Variants, signs and complications of an additional chord in the heart. Is an additional chord in a child's heart dangerous? Branch on the heart

There are several chords in the human heart, which during the contraction of this organ do not allow the valve to bend. Due to their presence, it retains blood well and ensures adequate hemodynamics. A normal chord is a kind of spring with a muscular structure. Sometimes, during fetal development, an additional chord appears in one of them, which is a filamentous strand of connective tissue. In some cases, this abnormal formation includes muscle or tendon fibers.

In this article, we will consider such a small anomaly of the heart as an additional chord of the left ventricle. In most cases, it is found in children under 18 years of age, but some people live with this diagnosis for many years and do not feel any changes in the work of the heart. Usually, an additional chord is detected by chance: during examination for another disease or during a preventive examination. Neither when listening to a heart murmur, nor on an ECG, it is determined, and an accurate diagnosis can be made only after an ECHO-KG. Having heard a heart murmur, the doctor can only suspect the presence of this small anomaly of the heart and recommend an ultrasound examination to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

In our article, we will acquaint you with the causes of development, types, symptoms, methods of observation, treatment and prevention of an additional chord of the left ventricle. This knowledge will help parents of children with such an anomaly of the heart to choose the right tactics for dealing with the problem and save them from unnecessary worries.

An abnormal left ventricular chorda is a hereditary anomaly, which in 92% of cases is transmitted on the maternal side (in rare cases, on the paternal side), and develops in utero due to a failure in the development of connective tissue. That is why mothers who have previously been diagnosed with such a diagnosis are advised to definitely examine their child.

It is possible that the following unfavorable factors can become the reasons for the appearance of an additional chord:

  • bad ecology;
  • smoking or drinking alcohol or drugs;
  • nervous and physical stress.


An additional chord can be located in different parts of the left ventricle and have a different structure and structure. Cardiologists distinguish these types of chords:

  • by histological structure: fibrous, fibromuscular, muscular;
  • in the direction of connective tissue fibers: longitudinal, transverse, diagonal;
  • by the number of threadlike strands: single, multiple;
  • at the point of attachment: apical, median, basal.


A pediatrician may suspect a disease in a child during a routine examination and examination of the child by looking for a systolic murmur on auscultation of the heart.

The additional chord of the left ventricle in most cases does not carry any functional load on the heart and does not interfere with its normal work. For many years, this small anomaly may not be detected, because it is not accompanied by special symptoms. A pediatrician can listen to a systolic heart murmur in a newborn, which is determined between the third and fourth ribs to the left of the sternum and does not affect the work of the heart in any way.

During intensive development, when the rapid growth of the musculoskeletal system significantly outstrips the growth rate of internal organs, the load on the heart increases, and an additional chord may first make itself felt. The child may experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fast or unmotivated fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • cardiopalmus;

The same clinical manifestations can be observed with multiple abnormal chords of the left ventricle. Most of these symptoms appear during adolescence. In the future, they can completely disappear on their own, but sometimes they remain in adulthood.

When symptoms appear, the child must be assigned an ECHO-KG, ECG and. These studies will allow the doctor to determine the presence or absence of hemodynamic disorders. If the additional chord is "hemodynamically insignificant", then the anomaly is considered safe, and the child only needs dispensary observation by a cardiologist. With a “hemodynamically significant” diagnosis, the patient is recommended observation, compliance with certain restrictions and, if necessary, treatment.

Is the accessory chord of the left ventricle dangerous?

Most cardiologists equate such a small anomaly of the heart with a variant of the norm. The news of the presence of an additional chord in the left ventricle should not cause panic in the child's parents, since this anomaly does not require surgical treatment and, in the absence of hemodynamic disorders, does not need medical correction.

In some cases, an additional chord of the left ventricle can become a factor that contributes to the development of other diseases of the heart and blood vessels (, rhythm and conduction disturbances of the heart, etc.). It is impossible to predict in advance how likely the development of such pathologies is.

Observation of a child with an additional chord in the absence of hemodynamic disorders

The main method for diagnosing an additional chord of the left ventricle is echocardiography.

If an abnormal notochord is found that is not accompanied by symptoms, no special treatment is required. It is enough for such patients to be regularly observed by a cardiologist and to conduct a control ECHO-KG once a year.

  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • eat properly;
  • engage in physical therapy;
  • temper;
  • often be in the fresh air;
  • prevent stress;
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • refuse heavy physical exertion;
  • do not take medications without the advice of a doctor;
  • make a decision about doing this or that sport together with a doctor.

Parents of such children are not recommended to protect their child from everything and treat him as a disabled person, since this can significantly affect his further socialization. Communication with friends, attending kindergarten and school, classes in circles and feasible sports - all this will help the child to adapt normally in society and feel complete.


If an additional chord is found, which is accompanied by symptoms or hemodynamic disturbances, in addition to the above recommendations and more stringent restrictions on physical activity, drug therapy is recommended.

Such children may be prescribed such drugs:

Indications for immediate hospitalization in a cardiological hospital may be such severe cardiac arrhythmias:

  • Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome;

They can develop with multiple or transverse chords and require detailed examination and subsequent treatment.

In rare cases, muscle fibers of the conduction system of the heart may be included in the structure of the accessory chord of the left ventricle. Such anomalies of the heart can cause ventricular arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation. To eliminate them, the following surgical interventions are indicated:

  • cryodestruction;
  • chord excision.


In most cases, an additional chord of the left ventricle appears due to hereditary predisposition, and it is almost impossible to prevent its development in the prenatal period. Despite this, scientists do not exclude the possibility of the development of such a small anomaly of the heart under the influence of some adverse factors. That is why pregnant women are advised to:

  1. Eat properly.
  2. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  3. Avoid heavy physical activity.
  4. Prevent stress.
  5. Walk outdoors and do gymnastics.

If an additional chord of the left ventricle is detected in a child, parents should pay close attention to his health, follow all the doctor's recommendations, but do not completely protect him from society. An important measure for the prevention of complications will be the timely treatment of chronic diseases that can be complicated by heart disease.

Children with an additional chord are recommended to regularly engage in physiotherapy exercises, which implies an individual selection of the load. Swedish wall exercises, dancing, gymnastics, sprinting, jumping rope - these activities will help strengthen the heart muscle and prevent the development of complications.

Physical activity should not be excessive, because they can aggravate the situation. Most cardiologists do not recommend people with an extra chord to play sports professionally. And such types of loads that occur during diving, scuba diving or parachuting are absolutely contraindicated.

Everyone should have. The only question is its quality. The normal notochord in the heart is a fibrous tissue resembling a muscle that connects opposite walls of the left ventricle of the heart. An extra chord in the heart is an anomaly in the structure of the human body: it has an atypical attachment to the walls of the ventricle.

Until now, experts argue about the harm it brings to human health. Many of them claim that it does not perform any functions in the human body at all and, accordingly, does not require any treatment. However, regular visits to a cardiologist are recommended. After all, in any case, it creates heart murmurs that can interfere with hearing other complications in the heart.

What are chords and why are they formed?

Chords can be different in their location. They are divided into several types.

1. Chords can be located in different chambers of the heart: left ventricular (their majority - about 95% of all chords); right ventricular (there are only about 5%).

2. Different parts of the ventricles: apical; middle; basal.


4. The number of chords is different:

- multiple (their number is about 38%);

- single (there are about 62%).

There can be only one reason for this heart defect - it is heredity, and only on the maternal side. Most often, the mother herself does not even suspect that she has this "muscle".

An extra chord in the heart of a child almost does not manifest itself in ordinary life. It can only be recognized by ultrasound, when the doctor hears a heart murmur. In children, chords are found much more often than in adults. Experts explain this by the fact that the volume of the heart increases with age and the chords gradually shift. Usually, the presence of an extra chord in the heart is detected by the fact that the child's endurance decreases and he quickly gets tired during heavy physical exertion.

Only detailed computer diagnostics will determine whether a person has an additional chord in the heart.

Chords to treat or not to treat?

Many experts argue that the false chord of the heart is not at all dangerous to humans. However, there may be several of them, which means that they will entail serious heart rhythm disturbances, there will be problems with exercise tolerance.

Therefore, dancing, gymnastics and physical education should be limited. With such a diagnosis, they are not taken into the army. Swimming under water and skydiving are contraindicated. With professional sports it is better not to take risks.

Therapeutic exercises in the presence of an extra chord in the heart can be carried out both in specially formed medical groups and individually. Firstly, such exercises are aimed at strengthening health in general, and secondly, they develop endurance and coordination of movements, which is exactly what patients with this disease lack.

The abnormal chord of the heart, indeed, is not treated with conventional drugs. You need to constantly remember about the daily routine and rational nutrition. Most experts do not consider the chord a deviation from the norm.

An additional chord in the heart is a pathology that is often found in children. But such a disease does not carry a great danger. The ordinary notochord is a muscle that connects 2 opposite sides of the left ventricle of the heart.

Extra chord is redundant in the left ventricle and has an atypical structure. As a rule, it is located in the left ventricle, much less often in the right. For a long time, doctors studied this anomaly of finding the chord in the left ventricle. Experts came to the conclusion that the disease does not affect the functioning of the heart and does not pose an additional danger to life for the child.

Most often, an additional chord n located in the child's left ventricle, much less often, specialists find it in adult patients. In a child, the disease is easier to detect, because the children's heart is small and the noise in it is easier to distinguish. When a notochord is found in the heart, no preliminary symptoms are observed in the patient.

Very often, doctors find the disease by accident, because when listening to the heart, noises are detected. If a cardiologist detects a heart murmur, then the patient is given a referral for an ECG. After the procedure, the patient has a chord. In medicine, there are cases when the chord was false, but murmurs were still observed in the heart.

For what reasons does an additional chord appear in the heart of a child

The cause of the disease is heredity. The disease is transmitted through the maternal line. Maybe the child's mother had a similar disease or some other heart disease.

Treatment of additional chord in the heart

This disease does not carry any danger. No special treatment is required. But if the disease is detected in a patient, he is assigned a sparing lifestyle. The patient should be limited to physical activity.

The doctor will prescribe a calm exercise therapy. In no case should the sick person be physically overloaded. It is imperative that alternate work and rest.

A sick person must eat right and follow a strict daily routine.

The doctor will prescribe treatment to stabilize the nervous system.

A patient with such a disease is contraindicated in nervous shocks. It is obligatory to see a cardiologist twice a year. Noises that arise from the chord, may interfere with hearing other heart diseases, so it is better to see a doctor more often.

Children may experience abnormal notochord disease. It's not such a terrible problem. A baby with an additional notochord disease can be completely healthy and live for many years. Often this disease does not remind itself of itself. There is no need to panic about this disease.

The main thing is to follow the correct daily routine and see a specialist regularly. It must be remembered that additional chords are not classified as diseases. Many doctors consider an additional chord in a child to be a normal deviation from the norm.

When detected extra chord in baby's heart, many parents can not keep calm. Dads and moms frantically start looking for hospitals, stand in line for a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist. In parallel with this, parents begin to familiarize themselves with the disease on their own.

At the same time, parents constantly pull their child. Instead of the kid developing fully and playing with his peers, his parents constantly take him to doctors and clinics. The child is tormented by the delivery of various tests and diagnostics. But is this disease worth the extra worry?

What is a chord for?

Heart valves are essential for the functioning of the blood flow. Thanks to them, there is no mixing of arterial and venous blood. When the next pulsation of the heart valve occurs, it bends slightly, but does not open. Thus, the blood is held back. For this movement of the valve to occur, special mechanisms are used in the heart, which are called the notochord. In the human heart there is a certain number of chords, which are made up of muscle tissue.

If the chord has a high density, then on ultrasound it is better visible than the rest of the chords.

The chords in the human body are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Hemodynamics is irrelevant.
  2. Hemodynamics matters.
  3. A chord, in which hemodynamics does not matter, does not harm a person.
  4. The second type requires specialized supervision by a doctor.

What are chords

If an extra chord is found in a child, then it does not declare itself in any way. It is found randomly during a doctor's examination. False chord is considered by physicians genetic disease often inherited from the mother. The anomaly does not affect the functionality of the body. Doctors can only help by systematically examining the patient twice a year.

Thus, the development of pathological conditions is predetermined. The notochord originates in different chambers of the heart or ventricles. A large number of chords are located in the valve of the left ventricle. Chords have different directions:

  1. Transverse.
  2. Oblong.
  3. Diagonal.

Doctors note cases when the anomaly changed its location. Eighty percent of patients have one chord and approximately 20% of others have multiple chords.

Why does pathology form?

The main reason why a chord is formed is considered a genetic factor. As a rule, the patient's mother suffered from a cardiovascular disease. Therefore, her child is at risk of developing a pathology. And also an anomaly can be formed due to the influence unstable environment.

Another reason may be association with mutagenic sources, which are tobacco toxins and drugs.

The cause of the disease of the child may be the use of alcohol during pregnancy.


A disease that develops in the heart does not remind the patient of itself. All his life the patient walks with such a pathology, but he does not have any symptoms. Doctors suspect a pathology, When is an ultrasound done for a baby? for systemic noise. As a rule, the diagnosis is made in newborn children or during early development. This includes a group of children under the age of 3 years.

Doctors carry out statistics on how often an anomaly occurs. The disease is explained by the recently introduced medical and diagnostic standardizations. According to these requirements, every newborn at 1 month old needs to do an ECHO-KG. When pathology is detected, parents immediately report the disease. If the child develops intensively, then a pathology in the heart can be noticed in him. Because with accelerated development, the load on the child's body increases. In this case, the little patient feels the following:

  1. Slight prickling in the heart.
  2. Cardiopalmus.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Increased fatigue.
  5. Psycho-emotional lability.
  6. Dizziness.

Also, the child may differ abnormal heart rhythm. These signs are typical for adolescents with an anomaly. If a person has a lot of chorts, then the doctor takes into account their location to the connective tissue. That is why signs can appear in other organs of the human body.

If in a man's heart anomaly detected by ultrasound, then the doctor has reason to assume that the connective tissue is developing poorly in the body. Further, the doctor appoints the patient a further examination by a cardiologist and a pediatrician. Based on the analyzes obtained, the specialist can conclude: the anomaly is self-sufficient or it was formed as a result of damage to the connective tissue.

If the diagnosis is based on the first symptom, then the anomaly has no symptoms. In the second case, the anomaly is associated with other organs. In this case, the patient is assigned a comprehensive diagnosis and observation 2 times a year by a specialist.

How the disease is treated

The anomaly does not require treatment with drugs. Medicines are prescribed if the patient has clinical signs of accessory chord. And also the patient is assigned to follow up with a cardiologist and perform an ECG.

Medications are prescribed if the patient has symptoms that are associated with cardiovascular function.

In order for the heart muscles to be enriched with nutrients, the doctor prescribes the following vitamins:

  1. Riboflavin.
  2. A nicotinic acid.

These vitamins must be taken single course for a month. Such prophylaxis is prescribed 2 times a year. In order to normalize the processes of repolarization, which were disturbed due to a failure of heart rhythms, specialists prescribe medications with potassium and magnesium. This includes medicines:

  1. Magne B6. This drug must be taken once a month. It has contraindications for children under 6 years of age.
  2. Magnerot, different the drug is called "magnesium orotate". This medication is prescribed for a course of 3-4 weeks. For children under 18 years of age, the drug is contraindicated.
  3. Orotat Potassium. It must be applied within 3 or 5 weeks. This medication can be used for children. The dosage is prescribed by the therapist.
  4. Panangin. This drug contains potassium and magnesium. It must be applied within 1 month. In extreme cases, it is prescribed to children.

To increase metabolic processes in myocardial tissues, the following antioxidants are prescribed:

  1. Cytochrome.
  2. Ubiquinone.
  3. Carnitine.

If symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia are detected, then medicinal nootropics are prescribed by the therapist. These include Piracetam and Nootropil. Treatment of anomalies must necessarily be accompanied by preventive and general health measures. These include:

  1. Hardening of the body.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Use eat only healthy foods.
  4. The patient needs to spend a lot of time outdoors.
  5. It is necessary to alternate rest with work.

A person who has been afflicted with an anomaly, physical activity should be distributed right. If the patient plans to do gymnastics or dancing, then before that he should consult with the attending doctor. If a baby with a transverse chord notices a violation of the rhythm of the heart or life - a dangerous condition, then the child is urgently hospitalized. The baby will be examined in a special cardiological hospital.

Further, the patient will undergo the necessary examination and treatment will be prescribed. In rare cases, a false chord captures sections of the conduction pathways of the myocardium. In this case, without fail, the patient is prescribed an operation by the method of cryodestruction. The operation is carried out by means of destruction by cold or excision.


Excess chord disease does not pose a threat to life. If a child has a similar disease, then parents do not need to show excessive anxiety and panic. Chords are different.

The following are distinguished by direction: transverse, diagonal and oblong. Some patients notice a change in the location of the notochord. Genetics is considered a common cause of the disease.

Other causes of the disease: the wrong natural environment, during pregnancy, the mother used tobacco or drugs. At the age of 1 month, doctors prescribe an ultrasound of the heart for a newborn. This procedure helps to exclude pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Anomaly diagnosis is as follows:

  1. The doctor listens to the child.
  2. If there is an extra chord in the body, then the cardiologist hears a heart murmur.
  3. If an anomaly is detected, then an ultrasound of the heart is mandatory for a small patient.

As a rule, the baby does not need the use of medicines. If a disease is detected, then the child needs to do an ECG and ultrasound of the heart 2 times a year.

All of us have ever undergone such a study as ultrasound, including ultrasound of the heart. Moreover, this method of health check is prescribed for all children in the first months of life. And this is done in order to exclude all possible anomalies at an early age, and if they are detected, start treatment as soon as possible - this gives more chances for recovery.

Quite often, a specialist, as a result of an ultrasound examination, makes a diagnosis of "additional chord" (EC). For uninformed parents, it often looks intimidating. But let's try to figure out whether everything is so serious and whether it is worth panicking.

Sometimes it happens that additional connective tissue fibers are formed in the heart, which do not play any important role, and sometimes interfere with a clear heart rhythm. When such a deviation is detected, the specialist voices the diagnosis of "additional chord in the heart." It can be scary, but it's actually not all that scary. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

Our heart is divided into 4 parts - 2 ventricles and 2 atria. The ventricles are connected to the atria by valves that allow blood to flow in one direction and prevent it from returning back. The opening and closing of the valves is carried out with the help of special ligaments, which, compressing and stretching, prevent them from sagging. These fibers are called chords.

Among the most frequent anomalies of this nature, an additional chord of the left ventricle (DLCH) is determined. It is formed even at the prenatal stage of development and very often has a hereditary nature.


A false chord is classified according to several factors:

  • depending on its location;
  • the tissue from which it is formed;
  • locations;
  • direction and number of chords.

Depending on the location of the HH, there may be:

  • left ventricular and right ventricular;
  • longitudinal, transverse and diagonal;
  • basal, apical and median.

By quantity, single and multiple formations can be differentiated. According to the nature of the tissue that forms them, fibrous, muscular, fibromuscular chords are distinguished.

The type of false chord is important for the patient. Cardiologists divide them into those that do not interfere with the movement of blood, and those that prevent the passage of blood in the normal direction.

The first are called hemodynamically insignificant, and the second - hemodynamically significant. Patients with the first type do not require special measures, but patients of the second category must be under the constant supervision and control of a doctor.

Reasons for violation

Often this deviation is detected precisely in infants or in a child who has entered puberty. As already mentioned, the main reason is a violation of the formation of the fetus at the intrauterine stage of development. But there may be several factors influencing this process.

And the main thing, according to statistics, is hereditary, and this violation is transmitted more often through the maternal line and very rarely through the father of the child.

Also, such unfavorable factors as a frivolous attitude towards a woman’s health during gestation can also have an impact: non-compliance with doctor’s prescriptions, smoking, alcohol and drug use, drug abuse, infectious diseases suffered during pregnancy, as well as genetic failures.

The nervous overstrain of the pregnant woman and poor environmental conditions can also play their role in the occurrence of pathology.


Very often, the anomaly does not show any signs, and the patient does not suspect it at all, but finds out that he has a pathology by chance, during an ultrasound scan, during a routine medical examination. But sometimes, especially if an additional formation is located across the left ventricle, it can make itself felt by a number of specific signs:

In very young infants, the reason for conducting additional studies in case of suspicion of the mentioned diagnosis is precisely the murmurs heard by the doctor in the baby's heart. In older children, deviations from the norm can appear only during puberty, when the intensive growth of all systems and organs begins.

At this time, the growth of the muscle and bone skeleton can greatly outstrip the growth of organs located inside the body, the heart simply does not keep up with the musculoskeletal system, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and here the abnormal chord for the first time can reveal itself through the above symptoms.

Over time, all these phenomena, as a rule, disappear, but in some cases they can accompany a person all his life, and then it is already necessary to seek help from a specialist.

Since pseudochords can be multiple, this may indicate violations of the development and formation of connective tissue not only in the heart, but also in other body systems.

In this case, the doctor prescribes an additional examination and consultations with other specialists. Connective tissue dysplasia can manifest itself in bone structures, the bronchial system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the organs of the urinary system.

Diagnostic procedures

Diagnosis of a patient with suspicion of an additional chord begins with the collection of an anamnesis, listening to heart sounds with a stethoscope and identifying murmurs. If the doctor during such an examination found warning signs, then the patient is sent for an electrocardiogram, which shows the electrical conductivity of cardiac impulses.

If various cardiac arrhythmias are detected, which may occur with a false chord, the patient is sent for the following examinations. They may be:

The most accurate, but used only in extreme cases, is EFI - an electrophysiological study, among its types there are invasive (intracardiac) and non-invasive (through the esophagus).

Therapeutic measures

If the diagnosis is made, but the patient does not experience discomfort associated with the disorder, then no special treatment is required. Undoubtedly, a healthy lifestyle and moderate exercise will be beneficial. If the patient has complaints, a treatment plan is developed. And methods of therapy can be both conservative and surgical: it all depends on the severity of the condition of the patient's body.

Drug therapy consists of the following groups of drugs:

Surgical methods of treatment are used only when there is a threat to the patient's life: with serious violations in the heart rhythm, in case of their systematic repetition. Then urgent hospitalization of the patient in a hospital is shown. Options for surgical intervention can be either cryodestruction, that is, freezing of the pseudochord with its subsequent death, or its excision.

Complementary therapies such as regular and sufficient outdoor exposure and light sports never interfere. Healthy food rich in microelements and vitamins is recommended, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, smoked meats are not welcome. Refusal of alcohol and smoking is shown.

You need a healthy night's sleep of at least 8 hours, avoiding stress and overwork.

Subject to proper therapeutic measures and doctor's recommendations, there are practically no risks in this pathology, and complications are very rare. To minimize them, it is enough to periodically check the state of the heart on the ECG and take strengthening vitamins.

The prognosis for the future life of a patient with an extra chord is generally favorable. Unless comorbidities are identified. But even here, with the timely start of treatment, the problem can be eliminated and the quality of life of the patient can be significantly improved.

In any case, careful attitude to one's health is the key to a successful and long life without discomfort from both the cardiovascular system and other organs and the whole organism. The main thing is not to let the disease take its course, but to pay attention to it in time and start treatment as early as possible.

Which looks like a muscle. Its function is to connect the opposite walls of the left ventricle of the heart. But an extra chord in the heart is an abnormal deviation in the human body and is an unusual strengthening. Experts still do not agree on how it is dangerous to human health. It is believed that there is no need to treat it. But it is still recommended to regularly visit a cardiologist for control: there is a risk of not noticing other problems, regular examinations will help to respond to a change in condition in time.

Varieties of chords

According to the different location, the additional chord in the heart has several types:

1. They can be located in different heart chambers, according to this feature, they are distinguished: left ventricular (this type is the most common - about 95%) and right ventricular (their share is only about 5%).

2. According to the location of the ventricles, the chords are: apical; middle; basal.

3. They can also differ in direction: diagonal, longitudinal, transverse.

4. Chords have a different number: multiple (38% of all cases) and single.

Additional chord in the heart: the reasons for its formation

The most common cause is heredity. This anomaly is transmitted exclusively through the maternal line. Quite often, a woman does not know that she is the carrier of such a defect.


In childhood, an abnormal chord may not give itself away. Therefore, it can only be detected with the help of an ultrasound examination. Among children, extra chords are more common than among adults. Experts believe this is because as we age, the volume of the heart increases, causing them to shift. Most often, an additional chord in the heart can be detected with a sharp loss of endurance and chronic fatigue.

What are chords dangerous and how to treat them

According to many experts, such a heart defect is completely harmless to health. However, if there are several chords, heart rhythm disturbances and exercise intolerance may occur. In this case, classes in sports sections are limited, including dancing and gymnastics. You can also forget about skydiving and diving. People with such a diagnosis need to focus on physiotherapy exercises with the active use of a variety of exercises and sports equipment.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

An additional chord in the heart requires therapeutic exercises, which are carried out both in special medical groups and on an individual basis. The primary task of such classes is to improve health in general, develop endurance and coordination of movements. This disease cannot be cured with conventional medicines, however, it is necessary to adhere to the daily regimen and a rational diet, to avoid overload. Then this problem will very rarely remind of itself.