Viral hepatitis a and e. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) - causes, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies Icteric period with hepatitis A and E virus

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

The disease is most often asymptomatic, but some non-specific manifestations are possible:

  • fatigue, increased fatigue;
  • nausea, loss of appetite.
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • pain in the joints;
  • sleep disorders;
  • skin itching.

What is viral hepatitis C, how does it manifest itself, why is it dangerous? How is the virus transmitted and can hepatitis C be cured? Which doctors treat and where to start treatment?

Viral hepatitis C is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused by the corresponding virus. For many years, the disease proceeds without symptoms, which makes it especially dangerous: there is a high probability of developing the consequences of hepatitis C - cirrhosis and liver cancer. That is why it is so important to identify the disease in time and start therapy. Modern antiviral drugs can completely cure hepatitis C.

The prevalence of viral hepatitis C

In developed countries, the incidence of viral hepatitis C is about 2% of the population. In Russia, the number of cases is about 5 million worldwide - about 500 million people. Every year these figures are growing, which is associated with the spread of drug addiction and intravenous drug use.

How do you get infected with the hepatitis C virus?

The virus is transmitted through the blood. You can become infected with the virus when applying tattoos, piercings, visiting a manicure room, medical manipulations with blood, including blood transfusions, administering blood products, operations, and visiting a dentist. Also, infection is possible with the general use of toothbrushes, razors, manicure accessories. Read more…

Hepatitis C and pregnancy

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that occurs in humans, predominantly affecting the liver, prone to a long, asymptomatic chronic course, the outcome of which is liver cirrhosis or cancer.

How can you get hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can be contracted by getting the virus into the blood of a person (blood contact route). Contact with infected blood on intact mucous membranes and skin does not lead to infection. Vertical transmission of the disease (from mother to fetus) is unlikely.

How the disease progresses

There are acute and chronic forms of hepatitis C. But even in acute phase. the disease in most patients proceeds subclinically, and, as a rule, is not recognized. BUT chronic hepatitis C almost always proceeds with a small number of characteristic symptoms, but at the same time, the progression of the pathological process in the liver and other organs is steadily occurring.

Hepatitis C is characterized by the inclusion of autoimmune mechanisms that characterize the appearance of extrahepatic signs of chronic hepatitis C (vasculitis, thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, neuromuscular disorders, etc.). Sometimes only this symptomatology helps to suggest the presence of the hepatitis C virus in the body.

Chronic hepatitis C has a duration of 15 to 20 years, but often longer. In some cases of the disease, the terms can be noticeably reduced, usually this occurs with superinfection, i.e. accession of any of the types of hepatitis.

The course and management of pregnancy in viral hepatitis C

Pregnancy in women with hepatitis C is monitored by an obstetrician and an infectious disease specialist. In case of manifestation of autoimmune signs of the manifestation of the disease, the help of other specialists may be needed.

In most cases, hepatitis C in pregnant women proceeds in the same way as outside pregnancy. Complications of the disease are very rare. However, occasionally the following complications are noted in some pregnant women:

Hepatitis, folk remedies, treatment

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis (jaundice, Botkin's disease). Folk remedies, treatment of liver diseases. How to treat hepatitis folk remedies. Folk remedies for the treatment of hepatitis, natural medicines, methods of preparation.

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis, treatment of liver hepatitis with folk remedies. What herbs to use for hepatitis and methods of preparing medicines from herbs, folk remedies. What is hepatitis (Botkin's disease, jaundice), symptoms of hepatitis A, B and C, what folk remedies to use.


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. There are several types of this disease. In most cases, hepatitis is caused by a virus.

At the same time, hepatitis can also develop as a result of general body reactions to certain drugs that are toxins or allergens for it. Such reactions can occur to various chemicals, such as metal compounds, solvents or alcohol.

Hepatitis causes swelling, inflammation, and cell death in the liver tissue. Fortunately, a healthy liver that has not previously been exposed to harmful destructive influences or diseases retains the ability to reproduce cells and replace dead tissue with new one. Sometimes the liver cannot cope with the infection on its own, and then the hepatitis virus remains in it in a viable state for a long time and even throughout a person's life. Such people are called carriers of the hepatitis virus.

They may or may not have symptoms of hepatitis. Regardless of this, carriers of the virus continue to be a source of infection for others. Some of them may develop chronic hepatitis, characterized by progressive and steady destruction of the liver. Carriers of the hepatitis virus and people with chronic hepatitis are at greater risk of developing liver cancer or cirrhosis.

What vitamins (shots) can be taken for hepatitis C? or which cannot. VERY NEED TO KNOW.

XENIA Thinker (5918) 3 years ago

B vitamins are very useful. They are in Milgamma injections, you can just take B1 and B6 and do 10 pieces every other day, only 20 days. vitamins are in tablets. It is very good to take Liv52 for a long time, it is a concentrate of herbs, a good hepatoprotector.

Tanusic Guru (3503) 3 years ago

XENIA Thinker (5918) B12 is also a good vitamin, you can take B6 and B12 10 ampoules for 20 days. But ideally, Milgamma, of course. Hepatitis C is being treated, try to find a good interferon treatment program, there are humanitarian aid centers. I don't know what is in your country, but find out more, from everywhere, because the sooner you start treatment, the better. At the moment, while you are looking for a radical treatment, you need to contact a hepatologist and take a course of blood purification with droppers, they also include vitamins. Droppers are made in polyclinics for free and in courses.

Sofia Skobeleva Supreme Intelligence (227347) 3 years ago

The disease is fatal. Be treated only by a doctor. Do not collect information from people. For the best reasons, they will advise this.

Tanusic Guru (3503) 3 years ago

Yes, we know everything about the treatment! They just didn't ask the doctor about vitamins.

Lady Student (134) 3 years ago

This is where Tianshi products can help! Ready to give detailed information on the use and acquisition.

Tanusic Guru (3503) 3 years ago

Lady Pupil (134) your business, but the product is working!

Colds with hepatitis C


Hello. My husband has hepatitis C genotype 1b. Now he has a cold (cough, runny nose). What medicines can he take


Your husband has no contraindications for taking drugs in connection with acute respiratory infections. After treatment, it is necessary to control the biochemical blood test and, if changes are detected, to carry out appropriate therapy, having coordinated the appointments with a gastroenterologist or therapist. You can carry out all the necessary examinations and consultations in our clinic. All the best.

The medical center "GUTA-CLINIC" is one of the leading medical centers in Moscow, where doctors of the highest category, candidates and doctors of medical sciences of all popular areas of modern medicine are treated. We have the most modern diagnostic equipment, which has the ability to detect (even in the early stages) and treat diseases in more than 60 types of medical activities.

Hundreds of suppliers bring hepatitis C medicines from India to Russia, but only M-PHARMA will help you buy sofosbuvir and daclatasvir, while professional consultants will answer any of your questions throughout the therapy.

Hepatitis C Symptoms

Hepatitis C is one of the most common types of hepatitis that most severely affects the liver, disrupting its functioning. Moreover, for a long time the disease can generally be asymptomatic, which is why the disease is detected too late. As a result, an infected person can become a latent carrier and distributor of the virus.

Viral hepatitis C (HCV) has two forms: acute and chronic. Immediately after infection, an incubation period begins, sometimes lasting from 6 to 7 weeks to six months. acute form Symptoms of the disease appear after the end of the incubation period and are expressed by fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, general malaise and weakness. This period is also called anicteric, it has a duration of 2 ÷ 4 weeks. This is followed by an icteric phase, during which the patient may experience an icteric color of the skin, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite. But the first thing that is alarming is the color of the urine, which turns brown. Sometimes an anicteric form of the disease can be observed. During the acute phase, the level of bilirubin in the blood rises. It lasts about a month, after which there is a recovery period that lasts for several months. After it, in 15 - 25% of cases, self-healing can occur or the disease becomes chronic.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

The transition of HCV from the acute phase to the chronic phase occurs in about 80% of cases. Moreover, in women, the chronic form occurs less frequently than in men, and the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced in them. Although sometimes men have invisible signs of the disease, this does not interfere with the inflammatory process that is actively taking place in the liver. As a result, the disease first takes a chronic form, and then turns into cirrhosis or liver cancer.

In the asymptomatic course of chronic hepatitis C (CHC), the disease can be expressed in the following signs:

  • weaknesses;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • deterioration in appetite.

Periodically, during the course of the disease, undulating exacerbations occur, followed by remissions. But such exacerbations rarely take a severe form. Symptoms of HCV in adult patients are most often mild, while children are more affected. In them, the disease takes a more aggressive form, accompanied by exacerbation and the occurrence of complications in the form of cirrhosis. Signs of chronic viral hepatitis C (CHC) are aggravated by exposure to adverse factors, which include:

  • severe physical or neuropsychic stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol abuse.

Moreover, the last of the factors most strongly has its negative effect on the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis C. This happens due to the fact that patients can develop alcoholic toxic hepatitis, which increases the manifestations of chronic hepatitis C and contributes to the occurrence of complications in the form of cirrhosis. Wavy changes are characteristic not only of the course of the disease, they are also directly reflected in laboratory parameters. Because of this, an increase in the level of bilirubin and liver enzymes is periodically noticed in the blood of patients.

Moreover, for a long period of time, normal values ​​of laboratory parameters are recorded even in the presence of changes in the liver. This makes it necessary to carry out laboratory control more often - at least once or twice a year. Since HCV symptoms do not always manifest themselves in a pronounced form, attention should be paid to cases of weakness and reduced performance. Having noticed such signs, it makes sense to be examined for the presence of HCV infection.

In addition, of no small importance in the diagnosis is the questioning of the patient, who, in his own interests, should tell about himself, in particular, about intravenous drug use, blood transfusion, surgical interventions, casual sex, close contact with carriers of the hepatitis B virus or with patients chronic liver disease in the period from 6 weeks to 6 months before the onset of the disease.


Acute hepatitis B usually goes away on its own. Home treatment, bed rest or gentle physical activity is usually indicated, depending on the severity of the course of the disease, detoxification therapy (infusion, plasmapheresis, etc.) may be prescribed.

Patients with acute hepatitis B usually recover completely and in addition acquire lifelong immunity. But if for some reason the acute period of the disease goes unnoticed (for example, an infected person has reduced immunity), the course of the infection can drag on and become chronic. And chronic viral hepatitis B is a dangerous disease, often leading to serious consequences and even death. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as early as possible, and, therefore, to see a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, treatment can last from 6 months to several years.

Usually prescribed (both separately from each other and together) antiviral drugs of the alpha-interferon group and nucleoside analogues, which significantly reduce the rate of viral reproduction. As maintenance therapy - hepatoprotectors and certain immunomodulators.

It is imperative to treat chronic hepatitis B, because otherwise it can (in 10-20 years) lead to cirrhosis, which, in turn, subsequently leads to cancer and death. Chronic disease without treatment of hepatitis B in 10-20 years can be transformed into cirrhosis of the liver in 10-30% of cases.


In acute hepatitis or exacerbation of chronic it is necessary to exclude physical activity. With recovery and in the absence of manifestations of chronic hepatitis, therapeutic exercises are prescribed.

No special diet is prescribed for chronic viral hepatitis, but it is worth abstaining from alcohol, since it and the virus have it as a target - the liver. And this significantly increases the risk of developing cirrhosis.


The best prevention is vaccination, which leads to the formation of specific antibodies that prevent the development of hepatitis B in 98% of those vaccinated. Immunity lasts at least 8-10 years, but often remains for life. Unfortunately, the prejudice of Russians against vaccinations leads to the fact that very few are vaccinated. It is especially sad to state this when parents refuse to vaccinate their children, dooming them to the possibility of getting hepatitis B.

With the change of seasons, not only weather and natural changes occur - for many, the onset of autumn marks the beginning of the season of colds and flu. The body, weaned from the cold, is constantly attacked and gradually weakened, as a result of which the risk of foci of colds and the spread of influenza increases. However, for those who take the cure for hepatitis C, the situation is much more complicated - the treatment of even the simplest diseases in their case becomes much more difficult.

Colds with hepatitis C

Fever, aches in the joints and bones, discomfort on the skin and decreased performance - all these symptoms make life much more difficult. Most users are accustomed to coping with these symptoms by taking paracetamol (the international name for acetaminophen). This substance is also included in most common preparations - from soluble powders to tablets and even potions. For those who are being treated for hepatitis C, paracetamol is contraindicated - it negatively affects the liver, loading this organ, which is vulnerable to the virus.

  • Therefore, the first and most important advice is to carefully read the annotation for the purchased medicines, looking through their composition.
  • The second way to make life easier during this period is to keep your immune system in good condition.

To do this, follow five simple rules:

  1. Maintain cleanliness and pay attention to hygiene. This item includes timely hand washing. Do not constantly touch your face and airways with your fingers or palms, irritate the mucous membranes with your nails. It is worth keeping items that you have to often come into contact with clean - wipe and disinfect doorknobs, countertops, gadgets, glasses and handsets.
  2. Following the recommendations of experts. Often, these measures are extremely simple and meet the requirements for those who receive treatment for hepatitis C with sofosbuvir. The main factors are maintaining water balance, a nutritious and light diet, eating fresh plant foods, as well as full and regular rest.
  3. Vaccination is another step towards health. If you want to know if the selected flu shot is relevant for hepatitis C, you should consult with a specialist. It should be remembered that one vaccine is capable of neutralizing only a single strain of the virus, however, even such support will be quite significant help and protection for the body.

Treat Hepatitis C
together with us!




Place an order for the delivery of drugs or a free consultation with a hepatologist and get rid of Hepatitis C forever, just like thousands of our clients in Russia and the CIS.

Free hepatologist consultation

The combination of influenza-hepatitis in the body - what measures to take

There are several effective cold and flu treatments for those already exposed to HCV.

They also belong to the class of inexpensive and most accessible - almost everyone can use them:

  1. Vitamin C. It is extremely important to ensure that this beneficial compound is always present in food and enters the body. At the initial stage, you can take a large dose (however, no more than 2 thousand mg / day). Such a strategy can make even the most complex and ferocious disease recede.
  2. Rinsing. This method has a local effect, without penetration into the digestive organs, and therefore does not affect the liver. Therefore, it is also relevant for those who carry out prophylaxis for hepatitis C after treatment - it does not overload the gastrointestinal tract, while helping to cleanse the membranes and remove suppuration.
  3. Steam inhalation is another simple and very effective way to deal with acute respiratory infections. You can choose plain water, or you can add a few drops of eucalyptus ether to the solution - this will enhance the healing effect, cleanse and soften the throat.
  4. Zinc is another useful product. It has a positive effect on the composition of the blood, increasing the percentage of white cells and increasing the efficiency of the immune system.
  5. N-acetyl cysteine ​​(ACC) is a rare drug that positively affects the functioning of the liver while weakening viral carriers. It is useful for coughs, sore throat and throat, suitable for therapy at almost any stage.

In conclusion, the benefits of continuing the main treatment should be noted - do not forget to drink sofosbuvir and daclatasvir, since they also help the body fight HCV and increase the overall productivity of other therapeutic measures. Over time, any ailments disappear, and therapy gives excellent results - the body defeats both hepatitis and SARS.