West Highland Terrier black. Cheerful and curious companion dogs - all about the West Highland White Terrier

The West Terrier (Highland White) is a dog breed that originates from beautiful and mysterious Scotland. The ancestors of the modern highland terrier were bred to hunt animals that live in holes, and therefore were called "earth".

A small, cheerful and intelligent dog, it will be a great pet for families and single people. Smart, quick-witted, does not show aggressiveness, obedient. With proper upbringing and early socialization of a puppy, it becomes an ideal pet.

Today, the West Highland West Terrier is the favorite of most families. A small, slightly wayward dog perfectly finds contact with small children and other inhabitants of the house. At the same time, the place where she lives is absolutely not important: she feels great both in a rural yard and in a city apartment.

A cheerful and docile character is the first plus of a miniature representative. Ease of care and maintenance make the breed popular in many countries, lovers of the breed are convinced that the dog is the best among terriers.

There are no exact established facts about the appearance of the animal. There are several versions. Origin - Scotland. White - Highland Terrier, was named after his habitat. In translation, Kern - terrier - mountain dog.

  • Usage: for catching small animals and predators, protection. The dog easily found and tracked wild animals in the rocky mountains.

Some sources claim that Edward Malcolm is recognized as the "father of the breed". The first fancier to introduce the breed in 1907. Initially, the dog was not a pure white color, according to the description, the terrier could be: cream, coffee with milk and peach color. After the standard changed repeatedly, a jelly-white coat color was established.

Description of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is a small dog breed.

  • Its height does not reach even 30 cm, and its weight is about 7 kg.
  • The round head has a slightly domed skull. Small dark eyes are shaped like tonsils. Erect ears with pointed tips.
  • The black nose is quite large. In summer it darkens, in winter it becomes light due to lack of sunlight, and in spring it becomes black again.
  • The neck of the dog has strong muscles, and the back has a strong loin. The paws of the dog are quite short, but the muscles are strong.

Standard appearance:

  • Head and muzzle: completely covered with abundant hair, the transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. Muzzle with a slight narrowing towards the nose, black papilla of the nose, with wide nostrils. Ears are small and triangular in shape. Strong jaw, correct bite, full set of teeth, white, fangs large.
  • Build: not large bones, light. The back is wide, medium with good muscles, the loin without sagging. The chest is of medium volume, the ribs are well bred, not deep.
  • Paws, tail: saber tail, set high, straight. The limbs are of a shortish type, straight, even, stand parallel. The thigh is wide, with developed muscles, strong.
    One of the legends about the West Highland White Terrier breed says that the tail of the dog is designed so that the hunter, grabbing it, can pull the dog out of the hole along with the prey. And the tail is fully consistent with this function. It is quite long, while straight and thick.
  • Coat and colors: Abundant, pronounced undercoat, straight, hard. Pure white color.

Dogs have a white coat color, which is quite hard, but has a thick and soft undercoat. One of the special characteristics of the terrier is that they do not shed themselves.


There are no varieties according to the standard of the West Highland White Terrier. For all representatives, one standard is prescribed. Dogs are distinguished only by belonging to a certain class.

  • Show is class. Intended for participation in exhibitions, with the best indicators of breed, participate in breeding;
  • "Pet - class." A dog on a sofa, does not participate in exhibitions, is not used in mating, there may be a breed defect or minor flaws in the exterior. It does not affect the quality of life and health of the pet.

Hound character

Cheerful and cheerful disposition, love to play. Smart, deep mind. Thanks to these qualities, Vesta quickly wins a place in the family as pets. But, despite all the positive character traits, they are very selfish and proud, and therefore the feeling of jealousy is inherent in them. In addition, they can be very vindictive.

This breed is considered one of the most affectionate of all terriers. The dog is sociable, curious and cheerful. Perhaps you are just choosing a puppy for yourself, if the choice still fell on this charming terrier, then take the baby home without hesitation.

Active representatives of the breed with a bright mind and a good memory. Interested in a person, trying to please the owner and earn praise. They love all family members equally, but they prefer to obey the owner. Dogs West Highland White - Terrier inherited only the positive qualities of the character of terriers.

Patient with children, do not show aggression. Outsiders are treated with caution, but always ready to communicate. They can be jealous, sometimes stubborn. They are attached to the owner, with a long absence they begin to yearn, they can refuse food. It is not recommended to leave for a long time with strangers or overexposure.

Do not forget that behind the external softness and charm lies the West Highland hunting character. Therefore, they may have a craving for digging holes. It is quite difficult to get rid of this habit. The only thing that can be done is to walk more often in nature, where the pet can safely do his favorite thing.

Features of care and hygiene

All procedures are standard, except for haircuts and hair care features.


West Highland grooming is, in fact, grooming a dog's coat. Treatments depend on the breed of dog and may include the following services:

  1. Washing wool with subsequent drying and styling;
  2. Shaving or cutting with clippers or scissors;
  3. Trimming and rolling.

wool washing

Don't bathe your dog too often. With frequent contact with water, the wool becomes more fragile and brittle. In addition, due to constant washing, a large amount of fat is released on the skin, which contributes to the rapid contamination of white wool.

If the dog gets dirty, there are several ways to restore its whiteness to its coat without resorting to a full wash:
wait until the coat is dry, then carefully comb it with a comb. Instead of washing, use a special dry shampoo or chalk. These products will make the coat white.

shaving a dog with a clipper

Grooming may consist of cutting hair with a clipper. For best results, cut with 9mm, 16mm and 19mm nozzles.

Benefits of grooming with a machine:

  • Haircut machine passes quickly, and therefore easier to tolerate the dog.
  • Despite the West Highland breed standard, after grooming, the coat becomes smoother.
  • Hair plucking or trimming.

West Highland refers to the breed of dogs whose coat does not change on its own, that is, dogs do not shed. Because of this, a number of unpleasant problems arise: the pet begins to smell, irritation appears on the skin, it begins to itch. To help them get rid of old hair, hair must be plucked. This procedure is called trimming.

For the first time, it is necessary to trim a dog at the age of 3-4 months. At this age, the puppy's coat matures and is easily plucked. Remain coarse and short hair.

How to trim

The procedure is done by hand. To do this, the strand is carefully captured and removed. In this case, you must try not to tear your hair. The plucking process is quite long and laborious, so you can use a special trimming knife to speed it up.


The procedure must be started from the back, gradually going down to the tail. Further, the hair is plucked on the sides, neck and chest.

After that, you can start processing the dog's muzzle. Removing the hair on and behind the ears is quite painful, so be patient if it shows character and starts to twirl.

Lastly, we trim the tail. This procedure is also painful. First, the hair is cut with straight scissors. Then a rounding is done to give a more natural look, and the wool is trimmed with special thinning scissors. After the haircut is carried out between the paw pads.

What else is useful trimming

It helps to cleanse the hair follicles, which reduces the appearance of acne on the skin of the dog.
Thanks to the procedure, the hair acquires a certain texture, because of this, dirt is less trapped in them, which makes the coat cleaner and easier to care for.

  • The neutral option between clipper and trimming is combing the coat with a brush. This method allows you to achieve the same result as when plucking.

Pet clothes

Belongs to the active breed of dogs. They love long walks, so they need different types of clothes and shoes.

In the dog's wardrobe should be:

  1. Jackets and overalls for spring, autumn and winter;
  2. Rainwear;
  3. T-shirts, T-shirts for hot weather;
  4. Clothing for various holidays;
  5. Home clothes: pajamas, bathrobes, dresses;
  6. Clothes for cool weather: blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts.
  7. All clothing should be comfortable for your pet. Choose clothes made from quality and environmentally friendly materials.

Education and training

A West Highland White Terrier puppy learns commands from 2 to 3 months after undergoing primary socialization. Once a puppy has arrived at a new home, it will take time for him to get used to the collar and walking on a leash. The more often you take your baby outside, the better socialization will go.

You will need to accustom yourself to new sounds, strangers, cars, signals, busy places. Change the usual road for walks, make a new route.

  • The first commands: start with the simplest ones, the training time is 40-50 minutes, gradually increase the duration, consolidate what you have learned and teach new things. The first commands are to sit, lie down, place, come to me, fu, you can’t, you can.

Show restraint, perseverance. Do not forget about praise, as a treat - food, fruits, goodies.

When teaching, you can not punish, scold and raise your voice. The animal needs to be interested, the brighter the owner reacts to success, the more the puppy will want to earn praise.

Training with a professional from 3 - 4 months, you can take a general training course, sports programs and entertainment. Only the owner is engaged in education and training, be sure to use the reward system. The regularity of classes will help to quickly and accurately learn a pet.

How to feed

Hound nutrition should be given special attention. After all, most of the diseases of this breed of dogs are associated precisely with improper or poor-quality nutrition. In order to avoid these problems, you need to properly feed the puppy:

  1. The first 2 weeks after birth, West Highland puppies feed on mother's milk. It is applied to the chest at least 10 times a day. If the puppy is sleeping peacefully, then he is full. In case of malnutrition, he will whine, behave uncomfortably.
  2. After two weeks, you can start feeding the hound puppy. To do this, use cottage cheese. In order to avoid the appearance of rickets, a special product with a high content of calcium is used. Cottage cheese must be warmed up.
  3. In order for the puppy to taste the product and begin to eat on its own, it is necessary to poke it with its muzzle several times in the saucer. At 3 weeks, you can start feeding meat. It is given to a puppy after he has had enough of his mother's milk. Portions should be equal.
  4. At the age of one month, a puppy can make a combined diet due to meat, cottage cheese and porridge.
    Feed the dog after, not before the walk. This is due to the physiology of the breed: predators digest food better at rest.

Nutrition with natural products

Feed is based on the weight and age of the dog, as well as its physical activity. Choose only pedigree lines of premium feed. The calculation is indicated on the package, do not overfeed the pet, the amount is given strictly for 1 meal.

The advantage of feeding with industrial feed:

  • Ease of storage;
  • Does not require preparation and additional processing;
  • No additional additives needed;
  • Does not deteriorate.

Products for natural feeding are selected:

  1. Not fatty meat - chicken, veal, turkey;
  2. Sea fish - without bones, entrails, cooked;
  3. Kashi - buckwheat, rice, wheat and oatmeal;
  4. Dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  5. Eggs (1 - 2 times a week);
  6. Vegetables / fruits / greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini);
  7. By-products - liver, brain, lung, kidneys, liver, stomach (offal), neck, large cartilage and joints (nibble).
  8. Supplements - vitamins, minerals, vegetable oil in a bowl at each feeding, 2 teaspoons are enough.

Excluded from the diet: tubular bones, river fish, fatty meat, spices and salt, human food, pasta, beans, citrus fruits and strawberries, potatoes, convenience foods, freezing, sweet pastries and sugar.

Health and longevity

As a hunter dog, the dog is the owner of good health and strong immunity, following the rules of vaccination and showing the doctor in a timely manner, you can avoid serious and serious diseases. Plenty of food, exercise, and proper hygiene can increase and prolong a dog's life.

Average life expectancy: 14 - 16 years.

There are predispositions to some diseases that are inherited:

  • Allergic reactions: skin dermatitis and food;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Hearing loss (in adulthood or as a complication after otitis media).

The Terrier rarely gets sick on its own. Bitches can develop various diseases and disorders of the endocrine system - provoked by childbirth and pregnancy. Also, girls may have difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth.

Preparation for knitting

Having a West Highland Terrier girl, every owner sooner or later thinks about getting offspring from his pet. However, if you decide to take this step, remember that breeding dogs of this breed is not a hobby, it is necessary not only to get offspring, but to preserve the pedigree.

To do this, you need to properly prepare the dog for mating: find a club, a breeder of males of the breed, find out all the characteristics of a potential groom, and settle all the formalities.

If you have little experience in breeding a West Terrier, it is better to turn to professional consultants. They will be able to give the necessary advice so that the mating is successful.

How to choose and the cost of a puppy

  1. Kids can cost from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the class. The most expensive are females and puppies from high-class parents with many titles.

Individual indicators of the exterior, character and future prospects are all taken into account in the price of the animal. If the puppy is planned to be used for breeding, the cost may also increase.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Harmonious physique;
  • Behavior and character;
  • The success of past litters;
  • Cleanliness of the skin, mucous membranes, wool;
  • The exterior of the parents and their character;
  • Future prospects.


Moscow and MO kennel "Bright Nose" http://www.west-terrier.ru/;
Mo and Moscow "Natalie's Dream" http://mechta-nataly.ru/;
St. Petersburg and LO "Stars Factory" http://starsfactory.wixsite.com/starsfactory;

Brief description of the dog

Other possible dog names: white Scottish terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Poltalloch T., Roseneath T., White Roseneath T., Westie, Westy, white terrier, lead.
Growth: adult male / female - about 28 cm.
The weight: 27-30 kg.
Color: snow white.
Wool: two-layered, hard, straight, no longer than 5.0 cm. The undercoat is dense, soft, like fur, close fitting.
Lifespan: 12-16 years old.
Breed advantages: dogs have a lively disposition, a high degree of activity and an overwhelming sense of self-confidence. They are always cheerful, courageous, friendly, so the owner will have to postpone a calm lifestyle “for later”.
Breed Difficulties: food allergies. The persistence of the character of the West is closer to stubbornness, besides, they are quite grumpy. The dog is a digger, so it is advisable not to let them into flower beds. Vests also need to be trimmed regularly.
Price: varies from $500 to $1500.

About the West Highland White Terrier breed - a little history

Many breeds have documentary evidence of the date of their origin. Scottish West Highland White Terriers date back so far that it is impossible to specify the time of origin of the breed. History is full of conjectures and rumors.

According to one legend, white terriers appeared as a result of an unsuccessful hunt by one of the crowned heads, who accidentally shot his red dog, mistaking it for a fox. Comparing all the facts, it becomes clear that this oldest breed of Scotland originally designed for hunting on a burrowing animal and is considered the direct descendants of the Cairn Terriers bred in one of the districts of England - Agrill.

For the first time as a breed West Highland White Terrier dogs have been mentioned since the 13th century in the messages of King Ivan Landless, who sent as a gift to the monarch of France six small-sized digger dogs of the purest white color with coarse hair. But they are not recognized as the ancestors of the Wests.

Officially and purposefully breeding began only in the middle of the 19th century, as a result of snow-white puppies being born in litters of terrier varieties in varying proportions. By 1900, several Scottish families were known to breed the white terrier, naming some white Scotch terriers.

The mid-century marked by World War II claimed the lives of many dog ​​breeds, but the West Highland White Terrier was saved thanks to the efforts of legendary figures such as Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Their labors formed the breed type that we have the honor to observe today.


The West Highland White Terrier, or white highland terrier, was originally intended for hunting burrowing animals: badger, fox, raccoon, rabbit and other rodents.

A modern and very popular dog, the West Highland White Terrier, whose price varies greatly, considered a companion dog but for the most part it is positioned as a decorative breed, participating in exhibition shows and taking part in competitions for working qualities, in particular in England and Scotland.

Glory to the white terrier literally fell after an advertising campaign representing Scotch whiskey. But even before the action, a dog with a mischievous disposition was considered a universal favorite. An optimistic dog, a fidget, who feels confident in society, who loves noisy games with children, makes the breed very popular both among the townspeople and outside the megacities.

West Highland White Terrier breed characteristics

Vesti feel great in city apartments. Compact and friendly, a dog that does not express overt aggression, is considered a good companion for people leading an active lifestyle. white terriers very sociable and quite hardy, to make long journeys. In addition, the fearlessness of dogs is regarded as excellent security qualities.

With a significant predisposition to, like most representatives of white breeds, they can be attributed to practically healthy dogs. And if they are properly fed, then the white Scottish terrier throughout life will not give the owners trouble about their health.

Another aspect that deserves attention is how much a West Highland White Terrier costs. Puppies are judged by breeders based on purpose. The most expensive is the exhibition category show dogs.

Breed-class puppies intended for breeding are priced slightly cheaper. Pricing closes the cost of pet-class puppies, or dogs "on the sofa." But this does not negate the purity of the lines in the complete absence of defects and flaws on the part of health.

Video review of the breed

About representatives of the breed of snow-white Scottish terriers, their working qualities and character traits, tells a short video clip of the program “101 Dogs and Others”. Those wishing to get to know the West Highland White Terrier breed better watch the video clip to the end.

The nuances of choosing a puppy

The West Highland White Terrier is one of the elite expensive dogs today. Little news can be purchased no earlier than . But as a puppy of the West Highland White Terrier breed grows older, the price for it rises significantly.

This trend is due to the manifestation of the qualitative characteristics of the grown puppy, and, which is very important, the formed dental system and the manifestation of breed defects, which happens in extremely rare cases.

Until the moment of the agreement on the purchase of a white terrier, you should honestly answer yourself a number of questions related to raising a puppy of a companion dog.

If the future owner has a busy work schedule and does not have time for long walks and regular activities with a puppy, if there is not enough financial support for regular trimming, veterinary prophylaxis and specific feeding, then this is not your dog.

When choosing it is very important to pay attention to parents- this is the only way to understand how mature West Highland White Terrier puppies will look like. It is very important to check the teeth and bite, pigmentation of the eyes and paw pads. There should be no light or pink spots on the pads. The tail must be properly set.

The puppy should look proportionate according to the Breed Standard. The abdomen is not swollen, which indicates the absence. The coat is of high quality, without bald patches, the ears and eyes are clean, the character is active, friendly and inquisitive.

Names and nicknames

Even if the puppy is purchased "on the sofa", it is mandatory must have documents: a stamped veterinary passport and a dog's birth certificate inscribed with the names of the mother and father, as well as their own nickname.

As a rule, when taking a puppy, new owners ignore the nickname received in the kennel, giving the dog a home name. Nicknames for the West Highland White Terrier boys and girls are presented in the Internet database with simple and original names with and without reference to foreign prefixes.

After devoting a few hours to visiting specialized sites, you can choose a name that will appeal to both you and the dog.

West Highland White Terrier maintenance and care

Even at the time of purchasing a puppy, breeders honestly warn that caring for a dog is quite laborious. The West Highland White Terrier is trimmed regularly, at least three times a year, and up to five times for show dogs. Also acute is the need for daily combing and.

The main areas of the body where, from the point of view of hygiene, wool must be plucked, and not sheared:

  • around the eyes and ears;
  • genital organs;
  • anus.

Bathe the dog at least once a month. In bad weather - more often, even if the dog does not take part in exhibition activities.

Vesti are favorites and regular customers of groomers (dog hairdressers), whom they visit three or even five times a year for trimming. Haircut west highland white terrier with scissors, much easier and easier to carry by dogs, has a detrimental effect on hair.

With constant shearing, especially with a clipper, the outer coat loses its rigidity, becoming puffy, like an undercoat, which is absolutely not typical of the breed.

Health and heredity

Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed have enviable health and strong immunity, despite their ancient roots. However, up to 18 West Highland White Terrier diseases recognized as a breed disease can be inherited. They appear as:

  • yeast dermatitis;
  • skin histiocytoma;
  • food allergies;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • diabetes;
  • cataracts;
  • atopy;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • dysplasia;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • craniomandibular osteopathy;
  • meningoencephalitis of white dogs;
  • congenital deafness.

Vestiges have a predisposition to heart disease, manifested in right ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect, and pulmonary stenosis. Therefore, dogs, for all their cheerfulness and obvious manifestations of problems, should be monitored regularly by a veterinarian for preventive purposes.

What to feed a West Highland White Terrier

The success of raising a healthy dog ​​depends on the feeding process. No matter how big the baggage of knowledge before coming to the house to lead, it must be ignored, because the white terrier needs a specific diet.

First, you should give only the one that was recommended by the breeder of the cattery from which he was taken.

The transition to a different type of food for the West Highland White Terrier entails big problems from both the gastrointestinal tract and the manifestations of food allergies in an adult dog.

Therefore, cottage cheese, sour cream, vegetables, fruits and other "delicacies" should be completely excluded from the diet. Food, and only food, according to the puppy's feeding standards.

Secondly, do not succumb to the prejudices that dry food is detrimental to the health of the dog. The content of the dry diet developed for white terriers contains a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids with the appropriate amount of fat and protein, which a person simply cannot provide for the daily feeding of a West.

The worst thing to know is food allergies, coming imperceptibly, rapidly growing, inexorably turning the dog into an invalid. How long a West Highland White Terrier lives depends on the proper nutrition of the dog.


All the White Scottish Terrier needs are long walks enriched with active play, exercise and. It is based on the principle of mutual understanding between a dog and a person, which can only be achieved through daily communication, including on a walk.

West Highland White Terrier training begins at least six months of age when the puppy has almost completely grown physically and psychologically, and the contact between the dog and the owner has reached the proper level.

The training is based on the principle of the dog's interest in itself, the desire to execute commands and pride in. The owner is required not to miss the moment so that the dog understands who the leader of the pack is here.

West Highland White Terrier description of advantages and disadvantages

The character of the White Scottish Terrier is expansive and loyal, with a pronounced sense of dignity. Leading is not sycophantic. The temperament is sparkling and playful. Brave and courageous dog He feels great surrounded by his loving family. The West Highland White Terrier, whose size is very average, is a real companion, carefully guarding the peace of people close to him.

His sparkling mind gushes with ideas. Likes noisy games and fun walks with elements of hunting for bugs, butterflies and other trifles.

Prefers to communicate with adults more. Young children are either ignored or brought up harshly, as the dog shows intolerance towards unconsciously rude treatment of his person.

Vesti is jealous, especially towards other pets under the same roof with him. More dogs are very talkative. They can bark for a long time, loudly and hoarsely, showing with all their appearance how necessary the presence of a person is nearby. It is connected with the memory of ancestors. This is how white hunters called the owner to the hole to take the caught prey.

His zeal for digging holes is also associated with his ancestors. A white terrier that does not dig up the ground is a rarity, so the owners of household plots should carefully fence off flower beds and lawns from the encroachments of the "gardener".

West Highland White Terrier owner reviews

Olga Sergeevna, dog 1 year 8 months old:

Our favorite traveled for a long time, with two transfer flights. Since then, she has been madly in love with traveling, accompanying my daughter and me in all events, up to the market. Very sociable. It seems like we've had it all our lives.

Yuri, dog 8 years old:

Max showed up at the house when I hadn't finished school yet. Mom bought it for herself, but he recognized me as the leader. Since then we have been inseparable.

He even attended the wedding and guarded me. Jealous, touchy, cunning, but the most wonderful and devoted, a real Big Little Friend.


We invite all those who are not indifferent to dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed to a dialogue. We are waiting for interesting stories about a cheerful, cheerful and courageous white terrier - a hunter and companion. Your comments and critical reviews can be placed at the bottom of the article. We will be happy to discuss the most acute and sore topics.

The West Highland White Terrier is a fairly ancient breed, so there is not as much reliable information about its origin and development as we would like. The few written sources of the Middle Ages claim that the ancestors of today's West Highlands successfully hunted small animals as early as the 12th century. At the same time, modern researchers are sure that the true history of this variety of terriers began at least several centuries earlier.

The homeland of the West Highland White Terriers is considered to be western Scotland with its rocky ridges and minimalist mountain landscapes (West Highland from English - western highlands). It was here that small, but wiry shaggy cats revealed their hunting potential, pulling otters out of stone crevices and digging out badger holes. What is interesting: at first, the West Highland White Terriers had a more extensive palette of colors, ranging from fawn to brindle varieties. But individuals with white hair in those ancient times were not listed, as they were considered unnecessarily painful, so the owners tried to get rid of all white puppies in the litter.

The breed owes its current appearance to two eminent Scots who lived at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries - Colonel Edward Malcom and the 8th Duke of Argyll, George Campbell. Both gentlemen approached the issue of breeding animals in an innovative way, starting to select and promote in every possible way precisely the white-haired news. Well, since in those days the name of the West Highland White Terrier was not yet fixed for the breed, the colonel's wards were dubbed half-talloch terriers (after the name of the estate in which they were bred), and the pets of the Duke of Argyle - rosenet terriers.

The first West Highland White Terrier club was opened in Scotland in 1904, and its founder was a descendant of the same George Campbell. Pretty soon, or rather, three years later, the first nursery began its activity, specializing in breeding snow-white vestiks. However, it was only in 1924 that it was possible to put an end to the formation of the unique exterior of the breed, after breeders were officially forbidden to exhibit dogs in whose pedigree other representatives of the terrier group (Scottish Terrier, Cairn Terrier) were noted.

Video: West Highland White Terrier

Appearance of the West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a snow-white, compact shaggy dog ​​with an inquisitive look, vaguely resembling a Bichon Frize. Thanks to their cute appearance and more than modest dimensions (the height of an adult dog is up to 28 cm, weight is up to 10 kg), the West Highlands are quite suitable for the role of apartment dwellers. At the same time, they are not particularly fragile, like most representatives of decorative breeds, which means that the owner does not have to control every step and jump of the pet.


The skull of the West Highland White Terrier is wide, slightly domed, with a pronounced stop and prominent brow ridges.

Jaws and bite

Despite the fact that the West Highland White Terrier is an almost miniature dog, its jaws are powerful. As for the bite, it is a complete, scissor-like type of representatives of this breed.


The wide and fairly deep-set eyes of the West Highland White Terrier are almond-shaped and have a dark iris color. The look of the dog is intelligent, insightful.


The news has a large, black nose, almost not protruding beyond the muzzle.


The small, pointed ears of the West Highland White Terrier are not set too wide and are held straight. The outer side of the ear cloth is covered with velvety fur, which is never sheared.


Dogs have a moderately long and well-muscled neck, which gradually thickens towards the body.


The body of the representatives of this breed is compact, with a straight back, a strong lumbar region and a wide croup.


The forelegs of the West Highland White Terrier are short, well muscled and without curvature or outward turning. In some cases, the paws of the animal may be slightly deployed. Experts explain this feature by the fact that during the hunt, the ancestors of today's dogs tore the ground, throwing it to the sides, which provoked a slight spread of the limbs. The hind legs of the West Highlands are short but sinewy, with a fleshy and broad upperparts. The paws of the dogs are rounded, with plump pads and tightly closed toes, while the front paws are noticeably larger than the hind legs.


It has a straight tail up to 15 cm long, which it carries almost vertically.


The coat of the West Highland White Terrier consists of a dense, furry undercoat and a harsh outer coat that can be up to 5 cm long.


The West Highland White Terrier is one of the few breeds whose modern representatives exist in a single color - white. An important point: the color of the coat is extremely unstable and very dependent on external factors, so among animals there are often individuals whose “fur coats” have a yellowish undertone.

Defects and disqualifying vices

Any more or less noticeable deviations from the standard can affect the exhibition evaluation of show class West Highland White Terriers. These are usually wavy or curly hair, large ears, short or vice versa - an excessively long neck, atypical set of limbs. As a rule, a dog can be prevented from participating in competitions for two reasons: for the manifestation of unreasonable aggression or cowardice, as well as for obvious malformations in behavior and physical development.

Photos of West Highland White Terriers

West Highland White Terrier Personality

White and fluffy West Highland White Terriers just outside. Inside, these charming "Scots" are not as good as they seem at first glance, moreover, they are quite stubborn and do not really like to keep a chain of command. At the same time, against the background of their more aggressive and temperamental relatives in the terrier group, the West Highland White Terriers seem to be, if not quite quiet, then quite controllable pets. However, this is not an innate dignity, but rather the result of the work of breeding specialists, who for a long time "extinguished" the hunting instincts of the breed and stimulated its companion qualities.

All West Highland White Terriers do not like to be ignored, and these snow-white babies do not cope well with loneliness. So before you bring the young news into your house, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice silence and your own peace for the sake of the four-legged quickie. West Highland White Terriers have partnership relations with children: they play together with pleasure, while both parties involved in the process feel equal. Another thing is if the dog has to deal with babies, who, due to their thoughtlessness, can annoy her with obsession or cause pain. In this case, the news will definitely fight back (guess in what way).

The West Highland White Terrier is easy to delegate watchdog duties. Most representatives of this breed have acute hearing and are able to warn the owner of the appearance of a stranger with a ringing bark. At the same time, they don’t feel any particular hostility towards strangers, which means they won’t scare your guests with sudden attacks and dissatisfied grumblings.

Despite all the efforts of breeders, the specialists in burrow hunting in the West Highland White Terriers are not completely dead, so from time to time the dogs will be drawn to exploits. In particular, on walks, the Westies will selflessly dig trenches in search of an imaginary gopher, and when they see a garbage rat or some other small animal, they will immediately rush into battle. Treat this behavior of a pet with a slight irony: in the end, each breed has its own harmless cockroaches.

Education and training

The West Highland White Terrier will never follow the commands of someone he does not respect and considers obviously stupider than himself, so the first thing you should start training a dog with is to assert your own authority. In addition, the pet will have to be constantly stimulated, as this is not the kind of breed that will work on sheer enthusiasm. If your ward has successfully completed the command, appease him with a treat, then give him a game pause - the West Highland White Terriers love aimlessly messing around and fooling around no less than hunting. By the way, about games: from the very first days, let the pet understand that it is strictly forbidden to practice hunting skills on the owner and other family members. If the enraged West Highland White Terrier still tries to taste your hand or foot, gently switch his attention to the toy.

Important: during training and practicing commands, try to stay alone with your pet. The presence of strangers only slows down the training process, since it is more difficult for a dog to concentrate if two people communicate with it at the same time.

Teaching a West Highland White Terrier puppy to a collar and leash should be done before going out for the first walk. To do this, buy a one and a half to two meter strap and an unfastening collar with a lock that will not have to be put on over the head, thereby scaring the animal. After the lead is 10 months old, you can train with it on the sites. It is better to enroll difficult-to-educate and especially stubborn individuals in some kind of kennel club, where an individual training program will be selected for them, and their behavior will be corrected.

If you do not want your life together with the West Highland White Terrier to turn into a "who wins" confrontation, pay special attention to teaching your pet the basic norms of behavior. In particular, don't let the vestik lie on your bed and don't let him stare with hungry eyes at the family members gathered around the table. And there are no exceptions to the rules and indulgences: despite the external weakness and fragility, the West Highlands turn the rope from the owner simply masterfully.

Hunting with the West Highland White Terrier

As noted earlier, walking with today's West Highland White Terriers on foxes and badgers is not accepted. Moreover, at competitions and exhibitions, representatives of this breed have long been evaluated solely by external parameters and almost never by working qualities. On the other hand, no one has the right to forbid the owner of the West Highland White Terrier to go with his ward to the beast. So if you are burning with the desire to try out your pet in action, sign up for any kennel club where there is a training hole, and work out the hunting talents of your pupil as much as you want. As practice shows, in work they are extremely reckless, but at the same time they do not lose their minds. In addition, they very quickly learn the habits of a wild beast and can change tactics of behavior with lightning speed if the situation requires it.

Every year, West Highland White Terriers are increasingly turning into indoor and sofa pets, and the reason for this is the desire of the owners to keep the easily soiled “fur coats” of their wards in relative cleanliness. However, by nature, they are not so sissy and are quite capable of spending time on the street, even if the weather leaves much to be desired. The bright, cute clothes and collars that West Highland White Terriers often wear are by no means a forced measure, but rather the desire of the owner to emphasize the uniqueness of his pet. In reality, West Highland White Terriers hardly suffer from the cold even during the winter months, of course, provided that you do not keep the dog outside all day.

Trimming and cleaning the coat of the West Highland White Terrier

A nice bonus for fans of sterile cleanliness: West Highland White Terriers do not shed and practically do not smell. Of course, the coat of animals is regularly updated, but the dead hairs from their "fur coats" do not fall out, but simply fall off. Accordingly, in order to maintain the image of a pet, it will have to be trimmed every couple of months or, if it is a show dog, every 30 days. Haircut for these charming shaggy is prohibited, as it changes the structure of the coat, softening it and causing the hair to curl into a curl. As a result, the West Highland White Terrier loses its original appearance and becomes like a hybrid of a lap dog and a Bichon Frize. However, if you are not ambitious and do not plan to travel to exhibitions, you can try to cut your ward's haircut. Self-esteem will not suffer from this at all.

Before trimming, the West Highland White Terrier is thoroughly combed, after which the throat area and the area near the elbows are treated as briefly as possible with a stripping knife. The line from the withers to the croup, as well as the ridge part of the neck, is also pinched with a knife, keeping the total length of the coat 4-5 cm and smoothing out the transitions. As an example: an exemplary West Highland White Terrier should have short hair on the sides and the so-called skirt - a lush, adorning coat on the sternum. The hair on the forehead, crown and cheekbones is plucked by hand (placing technique), giving the head the shape of a chrysanthemum. The hair on the legs is usually not shortened.

If you want to keep the unique snow-white color of the West Highland White Terrier, get ready to give your pet an extra hour and a half to “fur coat”. The fact is that the wool of representatives of this breed often turns yellow when dog saliva gets on it or from feed, therefore, to neutralize an undesirable undertone, it is necessary to use a cleaning compound made of crushed chalk and boric acid. The mixture is rubbed into a slightly moistened hair, after which its chalk particles are combed out with a regular hair brush.


Once a month, West Highland White Terriers are bathed using a diluted pet shampoo (regular products are not suitable). Not the most useless purchase is a whitening shampoo that allows you to preserve the exquisite shade of the vestik's coat. Just do not test it on a puppy, otherwise you risk thoroughly spoiling the baby's hair structure. Otherwise, representatives of this breed are suitable for any detergent formulations designed specifically for wire-haired dogs.

Once every 5-6 days, the West Highland White Terrier is supposed to be combed with a rare comb with metal teeth, which will not tear the undercoat, but will only gently remove dead hair and debris. But this is the case if the pet's coat is tough and healthy. Individuals with soft hair will have to be combed more often, otherwise you are provided with tangles. In addition, do not forget to wipe the dog's muzzle with a napkin after eating so that food debris does not get stuck in the coat and provoke a change in its color.

Once a week, attention should be paid to the ears of the lead: plucking out long hair that interferes with the free circulation of air inside the ear funnel, and removing dirt accumulated in the sink. The eyes of the West Highland White Terrier are best examined every day. If brown streaks are found on the coat under the lower eyelids, the dog is most likely allergic, so grab your pet in an armful and run to a consultation with the veterinarian. The teeth of the vests are brushed a couple of times a week. In addition, it is useful to introduce various solid foods into the dog's diet, the particles of which work as abrasives and partially remove plaque. The paws of the West Highland White Terrier also need care, so after each walk they should be thoroughly washed, and in winter, when the roads are sprinkled with reagents, they should also be lubricated with vegetable oil.


If your West Highland White Terrier does not hunt (and he most likely does not), he will have to compensate for the lack of adrenaline and positive emotions with walks and training. It is necessary to take out the Westies at least twice, and preferably three times a day, and it should not be 15-minute runs around the playground. The first walks begin at the age of 3 months, after the puppy has been vaccinated and spent a week in quarantine. By the way, up to 6 months old babies are taken out into the street (they are taken out, but not taken out) 5-6 times a day, which is due to the need to form in them the ability to relieve themselves outside the home.

Vesti love to dig in the ground and are able to destroy a well-groomed flower bed or a green lawn in a matter of minutes, so if you don’t want to constantly argue with landscape designers and public utilities, it’s better not to let your pet off the leash in the city. When walking with a West Highland White Terrier in nature, it is also better not to lose vigilance. Firstly, because dogs, drugged by unfamiliar smells and sounds, instantly become difficult to control. And secondly, because they have a real passion for carrion, in which they prefer to wallow well before responding to the owner's command.


The diet of the West Highland is not much different from the menu of his other brethren in the terrier group. In particular, half of the dog's meal should be lean meat, which is supplemented with vegetables (broccoli, pumpkin, turnips), cereals from cereals (rice, buckwheat), sour-milk products and fruits. However, since most dogs are prone to food allergies, the menu should be approached with the utmost care and preferably with the involvement of a veterinarian.

Eliminate chicken and wheat grits from your West Highland White Terrier's diet once and for all. The same rule applies to industrial feed. If wheat flour and “chicken” are found in the composition of the store “drying”, return this product to the shelf and never look at it again. As for vitamin supplements, you can periodically mix chopped greens (nettle, dandelion, parsley), brewer's yeast and salmon oil into the food of the West Highland White Terrier. Once a week it will be useful to treat the fluffy with a quail egg, and in season it can be pampered with half an apricot, a slice of a pear or a ripe plum. By the way, despite the fact that sweets are strictly forbidden for West Highland White Terriers, dogs are simply crazy about them. So when you are going to enjoy ice cream or candy, do not forget to hide well from the four-legged beggar.

Note: The coat of the West Highland White Terrier may change its color and take on a yellowish undertone if the dog's diet includes foods containing artificial or natural dyes. For pets, this is not critical, but for show class individuals, such changes can thoroughly spoil their show career.

Health and disease of the West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terriers live an average of 13-15 years and are less prone to hereditary ailments than their terrier counterparts.

Diseases that can occur in West Highland White Terriers:

  • cranial osteopathy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • epidermal dysplasia;
  • ichthyosis;
  • congenital deafness;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • diabetes;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • meningoencephalitis of white dogs;
  • Perthes disease;
  • shaker syndrome;
  • hyperuricosuria.

How to choose a puppy

  • Choose reliable, proven catteries registered by RKF. In them, usually all matings are planned.
  • Give preference to breeders or kennels who are ready to provide their clients with advisory support throughout the entire period of growing up a puppy. Unscrupulous "breeders", whose main goal is to make a profit from the sale of animals, as a rule, do not make such concessions.
  • If possible, look at several litters. Offspring from different parents can differ significantly both in external and behavioral indicators.
  • The sex of the West Highland White Terrier practically does not affect the type of his temperament and intellectual abilities, although it is believed that males of this breed learn faster than females.
  • Assess the level of hygiene and conditions for keeping puppies in the kennel. It is great if the kids do not sit in dirty cages, but move freely around the territory allotted to them.
  • Touch the belly of the puppy you like. If additional swelling is felt in the navel area or there is a protrusion of the peritoneum, it is likely that in the future the baby will be diagnosed with a hernia.
  • Responsible breeders test West Highland White Terriers for genetic diseases, so before buying, do not be too lazy to get acquainted with the results of the test, so that later you will not be surprised why your baby has health problems.

Photos of West Highland White Terrier puppies

How much is a West Highland White Terrier worth?

The average price tag for a promising West Highland White Terrier puppy, whose pedigree includes international champions, is 30,000 - 45,000 rubles. A pet with minor exterior defects can be purchased for 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Origin:northern scotland
Dimensions:Average height: 25-28 cm. Average weight 5-8 kg.
Character:Mobile and active dogs, good hunters
Where is used:Companion
Lives:Can live comfortably, both in an apartment and in a country house
Color:Only snow white

The West Highland White Terrier is a cheerful and curious companion dog from Northern Scotland. In this article, we will talk about it in more detail.

The West Highland White Terrier (White Highland Terrier) is a small dog with a strong build and a fine temperament that was bred in Scotland. The description indicates that dogs of this breed were bred primarily because of their working qualities. The West Highland White Terrier was used for underground hunting, where it was very important to show one's intelligence and abilities. Hunted with four-legged friends mainly for small game.

As a rule, the burrows of these animals were underground, or between stones, where there was complete darkness. Then the hunters needed bold and courageous dogs - hunters who could overcome all difficulties, penetrate any gorges, and quickly and dodgy fight with a wild beast. These dogs did not work alone, but in a pack, as a rule, and with their loud barking they announced prey.

The origin of this breed is not known for certain, and is mostly based on conjecture. It is believed that the ancestors of the West Highland Terriers were Scotch Terriers, which differed in appearance. There is also a version that the West Highland Terriers are descendants of the roll terriers.

These dogs acquired their modern look over the years of selection with other breeds of dogs. In the process of selection, very different types of dogs were obtained. Over time, the breeds began to merge into one, and a description of a single breed appeared. West Wild Terriers have become more graceful in appearance, the coat has become thicker and whiter.

As a result of long and hard years of work on selection, terriers have turned into a pure white dog without red spots. And now we see a unique type of Scottish terriers, which differ not only in external data, but also have a bold temperament, charisma and extraordinary agility.

Characteristics of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is a very dynamic dog with a miniature build. They have good intelligence and dexterity. Always educated, even somewhat aristocratic in their behavior. Sometimes they are called "little selfless hunters", such a description perfectly describes their character and lifestyle of this breed.

Appearance and standard

The West Highland White Terrier is a cute miniature dog. Thanks to its positive appearance, cheerful, responsive nature and compact size, today the most popular dog breed in the world. The appearance of the white terrier is surprisingly beautiful.

A small body with short legs, covered with snow-white short hair. The tail is always in good shape and rises above the back. The head resembles a fluffy ball. The ears are pointed and always in an upright position. Eyes with a cunning, black. Average height: 25-28 cm. Average weight 5-8 kg. There is no single standard for the weight of these pets.

The breed standard includes:

  1. Head: Should appear larger than it is, round, completely covered with hair.
  2. The muzzle tapers downward.
  3. Lips are well defined, densely placed.
  4. Teeth big, large.
  5. Bite - scissors.
  6. The nose is black, of medium size, against the background of the small muzzle of the dog it seems large.
  7. Eyes only black, deep set.
  8. The body is like a square.
  9. The shoulders and chest are broad and set wide apart.
  10. The front and hind legs are strong, with well-developed muscles.
  11. Only white coat color is allowed.
  12. The coat is soft and dense with a dense undercoat.


The West Highland White Terrier is a unique breed of dog. They are always full of seething and indefatigable vitality. Due to this nature, the upbringing and training of white terriers must be thorough. They need good timely education and socialization.

Despite their cheerful, playful nature and very cute appearance, these dogs are not recommended to be taken as a pet for small children under 10 years old. Terriers need a firm hand and real authority. In addition, they are very jealous and touchy. Sometimes unbearable in their stubbornness and will. They have a simply unimaginable penchant for pranks and adventures. These are hyperactive and energetic dogs.

Pets are very attached to their owner, they are always infinitely devoted. But do not forget about the jealous nature, in case you want to have another pet in the house. Your cute and funny terrier may be offended and punish his offender. Another trait of the White Terrier is its love of freedom. This dog can easily get into a fight with a dog of his size, as well as with a huge mastiff, which is larger in weight than the West Highland White Terrier in its entirety.

Conditions for keeping

The West Highland White Terrier is a compact dog that adapts well to a variety of environments. Terriers feel good both in the apartment and in the countryside. The only negative is their increased activity. Because of this, they simply may not have enough living space.

Terriers are active and nimble dogs that do not mind running around not only on the street, but also around the apartment. Keep all dangerous and breakable objects out of sight. Buy special toys for your pet.

Well, if it will be ringing toys. White terriers, like little children, adore jingling balls and interact with them with great pleasure. This dog should have a whole play set at home: balls, rubber toys, squeakers, a rope, a frisbee. Take care of sleeping place for your pet. A bedding or soft pillow is best placed in your bedroom or nearby. Make sure there are no drafts or direct sunlight.

It is better to remove the bowl with food and put it only when it's time to eat, clean water should always be in the terrier's field of vision. Despite their indefatigable vitality, White Terriers are very well-mannered and intelligent. They will not spoil your things or furniture, even if they are very offended.

West Highland White Terrier puppies are neat and perfectly acceptable companions. Cons of keeping the white terrier breed in an apartment: their passion is to bark loudly, they have a very shrill, sonorous voice. Not all neighbors will be happy with such cohabitation. Therefore, take care of soundproofing. If you live in an apartment, you need to walk the White Terrier 2-3 times and for a long time, it is desirable that these be outdoor games with a ball or a frisbee.


Many buyers, after reading reviews that the snow-white coat of a terrier requires extraordinary effort and expense, give up the idea of ​​​​making a faithful and cheerful friend. In fact this is not true. Care for the snow-white fluffy coat of the white terrier is needed.

Wool should be brushed regularly. Grooming the White Highland West Terrier should be carried out, as well as trimming 2 times a year. If you are preparing a dog for an exhibition, then more often. Without such care, the coat will not look quite neat. In addition, the hard coat of the terrier repels water and dirt. And this means that you should always wash your pet 1-2 times a month. To do this, you need to purchase a special shampoo in a veterinary pharmacy for snow-white wool.

If your pet likes to get dirty often, it is not necessary to wash it completely. Wait until the coat is dry and comb it with a stiff brush, removing all the dirt in this way. White Terriers shed neatly, there are usually no problems with hair on the floor. Don't forget to take care of your pet's teeth, eyes, ears and claws.

Your dog needs regular walks with moderate physical play or exercise. This is one of the main factors for the full health and longevity of West Terriers.

The upbringing and training of a terrier should be built on the principle of a strong hand of the owner. From the first days of life, when the West Highland puppies appeared in your house, you must show with your authority and respect that you are the owner of this house. Proper care and upbringing is a successful future and longevity of your pet.

How is mating done? The mating of the dog occurs only after reaching maturity. The average age for reproduction of offspring is 2-2.5 years. Mating should take place only with dogs of breeding selection, which are of value in terms of selection. In order for the mating to be successful, a couple is selected in the club. Mating cannot be done alone, or not with purebred dogs. It is strongly not recommended to carry out independent mating and in general to knit non-breeding animals.

Optimal Diet

The West Highland White Terrier weighs an average of 6-9 kg. It looks like a small dog, but so mobile that you will not forget about it for a minute. Their longevity largely depends on proper care and nutrition. The average life expectancy of white terriers is 12-15 years.

The nutrition of the white terrier must be balanced. A small puppy should be fed 3 times a day. When he grows up, transfer to two meals a day. Forbid the puppy to ask for food from the table, otherwise it may turn into a habit. In food, white terriers are unpretentious, but their frequent food allergies are a problem. In the diet of terriers, there should be meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products. If you feed your pet with natural food.

If you are going to choose dry food for your pet friend, premium food is ideal. On sale there is also a dry food specially designed for terriers and white terriers.

To feed a terrier with natural food, you need to follow a balanced diet. Meat in the diet should be at least a third of the entire serving. Suitable lamb, rabbit, beef, veal. Pork should not be given to pets, as an alternative, offer boneless sea fish.

Porridge should make up a third of the diet. Milk is given only to puppies, but fermented milk products must be included in the diet. They improve the animal's digestive system. From vegetables, it is better to give preference to zucchini, corn, fresh herbs.

Possible diseases

Consider possible diseases:

  1. food allergy.
  2. Atopic dermatitis.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Cataract.
  5. Joint disease.
  6. Meningoencephalitis.
  7. Deafness is congenital.
  1. Caring for West Terriers is simple and does not require much effort.
  2. These are very sweet and loyal dogs, excellent companions.
  3. Thanks to their compact body and high intelligence, they are excellent hunters.

Of the minuses, perhaps one can single out their hyperactivity, jealousy, resentment.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Animals in the hairdresser Photo 2. Dog in nature Photo 3. West Highland White Terrier close-up

Video "Little friend"

This video is about a puppy. West Highland White Terrier. The author of the video is Yaroslava Kuznetsova.


Origin: highlands of Scotland

Class: according to FCI classification: 3rd group "Terriers", 2nd section "Small terriers"

Usage: The breed was bred for hunting burrowing animals. Currently used as a companion.

Color: white

Dimensions: height at the withers: 25-28 cm; weight: 6-10 kg

Lifespan: with proper care 12-15 years

A small white dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a cheerful soft toy, with a large head and a fervently raised tail.

Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the highlands of Scotland, the Vestik is able to be a watchman and an excellent companion dog.

History of the breed

The dog was bred in the mountains of Scotland. Severe and stingy Highlanders would never feed a dog just for beauty.

All Scottish Terriers are distinguished by their remarkable working qualities.

Small, brave and with strong jaws, terriers helped hunters-highlanders to get foxes and dangerous heavy badgers.

Most Scottish Terriers are similar to each other and clearly have common roots.

Vest has a resemblance to scotch tape, , and norwich terrier .

At that time, it was believed that light-colored puppies were weaker and more susceptible to disease, so white terriers were ruthlessly rejected.

But then the hunters realized that the white dog is not so easy to confuse with the beast and accidentally kill in the heat of the hunt.

The enthusiast of the breed, Colonel Edward Malcolm, especially contributed to the consolidation of the white color.

The Colonel bred exclusively white and cream terriers on his Poltalloch estate after his beloved red terrier was mistakenly killed while hunting.

White dogs were also favored by the Duke of Argyll of Roseneath and Dr. Flaxman of Fifeshire.

Thanks to these three people, the West Highland White Terrier acquired its characteristic appearance.

Vestas have very good hearing, as do Boston Terriers.


Vestik is a real terrier, full of ebullient energy.

Like all terriers, the lead is prone to dominance and needs serious training and socialization.

Secondly, the child is unlikely to be able to become a real authority for the West: the dog needs a firmer hand.

This is due to the fact that the Vestas, for all their cute white fluffiness, have remarkable will, stubbornness, ingenuity and a penchant for adventurous pranks.

It's amazing how cunning the intellect of this tireless adventurer can be.

Vestas are incredibly devoted to their owners and at the same time terribly jealous.

If you decide to pet another dog or even a cat in his presence, your pet may be terribly offended and rush to punish a competitor.

If you want to have another animal in the house that is larger than a snail, keep this in mind.

Like most terriers, Westies love to start a fight, and with equal fury, the terrier is able to rush at both the crumb and the huge one, whose head alone weighs more than the entire Westie.


The West Highlands can still go hunting with you.

With vests, you can engage in mobile dog sports, keep it just “for the soul” and for long walks in good company.

How to choose a dog

Vestas are becoming more and more popular and unscrupulous people are cashing in on the sale of pseudo-pedigreed puppies.

Therefore, never buy a dog in the market.

Even if you are lucky, and the purchased puppy turns out to be healthy, it is not at all necessary that the West Highland will grow out of it, and not the usual white mongrel.

Contact well-known nurseries with a good reputation, not the first year working with the breed.

In this case, you will be able to get all possible help in raising and raising a puppy, see the parents of the baby and make sure that the West Highland White Terrier puppies were raised in good conditions.

Carefully examine the baby: he should have clear eyes, without any discharge, a clean wet nose, clean and pink ears.

The abdomen should not be bloated and there should be no evidence of loose stools under the tail.

Features of care


The white coat of the Vesta requires constant care. Two or three times a week, the dog needs to be combed, once a month - washed.

To maintain the characteristic appearance of the vest, it is necessary to cut or trim several times a year.

This is faster and cheaper, but degrades the quality of the wool.

Owners usually prefer to cut the hair around the anus and genitals on their own. This is necessary for hygiene and ease of care.

Be sure to regularly inspect the dog's ears, trim the claws if they do not wear out on their own.


It is necessary to walk with Vesta for at least 2 hours every day, and during the walk the dog should run enough and release his energy.

Powerful unhurried walks on - not for the West.

With him you need to play, work out, run.

That is why terriers are not very suitable for older people, but are wonderful for families with middle-aged children.

If you live in your own house with a plot, you may be in for disappointment. Vestas love to dig everything and everywhere.

If you value your flower beds and a well-groomed garden, then it is better not to let the dog go there.

But you can fence off for your pet a small area where he can satisfy his digging inclinations.

Pour a bunch of sand and sawdust in there, and the West will selflessly dig without harming the garden.


Vestas are unpretentious in food, but prone to food allergies. The diet of terriers should be enough meat, fish, vegetables.

A third of the diet is cereals, of which buckwheat and rice should be preferred.

Barley, corn, millet, pearl barley and semolina are not suitable: they only load the digestive system.

Milk can only be given to puppies, but fermented milk products must be included in the diet.

Low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese should be at least 1/5 of the dog's diet.

From vegetables, zucchini, cabbage, greens are suitable.

Terriers are happy to nibble on both carrots and beets, but these brightly colored fruits can change their coat color, which is undesirable for show dogs.

From fruits, you can give apples, pears and other fruits if the pet does not suffer from allergies.

It is forbidden to give bird bones, smoked and spicy foods, and also feed the dog with waste from the table.

This is what a healthy West Highland Terrier puppy looks like


Vaccination follows the general rules: produced by the breeder at the age of 4 weeks, against plague and parvovirus.

10 days before vaccination, you need to give the kids an anthelmintic.

The second vaccination occurs at 8-9 weeks - plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis.

After 2-3 weeks, you need to make a third vaccination with the same vaccine + rabies vaccine.

Subsequent vaccinations are given annually.


You can knit a dog only after it reaches maturity, at the age of 2-2.5 years, when it has come.

Only dogs of the breeding class, valuable from the point of view of selection, participate in matings. A couple is picked up at the club.

West Highland White Terrier - a fearless hunter and a cheerful companion: description, character, care

A small white dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a cheerful soft toy, with a large head and a fervently raised tail. But don't let the cutest appearance fool you: the West Highland White Terrier is quite a serious dog, like most terriers. Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the highlands of Scotland, the vestik is able to be a watchman and an excellent companion.