Learn how to massage your feet at home. Foot massage, what is it for and what is it capable of?

Freedom of movement depends on the condition of the spinal column, musculo-ligamentous apparatus and large joints of the lower extremities (ankle, knee, hip joint). If pathological changes are present in any of the listed departments, then there is no need to talk about the joy of movement. Diseases can be prevented by regular exercise, diet to normalize body weight, and sufficient drinking water. Therapeutic foot massage can also promote proper nutrition of muscle fibers and other soft tissues. Thus, blood flow increases and the necessary physiological balance in articular cartilaginous tissues is maintained.

Foot massage in Moscow is offered by numerous clinics and private massage therapists. Choosing the right specialist is not so easy. Our manual therapy clinic has a staff of specialists who can provide a range of procedures to treat a wide variety of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Our advantage is an integrated approach aimed at solving patient problems.

In what cases is therapeutic foot massage necessary?

Therapeutic foot massage allows you to get rid of many diseases. In what cases is it necessary? First of all, this is increased physical activity, which contributes to the accumulation of lactic acid and breakdown products in muscle fibers. If after an intense workout you feel heaviness and pain in the muscles, then you should undergo a course of massage so as not to provoke primary inflammation of the cartilage tissue in nearby joints.

As the practice of studying athletes shows, in the vast majority of cases of the development of rheumatoid and deforming arthrosis of the knee and ankle joints, it is precisely the increased load on the muscle groups and the accumulation of primary factors of inflammatory aggregation that lie in them.

The second group of indications for therapeutic massage includes various sports and household injuries:

  • sprains of the tendon and ligamentous apparatus;
  • microscopic tears in muscle tissue;
  • bruises with the formation of internal hematomas;
  • traumatic bursitis of the knee joint;
  • consequences of dislocation, fracture.

All these conditions require a careful approach to the rehabilitation period. Therapeutic foot massage can help prevent the risk of complications and long-term consequences, such as habitual dislocation, tendon and muscle ruptures, bursitis and tenosynovitis.

With the help of therapeutic foot massage, the condition of patients with abnormal foot placement (flat feet and clubfoot), arthrosis of the big toe joint (the so-called hallux valgus or bunion), gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint), coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint) can be improved.

Foot massage - benefit or harm?

There are several points of view on the question of how beneficial massage is in general. There is a completely scientifically substantiated theory about irritating skin receptors, increasing microcirculation, and improving the condition of the muscle frame. Let's try to figure out whether foot massage is beneficial or harmful for a hypothetical patient.

So, during a therapeutic foot massage, a specialist uses a certain technique recommended by a chiropractor for a particular disease. Depending on the pathology, the doctor may pursue several goals:

  • relaxation of muscle fibers that are excessively tense for a compensatory purpose (for example, with deforming arthrosis);
  • increased muscle tone (with a predisposition to dystrophy in the absence of regular physical exercise);
  • regulation of the flow of lymphatic fluid - eliminates its stagnation and effusion into soft tissues, which prevents the development of edema syndrome and venous insufficiency;
  • improvement of blood supply in the area of ​​large joints;
  • stimulation of biologically active points responsible for natural regeneration processes in the human body.

The benefits of foot massage don't end there. It contributes to the formation of a slender silhouette and beautiful muscle relief. It is possible to correct developmental deformities of certain muscles, clubfoot and flat feet.

In our manual therapy clinic you can get a therapeutic foot massage in Moscow at an affordable, affordable cost. At your service are experienced, highly qualified doctors who have their own exclusive developments in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Massage specialists:

Every day our feet endure enormous loads and require special care. legs– the best way to relieve fatigue, but not only. This is also an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure that fights swelling, varicose veins, flat feet (with flat feet they will not be accepted into the army in 2018) and joint diseases.

Types of foot massage and their benefits

Regular self-massage of the legs, done after a hard day, helps quickly bring tired limbs back to normal. Thanks to stroking, rubbing and kneading, lymph flow is activated, blood circulation improves, and muscles relax. As a result, swelling, heaviness, and discomfort go away, and strength and performance are restored.

It has been scientifically proven that massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, musculoskeletal system, nervous system - not only locally, but also systemically. A lot of receptors associated with various tissues and organs are concentrated on the surface of the feet. Ancient Chinese healers even developed a special map with a projection of internal organs and functions onto the soles of the feet. In total, about 72,000 nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, the impact on which causes reflex reactions in the corresponding zones of the body.

Specialists who practice acupuncture methods continue to use ancient maps of bioactive zones, massaging those points that are responsible for the functioning of diseased organs. At the same time, reflexology stimulates the immune system, calms the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and normalizes hormonal levels. However, it is difficult to do acupressure on your own without special knowledge and skills. Thus, the Chinese procedure according to all the rules lasts 2.5 hours and covers 62 reflex zones of the legs.

At home, this massage can be done in a simplified version, using the principles of Chinese, Indian or Thai medicine. It is enough to master the basic movements and remember the necessary points.

In addition to a relaxing and restorative foot massage, there is also a therapeutic one. We are talking about the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies: joint diseases, injuries, flat feet, valgus. These problems require a professional approach, and it is better to entrust the procedures to an experienced specialist.

To summarize, foot massage:

  • stimulates lymph and blood flow;
  • relieves swelling;
  • tones muscles, skin and blood vessels;
  • eliminates tension, pain, spasms;
  • calms, improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep and appetite;
  • prevents stress;
  • activates the immune system;
  • trains cardiovascular activity;
  • gives strength, restores performance;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Video: How to massage your feet

Whether to treat diseases of internal organs with foot massage is a question of trust in alternative methods. As an adjuvant in addition to official medicine - why not. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who has the necessary knowledge and firmly adheres to the principle of “do no harm.”

Foot massage for relaxation and prevention can and should be done by everyone (in the absence of contraindications), both independently and professionally. It is recommended for nervous overstrain, stress, overwork, working on your feet, intense physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle to avoid stagnation and swelling.

To correct orthopedic disorders and joint diseases, a special massage is performed. Main indications:

  • flat feet;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hallux valgus;
  • rehabilitation after injury;
  • leg pain.

Regular procedures performed by an experienced massage therapist help eliminate pathological disorders in the legs:

  • normalize blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • train supporting muscles;
  • develop the ligamentous-articular apparatus;
  • restore mobility;
  • correct the position of the bones.

Foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. Healthy muscular and orthopedic apparatus of the foot promotes correct posture and reduces the risk of osteochondrosis and pinching.

Contraindications for foot massage

Like any medical procedure, massage has contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • dermatological diseases out of remission;
  • acute infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hyperthermia;
  • high pressure;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding;
  • menstruation;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • mental disorders.

There are special movements and massage lines for kneading the legs. If you ignore them or use excessive force, you can damage your joints and ligaments. The motor mechanism of the feet can withstand heavy loads, but at the same time it is quite fragile: it consists of many small bones, tendons and joints, due to which it provides shock absorption.

If the massage technique is incorrect, there is a risk of pinching, displacing, or tearing one of the structural elements of the foot. This can result in a dislocation, fracture, or crack. The injury will not necessarily manifest itself as pain and swelling, but in the future it can lead to deformation of the leg and the appearance of salt build-ups on the damaged bones.

To avoid such troubles, independent procedures are performed with light movements without effort, and complex techniques are performed by a competent specialist.

How to do self-massage of feet

Self-massage is a simple and accessible technique for relaxing the legs. It is better to do it in the evening, after a warming bath. The feet are dried by vigorously rubbing with a towel, then with your hands.

To begin, assume a sitting position with your limbs extended. Bend your knee and place it on the thigh of your other leg. Lubricate your hands with lotion or oil. Do the massage according to the following scheme:

  1. Stretch your shin. Rub the calf muscles from bottom to top, massage the front part with stroking circular movements.
  2. Take care of your ankle. Rub the surface of the ankle clockwise.
  3. Smooth out the Achilles tendon. Use your thumb and forefinger to stroke the tendon area from your heel to your ankle.
  4. Warm up your foot. Start stroking from the top from your fingertips to your ankle. After 5–6 movements, repeat the same with the sole.
  5. Relax your muscles and joints. Fix the heel with your palm, grab your toes with your free hand and gently rotate your foot, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, 5 times back and forth.
  6. Extend your fingers. Grasp the arch of your foot with your hand, press the thumb of your other hand to the base of your big toe and try to gently pull it up. Then rotate your finger left and right, bend and extend. Move on to the rest of your fingers.
  7. Treat the interdigital space. Fix your heel, insert the fingers of your free hand between your toes and make several sliding movements.
  8. Stretch your rise. With one hand, hold your heel, with the other, press the heel of your palm onto the middle part of the foot, moving to the sides.

When massaging the sole, in addition to the fingers, use the edge of the palm and knuckles. Treat your ankles and shins with all the techniques of a classic massage along the lymph outflow lines. Place your leg in a warm place and proceed to the second one. When you finish, don’t rush to get up - lie down quietly or go straight to bed.

To apply the principles of reflexology at home, it is enough to know which parts of the body are responsible for different zones of the foot:

  • head, neck – fingers;
  • arms, chest - the area between the fingers and the center;
  • legs, abdominal cavity - heel and middle of the foot.

Pay special attention to these points if you feel unwell in the corresponding organs.

Features of reflexive foot massage

Chiseled massage is the second most popular foot massage technique after the classical one. In order not to harm your health, you should seek such a procedure from a certified reflexologist, avoiding dubious centers of oriental medicine.

Before starting the session, the specialist conducts diagnostics, determines the active zones that will be involved in the massage, and the duration of the course. A targeted effect, depending on the brevity and strength, can have a relaxing and tonic effect. Calming procedures are prescribed for the evening, stimulating ones - for the first half of the day. Unlike classic massage, reflex massage is not recommended for infants and the elderly.

Therapeutic foot massage

Foot diseases cause constant discomfort: heaviness, pain, fatigue, calluses and corns. But the main thing is that they disrupt posture, cause pathologies of the spine and displacement of internal organs. Massage is the basis of conservative treatment for flat feet and X-shaped deformity (foot valgus) in children and adults.

Flat feet are corrected using two main methods:

  1. Relaxing foot massage from knee to foot and back. The calf muscles, Achilles tendon, ankle, arch of the foot are thoroughly rubbed, then in the opposite order.
  2. Step-by-step treatment of the lower leg, foot and last but not least the feet. The entire area is first warmed up with rubbing movements.

For adult patients, the lower back is additionally kneaded, for children - the entire back. A competent massage can stop the development of pathology, and in children, restore the normal anatomy of the foot.

In case of hallux valgus, a more intense effect is used, aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Rubbing, thoroughly kneading, pinching, vigorously patting the legs from the heels to the popliteal fossa, the back of the thigh, buttocks, sacrolumbar region and soles helps restore the correct position of the feet.

For arthrosis, classic foot massage performs an auxiliary function:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • improves tissue trophism;
  • enhances mobility;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents muscle hypertrophy.

Before using therapeutic and reflexology techniques, be sure to consult a doctor, and trust the procedures themselves to the hands of experienced massage therapists who have undergone special training.

A foot massage is a great way to pamper your loved one and help him relax after a hard day. Massage also has pleasant “side” effects - it will help cope with ailments such as headaches, insomnia and stress. Massage your insteps, as well as your heels, feet, and toes. Give a deeper massage to the ankles, soles and acupuncture points to relieve tension and bring maximum benefit and pleasure to the individual.


Part 1

Massage the instep, heel, foot and toes
  1. Massage the instep of your leg with your thumbs. Start at your fingertips and slowly work your way up to your ankle. Then move in the opposite direction from the ankle. Apply more pressure with your thumbs while wrapping your arms around your leg.

    • Move up and down along the foot two to three times. When giving a massage, you should keep the person's leg close to your chest, leaning forward slightly. This will help you apply the necessary pressure on your leg.
    • Be sure to use the strength of your body, not your finger muscles, during the massage. If you use only the strength of your thumbs, they will quickly get tired and begin to cramp.
  2. Foot arch massage. Using gentle pressure, massage the ball of your foot with your thumbs (in front of the ball of your foot). Use circular movements - massage your foot clockwise with one finger and counterclockwise with the other. Do this for at least 30 seconds.

    • Place your big toes on opposite sides of your foot and work your way toward the middle of your foot. Do this at least three to five times, moving up and down the foot.
    • Squeeze your legs tightly, applying some pressure as you massage them. Light, soft touches can cause tickling in most people, which will distract them from the massage.
    • If a person has sore spots on their feet, do not put too much pressure on them, as this may cause irritation.
  3. Massage the heels of your feet. Move your thumbs up and down the Achilles tendon, which runs from your heel and ankle to your calf muscle. Massage the heels of your feet in a circular motion using your thumbs.

    • You may have to lift your foot with one hand so you can access the heel.
    • The skin in this area tends to become dry or rough, so you may want to apply massage oil or lotion to your hands to reduce friction.
  4. Squeeze and pull each finger. Hold your foot with one hand, directly under the ball of your foot. With your other hand, or rather with your thumb, press on your big toe. Your index finger should be directly under your big toe. Turn your finger slightly to the side and pull it from top to bottom. Return to the top of your finger and press it with your thumb and forefinger. Repeat this step for each finger to relax them.

    • Do not pull on a person's fingers as this may cause injury. Instead, simply twist, pull, and press on each finger with minimal effort.
  5. Move up and down between your fingers. Hold your foot with one hand directly behind your heel. Place the index finger of your other hand between the person's toes. Slide your finger to the base of your toes and then move back to the tips. Repeat two to three times.

    • Be sure to use your body weight and apply even force as you slide up and down your toes.
  6. Focus on one leg at a time. Leave the other leg in warm water or relaxed on a cushion. First, do the main massage on one leg and then focus your attention on the other. Repeat the same movements for each leg so that they are both equally relaxed.

    Part 2

    Deep massage of ankles, soles and pressure points
    1. Give your ankles a deep massage. Locate the cavity below the ankle. Use your thumb or index finger to gently squeeze the area for a few seconds. You can then use your thumbs to make circular motions around your ankles. Apply pressure to the area to relieve tension.

      • If your ankles are very stiff or painful, you can try to grab your heel with one hand and grab the ball of your foot with the other hand. Then slowly turn your leg clockwise three times, and then counterclockwise three times.
    2. Use your fist on the soles of your feet. For a deeper massage, hold your foot by the heel with one hand. Make a fist with your other hand and gently press down on the sole of your foot. Move your fist along the sole in a circular motion, as if you were kneading dough. Then run it up and down your foot. This impact will help to relax this area more.

      • Do not hit the soles of your feet with your fist, as this will not relax them. Instead, use your fist to apply more even pressure to the area.
    3. Apply pressure to specific areas of the foot. You can relieve tension from certain areas of a person's body by massaging the corresponding points on the foot. Use your thumb and index finger to apply pressure to these points to help the person work through specific issues, as is done in reflexology. You can put pressure on:

      • Heels and toes if a person suffers from headaches or has problems urinating.
      • Center of the soles of the feet if you suffer from insomnia or headaches.
      • The little toe side of the right or left foot to eliminate back problems.
        • Use the back of your hand to lightly touch these areas for stimulation. You can also massage them with your thumbs.
        • Do not press too hard on these points as they may be sensitive. Start easy and slow. Then, if the person is not experiencing discomfort and remains relaxed, you can apply a little more pressure.

    Part 3

    Relaxing atmosphere
    1. To begin, have the person steam their feet in hot water with some chopped fruit. Have the person sit in a comfortable chair. Then pour 15 to 19 liters of warm water into a bucket or basin. Cut a lime, lemon or orange into wedges and add the fruit to the water. Ask the person to slowly lower their feet into the water for five minutes.

      • Try gently massaging your feet with slices of fruit while they soak in water.
      • Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) sea salt to water for a more soothing effect.
      • Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils such as lavender, tea tree or peppermint to the water for a pleasant scent.

Every second woman experiences problems with her legs - they swell, get very tired in the evening, buzz and require help. If you want your legs to look beautiful and relieve fatigue quickly and effectively, you need a massage.

Of course, a massage from a professional will return strength and health to your legs, but it is not always possible to attend due to work or financial problems. Then you need to learn how to do a simple massage for your legs and feet yourself. This procedure is pleasant and very healthy; it strengthens muscles, tones blood vessels and increases skin elasticity.

What does a foot massage do?

With help proper massage You can achieve quite pronounced effects on the skin, subcutaneous layer and muscles.

First of all, dead skin particles are exfoliated, along with which dirt, micro-particles of dust, and microorganisms are removed. The work of the skin glands is activated, blood circulation in the legs improves, and in parallel with it, the outflow of lymph from the tissues. This allows you to more actively remove metabolic products from them.

As a result, it improves appearance skin, muscle elasticity increases, and fat deposits become less noticeable, slightly decreasing in volume. After the massage legs rest, relax, relieve tension and pain in them, which gives you a feeling of comfort.

What is the effectiveness of massage?

You can massage your legs in separate zones, or you can fully work out all sections, from the buttocks and thighs to the toes - everything will depend on your desire and availability of free time. In this case, there will be an impact not only on the muscles and skin, but also indirectly on the entire body, since there are many reflex points on the legs, especially in the foot area.

Massaging the arch of the foot will have a beneficial effect on the spine; back pain . When applied to the fingers, the condition of the eyes and ears and the functioning of the sinuses can improve. If you vigorously rub your feet when a cold starts at night, you will feel much better in the morning.

There are two options for performing a foot massage at home - either your partner massages you, or you do a self-massage of your feet.

Foot massage from your loved one

This is undoubtedly not only useful, but also very pleasant and exciting. First of all, you need to position yourself correctly to help with the massage. To do this, you need to lie down on a flat surface and place a cushion or rolled towel in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa.

As a result of your massage therapist’s actions, you should not experience pain, so adjust the strength of the impact, indicating where to massage more actively and where to massage less. The room should be cool, and if, while you are being massaged on one leg, the other feels cool, you can throw a blanket over it.

To maximize the effect of the massage, it is necessary to use oils with delicate aromas. This will help you relax and unwind, especially after a hard day. If the massage is aimed at relieving heaviness or pain in the legs, you can also use warming creams or gels for massage.

Instructions for your massage therapist

It is necessary for the partner to take the foot by its arch with one hand and actively rub the foot with the palm of the other hand. As the foot warms up, you can alternate between using your palms and your knuckles. When the foot begins to warm up, you need to massage each toe individually, moving from the nail to the base of the toe, rubbing and rolling the skin with the pads of your toes.

Then, taking the foot in your hand and fixing it, it is necessary for the partner to move the thumb in a circular motion along the foot. Where the skin is rougher, you can make money more boldly; where the skin is very thin, it is a little easier so that there is no pain. Particular attention must be paid to the heel: the skin on it is usually the densest, so the effort should be maximum.

Then the partner needs to move to the Achilles tendon area, it needs to be massaged with the thumb in the direction up and down, without causing pain. Then, using similar movements, you need to massage it in the area of ​​​​the bones of the foot in the ankle area. And at the end, slightly rotate the foot in different directions in the ankle area. It is helpful to stretch your foot, as ballerinas do, and then bend it in the opposite direction.

How to do a foot massage correctly

Then let the partner move on to massage the lower leg, where you must first carry out warming movements in the form of rubbing, and then use your knuckles to massage all the muscles of the lower leg in a circular motion. Next, bypassing the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, let him rise to the thigh area and, with the same movements that were used when massaging the lower leg, massage all the muscles of the thigh in front and behind.

The massage should be completed by kneading the buttock area, starting with rubbing and ending with active pinching and kneading over the entire surface. At the end, light stroking of the surface of the legs follows. After the massage, you should lie down for about 15 minutes, prolonging the pleasure.

There are dozens of massage points on the feet. This is the most saturated place on our body in terms of nerve endings, so when doing a massage it is very important to contact specialists who will correctly calculate the strength and location of the impact. The photo below shows the main treatment points of the foot that you should pay attention to when performing the procedure.

When exposed to certain areas of the feet, internal processes in the body are improved, spasmodic phenomena in organs and muscles are relieved.

Description of foot and leg massage techniques

The technique of performing foot and leg massage is divided into two stages. The first is short, preparatory, the second is the execution of the procedure itself.


  • Find a comfortable position. As a rule, they first lie on their stomach, then turn over onto their back, however, there are other techniques in which the massage can take place with the patient sitting;
  • The specialist should select a massage cream with essential oils that will help calm the nervous system and have a positive effect on muscle relaxation in general;
  • The room where the massage is performed should be well heated, at least 22-23 degrees Celsius;
  • Be sure to have a large bath towel with you. They cover the hip part during massage.

The massage technique consists of alternating different methods: rubbing, vibration, stroking, patting, kneading. The beginning of the session is easy: the therapist rubs the legs and feet, paying special attention to the heels, ankles and calves, as well as the knee joint area. After this, various circular, horizontal and vertical movements begin, performed with the fingers and palms.

The feet are massaged by gently pressing on individual points with the thumb, rubbing with the palm and fist (screwing).

Massage for the feet and the area from the hip joint to the heels is an excellent choice, both for relaxation and for the prevention and treatment of certain ailments, ranging from varicose veins to depression, nervous system disorders. This type of impact on the body is suitable not only for young people, but also for older people, as well as for children aged 12 years and above.