Healer doctors. Surgery with bare hands: The whole truth about Filipino healers

A person in their right mind will never stop taking care of their health. He will never stop looking for new ways to improve. Today, when the doctor-patient trust relationship in traditional medicine is undermined, with health problems, people turn to such a phenomenon as alternative medicine. Among all the existing methods of treatment, the operation according to the method of Philippine healers is perhaps one of the most amazing.

They are considered great healers, sorcerers, charlatans. Eyewitnesses from all over the world claim that the hands of healers really magically penetrate the human body and treat such ailments from which traditional medicine has turned away. So who are they - healers, Filipino healers?

Who is it?

Traditionally, it is customary to call those conducting operations of varying complexity only with their hands, that is, without any special tools. In their practice, Filipino healers also do not use anesthetics. These are the most famous distinctions of healing among other medical teachings, but not the only ones.

Filipino medicine is associated with the concept of psychosurgery, because healers act not only in the field of physical, but also mental, affecting the minds of their patients.

Many titles

The name "healer" is derived from the English word Heal. What does "heal" mean? Note that these amazing people are called not only healers. In the Western world, they were given the titles of "psychic surgeons", "mental surgeons", "surgeons of the fourth dimension". With such verbal expressions, people emphasize the extraordinary method of treating healers.

First mentions

Information about amazing Filipino doctors began to spread around the globe thanks to seafarers. Written sources of the 16th century contain the testimonies of sailors about the miracles of healing seen on distant islands.

In the 40s of the 20th century, it was possible to document the process of the healer's work with a person. Since then, Filipino healers have become known everywhere. Today it is much easier to see how healers work, photos of which are easy to find in open sources.

Known Healers

It is believed that there are only about 50 people in the Philippines who have a deep knowledge of Philippine psychic surgery. But healers in the Philippines are also included in special official lists. So, there are much more officially registered (several thousand). Therefore, it is worth drawing conclusions about the quality of treatment of a particular healer. The parallel with our medicine can be traced again.

One of the famous modern healers is June Labo, whose clinic nowadays accepts patients from all over the world.

Also in the homeland of the amazing direction of alternative medicine, the names of such healers as Alcazar Perlito, Nida Talon, Maria Bilosana, Alex Orbito, Virgilio D. Gutierez, Rudolfo Suyat are most famous. Philippine healer is an honorary title, which, among many others, can only be earned by a talented, true healer.

In Russia, the healer Virgilio Gutierrez received the greatest fame, now a doctor on Gutierrez, he taught the art of surgical intervention to healers of selected students.

Philippine healers in Russia

Since the ties between the continents and the islands have become stronger, it is possible to get an “admission” to a healer not only in distant countries. Healers also live in Russia. They carry out treatment with their own, non-traditional methods, which brought them world fame and a lot of gossip.

It is customary to turn to alternative medicine when all that traditional medicine can offer does not help. At the same time, patients do not always fully trust those methods that they rely on last. So the healers, reviews of which are contradictory, belong to this direction of alternative treatment.

Healers appeared in Russia about 20 years ago. Today, there is even an Association of Philippine Healers. This organization is headed by Rochelle Blavo, a well-known researcher of the phenomenon of extrasensory healing in the world scientific community.

Rochelle Blavo dedicated several books and a documentary to healers. In addition, the scientist conducts seminars on the unique capabilities of Filipino healers, with a demonstration of their art.

Other Filipino healers in Moscow and other cities of Russia have already held seminars more than once, dedicating people to the mystery of the knowledge of their extraordinary medicine.

Healer Treatment Techniques

In fact, in addition to surgical interventions, healers use other healing techniques. So, Philippine medicine includes the use of various conspiracies, treatment with herbs, stones, and manual therapy. All these methods are traditional for Asian peoples, but the most famous are surgical operations.

Operations are carried out by healers only with their hands. They do not use any tools, such as scalpels or clamps. Thus, a doctor can remove any foreign body, accumulated slags, stone formations from the human body. The doctor finds deviations in the state of certain organs on his own and begins his work there. Diagnostics and other analyzes are not carried out, which is also surprising for those who first encounter the art of Filipino healers.

Psychic Surgery - A Miracle of Healing

Strange as it may seem to us, but healers profess the Catholic faith. Like most of what has developed historically, the healers have a Bible on the table even during operations. If we consider the operations of healers as a kind of ritual, then Christianity is closely intertwined with local worldviews.

Moreover, Filipino healers perform their miracles of healing, being inspired, so to speak, by prayers. The Philippine Catholic Church officially recognizes the surgical operations of healers as one of the manifestations of the divine miracle of healing.

Patient preparation

Not only the operation itself is important, but also the preparation of the patient for treatment. The healer begins to work with the patient long before the operation itself begins. The medicine of the peoples of the Philippines is focused on the primary work with the spiritual essence of man.

The healing process, in which both the sick person and the healer participate, consists not only in the physical improvement of the person's condition, but also in the improvement of the spirit and consciousness. Preparing the patient for surgery includes communicating with the surgeon, meditation, preliminary theoretical acquaintance with the upcoming process.

Before the start of surgery, the patient still receives anesthesia, but not in the usual form for us. The healer, with the help of special movements, introduces the patient in a state of complete or partial (as partial anesthesia).

A person can feel the process of the operation while being conscious. But there is no pain or other discomfort. There may be a slight tingling or patting sensation in the surgical area. This is how those who, on their own experience, are convinced of the reality of the methods of Filipino healers, report their impressions.

Philippine Healer Treatment Process

The way the operation performed by the healer looks from the outside seems to be something supernatural or frankly fraudulent.

A seemingly ordinary person stands over the patient. He is in a semi-conscious state. And then the doctor runs his hands over the patient's body, as if scanning it. Then the hands stop in a certain zone (this is exactly the zone in which the patient has health problems). And then, as if the healer's fingers penetrate the body of the person lying in front of him, and unimaginable manipulations begin.

With deft finger movements, the healer makes some passes. We see blood or something that looks like blood, but it does not flow, as we panicked about when we see a tear in the skin. The healer continues the treatment, removing blood clots or other substances from the human body with his bare hands. This is the reason why the patient does not feel well. This is how (naturally, in a different way in each case) Filipino healers treat.

It is natural that some observers and those who simply learned about the fact of Philippine medicine perceive such manipulations sharply: with distrust and open accusations of charlatanism.

Attempts to expose the methods of healers

Following skeptical attacks on the miraculous practice of exotic healers in the last century, attempts were made to explain the "show" they put on before the public. Healers in the Philippines today are still actively provoking skeptics to all sorts of checks.

The process of operating with bare hands was explained by various extraordinary interpretations. The "penetration" of the healer's hands under the skin of a person is nothing but a high-class illusion. Appearing "blood" and delivered "clots" of disease (or bad energy) - a cleverly done puncture of a special bag of liquid (even chicken blood, maybe), taken by a charlatan as a prop for a "trick".

However, some people still claimed that after the healing session their health improved. Convinced skeptics object to this by saying that healers have the gift of hypnotic influence and convince their “victims” that they really feel better.

Skeptic's point of view

Skepticism in the study of the Philippine method of treatment can be considered a lot. Yes, almost everything! Performing a complex operation with your hands, without introducing an infection and getting a positive result for the patient's health - this is from the realm of fantasy.

When you get acquainted with the miraculous treatment, questions after questions arise, and this is natural. So why, with such opportunities, do the people of the Philippines still get sick and die? The abilities of healers are beyond our understanding, but they cannot achieve such results.

With their miraculousness and dozens of extraordinary stories of people who were healed by healers in the Flippins and beyond the islands, they can not do everything.

Do healers really penetrate body tissue with their hands?

Healers interested in the practice of psychosurgery are tormented by one important question: do the doctor's hands really penetrate the patient's body? Does it really happen without the help of instruments, like with conventional surgeons?

Alternative medicine, the types of which amaze the minds of most clinic visitors, has a rich palette of methods. Healers' mental surgery tools are prominent among them, and here's why.

The answer to the question that worries us will be positive (if we take as a starting point our trust in the Filipinos and their miracles of healing). Healers penetrate the physical body of a person, but this does not happen with every operation. According to the healers themselves, there is not always a need for this.

Why exactly? Healers also give a completely conscious explanation for this. Illness arises due to the appearance of bad, unhealthy energy in the human energy body. It is she who is fished out of the patient by Filipino healers during the sessions. Often, for such a psycho-operation, it is not necessary to open the physical body.

The very penetration of the hands of the healer into the body can be compared with immersion in water. Water molecules seem to make way for our hands, allowing them to freely carry out any action in the water. Similarly, due to the innate special talent, the healer enters the human body. Unbelievable - but maybe real!

What can't healers do?

Viewpoints on the Filipino phenomenon vary due to the fact that only a small number of people have experienced it or have reliable sources of information about it. However, from any point of view, a logical question arises: what is it that healers cannot do?

Like traditional medicine, Filipino treatments cannot extend a person's intended lifespan. You can remove the disease, thus returning to yourself your allotted time.

Mental illnesses are also beyond the power of healers. Although they deal with the human spirit, the ability to influence the mental is limited. This can be explained in a somewhat simplified way. Philippine surgery is, first of all, surgery, that is, it involves the removal of unhealthy tissues from the human body. With the psyche, healers are not able to carry out such manipulations.

Add to this the fact that, as in all areas of activity, there are good specialists and not very good ones. This also applies to Filipino healers.

Specialization of Filipino healers

Personal abilities are of great importance in what direction of treatment the healer will develop the most. So, for example, one of the best healers in the Philippines, Labo, works with tumors and has become widely known outside of his country precisely because of this. Other diseases are also amenable to the miraculous treatment of the famous healer.

Another Filipino healer, José Segundo, is best at dental manipulation.

Principles of healers in practice

As for what a conscientious healer will take on and what not, the situation will be the same as with traditional doctors. Healer will undertake to treat any patient, even if his condition is hopeless. As well as our doctors, he will try to prolong the life of a person or reduce his suffering.

As for the issue of treating mental illness, the healers themselves openly say that this area is not in their power. In local, Philippine medicine, of course, you can find such specialists, but this will be a completely different type of healing. Most often, the locals assign this terrible concept of "exorcism of demons." Other representatives of local medicine are engaged in healing souls from "demons".

Are the possibilities of Filipino healers real or

It is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the reality of the fact of healing by the method of Filipino doctors on the basis of everything that we know. To believe or disbelieve completely, you need to face an amazing phenomenon with your own eyes.

As with any theory, there will always be those who agree and those who disagree. You can find many facts confirming the reality of the phenomenon or fraud. Our choice remains ours: we choose the sources we trust.

It is unequivocal that alternative medicine in the form of healing has acquired another mind-boggling technique on the way to health.

Among the healers, of course, there are people who have a certain gift. The deeds of such healers thunder throughout the world and deserve the deepest respect and admiration. There are also charlatans whose plans are only to profit from the trust gained by true healers.

We note that the acute rejection of the fact of chilerstvo in our country, and many others, is due to the difference in worldview. It is difficult for us to imagine that a person can have such power over physical and mental matters. But in countries where the oldest folk beliefs have been preserved, people willingly believe in it. Apparently there are reasons...

Summarizing what has been said...

Filipino healers are an extraordinary phenomenon in a rich world of various non-traditional medical teachings. They can treat a person by performing surgical operations without instruments and pharmaceuticals.

For the first time, they learned about healers as healers who work miracles in the 16th century. Since then, they have become known in all countries, and views on healing have remained controversial. No wonder: it is extremely difficult to believe in a miracle among the usual things.

We hope that our article has enriched your pastime and quenched your thirst for knowledge about such an interesting phenomenon of our world as Philippine healing.

  • Hernia treatment
  • Other diseases (myoma, pancreatitis, mastopathy, infertility)
  • Virgilio will help you in solving a number of other problems:

    • removes the negative impact (damage and evil eye)
    • cleans and harmonizes the biofield
    • works with chakras
    • puts defense
    • helps in business and relationships
    • provides psychological assistance

    Healers are not doctors in the literal sense of the word - they do not heal themselves. Healing energy flows through them, through their hands. Healers, being guides, are able to heal almost any disease. The healer only needs to tune in well to this channel and ensure the maximum flow of healing power so that it enters the body and energy shell of the person who has asked for help without resistance. The more a person is tuned to the effectiveness of help, the better the result, since there are no energy blocks on his part that prevent the penetration of healing power.

    Each case is private, and the healer will undertake to help or not, it will become clear only when he first looks at the photograph of the person. It is usually possible to identify common cases when the healer does not refuse help: arthritis, infertility, adenomas and all types of diseases of the genitourinary system, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases of the ear, throat, and nose, intervertebral hernia, diseases of the nervous system, including migraines, dysfunction thyroid gland, diabetes and all pathologies of the endocrine system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system, including varicose veins and hypertension, cancer up to stage 4, various neoplasms, such as cysts, polyps, stones of various etiologies.

    Sometimes the result is immediate, but sometimes it is gradual, when the treatment is extended in time, i.e. between healing and taking a healer, a time of several months or weeks passes. Sometimes the result is incomplete, say, they helped to heal the thyroid gland, but a few roots or small nodules remained, the same with polycystic disease. But you can always re-apply to the healer. Helping, the healers do not touch the tissues of the organ itself and remove only the growth and its root, while surgical operations often remove the neoplasm along with the organ or part of it. In many cases, after healing, during which the "new formation" is deprived of its root and vitality, it "resolves" on its own. Hernias also dry out. Unlike most Filipino healers, who are reluctant to take on diseases of the organs of vision, master Virgilio Gutierrez heals cataracts, glaucoma and restores vision.

    Healers will not help in all cases

    Organs that cannot be restored. Do not splice or remove bones and skin growths. Multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy can only alleviate. They are very reluctant to take on late-stage cancers (if they are taken at all), especially after many chemotherapy treatments. They explain that they cannot start the mechanism of self-healing, as it is destroyed by chemotherapy and hormone therapy and previous operations.

    Contraindications and side effects


    • refrain from all types of meat (except fish and seafood) for the duration of treatment
    • refrain from salt and pickles (you can those products in which there is already salt, for example, bread, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.)
    • refrain from black tea and coffee (green tea and herbal tea are allowed), decaffeinated coffee or coffee with milk are also excluded
    • completely exclude alcohol for the duration of treatment, non-alcoholic beer is also completely excluded

    These requirements are common to all. On the day of diagnosis or during sessions, additional contraindications can be added individually.

    For the period of visiting Virgilio it is advisable not to visit other bioenergy sites (at the same time).

    In the case of vertebral hernias, refrain from the gym for the duration of treatment.

    In case of infertility treatment, also for the duration of treatment, we refrain from high heels, physical activity (you can do yoga and swimming), lifting weights (no more than 5 kg).

    Side effects and exacerbations

    There are no side effects, the state of health does not become worse than it was. After the sessions, there is a feeling of drowsiness, weakness, a feeling of fullness (I don’t feel like eating).

    Places (organs) that have healed can make themselves felt through a warm, pulling, aching sensation, if you touch the place, you may feel as if there is a bruise.

    An exacerbation is extremely rare and incredibly short-term (from 1 to 3 days) occurs in the following cases:

    • hypertension (pressure can jump),
    • stage 2 diabetes (sugar can rise briefly in very rare cases),
    • vertebral hernias,
    • lumbar hernia,
    • herniated vertebrae (short-term discomfort may occur),
    • gynecology (fibroids, polycystic ovaries, cysts, polyps, prolapse of the uterus) - slight pulling pains (similar to discomfort, as before the menstrual cycle) and discharge (which last no more than two days).

    Working with the thyroid gland(nodes, etc.) after the procedure until the next morning, the feeling of a lump in the throat is kept.

    In case of negative impact(evil eye, spoilage, etc.), when Virgilio removes it, symptoms similar to the onset of the flu may occur (chills, fever, drowsiness), usually in a mild form, disappearing the next day.

    Because the work, cleaning and harmonization go at all levels, many people can go cleaning (but it is more spiritual than physical). This is expressed in the desire to cry, withdraw, or the release of internal aggression (duration from 1 day to 5 days).

    For skin diseases(dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergies of various kinds) are possible:

    • exacerbation (itching, redness),
    • deterioration (in individual cases), as a rule, it takes from 1 to 14 days (some herbs or spices recommended for everyone individually can also provoke an exacerbation, due to the cleansing of the body, but as soon as the days of taking the prescribed herbs or spices end, the the aggravation caused by them, the body is cleansed).
    The monetary unit of the Philippines is called the Philippine peso, denoted by PHP. It is equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes with denominations from 5 to 2000 pesos are used in circulation. The most popular are bills of 5.10 and 20 pesos. Almost all denominations in circulation are represented by several variants of banknotes. Moreover, the new series simply duplicates the banknotes already in circulation. Today, a modified series of 2001 is used, which has two signatures on the front side.

    Climate of the Philippines

    The Philippines is located in a zone dominated by a tropical monsoonal and subequatorial climate. Therefore, the average annual temperature in the flat part of this region is around 27 ° C, but it can be cooler in the mountainous regions. Although all the Philippine Islands belong to the same climatic zone, different regions have their own weather patterns. The warm and humid climate in the Philippine Islands is combined with the rainy season.

    New Year and Christmas in the Philippines

    New Year and Christmas holidays in the Philippines are celebrated on a scale that can hardly be found in any other country in the world. The sounds of Catholic Christmas carols can be heard here and there from the end of September, and the official festivities begin on December 16 and last until the first Sunday in January. But even if you can escape here for just a week, you are guaranteed a lot of impressions and an extensive entertainment program.

    If you watched the film "Love and Doves", then you will surely remember the scene when Raisa Zakharovna, a fan of everything "psychic", tells the vacationer Vasily about Philippine healers. According to her, the Filipino doctor literally parted the skin of the abdomen with his hands - “they have some methods there - the skin itself parted”, took out the organs and washed them in the pelvis almost with a brush. And all this was called bare-handed surgery. But is it true what the heroine Gurchenko said, or is Philippine traditional medicine nothing more than a profanity? More on this will be discussed later.

    Philippine healers: treatment or quackery?

    Since the beginning of the 90s, these folk healers have become widely known in our country. He allegedly perform surgical operations without the use of any instruments.

    Activity Philippine healers is not recognized by modern medicine, the mechanism of their effect on the patient is assumed to be similar to the placebo effect, and the visible surgical penetration into the patient's body with bare hands and instant healing of the operation site is considered a clever manipulation.

    First legend

    Word " healer” is used only in the countries of the former USSR. In the rest of the world, including the Philippines, where English is the official language, this concept is defined by the expression "psychic surgeon".

    Attention of the world community healers attracted back in 1959, when they became known from Ron Ormond and Ormond McGill. Activity healers they called it "surgery of the fourth dimension" and frankly said that the essence of what is happening is not yet fully understood. Whether these are the tricks of an ordinary magician, or a miracle of the Lord.

    The very first well-known healer outside the Philippines is Eleuturio Terte. He began to treat people at the age of 25, and at first he used a knife for operations, like all normal surgeons. When Terte was accused of illegal medical practice, he unexpectedly discovered that he did not need a knife, and he was able to open the flesh of the patient with his bare hand, and without leaving any scars.

    Once having cured a dying American officer, the doctor became a celebrity. Terte was interviewed, his house was besieged by crowds. The famous director Ormond filmed all his operations on camera and gave the tissues extracted by the healer for analysis. The results were stunning: the particles really belonged to the patients, no deception was found! Meanwhile, the healer dipped his finger right into the person’s eye, and he did not feel any pain, healed ulcers and “removed” cataracts! Terte demonstrated the same thing in front of an important medical council that had flown in from Switzerland.

    Dr. Steller, professor of physics at the University of Dortmund, wrote a voluminous work in which he admitted that he had carried out hundreds of analyzes and studies of Terte's operations and did not catch any cheating. As the scientist testified, Philippine Heeler really managed to perform surgical operations with his bare hands without any hypnosis, anesthesia, pain and infection!

    He was echoed by the Japanese doctor Isamu Kimura, who examined the blood after a series of Terte's operations and found out that it undoubtedly belongs to the operated patients. Sometimes the analysis showed that blood clots are ... of inorganic origin! Terte explained this fact by the fact that these inclusions, so to speak, are the materialization of the disease itself, the bad energy left in the hands of the healer.

    Terte died in 1979 at the age of eighty. In extreme poverty, because he did not take any money for his operations, believing that God did not give him a gift so that he would profit. Sometimes a unique medicine man didn’t even have anything to eat during the day!

    Spectacle or miracle?

    You can get a personal impression by watching the work of a healer by watching one of the popular science films about them (for example, shown on Channel One in 2006).

    The extraordinary emotions of an outside observer are well conveyed by the journalist Vsevolod Ovchinnikov. In his book, he describes a visit to Philippines of the most popular healer Alex Orbito.

    The first thing that caught Ovchinnikov's eye that morning was a fair amount of visitors who came to the healer's cramped courtyard. There were about eighty of them, many of whom had been waiting since the night. And the people kept coming! The courtyard was lined with long benches, which made it look like an open cinema, with the only difference being that the role of the screen was replaced by a glass wall of a room of about 30 square meters. There was a couch, an armchair and a small table in the room. There was a Bible on the table, and on the wall hung a crucifix and a poster with the gospel words of Christ: "According to your faith, be it to you." Since the local mainstream religion (Catholic) supports healers considering their art to be healing through faith.

    About half past ten, the singing of psalms began, which was picked up by those present. At some point, a youthful short Orbito appeared. Although he smiled affably, his tenacious, prickly gaze gave the impression of a steel spring compressed inside the healer. healer approached the table and, putting his hands on the Bible, stood still for about half an hour. His fingers and face turned pale. Meanwhile, the psalms rang out, and those present gradually came into a state of exaltation. Ovchinnikov writes that even he was "struck".

    Another sufferer lifted his shirt, and the doctor, without anesthesia and disinfection, began to massage the sore spot. Then his left hand suddenly froze, and it became clearly visible how the index and middle fingers of his right hand slid inward. The open wound filled with blood was clearly visible, and unpleasant chomping sounds were heard. Then Orbito pulled a fragment of something brown, like a piece of liver, from the gap, and, leaving his left hand motionless, grabbed a cotton swab with his right, blotted the oozing hole, and a second later he stepped away from the couch.

    His assistant used a fresh swab dipped in coconut oil to wipe away the blood. There was not even a scar left at the site of the operation, only a slight redness. Less than two minutes have passed since the beginning of the procedure! Orbito was already attending to the next patient. Silently I felt the affected area, splashes of a reddish liquid splashed out again, a dull champ was heard, fragments of tissues were again removed, there was an instant overgrowth - and a transition to a new patient. All this, in front of dozens of witnesses, was repeated over and over again ...

    It remains to add that Alex Orbito was the first person to call himself an operating healer. He became widely known due to his relationship with Hollywood actress and writer Shirley MacLaine. Orbito was later arrested in Canada on charges of fraud, but was soon released due to lack of evidence.

    Data. Failure. Criticism

    In the spring of 1984, popular American entertainer Andy Kaufman was diagnosed with lung cancer. He went to the Philippines. The treatment was allegedly successful, but Kaufman soon died of kidney failure due to metastases. This case is vividly played up by Milos Forman in the film "The Man in the Moon".

    Currently, healers on tour or on a permanent basis are practicing everywhere. Russia also fell into their field of vision.

    In the late 90s, at the first stage of the development of the Russian market, Filipino healers came to our country on their own. A whole group led by a well-known representative of this profession and the author of the book "Healing by understanding" Virgilio Gutierrez Jr. visited Moscow in April 1996. They trained about a hundred people, three of whom were even invited to train in the Philippines. Patients were consulted. But the initiative did not receive further development.

    Today, those who wish to communicate with healers themselves fly to the Philippines. Gutierrez hosts them on the island of Cebu. His patients are mostly residents of Russia and Ukraine who have the necessary funds (treatment, excluding travel and accommodation, costs about $2,000). Meanwhile, the attitude of local authorities towards healers is deteriorating. There are no specialized clinics for them, and six-day treatment courses are organized in rented rooms of small provincial hotels.

    Back in 1975, the US Federal Trade Commission announced that the activities of healers are a hoax. The statement was made on the basis of a court decision that banned US travel agencies from arranging health tours to healers. In particular, it was noted: "Operations healers is a complete fake, and their bare-handed surgery is just a fake.”

    In 1990, after conducting their research, the American Cancer Society stated that there was no evidence of any positive effect of healer operations on the course of the disease. The organization persistently urged patients not to waste time and not resort to the help of scammers.

    The same view is shared by the British Columbia Cancer Agency. The essence of his claims is not that the operations of healers are capable of causing direct harm, but in the possible delay or exclusion of conventional treatment, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.

    In Russia, there are no official cases and conclusions of doctors related to healers. There are interviews with famous surgeons who have studied this phenomenon. For example, with Professor Gershanovich, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Research Institute of Oncology named after A.I. Professor N. N. Petrov. When he was the doctor of the chess team of Karpov, he was in 1978 in Baguio for the world championship match with Viktor Korchnoi. Then he managed to visit healer. Gershanovich risked undergoing the operation himself. He wanted to have a varicose vein removed from his leg and a small benign tumor above his left eye. Both were very convenient for demonstrating the "miracle", as they were present on the body in an explicit form. But, despite all the efforts of the healer, the removal did not work. Even vice versa. The mentioned formations became inflamed, and they had to be urgently operated on in Leningrad. Gershanovich summed up the result of the experiment on himself as follows: “After everything I saw, I can take an oath: there was no surgery, there was a skillful trick.”

    Popular illusionist James Randi also dubbed "surgery" healers fraud. He claims that their manipulations are capable of deceiving only unprepared viewers, but are clearly obvious to professionals. Through his foundation, Randy is offering a million American dollars to anyone who can prove their supernatural powers. The illusionist himself easily repeats everything actions healers. Many of his colleagues have achieved the same: Christopher Milbourne, Robert Gertler, Criss Angel.

    Explaining the secrets of the "healers", James Randi claims that their hands, placed under the fold of the collected skin of the patient, create a complete sensation of penetration. "Removed fragments" are easy to fake with straightened lumps of animal entrails, hidden either in the palm of your hand or in an easily accessible place. Imitation of bleeding is achieved by using a small bag of blood or a sponge soaked in it. To enhance the plausibility of the illusion, cases of real incisions are also possible.

    But even the most derogatory criticism still does not give a clear answer to the question of Philippine healers: true or fake? Especially considering the completely disinterested service of people like Terte. Apparently, the truth lies somewhere in the middle: there are only a few unique psychic surgeons, but there are much more people who want to warm their hands on their glory.

    Healer in translation from English is a person who practices traditional medicine (healer).

    scientific experiments

    March 1973 - George Meek came to the Philippines with a group of 9 scientists (medical, psychiatric and physicist) from Switzerland, England, Japan and America. They brought with them 50 patients with pre-diagnoses for treatment.
    Scientists observed the work of 10 healers and conducted some experiments with them. After completing the research, Western scientists came to the conclusion that "the actual presence and daily practice of several types of psychoenergetic phenomena is beyond doubt." In particular, cases of materialization and dematerialization of human blood, tissues and organs were recorded.
    Attempts to get to know and study the work of healers were made repeatedly. Academician A.P. Dubrov in his work tells about the doctor Inna Grigoryevna Borisova, who for a long time lived in Manila, in our representative office. She knew many Filipino magicians and sorcerers, more than once watched the work of healers. Moscow healer and psychic V.I. Safonov was also acquainted with Dr. Borisova. As a result of conversations with her, viewing a huge number of slides and videos made by I. Borisova during operations, and A.P. Dubov, and V.I. Safonov described the phenomenon of Filipino healers in their books.
    First of all, Inna Grigorievna did not just observe the work of healers, but carried out some measurements and, in particular, measured the ability to control the electrical conductivity of biologically active points (BAP) of the skin. She came to the conclusion that the ability of healers to change the symmetry of BAP conduction in the skin is unlimited.
    Borisova knew the magician Gutierrez well, “she was repeatedly present at his magical insights, when he penetrated a man’s womb without a knife, sterilization and anesthesia, and then instantly healed the wound with a wave of his hand.” Gutierrez was invited to America, Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany to study his possibilities with the help of the latest achievements of electronics and psychology.
    On video frames brought by I.G. Borisova, several surgical operations are captured. It can be seen how Filipino healers begin the operation with magnetic passes, well known to European healers, “dumping” healing fluids onto the affected area. “But then the truly incredible begins - these are the mysterious manipulations of Filipino healers. It seems that Gutierrez and his ilk were able to connect the possibilities of the subconscious, which opened up to their hands the power that can dematerialize and materialize living tissues, turning their normal state in the form of tangible matter into energy, I would say so - pliable, like dough. There is no other explanation, I think."

    Scientist Watson describes the support

    The famous scientist Lyall Watson, describing his presence at the operations of the Filipino healers, wrote:
    “I have seen over 2,000 transactions, 85% of which were related to materialization. Some of the healers just as easily have a psychokinetic effect. I have seen Juan Blanc of Pasig make actual incisions on a patient's body at a distance and without a knife. He simply points his finger - and immediately a cut about 2 cm long and a few millimeters deep appears on the skin. It's a neat cut, with a few drops of blood, no bleeding. The subcutaneous tissue is visible, and the patient feels the incision… The operation leaves a thin scar.”
    All the facts described above were made by observers "from the outside": they stood nearby, looked, photographed, measured, etc. But there is information, so to speak, "first hand".

    Lyudmila Kim - what the healer saw

    The famous healer Ludmila Kim, who is able to see the aura and heal from a distance, visited the Philippines twice: the first time in 1992 in order to study the mysterious skill of healers, and the second time in 1993 in order to undergo complex surgical operations. On her last trip, she was accompanied by orientalist journalist D. Kosyrev. Thanks to his articles, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the unique experience of a healer patient - a healer.
    Lyudmila Kim believes that Filipino healers are a unique phenomenon. In Filipinos, warm tones predominate in the aura, and in healers, a powerful purple pillar is added to the usual white and green. It is generally accepted that purple is cosmic energy. In Europeans, cold tones predominate in the aura, and there is no purple at all.
    Science knows that each organ radiates energy in its own unique range, which is characterized by a certain length and frequency of waves. If you run your hands along the body, you can feel this radiation in the form of tingling or feel the difference in the thermal radiation of various organs. It is on this that the diagnosis of most psychics is based. But there are people with truly phenomenal abilities - they see these radiations (X-ray vision). Such rare people include Filipino healers.

    Description of other operations

    Preparation for the operation begins with the “X-ray”. After the healer makes a diagnosis, the patient is laid on the table.
    Then - a mandatory ritual: healers pray to God. The healer Labo takes a little time to pray - from 10 seconds. up to 5 min. Others have longer. For example, the healer Placido Palitayan concentrates without witnesses. After a prayer-concentration, he appears before the patient as a determined, collected person. It looks like he is in a trance state.
    During concentration, "the healer mobilizes his brain to generate tremendous energy from his hands." Specialists from the Institute of the Inner Mind in the Philippines, who studied the healer Jun Labo, confirmed that the energy emitted by his hands cannot be measured, since all devices go off scale.
    But now the prayer ceremony is over, and the operation begins ... Kim explains:
    “...First, the healer extends his arms over the patient, while the fingers are slightly bent. Hard white light streams out of them, slightly transparent. At the same time, the fingertips seem to lengthen, as if sharp blades protrude from them, this is what the radiation coming from the fingers looks like. This continues for a moment: then the healer spreads his fingers, as if pulling apart, expanding the luminous stream and laying his hands on the patient's sore spot. Almost immediately, blood spurts from the body. Upon entering the patient's aura, there is a slight sharp click, as in a weak electrical discharge, and it smells of ozone, as after a thunderstorm.
    In an effort to explain why and where blood spurts from, Kim says that our body is an approximately balanced system of three constituent parts: hard - bone, soft - muscles, tendons, brain and liquid - blood, lymph, water. Here it should be recalled that our body is approximately 85% water. And if you put a little pressure on the system, like on wet sand on the seashore, then the hard and soft components will go down, and the liquid will appear above the surface. This, by the way, makes it possible to understand why Filipino patients do not have internal hemorrhages.
    “When Jun Labo stretched out his arms, bare to the elbow, and then laid them on my stomach, I felt a powerful stream of white energy pierce my body, my body instantly warmed up. And then I felt how energy began to move towards his hands from all parts of my body. Then, with a light pressure, the left hand squeezed something out of my body and remained in place, and the right hand began to pull the adhesion out of my stomach, as it turned out, 20 cm long. I started washing my hands without leaving the operating table. Assistants meanwhile began to wipe the blood on me. I got up, there was no pain.”
    And the Russian journalist who watched all this describes other operations that shocked him:
    “The patient is laid on the table, and almost instantly the doctor sticks his fingers into his stomach. Dark, strange-smelling blood spurts, fingers one or two phalanxes go into the recess filled with it, and now they are pulling out a dark clot that looks like a worm ...
    One of the patients with a large tumor on his neck took the healer about six minutes. Here the work was more difficult: pus was squeezed out of the tumor, pieces of tissue and clots were removed from several places ...
    The most spectacular number is when the healer literally takes out the eye, extracts some clots from it, and then puts the eye back in place ... "
    Showing great interest in the phenomenon of Filipino healers, the journalist Kosyrev tried to trace the fate of several people who underwent surgery. For a year and a half, while it was possible to contact them, these people were healthy.

    March 1996 - 2-week trip to the Philippines was undertaken by Professor A.G. Lee and the Moscow healer N.K. Kozin. The purpose of Professor A. G. Lee's trip is to study the possibility of spreading tissues and penetrating the human body without a knife or other tools.
    As Professor Li wrote, in the course of meetings with Filipino healers, they “managed to see, film and master many new interesting bioenergetic methods of treatment, find new extremely interesting and effective approaches to the treatment of a number of diseases.”
    Considering the operations performed by healers, which are only part of the healing process, Professor Lee proposed to separate "psy-surgery" from "trans-surgery". “In the process of psi-surgery, healing and spreading of tissues, according to healers, is the result of the manifestation of Faith, a demonstration of the power of Faith in the gift of healing, when the expansion of tissue and the supply of energy directly to the diseased organ is carried out without the use of any tools. During trance surgery, the “surgeon” falls into a state of trance, and in this special state of consciousness, he, using various kinds of tools, often without being aware of his actions (as if someone “moves” him with his hands or “leads” him), produces tissue incisions without anesthesia. Filipino healers often refer to "trans-surgery" as "psy-surgery", which, of course, is incorrect.
    Recognizing the real "trans-surgery", Professor A.G. Lee believes that, "from the point of view of scientific medicine, today we have not established the fact of tissue separation and penetration into the human body."
    After examining 26 patients who underwent surgery and underwent treatment, Dr. Li explained all the changes in their bodies for the better as a result of bioenergetic treatment, when "the healer becomes a conductor of universal life energy." Noting further that psi-operations have recently been widely performed in Europe, the USA and even in Russia (Filipino healers often visit Russia), Professor A.G. Lee concludes: "At the present time I am inclined to regard 'bloody' psy-operations as one of the methods of sophisticated and therefore very effective psychotherapy."