In a dream, I washed the floors. Wash a clean floor in a dream ▼

To see on the floor is the inability to improve one's life, submission to random circumstances.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Clean smooth floor- this is calmness and confidence in the usefulness of one's contribution to the family (one's half) and in the basis of the family as a whole. A full-fledged, beautiful, healthy family gives only positive emotions, mental stability and ease in solving cases.

Destroyed, littered or dismantled floor- this is destruction due to mental deviations of one half of the family. The rest will strive to balance itself, so a broken gender speaks of the destruction of relationships and the breaking of ties. Sleep is unfavorable. This additional information should be applied to the favorable and unfavorable interpretation of the dream.

The floor is wooden- the family is based more on emotional relationships than on economic ones.

The floor is stone- economic relations in the family are more thorough than emotional ones.

Stone- the floor is stronger, harder to break, but harder to repair: anger/wood dries out faster than thoughtfulness/metal and sadness/earth.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Floor- relationships in the family, a position of stability or self-doubt; health.

Water pours from below- danger.

Wash- argument; death.

Sweep- guests; losses; publicity; parting.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

floor wash- death, separation; lay anew- illness, death.

Esoteric dream book

Floor- your support, rear.

Solid, beautiful- you have a strong support, solid rears.

Flimsy, wobbly- you can be betrayed by those on whom you most count.

Gender change- exciting events that can change your views and ideas.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Did you wash the floors in a strange house in a dream? The plot warns of troubles, humiliations, conflicts, problems. But the dream book also gives positive interpretations: influence on other people, time for action. The details of the vision will help to correctly explain what it is dreaming of.

Great time for action

The dreamed plot indicates: you will gain influence on the owner of this house, which will become the reason for the success of your professional activities.

A vision in a dream, as it were, pushes: you need to start acting, you should not wait for a more favorable period. Timely actions will bring favorable changes, but excessive waiting can turn into failure.

Get rid of your shortcomings

Why dream of someone else's housing, where do you wash the dirty floor? The dream interpretation explains: you are used to achieving your goal by any means, but this does not color you.

Did you dream of seeing how you wash it with dirty water? This means: the sleeper only creates the appearance of fruitful activity, but in reality does not do anything useful.

Wiped a dirty stain in a dream? The dream book tells you: this speaks of your insincerity, you are trying to seem better, showing yourself not to be who you are. However, someday the mask will fall - then others will see your true face. Avoid falsehood - then the attitude of others will be sincere.

Where was the floor washed?

Remember whose house you saw:

  • parental - misfortune will happen at home;
  • mother-in-law - people will appear who will annoy;
  • deceased grandparents - you can resolve the conflict on your own;
  • acquaintances, relatives - help solve their problems;
  • in some old house - to a change of residence.

Miller's dream book: vain hopes

Washing floors in a strange house in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dreamed plot is a warning: hopes to achieve the goal will be in vain. The position you applied for will be taken by a more successful work colleague.

Trouble ahead, restraint must be shown

The interpretation of a dream about washing floors in a stranger's home can be as follows: where the plot of the dream developed, the sleeper will soon experience humiliation and serious trouble.

Why dream of washing floors in someone else's house with a mop? In reality, you will begin to quarrel and conflict with people because of some misunderstandings. But these excesses can bring sad consequences. Nevertheless, try to show restraint, calmness - only then will you cope with the difficulties.

Did you wash your hands in a dream? The dream interpretation says: there are many problems to be solved on the personal front and at work. It is necessary to deal with old troubles so that it becomes possible to move on. Show maximum attention.

We all periodically see dreams that seem to us to be some kind of signs that predict our future. The main thing is to correctly interpret their meaning. Why dream, for example, of such an everyday occurrence as mopping?

General value

The traditional interpretation of the process of washing floors in a dream is based on the fact that this action promises positive changes either in a career or in a love field. But, like every symbol, there are many nuances that should be considered separately.

The meaning of sleep with washing floors depending on the context

So, an important point in deciphering this fragment of a dream is the fact who exactly washed the floor. If the floor was washed:

  • mother - this portends the development of a quarrel with the parent;
  • grandmother - we should expect a favorable resolution of any problem that has long tormented the dreamer;
  • mother-in-law or mother-in-law - this means that relations with them will be friendly and you should expect help from relatives in solving household issues;
  • a man is a bad sign that speaks of the intrigues of envious people, and if a male person is familiar to the one who sees this dream, then the plans of ill-wishers will crumble to dust, but the appearance of a stranger washing the floor predicts the victory of enemies;
  • the dead is also a bad sign; one should expect either someone's death or a serious illness.

The place where the floors are washed indicates the following subtleties:

  • at school or university - success in work or study;
  • at the entrance - improvement of living conditions;
  • in a strange house - receiving help from outside;
  • in the church - misfortune in the family;
  • in the hospital - fear for the health of loved ones;
  • in the parental home - misfortune in the family;
  • in the kitchen - strengthening relationships with a loved one;
  • under the bed - news of an imminent journey or a long trip.

Pay special attention to a number of details:

  • washing clean floors means illness of relatives or trouble;
  • wash the floor while pregnant - childbirth soon;
  • wash the floor staggering underfoot - betrayal or gossip in the immediate environment;
  • blood on the floor - meeting with relatives; the more blood, the more soulful this meeting will be;
  • falling while washing the floor - a selfish friend or acquaintance, betrayal of a friend;
  • spilled water on the floor - quarrels in the family;
  • washing the floor with soapy water is a short-lived joy.

The color of the floor is also important:

  • red - strong love passions;
  • green - stability and mutual understanding in relationships;
  • black - disappointment in someone;
  • white - unexpected joy or surprise.

Interpretations of washing floors in a dream according to various dream books

  • Miller's dream book says that washing floors is a warning that someone is trying to harm a career or slander a person in front of higher management. If you slip on a wet floor after cleaning in a dream, this means that you need to be careful in making decisions, weigh all the pros and cons.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation, on the contrary, indicates career prosperity and success in the intended business. However, it is worth listening to the opinion of the authorities and not contradicting him.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea interprets this dream as getting rid of something superfluous in life, cleansing from the burden of problems and negative thoughts.
  • A similar interpretation is given in Islamic dream book, which says that mopping in a dream marks a resolution from a burden or a difficult problem.
  • AT dream book of Tsvetkov this action is deciphered negatively: it is a sign of death or illness.
  • AT dream book Maya On the contrary, mopping is explained as a sign of material well-being, unless the floor has been damaged, which in reality entails a deterioration in relations at work with higher-ranking employees.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor connects the image of gender with the halves of Yin and Yang, the feminine and masculine essence. An even, smooth floor promises spiritual harmony and stability in relationships, damaged or dirty - difficulties or danger. A stone floor is a marriage of convenience, a wooden floor is a family based on mutual love between spouses.

As can be seen from the above interpretations, mopping sometimes has the opposite interpretation. The true meaning of that action can act as a clue to a person in the form of the first thought that came to mind immediately after waking up. If the thought was bright, kind, then it is worth adhering to the positive interpretation of this fragment of sleep.

It is worth remembering that not a single dream predicts the future with maximum accuracy, but can only be a kind of warning about future events, which you should listen to and try to correct the situation. Light and vivid dreams to you!

An untidy, dirt-filled space annoys us both in real life and in a dream. I just want to leave or clean up. And what clue can you get from the plot when the floor is being washed? at home or in the office - these are different things, and, of course, the decoding will not be the same. Let's deal with

Such a night vision means that one of the relatives will end their earthly existence. It is recommended to retell the vision of flowing water after the morning in order to dispel the negative impression. But not all sources see such a mournful omen in this dream. So, according to the esoteric dream book, to see in a dream - to the fact that you think that the people around you underestimate you. You have the strong impression that you deserve a better place in society. Perhaps you are right, but this is required to be proved not by words and insults, but by washing the floor of the house Himself - to a reassessment of values. In the first place you will now put the comfort and warmth of your nest! For a young mistress (future), this dream means that her housekeeping will attract the attention of a worthy young man to her. They will marry and raise their children in love and friendship. After such a dream, a girl should pay special attention to her household skills, trying to learn everything that she did not know how to do before.

If the floor is being washed in the office

In a dream, to see the cleaning of the place of work - to the fact that you are an excellent worker. Your employers believe that you are rightfully trusted by them. Over time, your efforts will lead to a significant increase in your salary. Or maybe the authorities will try to thank you for your work with a good bonus in the near future. But this will not particularly please you, as you strive for greater responsibility and scale of duties in order to realize your unspent potential. No need to worry. Everything will come with time. Among the mournful meanings of this dream, you can indicate the following: they saw how they wash the floor in a dream, which means that there will be mourning in your organization. Most likely, you will find out that the trouble happened in the family of one of the employees.

In non-residential premises

Your desire for social activities predicts such a nocturnal image. If you have seen the cleaning of the huge premises of the station or shopping center, then you have to shoulder the worries of a certain public organization. Such chores will be to your liking if nothing annoyed you during sleep. If you see that the floor is not washed cleanly, the workers are lazy, then social activities will be a burden to you. But you will not be able to avoid excess load soon.

See cleaning the yard in a dream

To wash the floors not indoors, but in the open air - to empty and vain chores. You will want to prove to society that your talents deserve respect, but the paths will be chosen incorrectly. Try to weigh your goals again so as not to endure the ridicule of a malicious environment later. Perhaps there are other options to show their innate abilities, without shouting about it from the podium, but simply carefully and impeccably doing their job.

If a dream alarmed you with something, you should not immediately get upset and panic, perhaps its interpretation has the opposite meaning.

Why dream of washing floors? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of washing floors - the main interpretation

Not everyone loves cleaning. But what if you dreamed about how you wash the floors? What is the meaning of such a dream. If you dream that you are washing the floors in the morning, what is the significance of such a dream? It means your new undertaking, a new business that you have long dreamed of.

But how to correctly and completely interpret the dream?

It is necessary to take into account all its details:

Do you wash the floors in your house;

Are they dirty;

Can you wash them?

Who else washes the floors with you;

How do you feel after cleaning?

If you wake up and experience an inexplicable fear after a dream about how you wash the floors - such a dream means that you are afraid to change something in your life. You are afraid to take responsibility for all possible changes. It’s easier for you to sit out, do nothing, but also not take risks.

Even if the risk is not justified, the dream book indicates that huge prospects will soon open up before you, and if you don’t try now, don’t try your luck, you will regret it for a long time to come. The dream in which you wash the floors all night speaks of the difficulty of making some kind of decision. You will worry and doubt and you will not be able to accept it.

Try to think in advance all your further actions and do not worry if something does not work out for you, try again and again. The dream in which you wash the floor from blood speaks of some terrible events that will soon happen to you. Get ready for the challenges.

If you dream that you are washing a wooden floor, such a dream suggests that in reality you will encounter a number of unforeseen circumstances and resistances. They will not be objective and dependent only on you. Such circumstances will directly depend on the influence of strangers on your life.

If you wash a wooden floor in a dream and after that it rises, such a dream means that unexpected expenses await you soon. Your wallet will be empty and you won't be able to do anything about it. You will try to minimize costs, but you will not be able to do it. Try to set aside a certain amount of money in advance, which you can then spend on your own needs. Do not rush to acquire expensive values. Now you do not have the opportunity to spend so much money.

The dream in which you wash the concrete floor indicates that your hopes for a favorable set of circumstances will not be successful. You will very much want a new development in your life, but it will not happen. Your hopes will be empty both in your personal life and in the professional sphere. You should not count on success in advance if you wash the concrete floor from dirt after rain.

Are the traces you washed away reappearing? Then you should seriously think about whether you did the right thing with your loved ones. Someone reaches out to you, someone wants love from you, constantly reminds of himself, but you always refuse to pay attention to a person. The dream book says that you are acting recklessly and wrong. Don't bring resentment to the fore. You need to learn to forgive, then unpleasant situations will stop pestering you.

If you wash the floor in a dream, and it falls apart under your feet, cracks and holes appear in it - such a dream means that soon you will have troubles in your personal life. You will lose your support and hope, you may even stop enjoying life. But these difficulties will be temporary. Don't worry too much about them.

If in a dream you wash the floor with green water - such a dream speaks of stagnation in your affairs and no matter how much you want to change the situation - you will face the same recurring problems. It is important not to retreat before them, not to be afraid of stagnation, but to use this time for good.

For example, you can effectively do something else while it is stagnant. It is important to understand that you have taken on too much and now you may not have time to deal with the accumulated cases.

A dream in which someone else washes the floors means that someone else will take on the responsibility for an important matter for you. You shouldn't worry about this. You are doing your job well. And if someone volunteered to help you, you can only thank the person.

The dream in which you prepare floor cleaning equipment indicates your preparation for something very important. You have long dreamed of realizing yourself in this business, and finally came close to solving this issue.

Try not to put off your plans if you rub the floor to a shine. Your decision will concern something new and unique. It will be so necessary for you that you will gladly decide to make every effort both to improve your financial situation and to improve your life in general.

Why dream of washing floors according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that washing floors in a dream means experiences and suffering in relation to personal life in reality. You are very worried about how your personal life will turn out. You almost never give yourself a chance to reconnect. It is difficult for you to live for someone if the floors in your dream are not washed.

You are most likely not ready to sacrifice your personal time and space for someone else, so in a dream you get tired when you wash the floors. Seeing how you wash the floors in a huge chic house is a change in relationships to more productive ones. If you see that you are washing the floors in the mall, you should think about whether you value yourself and your relationships too much, maybe you do not attach due importance to them.

A dream in which a man washes the floors for you - says that in reality he will take care of you and show attention. But do not abuse his attention and disposition towards you. Better - try to reciprocate, then the relationship will reach a new level.

If a pregnant woman dreams about how she washes the floors, such a dream means that she will suffer because of unrequited feelings. It may seem to her that no one loves, everyone is abandoned, no one expects love from her and is not ready to give it to her. But actually it is not. Everything in her life is yet to come.

Why dream of washing floors according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says why you dream of washing floors. Such a dream means a streak of bad luck and failure. If you try to wipe the floor from dirt, you will be blackened and slandered. You will not be able to fully restore your reputation. You will have to prove your worth for a long time.

If you see that you are washing off some inscriptions from the floor, it is important to listen and look at the little things. They will make your life full and beautiful. Try to be more attentive to your colleagues if in a dream you wash floors at work. Such a dream speaks of possible troubles with them. They will create discomfort and trouble for you. The dream in which you wash the floors with dirty water means that you will be fixated on the same issue for a long time. To understand it, it is important to look inside yourself.

If you see someone else washing the floors in your house, remember who it was. A lot depends on this person in your life. You will be more and more inclined to believe that it was the influence of ill-wishers on your life that led to stagnation in business.

Why dream of washing floors according to other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that washing floors - such a dream is a dream of indignation and hard work. Perhaps you yourself know where and in what you were wrong, but do not want to admit it. Try not to actively contradict yourself. The more you reread and resist life, the more problems you will have. This is evidenced by a dream in which you wash the floor too hard.

Aesop's dream book says that if you wash the floors of an unfamiliar woman, you are subconsciously afraid of betrayal. You are afraid that your loved one will betray you. And the sooner you stop being afraid, the sooner you will get a healthy, cheerful relationship.

If in a dream you see how you wash the floor in a cafe, in reality you will rest so well that you will have to be ashamed of your actions and words. Try to worry less about it and give yourself more work. Your results in work will soon be colossal. Especially if you dreamed about how you washed the floors to a shine. Whatever the dream, listen to your intuition.