but as the two-year experience of its application has shown, unfortunately, it has not solved all the problems. The whole point is that these mechanisms are not effective enough in practice, and their application is very problematic.

Labor disputes - conflicts between the employer and employees in the field of labor relations in the post-Soviet years have become a massive and chronic phenomenon. According to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, from 1993 to 2001 the total number of cases of violations of labor rights of citizens increased from 94 thousand to 1.5 million, i.e. more than 15 times. And if we take such an acute problem as violations in the field of wages, then the number of cases under consideration has increased over this period from 14 thousand to 1.3 million (70 times). From the above facts it can be seen that the topic of this work is relevant because:

Today, labor relations are entering a new phase. For the first time in Russia, the Labor Code has been introduced, which equally protects both the interests of the employee and the interests of the employer;

· under these conditions, the legal institution that regulates the scope of resolving individual labor disputes reflects the features of protecting the interests of the parties in a market economy.

In the event of the emergence or termination of labor relations, as well as in the course of their action, disagreements often arise between employees and employers. The reason for their occurrence is, as a rule, a violation of the existing norms of labor and other social legislation.

However, not every disagreement develops into a legal dispute. Participants in relations regulated by labor law can resolve their conflict peacefully, through negotiations and prevent the transition of disagreements that arise between them to the stage of a labor dispute. But if the conflict is not resolved by its participants and it becomes necessary to involve special authorized bodies in its resolution, then it develops into a labor dispute. Based on the foregoing, we formulate the definition of labor disputes:

A labor dispute is a disagreement between an employee (employees) and an employer on the establishment and application of the current norms of labor and other social legislation, which were not settled during direct negotiations with the employer and became the subject of proceedings in specially authorized bodies

The conditions for the emergence of disputes are circumstances that directly or indirectly affect labor relations, causing unsettled disagreements between employees and the administration. The reason for the emergence of labor disputes are legal facts that directly caused disagreements between the employee (employees) and the administration. Even the reasons common for labor disputes are specific in a specific legal relationship to resolve a labor dispute. These are violations of certain rights of an employee or non-compliance with his obligations to the enterprise (for example, when he is financially liable for the damage caused).

Trade unions are intended by law to represent the interests of workers and protect their rights. They do not always actively and effectively contribute to resolving disagreements between employees and management, since they do not use all the means at their disposal for this purpose.

To eliminate the causes of labor disputes, means and methods that affect each of them in a complex manner should be used. However, even if all the necessary measures are taken, it is unrealistic to completely eliminate the causes of labor disputes. Labor disputes will not disappear. Their total number may decrease, but labor disputes will exist for the foreseeable future.

An effective tool for protecting the labor rights of workers is called upon to be the procedure for resolving labor disputes established by law. Let us name the normative acts regulating this procedure.

The main regulatory acts for the consideration of labor disputes are the laws of the Russian Federation. First of all, this is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrines the fundamental rights in the sphere of labor, and among them is the right to protect one's rights (including judicial protection). Among the most important normative acts regulating the consideration of labor disputes is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2001. International legal regulation of labor relations is also becoming one of the most important sections of Russian labor law, which must be taken into account when resolving labor disputes

Judicial practice is also of great importance for the consideration of labor disputes. Of course, the decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are not sources of law and are not included in the system of normative acts. However, they contain a judicial interpretation of the relevant issues, and the courts, considering specific cases, are guided by them and use them to develop a uniform judicial policy.

An individual labor dispute is a dispute between an employer and a person who previously had an employment relationship with this employer, as well as a person who expressed a desire to conclude an employment contract with the employer, if the employer refuses to conclude such an agreement.

As a general rule, individual labor disputes, depending on their jurisdiction, are divided into those considered in a general manner (the commission on labor disputes is a mandatory pre-trial stage) and individual disputes (considered directly by the court). In addition, some of them may be authorized by the employer and the relevant trade union body, as well as a higher body.

The main cause of labor disputes are disagreements between the employee and the employer directly or through its administration. On the subject of disagreement, disputes can be divided into three groups, depending on the immediate causes of the occurrence.

1. Employees claim to improve the conditions for the sale of their labor force - an increase in wages, benefits, vacation time, improved working conditions, etc., but the employer does not agree with this.

3. Disputes of a legal nature. These include those that arise due to the complexity and inconsistency of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, as well as due to the fact that many administrative workers do not know labor legislation well.

Trade union workers are often hindered in their actions to protect the rights of workers, encountering misunderstanding and resistance on the part of the administration and the passive attitude of workers to the illegal actions of its representatives.

The Russian economy has developed two legal regimes for the regulation of labor relations - a written labor law for state-financed organizations and "ordinary" law for the new commercial sector. If the Labor Code is still somehow observed in budgetary organizations, it simply does not work in the new commercial sector. At small and medium-sized businesses, civil law relations are common, as it is convenient for the employer (there is no need to comply with the minimum guarantees established in labor legislation).

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1.1 Labor conflicts



1. Essence and types of labor conflicts

1.1 Labor conflicts

A labor conflict is a type of social conflict, the object of which is labor relations and the conditions for their provision. A labor conflict is different from a labor dispute. Labor disputes include disputes between an employee (a group of employees) and an employer over working conditions. Labor conflict is a broader concept. In addition to a collision in the field of labor relations, it often includes a conflict of interest. For example, strikes or demonstrations may be accompanied by demands not only for higher wages, but also for improved food supplies, and sometimes political demands. Therefore, a labor conflict can be regulated both by the norms of labor legislation and by other legal and non-legal means. Depending on which parties are involved in the struggle, one can single out interpersonal and intergroup labor conflicts, collective labor conflicts.

The term "labor conflict" appeared in our legislation in 1989, when the USSR Law "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes (conflicts)" was adopted. A labor conflict is different from a labor dispute. Labor disputes include disputes between an employee (a group of employees) and an employer over working conditions.

The subject of a labor conflict depends on the sphere of interaction in which the contradiction arises; three subjects of the conflict can be distinguished:

Working conditions (technology, regulation, regime, safety).

Resource distribution system (wage payment, profit distribution, participation of employees in capital management, rules for privatization, etc.)

Fulfillment of previously adopted agreements (mutual deliveries, settlements, repayment of debts).

Types of labor conflicts:

Conflict between employer and employee.

The conflict between the heads of structural divisions for strengthening the role of their department, for the resources of the organization, for determining the production policy, etc.

A conflict based on likes and dislikes between an administrator and an employee.

Conflicts over getting a better job.

Conflicts over influence in the organization, over power.

Functions of labor conflicts.

1. Labor conflict affects the balance of individual, group, collective interests and contributes to the social integration of the enterprise. The conflict between the workers and the administration, on the one hand, intensifies their confrontation, and on the other hand, increases the cohesion of the workers.

2. Labor conflicts perform a signal function, revealing the most acute contradictions in the life of the team.

3. There is an innovative, creative function of labor conflict. With its help, one can overcome an obstacle in the way of the economic, social or spiritual development of the team.

4. The socio-psychological function of the labor conflict is that it leads to a change in the socio-psychological climate, cohesion, authority, mutual respect.

The main ways to resolve labor conflicts:

The most important mechanism for the peaceful resolution of labor conflicts is a collective agreement, agreements and contracts containing the rights and obligations of the parties. The very purpose of the collective agreement, the democratic nature of the procedure for its adoption at general meetings of collectives make it possible to reveal in advance the causes of possible conflicts, to outline measures to resolve them.

Conflict issues between employer and employee may be considered by labor dispute commissions or people's courts. The employee has the right, bypassing the elected or trade union body, to apply to the court after considering the conflict in the commission.

The work of councils and conferences of labor collectives, regions and individual industries with the participation of representatives of industry management or the government of the region contributes to the resolution of labor conflicts.

1.2 Collective labor conflicts

The Constitution of the Russian Federation secured the right of workers not only to individual, but also to collective labor disputes.

A collective labor conflict (dispute) refers to unresolved disagreements between employees and employers regarding the establishment and change of working conditions (including wages), the conclusion, amendment and implementation of collective agreements, agreements on social and labor relations.

However, not every disagreement on the establishment or fulfillment of the terms of a collective agreement should be assessed as a collective labor conflict (dispute), since the disagreements that have arisen can be overcome by the parties - participants in the established (or emerging) labor relations. If these disagreements become unresolved, then the presence of such disagreements indicates a collective labor conflict that has arisen.

Conflicts of this kind arise due to the confrontation that develops between employees and employers, but interaction during the conflict is carried out by representatives of both sides.

These representatives are:

representatives of employees - bodies of trade unions and their associations authorized to represent in accordance with their charters, bodies of public amateur performance formed at a meeting (conference) of employees of an organization, branch, representative office and authorized by him;

representatives of the employer - the heads of the organization and other authorized representatives in accordance with the charter of the organization, other legal acts of the person, the authorized bodies of associations of employers, other bodies authorized by employers.

Collective labor conflicts (disputes), as well as individual labor conflicts, are usually of two types:

1) conflicts arising in connection with the establishment and change of working conditions;

2) conflicts over the implementation of already concluded collective agreements and agreements.

The subject of disputes related to this type of conflict can be not only problems of labor and its conditions, but also various kinds of social and domestic problems associated, for example, with the establishment of benefits for a certain category of workers, etc.

The subject of disputes related to this type of conflict can be not only problems of labor and its conditions, but also various kinds of social and domestic problems associated, for example, with the establishment of benefits for a certain category of workers, etc.

The economic situation in the country affects both the dynamics of labor conflicts and their features. If in the 80s socio-economic demands were mainly put forward, dictated by shortcomings in the level and quality of life, then at the turn of the 1980s - 1990s. political demands were added to them. Conflicts arose in the collectives of organizations in the non-productive sphere due to low wages and delays in its indexation. But later, industry and, first of all, the extractive industries of the fuel and energy complex became the main arena of collective labor conflicts. Thus, 60% of all strikers in 1998 went on strike at enterprises in this industry, which accounted for over 70% of all annual loss of working time. Representatives of secondary and higher education, healthcare, and scientific institutions did not stand aside. Gradually, workers in mechanical engineering, manufacturing industries, transport, and aviation dispatchers were involved in labor conflicts. At the same time, there were practically no labor conflicts at private enterprises.

Today, the main causes of labor conflicts are:

delay in payment of wages;

Lack of indexation of wages due to rising inflation;

Dissatisfaction with the amount of wages;

Mutual non-payments between producers and consumers;

Violations related to the implementation of labor legislation (violation of the obligations assumed by the employee, violations of labor legislation by the manager, violations of collective agreements by both parties);

· systematic delays in budget allocations;

Deterioration of labor protection and growth of industrial injuries;

· shortcomings in the informatization of communication between employees and heads of individual structural units.

Attention is drawn to the fact that delays in payments occurred due to chronic underfunding of the public sector and the non-payment crisis, as well as due to the transformation of salary delays into a highly profitable business both in public and private enterprises. According to the State Statistics Committee, the salary was not paid on time and there was a large debt on it at every third large and medium-sized enterprise. Thus, in the seven months of 1996, 89,000 enterprises and organizations were inspected, where more than 45,000 violations of labor protection legislation were revealed.

In recent years, various forms of organized struggle of workers in defense of their legitimate rights and interests have appeared:

collective strikes, picketing of federal government and local administration buildings, rallies, etc.

More acute forms of group resistance of people driven to despair are also used: hunger strikes, breaking of equipment at the workplace, sabotage. Quite often, the protests of those in conflict at the workplace are combined with actions of civil disobedience to the authorities and deliberate violation of public order in order to draw the attention of the population and administration to their plight.

Today, one of the most active forms of workers' struggle for their rights is a strike.

A strike is a form of collective labor dispute. This is a temporary voluntary refusal of employees to fulfill their labor obligations (in whole or in part) in order to resolve a collective labor dispute.

A strike is an extreme, exceptional measure of struggle. It is used by employees to achieve their goals and to force the employer and its representatives to comply with the requirements of employees, i.e. is a kind of method for resolving a collective labor conflict that has already emerged from the latent (hidden) stage.

For modern Russia, the strike is a relatively new phenomenon. In far-abroad countries, it has come a long way of its development. As the experience of the world strike movement testifies, strikes are not homogeneous in terms of the forms they are carried out. They can be divided into several types:

1) "ordinary strike" - workers stop production and leave their jobs. The release of products, various kinds of products, is completely stopped;

2) “work according to the rules, or“ Italian strike ”- workers do not stop production, but, on the contrary, in the production process they strictly follow all the rules of production, the rules for the technical operation of equipment, safety, etc. The strictest observance of all these rules usually leads to one or another failure in the work of enterprises, organizations, institutions. Such strikes are not regulated by the current legislation - they are outside the legal regulation. Claims against workers involved in such a strike are almost impossible to present;

3) "work slowdown" - in comparison with the "ordinary strike", it is, as it were, half-hearted: production does not stop completely, but only its volumes are reduced;

4) “pulsating strikes” - a partial, short-term cessation of work by employees of the entire enterprise or employees whose work is determined by one or another stage of production technology (mechanics, repairmen, assemblers, turners, suppliers, etc.).

All these forms of strikes are widespread abroad. In Russia, “ordinary strikes” are most often carried out, but “Italian strikes” have already taken place. So, about the intention to “work according to the rules”, i.e. not to let out faulty trains on the lines, the drivers of the Moscow metro said at one time, and the drivers of one of the Lipetsk automobile enterprises, in response to the restriction of the rights of their trade union organization, refused to work on more or less faulty buses.

It should be noted that no matter what form a strike takes, the right to strike is guaranteed to every employee and citizen by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 27), and the Law “On the Procedure for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes” itself regulates in detail all issues related to their conduct.

A feature of labor relations at most industrial enterprises and budgetary organizations in modern Russia has become a chronic conflict over long delays in wages. A vivid example of a labor conflict in the public sector was the events in the city of Prokopyevsk (Kuzbass) in 1996-1997. Here there was a conflict between the teachers of one of the city's schools and the representative of their employer - the head of the Department of Education, as a result of which the state official was "hostage" to his subordinates. This protest action of teachers took place at the beginning of April 1997. In the spring of 1997, the wages of the city's educators were delayed by seven-eight months, i.e. most of the school year teachers worked for free. And their salary was 400 thousand rubles. - this is together with additional hours and an additional payment for class management (at the rate of 1997).

The experience of fighting for their rights allowed teachers and their trade union leaders to direct the current situation in a constructive direction. Readiness for an "act of civil disobedience" resulted in a specific form - "hostage-taking. The specific result of the teachers' protest was the payment of part of the salary arrears and part of the summer vacation money.

The specifics of the employer also leave an imprint on labor relations in the field of education. The school (or kindergarten) is not in the full sense of the enterprise, and the director of the school performs the functions of an employer only partially. Legally, the employer is the Department of Education of the city - a structural unit of the city administration. In practice, it does not perform all the functions of an employer, in particular, the timely payment of salaries. The Council of Chairmen of Trade Union Committees of Educational Workers finds new forms of interaction with the employer. The traditional system of collective agreements is limited by the fact that the immediate supervisor - the principal of the school - is not a full-fledged employer. Some directors even refused to enter into such contracts. Therefore, this system of collective agreements is complemented by a system of agreements between the Council and the bodies that finance education - with the Department of Education of the city, city and regional administrations. Such agreements were concluded at the most acute moments of the struggle of teachers for their rights. The effectiveness of such agreements is low, because the schedules for paying off wage arrears, as a rule, were violated. But they allowed to introduce at least some certainty into the position of workers.

It is also important that long delays in the payment of salaries in the public sector led to the politicization of labor conflicts. A simple strike turned out to be an ineffective means of protecting the rights of workers and often worsened their situation.

Numerous labor conflicts in recent years show that protests are most often held in the form of demonstrations to draw attention to the troubles in the collectives. And the reason is the lack of dialogue between employees and employers. It is not even life's difficulties themselves that cause anger, but people's absolute ignorance of who and how will eliminate the difficulties that have arisen.

In the struggle for their rights, people resorted to radical forms of collective action - taking hostages, blocking railway lines and other violent actions. For the first time, the striking miners of Anzhero-Sudzhensk took such actions in 1994 - they blocked the Trans-Siberian Railway. A new surge of violence occurred in the spring of 1997. First, Prokopievsk teachers took hostage the head of the city's education department. Then the Angers workers blocked the railway again. In Salair and Kiselevsk, the strikers seized the buildings of city administrations. Protracted strikes were carried out by Rostov miners, air traffic controllers of the Bykovsky aviation enterprise, power engineers of Primorye, employees of the district courts of St. Petersburg, etc.

As a result of these actions, the Government of the Russian Federation , the administrations of the territories took measures to pay off the debt. These actions made it possible to somewhat reduce tension, suspend strikes of workers in various fields (education, healthcare, industry, etc.). The efforts of the strikers were not in vain. With great difficulty, but the collectives of the organizations achieved success, especially where there were concerted actions of the strikers and firm positions of the trade unions. This was clearly shown by the miners of Primorye.

Thus, the problem of labor conflicts in modern Russia has reached the forefront. To solve this problem, or at least reduce its severity, is possible only by relying on the system of social partnership. With its help, it is possible to regulate social and labor relations, overcome the lack of a constructive dialogue between employees and employers, their mutual optionality, the inability to develop the rules of the game and strictly adhere to them within the framework of labor relations.

1.3 Conflicts "leader-subordinate"

The problem of relationships between managers and subordinates is very relevant for modern science and practice. The focus is on the issues of management efficiency, leadership style, the authority of the leader, optimizing the socio-psychological climate in the team. All of them depend on the optimization of relations in the “manager-subordinate” link, i.e. from vertical conflicts.

Among the reasons for the conflict between the leader and the subordinate, objective and subjective are distinguished. Consider the objective causes of conflicts of the bottom type.

The subordinate nature of the relationship. There is an objective contradiction between the functional and personal aspects of the relationship between the leader and the subordinate. In management activities, there are relationships of subordination between them. They are characterized by two sides - functional (official, formal) and personal (informal, informal). Functional means an objectively existing connection between people, when some groups of people direct the activities of subordinates, and the latter follow instructions. The personal content of relations in the link "leader-subordinate" depends on the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the interaction, their temperaments, characters, abilities, business and moral qualities, as well as mutual sympathy or antipathy.

The contradiction in the link "leader - subordinate" lies in the fact that a fairly wide range of the subordinate's life activity depends on the leader. The latter is obliged to follow the instructions and orders of the chief, i.e. obey. Practically never full compliance of the requirements of roles with the capabilities and methods of action of their executors is ensured. The objective need to eliminate this discrepancy and the subjective perception of the possibility of its elimination inevitably give rise to conflicts.

Activity in the "man-man" system is conflictogenic by its nature. Of the four types of activity ("man-man", "man-nature", "man-machine", "man-sign"), professions of the "man-man" type are the most conflicting.

Most of the vertical conflicts are determined by the subject-activity content of interpersonal relations. About 96% of conflicts between leaders and subordinates are related to their joint activities. Conflicts in the professional sphere are related to ensuring the quality of activities (39%), evaluating the results of work (8%) and introducing innovations (6%). In contrast to the conflicts in the "leader-subordinate" link, horizontal conflicts are more often of a personal nature. They arise because of antipathy, hostility towards each other on the basis of a mismatch of values, attitudes, norms and principles, although this does not exclude the organizational and business reasons for such conflicts.

The frequency of vertical conflicts is related to the intensity of the joint activities of opponents. The six months associated with the fulfillment of the main tasks of the year, inspections by higher authorities, passing attestations, debriefing, etc., account for about 60% of all vertical conflicts. For the rest of the time, when activities are organized in the usual way, there are approximately 40% of conflicts between leaders and subordinates.

The most conflicting link is the “immediate supervisor-subordinate”: it accounts for more than 53% of conflicts. The proportion of conflicts is especially high in links where the leader and subordinate are close in official position. As the status distance increases, the frequency of conflicts decreases.

Job imbalance. A workplace is a set of functions and means sufficient for their implementation. Functions are displayed in duties and responsibilities for their implementation, and means - in law and power. The workplace has a structure, the elements of which must be balanced.

The balance of the workplace means that its functions must be provided with funds and there should not be funds that are not related to any function. Duties and rights must be mutually balanced. Responsibility must be ensured by the appropriate authority, and vice versa. The imbalance of the workplace leads to the emergence of conflicts "vertically".

The mismatch of links between workplaces in the organization is manifested in the fact that:

a) a subordinate is given instructions by many superiors, and he is forced to: himself rank the received instructions according to the degree of importance, demand this from the immediate supervisor; grab onto everything; refuse to comply with instructions and orders;

b) the manager has many direct subordinates: more than 7-9 people who cannot be quickly managed.

The complexity of the social and professional adaptation of the leader to the position of manager.

Insufficient provision of the objective conditions of management decisions with everything necessary for their implementation.

Among the subjective causes of conflicts in the "leader-subordinate" link, managerial and personal reasons are distinguished.

Managerial reasons: non-optimal and erroneous decisions; excessive guardianship and control of subordinates by management; insufficient professional training of managers; low prestige of the work of managers of middle and lower levels; uneven distribution of workload among subordinates; violations in the system of labor incentives.

Personal reasons: low culture of communication, rudeness; dishonest performance of their duties by subordinates; the desire of the leader to assert his authority at any cost; choice by the boss of an ineffective leadership style; negative attitude of the leader towards the subordinate, and vice versa; tense relations between leaders and subordinates; psychological characteristics of the participants in the interaction (increased aggressiveness, emotional instability, anxiety, high self-esteem, character accentuations, etc.).

labor conflict forecasting resolution

2. Prevention of conflicts and ways to resolve them

2.1 Prevention and resolution of conflicts "vertically"

Practice shows that the following conditions contribute to the conflict-free interaction of a leader with subordinates:

Psychological selection of specialists in the organization;

Stimulation of motivation for conscientious work;

Fairness and transparency in the organization of activities;

Accounting for the interests of all persons affected by the management decision;

Timely informing people on issues that are important to them;

Removal of socio-psychological tension through joint recreation, including with the participation of family members;

Organization of labor interaction according to the type of "cooperation";

Optimization of working time of managers and performers;

Reducing the dependence of the employee on the manager;

Encouraging initiative, providing growth prospects;

Fair distribution of workload among subordinates.

For a leader, it is important to build relationships with subordinates correctly, to organize management activities competently. In this case, it is advisable to be guided by the following rules.

Set clear, specific, and achievable goals for subordinates. The order must be given in simple, clear language. Do not allow uncertainty, ambiguity in the content of the order. The task should correspond to the capabilities of the subordinate.

Ensure that the task is completed with everything you need. Giving the subordinate the initiative to carry out the order given does not mean the boss's self-elimination from ensuring its implementation.

Orders, orders, exactingness to a subordinate must be justified in legal terms. Do not go against the normative requirements, do not infringe on human dignity.

Current control reduces the likelihood of conflicts. This happens in connection with the quality of the execution of instructions, but control should not turn into petty guardianship.

Do not rush with an unambiguous assessment of the results of the subordinate's activities. If you are not sure that you have deeply studied the results of the activities of a subordinate, then it is better not to rush into an assessment.

Evaluate the achievements of subordinates based on the initial state of affairs and the successes of other employees. This is more correct than relying only on the task at hand.

Do not seek to re-educate a negligent subordinate in a short time. Decisive attempts to “make a man out of him” will not lead to anything good, except for conflicts. The process of education is a long process. Therefore, when conducting educational work with subordinates, do not count on quick and immediate positive results.

Criticize after you praise. Starting a conversation with a subordinate from the positive aspects of his work, you thereby set him up for a positive attitude towards you. Criticism coming from you will be perceived more constructively.

Criticize and evaluate not a person, but an act, the results of official activity. The transition to personal assessments using generalizing formulations provokes a subordinate to a conflict.

When giving a critical assessment to a subordinate, do not transfer it to the entire social group to which he belongs. In particular, this applies to the nationality of the subordinate, as well as the characteristics of the social group that is significant to him.

When communicating with a subordinate, demonstrate that, in terms of your psychological status, you recognize equality between you.

Avoid harsh, categorical and peremptory assessments of the behavior and activities of subordinates. The more sharply they turn to a person, the more intensely he tunes in to possible opposition in relation to the source of such an appeal. In addition, you may be wrong in your assessments, and their categoricalness will exacerbate your wrongness.

Do not make subordinates "scapegoats" for your managerial mistakes. There are no people who do not make mistakes. Don't be afraid to damage your authority. Honesty and decency are always appreciated by people, especially if these qualities are manifested in the leader.

Be fair and honest with your subordinates. Remember that people most of all dislike injustice.

With all your might, fight the manifestations of negative emotions in communication with subordinates. Anger, anger, annoyance are bad advisers in solving any problem.

Do not turn subordinates into a "lightning rod" of your conflict relations with management. Having discharged your negative emotions on subordinates after unpleasant communication with superiors, you stabilize your internal state. However, by doing so, you create a new focus of conflict tension, but now - with subordinates.

Punish less often and often help subordinates correct mistakes. Such a strategy in the future will give good results: less misconduct - less conflict, less punishment - less problems.

Respect the rights of subordinates. Even an employee who does not perform his official duties has quite definite rights as a citizen. With any degree of guilt for the misconduct, the subordinate will defend his rights even through conflict.

When criticizing a subordinate, indicate possible ways to correct mistakes and miscalculations.

In everyday life, it is not always possible to prevent vertical conflicts. It is important for a leader to know what contributes to the constructive resolution of conflicts with subordinates.

The leader needs to interest the subordinate in the solution to the conflict that he proposes. You can change the motivation of the behavior of a subordinate in various ways - from explaining the incorrectness of his position to offering certain concessions if the leader is wrong about something.

Argument your demands in the conflict. Perseverance in the requirements to the subordinate should be supported by legal norms.

Know how to listen to subordinates in conflict. The leader sometimes makes the wrong decision due to lack of necessary information. It could be given by a subordinate, but the leader does not bother to listen to him, which makes it difficult to resolve the conflict.

Without special need, the leader should not escalate the conflict with the subordinate. After the conflict escalates, it is difficult to resolve it, as interpersonal relations worsen, the level of negative emotions increases, the degree of correctness of opponents decreases as a result of mutual rudeness.

Raising your voice in a conflict dialogue with a subordinate is not the best argument. Studies show that in 30% of conflicts with subordinates, leaders allow rudeness, break into a shout, etc. Rudeness is a sign that the leader is not in control of the situation and himself. The word is the main means of influencing the subordinate, it must be used to resolve the conflict, and not aggravate it.

The transition from "you" to "you" is the actual humiliation of the subordinate. This gives him the moral right to respond in kind. When resolving a conflict, it is important to maintain a working distance in relation to a subordinate, to address him as “You”.

If the leader is right, then it is advisable for him to act calmly, relying on his official status. The calmness of the leader, his self-confidence strengthen in the eyes of the subordinate the justice of the demands of the boss.

Leverage the support of senior leaders and the public. This is necessary in a situation of intransigence of the subordinate and the correctness of the leader. It is important that support should not be aimed at increasing pressure on the subordinate, but at resolving the contradiction.

Don't abuse your position. Job position - a solid advantage in a conflict with a subordinate. Inexperienced leaders, in order to resolve the conflict in their favor, use such methods of influencing the opponent as increasing his workload, creating inconvenience, difficulties for him, applying disciplinary sanctions, etc. Such actions embitter the subordinate, make him uncompromising, and make it difficult to resolve the conflict.

Do not drag out the conflict with the subordinate. In addition to the loss of working time, long-term conflicts are fraught with mutual insults and, as a result, the loss of the advantages of the right in the conflict.

Don't be afraid to compromise. Especially in cases where the leader is not sure that he is right.

If the leader is wrong in the conflict, then it is better not to drag it out and give in to the subordinate.

Remember that a conflict leader is not always a bad leader. The main thing is to be fair, demanding to yourself and to subordinates, to solve problems, and not just aggravate relations.

A conflict leader is always an uncomfortable leader. Strengthening the authority of the leader will be facilitated by his ability to resolve pre-conflict and conflict situations in non-conflict ways.

As for the behavior of the subordinate in resolving the conflict with the leader, then, of course, he has fewer opportunities compared to the boss. The implementation by a subordinate of a number of recommendations can increase the chances of taking into account his interests.

Do not rush to oppose the leader in the conflict. The underdog's endurance may prove to be one of the advantages in this confrontation.

If the subordinate is right, then he must try not to concede in the main thing. If necessary, you can strengthen your position in the conflict by asking for help from other leaders, work colleagues.

Offer several options for resolving the conflict, do not insist on only one, principled solution. Remember that the desired result can be achieved in various ways.

Do not use insults or harsh language.

The fairness of the position in the conflict "vertically" does not always give the subordinate a chance to win. Exploit weaknesses in leadership positions.

Call your boss for a frank conversation.

If the subordinate is right in the conflict, it is better for him to justify his position to the leader one on one, and not in the presence of other subordinates or at a meeting.

Being wrong in the conflict, it is better to immediately give in to the leader, as he will still get his way.

Carefully study and take into account the individual psychological characteristics of your leaders: this will allow you to resolve conflicts at a lower cost.

It is desirable for the subordinate not to offer diametrically opposed solutions to the proposals of the leader.

The lower the moral qualities of the leader, the more difficult it will be to resolve the conflict with him.

2.2 Ways to resolve conflicts "horizontally"

In this case, we are talking about conflicts that may arise between individuals or structural units of the same organizational level. In management bodies, heads of departments of the same level quite often compete with each other. Each of them, desiring to do the maximum possible in his area, is naturally inclined to wish success to his own designs. As was shown earlier on the example of a study conducted by M. Crozier in the accounting and accounting service, each head of a structural unit develops his own strategy in order to obtain from a superior boss more authority, more respect, more staff positions, more financial resources. on the other hand, stakeholders may compete with each other for promotions.

Contradictions of this kind are not uncommon. Sometimes they are artfully supported by those leaders who use the policy of "divide and rule." They believe that this tactic encourages competitiveness and discourages coalition formation among subordinates.

Horizontal conflicts also manifest themselves in conflicts over competencies. It would be possible to distinguish between positive conflicts, when both parties are doing everything possible to achieve the inclusion of a specific issue or range of issues in their competence, and negative conflicts, when each of the parties seeks to get rid of and shift to the other a delicate matter or functions that may bring just some trouble.

The most tangible consequence of this "guerrilla warfare" is the tendency to isolate, which is observed in each structural unit. As Robert Catherine, who has long experience in central government, noted, “employees tend to lock themselves in their area of ​​​​work, not being too interested in what is happening in an adjacent department, and in any case not really wanting others to show interest in what is happening in the adjacent department. what are they doing". Of course, personal relations remain polite and courteous. However, in official relations there is, as a rule, distrust, sometimes colored by a feeling of envy: "every man for himself." All this explains the separation of structural units, which so complicates the tasks of those who coordinate the activities of the services.

In the process of joint service, employees constantly interact with each other. In the course of the collective performance of professional, special tasks, various contradictions may arise between them. They, as practice shows, are inevitable. The conflict that arises between individual employees is called interpersonal. If it occurs between a subordinate and a direct or direct superior, then it is called a vertical conflict. If between employees who are not in a subordination relationship, then this is a horizontal conflict. The main signs of conflict: the presence of contradictions between employees; mutual opposition aimed at protecting one's own interests, blocking the actions of another, causing damage to him; the formation of a negative attitude towards each other in the form of a manifestation of negative emotions.

The objective causes of conflicts are: the lack of material and spiritual benefits that are significant for normal life, household disorder; remoteness of residence from the deployment of a military unit; poor development of legal and other regulatory procedures for resolving interpersonal contradictions, etc.

Subjective causes of conflicts: individual psychological characteristics associated with a lack of communication culture, high self-esteem, the desire to become a leader in a team by any means, etc.; negative traditions in the team; the presence in the team of microgroups with a negative orientation and others.

Timely resolution of the conflict that has arisen is beneficial to all the warring parties and the team as a whole. Let's look at some ways to successfully resolve conflicts.

1. Termination of conflict interaction is the first and obvious condition for the beginning of the resolution of any conflict. As long as the conflicting parties take some measures to strengthen the position of one or weaken the position of the other with the help of mental or physical violence, there can be no talk of resolving the conflict.

2. The next way is to search for common or close points of contact in content. This two-way process involves the analysis of both one's own goals and interests, and the goals and interests of another.

3. The main thing when resolving conflicts is to try to reduce the intensity of negative emotions. Therefore, in order to start resolving the conflict, it is necessary to reduce or at least outline a trend towards mitigation of this negative attitude.

4. At the same time, in order to reduce negative emotions in relation to the one with whom you are in conflict, it is advisable to stop seeing him as an enemy, adversary, and change your mind about him. It is important to understand that it is preferable to solve the problem that caused the conflict together.

5. Of great importance are measures aimed at reducing the negative emotions of the opposite side. Among the measures that reduce negative emotions, there are such as: a positive assessment of some actions of another, a willingness to make concessions or convergence of positions, turning to a third party that is authoritative for him, a critical attitude towards himself, interrupting communication for a while under a significant pretext , calm and balanced own behavior, etc.

6. When the parties to one degree or another integrate their efforts to end the conflict, it is necessary to take into account the status (official position) of each other. The party that occupies a subordinate position in a particular situation of interaction or has the status of a junior should be clearly aware of the limits of those concessions that a senior can afford. Exaggerated or radical demands can provoke a stronger side to return to conflict confrontation.

7. It is important to know one more important condition - the choice of the optimal resolution strategy corresponding to the given circumstances. The exit strategy from the conflict is the main line of behavior of the opponent at its final stage Chumikov A. Conflict management and conflict management as new paradigms of thinking and action. Sotsis, 1995..

Depending on the possible models of conflict resolution, the interests and goals of the conflicting actors, five main styles of conflict resolution are applied. These are: styles of competition (rivalry), evasion (concessions), adaptation, cooperation, compromise (discussed above). The characteristics of these styles, the tactics of their choice and the technology of application are described by the American researcher of conflictology problems, Doctor of Philosophy D.G. Scott, in her work "Conflicts, Ways to Overcome Them".

Rivalry (persistence in one's position) at the final stage of the conflict consists in imposing a preferred solution on the other side.

Adaptation or concession at the final stage of the conflict is seen as a forced renunciation of the struggle and the surrender of one's positions. This strategy means that you act together with the other side, but at the same time do not try to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore it.

Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for dealing with conflict and resolving it. This strategy assumes the direction of the conflicting parties to a mutually beneficial discussion of the problem, considering the other side not as an adversary, but as an assistant, equal in the search for an alternative solution Antsupov A., Shipilov A. Conflictology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

Thus, the problem of improving relationships, preventing and resolving interpersonal conflicts is quite complex. Its solution is largely determined by knowledge of the essence of the conflict, ways to resolve it, the readiness and desire of military personnel to improve their general and communicative culture.

2.3 Prevention and resolution of "mixed" conflicts

The whole set of methods, depending on the types of conflict resolution models, should be divided into two groups. Let's conditionally call the first group of negative methods, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving the victory of one side over the other. The term "negative" methods in this context is justified by the expected end result of the end of the conflict: the destruction of the unity of the conflicting parties as a basic relationship. Let's call the second group positive methods, since when using them, it is supposed to preserve the basis of the relationship (unity) between the subjects of the conflict. First of all, these are various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The distinction between negative and positive methods is relatively arbitrary. In practical conflict management activities, these methods often complement each other.

Consider some of the methods used in the struggle of the conflicting parties. One such method is to achieve victory by obtaining the necessary freedom of action. This method is implemented by the following methods: creating freedom of action for oneself; fettering the opponent's freedom; even at the cost of some material or other losses, the acquisition of better positions in the confrontation, etc. For example, an effective method of discussion is to impose on the enemy, as a subject of discussion, such issues in which he is not very competent, and where he can compromise himself.

An effective method is the use by one side of the functions and reserves of the enemy for its own purposes. Techniques in this case can be the use of the opponent's arguments in the discussion; forcing the enemy to take actions that are beneficial to the other side.

A very important method of struggle is to disable, first of all, the control centers of opposing complexes: the leading personalities of collectives and institutions, the main elements of the enemy's position. In the discussion, the main emphasis is placed on discrediting its leading participants, representing the side of the enemy, on refuting the main theses of his position.

Despite the fact that one of the main principles of conflict resolution is the principle of timeliness, efficiency, the method of delaying the case, or otherwise the "delay method" can be successfully used in the struggle. This method is a special case of choosing an appropriate place and time for delivering a decisive blow, creating an advantageous balance of forces and an advantageous situation for such a choice. The slowness of the transition to decisive action is justified by the need to concentrate large forces and resources to achieve victory. Specific types of struggle as means of conflict resolution are selected and applied taking into account the specifics of the conflicts being resolved and the environment in which these actions are carried out.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. Negotiations are a joint discussion by the conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of contentious issues in order to reach an agreement. They act as a kind of continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. When the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and negotiations serve only as an addition to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood primarily as a method of resolving the conflict, then they take the form of honest, open debates, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties.

With this concept of negotiation, both parties operate within the same rules, which helps to preserve the basis for agreement.

"4 - step method" D. Den. This method serves to achieve agreement between people and their fruitful cooperation. It is based on two rules: “do not interrupt communication”, because the refusal to communicate generates and means conflict; "do not use power games to win the struggle for power through coercion, threats, ultimatums."

The method works effectively if the conflicting parties are familiar with it. It is important to prepare suitable conditions for a conversation, which means, in addition to time, also a place and a favorable environment for conversation. The duration of the dialogue is determined by the time needed to achieve a breakthrough in smoothing out the conflict. The content of the conversation must be kept secret, since its untimely publicity generates rumors, gossip and increases the conflict. During the conversation, one should constantly make gestures of reconciliation, not take advantage of the vulnerability of the other and, at the same time, not show unscrupulousness. Conversations about a problem of concern to both sides should be conducted with a focus on a mutually beneficial solution and the exclusion of illusions about its result on the principle of "win - lose". The result of the dialogue is an agreement that describes the relationship of the parties for the future, fixing in writing a balanced, coordinated behavior and actions to implement conflicting interests Den D. Overcoming disagreements.

The use of positive conflict resolution methods is embodied in the achievement of compromises or consensuses between opposing actors. These are forms of ending conflicts, mainly of the type "win-win", "win-win", "win-win". They represent the realization of the styles of compromise and cooperation.

Compromise (from Latin compromissum) - means an agreement based on mutual concessions. For example, in politics, a compromise is a concession to some of the demands of the opposite side, a waiver of part of one's demands by virtue of an agreement with the other party.

Distinguish compromises forced and voluntary. The former are inevitably imposed by the prevailing circumstances. For example, the balance of opposing political forces is clearly not in favor of those who compromise. Or a general situation that threatens the existence of the conflicting parties (for example, the mortal danger of a thermonuclear war, if it is ever unleashed, for all mankind). The second, that is, voluntary, compromises are concluded on the basis of an agreement on certain issues and correspond to some part of the interests of all interacting forces. On the basis of such compromises, various party blocs and political coalitions are created.

Consensus (from Latin consedo) is a form of expressing agreement with the opponent's arguments in a dispute. In scientific literature, the concept of consensus denotes public agreement on the rules for resolving conflicts. We are talking, in particular, about agreement on: a) the principles of functioning of a particular system, which is embodied in democratic structures of power to manage society; b) rules and mechanisms governing the resolution of specific conflicts. Consensus can be characterized from the content side (qualitative aspect) and the level of achievement - the degree of consensus (quantitative side).

The considered methods of conflict resolution are far from exhausting all the ways of such action. A huge number of conflicts - social, political, organizational - managerial, and finally, ethno-national are determined by mistakes in the policy of the ruling institutions, violation of certain principles and norms of the functioning of social relations. In all these situations, various methods of conflict management and resolution can be effective provided that deformations in structures and functions are eliminated.

So, to resolve conflicts, such models as “power”, compromise and “integration”, such styles as styles of competition, avoidance, adaptation, cooperation, compromise and such methods as negative and positive are used. Negotiations stand out among the positive ones.


Based on the above, we can conclude that social interaction is a process in which people interact and respond to the actions of others. It is also considered how communication is connected with activities, methods of communication.

The principle of connection and organic communication, their unity, with activity, developed in conflictology, opens up really new perspectives in the study of such a phenomenon as "communication".

The level of a person's relationship with the world is very different: each individual enters into a relationship, but entire groups also enter into a relationship with each other, and thus a person turns out to be the subject of numerous and varied relationships.

Such relations are built not on the basis of likes and dislikes, but on the basis of a certain position occupied by each in the system of society. It is the relationship between social groups or between individuals as representatives of these social groups. Social relations are impersonal in nature, their essence is not in the interaction of specific individuals, but rather in the interaction of social roles. Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; social relations of people are realized in communication.

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The minimum number of strikes in Austria, Japan, Switzerland and other countries is explained, firstly, by the flexible differentiation of workers' wages depending on the quality of their work, and secondly, by the equal status of all workers when using canteens, medical facilities, company cars, canceling benefits and privileges. The conditions of wages and rest there are carefully regulated by the collective agreement. All employees actually participate in management, have access to information about the distribution of profits, solving personnel issues, and working conditions.

29.3. The specifics of interethnic conflicts

One of the important aspects of historical development is the steady expansion of interethnic contacts. The development of communications, the growth of population mobility, the improvement of the mass media - all this destroys the isolation of ethnic groups, expands the scope of their interaction and interdependence. Along with this, the opposite trend is also observed. At present, there are over 2 thousand ethnic groups in the world, among which 96.2% of the population are ethnic groups of one million or more people (there are 267 of them in the world). There is an increase in large ethnic groups and a decrease in small peoples. Ethnic communities seek to preserve themselves, their historical experience, culture, and identity.

According to a number of politicians, geographers, and sociologists, the existing state borders will lose their significance if they do not correspond to the linguistic and territorial borders of the ethnic groups living there. The result of this trend may be an increase in the number of independent states from 190 (at present) to more than 300 (in 25-30 years) (S. Cohen, D. Demko, D. Minji, F. Eva and others). Quite often, the second trend turns out to be decisive in the system of interethnic relations and often leads to interethnic conflicts.

Interethnic conflicts are conflicts occurring between individual representatives, social groups of different ethnic groups, and a confrontation between two or more ethnic groups. As types of interethnic conflict, one can single out interpersonal, ethnosocial and interethnic conflicts in the strict sense of the term.

With the resolution of the main ideological conflicts of the XX century. protracted ethnic conflicts will certainly become noticeable and fierce (R. Stavenhagen). It is important to be able to understand the origins of interethnic conflicts, to know the ways to resolve them.

Causes of interethnic conflicts. Interethnic conflicts do not arise unexpectedly, but mature over a long period of time. The reasons leading to them are manifold. Their combination in each case is special. For conflict to arise, three factors must be present. The first is related to the level of national self-consciousness, which can be adequate, underestimated and overestimated. The last two levels contribute to the emergence of ethnocentric aspirations. The second factor is the presence in society of a "critical" mass of problems that put pressure on all aspects of national existence. The third factor is the presence of political forces capable of using the first two factors in the struggle for power (T. Sulimova, A. Yamskov, V. Shevtsov).

An objective analysis of the causes of interethnic conflicts is possible if all aspects of this phenomenon are analyzed: ethno-psychological, socio-economic, political, socio-cultural.

1. Ethnopsychological factor - a common component of national interests in a conflict situation. threat of violence 382

The destruction of the habitual way of life, material and spiritual culture, the erosion of the system of values ​​and traditional norms are perceived differently by social groups and individuals in the ethnic group. In general, they evoke defensive reactions in the ethnic community, since the rejection of familiar values ​​implies recognition of the superiority of the values ​​of the dominant ethnic group, gives rise to a feeling of second-rateness, ideas of national inequality.

2. Interethnic conflicts based on sociocultural differences arise, as a rule, as a result of forced, forced linguistic assimilation, the destruction of culture and norms of a religious or civilizational nature. This makes the prospect of disintegration of the ethnos as a socio-cultural community real, and causes defensive reactions.

3. Socio-economic factor acts in all interethnic conflicts, but its significance is different: it can play a decisive role, be one of the causes of the conflict, reflect real socio-economic inequality, imaginary discrimination or economic interests of narrow groups.

4. Political factor The revival of ethnicity in any country is accompanied by the emergence of new minority political leaders who seek greater political power in the center and autonomy at the local level. like a nation among nations.

Interethnic conflict- it is ultimately a struggle for control over the distribution of material and spiritual resources.

The main ways of resolving interethnic conflicts. Such conflicts are complex, difficult-to-regulate phenomena. This is due to the fact that-

Many of them have deep historical roots, a long history of aggravation and fading,

They affect the unconscious of a person;

They are strongly influenced by religion.

The way out of an interethnic conflict can be different - from compromise to the use of force. When unblocking interethnic conflicts, it is better to avoid both external military involvement in them, and any other outside interference383

evidence, i.e. ensure freedom of choice for each opposing side. This is the first condition. The second condition is the cessation of hostilities and the achievement of a political compromise between the parties to the conflict.

A system for resolving interethnic conflicts can be created on the basis of a combination of institutional and instrumental approaches.

institutional approach implies the creation of a network of organizations, a special infrastructure for the prevention and settlement of internal conflicts. It should include institutions at the national, regional and global levels.

Instrumental approach consists in a skillful combination of specific measures (instruments) of regulating influence on an interethnic conflict. Among them are tactical, operational and strategic decisions.

Tactical solutions are aimed at regulating conflicts through forceful, including economic pressure on its participants or through the establishment of a negotiation process.

Operative decisions are associated with one-time actions aimed at limiting the spread of conflicts (disarmament of "militants", separation of the belligerents, strengthening the protection of vital facilities) or at eliminating the consequences of conflicts - settling refugees, restoring communications, punishing the organizers of pogroms, etc.

Strategic decisions are focused on preventing crises in interethnic relations on the basis of the early creation of legal, political, economic and socio-psychological conditions for painless problem solving.

When regulating interethnic conflicts on the territory of the former USSR, it is advisable to proceed from the following principles:

The invariability of the territorial boundaries of national entities: republics, regions, districts, even with their possible disputability.

The solution of all controversial issues is exclusively non-conflict methods on the basis of the laws in force at the moment.

Observance of the principle of democratic federalism, according to which each republic that has become part of the Russian Federation on a voluntary basis forms a single multinational state together with other republics.

Economic equality, expressed in the independence of the national entities that are part of the Russian Federation.

Comprehensive development of national and territorial-administrative formations.

Decentralization of territorial administration, providing for the delegation of powers from top to bottom and their clear delineation.

The equivalence of inter-regional exchange, which consists in replacing the centralized pricing management with objective cost proportions based on world market prices and the intra-federal division of labor (S. Yagutkin, T. Fliginskikh).

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"Methods of resolving labor conflicts"

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Society as an integral entity is characterized by a complex system of relations - economic, social, political, moral, kindred, spiritual, etc. These relations are based on the needs and interests of people. If there are obstacles on the way to the realization of these needs and interests, goals and expectations, this leads to an aggravation of contradictions between people, social groups, gives rise to tension, crisis situations fraught with open confrontation, conscious confrontation, conflicts.

A special place in a number of crisis situations is occupied by conflicts in organizations.

The task of the manager is to prevent a conflict, unstable situation in the team, as well as to competently constructively overcome the conflict situations that have arisen. In the presence of a conflict situation, it is necessary: ​​an objective assessment of the situation, determining the type of conflict (intrapersonal, interpersonal), determining the stage of development of the conflict situation, finding the causes of disagreements (organizational, managerial, socio-psychological, personal reasons, objective factors), determining the goals of the conflicting parties, identification of the psychological characteristics of the conflicting. Based on this, the manager must make the most correct decision, resolve the conflict as quickly and functionally as possible.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that in the modern world, with the rapid pace of development of market relations, the timeliness and correctness of making a managerial decision largely depends on how effectively the work of personnel is organized. Therefore, to ensure the effective work of the team, it is necessary to minimize the number of conflicts and often related stressful situations.

The purpose of this work is to study the problem of labor conflicts in management at a modern enterprise, ways to resolve them, as well as analyze the conflict management system for the selected enterprise and suggest ways to improve the efficiency of this enterprise through more rational conflict management.

The tasks set during the work are as follows:

* consider the theoretical aspects of labor conflicts in management at a modern enterprise;

* consider in detail the specifics of labor conflicts, as well as their management in Gamma-Telecom LLC;

- identify negative aspects, offer more rational ways to manage conflicts in this organization.

The object of the study is the enterprise Gamma-Telecom LLC.

The subject of the study is conflicts within the enterprise, in particular, labor conflicts and the stresses that arise with them.

Chapter 1. Theoretical features of the management of labor conflicts in a modern enterprise. Methods for resolving labor conflicts

1.1 Essence , content and types conflicts in a modern enterprise

In its most general form, a conflict can be defined as a clash of people or social groups with conflicting interests.

Conflicts play not only a negative, but also a positive role. They “shake up” the team, save the organization from “decay”.

Conflict is the quality of interaction between people (or elements of the internal structure of the personality), expressed in the confrontation of the parties in order to achieve their interests and goals. This definition reflects the necessary properties of any conflict.

Depending on the direction of development, conflicts can be divided into constructive and destructive. Constructive conflicts are considered, the emergence and development of which contributes to the strengthening of the organization and the achievement of its goals. Conflicts that hinder the achievement of the goals of the organization or lead to the liquidation of its structural units are called destructive.

The main elements of conflict interaction are: Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology. - M.: Unity, 2012.

* the object of the conflict;

- participants in the conflict;

ѕ social environment, conditions of the conflict.

Let's consider these elements in turn.

object of conflict. Every conflict has its cause, it arises about the need to satisfy a need. The value that is able to satisfy this need and because of the mastery of which a conflict arises, is its object. The object of the conflict can be material, social and spiritual values.

Individuals, social groups, organizations, states, coalitions of states can be participants in a conflict. The main participants in the conflict are the opposing parties or opponents. They form the core of the conflict. When at least one of the main parties withdraws from the confrontation, the conflict ends.

In addition to the participants in the conflict, the totality of which constitutes, as it were, its microenvironment, an important and sometimes decisive role in its development is also played by the macroenvironment: those concrete historical socio-psychological conditions in which it unfolds. The concept of the social environment defines the soil on which the conflict arises and develops. This concept includes not only the nearest, but also the far, wider environment of the conflicting parties, those large social groups to which they belong, national or class, as well as society as a whole.

In accordance with this, the main types of conflicts in organizations can be distinguished: Eddouz M., R. Stansfield. Decision-making methods / Ed. I.I. Eliseeva - M.: Audit; UNITI, 2011. - 254 p.

* organizational;

* production;

* labor;

* innovative.

I. Organizational conflict is a clash of oppositely directed actions of the participants in the conflict, caused by a divergence of interests, norms of behavior and value orientations. They arise because of the discrepancy between the formal organizational principles and the real behavior of the team members. This mismatch occurs:

¾ When an employee does not comply, ignores the requirements placed on him by the organization. For example, absenteeism, violations of labor and performance discipline, poor performance of their duties, etc.;

* When the requirements for the employee are contradictory, vague. For example, the poor quality of job descriptions, ill-conceived distribution of job responsibilities, etc. may lead to conflict;

¾ When there are official, functional duties, but their very implementation involves participants in the labor process in a conflict situation. For example, the performance of the functions of the auditor, standardization, evaluation, control.

II. The production conflict is a specific form of expression of contradictions in the production relations of the labor collective.

Industrial conflicts exist at all levels. The following types of industrial conflicts can be distinguished:

1) conflicts within small production groups:

* conflict between ordinary workers;

* conflict between managers and subordinates;

* conflict between workers of different qualifications, age;

2) conflicts between small production groups (intergroup conflicts);

3) conflicts between production groups and the administrative and managerial apparatus;

4) conflicts between co-owners of enterprises (organizations). They arise in small groups (teams, links, departments), between people who carry out joint activities. They are characterized by common interests and goals, internal division of functions and roles; they are in direct interrelationships and relationships.

Conflicts within small production groups include: Entrepreneurship / Ed. Gorfinkelya V.Ya., Polyak G.B., Shvandar V.A. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, 2011.

1 Conflict between ordinary workers - these may be employees of the same department occupying the same positions, but striving for promotion and receiving a higher salary.

2. The conflict between managers and subordinates - they are most often based on relations determined by the official distribution of service roles. In small groups there is a leading core and ordinary workers. If a relationship of mutual understanding has been established between the members of the team, this contributes to the harmonious functioning of the group. But contradictions can also arise between them, generated by the personal characteristics of people and influencing the performance of their roles. First of all, this is due to the problems of subordination.

Among the most common factors that cause aggravation between the leader and subordinates, the following can be distinguished: Mikhailov F. Personnel management: classical concepts and new approaches. - Kazan, 2011.

* mutual hostility of the parties;

- Violation of the unity of public and private interests;

* ignoring the norms of the law;

* non-observance of moral principles;

ѕ ignoring the requirements of labor and production discipline.

Mutual hostility between the leader and subordinates can be generated by various circumstances: the leader's failure to fulfill his promises, his inattention to the needs and interests of employees, etc. And as a response - the dislike of his subordinates. For example, in order to fulfill an order, the employees of the brigade will delay their vacation, but the positive result achieved by the brigade and the enterprise will be obtained at the cost of neglecting the interests of employees.

3. Conflict between workers of different qualifications and ages. Such conflicts often arise in groups, where, for example, with an increase in the intensity of work, it becomes possible to significantly increase wages. But these structures often employ elderly people and workers who, due to their physical capabilities, are not able to significantly increase the intensity of their work. Such circumstances contribute to their alienation and the emergence of socio-psychological tension in the group, which forces people to look for another job.

Representatives of different age groups have specific causes of conflict.

In adulthood, the employee is already concerned about other problems: advanced training, the prospect of growth, etc. Failure to solve these problems, i.e. the discrepancy between claims and the ability to implement them, contributes to the entry into conflict of a mature person.

Intergroup conflicts are based on a variety of reasons. This may be a struggle between groups for the distribution and redistribution of various types of resources, for specific interests and goals, for leadership, etc.

Intergroup conflicts (and this is their peculiarity) contribute to the strengthening of intra-group ties and relations, the rallying of all members of the groups. This is often used by managers (leaders) to maintain unity within the group and strengthen their personal power. Depending on the motives of occurrence and methods of resolution, intergroup conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences. The positive ones include those conflicts that contribute to the development and improvement of group interaction, can help relieve tension, strengthen intra-group unity, establish a new alignment of forces, and solve the pressing problems of the group.

III. A labor conflict is a clash of interests and opinions, assessments between representatives of various groups regarding labor relations (conditions, content, organization of labor and its remuneration).

The labor conflict in the organization is considered as: Ripoll-Zaragosi F.B. Conflicts: psychological and social - M.: Prior Publishing House, 2012.

- a direct challenge to the internal order and stability of the workforce, which makes it possible to identify interests, disagreements, mutual claims and problems;

- a way to regulate relationships, to establish an optimal order in the organization of production and labor relations;

ѕ a necessary stage in the development of the labor collective.

An individual labor conflict involves, on the one hand, a specific employee, and on the other, the employer. In a collective labor conflict, the participants are a team of employees (as a single organizational structure) and an employer opposing it (represented by the representative bodies of this structure).

Innovative activity, as a rule, is collective, it requires the participation of many people who are members of various professional and job groups. And the more people are involved in the innovation process, the more intense it is, the more opportunities arise for the emergence of conflict situations that are generated by the difficulties that accompany most innovations.

Among the main causes of innovation conflict are: Fundamentals of personnel management / Under. ed. B. Genkin. - M.: Formika, 2013.

1. Passivity of employees interested in personnel innovations. This is due to the fact that many employees are afraid of a pay cut, more work during implementation, they are afraid of not being able to cope with new responsibilities, they do not have material and moral encouragement during implementation. In other words, workers fear that their socio-economic situation will worsen (as a result of innovation);

2. Lack of material and technical resources, but sometimes organizations have resources of a lower quality than required. Sometimes they have to be obtained on the side, sometimes the required equipment, tools are not produced by the domestic industry;

3. Deterioration of relations between managers and chief specialists of the organization with managers and specialists of departments;

4. The need to restructure their work for managers and chief specialists. Today, the problem of employment and retraining is becoming increasingly relevant not only for managers, but also for ordinary members of the workforce.

Overcoming these and other difficulties, a more rational approach to the innovation process will reduce conflict in organizations.

Innovation conflicts in organizations can be business and personal.

Business innovative conflicts arise between people, one way or another connected with production and economic relations.

The internal stimulus for innovation is the need of people for creativity, inherent in the very nature of man, manifested in the constant desire to update, improve the production environment. The presence and high development of these needs is inherent in innovators who are sensitive to new problems and who are interested in the process of introducing innovations. They can take part in it without even receiving any rewards for it. But as creative people, they are interested in recognizing their contribution and achievements, for which they are often able to go to conflict.

The clash of oppositely directed, incompatible needs, motives, interests, thoughts, feelings gives rise to interpersonal innovative conflicts.

They can arise both in the sphere of official and non-official relations between supporters and opponents of innovations. Such conflicts can have a situational and characterological basis.

Situational prerequisites for conflict include:

* feeling of uncertainty and insecurity;

* insufficient or distorted awareness;

* non-recognition of the employee by the team;

* injustice.

Characteristic prerequisites include:

* character traits;

* prone to aggressive behavior;

* reduced self-criticism;

* intolerance for the shortcomings of others;

* bad manners.

An employee becomes a source of conflict when the direction, values ​​become incompatible with the interests and values ​​of the team, i.e. when the moment of his “inadequacy” to the goals and objectives of the group comes. For example, an active innovator works in a team where it is “not customary” to innovate, or, conversely, a passive worker finds himself in a team that is intensively updating production.

A person who is obsessed with an idea, ready to achieve his own by any means, also becomes conflictogenic. It is difficult to find people with such personal qualities that would guarantee conflict-free behavior. Almost anyone can be in conflict.

1. 2 Managing Conflict Behavior in an Organization

To prevent conflicts and stresses, or direct them into a creative direction, they need to be managed.

Conflict and stress management is the ability of a leader to see a conflict and stress situation, comprehend it and take guiding actions to resolve it.

Conflict and stress management as a sphere of managerial activity has the following different stages: Zhurlov A.N., Kovbasyuk M.R. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources of the enterprise. - Kyiv, 2012.

* perception of conflict and stress and initial assessment of the situation;

ѕ study of the conflict and search for its causes;

* search for ways to resolve conflict and stress;

* implementation of organizational measures.

The conflict in the organization is almost always visible, as it has certain external manifestations: a high level of tension in the team; decrease in working capacity; deterioration of production and financial indicators; changing relationships with suppliers and customers, etc.

The most important component of the process of managing conflicts and stresses at the enterprise is their prevention. Prevention of conflict and stress is a type of management activity that consists in the early recognition, elimination or weakening of conflict factors and thus limiting the possibility of their occurrence or destructive development in the future.

Despite the existing difficulties in the rational regulation of conflict and stress, effective management of its development, narrowing the possibility of its destructive consequences are possible only on a rational basis, through the application of scientific methodology and its improvement.

1. 3 Methods permissions labor conflicts

There are several effective ways to manage a conflict situation. They can be divided into two categories: structural and interpersonal. When resolving a conflict, the leader must begin by analyzing the actual causes, and then use the appropriate methodology. You can reduce the possibility of conflict by applying conflict resolution techniques.

There are four methods for resolving labor conflicts.

Explain job requirements. One of the best management techniques to prevent dysfunctional conflict is to clarify what results are expected from each employee and department. Parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, the system of authority and responsibility, as well as clearly defined policies, procedures and rules, should be mentioned here. Moreover, the leader clarifies all these issues not for himself, but so that his subordinates understand well what is expected of them and in what situation.

Coordination and integration mechanisms. This is an application of the coordination mechanism. One of the most common mechanisms is the command chain. In conflict management, integration tools are very useful, such as management hierarchy, the use of services that communicate between functions, cross-functional teams, task forces and inter-departmental meetings. Research has shown that organizations that maintained the level of integration they needed were more effective than those that did not.

Organizational overarching goals. Establishing corporate-wide complex goals is another structural method for managing a structural situation. The effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, groups or departments. The idea that is embedded in these higher goals will direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal.

The structure of the reward system. Rewards can be used as a method of managing conflict by influencing people's behavior to avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide complex goals, help other groups in the organization and try to approach the solution of a problem in a complex way, should be rewarded with commendation, bonus, recognition or promotion. It is equally important that the reward system does not encourage non-constructive behavior of individuals or groups.

The systematic, coordinated use of a system of rewards and rewards for those who contribute to the achievement of corporate goals, helping people understand how they should act in a conflict situation so that it is in line with the desires of management. Van Horn J.K. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English / Ch. ed. Series Ya.V. Sokolov.- M.: Finance and statistics, 2012.

Interpersonal styles of labor conflict resolution.

There are five main interpersonal styles for resolving labor conflicts:

· Evasion.

· Smoothing.

· Coercion.

· Compromise.

· Solution.

Studies show that high-performing companies used problem-solving style more than low-performing companies in conflict situations. In these high-performing organizations, leaders openly discussed their differences of opinion, neither emphasizing the differences nor pretending they didn't exist.

Some suggestions for using this style of conflict resolution:

1. Define the problem in terms of goals, not solutions.

2. Once the problem is identified, identify solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

3. Focus on the problem, not the personality of the other party.

4. Create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence and information sharing.

5. During communication, create a positive attitude towards each other, showing sympathy and listening to the opinion of the other party, as well as minimizing the manifestation of anger and threats.

Table 1 presents the main methods of effective intervention in the conflict according to the stages of its analysis.

Table 1. Methods of effective intervention in a conflict by stages of its analysis

Relationship aspect

expert method

Manifestation, demonstration of independence, clarification of one's intentions

Determining the structure of the relationship between the parties

Understanding the internal structure, structuring the relationship between the central government and the participants in the conflict

Maintaining an “optimal” level of conflict intensity

Determining the consequences of protracted labor conflicts, studying the willingness of the parties to implement changes

Differentiation of intervention by types of conflict

Selection of interventions that fit this classification

Detailing of the conflict, confrontation, synthesis

Step-by-step consideration of the conflict, confrontation and the study of hopeless situations for further detailing

Determination of procedures for reaching a compromise for each party

In the proposed algorithm for resolving labor conflicts, relations between organizational subunits are characterized by the presence of interdependence and the desire for autonomy.

In other words, the proposed approach to resolving labor conflicts in a crisis mode of development considers the directions for the formation of such an important property of a commercial organization in market conditions as survival.

At the same time, the manager is offered an expanded differentiated arsenal of interventions in the inevitable conflicts between organizational units.

Conflict prevention methods at the organizational level include:

- promotion of integrating goals between the administration and the staff of the organization;

- balance of rights and responsibilities in the performance of official duties;

- implementation of the rules for the formation and functioning of temporary units;

- implementation of the rules for delegation of authority and responsibility between hierarchical levels of management;

- the use of various forms of incentives, involving the mutual combination and variation of monetary and non-monetary incentive systems.

The following incentive systems can be attributed to monetary systems:

- organization of remuneration in the amount adequate to the labor contribution of the employee;

- bonus policy based on the performance and professional behavior of employees;

- participation of employees in the profits and capital of the enterprise;

A system of special benefits and payments allocated from the profits of the organization and not of a mandatory nature, defined by law (preferential or interest-free lending for the targeted needs of personnel, payment for various insurances, - salary booking, i.e. distribution of part of the profit between team members based on the results of work organization as a whole.

Non-monetary incentive systems include:

- openness of the company's information system, which implies the involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization, staff awareness of all important decisions regarding personnel changes, reorganization of the management structure, technical innovations, etc.;

- involvement of personnel in the development of critical decisions both within the unit and in the organization as a whole;

- use of the system of flexible employment of employees, flexible work and rest schedule;

- the use of so-called virtual management structures, which do not imply a strict regime for employees to stay at their workplace;

- use of leadership styles and methods that meet the interests of employees;

- moral encouragement of the personnel;

- holding joint events (sports competitions, evenings of rest, introduction of new employees, etc.).

It is believed that the constructive resolution of the conflict depends on the following factors:

- the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, i.e., a fairly accurate assessment of the actions, intentions, both of the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal predilections;

- openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening, offer ways out of a conflict situation, create an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is useful for the leader to know what character traits, features of human behavior are inherent in a conflict personality.

Summarizing the research of psychologists, we can say that they include the following:

- inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be both overestimated and underestimated. In both cases, it may contradict an adequate assessment of others - and the ground for the emergence of a conflict is ready;

- the desire to dominate, by all means, where it is possible and impossible;

- conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

- excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, an excessive desire to tell the truth in the eye;

- a certain set of emotional personality traits: anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

It should be noted that in order to successfully apply motivational systems and turn them into an effective way to prevent conflicts, it is necessary, on the one hand, to use the listed methods in unity and interconnection, and on the other hand, their use should not lead to a violation of the requirements of justice. To regulate the conflict at the personal level, experts have developed many recommendations regarding various aspects of people's behavior in conflict situations, the choice of appropriate behavioral strategies and means of conflict resolution, as well as its management.

stress prevention labor conflict

Chapter 2. Analysis and evaluation of labor conflicts on the example of the enterprise Gamma-Telecom LLC

2.1 Brief organizational - economic enterprise characteristic OOO Ga m ma-Telecom"

The main and most developed activity of Gamma-Telecom LLC is the provision of communication services, telephone installation, design and construction work, installation of mini-ATS, as well as the sale of imported electrical equipment. The enterprise was established on the basis of the decision of the constituent assembly of September 30, 1995.

According to the charter, Gamma-Telecom LLC's main activities are the provision of communication services, as well as design and construction work.

Geography of the company: Astrakhan and Astrakhan region.

Legal address: Russia, Astrakhan region, Astrakhan, Volodarskogo, 14a

The main goals of the company:

ѕ Creation of a serious and powerful communications enterprise, whose services and products will be in great demand due to their high quality and low cost;

ѕ Creation of objective prerequisites for further development of the company;

ѕ Expanding the geography of services;

ѕ Development of more convenient methods of payment for goods and services (payments using bank cards);

ѕ Gaining prestige and recognition among clients, i.e. ensuring a stable position of the company in the joint-stock company market.

All types of work are carried out by highly qualified technical specialists who have been trained abroad and in Russian training centers. Professional development for employees is carried out at least once a year.

To date, 116 people work for Gamma-Telecom LLC.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in fig. one.

Thus, from fig. 1 it follows that the organizational structure of LLC "Gamma-Telecom" belongs to the category of linear-functional.

Fig 1. Organizational structure of Gamma-Telecom LLC

All communications are tied to the director of the enterprise, who carries out the operational management of the company. Top management is carried out by the general director, who decides the strategic issues of the company's activities alone. The Human Resources Department of Gamma-Telecom LLC is an independent structural subdivision reporting to the Director.

Personnel department of Gamma-Telecom LLC:

- carries out work on the selection, placement and use of workers and specialists,

- builds a team

- forms a personnel reserve,

- Maintains personnel records.

In general, this structure is justified for a medium-sized enterprise, which includes Gamma-Telecom LLC.

First, it is economically justified to allocate functional chiefs.

Secondly, at the enterprise there is often a need to control discipline, the fulfillment of duties and instructions of the management.

The diagram of the distribution of employees according to categories (top management, middle management, employees, workers) is shown in Fig.3.

Rice. 3. Diagram of the distribution of employees by job categories

Thus, the main contingent of personnel is workers, which is typical for the communications industry. Next come employees - 16%. Management makes up the smallest proportion of employees.

The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise are presented in table 2.

Table 2. Technical and economic indicators of economic activity of Gamma-Telecom LLC




Growth rate, %

Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles

Average annual cost of working capital, thousand rubles

Sales proceeds in comparable prices, thousand rubles

Payroll fund for employees, thousand rubles

Production costs, thousand rubles

Commercial expenses, thousand rubles

Profit, thousand rubles

Return on assets, thousand rubles

Capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles

Labor productivity (production) per 1 worker, thousand rubles

Return on sales, %

General profitability, %

Analyzing the technical and economic indicators of the economic activities of Gamma-Telecom LLC over the past 3 years, the following can be noted.

In 2012, the enterprise developed at a faster pace than in 2013, since the growth rate of most indicators was higher in 2012 compared to 2011 than in 2013 compared to 2012. Improved equipment of fixed assets (5 times), however, the return on assets decreased by 80%, due to the fact that sales revenue is growing at a slower pace. The capital-labor ratio increased by more than 300%.

Sales revenue increased by 23%. The growth in revenue was mainly affected by the increase in the equipment of fixed assets, since with the constant growth in demand for the services provided, the company could not afford an increase in sales volumes while maintaining the same size of premises and the number of equipment.

Therefore, as soon as additional premises were built, it became possible to expand the staff from 111 to 114 people in 2012 and up to 116 people in 2013, and, accordingly, the amount of work increased, which ultimately led to an increase in revenue by 30% and profit from sales by 94% in 2012 and by 30% in 2013.

Labor productivity, however, decreased by 3% in 2012, which is explained by the fact that the growth rate of output was at that time lower than the increase in the number of employees of the enterprise. This was offset by a 15% increase in labor productivity (output) in 2013. This is mainly due to the increase in the volume of work, after the expansion of the company.

Thus, in general, the enterprise works efficiently. In 2012, the overall profitability was 26%, compared to 2011, this figure increased by 30%.

This is mainly due to the indicator that determines profitability - profit, the growth rate of which in 2012 compared to 2011 was 94%. In 2013, the overall profitability was 28% with a growth rate of 6%.

2. 2 . Analysis management conflict ami at the enterprise LLC "Ga m ma-Telecom"

Conflict management of Gamma-Telecom LLC is carried out by the following structural divisions:

company management (general director, director, chief accountant)

Due to the fact that they carry out a control effect on the staff, they are the subject of conflict management.

Their control action is aimed at workers belonging to various social groups that are the object of conflict management.

The staff of Gamma-Telecom LLC, having the necessary skills and performing the production process, is a necessary human resource for production and management, including conflict management.

The physical resources necessary for a person to work include information resources.

Information resources are set out in the methodological and regulatory materials on the organization of labor of all categories of employees of Gamma-Telecom LLC. They reflect the features of the organization of labor of workers, taking into account the requirements of the scientific organization of collective labor, psychophysiological factors and working conditions, as well as the best domestic and foreign experience in organizing labor.

Determining and providing resources is a constant task of the organization's management, which is solved by planning resources, allocating, analyzing their adequacy, introducing them into everyday practice. Analyzing the methods of administrative influence used in Gamma-Telecom LLC in terms of their influence on the strategy and tactics of developing the labor motivation system, I came to the following conclusions:

The organizational impact on staff contributes to a high level of regulation of conflict management.

Gamma-Telecom LLC has:

internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of personnel;

· a well-elaborated charter of the LLC Gamma-Telecom company, approved by the annual decision of the general meeting of shareholders;

· the collective agreement of LLC Gamma-Telecom, signed by the General Director of LLC Gamma-Telecom and the team of employees of LLC Gamma-Telecom, contributing to the development of partnerships between the administration and the staff of the enterprise;

presence of a clear organizational structure of management and staff structures of the enterprise and their annual adjustment;

Availability of clear job descriptions for employees with the definition of the functional duties of the employee and labor rationing.

economic methods of influencing personnel are used, such as motivation and work incentives

Gamma-Telecom LLC uses effective types of administrative actions. The basis for this conclusion was the presence of: clear orders of the director of Gamma-Telecom LLC, indicating the status of the issue, activities, resources and responsible persons;

However, in the process of analyzing the impact of administrative methods, a weak application of the control system for the execution of documents at the enterprise was revealed, which leads to the inefficiency of some administrative actions.

In Gamma-Telecom LLC, the personnel policy is not sufficiently developed.

The main tools in working with personnel are socio-psychological methods. Gamma-Telecom LLC does not fully use:

The data obtained by the method of questioning and testing are partially used when hiring personnel;

· the spirit of competitiveness of employees is supported (monthly, quarterly, annual competition among managers for the title of “Leader-manager of the month (quarter, year)”.

Such socio-psychological methods as:

organization of individual work with employees, taking into account the type of personality, temperament (measures for certification of specialists);

Conducting trainings and seminars for managers;

It should be noted that at present there is nervousness and psychological discomfort in the team in the company, despite getting used to some conflict situations. First of all, this is due to the fact that the enterprise attaches very little importance to socio-psychological methods, much more importance is attached to economic methods.

In order to find out the degree of conflict of employees of the enterprise, the strategy of behavior in conflict, in this work such a research method as testing was used (see Appendix 1). A group of employees of Gamma-Telecom LLC was taken from different departments, but with permanent industrial relations.

Table 3. Group of employees of Gamma-Telecom LLC with permanent industrial relations

The test results showed that, on average, the team is non-conflict, the style of behavior in conflict situations is preferred such as cooperation.

The questionnaires were filled in by the entire staff of OOO Gamma-Telecom.

The diagram of the distribution of employees according to the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the work is shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Diagram of the distribution of employees according to the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with work

So, the majority of employees are satisfied with their work - this can be assessed positively. And if a person is satisfied with his work, this may mean that he does not intend to improve himself.

A diagram of the distribution of employees according to the degree of conflict and exposure to stress is shown in Figure 5.

Rice. 5. Diagram of the distribution of employees by the degree of conflict

Thus, 80% of employees do not consider themselves a conflict person. Perhaps this assessment was not objective, since it was given directly by the respondents-employees.

The diagram of the distribution of employees by finding a common language with colleagues is shown in Figure 6.

Rice. 6. Diagram of the distribution of employees by finding a common language with colleagues

Remarkably, employees who identified themselves as senior management, as well as the majority of workers, answered “Always.” Middle managers, as well as some employees, experience difficulties in mutual understanding.

A diagram showing the degree of participation of workers in the conflict is presented in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Diagram showing the degree of participation of workers in the conflict

Thus, conflicts in the team rarely reach the top management. Most often, middle managers (departments) are involved, and mostly either with workers or among themselves. Employees, on the other hand, prefer to remain neutral, which is understandable - they are the youngest contingent in the company.

A diagram showing the frequency of labor conflicts is shown in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. The frequency of labor conflicts in Gamma-Telecom LLC

Thus, in most cases, conflicts occur once or twice a week.

A diagram revealing the causes of labor conflicts at the enterprise is shown in Figure 9.

Rice. 9. Diagram revealing the causes of labor conflicts at the enterprise

Thus, almost 90% of employees are sure that someone either does not fulfill their duties, or performs someone else's. This situation can be with absolute ignorance of employees of their job responsibilities. However, 70% of employees stated that they are satisfied with their work, therefore, they know what they and their colleagues should do. Therefore, they know the responsibilities, but these responsibilities are not coordinated with each other.

A diagram showing the distribution of answers to the question "Do conflict situations contribute to solving the company's current problems?" is shown in Figure 10.

Fig.10. Do conflict situations contribute to solving the current problems of the company?

So, the majority of workers are convinced that the conflicts that arise do not contribute to the improvement of the state of affairs, but are accompanied only by additional stress for them. However, despite this, the number of labor conflicts and related stress among workers is growing.

An analysis of the frequency of labor conflicts in Gamma-Telecom LLC is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. The number of labor conflicts at the enterprise Gamma-Telecom LLC in 2011-2013

Number of labor conflicts

Growth rate, %

- between the administration and employees, of which:

accompanied by stress











- between managers, of which:

accompanied by stress

% of labor conflicts accompanied by stress











- between employees, of which:

accompanied by stress

% of labor conflicts accompanied by stress











Thus, Table 4 shows that over the past two years the number of labor conflicts in Gamma-Telecom LLC has increased by 12-13% annually. This is mainly influenced by conflicts between heads of departments - they increased by 8% in 2012 and by 22% - in 2013. The growth rate of the number of labor conflicts between employees and the administration tends to decrease - 14% in 2012 and 6% in 2013, but their total number is also growing: 14 - in 2011, 16 - in 2012, 17 - in 2013. The number of labor conflicts among employees is insignificant - about 8 per year, and in 2013 it decreased by 11%.

It should also be noted that most labor conflicts that have arisen at the enterprise are accompanied by stress. For the period 2011-2012 among labor conflicts between employees and administration, the number of labor conflicts accompanied by stress increased by 1.8 percentage points, and in 2013 compared to 2012 - already by 6.6 percentage points.

A similar dynamics is observed in the ratio of labor conflicts both between managers and between employees, and between the latter - in all periods, conflicts were accompanied by stress.

This is a negative trend, since it indicates that conflicts at the enterprise occur in a rather emotional form and are of a deep nature.

Based on the results of the survey, it can be concluded that the causes of labor conflicts and related stresses are the following:

* there is no clear delimitation of powers;

* the principle of unity of command is not respected;

¾ the presence of duplication of job functions.

Thus, in order to change the current situation, it is necessary to take a number of organizational measures to manage labor conflicts.

2.3 . Resolution and Prevention Methods labor conflicts at Gamma-Telecom LLC

To resolve conflicts and the stresses that arise with them, it is first necessary to develop clear job descriptions for the heads of all departments that regulate the powers and responsibilities of each individual. Ensure the principle of unity of command so that, for example, the sales manager does not supervise the staff of the supply department, and the head of the department of work with legal entities does not supervise the employees of work with individuals.

Separate premises should be allocated for the department for working with legal entities and the department for servicing individuals. It is necessary to systematize the documents relating to the company's clients, restore the missing ones, streamline the databases. It is necessary to allocate separate telephone lines for these two departments.

This will gradually reduce the number of conflicts and related stresses, which determine the decrease in hourly and daily output.

The next step should be measures to prevent new conflict and stress situations.

Conflict management involves not only the regulation of confrontation that has already arisen, but also the creation of conditions for its prevention. Moreover, the most important of the two specified management tasks is prevention. It is well-organized work on the prevention of conflicts and stresses that reduces their number and eliminates the possibility of destructive conflict situations.

All conflict prevention activities are one of the concrete expressions of the human ability to generalize the available theoretical and empirical data and, on this basis, predict, predict the future, thus extending the area of ​​the known to the still unknown. This human ability is of particular importance in management activities. It is rightly said that to lead is to foresee.

It follows that the prevention of conflicts and related stresses is not an easy task. Therefore, the possibilities of preventive activities should not be overestimated, although they should not be neglected. In order to ensure its effectiveness, we must clearly see the difficulties that lie in wait for us on this path. Thus, there are a number of obstacles that reduce the possibility of preventing conflicts and stresses, directing their development in a constructive direction.

1. Man's irresistible desire for freedom and independence. In this regard, people, as a rule, perceive negatively any attempts to interfere in their relationships, evaluating such actions as an expression of a desire to limit their independence and freedom.

2. The existence of some generally accepted moral norms that regulate human relationships. Based on them, people consider their behavior to be a purely personal matter, and the intervention of a third party is considered a violation of generally accepted norms of morality, one of which is the inviolability of personal life.

3. This obstacle is of a legal nature and is due to the fact that in countries with developed democratic traditions, some universal norms of morality have taken the form of legal norms that protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. Their violation in one form or another can be qualified not only as not quite moral, but also as illegal, especially since in a number of countries special laws have already been adopted prohibiting firms from interfering with the personal lives of their employees.

Therefore, successful conflict prevention activities can only be carried out within the boundaries established by psychological, moral and legal requirements for the regulation of human relationships. Moreover, such activity becomes expedient only if there is a real danger of developing personal or group relationships into destructive, destructive forms, such as, for example, the rupture of personal relationships, the breakup of a family, the collapse of a labor group, interclass, interethnic or interstate clashes.

In the work of preventing conflict of any kind, one cannot hope for the use of some quick-acting, miraculous means. This work is not episodic, not one-time, but systematic, everyday, everyday. The most reliable way to prevent conflicts and stresses, both psychological and social, is to create in an organization, in a team such a moral and psychological atmosphere that excludes the very possibility of aggressive aspirations leading to a serious conflict.

Achieving this lofty goal is possible only as a result of the consistent implementation of a whole range of thoughtful measures to strengthen relations of cooperation and mutual assistance between people.

Therefore, every leader, recognizing not only the difficulties, but also the real possibilities of solving this most important managerial task, is called upon to counteract any manifestations of disorganization to the best of his ability, especially those that bring into life the danger of a destructive conflict. A universal way to prevent such conflicts is to pursue a line of strengthening cooperation, which is consistently carried out both at the social and psychological levels.

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