What is the benefit and is there any harm from yogurt? Calorie fat-free curdled milk. Chemical composition and nutritional value What vitamins are in yogurt

Yogurt is a light, nutritious and, most importantly, healthy fermented milk product.

It is popular in Europe, mainly in the CIS. But in America and Asia, they practically do not know about him, but in vain.

Yogurt has a lot of valuable properties, for which it was loved. Pleasant taste makes the product even more in demand.

Historical facts

Yogurt appeared at about the same time as milk. Refrigerators did not exist then, and milk in wooden or earthenware vessels turned sour relatively quickly.

Our ancestors, of course, decided to try it, and today we have on our tables an excellent product that can not only satisfy hunger, but also speed up recovery from various ailments.

Hippocrates mentioned sour milk in his notes, and Greek and Roman scientists also noted the value of the product. More than 100 years ago, Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov provided irrefutable facts about the benefits of yogurt.

Varieties of curdled milk

There are such types of this drink:

1. Mechnikov yogurt. Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus and thermophilic lactic streptococci are actively "working" on its creation.

Such curdled milk is made from milk with 6% fat content. It is noted that it is more useful and has increased antibacterial properties.

2. Ryazhenka - Ukrainian curdled milk. It is prepared from baked milk and sour cream, which are kept at a certain temperature for a long time.

It is rich in minerals, has a fat content of up to 8%, is recommended for gastritis, atherosclerosis and increased physical activity.

3. Varenets. The product comes from Siberia. It is made from cream and baked milk. The fat content in it is relatively low - only 2.5%. Traditionally, varenets is cooked in a Russian oven, the technology is the same as for ryazhenka. This dessert is served with tea.

four. . A dish of Armenian origin, also very popular in Georgia. For its preparation, boiled milk of a goat, sheep, cow is required (or a mixture of them is used).

There is more acidophilus in Armenian matsun, in Georgian - Bulgarian. The product has a jelly-like consistency and a more sour taste than other varieties of curdled milk.

The chemical composition of curdled milk

Each of the species presented has more or less minerals and vitamins. But the set is standard, and it should be noted, quite generous. Judge for yourself:

  • vitamins: groups B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12), C, H, PP, choline;
  • trace elements: magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, sulfur;
  • macronutrients: iron, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, selenium, copper, manganese, zinc;
  • amino acids: cysteine, arginine, histidine, lysine, valine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine.

The energy value of curdled milk varies depending on the fat content of the milk from which the product is made. The home version will enrich the body by about 70-90 kcal (per 100 g).

Fat-free curdled milk has only 45-55 kcal for the same weight. The calorie content of an industrial fermented milk product with 2.5% fat content is 53 kcal.

Fresh drink has a snow-white or creamy yellow color. The aroma is characteristic of lactic acid products, and the taste varies from bland to sour.

For food, yogurt is consumed without additives or with sugar, cinnamon, jam, fruits and other ingredients. From gastronomic descriptions, we move on to the beneficial properties of this drink:

1. Curdled milk is an easily digestible product that does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is advised to use it during therapeutic diets, with violations of the digestive system and the transition to proper nutrition.

2. Improves intestinal motility, is a source of beneficial microorganisms. Thanks to this, yogurt has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract as a whole.

3. Be sure to include yogurt in your menu for those who suffer from dysbacteriosis, colitis and gastritis (but not during an exacerbation).

4. Curdled milk improves metabolic processes. The consequence of this is accelerated fat burning. Therefore, nutritionists advise drinking sour milk for those who want to get rid of 1-6 kg.

5. A nice bonus - regular use of yogurt helps to smooth out the "orange peel".

6. The product has the best effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It helps to overcome hypertension, coronary disease, remove excess cholesterol accumulated on the walls of blood vessels.

7. Stabilizes the condition after a heart attack due to the increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

8. Curdled milk will help with shortness of breath. To do this, it is worth drinking at least 0.5 liters of this product every day.

9. Sour milk cures coughs. For these purposes, it can be used both internally and externally. If you mix yogurt with vegetable oil and make a compress from this mass, you will quickly overcome a cold.

10. A fermented milk product eliminates a hangover. Drink a glass of fresh cool yogurt in the morning on an empty stomach, and you will feel significant relief after 10 minutes.

11. The product is very useful for young mothers and pregnant women. It saturates the body with calcium and other substances that are no less useful for a weakened body. The recommended amount of curdled milk is 0.5 liters. You need to drink this amount throughout the day.

12. For children and the elderly, sour milk is also very useful, because it contributes to the proper development of all organs and systems (in the first case) and supports their normal functioning (in the second).

13. Curdled milk is great for the skin. Masks from it soften the epidermis, give it a healthy color, make freckles pale.

14. The product showed itself very well in normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.

15. Helps eliminate the effects of sunburn.

16. If you apply curdled milk to your hair before washing your hair, your hair will become shiny and elastic.

Easy, cheerful and healthy - this is how a person who regularly consumes curdled milk and its national varieties feels.

Curdled milk harm

With erosive and hyperacid gastritis, you can not drink sour milk. Also, do not use yogurt with an exacerbation of any form of gastritis.

You should not allow yourself this product with cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, during an exacerbation of ulcers and hepatitis. Watch the expiration dates of yogurt, because a sour drink will not bring benefits to the body.

Do not forget about moderation and be healthy!

Well, in the outback, the analogue of all these fermented milk products, yogurt, is still held in high esteem. The history of curdled milk goes back thousands of years. People began to cook and eat it back in those days when no one even heard of any bifidobacteria.

Domesticated cattle gave milk, but it quickly turned sour in earthenware or wooden dishes. It was a pity to pour it out, the person tried it - and he liked it, the product was pleasantly refreshing and satiating. And soon the beneficial properties of yogurt were also appreciated: after all, it helps with intestinal disorders, strengthens bones, and improves digestion.

Today in our regions yogurt is prepared industrially. First, the milk is brought to a boil, then cooled to a certain temperature and immediately poured into a container, where the starter and other necessary additives are already present. Depending on the desired taste, it can be sugar, fruit or berry puree, vanilla.

You can cook yogurt yourself. To do this, simply leave warm boiled milk on the table overnight, dropping a slice of rye bread or a spoonful of sour cream into a jar. In the morning you will get a drink of neutral taste. And if it stands one more night, the taste will be more sour.

Chemical composition

First of all, yogurt, like all dairy products, contains a lot of calcium. But that's not all. In addition to animal protein, this product contains:

Calorie content depends on the fat content of the original product. Approximately 100 ml of a product with a fat content of about 2.5% contains no more than 55 kcal.

Beneficial features

Obviously, since yogurt is so low in calories, it is valued in dietary nutrition as an effective means for losing weight. After drinking one glass of fruit or berries, a person does not feel hungry, receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, nutritious proteins, and at the same time does not gain weight.

In practice, it has been proven: if at least twice every seven days you arrange fasting days on one yogurt, up to five kilograms of excess weight can easily go away in four weeks.

The beneficial properties of curdled milk were studied by Ilya Mechnikov and found that with the regular use of this fermented milk product, the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestine is suppressed. This scientist was convinced that curdled milk can prolong a person's life and he himself developed one of its recipes.

The use of yogurt is indicated for, chronic,. Since it has a positive effect on metabolism, it is recommended for, propensity to,.

Curdled milk contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. And this means that it must be consumed daily with and, patients who have undergone, or have a tendency to pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Yogurt can relieve a hangover and significantly improve a person's condition in just 10-15 minutes - just drink a glass of this product.

The properties of curdled milk were appreciated not only by doctors, but also by cosmetologists. Face masks based on it whiten and cleanse the skin, smooth and restore a healthy complexion. And if you regularly lubricate her hair and leave it overnight, it will be silky, thick and obedient.

Harm and contraindications

Yogurt is a light and healthy fermented milk product, nutritious, pleasant in taste, but, unfortunately, it also has contraindications. It is not advised to include this product in the diet for such diseases:

  • inflammation of the duodenum 12;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • in the acute stage;

And, of course, you should not abuse yogurt, because it has laxative properties.

Prostokvasha is an old Russian fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk with pure lactic acid bacteria. In other words, curdled milk is sour milk.

History of curdled milk

Curdled milk appeared, roughly speaking, the next day after a person was able to "get" milk. Historians claim that people started keeping animals for milk production 5000 years ago. So we can assume that curdled milk accompanied a person from the first civilizations to the present day. Information about sour milk is contained in the recommendations of Hippocrates (5-4 centuries BC), in the books of Greek, Roman, European and Russian scientists. However, it is not necessary to be a scientist to notice the excellent effect of yogurt on the body.

The benefits of curdled milk

Yogurt contains the same elements as milk. There is a lot of vitamin A, B1, B2, B12 and vitamin D in curdled milk. The most important elements are: calcium, magnesium and potassium. In curdled milk, as in milk, there is a lot of protein, which is compared with meat protein in terms of nutritional value and usefulness. Yogurt contains sodium and phosphorus, salts and trace elements necessary for the human body: iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, silicon, molybdenum, fluorine, tin, chromium and selenium. One of the important of these elements is selenium, which is responsible for tissue growth and is one of the powerful antioxidants. It can be said that people who eat a lot of milk and curdled milk age more slowly, look better and feel great. Calcium is the main element of bone tissue, it is simply necessary for the health of bones, teeth, joints and spine. Magnesium and potassium strengthen the heart muscle, make the human cardiovascular system strong and resilient. B vitamins are responsible for muscle activity, the health of the nervous system and improve overall well-being. In general, curdled milk is a complete vitamin and mineral complex.

How to cook curdled milk

As the name clearly suggests, curdled milk is prepared very simply - it “just sours”. In the natural conditions of the traditional life of the Russian village, it was enough to leave a pot of milk in a warm place overnight to get excellent yogurt in the morning. In modern conditions, you can do the same or just add a teaspoon of any fermented milk product, for example, kefir, to warm milk and also leave it overnight in a warm place. The second method is unoriginal and will be criticized by purists, because. when adding kefir to warm milk, we still get not yogurt, but kefir, when adding matsoni, we get matsoni, etc. Why is such a method necessary? The fact is that in the village they do not sterilize milk, but on the same day they make yogurt from it. The whole complex of bacteria living in an ordinary village house participates in its creation. As they say in such cases, curdled milk is obtained "from the air", from bacteria with which a very specific family lives. It is this circumstance that makes yogurt made in different houses unique - after all, a completely unique set of different bacteria is involved in its creation, which is still based on pure lactic acid bacteria. But in modern urban conditions, with pasteurized milk and total purity (by dairy standards) of city apartments, a catalyst is needed, that is, a push in the form of a teaspoon of at least kefir, which contains the bacteria necessary to start creating yogurt.

Tips for cooking curdled milk

. Use milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%.
. Do not use UHT milk with a shelf life of more than a week.
. Real village milk should be heated above 70 degrees, store-bought milk is enough to heat up to 40. You do not need to boil milk, most of the harmful bacteria in natural milk die at a temperature of 70 degrees. If curdled milk is prepared for a child, then you can perform a classic pasteurization: keep the milk at a temperature of 70 degrees for 30-60 minutes. To do this, heat the milk on the stove and put it in the oven for the remaining time.
. Leave the milk container overnight in a warm place. Can be wrapped in a blanket or wool sweater. Store the finished yogurt in the refrigerator.
. Ready curdled milk should have a fresh smell, reminiscent of kefir. The taste of curdled milk is much softer than kefir, with a small amount of sourness.

How to eat curdled milk

You have probably heard that milk is not drunk, but eaten. Strange people, you say, who eats liquid milk? But the fact is that whole milk is very fatty and high-calorie, it is difficult to digest and can easily saturate even an adult man. That is why milk is not drunk, but eaten. Separately, trying not to mix milk with other products. Yogurt is eaten similarly to milk - separately, in extreme cases with black rye bread and preferably in the intervals between main meals. The ideal time for curdled milk is morning. A cup of curdled milk with rye bread for breakfast gives a feeling of satiety and lightness. This is a real traditional Russian breakfast. Yogurt has a heterogeneous structure, which many do not like, and often it is this heterogeneity (lumps, clots) that repels children from healthy yogurt. Try before serving yogurt, beat it with a mixer or immersion blender. In this case, it will turn out lush and homogeneous, like store-bought kefir or yogurt.

Recipes with curdled milk

Yogurt with cocoa

Cocoa powder, cinnamon or vanilla will help slightly shade the sour-milk smell. If you add all three of these elements to yogurt, you get a very tasty, fragrant unsweetened dessert.


This is a traditional Russian pastry, which was customary to bake in the winter at Kolyada and give carolers for their songs and dances. Carols can be prepared all year round, they go well with strong tea and can decorate any feast.

1 cup rye flour
1 cup wheat flour
2- Art. l. sunflower oil,
a pinch of salt,
2-3 tbsp. spoons of curdled milk,
1 potato
1 onion
1 egg
100 g cottage cheese,
1 teaspoon sour cream
½ st. spoons of sugar
berries to taste.

Mix rye and wheat flour, sift it, add salt, vegetable oil and yogurt. Knead the dough. Cover the dough with a cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Prepare your toppings. For potato carols, boil potatoes and mix with fried onions and half an egg. For cottage cheese, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar and the second part of the egg.

Roll out the dough, cut into squares, put the filling in the center and pinch so that you get baskets. Place the carols in a muffin tin and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees in a preheated oven. Lubricate the carols after baking with butter, decorate the cottage cheese with berries.

Mannik on curdled milk

A simple and very tasty cake made from semolina porridge with curdled milk. Another simple but very tasty delicacy for tea.

2 cup semolina,
100 g butter,
1 cup of sugar,
2 chicken eggs,
1 cup curdled milk,
1/3 lemon
1 teaspoon baking powder.

Pour semolina with yogurt and leave for 40 minutes to swell. Add a mixture of beaten eggs with sugar, melted butter and lemon zest to the semolina. Add baking powder. Mix thoroughly and pour into a baking dish. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Dough for belyashi on yogurt

Belyashi or pies - they are amazingly tasty when fresh. Prepare a lot of dough - whites always run out quickly!

500 ml curdled milk,
30 g pressed yeast (or 1 sachet dry),
5 eggs
1 kg flour
½ tsp soda or baking powder
½ cup vegetable oil
1 st. l. salt,
2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Sift flour, add yeast, eggs, salt, sugar, vegetable oil ground with flour. Stir. Add buttermilk and knead the dough. Leave for 3 hours in a warm, damp place, periodically kneading the dough. After 3 hours, roll out the dough and you can cook belyashi or pies.

Curdled milk cocktail

500 ml curdled milk,
2 ripe bananas.

Beat cool yogurt with bananas with a blender and pour into glasses.

Yogurt is delicious, simple and very healthy. With yogurt, you can cook desserts, delicious dough and pies. You can eat curdled milk just like that or flavor it with jam, spices, add fruits and honey.

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    Yogurt is a delicious fermented milk product with a lot of useful elements in its composition. It has a cleansing, healing and cosmetic effect. In particular, many people know the beneficial effects of homemade sour milk on the skin and hair. The product is low-calorie, which is especially pleasing to girls and women who want to lose weight.

    Athletes (regardless of gender) like to add milk-based yogurt to their diet not only as a source of protein and vitamin D, but also as an assistant for building muscle mass.

    The composition and calorie content of yogurt

    The composition and calorie content of curdled milk varies slightly depending on the method of preparation of the dairy product and its fat content. But the peculiarity of the drink is that the fat content does not affect the chemical composition in any way and in no way reduces its benefits.

    Nutritional value of curdled milk per 100 g:

    The number of calories in 1 cup of yogurt with an average fat content of 2.5 percent is 131.5 kcal. If we are talking about homemade yogurt, then the calorie content of the product is calculated based on the method of preparation and the fat content of the base ingredient used. However, on average, 60 kcal is obtained per 100 g of homemade curdled milk, the BJU ratio is 2.8 / 3.3 / 4.1, respectively.

    The composition of vitamins in yogurt per 100 g:

    • - 0.03 mg;
    • - 43.1 mg;
    • - 0.022 mg;
    • Beta-carotene - 0.02 mg;
    • folates - 0.074;
    • - 0.14 mg;
    • - 0.37 mg;
    • - 0.79 mg;
    • vitamin PP - 0.78 mg;
    • - 0.035 mg;
    • - 0.2 mg.

    The composition of micro and macro elements per 100 g:

    In addition, the chemical composition of the product includes cholesterol in the amount of 7.89 mg and saturated and omega-6, as well as disaccharides in the amount of 4.2 g per 100 g.

    Useful properties for the body

    The beneficial properties of yogurt for the body are varied and significant, but only if we are talking about a natural product or a high-quality purchased one, in which there is a minimum amount of dyes, flavors or flavor enhancers.

    The benefits of a fermented milk product are as follows:

  1. Yogurt is effective in losing weight, as it cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. You can arrange fasting days on yogurt, which will have a noticeable effect almost immediately, since, in addition to removing harmful substances from the body, the intestines will also be cleansed. Diets on yogurt are the most gentle for the body.
  2. Yogurt is quickly absorbed, faster than kefir. This is a milder drink for the digestive tract. Thanks to a rich set of vitamins and minerals that are absorbed in the body within an hour, the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the intestines will stop and overall well-being will immediately improve.
  3. Regular consumption of a fermented milk product will alleviate the course of gastrointestinal diseases, such as colitis, gastritis or constipation.
  4. Yogurt improves metabolism and, which is especially valuable for overweight people.
  5. For athletes, curdled milk is a real find, which not only strengthens bones, but also contributes to a rapid set of muscle mass. Of course, provided that a person regularly goes in for sports, and does not just drink sour milk.
  6. Due to the large amount of fatty acids in the composition of the product, the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels slows down in the body, so drinking a drink is useful for people after a heart attack, with hypertension or atherosclerosis. In addition, yogurt contributes to the prevention of possible complications after illnesses. In such cases, low-fat curdled milk is preferable.

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A nice bonus: yogurt helps relieve hangover symptoms. To do this, it is enough to drink one glass of a low-fat drink - and after half an hour there will be an improvement.

One glass of yogurt, drunk at night, will help normalize bowel function and relieve bloating.

cosmetic application

For girls, curdled milk will help strengthen hair, soften facial skin and get rid of cellulite.

  1. To make your hair thick, you need to rub yogurt into the hair roots once a week for half an hour before washing your hair. Homemade or purchased, you decide, but most importantly - fatty. After applying the product, wrap your head with a warm towel, and then wash your hair in the usual way.
  2. To give a matte face and remove excess oil, smooth wrinkles and soften the skin, make masks from yogurt, mixing with creams or in its pure form.
  3. Another plus of yogurt masks is the whitening effect. This property is especially true for girls with freckles and age spots. After all, using a natural product is many times cheaper and more useful than expensive whitening creams.
  4. A face mask made from curdled milk will refresh the skin, remove signs of fatigue and visually rejuvenate for a couple of years.

There is no better remedy for a sunburn than to apply cool curdled milk to the skin. The procedure will not only reduce pain, but also remove redness.

To get rid of the hated cellulite, it is enough to regularly consume yogurt, do a fasting day every couple of weeks and lead an active lifestyle.

Curdled milk treatment

Yogurt is a natural probiotic, which primarily helps with diseases such as dysbacteriosis. Under the influence of a fermented milk product, the process of decay in the intestines first slows down, and then stops completely, thereby normalizing the work of the digestive tract.

To cure dysbacteriosis, use yogurt with the addition of garlic. It is thanks to this extraordinary combination of products in the body that beneficial bacteria begin to multiply intensively.

In addition, curdled milk is used to treat inflammation of the gums, which appeared as a result of oral diseases. True, in this case, you will have to increase the amount of garlic.

How to cook medicinal yogurt with garlic:

  1. Pour boiled milk together with cooled milk into jars and ferment with dried black rye bread.
  2. Then, as the product is ready, put in each jar several slices of crackers, previously grated with garlic.
  3. After 2-3 hours, curdled milk is ready.

The product is stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. You need to drink 1 glass once a day or every other day.

Harm to health and contraindications

Harm to health and contraindications to the use of yogurt are primarily related to:

  • with lactose intolerance;
  • individual allergic reactions to protein;
  • exceeding the daily allowance.

The permissible dose of the daily use of the product is half a liter for an adult. But for well-being, one glass, that is, 250 ml, is more than enough. Otherwise, the abuse of sour milk will lead to indigestion.

Curdled milk can cause harm during exacerbation of diseases such as:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • low acidity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

A sour milk drink that has stood for more than 3 days in the refrigerator is not recommended for children, since by that time, as a result of the fermentation process, ethyl alcohol in the range of up to 0.6% is formed in yogurt.

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Yogurt is a useful product with a wide range of applications. The drink has established itself as an excellent cosmetic product for women and an excellent muscle growth stimulator for men. Moreover, it has medicinal properties, and is more effective than any other dairy product in promoting weight loss. Almost everyone can drink yogurt, the main thing is to follow the recommended daily allowance and monitor the quality of the purchased products.

It is impossible to say with certainty when for the first time people began to cook yogurt from milk. Maybe it happened ten thousand years ago, or maybe even earlier, in prehistoric times.

Most likely, curdled milk appeared at a time when people began to domesticate livestock - after all, milk in wooden, sour or earthenware dishes was not stored for a long time, it quickly turned sour. This sour milk was duly appreciated by the ancient peoples. In Russian villages, yogurt has been eaten for many centuries, because it is prepared, one might say, by itself, and has very useful qualities. Residents of megacities also love yogurt, although, to tell the truth, they have more respect for kefir.

The benefits of curdled milk were proved about a hundred years ago by the famous scientist Ilya Mechnikov, who assured that its regular use promotes digestion and inhibits the reproduction of harmful microbes in the intestines. He believed that the daily use of fermented milk products, including yogurt, can significantly prolong a person's life. In addition, he himself worked on the creation of fermented milk products. So, in particular, his well-known "Mechnikov" yogurt is loved by all adherents of a healthy diet for its high content of phosphorus, calcium and vitamins.

The composition and calorie content of yogurt

Currently, dairies are engaged in the production of curdled milk. To get curdled milk, milk must be brought to a boil and mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then cooled to a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. Unlike kefir, curdled milk is not fermented in tanks, but is immediately poured into packages that already contain various ferments, depending on the type of product. The taste of curdled milk can be different, depending on the type: from sour to fresh, filled with berries, fruit juices, vanillin, etc.

Yogurt contains a lot of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as organic acids. Vitamins are present: A, beta-carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid H; minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, selenium, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, manganese, sodium, potassium, cobalt, copper, iron, sulfur.

The calorie content of curdled milk depends on its fat percentage, but on average 100 g of 2.5% curdled milk contains about 56 kcal. And the calorie content of low-fat yogurt is even lower and amounts to 30 kcal, which makes it an indispensable product for overweight people.

Useful properties of curdled milk

It has already been written above that due to the low calorie content, yogurt is an excellent product for cleansing the body and losing weight. It is able to remove toxins and toxins from the body. If you arrange for yourself two unloading days a week, eating exclusively yogurt, then in a month you can lose up to 6 kg of excess weight.

The benefits of curdled milk can be compared with the benefits of kefir, although for many people curdled milk is much softer and it is absorbed by the body much faster. After its use, the intestines immediately begin to fill with healthy microflora. In a healthy gut, vitamins and substances that prevent the formation of harmful bacteria multiply more actively, which leads to an improvement in the general condition in just a few days. Curdled milk has useful properties for gastritis, constipation, colitis, enteritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, regular use of this product should be added to the main treatment of these diseases.

The benefit of yogurt is also in the normalization of metabolism, so many nutritionists recommend it for obesity and cellulite.

It is recommended to include yogurt in the regular diet after a heart attack, with hypertension, diabetes, coronary disease and heart disease. This is due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in it, which can inhibit the development of cardiovascular diseases and prevent various complications.

Another important useful property of yogurt is the removal of a hangover. To this end, it is enough to drink a glass of drink, and in ten minutes you will feel much better.

The use of curdled milk is widely used in cosmetology. Since ancient times, it has been used for skin and hair care. If you wash your face with fresh curdled milk every day, then the complexion will always be healthy and beautiful, and the activity of the sebaceous glands will return to normal. Russian women have long been preparing all kinds of ointments and creams on its basis.

Yogurt is an excellent remedy for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, yogurt with garlic is used, which greatly contributes to the reproduction of beneficial microflora. Moreover, it is necessary to use therapeutic yogurt, which has a slightly different method of preparation than the usual one: first, boiled milk is poured into jars and fermented with the addition of rye bread crumbs. When the curdled milk is almost ready, a few more crackers grated with garlic are added to it, and left to infuse for a couple of hours. This yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

How to cook homemade yogurt?

This article has already said that it is much easier to cook yogurt at home than any other fermented milk product. To do this, boil about three liters of milk and cool to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, ferment with kefir or sour cream (1 tablespoon). If desired, you can add pieces of black bread and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

Milk with sourdough must be poured into jars, wrapped and put in a warm place. Usually curdled milk is ready in 6-8 hours. It should not be stored for more than three days.


Despite all the benefits, yogurt also has contraindications. For example, it should not be used for hyperacid and erosive gastritis, cholelithiasis, exacerbations of hepatitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, as well as for pancreatitis.