In what cells of plants and animals is absent. Comparison of features of plant and animal cells

Part 2.

First write down the task number (36, 37, etc.), then the detailed solution. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Explain why poppy seeds, carrots are sown at a depth of 1–2 cm, and corn and bean seeds at a depth of 6–7 cm.

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Poppy and carrot seeds are small and contain a small supply of nutrients. If they are sown deep, then the plants that have developed from them will not be able to break through to the light due to lack of nutrition. And larger seeds of corn and beans can be sown to a depth of 6-7 cm, as they contain a supply of nutrients sufficient for germination.

Name the organism shown in the figure and the kingdom to which it belongs. What is indicated by the numbers 1, 2? What is the role of these organisms in the ecosystem?

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1) The figure shows mucor. It belongs to the kingdom of mushrooms.

2) Number 1 indicates sporangium, number 2 - mycelium.

3) Some types of mucor cause diseases in animals and humans, others are used to obtain antibiotics or as a starter culture.

Find three errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which they are made, correct them.

1. Plants, like other organisms, have a cellular structure, feed, breathe, grow, multiply. 2. As representatives of one kingdom, plants have features that distinguish them from other kingdoms. 3. Plant cells have a cell wall consisting of cellulose, plastids, vacuoles with cell sap. 4. In the cells of higher plants there are centrioles. 5. In plant cells, ATP synthesis is carried out in lysosomes. 6. The reserve nutrient in plant cells is glycogen. 7. According to the way of nutrition, most plants are autotrophs.

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Mistakes are made in the following sentences:

4 - There are no centrioles in plant cells.

5 - ATP synthesis occurs in mitochondria.

6 - The reserve nutrient in plant cells is starch.

What characterizes the humoral regulation of human life processes? Give at least three signs.

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1) It is carried out through the liquid media of the body (blood, lymph, tissue fluid, oral cavity) with the help of hormones secreted by cells, organs, tissues;

2) Its action comes after a while (about 30 seconds), because the substances move along with the blood;

3) It is subordinate to nervous regulation and together with it forms a single system of neurohumoral regulation.

Currently, about 20 subspecies of the hare are known, which are found in Europe and Asia. Give at least four proofs of the biological progress of the hare species.

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1) Expansion of the habitat;

2) an increase in the number of subordinate systematic units (subspecies);

3) increase in the number of individuals;

4) decrease in mortality and increase in the birth rate.

The chromosome set of potato somatic cells is 48. Determine the chromosome set and the number of DNA molecules in cells during meiosis in meiosis prophase I and meiosis metaphase II. Explain all your results.

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In interphase I, DNA replication occurs, the number of chromosomes is constant, the amount of DNA increases by 2 times - 48 chromosomes, 96 DNA

The chromosome set in prophase I is equal to interphase - 48 chromosomes, 96 DNA

In anaphase I, whole chromosomes consisting of two chromatids diverge to the poles, the number of chromosomes decreases by 2 times - 24 chromosomes, 48 ​​DNA

No replication occurs in interphase II - 24 chromosomes, 48 ​​DNA

In metaphase II, the chromosome set is equal to interphase II - 24 chromosomes, 48 ​​DNA

The shape of the wings in Drosophila is an autosomal gene, the gene for eye size is located on the X chromosome. Drosophila is heterogametic in males. When two fruit flies with normal wings and normal eyes were crossed, the offspring produced a male with curled wings and small eyes. This male was crossed with a parent. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and the resulting male F 1 , genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring F 2 . What proportion of females from the total number of offspring in the second crossing is genotypically similar to the parent female? Determine their genotypes.

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3) Genotypically similar to the parent female, 1/8 of the females of the total number of offspring (12.5%).

The structure of plant and animal cells. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

There is much in common in the structure and vital activity of plant and animal cells.

Common features of plant and animal cells:

1. The fundamental unity of the structure.

2. Similarity in the course of many chemical processes in the cytoplasm and nucleus.

3. The unity of the principle of transmission of hereditary information during cell division.

4. Similar structure of membranes.

5. The unity of the chemical composition.

animal cage

plant cell

A plant cell differs from an animal cell in the following structural features:

1) A plant cell has a cell wall (shell).

The cell wall is located outside the plasmalemma (cytoplasmic membrane) and is formed due to the activity of the cell organelles: the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. The basis of the cell wall is cellulose (fiber). Cells surrounded by a hard shell can perceive from the environment the substances they need only in a dissolved state. For this reason, plants feed osmotically. The intensity of nutrition depends on the size of the surface of the plant's body in contact with the environment. For this reason, in plants, the body is more dissected than in animals.

The existence of solid cell membranes in plants determines another feature of plant organisms - their immobility, while animals have few forms that lead an attached lifestyle.

2) Plants in the cell have special organelles - plastids.

The presence of plastids is associated with the peculiarities of plant metabolism, their autotrophic type of nutrition. There are three types of plastids: leukoplasts - colorless plastids, in which starch is synthesized from monosaccharides and disaccharides (there are leukoplasts that store proteins or fats);

chloroplasts - green plastids containing the pigment chlorophyll, where photosynthesis takes place;

chromoplasts that accumulate pigments from the group of carotenoids, which give them a color from yellow to red.

3) In a plant cell there are vacuoles limited by a membrane - a tonoplast. Plants have a poorly developed waste excretion system, in connection with this, substances that are unnecessary for the cell accumulate in vacuoles. At the same time, a number of accumulated substances determine the osmotic properties of the cell.

4) There are no centrioles (cell center) in the plant cell.

Similarities indicate the closeness of their origin. Signs of difference indicate that the cells, together with their owners, have come a long way in historical development.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

All organisms that have a cellular structure are divided into two groups: prenuclear (prokaryotes) and nuclear (eukaryotes).

Prokaryotic cells, which include bacteria, unlike eukaryotes, have a relatively simple structure. A prokaryotic cell does not have an organized nucleus; it contains only one chromosome, which is not separated from the rest of the cell by a membrane, but lies directly in the cytoplasm. At the same time, it also contains all the hereditary information of a bacterial cell.

The cytoplasm of prokaryotes, compared with the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, is much poorer in terms of the composition of the structures. There are numerous smaller ribosomes than in eukaryotic cells. The functional role of mitochondria and chloroplasts in prokaryotic cells is performed by special, rather simply organized membrane folds.

Prokaryotic cells, like eukaryotic cells, are covered with a plasma membrane, on top of which there is a cell membrane or mucous capsule. Despite their relative simplicity, prokaryotes are typical independent cells.

Structural organization of the cell

1 option

1. Ribosomes - cell organelles responsible for:
1 - breakdown of organic matter
2 - protein synthesis
3 - ATP synthesis
4 - photosynthesis

2. ATP synthesis is carried out in:
1 - ribosome
2 - mitochondria
3 - lysosomes
4 - EPS

3. What components do NOT contain mitochondria:
1 - DNA
2 - ribosome
3 - folds of the inner membrane (crystal)
4 - EPS

4. The Golgi apparatus is responsible for:
1 - transport of substances through the cell
2 - rearrangement of molecules
3 - formation of lysosomes
4 - all answers are correct

^ 5. Two-membrane organelles include:
1 - core and Golgi complex
2 - nucleus, mitochondria and ER
3 - mitochondria, plastids

4 - plastids, nucleus and lysosomes

^ 6. Chloroplasts are organelles:
1 - containing chlorophyll
2 - having their own DNA molecule
3 - carrying out photosynthesis
4 - all answers are correct

^ 7. Leukoplasts are:
1 - colorless plastids
2 - energy stations of the cell
3 - stained plastids
4 - organelles of only animal cells

8. Only plant cells are characterized by:
1 - cell wall made of cellulose, plastids, mitochondria
2 - ribosomes, plastids, large vacuoles
3 - ER, Golgi apparatus, plastids
4 - plastids, cellulose cell wall, large vacuoles

^ 9. Single-membrane organelles include:
1 - plastids and EPS
2 - mitochondria and Golgi apparatus

3 - vacuoles and nucleus
4 - ER, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles
10. Passive transport across the membrane includes:
1 - diffusion
2 - pinocytosis
3 - phagocytosis
4 - sodium-potassium pump

^ 11. Lysosomes are organelles that:
1 - carry out photosynthesis
2 - contain enzymes that break down organic matter
3 - synthesize proteins
4 - synthesize ATP

^ 12. Membrane available:
1 - only in plants
2 - all cells
3 - only in animals
4 - in bacteria and plants

13. Eukaryotes include:
1 - bacteria and viruses
2 - plants and animals
3 - plants, animals and fungi
4 - bacteria, plants and animals

^ 14. The cell nucleus is responsible for:
1 - ATP synthesis
2 - storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information
3 - synthesis and transport of substances
4 - storage of genetic information and ATP synthesis

^ 15. An animal cell does not contain:

1 - mitochondria

2 - chloroplasts

3 - ribosomes

16. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum carries out:
1 - transport of carbohydrates and lipids
2 - protein transport
3 - ATP synthesis
4 - transport of water and mineral salts

^ 17. Mitochondria and plastids are similar to each other, because:
1 - have a single-membrane structure
2 - have DNA, ribosomes and can divide
3 - participate in photosynthesis
4 - contain chromosomes

^ 18. Non-membrane organelles include :

1 - ER and Golgi apparatus
2 - ribosomes and centrioles
3 - plastids and centrioles
4 - mitochondria and ribosomes

19. Granular endoplasmic reticulum:
1 - transports lipids
2 - participates in the synthesis and transport of proteins
3 - transports carbohydrates
4 - participates in the synthesis and transport of carbohydrates and lipids

^ 20. Centrioles are organelles that:

1 - participate in cell division

2 - are part of the cell center
3 - have the shape of cylinders
4 - all answers are correct


1 . 2

5 . 3

9 . 4

13. 3

17. 1

2. 2

6. 4

10. 1

14. 3

18. 2

3. 4

7. 1

11. 2

15. 1

19. 4

4. 4

8. 4

12. 2

16. 2

20. 4

Option 2

  1. What structural features of mitochondria led to an increase in the inner surface of its membrane?

  1. the presence of fluid inside the mitochondria

  2. presence of cristae

  3. a large amount of mitochondria

  4. form of mitochondria

  1. What is the name of the organelle, which is a single apparatus of biosynthesis?

        1. golgi apparatus

        2. mitochondrion

        3. chloroplast

        4. endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes

  1. The internal semi-liquid environment of the cell, penetrated by a network of tiny tubes that provide a relatively constant shape of the cell, is called:

  1. nuclear juice

  2. cytoplasm

  3. vacuole

  4. cavities of the Golgi complex

  1. Eukaryotic organisms include:

  1. decay bacteria

  2. lactic acid bacteria

  3. blue-green algae

  4. green algae

  1. Bacterial cells, unlike fungal cells, do not have:

  1. mitochondria

  2. ribosome

  3. cytoplasm

  4. shells

  1. One of the postulates of the cell theory: "All cells are formed from cells by division" belongs to

  1. T. Schwannu

  2. R. Virchow

  3. R. Brown

  4. J.Purkinje

  1. The cells of all living organisms are similar in structure and chemical composition, which indicates

  1. about the origin of life from wildlife

  2. about the origin of all living things

  3. about the ability of all cells to photosynthesis

  4. about similar metabolic processes

  1. The cell is the structural and functional unit of the living

  1. the cell contains about 70 chemical elements

  2. All proteins are made up of 20 amino acids

  3. cells are constantly undergoing biosynthesis and decay processes

  4. All living organisms, except viruses, are made up of cells.

  1. The nuclear structure that carries the hereditary information of the body:

  1. nuclear envelope

  2. chromosome

  3. nuclear juice

  4. nucleolus

  1. Processes occurring in ribosomes:

  1. photosynthesis

  2. lipid synthesis

  3. ATP synthesis

  4. protein synthesis

  1. The nucleolus is a collection of:

  1. karyoplasms

^ 12. The inner membrane of the chloroplast forms:

  1. matrix

  2. thylakoids

  3. stroma

  4. grains

13. Glycocalyx consists of:

  1. from the lipid layer

  2. from the protein layer

  3. from the polysaccharide layer

  4. from the polynucleic layer

^ 14. Ribosomes are made up of

    1. from phospholipids and proteins

    2. from membranes and protein complexes

    3. from proteins and nucleic acids

    4. no right answer

^ 15. Lysosomes are:

  1. single membrane vesicles with enzymes

  2. single-membrane vesicles with nutrients

  3. double-membrane vesicles with degradation products

^ 16. EPS is a system:

  1. microtubules and cisterns

  2. membranous tubules

  3. tubules and cisterns

  4. no right answer

17. Functions of mitochondria:

  1. ATP synthesis

  2. transport of substances

  3. protein synthesis

  4. participation in the formation of the spindle

^ 18. The cell center is absent in the cells:

  1. animals

  2. higher plants

19. Organelles of special importance include:

  1. centrioles

  2. vacuole

  3. lysosomes

  4. flagella

^ 20. With the appearance of what structure, the nucleus separated from the cytoplasm?

  1. chromosomes

  2. nuclear juice

  3. nucleolus

  4. nuclear envelope


1 . 2

5 . 1

9 . 2

13 . 3

17 . 1

2 . 4

6 . 2

10 . 4

14 . 3

18 . 2

3 . 2

7 . 2

11 . 2

15 . 1

19 . 4

4 . 4

8 . 4

12 . 4

16 . 2

20 . 4

Even in one organ there can be cells that are different from each other. But no matter how much human cells differ, they always consist of protoplasm, nucleus and membrane. The shell of plant cells consists of substances that differ from those of their protoplasm. The discovery of the cell made it possible to establish unity in the structure of all living beings - plants, animals, humans. An example of them is the protein of a chicken egg. Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and some other elements. Cellular carbohydrates are a group of compounds that include starch and sugar. In the human body, they are represented by animal starch, or glycogen, which is found in the muscles and liver. However, they consist of the same elements as the bodies of inanimate nature.

Many of the key differences between plants and animals stem from structural differences at the cellular level.

Animals vs Plants

They have true nuclei where the DNA resides and are separated from other structures by a nuclear membrane. Both types have similar reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis. Animals and plants need energy to grow and maintain normal cellular function during respiration. The presented differences between an animal cell and a plant cell in Table No. 1 are supplemented by some common features.

Animals differ from plants primarily in the structure of their cells. Animals, unlike plants, feed on ready-made organic substances, that is, they are heterotrophs. 2. What do animals and plants have in common? General: this is the ability to grow, reproduce, feed, etc. Differences: in the type of nutrition (plants are autotrophs, animals are heterotrophs), in the ability to actively move.