Internal laser blood irradiation. The essence of laser blood purification

Laser blood cleansing is a modern effect on the entire body. This technique has existed for more than twenty years and during this time it has established itself as one of the most effective procedures for improving the state of health and the body as a whole. Intravenous laser blood irradiation is used in many areas of medicine:

  • gynecology;
  • cardiology;
  • dermatology.

The physiotherapeutic procedure is aimed at starting the regenerative processes of the human body and activating the metabolic processes of endocrinology. Laser cleaning is unparalleled and is considered much safer and more effective than drug treatment. Many patients believe that the term "irradiation" carries a negative connotation. In fact, laser radiation is safe and does not harm the human body. As a rule, a course of six to ten procedures is carried out to cleanse the blood. The time of one procedure is determined individually, but, as a rule, about thirty minutes. Speaking of blood purification with a laser, we are talking about stabilizing the condition.

How to carry out a blood purification procedure

Currently, there are two main methods of laser correction:

  • intravenously;
  • subcutaneously.

With the intravenous method, a vein or vessel is pierced. This method requires sterile conditions and special equipment. The method has not received wide application in outpatient practice. The procedure is painful. A special needle with LED illumination is inserted into the patient's vein. Within half an hour, the cells encountered on the way are irradiated with a laser. In each of them, the natural potential is updated and blood cells are better able to fight pathological microorganisms, the process of tissue repair is accelerated. Difficulties of intravenous cleaning method:

  • invasiveness;
  • high cost of tools;
  • injury;
  • the possibility of side effects.

Supravenous or subcutaneous laser blood purification is much easier to implement the process, almost painless and completely safe for humans. Supravenous cleaning differs from intravenous in ease of execution, no need for special conditions, easy tolerability and high therapeutic effect.

Due to the fact that the subcutaneous cleaning procedure does not require intravenous administration, there is no risk of infecting the patient with dangerous diseases such as AIDS, HIV, hepatitis and the like.

Indications for carrying out

Whether intravenous laser blood purification is indicated, only a doctor can say in the affirmative. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to examine the body in order to exclude serious illnesses or to identify the presence of contraindications. The blood purification procedure is indicated for many health problems:

  • dermatology;
  • endocrinology;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • rheumatology;
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • urology;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ENT diseases;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecology;
  • surgery.

The following indications for hemolymph cleansing are noted:

  • frequent colds;
  • recovery period after peeling and polishing;
  • recovery period for concomitant chronic diseases;
  • body rejuvenation;
  • damage to ligaments and bones;
  • periods before and after surgery.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is one of the methods of its purification, which consists in treating blood with a light wave directly inside the circulatory system without removing it from the patient's body.

Light waves are able to act in a complex way, normalizing the work of various systems and metabolic processes of the body. The method is effective in the treatment of serious diseases and is often used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Indications for the procedure

ILBI is indicated for various diseases of the body, such as:
  • inflammation of a different nature in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • joint diseases;
  • dysfunction, pathology of urinary and genital infections;
  • skin diseases of various etiologies.
ILBI is a unique and highly effective way of influencing the body, which ensures the activation of all body systems and the correction of existing disorders.

The effect of the procedure

The procedure provides a versatile effect:
  • improves blood composition;
  • the work of the bone marrow is activated;
  • the lymphatic system heals;
  • the supply of oxygen to organs is accelerated;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs are stopped;
  • allergic reactions are reduced;
  • edema subsides;
  • metabolic processes are stimulated;
  • increases the body's immunity and resistance to diseases.
The ILBI procedure can also be used to prevent the development of diseases and facilitate the process of rehabilitation after surgical interventions.

Order of conduct

To perform the procedure, we use an optical waveguide that is connected to a source of low-frequency laser radiation and is injected into a vein.

SM-Clinic specialists perform ILBI with a red and blue spectrum laser.

The duration of the session in the first case is from 15 to 20 minutes, in the second - 3-5 minutes. The effectiveness of the procedure using a blue laser is higher, which reduces the time for its implementation.

To obtain the expected therapeutic effect from ILBI, it is necessary to conduct 5-10 sessions.

If ILBI is carried out for the purpose of disease prevention, then the procedure can be repeated every six months.

Benefits of treatment at SM-Clinic

  • Highly qualified doctors.
    The procedure is performed by transfusiologists of the highest qualification, who have extensive experience in performing such manipulations.
  • Complete security.
    ILBI is performed only after consultation with a specialized specialist, in a specially equipped treatment room of the clinic. During manipulations, we use only sterile disposable consumables.
  • High efficiency procedures.
    Our patients note a persistent therapeutic effect, which is achieved due to the quality of the procedure.
Blood cleansing is a procedure that is periodically necessary for everyone, because the health of a person as a whole depends on the state of the blood. VLOK is a modern and effective way to improve the body. Experienced specialists of "SM-Clinic" will perform intravenous laser blood irradiation with high quality, safely and in comfortable conditions.

Laser therapy is an effective method of treatment of various diseases. The therapeutic effect of laser radiation is to improve the processes of recovery and healing in all tissues, increase the body's defenses. Laser therapy has analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects, improves vascular tone, including peripheral circulation.

Benefits of Laser Therapy

  • - The treatment is non-drug. If necessary, enhances the effect of drugs, allowing you to significantly reduce their dosage.
  • - Does not cause allergies
  • - Does not lead to addiction, has no side effects.
  • - The treatment is painless and comfortable. Carried out on an outpatient basis without interruption from the usual routine of life.
  • - Reduces the recovery time by 2-3 times.
  • - The therapeutic effect persists for a long time.
  • - Laser therapy for acute diseases leads to complete recovery
  • - Laser therapy restores the reserve capacity of the body, reduces the risk of developing life-threatening diseases (heart attack, stroke).

Laser therapy is necessary for the following diseases

  • - Chronic diseases of the female genital organs, especially with pain syndrome, infertility
  • - Background diseases of the cervix (erosion, ectropions, etc. after colposcopy)
  • - Dystrophic processes of the vulva and vagina (vulvar sclerosis, simple leukoplakia, vulvar itching)
  • - Prevention of postoperative complications
  • - Postoperative prevention of suppuration of wounds of the anterior abdominal wall, cervix, vaginal walls, perineum
  • - Prevention of adhesions of the fallopian tubes and exacerbation of the inflammatory process during plastic surgery on the fallopian tubes
  • - Prevention of keloid scars and suppuration on the anterior abdominal wall and perineum in the postoperative period
  • - Prevention of endometritis and stimulation of healing processes in the uterine scar after cesarean section in women with a high infectious risk
  • - Treatment of cracks in the nipples of the mammary glands, hypogalactia
  • - Chronic pelvic pain on the background of adhesive disease of the small pelvis

ILBI - intravenous laser irradiation (purification) of blood- a technique for influencing the blood with the light of the red part of the spectrum.
The procedure of intravenous laser therapy for ILBI is recommended as a powerful means of increasing the immunity and rehabilitation capabilities of the body. The impact of the laser on the body is soft, comfortable and at the same time highly effective, its healing effect lasts from 4 to 6 months.

Who needs intravenous laser therapy? To all those who want to seriously engage in the prevention of infectious diseases (including viral infections), in the preoperative and postoperative period, to enhance the recovery processes of the body after diseases, stress (psychological, physical), to prolong the period of remission of chronic diseases, in order to rejuvenate, prevention, with a decrease in overall performance.

Intravenous laser therapy reduces the level of antibodies, thins the blood and dilates blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of vascular blockage.

Intravenous laser therapy is prescribed as an additional therapy, in addition to the already ongoing medical treatment.

Therapeutic action

  • - Correction of cellular and humoral immunity;
  • - Improving the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation;
  • - Vasodilating action;
  • - Increasing the oxygen transport function of the blood;
  • - Increasing the antioxidant activity of the blood;
  • - Stimulation of erythropoiesis;
  • - Stimulation of intracellular DNA repair systems in case of radiation damage;
  • - Normalization of metabolic processes (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, intracellular energy balance);
  • - Normalization and stimulation of regenerative processes.

Indications for VLOK

  • - Acute and chronic inflammatory processes (nonspecific and specific) of various localization;
  • - Inflammatory (infectious) complications after operations (including oncologically operated ones), injuries, various diseases;
  • - Thrombobliterating diseases of the arteries of the extremities (1-3 stages of ischemia);
  • - Acute and chronic thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis;
  • - Chronic ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • - Acquired lymphostasis;
  • - Immunodeficiency states in various diseases, injuries, postoperative interventions;
  • - Autoimmune diseases, serum sickness, drug and other types of allergies;
  • - Dermatosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne;
  • - Diabetes;
  • - Syndrome of sclerocystic ovaries;
  • - Trophic ulcers, delayed wound healing and fracture consolidation;
  • - Burn disease;
  • - Infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, herpetic infection, etc.
  • - Relapse of peptic ulcer, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatoses;
  • - Exacerbations of bronchial asthma;
  • - Complications of radiation therapy (depression of hematopoiesis and immunity).

The use of ILBI for recreational purposes

  • - In the period after diseases, injuries, operations;
  • - With hyperlipidemia (with the ineffectiveness of dietary and drug correction);
  • - To increase efficiency, non-specific resistance of the body and immunity in workers with difficult working conditions, industrial hazards

Contraindications for ILBI

  • - oncological diseases
  • - fever
  • - thyrotoxicosis
  • - acute infectious diseases
  • - glaucoma
  • - active tuberculosis.

Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. The exposure time for most diseases is 10 minutes per session. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor at the consultation. The average duration of the course is 10 sessions.
Intravenous laser therapy is a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced doctor!

Intravenous laser blood irradiation (or ILBI) is a treatment that improves a person's health. This procedure has a special effect on immune system.

ILBI has been used around the world for more than twenty years, which indicates the effectiveness and safety of irradiation.

However, before conducting ILBI, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the indications for such irradiation, contraindications to it, as well as the reviews of people who have already tried this on themselves. treatment method.

Laser irradiation of blood has a beneficial effect on the human body. The modern lifestyle of any person involves the accumulation of toxins in the blood, the gradual weakening of the immune system and many other health problems. The following factors lead to this:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • eating unhealthy foods;
  • taking medications;
  • bad ecological situation.

These factors have a negative impact on human health. In order to reduce the negative impact to a minimum and not to earn dangerous "sores", it is recommended to carry out laser blood irradiation.

ILBI occurs with the help of a special device that emits red color. The wavelength of the study is 630 nm.

How does an intravenous laser blood irradiation session take place?

During the procedure, any cubital vein person. A needle with a special tip is inserted into it - an optical waveguide. This instrument irradiates every blood cell.

The duration of one session does not exceed 30 minutes. The number of sessions is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, 7-10 procedures are enough to achieve a positive result. The frequency of exposure is daily or once every two days.

As a result of ILBI, new reactions begin to occur in the body at the biochemical level, which leads to healing of the whole body.

The positive effect of the procedure

Laser irradiation of blood leads to a number of favorable changes in the body. These include:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing the effects of allergic reactions of the body;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation due to saturation of blood cells with oxygen;
  • the disappearance of pain and inflammation;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • removal of edema;
  • getting rid of a hangover.

These are far from all the positive effects that can be achieved with the help of VLOK. After a course of laser blood irradiation improves the condition of the whole human body, his rejuvenation occurs, fatigue disappears, mental abilities of a person noticeably improve. Often ILBI used by doctors to fight bad habits patients (alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking).

Main indications

You can get an appointment for a course of intravenous laser blood irradiation from a doctor. Usually indications for a course of laser irradiation are a number of ailments identified during the examination of the patient.

  • Skin diseases, especially lichen, herpes.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction. In order to cleanse the body.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis, as well as other diseases associated with the human musculoskeletal system.
  • Any inflammatory processes.
  • Intoxication of the body in an acute form.
  • Diseases of the cardiac system.
  • Infectious diseases in a chronic form.
  • Allergy.

The doctor may prescribe ILBI in some other cases, for example, if the patient has hepatitis, urological or gynecological diseases.

Sometimes ILBI is carried out for the purpose of general body rejuvenation, obtaining a tonic effect, as a preventive measure to strengthen immunity. A positive result from ILBI can be obtained by people with poor health, who are under stress or depression, and who suffer from insomnia.

With all these ailments, a positive effect of intravenous laser blood irradiation has been proven.


Before you go for laser blood irradiation, you should read the list of contraindications. This will help protect a person from possible negative consequences and harm to his body.

The main contraindications are low blood pressure. People suffering from hypotension (moderate or higher) should avoid ILBI. The same applies to people who have acute infectious diseases and low hemoglobin.

Laser irradiation of blood is contraindicated cancer patients regardless of the organ in which the cancer cells are found. Heart failure is the reason for the refusal of ILBI. This procedure should be avoided in patients with tuberculosis, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, as well as those who have any mental illness.

average price

The cost of intravenous laser blood irradiation depends on the region in which this or that clinic is located. In Moscow price per session VLOK fluctuates between 1000 and 2000 rubles. However, in some clinics you can pay less for one session. For example, in the Miracle Doctor clinic, the cost of one session is 850 rubles, and a course of five sessions will cost 3,850 rubles. In the clinic "Euro-med" one session of ILBI costs 1450 rubles.

In the Moscow region, the average price for one ILBI procedure is 1100 rubles.

In other regions of Russia, the price of ILBI can vary from 500 to 2000 rubles per session.

Intravenous laser blood irradiation is one of the methods of therapeutic treatment of many diseases, including those of an infectious and viral nature. ILBI is often used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction. This procedure cleanses the blood, rids the body of toxins. Low cost, painlessness and noticeable effectiveness make ILBI one of the most common therapeutic methods for treating diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, allergies, etc.

Sellina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Lead Physician


Intravenous laser blood irradiation(VLOK) is a method of blood purification by means of the impact of light energy on the blood directly in the vascular bed.

What is the therapeutic effect of ILBI based on?

Light therapy has been known since ancient times, and modern technologies have made it possible to achieve the maximum effect where it was previously impossible.

Intravenous laser therapy has the widest application. The therapeutic effect is provided immediately at three levels:

  • quanta of light energy affect the elements of the blood;
  • improves the properties of the blood as a whole;
  • a systemic response is achieved at the level of various organs and tissues.

VLOK safety

VLOK is an absolutely safe procedure. In the "Family Doctor" laser blood irradiation is carried out on the ALT "Matrix-ILBI" laser therapy device. The device has a soft, comfortable and at the same time highly effective effect on the body.

What does VLOK do?

Laser blood purification:

  • helps to increase immunity;
  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • improves blood microcirculation, has anti-edematous effect;
  • increases the oxygen-transport function of the blood;
  • helps to reduce inflammation (antibacterial effect);
  • normalizes metabolic processes (provides normalization of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and intracellular energy balance);
  • has an analgesic effect.

The healing effect of the procedure lasts from 4 to 6 months.

Indications for VLOK

Indications for intravenous laser blood irradiation are quite diverse. It:

  • cardiovascular diseases: (IHD), disorders of cerebral blood flow, increased blood lipid levels, chronic diseases of the vessels of the extremities, etc.;
  • chronic lung diseases: ; ; ;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system: chronic; ; ;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract:; ; ;
  • inflammatory diseases and infections of the urogenital area;
  • skin diseases: seborrhea, eczema, of various etiologies;
  • preoperative and postoperative period;
  • removal of loads (psychological, physical);
  • with a decrease in overall performance.

Laser blood purification can be prescribed for prevention purposes, as well as as part of a course of anti-aging procedures.

There are contraindications: oncological diseases, fever, thyrotoxicosis, acute infectious diseases, active tuberculosis.

Treatment is carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. The duration of the course is determined individually and averages from 3 to 10 sessions. Preliminary preparation for the procedure is not required.