The effect of antibiotics on the menstrual cycle. The effect of antibiotic therapy on the menstrual cycle

The cycle of a healthy woman averages 28 days and is regular. But in some cases deviations from the norms are possible. This is especially true of the period after surgery, hysteroscopy, cauterization of erosion and other surgical interventions. Periods after antibiotic treatment and oral contraceptives, as well as a missed or intrauterine pregnancy, may occur irregularly or with signs of abnormalities.

The state of a woman's body after forty-five to fifty years requires special attention. During this period, the restructuring of the body begins, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the hormonal background changes. Thus, the body prepares for the completion of the reproductive function. Against the background of all the above changes, menstruation after 45 years of age may be irregular, accompanied by increased bleeding, women may experience pain in the pelvic organs. During menopause, women need to especially carefully monitor their health. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months, and if necessary, even more often. After all, it is at this age that there is a huge risk of developing oncological diseases of the internal genital organs. Menstruation stops after menopause, and a new period of a woman's life begins.

Antibiotics are used to suppress diseases caused by pathogenic microflora. In gynecology, they are often used for preventive purposes, for example, after procedures such as abortion, hysteroscopy and other surgical interventions. Periods after antibiotics can indeed show signs of abnormality. The cycle is broken, it can be less than twenty-one days, or vice versa - it can drag on up to thirty-five days. Allocations can be either meager, or plentiful and protracted. There is the appearance of pain before menstruation, during discharge, and also in the middle of the cycle. But all this has nothing to do with taking antibiotics, including potent ones. All signs of menstrual irregularities are associated with diseases for the treatment of which antibiotics were used. It is the disease that is a stress factor for the body, as a result of which the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Hormones influence the menstrual cycle. Therefore, menstruation after contraceptives can really change. Many women who used birth control pills, after stopping their use, complain of a menstrual cycle failure, long delays. How to restore menstruation after hormonal drugs? First of all, it is worth taking tests to determine the level of hormones, if necessary, perform an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Depending on the indications of the level of hormones in the blood, treatment with progestin or progestogen-estrogenic drugs is prescribed. After a treatment course of three months, a re-examination is mandatory. In rare cases, when the treatment has not brought the expected results, a second course of treatment is prescribed for a period of six months.

As for changes in the menstrual cycle after the use of such an antitumor drug as buserelin, it should be noted that menstrual-like bleeding may occur. They are one of the side effects and can be observed for the first time after stopping the drug. Menstruation after buserelin usually recovers on the 84th day after the last use of the drug.

Features of menstruation after various interventions

One of the means of a thorough examination of the uterus is hysteroscopy. The procedure involves the introduction of a diagnostic apparatus into the uterine cavity through the vagina. As with any medical manipulation, there is a risk of damage to the walls of the cervix and uterine mucosa, as well as the fallopian tubes. The possibility of infection after the procedure is very high, so you should carefully monitor your health. It is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Periods after hysteroscopy usually appear within a month after the procedure. If this did not happen, then a visit to the gynecologist is inevitable.

Ectopic pregnancy and menstrual cycle

Menstruation after an ectopic pregnancy occurs 30-40 days after the operation to eliminate it. But this is subject to the absence of post-operative complications. If the menstruation begins earlier after the operation, then this is uterine bleeding. This is very dangerous for a woman's health, with such symptoms it is urgent to call an ambulance.

If menstruation is delayed after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow a healthy lifestyle so that the body quickly returns to normal after a stressful situation and the menstrual cycle is restored.

Restoration of the cycle after a frozen pregnancy and abortion

Frozen pregnancy in most cases leads to the need for curettage of the uterus. This is necessary to remove the fetus and all residual effects after pregnancy. Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy is often confused with postoperative bloody discharge, which is observed in the first days after cleaning. Menstruation, in the absence of any violations, appears within a month after the operation. But pathologies associated with changes in hormone levels or the presence of internal inflammation are also possible. All alarming symptoms, such as a delay in menstruation or heavy discharge, accompanied by pain, require immediate medical attention. After all, neglected diseases often lead to infertility and are a serious threat to a woman's life.

How quickly menstruation is restored after a medical abortion depends on the characteristics of the female body. Since this is the only method of abortion that excludes mechanical damage to the uterus, menstruation is restored within 1-2 months. In case of a longer delay, an ultrasound scan should be performed, since medical abortion does not give a 100% guarantee. In case of delay and pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the presence of nausea and dizziness, it is likely that the pregnancy will continue. But experts do not advise to bear a fetus, even if a woman wishes, because after a serious medically harmful effect on the embryo, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child are practically absent.

Implantation of an embryo after its transfer gives many women a chance to become pregnant. After the embryo transfer, it takes up to 40 hours before implantation, and during this time it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations. But in the absence of pregnancy, menstruation after embryo transfer in most patients occurs on time, that is, in accordance with the menstrual cycle. If the period did not come on time, this is not a confirmation of pregnancy. In order to find out the reasons for the delay, it is necessary to take a test for the content of hormones, and only after the results it will be possible to confirm whether conception has occurred or not. Menstruation after embryo transfer can be protracted and heavy, contain clots and be accompanied by pain. This is quite understandable after ovulation stimulation and compaction of the inner layer of the uterus. Subsequent periods should return to normal.

Menstruation after cauterization of erosion

Cervical erosion is a fairly common female disease. It is associated with a defect and change in the mucous membrane due to microtrauma, mechanical damage or infectious diseases. The most common and radical method of treating erosion is cauterization. Menstruation after erosion may be irregular or deviate from the norm. At the site of cauterization, a wound is formed that can heal for a long time. Therefore, menstruation after cauterization of erosion may be delayed or unusually plentiful. There may be pain before the onset of menstruation. This is not dangerous, but is a consequence of a radical method of treatment. In order for menstruation to recover faster after cauterization, at first a woman needs to monitor her health, refrain from increased physical exertion and sexual intimacy, and exclude hot baths.

The intrauterine device is one of the most effective methods of contraception. But the installation of the IUD is a serious intervention in the body of a woman, which should be carried out by a qualified specialist if there are contraindications. Many women complain about premature periods after a spiral. But the discharge has nothing to do with menstruation, but is uterine bleeding. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct regular monitoring in a certain period, take tests and identify the cause of the complication. If no gynecological disorders are detected, and the bleeding does not stop, then the IUD is removed.

Can bleeding start again after menstruation due to sexual intimacy? Menstruation after intercourse with their complete completion is possible only in the case of some violations in the woman's body. And by their nature, they are not bleeding, but bleeding due to inflammation or various damage to the inner layer of the uterus and cervix. In any case, if the spotting has not stopped and is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Delaying menstruation after taking antibiotics is a very relevant topic for women. But why does the delay occur, and are the medications really to blame?

These insidious antibiotics

Indeed, as medical practice shows, after taking antibiotics, many women may experience a delay in menstruation. After all, these drugs are pretty insidious. They can both really help and cause harm. So: suppose a woman caught a cold, and in order to be healed, she took medicine for several days in a row. Thanks to them, her catarrhal symptoms disappeared, and then the appointed hour arrived ... The hour arrived, but there was no menstruation. And all because of the drugs. It was they who had an impact on the female body.

How exactly do medications have this effect? Thanks to them, hormonal failure can occur in a woman's body. In other words, hormonal imbalance. And if 7 days have passed after the school hour, and there is still no menstruation, the woman needs to see a doctor.

Moreover, the medications taken can even contribute to the onset of pregnancy. How? The reason for this is elementary: the drugs have one insidious quality - they are able to have an effect on contraceptives. That is, if a woman simultaneously took antibiotics and a contraceptive, then it may well happen that the first turns out to be stronger than the contraceptive, suppresses its effectiveness, and then pregnancy will occur. Therefore, many doctors advise not to take the drugs in question at the same time as birth control pills.

But basically the effect of such drugs on the female body directly depends on the female body itself. That is, how healthy the body is.

If after antibiotics a woman has a delay at least once, then in this case there are many chances that such a delay will occur after the next medication, and after the third, and after the tenth ... And vice versa: a healthy female body is quite capable of coping with negative effects of drugs.

Are antibiotics to blame?

However, it would also be wrong to blame all the troubles on these medicines. After all, much depends on the needs for which the girl takes them. For example, she had an inflammatory disease of the genital organs. In order to heal, she was advised to take medicine to kill the microbes that caused the inflammation. While she was taking them, the appointed hour happened. The hour happened, but the menstruation did not. However, the cause in this case will not be antibiotics, most likely, the microbes that caused the inflammation.

Or, for example, a woman underwent surgery, and she was prescribed a course of taking these drugs. And if at this very time she had a delay, then this may not have happened due to medication, but as a result of postoperative stress.

Or, let's say, there was a miscarriage, or the girl decided to have an abortion. In order to combat the microbes brought into the female body, she was prescribed a course of antibiotics. And if at that very time there were failures in the menstrual cycle, then it is most likely not the drugs that are to blame for them, but the surgical intervention, the stress accompanying the intervention, and also the fact that the female body has not yet had time to recover.

The reasons for the delay may be different, and it would be wrong to “blame” everything on medications. Although, of course, a woman should remember the duplicitous insidiousness of drugs and try to avoid cases when it is simply impossible to do without them.

But however, even in all sorts of instructions for the use of drugs, it is not said that they contribute to failures during menstruation. In the instructions, such a hypothetical fact is completely denied! But then a logical question arises: if nevertheless this happened, and the failure coincided exactly with their use, then is the medicine really nothing to do with it? What then is the reason?

To this, medical science replies that it really can only be a coincidence, but in fact the reason for the delay is completely different. For example, pregnancy has come, and the woman has no idea about it yet. Or, for example, a woman has the age of puberty (that is, the woman is still very young, and her regular cycle has simply not yet been established). Or suppose a woman has reached the age at which menopause occurs.

However, here again a completely natural question arises. If taking antibiotics really does not affect the failure of the menstrual cycle, then why are there so many coincidences? As soon as a woman starts taking these medicines, as soon as a failure happens. What then is the reason here, if not in them?

However, science has a ready answer to this question.

The menstrual cycle, scientists say, is an extremely fragile system.

With the slightest impact on her, and on the entire female body as a whole, this system can lead to failure. And there are many such influences. And perhaps the main reason for the coincidence of taking drugs and delaying menstruation is that the woman had inflammatory processes in the body, for the elimination of which the drugs were prescribed. Well, it is quite clear that the delay happened precisely because of the above-mentioned inflammatory process, and not because of the medication. Indeed, it just happened...

By the way, the stronger all sorts of painful processes in the female body proceed, the more likely there are failures in the menstrual process. And if, moreover, we take into account that a good half of all disease processes are treated with antibiotics, then ... Again, it becomes quite clear that drugs do not even affect the delay in menstruation. Coincidence and nothing more.

Additional points

According to the same science, there may be other reasons for the failure of the cycle. And some of these causes are also treated with antibiotics. From which, again, it does not at all follow that they can be the reason for the delay in menstruation. Here is a list of such reasons:

  • a brain tumor;
  • overweight or, conversely, underweight;
  • tumors, due to which hormonal disruptions occur in the body (including malignant ones);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • various diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • poisoning;
  • change of residence (geographical factor).

In this case, the female body, trying to adapt to the new climate, can get sick, the woman will start taking antibiotics, and at this very time there will be a failure in the menstrual cycle. Of course, most likely a woman will connect this precisely with their reception, but not with a change in the geographical environment.

As is clear from the above list, there are indeed a lot of reasons that directly affect the delay in menstruation. And all of them do not depend on whether the woman is taking antibiotics at the same time.

2014-06-09 12:46:52

Anna asks:

I just got over bronchitis. strong antibiotics were prescribed. injections. now after them menstruation is delayed. Websites say that antibiotics can cause a delay in menstruation. tell me, can my delay be caused by taking antibiotics and bronchitis? And how long does it take to get your period?

2010-12-01 20:11:34

Olga asks. :

Hello. Can you please tell me what the delay for 2 days can be connected with? Sexual intercourse was 2 days after menstruation, first interrupted, then with a condom. Then she fell ill with acute chronic tonsillitis, was treated with Claforan injections. Didn't do the test. Menses are always on schedule. Could the delay be due to antibiotics? Thank you in advance.


Hello, illness, taking medications could provoke a menstrual cycle disorder, interrupted sexual intercourse has a degree of reliability - 80%, so in your situation, as they say, options are possible. Read more in the article Delayed periods. An accessible guide to action. Take care of your health!

2009-10-20 21:38:04

Glory asks:

Hello! I have this situation, in the summer there were white, curdled discharge, itching, burning, I decided to go to the gynecologist .. At the reception, the doctor said that I had a classic thrush, took a smear, attributed suppositories and douching ... After treatment, I got a new problem, when urinating, I felt terrible pain, at the reception, of course, she said the same thing, I was examined and all kinds of tests were taken.
D: Urethritis? Erosion w/m
The analysis revealed:
They prescribed antibiotic treatment, after the course of treatment I was told that after two periods I would come for a control analysis ... But the periods did not start (delay 2 months)
I again went to the doctor, she looked at me, said that the brush was not observed, the only thing was the displacement of the uterus, she pricked a solution of progesterone, and said to come after menstruation ...
What can it be??? How to react to it??? Maybe it's a failure after taking antibiotics?? or problems with the ovaries???
Thanks in advance!

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Slava! Your question is categorized as a frequently asked question in the topic “Delayed periods”, you can read the answer to your question at the link: Delayed periods. All the best!

2015-01-19 16:32:47

Anna asks:

Hello, I am 16 years old. 4 months ago I took Escapelle. After him, the doctor said to drink cyclodinone from the first day of menstruation. Three subsequent cycles went normally, on time. I have been on antibiotics for the past week. I continue to take Cyclodinone, the delay is the third day. Sexual contact this month was once, at the beginning of the cycle, interrupted, with a condom. Delay due to antibiotics? Didn't do the test.

Responsible Rumyantseva Tatiana Stepanovna:

Hello! I understand that you have problems with the M \ cycle. And therefore the delay is possible or probable because of it, or iz-for pregnancy. Interrupted P\act is the most unreliable contraceptive. Everything is possible! In order to get pregnant, it is enough to get a drop of sperm into the vagina ... Considering that there is still a delay, it is necessary to decide - pregnancy or a violation of the M / cycle. Both are bad. I have an article on “Rectal Temperature” on my website - read and watch the video (on YouTube - it is also mine), everything will be clear and understandable in a couple of days - pregnancy or not, and with almost a 100% guarantee! Antibiotics do not affect the M / cycle.

2014-12-04 11:35:46

Elena asks:

Good afternoon. Six months ago I stopped drinking OK Jess (I took it for 3 years with one break). While taking the last pack, a transvaginal ultrasound was done, which showed that everything was normal. The first 4 months with her husband were protected, the last two - no, because we want a second child (I never had an abortion, there was only one pregnancy). The last 2 months after the cancellation, I am very drawn to sweets and my hair falls out (I read that it is OK on cancellation - it happens). The weight remained the same.
The cycle after the cancellation of OK was 30-36 days. In August, due to a trip to the sea, serious poisoning, a bad cold and taking antibiotics, it was 51 days.
The last cycle was 30 days. And in this cycle I observe an unclear delay (plus, the periods were extremely painful, I lay on the first day, I could not do anything). Today is the 40th day of the cycle, no periods yet. Nothing hurts, nowhere "pulls", does not "smear", nothing unusual. Thought she was pregnant. Did 3 pharmacy tests (different) every two days last week. Negative. On November 27, I donated blood for b-hCG, the result. Now there is no way to go to an ultrasound scan, because I caught a cold.
What is it can be, help to understand. A simple delay for no reason can still be pregnancy or some problems.

2012-12-23 10:46:22

Inna asks:

Hello. I am 22 years old. The menstrual cycle is 30 days. There were no usual long delays. Last month, the delay was 5 days, after which brown discharge began in the middle of the cycle. Has addressed to the gynecologist. Found a slight replenishment of the ovaries and polycystic. Prescribed antibiotics and suppositories. After a course of treatment, the delay in menstruation is already 11 days. After taking antibiotics, white discharge began. The doctor said n appointment to go no need signed pills and vaginal cream t infection. Live sexual life, regular partner. 3 weeks before the delay, there was sexual intercourse protected by a condom. Did 4 pregnancy tests after 6 days of delay. All are negative. Pulls the lower abdomen for the last 3 days as before menstruation. There is no nausea and the chest does not hurt. In the lower abdomen, on the pair side, a seal is felt that is similar to the replenishment of the ovaries. Could this be pregnancy or is it an inflammatory process and failure after antibiotics?

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

If you have been diagnosed with polycystic disease, then the delay in menstruation is associated with it. Polycystic is an endocrine pathology that affects the menstrual cycle and the possibility of conception in the future. You need to take a blood test for sex hormones - FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol and contact a gynecologist with the results to prescribe hormone therapy. White discharge is most likely candidiasis, which arose while taking antibiotics due to dysbacteriosis. You can take fluconazole (Diflucan, Difluzol, etc.) orally 150 at a time. If there was an acute inflammatory process of the appendages, then there would be pain, a rise in temperature, etc. The inflammatory process has nothing to do with delays. Correct polycystic!

2011-05-22 22:15:51

Natalia asks:

After the abolition of hormonal pills (taking about 15 years), the delay in menstruation was 5 days, ultrasound showed a cystic change in the right ovary 86.5 * 46.2 * 62.6 V = 131.0 cm the ovary is large cystic, contains mini 4 cysts 43.4, 29 ,6, 11, 21. Uterus 57.2*47.2*52.5 V=74.2 cm, endometrium 8.3 mm. The doctor prescribed injections of progesterone 2.5% for 6 days. Is pregnancy possible, can ovarian rupture occur with such treatment (after the previous cancellation in 2008, only the left ovary ruptured; antibiotic treatment in a hospital)

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Good afternoon. The onset of pregnancy with such an ultrasound conclusion is unlikely, hand over an. blood for progesterone and estradiol. Considering the rupture of the ovary in 2008, it is advisable for you to undergo treatment and examination in a hospital.

Women who are forced to drink medicines due to an illness should be aware of whether antibiotics can affect menstruation, since reproductive health is directly dependent on the cycle. The drugs of this group have a strong influence on the internal organs, so a delay in menstruation from antibiotics is possible.

The monthly cycle of each woman is individual, but from 27 to 33 days. To know if there may be a delay due to antibiotics, you need to understand how these drugs affect women's physiology and cycle length.

How antibiotics affect periods

Some mistakenly believe that the reasons for the absence of menstruation are associated with the negative effect of drugs on the intestinal microflora. Drugs that are injected into the body also affect the liver, heart, and uterus. Failure of the menstrual cycle is the result of a malfunction of these organs.

The effect of antibiotics on menstruation is predominantly negative. This primarily concerns aminoglycosides and tetracyclines. Their regular intake is stress for the body, since the preparations of these groups concentrate leukocytes and protective proteins, which are the main elements of the immune system. When their number in the body decreases, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which there may be a delay in menstruation.

Also, a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the body due to antibiotics contributes to infection of the genital organs, inflammation of the appendages and uterus.

Decreased immunity, provoked by medications, is the main reason for the absence of menstruation. This negative result is associated with the lack of influence of leukocytes on the separation of the uterine endometrium.

Sometimes a few days before the onset of menstruation, a woman taking medications has a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, drugs provoke the onset of headache and dizziness. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases in the stomach, after taking certain medications, severe discomfort appears, which is cramping in nature.

The effect of these drugs on the monthly cycle, of course, is, but it is secondary. That is, the absence of menstruation is possible due to a malfunction of the internal organs, which was provoked by certain medications. The use for medicinal purposes of drugs that do not have a strong effect on the body will not entail a delay in menstruation.

Which are dangerous

If a woman cannot refuse antibiotics during menstruation, she must be prepared for a number of difficulties. Negative effects on the body are primarily tetracyclines and aminoglycosides.

Delay after taking antibiotics is not uncommon. Their action is aimed at the destruction of pathogens that provoked the disease. But often medicines contribute to the destruction of beneficial microflora.

The main side effects they cause are:

  1. Hepatotoxicity.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. Occurrence of an ototoxic effect.
  5. Malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
  6. Changes in the composition of the blood.

In addition, after taking a course of certain drugs in women, the immune function is significantly weakened, as a result of which they feel tired and sleepy. Sometimes there is thrush after antibiotics.

How to avoid negative effects

Some medicines adversely affect reproductive health. But delaying menstruation with antibiotics can be avoided. To do this, you need to know a few simple preventive rules:

  1. Antibiotics should be taken along with medications, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora. Such drugs are prescribed by endocrinologists. These are Linex, Laktivit, Hilak forte. They will help saturate the intestines with useful vitamins and minerals. Recovery of internal organs after prolonged use of tetracyclines with their help will happen faster.
  2. It is recommended to drink a complex of vitamins, the action of which is aimed at preventing a delay in menstruation. They reduce the risk of side effects caused by tetracyclines.
  3. It is not recommended to abuse drugs whose action is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. You need to drink them for the prescribed number of days. It is not necessary to stop drug treatment earlier than the period prescribed by the doctor.
  4. You cannot prescribe medication for yourself. Only a doctor should do this.
  5. You should not drink tetracyclines if there is no need to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body or restore the microflora after an abortion, surgery or other mechanical impact.

Other reasons for the delay

Taking medications is not the only reason for delayed periods. This phenomenon can be triggered by such factors:

  1. Liver disease, such as hepatitis or cholecystitis.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Dysbacteriosis (imbalance of intestinal microflora).
  4. Abrupt change in weather.
  5. Treatment with hormonal drugs.
  6. Non-compliance with diet and healthy eating rules.
  7. Insufficient production of prolactin in the body.
  8. Diseases, including diabetes mellitus, SARS, gastritis, renal failure.
  9. Physical stress.

Any changes that occur in the female body can affect the menstrual cycle. But if you approach your health responsibly, then there will be no failures even when taking antibiotics.

The female menstrual cycle is a complex natural mechanism that obeys internal reproductive laws and often also depends on external factors.

The regularity of the cycle depends on the stability of the hormonal background of the woman and can fluctuate under the influence of many factors.

Sometimes the start of the next menstruation goes astray as a result of a number of different reasons, including:

Often, after treating various infections, women observe a menstrual cycle failure. Menstruation can go a few days earlier or with a delay of up to several weeks, the nature and abundance of discharge may change, and the intensity of pain cramps in the lower abdomen may increase.

Sometimes women may have menstruation for 7-10 days instead of the usual 3-4. Before drawing conclusions about the direct negative effect of antibiotics on the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to determine the nature of the impact of these drugs on the body.

Is it possible to fail the cycle after taking these drugs?

Antibiotics are medicines that help get rid of different types of bacteria.

Antibiotics destroy pathogens, but also kill the bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

Therefore, they are prescribed only in exceptional cases, when the disease occurs with complications and requires immediate treatment.

Antibiotics adversely affect:

  • natural intestinal microflora;
  • the liver, blocking the production of glycogen;
  • immunity;
  • cellular respiration;

This effect causes stress in the body. This is reflected in the production of hormones that affect the regularity of the cycle. After treatment, there is a delay, a change in sensations during menstruation. The disease can cause early menstruation or delay it for a long time.

Taking antibiotics is a common cause of problems with the monthly cycle. But the link between antibiotic therapy and menstruation is not so direct.

Causes of delayed menstruation

As a result of taking antibiotics, the body is depleted and weakened. Its immunity decreases, as a result of damage to cellular respiration, energy production is significantly reduced. As a result of such changes, a delay in menstruation may occur, but it is the transferred infection in this case that is the root cause of menstrual failure.

Important! Antibiotics do not have a direct effect on the mechanisms that regulate the cycle: the production of progesterone, the maturation of the follicle and its release from the egg.

The more difficult the disease is tolerated by the body, the more it has a negative effect on it and the more drugs are needed for treatment.

A delay in menstruation after taking antibiotics can occur as a result of such reasons:

Antibiotics disrupt the natural microflora of the intestines and vagina, killing the living bacteria that help keep the body healthy. As a result, thrush or bacterial vaginosis may occur. In these cases, the main cause of the failure is the problem that led to the prescription of antibiotics, and not the drugs themselves. Antibiotics cannot directly cause the failure.

The delay after an infectious disease is due to:

  • general weakening of the body;
  • stress experienced by the body and the patient during the course of the disease;
  • negative impact of infection on all vital systems.

Explaining the delay in menstruation by the negative effect of antibiotics is a common misconception.

Is it possible to take antibiotics during critical days?

The effect of antibiotics on the menstrual cycle is exaggerated. The female reproductive system is a very fragile mechanism that depends on many external and internal factors. Sometimes the banal passing of an exam or worries about problems in the family can cause stress, as a result of which critical days will be delayed by 5-7 days.

Antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of complex inflammatory processes, which in themselves create enormous stress for the body.

A failure in the menstrual cycle after treatment indicates a hormonal failure as a result of infection of all body systems.

Critical days during the inflammatory process cannot be the reason for stopping treatment therapy and taking antibiotics.

Complications that may result from a delay in treatment can have severe consequences for the female reproductive system and the body as a whole. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to take them during menstruation, if such a need arises in order to avoid further complications.

How to restore the monthly cycle?

Taking antibiotics can affect the functioning of all body systems. It is important to follow certain recommendations and rules in order to minimize the negative effects of drugs. For women, their observance will help to quickly restore the menstrual cycle.

When taking antibiotics while treating an infection, you should:

Thanks to the correct use of drugs in combination with supportive therapy, their negative impact on the body can be reduced. This favorably affects the restoration of immunity, helps to maintain the balance between energy consumption and energy production during illness.

Such comprehensive measures allow you to normalize the hormonal background and prevent significant deviations in the menstrual cycle.