When is the best time to castrate a kitten? Age of castration of cats

It is a good thing to have a small fluffy animal in your home, however, you also need to take care of it properly. It is better to resolve all issues related to the normal living of a kitten in an apartment in advance. It is worth remembering that the apartment is unnatural. And cats can demand a lot of attention.

Problems of keeping adult cats

All the "charms" of keeping a cat in the house begin after reaching puberty. Nature takes its toll, and the cat begins to make noise at night. This occurs with the healthy functioning of sex hormones. In the spring months, the amount of hormones increases, from which the life of the owners in the house becomes unbearable. In their natural habitat, they need to mate at least 8 times a year. However, it is impossible for a domestic cat that does not go outside to find a cat on its own. His life is limited by the walls of the apartment. That is why it is better to take care of the peace of the household and your pet on time.

Benefits of neutering cats

If you do not plan to use a cat as a producer, then you should do it. This will really keep the peace in the house. After all, acute spring periods without a cat are very difficult.
Castration keeps cats healthy. Castrated cats do not suffer from prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and are also less likely to get sick with various infections.

A castrated cat does not mark the territory and does not spoil things and shoes, provided that the operation took place before the cat reached the age of one and a half years. The life expectancy of such a cat is higher than that of an uncastrated one. The cat retains playfulness even in old age. He also becomes less aggressive and vindictive.

The best age for castration

You can castrate a cat at any age. However, it is best to do this at 9 months. It is during this period that cats reach puberty, but do not yet have sexual contact. They are strong and healthy enough at this age to easily undergo surgery and anesthesia. Untie the cat before the operation or not - it does not matter much. The operation takes 10 minutes and is classified as simple.
After castration, you should take care of the right diet for your pet. Otherwise, the risk of kidney stones increases.

There is a myth that claims that cat spaying is painful. Modern technologies and anesthesia allow the operation to be performed without pain. The cat recovers quickly after the operation. After 2-3 days, he returns to normal life and loses his instincts for reproduction, which caused discomfort.

For more than a decade, among veterinarians, such a procedure as cat sterilization has been practiced. Some owners deny it, as they believe that the animal must leave offspring. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, because the latest drugs and professional surgical equipment are used, so you don’t have to worry about the health of the animal. In addition, this procedure will protect your pet from various diseases and prolong his life.

What is the best age for a cat to be spayed?

If your cat has reached the age of 8 months, it can already be spayed.

If you decide to sterilize a cat, then you should know that this the procedure is carried out when the animal has already formed the reproductive system so as not to harm her. As a rule, the owner understands when the animal can already be taken to the veterinarian. In the common people they say that the cat "walks".

The optimal age for sterilization is considered to be from 8 months to 1 year.

If your kitty is not yet showing signs of sexual desire, it's okay - you can perform the operation. The main thing is to do it before the animal.

If your pet is too small or, conversely, has already reached the age of 6, it is better to contact an experienced veterinarian for advice.

Until what age can a cat be spayed?

If you do not know up to what age you can sterilize a cat, then it is better to seek help from veterinarians. Doctors are inclined to believe that it is better to carry out this operation if the owners do not plan to breed kittens. Otherwise, for the health and tranquility of the cat, it is better to sterilize it.

Sterilization of cats

As mentioned above, the optimal age for this procedure in cats is between 8 months and 1 year old. Of course, it can be done later if the owners did not have time, but in this case it is better not to delay and carry out the operation up to 2 years. Concerning cats, then they are recommended to be castrated during the period from 10 months to 1.5–2 years. But the owners must understand that the sooner they contact the veterinary clinic, the safer the operation will be for the health of the animal.

Owners should be aware of the risk when they bring a pet aged 2-3 years or more for spaying or neutering.

In veterinary practice, there are cases when owners treat five-year-old pets. In this situation, it is necessary to take appropriate tests from an adult animal that will tell about the state of his health. If everything is in order, then the operation is successful.

What is sterilization?

Sterilization is carried out among cats, in cats this operation is called castration.

If in the first case the operation is done deep, then in the case of males it is carried out on the surface, therefore it is easier for animals to tolerate.

Sterilization is best done if you do not want to breed kittens.

As practice shows, a cat can kitten up to four times a year. If the owners do not let the animal go outside and do not want to breed, then sterilization can be carried out. This procedure is an abdominal operation, during which the genitals are completely or partially removed.

Types of sterilization

Sterilization of a cat is divided into several types:

  • Complete removal of the ovaries and uterus ovariohysterectomy .
  • Pulling of the fallopian tubes - tubal occlusion .
  • Removal of ovaries only ovariotomy .
  • Removal of uterus only hysterectomy .

In our country, the surgical method is mainly widespread, during which the genital organs of a cat are removed under anesthesia. Hosts can consult their veterinarian about the features, pros and cons of each type of surgery.


Neutering a cat is stressful not only for the pet, but also for the owner.

At the site after the operation, the cat remains a small trace. It takes 10-14 days to heal. Sterilization is carried out strictly under anesthesia, so the animal does not feel anything . After the procedure, the cat moves away from anesthesia. takes an average of 1-2 days, depending on its weight and breed.

Spayed cats feel great after a few days. The operation has a beneficial effect on their psycho-emotional state, they become kind, obedient, benevolent, while not forgetting about everyday games . The owners will be happy to see their kitty in a good mood, enjoy her mobility and carelessness.

The main advantages of cat spaying

One of the consequences of sterilization is a change in the cat's behavior - it becomes more obedient and affectionate.

Of course, some owners are very worried when deciding whether to perform an operation on a cat or not. The procedure is quite serious, especially since the owners take responsibility for depriving the cat of offspring in the future. But on the other hand, animals that are constantly walking expose themselves to various dangers, both from various diseases and accidents.

Advantages of the operation:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the cat.
  • Increases .
  • In the future, the animal will not develop such dangerous diseases as polycystic, pyometra, cancerous tumors, etc., which ordinary cats are prone to.
  • The cat becomes completely domestic and calm.

If your kitten has already grown up, and you notice that, excited, then while there is time, think about the operation. Sterilization will improve the quality of life for her and for you.

Cons of the operation

For the procedure, it is necessary to measure the weight of the cat and choose the optimal dose of sleeping pills for the pet.

There are some cons to spaying cats:

Video about the best age to spay a cat


Spaying a cat - one of the main types of operations in modern veterinary medicine. If the procedure is performed under high-quality anesthesia and a highly qualified specialist, then there are no fears for the life and health of the cat.

Owners who decide to sterilize a cat should be aware of the optimal age for this operation. The animal is sterilized, as a rule, from 8 months to one and a half years, always before the first estrus. In this case, the procedure is considered as safe as possible.

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If you approached the decision to adopt a cat or cat at home responsibly, read enough literature and consulted with experienced owners, then you already know about the need for castration and it remains only to figure out when it is better to castrate a cat. This is an important point, the intricacies of which are best understood immediately in order to make the process as easy as possible for the animal and for yourself.

Often the owners think, because while a small ball of happiness rushes around the house and does not cause any feelings other than joy, or shows a funny character, or imposingly walks around the property, or sleeps quietly all day long. That's great, but unfortunately it won't always be like this. The body of a cat and a cat will be fully formed by the year, and changes will begin in it that encourage it to reproduce. If it is a street cat that comes home only to eat and sleep off after regular hikes and conquests, then the urge to perform natural processes will have little effect on the owner. But in the case of a cat living at home, be prepared for such manifestations of feline nature as:

  • territory marks and the smell of urine in the house;
  • constant "mewing", turning into loud meowing or screams, intensifying at night;
  • constant disappearance from home in order to follow the call of nature;
  • animal aggression, which can occur in the absence of a female;
  • inflammatory processes and tumors of the internal genital organs - as a consequence of hormonal disruptions;
  • short life span due to the inability to realize sexual desire.

Therefore, the decision to castrate comes to many cat lovers inevitably.

Castration or sterilization?

There are 2 ways to stop reproductive function in cats:

  1. Castration is an operation to radically remove the internal genital organs (ovaries in a cat and testicles in males). After this procedure, the natural instinct of reproduction practically disappears, or the pet reacts to it very calmly.
  2. - an operation using surgical methods, when the reproductive organs (fallopian tubes in females and seminal ducts in cats) are left in the body, but they are deprived of their main functions. The animal retains instincts and behavior during attraction, but such an animal no longer gives offspring.

If spayed cats do not have the opportunity to realize their “urge”, this can harm the animal due to hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, the owners need to think about what conditions they can provide the pet, and what way to stop playback to choose.

The opinion of veterinarians is that castration is better for the animal, since complete suppression of function keeps the animal hormonally calm and healthy.

The optimal age for castration

Veterinarians are also unanimous in their opinion when it is possible to castrate a cat. The optimal age when you can castrate a kitten is up to a year, or rather 8-10 months. At this age, the formation of all body systems is completed, and the pet itself is full of strength and health, which means that it can easily undergo surgery.

It is categorically impossible to expose such a small kitten to the risk of surgical intervention, because due to the peculiarities of formation, some organs may fail in the process (narrow urinary canal, adhesions in the ureter).

Age for castration of a cat up to 7 years is considered acceptable. In a later period, the operation may cause complications and other consequences, and the animal may not tolerate anesthesia well or at all. In addition, in most cases, intervention in the genital area after 7 years may not save the cat from the habit of marking the territory and from aggressive warlike behavior during the "marriage" period.

Elderly cats, however, are neutered for serious reasons: urinary incontinence, testicular failure, prostatic hyperplasia, and severe aggression.

The earlier (when reaching the allowed age) to perform a castration operation, the easier the cat will endure the process itself and the rehabilitation period.

Significant moments before, during and after surgery

  1. Try not to feed the neutered cat 12 hours before the operation, and also check for the necessary vaccinations.
  2. Make sure your pet is in good health before going to the clinic.
  3. Please note that cats, like humans, can experience an allergic reaction to the anesthetic drug.
  4. Trust the castration of cats only to trusted doctors and institutions, as the risk of inflammatory processes increases due to poor processing of instruments and low qualifications of a specialist.
  5. Watch the nutrition and activities of the cat after castration. Animals move less, become lazy and play little. Because of this, many begin to gain weight and even become obese, which can lead to malfunctions in the cardiovascular system.

Castration process

This procedure (depending on the age at which it is performed) belongs to the category of simple interventions and takes place under anesthesia and is painless, at least for the animal. Impressive owners, however, are better off not seeing how the cat is castrated.

After a preliminary examination, the doctor introduces the animal into a medical sleep (anesthesia), makes an incision in the scrotum and removes the testicles, then puts a ligature on the spermatic cord. When making small incisions, suturing is not required, but the incision site is carefully processed. The cat usually regains consciousness after 3-5 hours.

Immediately after the operation, try to provide the animal with the following conditions:

  • Cover and put in a warm place, as the body temperature during anesthesia and during discharge decreases.
  • Limit the cat's movement - he is still too weak, it is difficult for him to stand, and he may fall when walking.
  • Place a bowl of water nearby, but don't eat for 12 hours.

How much does it cost to castrate cats

Let's try to figure out how much it costs to castrate a cat. The amount varies greatly in different regions of residence and may depend on a number of factors:

  • venues (clinic or home visit);
  • breed and age of the cat;
  • conducting a full or partial examination;
  • the use of various drugs for anesthesia;
  • choice of additional services (transportation, bathing, etc.).

The cost of castration can thus be from 800 to 2500 rubles when carried out in the clinic and before 4000 - 5000 rubles at the departure of specialists at home.

The main thing is that in pursuit of the best price, the quality of the services provided does not suffer. The health of a cat, like the health of any family member, is more important than a slightly overpaid amount. If your goal is a healthy and calm cat, then consider all the features, make the right decision and be calm about the future of your pet.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


A favorite of the whole family, a kitten pleases the eye while running around the apartment and playing with his toys. Time passes, the animal grows, small changes occur in its body, and the period of sexual activity is about to begin, during which the pet will begin to mark the territory.

When is the best time to castrate a cat and is it worth it?

Many people think that castration and sterilization procedures are best done in the early stages of the development of the pet's reproductive system, but this is a misconception. The question arises at what age to castrate a cat in order to avoid possible embarrassment? A still unformed animal organism can malfunction in the urinary system. To avoid such complications, you need to stick to the ideal period announced by the researchers - a year, give or take a couple of months.

Owners of purebred pets who do not plan to breed them can decide on an operation. The reason for this may be:

  • excessive aggression of the animal in the spring (often this is an Abyssinian breed);
  • fear of losing a pet (be it a British or Scottish pet);
  • the appearance of a sharp smell of urine in the living room;
  • concern for the future health of an adult pet (most of them are prone to diseases of the genitourinary system, especially the Scottish pet and the British).

To agree to such a procedure or not? This is a personal choice of each person, but if you want to extend the life of your pet, then it is better to know in advance when you can castrate the cat, how to prepare for the operation, what the consequences may be, the price for the upcoming treatment. Those who promise to do it inexpensively cannot guarantee the safety of the pet's life. The optimal price for a one-year-old pet is 2000 rubles in the suburbs of Moscow.

When to castrate a young cat

A domestic kitten brings joy to its owners until it begins to mark its territory and strive to become a yard individual in order to satisfy its instincts. This behavior is caused by the action of hormones produced in the body of a mature animal. In order not to harm the pet, you should not let him near the cat before castration. In this case, the question arises of at what age cats are castrated?

The kitten, having been born, is small in size (especially the Bengal breed) and only gets bigger with time. Therefore, castration can be done no earlier than seven to eight months. If this fact is rejected, the likelihood of the risk associated with inflammation of the urethra and the development of adhesions that block the urinary canal increases. At what age can a cat be castrated? Better from the year when the body is fully formed.

Until what age can a cat be castrated?

Any veterinarian will tell you that it is not worth delaying the operation for a long time. Hormones are initially produced only in the testicles, and in an adult, also in the pituitary gland. If the gland responsible for maturation is removed at a later stage of development, then it will not be possible to completely get rid of the territory mark and nightly cries, because part of the hormones will continue to be produced by the pituitary gland. Do not forget that the operation takes place under anesthesia, and an adult cat tolerates this worse than a lop-eared kitten, whose testis has just begun to function.

Cost of castration of cats

If you figured out at what age cats are castrated, then you have to understand why the price for the operation varies in clinics? The cost of the procedure depends on many factors:

  • the need to examine the animal;
  • the need to bathe an individual;
  • delivery assistance;
  • breed (Scottish, British, etc.);
  • age of the cat (9 months or 2 years);
  • drug prices for anesthesia, etc.

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To date, a situation of uncontrolled reproduction of animals has been revealed in our country. It is possible to solve the problem by castrating cats and sterilizing cats.

Age of castration of cats

At what age are cats castrated? This question is asked by both the owners of adult animals and the owners of kittens. There is no definite answer, since the owner himself decides when to castrate the cat and whether to do castration at all.

Castration can be carried out at almost any age, but the general condition of the animal and its psychological characteristics should be taken into account.

Since how many months have I castrated cats? The optimal age for castration of animals occurs immediately after the onset of puberty. Too small kittens are not recommended to undergo surgery, it is possible to castrate a kitten starting from 6-8 months. Very early castration can stop the physiological development of the animal and lead to the development of urolithiasis, pathology of the genital organs.

It is important to remember that small feline breeds reach puberty faster than large breeds.

Nevertheless, the best age for castration of animals is 1 - 1.5 years. At this time, the cat's body has already fully formed, and immunity has increased to such an extent that it can withstand a serious operation without consequences.

It is better to castrate a cat under the age of 5 years., since with a later operation there is a risk of maintaining sexual behavior. It is possible to castrate a cat at the age of up to 10 years, but at the same time it is necessary to completely exclude all possible pathologies of organs that are associated with age-related changes. In preparation for castration, an examination of the animal by a veterinarian is mandatory.

It should be noted that young animals tolerate surgery much easier, they have practically no postoperative complications.

Preparing a cat for castration

The operation requires careful preparation of the animal:

  • Examination by a veterinarian and passing the necessary tests. This is a prerequisite for successful completion of the operation and rehabilitation without consequences. It is better to castrate cats that are completely healthy.
  • You can not tightly feed the pet for 12 - 15 hours immediately before the operation. It is possible to castrate a cat that has eaten some wet pate or porridge a few hours before the operation. At the same time, access to drinking water must be open at all times.
  • It is recommended that the operation be performed on a pet that has already received the appropriate vaccinations. This will significantly reduce the risk of postoperative complications.
  • Before castration, do not disturb your pet, try to provide him with a calm home environment.
  • If possible, bring the animal to the clinic immediately at the appointed time, as a long wait in an unfamiliar place has a detrimental effect on the psyche and general condition of the animal.

Benefits of castration

Castration of pets has many supporters, and this is no coincidence. The operation has significant advantages:

  • The behavior of the pet becomes measured, calm. The reproductive instinct ceases to function, as a result of which the animal does not leave a mark of urine on its territory, does not scratch the furniture and does not make attempts to escape from the house. Uncontrolled aggression disappears, the cat does not meow at night.
  • The cat's health is stabilized both at the physiological and psychological levels.
  • The number of homeless animals is declining. The owner does not need to worry that the offspring of his pet will inhabit the street.
  • It has been scientifically proven that neutered cats live longer than their non-neutered counterparts. Diseases of the genitourinary system appear in neutered cats much less frequently than in non-neutered ones, and their course slows down.

Disadvantages of castration

With all the many advantages, castration has its negative consequences:

  • If the castration was carried out too early or the operation was performed on the cat at an advanced age, then there is a risk of developing pathologies of the urinary system. It is necessary to castrate a cat at a certain age.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which negatively affects the body of the animal. Anesthesia may exacerbate certain chronic diseases.
  • Complications can occur in animals if castration was carried out without an appropriate examination by a veterinarian or proper postoperative care was not observed. Bleeding and infection may occur.
  • Neutered pets have an increased risk of developing urolithiasis, but it can be easily eliminated by giving the pet special food for castrated animals.

Postoperative cat care

Pet care after castration is necessary, as there may be negative consequences of castration of cats. The animal suffers pain and experiences psychological discomfort, so you need to try to speed up the recovery process:

  • You can pick up a pet from the clinic only after the effects of anesthesia have passed.
  • In the first 48 hours after the operation, it is not recommended to take the animal outside, place it in unfamiliar places. You should try to avoid drafts, harsh sounds and noise.
  • If possible, it would be good not to leave the pet on the first day after castration alone. It can tear off the postoperative bandage, stretch the seams, which will cause inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • Pet bedding should be soft, it is better if it is made of natural fabrics. It will be difficult for the cat to get to the tray, so you need to change the bedding several times a day.
  • After the operation, the pet will be drowsy and tired, you need to give him time to rest and recover. No need to disturb the cat, and without the need to take it in your arms.
  • It is not recommended to feed your pet during the first 24 hours after surgery. Access to drinking warm water should be constant. Due to the weakness and residual effect of anesthesia, it can be difficult for a cat to get up and reach a cup of water, it is necessary that the bowl is nearby.
  • With the help of a veterinarian, you need to choose a specialized food for castrated animals that is right for your pet, and strictly adhere to the norm and diet.
  • During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to limit the cat's movement on furniture, window sills and ledges in the walls, since, if a cat jumps or falls unsuccessfully, it can damage the operation site.

Nutrition for neutered cats

After castration, the cat's diet and frequency undergo significant changes:

  • feed the animal often, but not much, you should not leave a large amount of food in its bowl;
  • when gaining excess weight, transfer the animal to low-calorie food;
  • provide free access to drinking water, it is desirable that it be warm;
  • it is better to feed the animal with special food, which is designed for neutered cats;
  • reduce the intake of calcium and magnesium, they contribute to the formation of stones in the genitourinary system;
  • regularly add fermented milk products to the cat's menu, which improve metabolism.

It is important to remember that a veterinarian can choose the right food for a neutered cat.

Myths related to cat castration

Many people do not castrate their pets because they are in the grip of the myths that society has imposed on them. Rumors and conjectures associated with castration are actively cultivated, but have nothing to do with reality. Let's consider some of them:

Neutered cats quickly lose activity and often get fat. This is not true. Physiological changes affecting the cat definitely affect the functioning of the genitourinary system, and the absence of sex hormones affects the work of the whole organism.

But properly selected specialized food will help maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora, provide the castrated cat with all the useful substances and elements it needs. Due to proper nutrition, the activity of the animal will not change and its weight remains the same.

To castrate an adult cat means to expose his life to constant suffering. Not at all. As after any operation, after castration, a rehabilitation period is necessary. When the wounds heal and the stitches are removed, the cat will return to its former active life.

The removed gland, which produced hormones, also removes the sexual desire of animals. Cats forever forget cravings for individuals of the opposite sex and do not experience any psychological discomfort from this.

The male will become aggressive. After castration, males, on the contrary, soften their behavior, which can be aggressive due to an excess of sex hormones. Neutered cats are affectionate towards children, do not attack relatives.

If you do not plan to participate in breeding animals, then you need to castrate the cat. This will avoid a number of behavioral problems of the pet, preserve his health and prolong his life. By choosing the right age, during which castration is tolerated by the cat easily and without consequences, the owner will not only provide the pet with an active and fulfilling life, but also get rid of unwanted cat offspring.