In what cases they call an ambulance: symptoms of diseases, high fever, heart disease and other reasons, rules for calling and standards for the arrival of an ambulance. Calling an ambulance: when to call and why cancel? When to call an ambulance

80% of ambulance calls in Voronezh these days are associated with flu and cold symptoms and fever. As we already wrote, because of the mass hysteria with the flu epidemic, sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity - when people call an ambulance at a temperature of 37.2. How to call an ambulance correctly, which calls are serviced in the first place, and when is it better not to call an ambulance at all? We talked about all this with the staff of the ambulance service.

How long does it take from the call to the arrival of the ambulance?

First of all, it is necessary to separate ambulance and ambulance. An ambulance arrives at the request of citizens when there is a threat to life (serious injury, impaired consciousness, breathing, blood circulation, etc.) or if the patient becomes ill on the street. The ambulance arrival time is 20 minutes.

An ambulance arrives if a person complains over the phone about a temperature, an exacerbation of a chronic illness, when there is no immediate threat to a person's life. The arrival time of the ambulance is 2 hours.

Which calls are handled first?

As they said "MY!" ambulance workers, there are unspoken priorities within the service. The following challenges are considered the most important and urgent:

  • for an accident;
  • a call to a child under 3 years old with a high temperature (because it is fraught with convulsions);
  • heart attacks, suspected stroke, respiratory failure, loss of consciousness;
  • childbirth, the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • severe injuries, burns, bleeding.

How to call an ambulance?

You can call an ambulance by calling: 03 (only from a landline number), 112 (single emergency number), 103 (from all rooms) , 003 (for Beeline subscribers), 030 (Megafon, MTS, Tele2).

When you call an ambulance, you need to list all the symptoms of the patient as clearly as possible and, if necessary, answer the questions of the dispatcher. Enter your address correctly and be sure to specify the waiting time. But the ambulance workers have their own secrets.

- There are such cherished words: “Bad heart, 35-40 years old,” says one of the former ambulance workers Denis. “These are challenges for which you can later get, if something goes wrong ... After all, this is the age of a person in the prime of life and it is impossible to write off the disease for old age. This person has relatives, a husband-wife, who will not stop later. And the heart can be very serious. Therefore, they try to leave without delay for “bad heart” at this age.

- And if they come, and there is a pensioner sitting there?

- Well, of course, he can always say that he was mistaken in age, they say, I'm sorry. True, for such things, doctors can take revenge slightly. For example, inject furosemide (diuretic. - “Yo!”) With sleeping pills. It’s not dangerous, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s insulting, - Denis laughs, and it’s not clear whether he is joking, or whether this really happened in his practice ...

When can you do without an ambulance?

“If you have a high temperature, your head is splitting from pain, or a chronic disease has worsened (for example, you have seized your lower back so that you can’t get up) and it’s a weekday, call the doctor at home,” advises paramedic Natalya. “Waiting time will be about the same as the ambulance, but the therapist will at least prescribe treatment for you. And if the local doctor decides that you need hospitalization, he himself will call for transportation. First aid does not cure! We often think that an ambulance will come, give a magic injection or give a pill - and you are healthy. Not! An ambulance provides first aid. Treatment in clinics and hospitals. And when calling an ambulance for fever or lower back pain, keep in mind that you may be tearing this team away from those patients who are at this moment deciding the issue of life and death. If, of course, a high temperature or pain caught you on a day off, when clinics are closed and there is no urine, then, of course, it makes sense to call an ambulance.

  • from a landline telephone number 03 and 103;
  • from a mobile phone (for all operators) by numbers 103 and 112.

As a rule, the connection with the operator "103" occurs within a few seconds, however, by calling "103" during the hours of mass incoming calls, you can hear the information of the answering machine: "Hello. You called the Unified Dispatch Center for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care of the city of Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you.”

Wait for an answer, do not hang up - otherwise, dialing again, you will again find yourself at the end of the queue of calls to the line.

2. What should I tell the dispatcher when calling an ambulance?

  • in short: what happened, what help is needed;
  • the phone number you are calling from;
  • the address where the patient is located (if a person needs help on the street, indicate clear guidelines; if a call to an apartment, indicate the place of the nearest arrival to the house, the number of the entrance, floor, code lock);
  • surname, name, patronymic (if known);
  • date of birth (if known) or age of the patient;
  • your last name.

3. How to call a doctor at home?

"How to call an ambulance"
The ambulance service combines all the best that has been created to date in the field of ambulance and emergency care. These are sensitivity, care for the patient, availability, combined with the high professionalism of the staff. The EMS service works around the clock and provides assistance to all sick victims who are at home, on the street, at work, in all conditions that threaten the health or life of citizens. Timely medical care can save lives and preserve human health!

Even the healthiest person can suddenly fall ill. And then the ambulance service phone, familiar to all of us from childhood, “03”, pops up in our memory. But nowadays the list of numbers has been supplemented with new ones, which you can also call if you need to call an ambulance.

  1. Call from landline: 03
  2. Calling from a mobile (cellular) phone:

2.1. By number 103;

2.2. If your mobile device does not support two-digit dialing: 03*;

2.3. From MTS mobile phones: 030;

2.4. From Megafon phones: 030;

2.5. From Beeline cell phones: 003;

2.6. From Sky-Link cell phones: 903;

2.7. From TELE2 mobile phones: 030;

2.8. From U-tel phones: 030;

2.9. From mobile phones "Motive": 903;

2.10. Call via number 112: call "112" and after answer dial 3.

Calling from the emergency number 112 is possible:

If there are no funds in your account,

When the SIM card is locked,

If there is no SIM card in the phone.

The call is free!

3. St. Petersburg GBUZ "Emergency Medical Station" receives calls from the population of the Kolpinsky district, including the city of Kolpino, the village of Metallostroy, the village of Ust-Izhora, the village of Ponton, the village of Saperny, the village of Petro-Slavyanka.

The ambulance service is availability combined with high professionalism of employees, it is multifaceted medical knowledge combined with experience, it is sensitivity and care for the patient.

The ambulance works around the clock and without a break for lunch. It provides assistance to all sick and injured people at home, at work, on the street; under all conditions that threaten the health or life of citizens.

Ambulance is the only free medical service. Even if you do not have a medical insurance policy, the call will not be denied.

When calling an ambulance, try to clearly articulate why you are calling an ambulance. The information you provide depends on which team the dispatcher will send to you.

Without indignation, clearly and clearly try to answer all the questions of the “03” service dispatcher:

It is necessary to name the exact address of the call, clarify the ways of access to the location of the patient;
- name the surname, name, patronymic of the patient, his age (if you know them);
- report the phone number from which the call was made;
- inform the dispatcher as accurately as possible when the person fell ill, whether the doctor (medical worker) has already visited him;
- if the patient has a history of acute myocardial infarction or stroke, report in what year it happened;
- clearly describe the symptoms of the disease and complaints of the patient;
- if the patient took alcohol shortly before calling the ambulance, do not hesitate to report it. The ambulance will not leave the patient without help;
- if an accident occurred (traffic accident, fire, etc.), be sure to indicate the number of victims, whether there are dead, injured, children. Answer clearly, without emotions and backstories. Nervous speech, shouting into the phone will delay the call and may cost the life of the victim. Specify the exact location of the incident and landmarks. If the incident happened outside the city, indicate the direction, the name of the route, the nearest settlement, the distance from the city and be sure someone must meet the brigade.

Having picked up a call card, the doctor already begins to “work” with the patient. The reason for the call, the dispatcher's comments, age, gender of the patient, time of day - create several options for the diagnosis in the doctor's head, help him concentrate. And therefore, when the caller deliberately indicates the wrong reason, trying to “speed up” the call (most often it “dies”), the discrepancy between the picture seen and the established algorithms confuse the doctor and delay the service time. Yes, and to the patient, purely human. For a deliberate lie - a different attitude.

Make sure you meet the ambulance.

When you call an ambulance, don't panic. If the patient gets worse, do not hesitate to call 03 again and describe the current situation. They will give you practical advice, speed up the call.

Trying to help the patient, act according to the principle - "Do no harm!". Unskillful help can harm the patient.

Sit with the patient, help him take a more comfortable position, calm him down. If the dispatcher or the senior shift doctor has given you advice, by all means follow it. Before the ambulance arrives, prepare a chair for the doctor, free up space on the table to lay out the necessary medicines.

If you have animals at home - cats, dogs - it is better to close them in another room.

Prepare in advance the medicines that the patient used before the ambulance arrived, if any - the patient's outpatient card, extracts from hospitals where the patient was previously treated, previously made electrocardiograms (for cardiovascular pathology).

An ambulance arrived - do not interfere with the doctor's work, do not advise him, do not interfere in the process of providing assistance, clearly follow the doctor's orders, answer the questions asked.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently call an ambulance team?

An ambulance must be called in case of accidents and conditions of life-threatening patients who need immediate medical attention. In all cases of acute diseases that occur on the street, in public places, institutions, etc.. In case of mass catastrophes and natural disasters, in case of accidents (various types of injuries, wounds, burns, electric shock and lightning, loss of consciousness).

Reasons for calling:

  1. Catastrophe, accident, explosion, fire, mass poisoning.
  2. All kinds of injuries, falls from a height, accidents, sudden illnesses at work, in institutions, public places, on the street, childbirth.
  3. Gunshot wounds, regardless of the location of the wound.
  4. Burns.
  5. Frostbite (outside the home).
  6. Electric shock and lightning damage.
  7. Solar and heat stroke.
  8. Drowning.
  9. Hangings.
  10. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract, threatening the life of the victim.
  11. Household injuries, with damage to the musculoskeletal system and head.
  12. All types of massive bleeding (gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, uterine ...)
  13. All kinds of shock.
  14. Poisoning, including heavy food.
  15. Pathological premature birth, childbirth.
  16. Sudden loss of consciousness, severe dizziness, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    Visits to children with convulsive and hyperthermic syndrome, toxic pneumonia.
    Comas of various etiologies.
  17. All cases where the reason for the call is "dies".
  18. Asthmatic status, asthma.
  19. Pulmonary edema.
  20. Pain in the region of the heart, especially in middle-aged and elderly people,
    accompanied by loss of consciousness, severe shortness of breath, profuse
    sweating, abdominal pain, vomiting.
  21. Acute cardiac arrhythmias.
  22. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation, if the call was not previously served by a doctor.
  23. Sudden pain in the abdomen, such as "stabbed with a dagger" or accompanied by loss
  24. Anaphylactic shock, allergic conditions associated with the introduction or
    overdose of drugs and foreign proteins.
  25. Attempted murder or suicide.
  26. Turned blue.
  27. Suffocating.
  28. Wheezing.
  29. Lying man

Signs of a possible myocardial infarction.

A heart attack can develop at any time and anywhere, but it is more common during the night or early morning hours, or several hours after physical or emotional stress.

The attack is characterized by the appearance of very severe pain behind the sternum, extending to the left shoulder blade, left shoulder, left arm, sometimes the neck. The pain lasts more than 20 minutes, may be accompanied by severe weakness, cold sticky sweat, palpitations, shortness of breath, fear of death.

Taking nitroglycerin either does not help or relieves pain for a short time. Urgently call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of the brigade, you need to lie down. Don't worry, chew 1 aspirin and place 1 nitroglycerin under your tongue.

Signs of a possible stroke.

A possible stroke is characterized by numbness and weakness of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, especially one half of the body. Sudden severe headache, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, difficulty speaking, blurred vision. In severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

Saving a life is a very serious matter.

If you cannot understand what happened to the person, do not try to help yourself, this can harm the patient. Call an ambulance, do not waste precious time. It is better if the ambulance doctor tells you that there was no need to call an ambulance than the sick or injured person does not receive timely medical assistance.

If the patient does not need emergency medical care, can independently reach the clinic and needs to be prescribed treatment, contact the clinic at the place of residence. You need to know that the ambulance doctor does not have the right to prescribe treatment, he makes a preliminary diagnosis, on the basis of which he provides symptomatic assistance or hospitalizes the patient in the appropriate hospital for examination and treatment. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor who observes the patient. An ambulance doctor does not give a sick leave, does not write a prescription.

You should not contact the emergency medical service in cases where the state of health does not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. By unreasonably calling an ambulance, you can unwittingly damage the health of another person, to whom the ambulance may not be in time.

We all suspect how busy the ambulance staff is, and we hear how they make fun of those who call an ambulance “for every sneeze”. But health is such a thing - it is better to overdo it than not do it. If something from the list below happens to you, it is better to call an ambulance.

1. For the first time there was a strong pressing pain behind the sternum

The pain in this case can be different - pressing, bursting, burning, or as if breathless. It can be given to the lower jaw, left arm and to the place about which we speak "under the stomach". Most often, it appears after physical or emotional stress, but it can also occur for no apparent reason.

What could it be: a heart attack.

Up to 40% of myocardial infarctions occur without previous angina, against the background of complete well-being. Angina pectoris or “angina pectoris” is a sharp pain or discomfort in the chest area caused by a lack of blood supply to a certain part of the heart.

By itself, angina pectoris for the first time is also very dangerous, it indicates the instability of an atherosclerotic plaque in one of the coronary vessels. Therefore, at the first appearance of such pain in life, you need to contact a cardiologist as soon as possible, and if the pain does not go away in 15 minutes, call an ambulance.

2. Sharp pain in the center of the abdomen

After a few hours, it rises and descends into the iliac region - the place that is located in the lower parts of the right side. Usually not accompanied by diarrhea, but in parallel, nausea, vomiting (usually single), the body temperature is kept at 37-38 degrees.

What it could be: acute appendicitis.

By the way, not only the risk of complications depends on the timing of hospitalization, but also the method of the operation and what kind of scar will remain. If the inflammation of the process is catarrhal (i.e., only the mucous membrane is inflamed), it can be removed laparoscopically - through small incisions.

3. Same symptoms plus loose stools

The temperature rises once and immediately drops within an hour or two.

What it could be: biliary dyskinesia.

4. Blood in the sputum

If you clear your throat and see not only sputum, but also blood on your hand or handkerchief, you should consult a doctor. Yes, it can be a slight mechanical damage to a small vessel, but it can also be something serious. Better check.

What it could be: pneumonia, tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, heart problems, and other serious illnesses.

5. Blood in the urine

If you have not eaten beets or anything else coloring, and the urine is reddish, then be sure to quickly consult a doctor.

What it could be: trauma (kidney damage), kidney stones and other serious ailments.

6. Blood in the vomit

It may well be that a small vessel has burst somewhere, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

What could it be: bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, varicose veins).

7. Blood in stool

Be sure to check your excrement. A simple method of health analysis that will help to stop serious diseases in time.

What it could be: red blood - problems in the rectum; black - problems in the upper gastrointestinal tract, stomach or duodenal ulcer, varicose veins.

With heavy pulmonary or gastrointestinal bleeding, an ambulance should be called immediately.

8. Severe spasmodic low back pain (colic)

Feels stronger on the left or right. The pain is accompanied by nausea. Usually, patients who have previously encountered this problem stop colic by taking an antispasmodic tablet and lying down in a hot bath. But, if the pain arose for the first time, you should not do this, so as not to “lubricate” the symptom, and the doctor was able to make an accurate diagnosis.

What could it be: blockage of the urinary tract with a stone in urolithiasis.

9. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium (may radiate to the shoulder or back) or any sharp, sudden pain in the abdomen

It is accompanied by vomiting, possibly with an admixture of bile, stool disorders, the temperature is kept at the level of 37.1-38.0 degrees C.

Any sudden onset of severe abdominal pain requires immediate medical attention. Its source may be inflammation of the pancreas - acute pancreatitis, and the most pronounced sensations are given by perforation (breakthrough) of a stomach or duodenal ulcer into the abdominal cavity.

What could it be: stones in the gallbladder.

10. Sudden dizziness and severe headache

Symptoms are accompanied by visual impairment, increasing weakness in the arm and leg (most often on one side), memory problems, and speech changes.

What it could be: Possible stroke.

11. Sudden disturbance or loss of vision and dizziness

There are sensations that shakes. Moreover, other symptoms of the disease may not appear.

What could it be: cerebral stroke of various localization.

12. Growing suffocation

Especially if it is associated with an insect bite, taking a new medicine, new food (among these products are fish, seafood, eggs, nuts, cow's milk, legumes), as well as with a change in the usual climate. Blood pressure is very low (60/40), the skin turns blue, sweating, panic attack, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, frequent pulse appear. Seizures are possible.

What it could be: Anaphylactic shock, that is, a severe reaction caused by some kind of allergen.

If breathing becomes more difficult, swelling of the face and neck appears, give the person any antihistamine and immediately call an ambulance.

The danger of anaphylactic shock is that it develops very quickly. The help of a resuscitator is needed immediately.

Advice from the head of the admissions department of the capital's hospital No. 17 Anna Suvorina was recorded by Irina Reznik

Do you think any Does an attack require emergency care? Or, on the contrary, do you hope for a chance that everything will go away by itself without the participation of doctors? These two opposite positions are erroneous and dangerous.

  • In the first case, when arriving at the call site, doctors Ambulance often no longer needed. After an epileptic attack, the patient either sleeps deeply or goes about his daily business. And at this time there are more patients in need of urgent care.
  • In the second case, late diagnosis can lead to an unfavorable outcome of epilepsy (Read the article:), aggravate the course of the disease, and lead to irreparable consequences.

Most often, an epileptic seizure does not last long, only 2-5 minutes, and stops spontaneously without any special treatment.

If the attack happened for the first time, then it follows urgently need to see a neurologist or preferably to epileptologist in a specialized

At the first attack of epilepsy, call an ambulance.

On the spot, having examined the patient with the first attack, the doctor Ambulance provide emergency medical assistance if necessary. Next, the doctor will suggest hospitalization in a neurological hospital. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, it can be a neurological, infectious, neurosurgical, cardiological or pediatric hospital.

You can refuse hospitalization, but at the same time you take responsibility for the life and health of the patient.

Often, parents do not want to be in the hospital, despite the fact that they are placed there together with the child, creating favorable conditions and reducing their stress. Because of their emotions, they deprive the child of fast, accurate and necessary medical care.

In case of a mild case in the hospital, you will remain under the supervision of specialists until the morning of the next day or spend 2-7 diagnostic days there.

Experienced doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures in a short period of time, monitor the further development of the disease, clarify the correct diagnosis, select the necessary treatment and give further recommendations within the framework of mandatory medical care.

Help for the patient depends on the type of attack and its duration. The most common generalized tonic-clonic seizure often requires our attention. And patients with small seizures (absences) do not require any intervention.

Cases when qualified medical assistance is required:

  • epileptic seizure for the first time in life (see article:);
  • you have doubts that this seizure is epileptic;
  • the duration of the attack is more than 5 minutes;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • too slow recovery of the patient's consciousness (more than 5 minutes);
  • a series of attacks, when the next attack comes immediately after the previous one;
  • the attack happened in the water;
  • an attack in a pregnant woman;
  • getting injured during an attack;
  • registration of an attack and objective confirmation of the frequency of attacks by ambulance doctors when registering disability at MSEK.

Conditions in which it is not necessary to call an ambulance:

  • the duration of the epileptic seizure is less than 5 minutes;
  • if the patient regains consciousness and the next attack does not begin;
  • if the patient did not injure himself during the attack.

What is the ambulance phone number from a landline and from a mobile (cellular) phone:

Ambulance service is provided by the Ambulance Station around the clock and free of charge.
You can call an ambulance at the following numbers:

  • « 03 » from a landline phone;
  • « 103 " or " 030 » from cell phones of MTS, Beeline, Megafon and other operators (free of charge).

Now you know for sure when to call an ambulance for seizures.

And remember, epilepsy is curable, you just need to choose the right tactics. Your health depends on your correct decisions.

Watch a video from YuoTube on the topic

Epileptic seizure: what can and cannot be done if the child has convulsions.