Valerian tablets for toothache. We treat toothache with folk remedies

Help, a toothache, painkillers are not allowed, allergies. What to do advise a folk remedy !! and got the best answer

Answer from Hope[guru]
For example, a decoction of sage, if you can find it. Brew a strong decoction of this herb, and while it is still hot, put it in your mouth, hold it on the side where it hurts. If there is fat, cut a thin slice and put it between the aching tooth and cheek. Instead of bacon, you can put a leaf of horse sorrel or valerian, or just chew them.
garlic, do not eat it, just cut it, wrap it in gauze or a handkerchief and put it on the wrist of the hand on which the tooth hurts, tie the bandage tightly. Vodka can also dull a toothache, but you should not drink it, it is better to hold vodka in your mouth from the side of the diseased tooth. If there is absolutely nothing at hand, firmly press your finger on the cavity between the nose and lips - this is an acupuncture point that will help relieve toothache. With a toothache, you can not apply aspirin to the tooth - you can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.
Dentists know how hard it is to endure pain and see patients with acute toothache without waiting in line

Answer from Palyan[master]
The best folk remedy dentist unambiguously)

Answer from Juicyfruit[active]
soak a cotton ball and soak it in salt... and put it on the gum!

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from Yatiana Pimenova[guru]
I don’t know the mechanism of action, but I heard that you can put a piece of lard on the tooth and on the cheek

Answer from And it's all about her[guru]
Salom checked, helps. You can boil sage and rinse. Or apply valerian on cotton wool.

Answer from Elena Boeva[guru]
Garlic can be tied to the hand for a pulse, on the wrist, on the opposite hand - that is, it hurts on the right, tied on the left.
Or chew (with healthy teeth) - cloves (spice) and hold in your mouth.
Or rinse with soda and sage. Soda solution - 0.5 tsp. in a glass of warm boiled water.
And see a doctor for treatment. After all, the teeth are in the head - there may be complications on the brain !! ! (Just kidding, but every joke has a share of a joke) Just tell me about allergies - they will pick up a drug for you.

Answer from Nitta[active]
2. Rinse your mouth with soda, the tooth will subside for a while!

Answer from Yergey Selivanov[guru]
Clove oil will help a little.

Answer from Andrey Kurochkin[guru]
If there is no allergy, drink something soothing (Corvalol, valerian, novopassitis, etc.) In general, with a toothache, you need to drink something from the nerves, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Pts. well relieves pain analgin in ampoules - dilute in water and drink.

Answer from Wais[guru]
Toothache can be caused by various diseases: caries, pulpitis, tumor of the maxillofacial region, periodontitis. In case of severe toothache, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Medications (analgin, tempalgin, ketanov, etc.) are used for pain relief.
Non-traditional and folk methods of treating toothache:
1) Brew 1 tablespoon of sage herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Pour the composition to a full glass of water. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction, trying to keep the decoction near the diseased tooth for a longer time. The cooled broth is spit out and warm. Do this every 5-7 minutes. The pain subsides.
2) Put a leaf of geranium on the cheek, closer to the aching tooth.
3) In the ear, on the side where the tooth hurts, put a plantain root. Hold until the pain subsides. Usually half an hour.
4) Take a slice of unsalted lard (if the lard is salty, then peel off the salt) and put it between the gum and cheek. Keep a slice for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.
5) Take equally salt, chopped garlic and onion and mix. Put the gruel on the aching tooth, and cotton wool on top, squeeze and hold for 10-15 minutes. The pain subsides.
6) Put a pea of ​​propolis on the tooth, cotton wool on top. Keep 15-20 minutes. The pain subsides.
7) If the tooth hurts on the left, then put a cut onion or a clove of garlic on the thumb near the nail and wrap it tightly. If the tooth hurts on the left, then put a bandage on the left hand. The pain usually goes away.
8) Pour 10-20g. calamus rhizome powder 0.5l. vodka. Let it brew. Rinse the aching tooth with infusion.
9) Soak a piece of cotton wool in basil essential oil and put it on the aching tooth. The pain subsides quickly.
10) An old remedy for toothache: garlic, crushed into gruel, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with black pepper powder. Put the mixture in gauze, and then firmly attach it to the auricle of the right ear if the tooth hurts on the left side, or to the left ear if the tooth hurts on the right.
11) In case of acute toothache, rinse your mouth with an aqueous solution of an alcohol (10-15%) propolis extract: 20 drops per 1 glass of water.
12) Soak a piece of cotton wool in clove essential oil and place it on the aching tooth. Try not to swallow your saliva.
13) Soak a piece of cotton wool in fir oil and put on the gum near the diseased tooth. Hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure after 4 hours.
14) Put a swab dipped in onion juice into the diseased tooth.
15) Rinse your mouth with a warm decoction of radish for severe toothache.
16) In case of acute toothache, you can fill the hollow in the tooth with a mixture of garlic, crushed into gruel, with honey or vegetable oil.
17) To anesthetize a tooth from which a filling has fallen out, place either a cotton ball soaked in garlic juice or a clove of fresh garlic in the hollow.
18) Cut raspberry and mint leaves, pour into a glass and pour 30g. vinegar, insist 30 minutes. Strain and rinse your mouth.
19) Very quickly, almost instantly, a toothache will disappear if the gum of a diseased tooth is smeared with alcohol tincture of calamus (sold in a pharmacy).


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Although everyone is well aware that toothache it is impossible to cure at home, there are still among us lovers of self-treatment. Someone is terribly afraid of dentists, someone does not have the time or opportunity to go to the dentist. And someone fundamentally does not recognize any methods of treatment other than folk ..

Recipes for folk remedies for toothache

1. Take fresh valerian leaves and chew them in your mouth. You can put a drop of alcohol tincture of valerian into the aching tooth.

2. Grate some red beets on a fine grater and apply to the aching tooth. Decoctions of the following herbs help well against toothache: goose cinquefoil, snakehead, yarrow. Rinse with warm liquid.

3. Take an alcohol tincture of calamus root, dilute it with water in proportion to half a glass of water, one teaspoon of tincture, rinse your mouth.

4. Take a raw onion, cut it as small as possible, put it in a handkerchief, put it in the ear on the right if the tooth hurts on the left and vice versa.

5. Warm the back of your head with a mustard plaster, chopped horseradish lotion, or just a heating pad.

6. Take two tablespoons of horsetail, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water, let stand for twelve hours. Rinse the aching tooth with infusion.

7. Cut a clove of garlic and rub the gum near the aching tooth. Just be careful, garlic can cause irritation and even burns.

8. Take one hundred grams of oak bark, pour one liter of boiling water and simmer on low heat for a quarter of an hour, then throw a little hot pepper and two tablespoons of vinegar into the broth. Rinse the aching tooth with this solution.

9. Take two teaspoons of wormwood flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand. Rinse the aching tooth with this decoction.

10. Take finely chopped chicory root in the amount of one tablespoon, brew with 250 milliliters of boiling water, add a little vinegar, hold for ten minutes, then pass through a sieve and rinse the aching tooth. If it is possible to take a fresh chicory root, then you can just chew it. Pre-wash well from the ground.

What does traditional medicine offer for toothache?

11. Take a pumpkin tail, burn it, and pour the ashes into a hole in a sick tooth. This is an old method, but it really helps.

12. The use of alcohol tincture of valerian or motherwort can help with prolonged toothaches. They should be drunk twenty drops in the morning, afternoon and evening.

13. Take a turnip, grate it on a coarse grater, separate two tablespoons and brew with 250 milliliters of boiling water, then simmer for five minutes over low heat, pass through a sieve. Rinse the aching tooth with liquid. She shouldn't be cold.

14. A good remedy for toothache is prepared from birch buds. It can be made for the future and used when needed. Take twenty-five grams of birch buds and one hundred milliliters of pure alcohol. Pour into a dark glass bottle and keep in a dark place for at least eight days. When the tooth hurts, soak a piece of tissue in the tincture and apply to the tooth.

15. Take eight teaspoons of dried lemon balm, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water over it and leave for four hours. Then use to irrigate the diseased tooth.

16. Take dry aspen leaves, set them on fire and inhale the smoke with your mouth. Helps with toothache. This is an old Bulgarian recipe.

17. Take an alcohol tincture of calendula, soak a piece of marlechka in it and attach it to the aching tooth.

18. Take a little table or sea salt in a bag, apply to a sore tooth.

19. Wet a piece of cotton wool with camphor alcohol, insert it into a hole in a diseased tooth. Helps pretty quickly. If the toothache does not go away, it is necessary to moisten with camphor alcohol and the gum near the diseased tooth.

20. Take some black bread and garlic, chew them, make a mass like plasticine and cover them with a sick tooth and gum near it.

Toothache: what to do?

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

The insidiousness of a toothache is that it does not allow you to focus on other things. A person’s sleep, work process are disturbed, general well-being worsens. Against the background of a aching tooth, a migraine can also play out. Even with willpower, it is impossible to endure the state for more than a few hours. However, this is not necessary. You can do the tooth yourself.


Before taking action, it is advisable to brush your teeth. Leftover food can cause additional inflammation. If you are away from home, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water. A solution of soda will not only clean your teeth and gums from germs, but also make you feel better.

Toothache can be muffled with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: Ketanov, Ketanol, Ibuprofen. If there are no such drugs, ordinary analgin is suitable. Tablets must be taken orally with water. Do not apply aspirin to an aching tooth. Touching the gums, it can cause soft tissue burns.

Folk remedies

Good decoctions of herbs relieve inflammation. Make an infusion of sage, oak bark or chamomile by pouring a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes and rinse your mouth with your head tilted towards the aching tooth. You can hold the decoction in your mouth a little or moisten a cotton swab with it and apply it to the aching tooth.

Take a small piece of propolis or soak a cotton swab in its tincture, apply to the sore spot. Valerian can be used in the same way. Garlic also has an analgesic effect. Rub your wrist where you can feel the pulse and attach a small piece to the same area. Keep in mind that the hand should be opposite the side with which the tooth.

Non-traditional ways

Massage of the auricle will help relieve pain for a while. For 7-10 minutes, massage the edge of the ear with force, starting from the top and moving down.

Try to take your mind off the pain: watch a funny comedy, read jokes, visit an amusement park, or call for help from loved ones. When you laugh, your brain will switch from pain mode to joy mode, and you will feel better.

Remember that medicines and herbs are only an ambulance for a toothache. Be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. Running inflammation can lead to serious complications and tooth loss.

Toothache and accompanying this process of destruction of the teeth begin, as a rule, with damage to the enamel caused by caries.

Causes of toothache

Following caries, inflammatory processes in the soft tissue of the tooth and periosteum (flux) with the possible formation of abscesses.

Tooth decay often occurs as a result of malnutrition - excessive consumption of sweets, confectionery, sugary drinks, refined carbohydrates. The sugar in these foods is converted by bacteria in the mouth into acids that cause dental caries.

Manifestations of toothache

It can be both constant and paroxysmal - sharp, pulsating, shooting.

How to relieve toothache

Treatment of toothache necessarily requires the intervention of a dentist, but if at the time of its occurrence it is not possible to visit a doctor, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Eliminate all irritating factors: brush your teeth, remove food debris with dental floss.
  • Take painkillers: analgin, ibuprofen, ketorolac.
  • Remove swelling of the mucosa by rinsing with a strong saline solution, infusion of chamomile flowers, calendula or calamus rhizomes.
  • Apply a cotton swab moistened with tooth drops to the aching tooth. They include camphor, peppermint oil and valerian tincture.
  • Rinse the diseased tooth with a mixture of calamus and propolis tinctures, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3.

Folk remedies for toothache

  • calamus or angelica. Chew the root of calamus, angelica.
  • Air. Pour 20 g of crushed calamus rhizome with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, leave for 8 days in a warm place, shaking often, strain. Apply the tincture to the aching tooth on a piece of cotton.
  • Birch (buds). In case of toothache, a cotton swab with tincture of birch buds is applied to the diseased tooth: pour 25 g of buds into 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 8 days.
  • Valerian or horse sorrel. Put the leaves of valerian or horse sorrel between the aching tooth and cheek; you can just chew them. The toothache will subside quickly.
  • Valerian. With prolonged toothache, it is useful to take some kind of sedative, for example, tincture of valerian root (20 drops 2-3 times a day).
  • Compress. Tie a hot rag or grated horseradish or mustard wrapped in a rag to the neck below the back of the head, so that it “scorches” well.
  • Onion. Finely chop a piece of onion, wrap in gauze and put in the ear on the side opposite the diseased tooth.
  • Melissa. 8 teaspoons of dry chopped herb melissa officinalis (lemon mint) leave for 4 hours in 2 cups of hot water. Rinse your mouth for toothache and gum disease.
  • Infusions for rinsing: mallow herbs (4 teaspoons per 200 ml, leave for 10 minutes, apply hot); three-leaf watch herbs (2 teaspoons per 200 ml, leave for 20 minutes); grass knotweed, i.e. knotweed (20 g per 200 ml, leave for 30 minutes); oregano (15 g per 200 ml, leave for 30 minutes); blackberry leaves (4 teaspoons per 400 ml, leave for 30 minutes); blueberries (2 teaspoons per 200 ml, leave for 2 hours).
  • Decoctions for rinsing: oak bark (100 g per 1 liter, boil for 15 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a piece of pepper); aspen bark (15 g per 200 ml, boil for 5–7 minutes); flowering branches of wormwood (2 teaspoons per 300 ml); tricolor violets (1 tablespoon per 200 ml, boil for 15 minutes).
  • Plantain (root). Put a plantain root into the ear from the side of the diseased tooth until the pain decreases.
  • Plantain (juice). To strengthen the teeth, it is useful from time to time to rub the gums with plantain juice or rinse the mouth with an infusion of this herb.
  • Turnip. Pour two tablespoons of chopped turnip root with 1 cup of boiling water. Boil 5 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction for toothache.
  • Salo. A slice of lard, fresh or salty, after cleaning off the salt, put on the aching tooth between the gum and cheek. Hold for 15-20 minutes, during which time the pain will subside.
  • Beet. To reduce toothache, you can put raw beets on the affected tooth.
  • creeping thyme. 1-2 tablespoons of herb creeping thyme (thyme) pour a glass of boiling water, insist, strain. Apply as a rinse for toothache, inflammation of the gums and ulceration of the oral mucosa. Sweeten with honey (to taste) and use warm to rinse with flux.
  • Pumpkin (petiole). Burn the petiole of the pumpkin, put the ashes in the hollow of the tooth.
  • Yarrow or snakehead. As an analgesic, it is recommended to rinse the aching tooth with an infusion of yarrow herb or Moldavian snakehead, a decoction of goose cinquefoil, tincture of calamus root on vodka.
  • Horsetail. A decoction and infusion of horsetail is used for rinsing with diseases of the gums and teeth: 2 tablespoons of the herb is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water and insisted all night.
  • Chicory. Pour a tablespoon of crushed dry chicory root with a glass of acidified boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. This strong infusion is used warm to rinse a diseased tooth with severe pain. You can also chew freshly dug chicory root after cleaning it.
  • Garlic. Rub the gum near the diseased tooth with a clove of garlic, after cleaning it from the husk. In Siberia, garlic is applied (on a napkin) to the place where the pulse is felt on the arm from the side opposite to the diseased tooth.
  • Sage. Prepare a warm decoction of sage officinalis (20 g per 200 ml of water) and rinse your mouth, trying to keep the decoction on the diseased tooth longer. Spit out the cooled liquid and collect warm. You need to do this 3-4 times within half an hour.

About nutrition

Nutrition plays a very important role in maintaining healthy teeth. The food should contain a sufficient amount of lime, which is necessary for the formation of hard tissue of the teeth. Pregnant women need to drink lime water every day (a tablespoon) or take a special medicine, as the fetus draws lime from the mother's body to form the skeletal system, which leads to the destruction of her teeth.

It is important to limit the intake of sugar, acidic foods; eat wholemeal bread, raw vegetables. Fibrous refined food remains on the teeth in the form of a sticky mass, causing them great harm. You should not take very cold or very hot food, especially if they alternate with each other. Sweets are best eaten after meals, not before.

Help, a toothache, painkillers are not allowed, allergies. What to do advise a folk remedy !! and got the best answer

Answer from Hope[guru]
For example, a decoction of sage, if you can find it. Brew a strong decoction of this herb, and while it is still hot, put it in your mouth, hold it on the side where it hurts. If there is fat, cut a thin slice and put it between the aching tooth and cheek. Instead of bacon, you can put a leaf of horse sorrel or valerian, or just chew them.
garlic, do not eat it, just cut it, wrap it in gauze or a handkerchief and put it on the wrist of the hand on which the tooth hurts, tie the bandage tightly. Vodka can also dull a toothache, but you should not drink it, it is better to hold vodka in your mouth from the side of the diseased tooth. If there is absolutely nothing at hand, firmly press your finger on the cavity between the nose and lips - this is an acupuncture point that will help relieve toothache. With a toothache, you can not apply aspirin to the tooth - you can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.
Dentists know how hard it is to endure pain and see patients with acute toothache without waiting in line

Answer from Palyan[master]
The best folk remedy dentist unambiguously)

Answer from Juicyfruit[active]
soak a cotton ball and soak it in salt... and put it on the gum!

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from Yatiana Pimenova[guru]
I don’t know the mechanism of action, but I heard that you can put a piece of lard on the tooth and on the cheek

Answer from And it's all about her[guru]
Salom checked, helps. You can boil sage and rinse. Or apply valerian on cotton wool.

Answer from Elena Boeva[guru]
Garlic can be tied to the hand for a pulse, on the wrist, on the opposite hand - that is, it hurts on the right, tied on the left.
Or chew (with healthy teeth) - cloves (spice) and hold in your mouth.
Or rinse with soda and sage. Soda solution - 0.5 tsp. in a glass of warm boiled water.
And see a doctor for treatment. After all, the teeth are in the head - there may be complications on the brain !! ! (Just kidding, but every joke has a share of a joke) Just tell me about allergies - they will pick up a drug for you.

Answer from Nitta[active]
2. Rinse your mouth with soda, the tooth will subside for a while!

Answer from Yergey Selivanov[guru]
Clove oil will help a little.

Answer from Andrey Kurochkin[guru]
If there is no allergy, drink something soothing (Corvalol, valerian, novopassitis, etc.) In general, with a toothache, you need to drink something from the nerves, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Pts. well relieves pain analgin in ampoules - dilute in water and drink.

Answer from Wais[guru]
Toothache can be caused by various diseases: caries, pulpitis, tumor of the maxillofacial region, periodontitis. In case of severe toothache, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Medications (analgin, tempalgin, ketanov, etc.) are used for pain relief.
Non-traditional and folk methods of treating toothache:
1) Brew 1 tablespoon of sage herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Pour the composition to a full glass of water. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction, trying to keep the decoction near the diseased tooth for a longer time. The cooled broth is spit out and warm. Do this every 5-7 minutes. The pain subsides.
2) Put a leaf of geranium on the cheek, closer to the aching tooth.
3) In the ear, on the side where the tooth hurts, put a plantain root. Hold until the pain subsides. Usually half an hour.
4) Take a slice of unsalted lard (if the lard is salty, then peel off the salt) and put it between the gum and cheek. Keep a slice for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.
5) Take equally salt, chopped garlic and onion and mix. Put the gruel on the aching tooth, and cotton wool on top, squeeze and hold for 10-15 minutes. The pain subsides.
6) Put a pea of ​​propolis on the tooth, cotton wool on top. Keep 15-20 minutes. The pain subsides.
7) If the tooth hurts on the left, then put a cut onion or a clove of garlic on the thumb near the nail and wrap it tightly. If the tooth hurts on the left, then put a bandage on the left hand. The pain usually goes away.
8) Pour 10-20g. calamus rhizome powder 0.5l. vodka. Let it brew. Rinse the aching tooth with infusion.
9) Soak a piece of cotton wool in basil essential oil and put it on the aching tooth. The pain subsides quickly.
10) An old remedy for toothache: garlic, crushed into gruel, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with black pepper powder. Put the mixture in gauze, and then firmly attach it to the auricle of the right ear if the tooth hurts on the left side, or to the left ear if the tooth hurts on the right.
11) In case of acute toothache, rinse your mouth with an aqueous solution of an alcohol (10-15%) propolis extract: 20 drops per 1 glass of water.
12) Soak a piece of cotton wool in clove essential oil and place it on the aching tooth. Try not to swallow your saliva.
13) Soak a piece of cotton wool in fir oil and put on the gum near the diseased tooth. Hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure after 4 hours.
14) Put a swab dipped in onion juice into the diseased tooth.
15) Rinse your mouth with a warm decoction of radish for severe toothache.
16) In case of acute toothache, you can fill the hollow in the tooth with a mixture of garlic, crushed into gruel, with honey or vegetable oil.
17) To anesthetize a tooth from which a filling has fallen out, place either a cotton ball soaked in garlic juice or a clove of fresh garlic in the hollow.
18) Cut raspberry and mint leaves, pour into a glass and pour 30g. vinegar, insist 30 minutes. Strain and rinse your mouth.
19) Very quickly, almost instantly, a toothache will disappear if the gum of a diseased tooth is smeared with alcohol tincture of calamus (sold in a pharmacy).