In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed for children and what are the benefits of such procedures? Indications, features and effectiveness of electrophoresis in children What kind of electrophoresis procedure.

Electrophoresis is the introduction of a drug into the body by means of an electric current. The solution of the selected drug is applied to the electrode pad and penetrates the body through the skin or mucous membranes.

How does it work?

The principle of operation of the procedure is based on the phenomenon of electrolytic dissociation. Dissolving, the molecules of medicinal compounds decompose into positively and negatively charged ions. Under the action of an electric field, these particles begin to move towards the oppositely charged electrode. If there is any obstacle on their way (read - the skin barrier), then the ions freely overcome it.

However, due to the complex structure of human tissues, the charges are not able to penetrate beyond the subcutaneous fatty tissue, so they accumulate in the thickness of the dermis, forming a kind of depot in it. Here, the drug enters into ionic interactions with the surrounding structures, affecting the pathological processes occurring in them. In addition, the particles gradually seep into nearby capillaries, spreading further with the blood flow throughout the body.

The effects of the procedure are determined by the pharmacological properties of the drug used.

Advantages of the method

By electrophoresis, the drug enters directly into the affected area and stays there for a long time.

In comparison with traditional methods of drug administration, electrophoresis has several advantages:

  • In the subcutaneous depot, charged particles can be from 2 to 20 days, providing a long-term effect of the agent on the body.
  • The drug substance is introduced into tissues in its most active - ionic - form, which allows it to be used in minimal therapeutic doses. In this regard, the likelihood of adverse reactions is also reduced.
  • Simultaneous exposure to current increases the body's sensitivity to the action of drugs.
  • The procedure is painless and there is no tissue damage.
  • Electrophoresis makes it possible to achieve a high concentration of the drug in the pathological focus, without using blood vessels as ways of its delivery. This is especially important for patients with microcirculation disorders, in whom the use of injections or oral (taken by mouth) dosage forms does not give the desired effect.

Indications and contraindications

As the main or auxiliary method of therapy, electrophoresis is used in all areas of medicine:

  • in dermatology (to combat acne, oily or dry skin),
  • in gynecology (in the treatment of adhesive disease, inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, uterus, in the process of recovery after surgery),
  • in gastroenterology (with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis and other inflammatory pathologies),
  • in otolaryngology and pulmonology (the indications are,),
  • in rheumatology and orthopedics (in the complex treatment of osteoarthosis, arthritis, etc.),
  • in cardiology (for angina pectoris, hypertension),
  • in neurology (in the treatment of radiculitis, neuralgia, neurosis, disorders of cerebral circulation),
  • in dentistry (with fluorosis, stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease),
  • in cosmetology (for the purpose of skin rejuvenation, elimination of cosmetic defects).

Procedure is contraindicated under the following conditions:

  • intolerance to electric current or the recommended drug,
  • blood diseases,
  • mental disorders,
  • inflammatory and purulent pathologies of the skin,
  • extreme exhaustion of the body,
  • severe atherosclerosis.

How is it carried out

Depending on the indications, there are several options for electrophoresis:

  1. Cutaneous. The current is supplied to the selected area on the patient's skin using two electrodes that look like flat plates. Between the electrodes and the body place pads soaked in a warm solution of the drug. Before starting the procedure, the affected area is degreased with alcohol.

The electrodes are placed on one surface of the body or transversely - opposite each other (for example, on both sides of the knee). The strength of the current is adjusted according to the sensations of the patient. Normally, the patient should feel a slight tingling sensation. A session can last from 10 to 30 minutes. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor individually.

  1. With bathtubs. The medicinal solution is poured into a bath, in the walls of which the electrodes are already built. The patient immerses the exposed diseased part of the body (usually the foot, hand or elbow) into the container. The intensity of the current is also dosed according to sensations.
  2. cavity. It is used to treat the vagina, rectum, middle ear. The medicinal solution is injected before the procedure directly into the lumen of the hollow organ. Then one of the electrodes is placed there. The second electrode is placed outside - on the skin projection of the organ.
  3. Interstitial. Often used to combat ENT diseases. The patient takes the medicine by one of the traditional methods (by mouth, in the form of injections or). The procedure begins to be carried out as soon as the concentration of the substance in the tissues reaches its maximum. The electrodes are placed outside so that the diseased organ is located between them.

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure based on the simultaneous effect of electricity and a drug on the tissues of the body. Electric current has an irritating effect on peripheral nerve fibers, along which impulses propagate to the autonomic nervous system. Injected through intact skin, the drug interacts with the cells of the body. This option of physiotherapy provides the effect of a pharmacological agent on the entire body due to the uniform flow of active substances into the blood and lymph.

The principle of electrophoresis is based on the polarity of the particles. Under the influence of a direct electric current, the molecules of the active substance move along the trajectory of the propagation of electricity from one electrode to another. Some drugs are administered from only one pole, others can be administered from both. In order to properly perform electrophoresis, strict adherence to the algorithm for performing physiotherapy is necessary. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.

General principles

Electrophoresis through intact skin is carried out in two versions. In the first variant, a pad is wetted with the drug, which is placed on the skin at the site of the electrode. There are pads that initially contain a medicinal substance. This greatly facilitates the procedure and is convenient for those who conduct electrophoresis at home. The second embodiment is distinguished by the fact that the active substance is in solution, which is filled in a special container, the patient's hands or feet are placed in it. This method allows you to enter a larger amount of the drug, since the solution comes into contact with a large area of ​​the skin.

In medical institutions, electrophoresis is performed through the mucous membranes. The cavity organs (stomach, bladder, rectum, vagina) are filled with a solution of the drug. This method allows you to influence the entire mass of the target organ.

Electrophoresis is the same method of administering medications as intramuscular, intravenous injections.

A complex of substances penetrates into the body, which have an impact on metabolic processes in tissues. In the presence of hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction in the past to the components of the drug, their administration by electrophoresis is contraindicated.


The standard electrode for electrophoresis is represented by a metal or fabric plate. For the procedure in the neck area, electrodes in the form of a collar are used. If it is necessary to influence small areas of the body (for example, the nose), then smaller electrodes are used.

Before starting the procedure, the nurse must warn the patient about the sensations that arise during its implementation. A burning or tingling sensation may occur. If the sensations become acute, intense pain appears, then a change in the therapy regimen or its termination may be necessary. Properly done procedure is accompanied by pleasant sensations.

There is an important rule. Electrophoresis is not performed on areas with damaged skin. Also, it cannot be performed in the presence of birthmarks or pigmented nevi in ​​the target area.

The technique of applying electrodes depends on the location and size of the affected area, the nature of the disease. If a transverse arrangement is provided, then the electrodes are applied on opposite surfaces of the body (for example, the abdomen and back). In the longitudinal position, the electrodes are located on the same surface, but one is somewhat closer to the pathological focus, the other further. This method is suitable for affecting the limbs, the spine. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

Physiotherapy using electrophoresis is carried out mainly by the following devices: Potok-1, GR-2, GK-2, Elfor, Elfor-Prof. These devices are small, so it is possible to perform procedures at home. Self-administration of procedures is not recommended, as supervision by specially trained nursing staff is necessary for the correct implementation.

Examples of drug electrophoresis

In pulmonology, surgery and orthopedics, the practice of electrophoresis with enzyme preparations and hormones is common. One of the most commonly used enzymes is hyaluronidase, which is marketed under the trade name "Lidase". In addition, there is hyaluronidase with the addition of specific components that provide a longer effect - the drug "Longidase".

In order to allow penetration of large molecules such as enzymes through the skin, the use of buffer solutions is necessary. Usually, solutions of acids (for lidase) or alkalis (for enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin) are used for this purpose. Also, an alkaline buffer is necessary to ensure effective electrophoresis of hormones (for example, hydrocortisone).

To achieve a greater effect, combined agents are used. For example, the drug "Karipain" is a complex of papain, chymopapain, collagenase, lysozyme, proteinase and bromelain. It is used for diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, contractures), spine (hernia, osteochondrosis in the lumbar region and neck).

For pain in the spine in neurological practice, electrophoresis with novocaine is used. Buffer solutions are not required for this procedure. It is possible to administer a pure preparation. Usually a 0.25-5% solution is used.

In pulmonology, physiotherapeutic treatment is practiced for acute and chronic pathologies during the period of convalescence.

Important! The use of any methods of physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, in the acute phase of the disease is strictly prohibited.

During recovery from pneumonia, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, bronchitis, electrophoresis with aminofillin, novocaine, lidase is used.

Electrophoresis Options

Medicinal electrophoresis according to the method of Vermel. The patient is in the supine position. One large electrode is placed on the back between the shoulder blades. Electrodes with opposite poles are fixed in the region of the calf muscles.

The Shcherbak technique is usually used for pathology of the cervical or lumbar spine. A conventional rectangular electrode is applied to the lumbar region. The second in the form of a collar wraps around the neck and descends to the chest.

In the complex pathology of the hip joints, electrophoresis of the panty zone according to Shcherbak is used. One of the electrodes, as in the previous version, is on the lower back. The other two are in the projection of the hip joints on the anterior surface of the thigh.

Special options include electrophoresis of the face, eyes, wound areas, nose, and sympathetic ganglion areas. In gynecological practice, cavity electrophoresis is used, in which one of the electrodes is located on the lumbar region, and the other in the vaginal cavity. In proctology and urology, it is possible to use a rectal electrode for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the perirectal tissue, bladder, and prostate.

Features in children

In pediatrics, electrophoresis is used for the same indications as for adult patients. However, the child's body, to a greater extent than an adult, consists of water, and, consequently, of electrolyte solutions. In addition, in a child, the skin has little resistance. The galvanic current used for electrophoresis has a faster and more pronounced effect. Therefore, a separate calculation method is used in dosing procedures.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the child. The presence of diathesis, pustular diseases, skin lesions is a contraindication for electrophoresis. After the procedure, it is necessary to treat the place of application with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Parents should monitor the condition and behavior of their child both in a medical institution and at home. Disturbance of appetite, sleep, restlessness or lethargy indicate possible side effects of electrophoresis itself or drugs that are administered with it.


Electrophoresis is a procedure using electric current. Despite the fact that direct current is supplied to the electrodes, in most cases the device is connected to an alternating current network. Any malfunction in the device can cause electrical injury. Therefore, conducting electrophoresis on your own at home is not recommended. If it is impossible to visit medical institutions, it is preferable to contact centers that provide home visit services.

An incorrectly selected dose of current can cause skin burns. If a burning sensation or intense pain occurs, the procedure is stopped. The device turns off. The burn site is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or an alcohol solution of tannin.

In the office where electrophoresis is performed, there must be a first aid kit in case of anaphylactic shock.

It contains: a solution of adrenaline 0.1%, prednisolone or dexamethasone in ampoules, ampophylline, antiallergic drugs (diazolin, loratadine), a bottle with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, syringes, systems, tourniquet. The staff of the physiotherapy room must be able to provide assistance with complications of an allergic nature.

Medicinal electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of electrotherapy, which consists in the combined effect on the body of galvanization (direct current of low strength and voltage) and drugs.

In ionotherapy, as electrophoresis is called in another way, the undoubted benefits are complemented by many advantages of the combined effect of medicinal substances and an electric field on the body.

The principle of electrophoresis

Medications are transferred by an electric field to the lesion due to the occurrence of electrolytic dissociation under the influence of the current, i.e., the disintegration of drugs into differently charged ions and their advancement to the electrodes of the opposite pole through the organs and tissues of the human body. Approaching the opposite electrode, the ions undergo electrolysis, i.e. lose charge from their shell and become atoms with high physical and chemical activity. To neutralize their negative impact on the body, special fabric pads moistened with water are applied directly under the electrodes to the skin. When free atoms come into contact with an aqueous medium, acid accumulates under the anode, and alkali accumulates under the cathode, which in a diluted form do not harm the patient's skin.

Therapeutic effects of electrophoresis

General: activation of immune, metabolic and physico-chemical processes.

Therapeutic effects depend on the dominant electrode at the time of the procedure.

Cathode (negative electrode):

  • expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • relaxation;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normalization of the endocrine glands;
  • improvement of cell metabolism;
  • stimulation of secretion of biologically active substances.

Anode (positive electrode):

  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • anesthesia;
  • sedation.

Carrying out the electrophoresis procedure

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the selected solution dissociates into ions of what charge - if into positively charged (cations) - it should be placed under the anode, if into negative (anions) - under the cathode to create a line of movement of ions to the opposite charge.

For electrophoresis, various methods are used, depending on the presence of the disease and the desired result.

Methods of carrying out the procedure can be divided into general and local, as well as identify areas of exposure to an electric field: percutaneous technique, cavity, bath and interstitial.

The location of the electrodes can be longitudinal (for superficial exposure), transverse (for exposure to deeper lesions) or segmental (for exposure to certain parts of the spine).

During the procedure, 2 or more electrodes are used, one or more zones are involved.

The current strength is selected individually depending on the sensitivity of a particular person. During the procedure, it is advisable to gradually increase the current strength to prevent addiction, which may be the reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure.

The procedure lasts from 10 to 40 minutes, the course effect includes from 5 to 20 procedures performed daily or every other day.

Features of electrophoresis of a medicinal substance

  • ions of drugs are injected through the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin;
  • increased sensitivity of skin receptors to medical substances;
  • full preservation of drugs of their pharmacological activity;
  • uniform distribution of the medicinal substance in the cells and intercellular fluid of the body;
  • deposit of drugs from 1 to 15-20 days;
  • pronounced therapeutic effect of drugs on the body at low doses of administration;
  • the absence of side effects of pharmacological preparations, unlike other types of their administration;
  • painless administration of drugs;
  • the impact of the drug directly on the area of ​​the pathological substance, without exposing other organs and tissues;
  • minimizing the possibility of allergic reactions to the administered medical substance;
  • the possibility of administering a combination of drugs;
  • The location of medicines on the electrodes depends on the charge of the ions.

Requirements for medicinal products

  • for the preparation of solutions, distilled water, purified alcohol, dimethyl sulfoxide or buffer solutions are used, depending on the solubility of the substances introduced;
  • the solution is prepared immediately before use;
  • the substance should be as simple as possible in composition, without impurities;
  • during the course exposure during the entire course, the polarity of the electrodes cannot be changed, i.e. from the first procedure to the last, the same polarity electrode is applied to the same surface.

The amount of drug entering the body through electrophoresis depends on the following factors:

  1. individual characteristics of the organism;
  2. patient's age;
  3. skin conditions;
  4. the degree of dissociation of the drug;
  5. the amount of the injected substance;
  6. the area of ​​the electrode used;
  7. given strength and current density;
  8. solvent properties;
  9. the duration of the procedure.

Applied currents

In addition to galvanic current, other types of electrophoresis are used in the electrophoresis procedure:

  • sinusoidal modulated currents;
  • rectified currents;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • fluctuating currents.


Electrophoresis is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

Many diseases can be treated with an electric field. Let's consider some of them in separate medical areas.


  1. inflammatory processes;
  2. , migraine, neurosis;
  3. organic diseases of the central nervous system.

The cardiovascular system:

  1. vascular atherosclerosis;
  2. hypotension.


  • bronchitis, pneumonia.


  1. cicatricial and adhesive changes in tissues;
  2. contractures;
  3. burns.

Dermatology, cosmetology:

  1. telangiectasia;
  2. acne scars.

Rheumatology, orthopedics:

  1. deforming osteoarthritis;
  2. post-traumatic lesions of the joints;
  3. inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


  1. inflammatory processes of the oral cavity;
  2. salivary gland lesions;
  3. dental diseases, including fluorosis.


  1. cervical erosion;
  2. adhesive processes;
  3. uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy;
  4. insufficient blood circulation of the placenta and uterus during pregnancy.

Contraindications during pregnancy: preeclampsia, eclampsia, vomiting, risk of bleeding, pathology of the kidneys, coagulation system, poor fetal condition.


  1. adhesion processes.


Up to 1 year - for the treatment of neurological pathologies, the consequences of birth trauma, hip dysplasia, congenital dislocations, etc. After a year - restrictions can only be caused by the drug chosen for the procedure.

  • Allergic reactions in the form of infiltrations.
  • Bronchial asthma in the period of subsiding attacks.
  • Pollinoses.
  • , chronic diseases.
  • Diseases of ENT organs, digestive organs.
  • Disease prevention and relapse prevention.


Despite the extensive list of indications for this method of physiotherapy, it is necessary to remember about contraindications so as not to cause additional harm to the patient. Under the following conditions, electrotherapy should be abandoned.

On most sites it is written about electrophoresis, that this is a method of introducing drugs into the tissues of the body using a constant electric current of low voltage and low strength, that it combines the healing properties of electric current and the positive effects of the administered medicinal substance. But not all features are disclosed, which will be discussed below.

The method is based on three phenomena:

  1. Conductivity of body structures.
  2. The ability of the current to directly influence the processes in the field of application (galvanization).
  3. The ability of drugs to decompose into ions under the influence of electricity (electrolytic dissociation).

The effect of galvanization implies the dissociation of inorganic salts of the body into positive and negative ions, moving in accordance with their own charge towards a positively or negatively charged electrode. Water moves with the ions. As a result, edema with loosening occurs under the cathode, while under the anode, the tissues are compacted and wrinkled.

In the zone of current influence, the movement of lymph and blood increases, metabolic and trophic processes and regeneration of bone, nervous, connective tissue are accelerated, and active substances are formed. These areas with an increased intensity of metabolic processes become especially susceptible to administered drugs, which gives electrophoresis a number of advantages over other methods of drug administration with a relatively small number of disadvantages:



Painless procedureThis method can administer a limited number of drugs.
In comparison with taking drugs orally and by injection, electrophoresis is much less likely to cause negative reactions to the medication, and side effects are much less pronounced.There are fairly wide contraindications to the use of electrophoresis
The medicinal substance is injected directly into the pathological focus with the formation of high concentrations there, but without saturating the body
A significant amount of the substance is injected into the surface layers of the skin and is fixed there for a long time in the form of a "depot", ensuring the duration of the action of the medicinal substance.
The therapeutic effect of the administered drug lasts 1-20 days
The medicinal substance is not degradable in the gastrointestinal tract
The substance is administered as a combination of individual ingredients, and not in a molecular form, which increases its pharmacological activity in the absence of ballast substances

Side effects of the procedure

Along with such a wide range of advantages, the procedure also has a number of side effects in children and adults:

  1. Electric current has a pronounced effect on the growing areas of the bone and can slow down the processes in them or unevenly accelerate and lead to the formation of small exostoses - outgrowths.
  2. Due to the increased sensitivity of children's skin, electrophoresis can cause irritation, dryness, so electrophoresis for children has limited indications.
  3. The increased permeability of the skin makes the baby's tissues particularly susceptible to medications. And even seemingly adjusted dosages can cause allergic phenomena. Read more about the types of rash in children and their cause.
  4. Electric current actively affects the nervous system. In addition to a calming, positive effect, it can cause the opposite effect - increased excitability of the brain, drowsiness without falling asleep, irritability, photosensitivity.

Cathode and anode - the key of electrophoresis

Positively charged particles soothe, anesthetize, relieve swelling, negative - relax, dilate blood vessels, improve metabolism

When choosing an electrophoresis technique, it must be remembered that opposite reactions develop in the tissues under the cathode and anode.

Under the cathode, there is a noticeable increase in the permeability of cell membranes, tissues swell, metabolic processes are activated, cells become more excitable.

Under the anode, cell permeability decreases, their excitability weakens, and metabolic processes are inhibited.

It is also of great importance to take into account the direction of current flow.. For example, when applying the cathode to the forehead or eyes, and the anode to the back of the head, a decrease in the excitability of the brain is noted. With the opposite arrangement, the excitability of the brain decreases. The medicinal substance must be administered from the pole, according to the polarity corresponding to the charge of the substance. As a rule, one drug is injected from one pole.

Physiotherapist Irina Pashkovskaya talks about the electrophoresis procedure on video:

7 ways to carry out the procedure for various pathologies

Examples of how electrophoresis is done for various diseases:
Maxillary sinus electrophoresis. After washing the sinus with a puncture needle, the patient is laid on his side. An electrode 4 × 4 cm is placed on the skin above the sinus, and 10 × 10 cm on the back of the head. An antibiotic, antiseptic or anti-inflammatory is mainly used as a medicinal substance. It is indicated for inflammation of the maxillary sinus of various origins.
Electrophoresis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and teeth. The prepared solution is taken into the patient's mouth and held until the end of the procedure. 2 electrodes are placed on the upper and lower jaw on one side (of the same polarity), and 1 on the back of the head (opposite polarity). This procedure is used for gum diseases of inflammatory origin (gingivitis, periodontitis), to improve healing after surgical interventions (for example, traumatic removal, alveolitis), for remineralizing therapy.
Electrophoresis according to Shcherbakov. A special cuff/pad around the neck, shoulders and part of the back is placed on the corresponding zone, and the second pad is fixed on the lumbar region. Electrophoresis of the collar zone is shown for hypertension, sleep pathologies, and the consequences of craniocerebral injuries.
Electrophoresis of the stomach. A solution of a medicinal substance diluted in the required concentrations is taken by the patient inside. One electrode is fixed on the epigastric region or under the right ribs, the second - on the back. The patient is located on the back, abdomen or side, depending on which part of the stomach is expected to be affected.
Pulmonary electrophoresis used for bronchial asthma, atelectasis, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis. Pre-irrigate the bronchus during bronchoscopy or using ultrasonic inhalation. Electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest and back.
Electrophoresis of caripazim in osteochondrosis, it is carried out in order to lyse fragments of the intervertebral disc that have fallen into the intervertebral space. It is required to conduct at least 3 courses of caripazim per year for 3-4 years. The procedure involves the transverse location of the electrode from the back and front surface of the body.
Electrophoresis of the pelvic organs. It is carried out by the classical method with the placement of electrodes on the skin of the pubic symphysis and sacrum, or in the form of a cavity procedure with the introduction of one of the electrodes into the rectum, vagina. The abdominal method is more effective in the treatment of the bladder, prostate. The medicinal substance in both methods can be administered percutaneously or be previously introduced into the rectum or vagina.

All indications and contraindications for the procedure

Indications for electrophoresis are:

  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system - plexitis, neuritis, radiculitis;
  • CNS diseases - neuroses, arachnoiditis, consequences of ischemic strokes;
  • hypertension of the 1st-2nd degree, atherosclerosis of large and medium arteries;
  • pathology of the respiratory system - pleurisy, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • diseases of the digestive system - chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia, intestines. If - this may be a symptom of dangerous diseases, urgently conduct an examination;
  • diseases of bones and joints - arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, recovery period after fractures and injuries;
  • diseases of the genitourinary organs - urethritis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis, ovarian dysfunction;
  • correction of functional disorders of the nervous tissue in children (electrophoresis with aminophylline for infants who have undergone);
  • pathology of ENT organs - sinusitis, otitis media, tubotitis, neuritis;
  • eye diseases - retinal dystrophy, clouding of the corneas, the consequences of injuries, atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • normalization of maturation of bone and cartilage tissue, especially in children (electrophoresis is used for infants with dysplasia).

We often use electrophoresis at the department for remineralizing therapy, for periodontitis. Get amazing effects. In particular, after a 2-week course of fluorine and calcium preparations, the increased sensitivity of the teeth completely disappears.

With periodontitis, the gums are strengthened quickly and for a long time. Electrophoresis, of course, is not enough for the complete disappearance of symptoms, but without it, the duration of treatment is much longer.

The procedure relieves inflammation, pain, has a resolving and regenerating effect.

Electrophoresis is contraindicated in:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tendency to bleeding, including hemophilia;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • eczema and various etiologies of itchy dermatosis;
  • increased sensitivity to current;
  • the presence of metal implants;
  • on the heart area (current affects the sinus node and disrupts the rhythm);
  • hemorrhagic strokes;
  • after suffering abdominal bleeding;
  • pustular skin diseases.

Contraindications for electrophoresis in children are similar to those for adults, but additionally include increased attention to dosages.

Separately, is it possible to do electrophoresis at a temperature . It is possible if the temperature is caused by the disease that is to be treated with electrophoresis. For example, temperature during exacerbations of systemic diseases of the joints. If it is SARS or more severe causes, it is advisable to postpone electrophoresis.

If prescribed during pregnancy

During pregnancy, endonasal electrophoresis is successfully used during toxicosis.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for electrophoresis, and in some cases it is considered the most desirable way to administer medications.

In particular, the treatment regimen for uterine fibroids suggests electrophoresis as one of the safest methods of therapy.

It is undesirable to use electrophoresis in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. due to the high reflex activity of the uterus during this period, but depending on what the electrophoresis of the pregnant woman is for, the indications can be revised.

Otherwise, contraindications during pregnancy correspond to general contraindications. If there are contraindications to electrophoresis, phonophoresis is used - the introduction of drugs using ultrasound. Limitation - the destructibility of certain substances under the influence of sound waves.

Electrophoresis for children: pros and cons

In pediatric practice, electrophoresis is rarely used. First of all, this applies to children aged from infants to primary school. Reason - more frequent side effects. At the same time, it was noted that electrophoresis for infants and young children is highly effective in hypo- and hypertonicity of muscles, hip dysplasia, and neurological pathologies, although the degree of this effectiveness varies for each child.

Often, electrophoresis is combined with baby massage, which is carried out after the administration of medications and contributes to a better distribution of the medication in the body.

If a doctor has prescribed a course of electrophysiotherapy, they should not be neglected.

To begin with, it is enough to apply the minimum effective concentrations of drugs and current values, and after making sure of safety, switch to the indicated therapeutic values.

In medical practice, electrophoresis for newborns and infants is carried out in order to:

  1. Activation of cardiovascular and respiratory functions.
  2. Correction of the development of tissues of the hip joints. The procedure normalizes metabolic processes in the joints, helps to strengthen them. But. Electrophoresis with calcium chloride always acts only as an additional measure in the complex treatment of hip dysplasia. It is impossible to cure a baby exclusively with such a physiotherapy. This pathology implies not only the underdevelopment of the joint, but also the displacement of its components, which electrophoresis with calcium cannot affect.
  3. Stimulation of maturation of nervous tissues.
  4. Normalization of muscle tone. Why a child can throw his head back, we tell in this. And about the causes of chin trembling in infants.

Separately about the use in ICP

For newborns and infants, electrophoresis is sometimes performed to correct intracranial pressure (especially electrophoresis on the cervical region). This procedure is of controversial use for the correction of intracranial pressure.. The treatment of such a serious condition is also required serious. Quite often, the diagnosis of increased ICP is made unreasonably and electrophoresis of the cervical spine is not necessary for the baby. But it has an effect on tissues and it is harmful to carry out such a procedure for no reason.

Electrophoresis is used to improve brain nutrition and relieve intracranial pressure in infants.

None of the diagnostic methods today makes it possible to measure ICP objectively. The doctor can always draw a conclusion based on the totality of data.

If you have been prescribed Ratner electrophoresis with aminofillin for the treatment of increased ICP without a serious examination, this is a reason to think. Such a procedure can only help with muscle hypertonicity, congestion in the cervical region.

Electrophoresis according to Ratner is a procedure in which one electrode is placed on the cervical vertebrae, and the second on the ribs, on the right side of the sternum. Medicinal substance - Euffilin and Papaverine. It is indicated for circulatory disorders in the cervical region, to correct the functional consequences of postpartum injuries, to improve metabolic processes in tissues.

Also, in order to reduce ICP, electrophoresis with magnesia is prescribed. The need for the procedure is also controversial and requires consultation with several pediatric specialists to make an informed decision. The mother of the child should understand, having received a referral for electrophoresis, that this cannot be the main and only method of treatment for suspected increased intracranial pressure.

Use at home

It is possible to use electrophoresis at home, but this will require certain knowledge. First of all, knowledge of the pathology in which the use of electrophoresis is supposed to be used, knowledge of how to prepare a solution for electrophoresis (the principles of mixing and selecting the dosage of drugs), the ability to use the apparatus itself for physiotherapy. For a person without a medical education, a specialist must show the technique of manipulation and for the first time control its implementation.

If it is really difficult for you to visit a physiotherapy room, try to find a way how to do it. Or call a doctor at home if you want to do electrophoresis at home. Still, this is an intervention in the body, albeit a gentle one. It must be supervised by a specialist.

The use of drugs and their effect

Among the most commonly used drugs in electrophoresis are the following:

A drug

Dosage for electrophoresis


ADRENALIN1 ml 0.1% solution in isotonic solution 30 mlAs an addition to an anesthetic for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - injuries, radiculitis
ANALGIN5% solutionThe period of exacerbation and acute arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis
AMINOCAPRONIC ACID0.5 ml 5% solution in isotonic solution 20 mlInflammatory foci of various origins to reduce the permeability of vascular walls, arthritis, Bechterew's disease
HEPARIN5000-10000 IU per 30 ml isotonic solutionArthritis, polyarthritis, Bechterew's disease
HYDROCORTISONESimilar to corticosteroids. Stops foci of inflammation in the joints, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, spine
IODINE2-5% potassium iodide solutionArthrosis, exacerbations of osteochondrosis
POTASSIUM2-5% potassium chloride solutionWith inflammation of the periarticular tissues, bursitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis
CALCIUM2-5% calcium chloride solutionIt is indicated for the consequences of injuries associated with bone damage, allergies, blood clotting disorders, in a child it is also useful for gingivitis and other diseases of the mucous membranes.
LIDOCAINE0.5% lidocaine solution
NOVOCAINE0.5-2% novocaine solutionChronic arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis
NO-SHPA4 ml of 1-2% solution per padAntispasmodic. It is used for spasms of various localization, mainly smooth muscle muscles of the gastrointestinal tract
PAPAVERINE0.5% solution of papaverine hydrochlorideMuscular antispasmodic. Used to restore neuromuscular conduction in injuries
PLATIFFILIN1 mg 0.2% per 20 ml sodium chlorideIt is used for hypertension and a tendency to hypertension to reduce pressure, with cerebrosclerosis, reduces the frequency of angina attacks, improves myocardial nutrition
PREDNISOLONE25 mg per 30 ml of 1% sodium bicarbonate solutionAnti-inflammatory. analogue of corticosteroids. Reduces inflammation of the joints, ENT organs, spine
PENICILLIN100000-200000 units per 20 ml of sodium chlorideAntibiotic. It is used for bacterial infections of various localization
THIAMIN2-5% thiamine solutionViolation of sensitivity in the limbs, paresthesia, numbness, weakness of the contractile function of the muscles
TRIPSIN10 mg per 20 ml acetate buffer solutionDissolves dead tissues, thins viscous secretions, exudates, blood clots. For crush injuries during the recovery period
UNITOL3-5% solutionTo restore nerve conduction in polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, treatment of post-traumatic cuts (disturbance of sensitivity)
FLUORINE2% fluorine solutionReduces bone resorption, stimulates osteoblasts to form new bone structures, in dentistry increases tooth mineralization, destroys bacteria that cause caries
CHymotrypsin5 mg per 20 ml acetate buffer solutionDissolves necrotic tissues, thins exudates, viscous secretions, blood clots. With spasms, crush injuries during the recovery period
EUFILLIN0.5-1% solutionOn the region of the spine in violation of skin sensitivity, respectively, spinal roots, with osteochondrosis in subacute and chronic course with moderate pain.
EPHEDRINE0.1-0.5% solutionWith asthma, hypotension, otosclerosis, it constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure, and expands the bronchi
fibrinolysin20,000 units per 20 ml acetate buffer solutionWith subacute and aggravated thrombophlebitis, with fresh hematomas. Dissolves blood clots, fresh blood clots

I personally use electrophoresis quite widely. First of all, with paresis, sensitivity disorders of the segmental type, with traumatic neuropathies. With diabetic polyneuropathy they tried, but the effect was achieved only at its initial stages.

The use of anticholinesterase drugs - Neuromidin, Mediatorn - shows itself especially well.

Often I also use vitamins of group B. The effect, of course, depends on the pathology and susceptibility of the patient, but it comes quite quickly - on the 4-7th day.


Summing up the information about what electrophoresis is, we can say that this is one of the most effective and safe ways to administer drugs for a wide range of diseases, as well as during pregnancy. Simple, but requiring an understanding of a number of physical laws and the pharmacology of the substances used, it is not in vain that it is carried out by specially trained personnel. This is a medical manipulation, and the doctor decides on its necessity.

Physiotherapy procedures are implemented in different situations - both as part of treatment to speed up the healing process, and for cosmetic purposes to improve one's appearance. The effectiveness of such events has been proven and tested, which is what makes them so popular. Electrophoresis uses an electric current as an active factor, which makes it effective both in tightening the skin of the face and in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. To appreciate all the charms of this procedure, you need to get to know it in more detail, for which this article will be useful.

The essence of the electrophoresis procedure

The essence of the procedure can be judged from its name, in which the “electro” part speaks of an electric current, and “phoresis” is translated as transmission, transfer. Thus, this physiotherapeutic procedure involves the impact for a certain time on the human body or its specific section of electrical impulses that have a local therapeutic effect.

To carry out the event, it is necessary to use special medical devices that allow you to transfer electric current to the desired area. It is worth noting that during the procedure, the introduction of drugs is often also used precisely due to the electrical effect. This method of drug delivery has its advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • long-term preservation of the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  • the ability to deliver the agent directly to the focus of inflammation;
  • the drug does not enter the digestive system, and therefore is not exposed to the destructive effects of the prevailing environment there.

But here it is worth considering that not all drugs can be administered in this way and a wide range of contraindications must be borne in mind. Many drugs can be administered by this method, including Atropine, Diphenhydramine, Karipain, Lidocaine, Lidaza, Magnesium, B-group vitamins, etc.

Electrophoresis proceeds as follows:

  1. the patient is examined by a specialist to assess those areas of the skin on which the pads will be located;
    pads for electrodes are moistened with special compounds and, if necessary, with drugs, after which they are placed on the body;
  2. electrodes (plus and minus) are stuck to the overlays, the location of which depends on the nature of the problem;
  3. within 10-15 minutes, the health worker applies current to the electrodes, gradually increasing it. Under the influence of such exposure, the drug is converted into electrically charged particles, which penetrate the skin. The main part of the drug is retained in the skin layers, the smaller part gets into deeper structures and spreads throughout the body.

Indications for use in medicine

Due to the effects of both positive and negative charge, the procedure allows you to achieve a wide range of effects, including:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • expansion of vascular elements;
  • removal of edema;
  • activation of the glands.

Given this, it is possible to describe the range of diseases that may become indications for the implementation of the technique for a particular patient:

  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • scars left after operations or injuries;
  • rosacea;
  • connective tissue formations (including adhesions);
  • burn skin lesions;
  • diseases of the vessels and bone apparatus (with osteochondrosis, arthritis, etc.);
  • ENT diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • sleep problems;
  • inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity;
  • neuroses;
  • migraine;
  • with severe pain;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (ulcerative lesions, cholecystitis, gastritis, etc.);
  • the procedure is also used for the eyes (for vascular pathologies, degenerative and inflammatory processes).

Why electrophoresis is needed in cosmetology

In cosmetology practice, this technique is used to improve the condition of the skin, namely:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • increasing skin hydration;
  • increasing the tone and elasticity of the integument;
  • lightening age spots;
  • and blockage of pores;
  • prevention of comedones with an increased tendency to their formation.

During the facial procedure, various preparations are used depending on the desired result that the client wants to achieve: for nutrition, moisturizing, rejuvenation, anti-inflammatory, with a tightening effect, etc. Most often I use either non-woven masks, impregnation with cosmetic formulations, or water-soluble gels and emulsions, which may contain the following substances useful for integument: nicotinic, salicylic and hyaluronic acid, hyaluronidase, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins, caffeine solution, therapeutic clay, etc. .

Types of electrophoresis techniques

There are several methods for implementing the procedure, each of which will be relevant in a specific list of cases. So, the classic percutaneous method has already been described, when patches with drugs are placed on the necessary areas, and then electrodes are connected to them. But there are other techniques, in particular:

  • bath technology. The selected drug is poured into a special small bath, inside which the electrodes are already located. The patient only needs to lower the affected part of the body into the liquid (often magnesia is used in this way to treat muscle and joint diseases);
  • interstitial technique. In this case, the drugs are administered in the classical way by injection, and the electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the organ that should have a positive effect. This approach shows the best results in bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory system;
  • cavity technique(most often used in gynecology). A solution with a drug is introduced into the cavity, and one electrode is placed there. The second is placed on the skin, outside.
    There is the so-called capillary electrophoresis, which is being actively developed as a method of separating complex mixtures into components of various nature.

Benefits of the procedure for children and infants

The procedure can be prescribed even for children under the age of one year, which confirms its safety, subject to all the rules and recommendations for implementation. In childhood, the event can be implemented in order to treat the following ailments:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • not complex neurological disorders;
  • violation of muscle tone (its increase or decrease). It is worth noting that the problem of increased muscle tone is quite common and serious, as it threatens to disrupt the normal development of the baby;
  • diathesis;
  • burn skin lesions;
  • diseases that are accompanied by severe pain.

Each individual child reacts differently to the implemented activities - someone is quiet and calm, and someone is rather irritable and nervous. For this reason, the decision to conduct a whole course of procedures is made by the doctor, taking into account not only the indications and condition of the baby, but also his reaction to electrophoresis.

What is useful during pregnancy and in gynecology

Electrophoresis is considered the most optimal method that can be used for pregnant women in order to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tone, including the uterus. If during pregnancy a woman is concerned about kidney disease, eclampsia, poor fetal condition, low blood clotting or frequent vomiting, this method is prohibited.

In gynecological practice, the electrophoresis method is designed to combat inflammatory processes of a chronic nature, while the most appropriate are procedures that are carried out in a strip way with the simultaneous administration of antibiotic drugs.

Solutions for the procedure

Conducting electrophoresis with drugs is prescribed by a doctor, and specific medications must meet several criteria. For this method of administration, they must necessarily penetrate the skin, and which remedy will be prescribed depends on the diagnosis. Most often in medical practice, the following drugs are used:

  • for pain relief - procedures with novocaine, lidocaine, codeine;
  • a procedure with lidase, with calcium, with calcium chloride or caripazine (a drug that is made according to the method of extracting an extract from a melon tree) is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • electrophoresis with aminophylline, potassium or magnesium is used for heart diseases;
    papain helps with burns;
  • with hydrocortisone (for joint problems);
  • streptocide - for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, infections of the reproductive system and diseases of the digestive tract.

Apparatus for electrophoresis treatment at home

It is quite possible to implement such a procedure at home, but for this it is necessary to have special equipment. Undoubtedly, the implementation of the procedure should take place only after its appointment by a doctor, after which it is necessary to carefully study all the rules described in the instructions for the device, in particular, the methods of installing electrodes. Compliance with safety regulations is of no small importance.

Video: how to do drug electrophoresis at home

Knowing the technology of conducting a therapeutic event, there will be no special problems - all you need to do is follow the instructions. This video provides detailed information regarding the preparation of the procedure and the methodology for its implementation for pain in the lumbar spine.

Harm and side effects from the use of electrophoresis

It is worth noting that, subject to all the rules, the procedure does not lead to any side effects. Possible harm may be due solely to individual intolerance to the drugs and the presence of slight redness in the area of ​​​​attachment of the electrodes, which quickly disappears on its own.

Contraindications to treatment

The described method can be called affordable and universal, but not everyone will be able to take advantage of its benefits. So, electrophoresis becomes impossible at elevated temperature, bronchial asthma, during the acute phase of inflammation, with heart failure, the presence of tumors in different locations, and a tendency to bleed. In addition to the possibility of an allergy to a drug, there is also the possibility of intolerance to electric current, which is also one of the contraindications. If there are damages to the integrity of the skin in the area where the electrodes are applied, then the procedure cannot be implemented either.