During the next patronage visit. Child's heart murmur

1. In a child 5 months of KINE with the phenomena of toxicosis and exsicosis.

2. Assign a water-tea diet for 4-6 hours with oral rehydration (regidron, glucosolan) 1-2 teaspoons
after 3-4 minutes and intravenous administration of plasma, rheopolyglucin, 5% glucose solution, vitamins. After

water-tea diet, you can give breast milk or sour mixtures: acidophilic milk or kefir, antibacterial drugs - polymyxin, etc.

Task #36

Home call ambulance for a 9 month old baby. The day before he had a runny nose and a temperature of 37.2 ° C. At night he suddenly woke up and became restless. There was a barking cough, he began to choke. The temperature became 38°C.


2. What urgent actions should be taken?

Sample answers

1. A 9-month-old child developed false croup against the background of SARS.

2. Provide emergency assistance:

distraction therapy (hot bath, soda inhalation), - drug treatment: hormones (prednisolone); desensitizing agents (suprastin, diazolin, pipolfen).

Problem #37

The child is 7 years old, attends school. The teacher notes that during the last week the child has become whiny, grimaces in class, handwriting has changed.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What disease can give such symptoms and which specialist should be referred
child for counselling? Tell us about the principles of treatment of this disease.

Sample answers

1. A 7-year-old child has an active rheumatic attack, minor chorea.

2. It is necessary to consult a rheumatologist. Treat in a hospital. Antirheumatic treatment:
penicillin, aspirin, prednisolone, vitamins, suprastin, phenobarbital.

Problem #38

A 2.5-year-old child suffering from congenital heart disease was admitted to the hospital with complaints of shortness of breath at rest and swelling in the legs.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What kind of diet does the child need?

Sample answers

1. A 2.5-year-old child with heart disease developed symptoms of heart failure.

2. The child must be hospitalized in a hospital, prescribe bed rest, a milk-vegetarian diet with
restriction of salt, liquid (up to 1 liter), from medicines - cardiac glycosides, vitamins.

Problem #39

A 10-year-old child was admitted to a children's hospital with complaints of headache, pain in the lumbar region. On examination, the boy is pale, his face is puffy, and there are swelling under the eyes. Daily diuresis is 600 ml.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What examinations should the child have?

Sample answers

1. A 10-year-old child admitted to the hospital may have glomerulonephritis.

2. In a hospital, it is necessary to conduct an examination (test according to Zimnitsky, Nechiporenko, a general blood and urine test,
biochemical analysis of blood, ultrasound of the kidneys, excretory urography).

Task #40

The child was observed sanious discharge from the umbilical wound. Within one day, the child's condition changed: he became lethargic, lethargic, the skin acquired a gray-earthy hue. T=37.3°C. Around the umbilical wound there is a zone of hyperemia. The vessels of the anterior and abdominal walls are sharply contoured. A purulent discharge appeared from the umbilical wound.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What can such a condition lead to?

Sample answers

1. A child may have omphalitis complicated by phlebitis.

2. It can lead to umbilical sepsis.

Task #41

Child, 4 months old, suffers from rickets. Treated on an outpatient basis. Gets vitamin O and calcium gluconate. Suddenly, in the morning, while eating, twitching of the limbs appeared, the child screamed, but the voice suddenly broke off, the child turned blue. After 30 sec. the skin turned pink, the convulsions stopped.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What needs to be done?

Sample answers

1. In a child, spasmophilia (laryngospasm) can be assumed.

2. The child needs to be given urgent help: in case of laryngospasm, give access to fresh air, irritate the root of the tongue,
splash the skin with cold water, conduct a heart massage, artificial respiration. With an attack of convulsions intramuscularly
introduce a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate or a 0.5% solution of seduxen, a 20% solution of tomk.

Task #42

A child, 15 days old, against the background of staphyloderma, suddenly developed a high temperature of 38.9 ° C, grayish-cyanotic skin color, a pulse of weak filling and tension, and bloating. Respiration is frequent, with fluttering of the wings of the nose. Examination of the lungs revealed no pathology. On the 5th day of illness, a clear shortening of the percussion sound diffusely over the entire surface appeared over the lungs, rales were moist, finely bubbling. On the radiograph, there is an infiltrate on the right in the middle lobe of the lung and a parietal pleura is constructed. Leukocytosis in the blood 12000 ml, ESR 22 ml/h.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What could be the nature of this disease?

Sample answers

1. A 15-day-old child has pneumonia.

2. Possibly staphylococcal nature.

Task #43

During the next visit to the clinic by a 1-year-old child, the doctor noticed a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child gets tired quickly, is irritable, inactive, and has lost his appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet is monotonous - dairy food (the mother gives the child a breast twice a day), the mother prefers not to give fruits and vegetables, fearing a digestive disorder. On such a diet, the child gained weight well, which pleased the mother.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What additional examination can clarify the diagnosis?

Sample answers

1. A 1-year-old child developed symptoms of anemia due to poor nutrition.

2. A blood test will help clarify the diagnosis (decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells).

Task #44

Sasha M., aged 15, fell ill acutely: the temperature rose to -38°C, pain during chewing radiated to the left ear. There is swelling in the left parotid region, the skin above it is of a normal color.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. Tactics in relation to the patient.

Sample answers

1. A 15-year-old child has mumps.

2. Isolate the child for the time of pronounced clinical manifestations, on the area of ​​the parotid gland on the left
put dry heat.

Problem #45

Serezha K., 3 years old, fell ill acutely with a rise in temperature to 38.8 ° C, there was a single vomiting, headache, pain when swallowing, a rash appeared by the end of the day. On examination: a state of moderate severity, temperature 39.9 ° C. On the skin, there is an abundant small-dotted rash against a hyperemic background. White dermographism, coated tongue. Zev is brightly hyperemic.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What complications are possible from this infection?

Sample answers

1. A 3-year-old child has scarlet fever.

2. Possible complications - synovitis, purulent lymphadenitis, glomerulonephritis.

Task #46

In a child, 11 months old, who is in the hospital with a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections, on the 3rd day of stay there were changes in the color of urine and stool: urine became dark, stool (feces) - light.


1. Formulate a presumptive diagnosis.

2. What is your tactics in relation to the patient?

Sample answers

1. The child is 11 months old. phenomena of epidemic hepatitis, obviously "B".

2. The patient is isolated in the infectious department. Assign bed rest, physiological nutrition
fortified, 5% glucose, vitamins, methionine, lipocaine. In severe cases, hormonal treatment.

During the next patronage visit to a 1-year-old child, the paramedic drew attention to the presence of a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child quickly gets tired, irritable, inactive, noted loss of appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet was monotonous, milk porridge twice a day. Prefers not to give fruits and vegetables, fearing indigestion. On such a diet, the child gains weight, which pleased the mother. They live in a hostel and rarely go out.

On examination: the condition of the baby is satisfactory. Severe pallor of the skin and secretion of mucous membranes, peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. From the side of the heart: a systolic murmur is heard. The abdomen is soft, the liver protrudes 2 cm from the hypochondrium. From the anamnesis it was found out that the child was born full-term, on mixed feeding from 1 month, often had ARVI.


2. Name additional symptoms to clarify the diagnosis, tell us about the method of their detection.

4. Diagnostic study plan.

5. Vegetable puree technique .

Sample answers

1. The child can be assumed to have mild iron deficiency anemia. The main symptoms of the disease are: pale skin, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, lethargy. A systolic murmur is heard in the child's heart, the liver is enlarged. Reasons: one-sided milk nutrition, frequent illnesses, poor care and poor living conditions.

5. Demonstrate the technique of intravenous administration of 10% calcium chloride solution. .

Sample answers

1. Diagnosis: gastric ulcer, complicated by bleeding.

The conclusion was given on the basis of complaints and an objective examination: vomiting "coffee grounds", dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, pain in the epigastric region.

2. First aid - lay the patient down, cold on the stomach area, swallow pieces of ice, urgent hospitalization in a hospital, consultation with a surgeon.

3. Diagnostic study plan in the hospital:

a) general analysis of blood, urine;

b) FEGDS - to determine the nature and localization of the ulcerative defect of the gastric mucosa.

Treatment: diet - table No. 1a, No. 1b, No. 1. Of the medicines, drugs are needed that suppress Helicobacter pylori infection: de-nol, de-nol + oxacillin, de-nol + trichopolum. Antisecretory agents: pepsin, cholinomimetics, atropine, platifillin, selective M1-cholinomimetics - gastrocetin, antacids and adsorbents: almagel. maalox, vikalin. Gastrocytoprotectors: cytotec, smecta, agents that normalize gastric motility: cerucal, no-shpa, papaverine. Sedatives: elenium, diazepam, valerian. Reparants: sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil.

4. After discharge from the hospital, patients are registered with a gastroenterologist. The course of anti-relapse treatment includes diet therapy, drug treatment and physiotherapy. The diet is mechanically and chemically sparing: foods with coarse fiber, such as mushrooms, are excluded from the diet. To ensure chemical sparing, dishes that increase juice secretion (meat broth, fried foods) are excluded from the diet.

5. Technique for intravenous administration of calcium chloride solution according to the manipulation algorithm.

Task number 5. (pediatrics)

A mother with a 5-year-old girl came to the children's polyclinic. The child has weakness, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, in the evenings the temperature rises to 37.9 ° C. The mother noticed that the girl urinates often, the urine is cloudy. Tongue dry, covered with white coating. In the lungs, breathing is vesicular, heart sounds are muffled. The abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged.


1. Formulate and justify the presumptive diagnosis.

2. Name additional symptoms to clarify the diagnosis and research methods for this disease.

3. Plan for a diagnostic study in a hospital.

4. Tell us about the principles of treating the disease.

5. Demonstrate the Zimnitsky urinalysis technique .

Sample answers

1. Acute primary pyelonephritis.

The diagnosis is substantiated by the data of the anamnesis and complaints: the child has weakness, abdominal pain, fever in the evenings, frequent urination, cloudy urine.

2. Additional symptoms of the disease are symptoms of intoxication: fatigue, loss of appetite, pallor of the skin, pain in the lumbar region, the presence of edema.

3. Diagnostic studies in the hospital: general urinalysis, urine analysis for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics, Nechiporenko urine test, Zimnitsky test, X-ray urological research methods, ultrasound of the kidneys.

4. The treatment of pyelonephritis is complex. The child is prescribed a regimen and diet appropriate to his condition, antibacterial and stimulant drugs. Strict bed rest during the acute period of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed. Carry out phytotherapy. Lysozyme, prodigiosan, methyluracil, pentoxyl, sodium nucleinate are used as immunocorrective agents.

With an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Medical nutrition is based on the principles of a dairy-vegetarian diet with a moderate amount of protein and salt. Fried foods, meat broths are not allowed. As the manifestations of pyelonephritis subside, the child is transferred to table number 5. In the presence of metabolic disorders, the use of fish and meat is limited to 2 times a week, mainly in boiled, stewed form using a potato-cabbage diet. Plentiful drinking is shown.

5. The collection of urine analysis according to Zimnitsky is carried out according to the algorithm for performing manipulations.

During the next patronage visit of a 1-year-old child, the paramedic drew attention to a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child quickly gets tired, irritable, inactive, noted loss of appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet was monotonous, milk porridge twice a day. Prefers not to give fruits and vegetables, fearing indigestion. On such a diet, the child gains weight, which pleased the mother. They live in a hostel and rarely go out.

On examination: the condition of the baby is satisfactory. Severe pallor of the skin and secretion of mucous membranes, peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. From the side of the heart: a systolic murmur is heard. The abdomen is soft, the liver protrudes 2 cm from the hypochondrium. From the anamnesis it was found out that the child was born full-term, on mixed feeding from 1 month, often had ARVI.


2. Name additional symptoms to clarify the diagnosis, tell us about the method of their detection.

3. Tell us about the principles of treating the disease.

4. How to prepare vegetable puree.

Sample answers

1. The child may have iron deficiency anemia. The main symptoms of the disease are: pale skin, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, lethargy. A systolic murmur is heard in the child's heart, the liver is enlarged. Reasons: one-sided milk nutrition, frequent illnesses, poor care and poor living conditions.

2. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a general blood test, where you can detect a decrease in the amount of Er less than 3.5x10 12 l, hemoglobin below 100 g/l, color index below 0.8. Er smears are pale in color, decrease in size, moderate leukocytosis, reticulocytosis are noted.

In patients, additional symptoms of the disease are possible: seizures in the corners of the mouth, waxy color of the auricles, dry skin, dull brittle hair, muscle hypotension.

3. The treatment of a child should be comprehensive, with moderate and severe anemia, children are hospitalized, with a mild degree they are treated at home. It is necessary to organize the correct diet. Give foods containing iron and other trace elements: meat products, liver, cottage cheese, egg yolk, fruits, vegetables. More need to be outdoors.

A child of the first year is prescribed aloe syrup with iron, ferrocally 0.3 gx3 times a day after meals, feramid, ferospan, vitamin C, vitamins of group B. It is necessary to establish the correct daily routine for the child. The child should walk in the fresh air, he needs massage and gymnastics, daily bathing.

When hardening, children are less likely to get colds and anemia.

4. To prepare vegetable puree, a combination of 2-3 vegetables is taken, washed, cut and then boiled for 20 minutes, then cooled and rubbed through a sieve, a decoction of vegetables and salt solution, butter are added, everything is mixed.

Task number 4.

A 13-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the epigastric region. Before admission to the hospital, she vomited "coffee grounds", after which the pain subsided, but weakness, palpitations, dizziness, and tinnitus appeared.

On examination: pallor of the skin, A/D reduced, PS 110 per minute, palpation of the abdomen - muscle tension in the epigastric region.


1. Formulate and justify the presumptive diagnosis.

2. Tell us about the scope of first aid and the rules for transportation to the destination.

3. Make a plan for diagnostic studies in a hospital, tell about the principles of treatment.

4. Tell us about further medical examination.

5. Demonstrate the technique of intravenously injecting a 10% solution of calcium chloride.

Sample answers

1. Diagnosis: gastric ulcer, complicated by bleeding. The conclusion was given on the basis of complaints and an objective examination: vomiting "coffee grounds", dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, pain, muscle tension in the epigastric region.

2. First aid - lay the patient down, cold on the stomach area, swallow pieces of ice, urgent hospitalization in a hospital, consultation with a surgeon.

3. Diagnostic study plan in the hospital:

a) general analysis of blood, urine;

b) fibrogastroscopy of the stomach - to determine the nature of the ulcerative defect of the gastric mucosa.

Treatment: diet - table No. 1a, No. 1b, No. 1. Of the drugs, drugs that suppress Helicobacter pylori infection are needed: denol, de-nol + oxacillin, de-nol + trichopolum. Antisecretory agents: pepsin, cholinomimetics, atropine, platyfillin, selective M1-cholinomimetics-gastrocetin, antacids and adsorbents, Almagel. maoloks, vikalin. Gastrocytoprotectors: cytotec, smecta, agents that normalize gastric motility: cerucal, No-shpa, papaverine. Sedatives: elenium, diazepam, valerian. Reparants: sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil.

4. After discharge from the hospital, patients are registered with a gastroenterologist and surgeon. The course of anti-relapse treatment includes diet therapy, drug treatment and physiotherapy. The diet is mechanically and chemically sparing: foods with coarse fiber, such as mushrooms, are excluded from the diet. To ensure chemical sparing, dishes that increase juice secretion (meat broth, fried foods) are excluded from the diet.

5. Technique for intravenous administration of calcium chloride solution according to the manipulation algorithm.

During the next visit to the casino, Lena resolutely stated that tomorrow morning, and early in the morning, she was taking us to see the Grand Canyon. The degree of my ignorance, or rather darkness, was so great that, frankly, I did not know what kind of place this was and was famous for it. However, I was reassured by the late hour and the drunk beer, which means that hardly anyone will get up early in the morning.

However, alas, I underestimated Lena's energy. We left at dawn.
The road from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon took about six hours. All this time my husband slept in the back seat. Men are weak, their civilization is moving towards collapse and it will be replaced by a new one - a perfect civilization of women. This has been clear to me for a long time. Harry decided not to go. Firstly, he saw the Grand Canyon twenty times, and secondly, being a responsible and hardworking person, he decided to spend the day when there were no guests in the house on business.

To be honest, I really wanted to sleep. Early morning is the best time for deep restful sleep. But my task was to chat, and not let Lena fall asleep. It was assumed that on the way back, my husband would still drive, which is why he was not disturbed now.
The road lay inland. The air was dry, straw-yellow. Rows of plush scorched hills stretched again, turning into mountains, girded on all sides by the dark trails of American roads.

So many pay phones, or rather call boxes for urgent free calls. Just too much. You can call the rescue service every 10 minutes! I said looking out the window.
- Yes, but it's better not to get out of the car. You see, there are cougars roaming around. It might not be safe,” Lena said.
From the program "In the Animal World" I knew that cougars are red bloodthirsty cats that calmly eat people. The road has ceased to be languid.


We approached the canyon from the side of the old railroad. More precisely, the railway itself is fully operational, although it looks like antiques, and really really takes tourists to the sights. The small wooden station from Westerns is also quite functional and, together with the railway, which, by the way, also bears the name of the Grand Canyon, give the necessary flavor to the place.

Boys who grew up on Makenna's Gold, and now have become big good-natured uncles, should begin to drag themselves from the railway.

The view that soon opened up to us was truly Great. In such places, you understand: no matter what a person creates, what miracles he doesn’t come up with, how high his fantasy doesn’t fly up, you can’t keep up with the Creator. The most impressive places at the sight of a cat some are breathtaking in reverent delight and there are not enough words to convey the impression, created not by human hands. I am not a religious person, I wore a red tie as a child, and some events of my short life so far led me to the seditious thought that there is no God. But, honestly, at the Grand Canyon, I doubted my assumption. No, of course, according to free booklets, everything was everyday: for several million years, the Colorado River was seething and rushing in crazy streams through an endless valley. Gradually, it subsided and turned into a barely noticeable ornate stream. At least, it is very difficult to see it in the depths of the canyon. She created this beauty.

There is an excursion on horseback with wagons along the bottom, but it costs something like $100 per person.
Those green dots in the photographs are two human-sized trees. It is impossible to photograph the canyon in length, just as it is impossible to photograph the entire horizon line.

In addition to the canyon itself, the hordes of squirrels were surprised, completely insolent from the amount of food and impunity. Proteins are not only fatty, but also very large. Each of them could well become a hearty dinner for a small family. At first I wasted half the film, filming people squeezing constantly chewing squirrels, until I tried to touch the animal myself. The squirrel did not run away and did not stop moving its jaws evenly. To the touch, the squirrel was soft, like a toy.

In addition to the Grand Canyon itself and sites equipped for viewing the beauties of the landscape, there is a rather expensive hotel, food establishments and a large number of gift shops near the canyon. As Lena said, there is an Indian reservation nearby. The Indians make a living by making pretty handmade souvenirs, selling them and drinking fire water. They drink heavily. I have repeatedly heard in America the opinion that the Indians are a rather closed community. O They prefer to live in their own world according to their own caste laws, and the authorities prefer not to interfere with them.

I must admit that the inspection of Indian shops, and especially one, the largest, with plush, and maybe real hunting trophy heads, unexpectedly proved to me that I like this style. I bought beads made from small multi-colored stones (presumably Indian women spat them out while eating exotic Indian fruits) and looked after a rag hip bag. A wonderful bag with a pattern characteristic of local folk art, the only thing I lacked for happiness. This dream cost $30. I didn't have any money with me. The husband, seeing the price tag, flatly refused to give a gift, which I openly inform everyone about, as well as the fact that I will never forgive him for this fact.

We returned at sunset. Evening entertainment pleased with constancy: viewing the night Las Vegas, a buffet, a casino. I wonder if it can get boring? Theoretically - yes, everyone can get bored. In practice, I did not have time to verify this statement.

When we left the casino, full and satisfied with the loss, which is appropriate to call the payment for a good time, Lena suddenly stopped.
“They play bingo in this casino,” she said. - I think that we should definitely buy tickets for the game.

I, as usual, had no idea about the subject. The husband made a tired face, Harry honestly admitted. that does not burn with the desire to lower the remaining money into the insatiable womb of the gambling house. In short, Lena and I stayed, but this did not bother us, because she wanted to play, and I wanted further knowledge.

So, as a result, I found out that a bingo game lasts almost three hours. The sacrament takes place in a separate room, in this case, on another floor. Vulgar machine guns do not squeal here and "one-armed bandits" do not rage with colored fountains of light - here is a quiet stiffness, broken by the leader's wooden mallet. How the room looks can be seen in the picture. This is not a photograph, since photography is also prohibited there, this is a picture from a booklet. In this case, it doesn't matter, because we were in this hall.

Actually their bingo is our lotto. In addition to the fact that I think that the loto itself is quite a pleasant pastime, the atmosphere is of course exciting. There are even more grandmothers and respectable elders here than on the lower floors. This is an adult serious game. And it turned out. that this is a very effective way to learn the English alphabet and numbers by ear.

Of course, I didn’t win anything, but I enjoyed it to the fullest. Lena took a beer for herself, cocktails for me and won $50. Yes, the main beauty of bingo is that there is always a winner. You can see him in person because he yells "Bingo!" at the top of his lungs and pulls his hand like an excellent student from the first desk.

Time flew by unnoticed, and we stayed for the second game.
Then we visited a restaurant where we drank more beer, a cocktail and had a wonderful dinner. But maybe it was breakfast. I'm very sorry that I can't relay our conversation over the post-bing meal. I'm sorry, because the conversation itself was interesting, but I can't - because it contains too much personal information. What do you think two beautiful young Lenas can talk about in a Las Vegas restaurant after a couple of bingo games and a couple of cocktails?

During the next visit to the children's polyclinic, did the pediatrician hear a heart murmur in your child? The worst thing that parents can do in this case is to start panicking. With a fright, you can do a lot of stupid things, but in this situation you need to get together and act. At first, it is advisable to consult a pediatric cardiologist and understand not only the intricacies of terms that the baby’s card will be full of, but also try to figure out how to deal with this problem.

Heart murmurs in children: what you need to know

For the sake of reassurance for parents, it is worth saying that basically, heart murmurs in a child do not indicate any serious problems. Strictly speaking, they are divided into three main types: functional (they are also called "innocent"), acquired and congenital.

As for functional heart murmurs in children, their causes may be rheumatism or disruption of the heart muscle. This type of pathology occurs in many young children. As you grow older, the noises disappear, and by reaching adolescence, you can forget about them altogether. The diagnosis is made by a cardiologist for the sole purpose of: at subsequent examinations, parents should inform the doctor that such disorders have already been detected previously.

Functional noises do not lead to disruption of the circulatory system, therefore they do not have any effect on the heart and other organs. Most often, they indicate changes in the baby's body (and such noises are mainly found in newborns), and are the result of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to life outside the womb. It happens all the same, but much less often, that such problems are also found in adults, but this is rather an exception to the rule. According to statistics, up to 50% of all diagnosed heart murmurs are of such a “safe” nature.

The cause of pathological noises is considered to be congenital anomalies of the heart, which lead to impaired blood circulation. Usually, the diagnosis is made very early (in the first months of a child’s life), because the face has quite expressive symptoms: cyanosis of the skin, shortness of breath, developmental delay, etc. But sometimes nothing but noises indicate deviations in the work of a small heart, and not only parents , but doctors themselves may lose sight of a rather dangerous violation. Worse, heart murmurs may not even be audible, but are detected only when the blood circulation has already been rebuilt in a certain way. If, over time, heart murmurs increase, this is a very unfavorable symptom.

With regard to acquired heart murmurs in a child, their most common causes are rheumatic attacks that provoke inflammation of the heart valves. As a result, scars remain on them, which negatively affect normal blood flow. The detection of murmurs in the heart that were not previously observed clearly indicates an active rheumatic process. But in this case, other signs will also appear in parallel: changes in blood counts, fever, etc. If these symptoms are not observed, it is possible that heart murmurs are provoked by old scars after a previous attack of rheumatism.

Congenital murmurs, as the name implies, are heard most often in the first months of a child's life (very rarely - after a few years). They signal heart disease that is not associated with the inflammatory process. In this case, it is not the noises themselves that should be disturbing, but how the congenital defect will affect the work of a small heart. In a child, the disease may be accompanied by growth retardation, cyanosis of the skin, and breathing problems. Children with congenital heart murmurs need constant monitoring by specialists, and in especially severe cases, they may need surgery. With congenital heart murmurs in a child, parents should try to protect him from the slightest infection. Even when visiting a dentist, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the illness of a small patient, since the risk of infection also exists during dental treatment.

Required Research

If a heart murmur is detected in a child, it would be advisable to conduct a series of additional studies in order to accurately determine the cause and develop the correct treatment strategy.

Ultrasound (echocardiography, or Echo-KG) is considered one of the main diagnostic methods. This is an absolutely safe and painless way to determine any disturbances in the work of the heart, which, moreover, is highly informative. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to obtain an image of the heart in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional projections. In addition, the method allows you to learn about the speed of blood flow and pressure in certain parts of the vascular system. Making the correct diagnosis depends on the skill of the specialist who will interpret the results.

In addition to Echo-KG, problems in the work of the heart are diagnosed using computed or magnetic resonance imaging. Such research methods are very useful if it is necessary to simultaneously monitor the state of several body systems, for example, cardiovascular and respiratory. The complexity of these techniques lies in the fact that for their correct implementation, complete immobility of the patient is necessary, and it is quite difficult to achieve this from a small child. Therefore, if necessary, for the correct diagnosis, the study can be carried out under anesthesia. Not a very pleasant nuance can also be called the high cost of these procedures.

If it is necessary to determine the oxygen content and pressure in the cavities of the heart, the doctor may prescribe catheterization. In this case, a contrast agent is injected into the vein in order to visualize the cavities of the heart and blood vessels (angiocardiography). Such a study, due to the complexity of the conduct, may require the stay of a small patient in a hospital.

Text: Tatyana Okonevskaya

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