All names of eye drops. Eye drops: drug names

Eye drops are solutions of drugs intended for instillation into the eyes. The drug may be based on an aqueous or oily solution. All drops are sterile and isotonic solutions. The effect achieved with their use depends on the active ingredient that is part of them. Drops can be prescribed both for the treatment of eye diseases, and for the elimination of individual symptoms.


Depending on the type of action and its application, all eye drops can be divided into several groups:

Drops used to treat infectious eye diseases:

  • containing antiviral agents, are used to treat viral infections (Poludan, Aktipol, Berofor, etc.);
  • antibacterial drops are designed to treat eye infections caused by bacteria. Various antibiotics can be used in the preparation and there are many antibacterial drugs - Tobrex, Tsipromed, Vigamox, Normaks, Levomycitin, Maxitrol, etc .;
  • eye drops containing antifungal agents are used in the treatment of fungal infections. For these purposes, a 5% suspension of natamycin, a solution of Ketoconazole, Nystatin, Fluconazole, Miconazole, etc. can be taken;
  • eye drops containing antiseptics - Miramistin, Ophthalmo-septonex, etc .;
  • eye drops containing sulfa drugs. They are taken to treat both viral and bacterial infections of the eyes (the most famous drug based on sodium sulfacyl is Albucid).

Anti-inflammatory eye drops:

  • containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of a drop to relieve acute symptoms of inflammation in various eye diseases. Among these drugs can be noted Naklof, Voltaren Ofta, Indocollir.
  • containing glucocorticoid hormones (Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.);
  • combined preparations that may contain antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral components, hormones or other substances (for example, Tobradex - has an antibacterial effect due to the antibiotic included in its composition and anti-inflammatory due to the existing hormone).

Antiallergic drops can be taken to prevent the development of allergic reactions, and to treat existing ones. They differ in the content of the active substance:

  • drugs in which antihistamines act as active agents (Histimet, Allergodil, Opatonol, Azelastine, Antazolin, etc.);
  • eye drops with membrane stabilizers (Lodoxamide, Kromoheksal, Alomid, Lekrolin);
  • eye drops with vasoconstrictors (Oxymetazoline, Tetrizoline, Phenylephrine, Allergoftal, etc.).

Drops to reduce intraocular pressure (use for the treatment of glaucoma). They differ in the mechanism of action:

  • drugs that contribute to a better outflow of intraocular fluid (Carbachol, Pilocarpine, Xalatan, Travatan, Latanoprost, etc.);
  • eye drops, the action of which is aimed at reducing the formation of intraocular fluid (Betaxolol, Clonidine, Dorzolamide, Azopt, Proxofelin, Kosopt, etc.);
  • eye drops with neuroprotectors that support the work of the optic nerve and prevent its swelling (Emoxipin, Erisod).

Drugs used for the prevention and treatment of cataracts. They are divided into several groups:

  • alpha-agonists (Irifin, Mezaton);
  • M-anticholinergics (solution of homatropine, atropine, scopolamine);
  • eye drops aimed at improving metabolic processes in the lens (Taufon, Taurin, Quinax, Oftan-Katarhom).

Drops for moisturizing the surface of the eye. May be taken for dry eyes due to any disease or condition. This group of eye drops is also called "artificial tears". These include Oftagel, Sistein, Vidisik, Oksial, Hilo dresser.

Eye drops used for diagnostics, which dilate the pupil and allow better examination of the fundus (Midriacil, Atropine, Fluorescein).

Eye drops aimed at restoring the normal structure of the cornea. They activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye and improve nutrition. These include Erisod, Etaden, Solcoseryl, Taufon, Emoksipin, etc.

Eye drops used to treat hemorrhagic and fmbrinoidal syndrome, which can be observed in various diseases. Such drugs are Gemaza, Histochrome, Collalizin, Emoksipin.

Drops of vasoconstrictor action. Application to relieve redness of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling that appear against the background of certain diseases. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but only relieve the above symptoms. Among these drops can be noted Octilia, Vizin.

Medications containing nutrients (vitamins, amino acids, minerals). Among them are Taurine, Ophthalm-catahrom, Catalin, Taufon.

Antibacterial eye drops

This group is intended for the treatment of diseases of the eyes and their appendages caused by bacteria. Most often, these drops are taken to treat blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other diseases of a bacterial nature. They can also be used as an adjuvant treatment for viral diseases. For example, with adenoviral conjunctivitis, there is a high probability of a secondary bacterial infection, so in this case, the doctor may recommend the additional use of antibacterial eye drops. They can also be prescribed in the postoperative period, when surgery was performed for glaucoma, cataracts, laser vision correction, etc. Another indication for the appointment of antibacterial drops are eye injuries (for example, a foreign body).

Of the entire group of drugs intended for the treatment of infectious eye diseases, antibacterial can be called the most numerous. After all, bacteria are the most common cause of many eye problems. Of the most common diseases for which antibacterial drops can be used, the following can be noted:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • meiobit;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • uevitis;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • postoperative and post-traumatic purulent lesions.

According to its active substance, this group of drugs can be divided into:

  • drugs containing antibiotics;
  • eye drops with sulfonamides.

In antibiotic products, the main active ingredient may be compounds of semi-synthetic or synthetic origin. In this case, in the group of drops containing antibiotics, several subgroups can be distinguished depending on the antibacterial agent used. Most often, the following antibiotics are used in eye drops for eye diseases:

  • Levomycetin (chloramphenicol drops);
  • aminoglycosides (Tobrex drops, Dilaterol);
  • fluoroquinolones (Tsipromed, Tsiloxan, Tsiprolet, Floksan, Signecif).

Drops based on sulfanilamide preparations were used earlier than those containing antibiotics. But they have retained their relevance and can be prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases. The best known of this group is sodium sulfacyl (albucid).

The choice of antibacterial drugs

A doctor should prescribe antibiotics. In doing so, he can focus on the following main points:

  • the spectrum of action of this drug is taken into account;
  • its tolerance to patients;
  • the severity of the disease and the patient's condition;
  • patient's age;
  • the expected resistance of the pathogen to this agent is taken into account;
  • use with other drugs;
  • possible side effects are taken into account.

If there are any contraindications to the use of certain drugs, then the choice of antibacterial agents may not be great. In this case, the most common contraindications are the age of the patient (when there are certain restrictions) and the state of his health. For example, children in their first year of life are generally not prescribed antibacterial eye drops. And drugs containing sulfonamides cannot be prescribed to a patient if he has severe liver damage. In the presence of acoustic neuritis, drops with an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group cannot be taken (due to the fact that among the side effects caused by these antibiotics, their ototoxicity is the most common).

In some cases, the presence of a concomitant disease and the drug taken for this reason may be a limitation. For example, the presence of chloramphenicol in the drug may contribute to the development of aplastic anemia if they are administered simultaneously with cimetidine, which reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Antiviral eye drops

This group of drugs differs in its mechanism of action and therefore can be distinguished:

  • Drops containing virucidal chemotherapy drugs (chemicals that kill the virus)
  • interferons (substances of an immune nature that destroy the virus);
  • interferon inducers (stimulating defenses).

Method and dosage

Virucidal chemotherapy drugs can be taken to treat eye conditions in both adults and children. Most often they are used for herpes infection. An example would be Oftan Idu. The indication for their use is a herpetic infection of the cornea. In rare cases, individual intolerance to this remedy may be noted. There may be side effects, expressed in a local reaction (redness, tearing, burning), as well as in the appearance of a headache.

It is not recommended to prescribe these drops simultaneously with glucocorticoid drugs, and their use during pregnancy is also undesirable. When taking these drops, it should be remembered that virucidal drugs are antimetabolites and therefore can inhibit the healing process of the cornea after an infection.

Eye drops with interferon

Interferons. The preparations of this group contain interferons, which have immunostimulatory, antiviral, and antitumor activity. The most famous representative of this group is Oftalmoferon. Interferons in ophthalmology can be taken to treat various diseases of the cornea, inflammatory conjunctiva, the causative agent of which are adenoviruses, as well as herpes viruses.

This group of drugs has its contraindications. In particular, they are not recommended for use in the presence of lesions of the liver, kidneys, severe pathology of the cardiovascular system, in diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as in hematopoietic insufficiency (thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia). Also, these drops are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Of the possible side effects of the application, fever, headache, weakness can be noted. Most often, these symptoms disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Eye drops based on interferon inducers

interferon inductors. Their mechanism of action boils down to the fact that they stimulate the body's natural forces, as a result of which the production of antibodies that fight a viral infection is significantly increased. Of the representatives of this group, Aktipol and Poludan can be noted. These drugs can be prescribed for inflammatory eye diseases caused by herpetic or adenovirus infection.

Contraindications to their use are the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding, the presence of autoimmune diseases and severe damage to the kidneys and liver. Possible side effects include a decrease in pressure, fever, dyspeptic disorders (nausea), joint pain, allergic reactions, inhibition of the hematopoietic process (leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia).

Antifungal eye drops

Fungal eye infections are relatively rare. Most often, the cornea, conjunctiva, or lacrimal gland can be affected. A similar pathology can be observed in patients who take steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long period of time, as well as in severely debilitated patients.

In the presence of a fungal pathology of the eyes, treatment is not limited to the local use of the agent (Vitabact). General treatment is also mandatory - oral fungicidal preparations.

Hormonal eye drops

These drops are also called steroid drops, they are used as anti-inflammatory therapy, exerting their effect at the cellular level. Indications for their use are often inflammatory eye diseases, which are based on autoimmune or allergic reactions. They can also be taken after burns, injuries to prevent the growth of connective tissue.

Quite often, hormonal drugs are not taken in their pure form, but are drugs that contain both an antimicrobial component and hormonal substances. Among the well-known such combined preparations, one can name Sofradex, which contains antibiotics (gramicidin C and neomycin), as well as a hormonal component (dexamethasone). The antibiotics included in the drops complement each other, thereby providing a wider spectrum of drug action. And the presence of dexamethasone increases anti-inflammatory efficacy and reduces the likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

There are other combined drugs with a steroid component. Among them are Tobradex, which contains dexamethasone and the antibiotic tobramycin, as well as Maxitrol, which contains two antibiotics (polymyxin B and neomycin) and dexamethasone.

Method and dosage

Among the indications for the appointment of combined hormonal eye drops, the following can be noted:

  • inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, cornea, eyelid lesions, which are based on the bacterial flora (in the absence of epithelial defects);
  • lesions of the anterior chamber of the eye (ciliary body and iris) of an inflammatory nature;
  • as a prophylaxis after surgical interventions or eye injuries.

Contraindications to the use of eye drops will be the presence (or suspicion) of a viral, fungal, and also tuberculosis infection. They are not prescribed during pregnancy. The course of treatment with such drugs, as a rule, is limited to 2-3 weeks, since with prolonged use of hormonal eye drops, steroid glaucoma, steroid cataracts can develop, and the likelihood of a fungal infection increases.

Application scheme

The effectiveness of drugs largely depends on their correct use. Before this procedure, you should wash your hands, prepare a piece of clean cotton wool or gauze. The instillation procedure itself should take place in a supine position.

With the thumb of one hand, it is necessary to slightly pull the lower eyelid, and with the other hand, drip 1 or 2 drops of the drug into the conjunctival sac. If a small amount of drops flows out, then they must be gently blotted with pre-prepared gauze or a piece of cotton wool.

When instilling, it is important to remember that the pipette or dropper bottle does not touch the eyelashes. All eye drops are produced sterile and therefore it is important to prevent microorganisms from entering the pipette from the eye, which will subsequently lead to secondary infection.

After application (instillation), you need to lie down a little (about 2 minutes), while closing your eyes. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, it is recommended at this time to lightly press your finger on the inner corner of the eye.

Eye drops for children

For children, there are no special drugs, the same ones are used as for adults, only in a different dosage. There are certain age restrictions in which you can not take some eye drops.

Under the age of 3 years, the following groups of drugs are not prescribed:

  • means for carrying out diagnostic procedures (Fluorescein, Atropine);
  • vasoconstrictors (Octilia, Vizin, Spersallerg, Allergoftal);
  • drops for the treatment of glaucoma;
  • alpha-agonists (Irifrin, Mezaton).

At the age of 15 years, drugs are not prescribed that have the following active substances in their composition:

  • levofloxacin (Oftakviks, Signicef, L-optic, Levofloxacin);
  • ciprofloxacin (Cipromed, Ciloxan, Ciprolet, Tsifran, Ciprofloxacin);
  • lomefloxacin (Lofoks, Okatsin);
  • moxifloxacin (Vigamox, Moxifur);
  • norfloxacin (Chibroxin drops);
  • ofloxacin (Floxal drops).

There are also drugs that require careful use in children of all ages. This applies to drugs containing hormonal substances. Eye drops with glucocorticoid hormones (eg, Betamethasone or Dexamethasone) should always be used with caution in childhood.

allergic reactions

In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur during administration. It usually appears within an hour after taking the drug. In this case, the following local symptoms may be noted:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • pain in the eye and pain;
  • spasm of the eyelids.

Also, when using the remedy, general symptoms may develop, among which are:

  • rashes on the skin of the body;
  • sneezing
  • runny nose;
  • an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • development of anaphylactic shock.

In the presence of the above allergic reactions, the medicine should be noted and the doctor should be consulted about the selection of another treatment. As a first aid for allergies, antiallergic drugs (allergodil or lecrolin) can be dripped into the eye, and an antihistamine drug (for example, loratidine) should also be taken orally.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Eye drops are a kind of dosage form of the drug, which involves topical application. After applying them to the surface of the eyeball, they are gradually absorbed, due to which their therapeutic effect is achieved. Regular use of the drug is required to maintain a relatively constant concentration of the drug in the tissues - as a rule, they are recommended to be used with a clear frequency (for example, every 3-4 hours).

As analogues of the agent, one can name agents that are also intended for topical use. These include other dosage forms - eye ointments, films, gels. These drugs may contain various active substances that provide a medicinal effect. Of the ointments, Tetracycline (containing antibacterial agents) is most commonly used. Films with Albucid are used, as well as gels aimed at tissue repair (for example, Solcoseryl). Most often, ointments and gels are recommended to be used at night. These forms can be administered simultaneously with eye drops as part of complex therapy. In this case, it is recommended to use them with a time interval - first, as a rule, the agent is used, then it waits for about 20 minutes, after which the ointment is applied.

Price in pharmacies

The price of eye drops in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Eye drops, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Irritations of the mucous membrane of the eye occur due to various pathogenic factors: microorganisms, mechanical particles, colds. Properly selected drops for inflammation will help get rid of various manifestations of the disease, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration.

Types of drops

As a remedy for inflammatory processes, specialists prescribe drops with steroid, non-steroid and combined components.

Varieties of eye drops:

Also, an acute inflammatory process can occur against the background of an allergic reaction. When histamine is released, changes occur in the mucosa. This reduces its protective function, making it much easier to become a victim of an infection or bacterial irritant.

For the treatment of allergic inflammation of the mucosa, specialized drops are used that block the release of histamine. Most of them are characterized by high speed of action and duration of effect.

Antibiotic drops for inflammatory processes

Depending on the cause of the irritation, ophthalmologists may prescribe steroid eye drops for eye inflammation. They contain at least one active ingredient, characterized by a high spectrum of action.

NameComposition and application
AlbucidThis is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. It is used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis, eyelid diseases and some types of fungal diseases. Because of the aggressive action, along with this antibiotic, it is recommended to drip Levomycetin - it will speed up the recovery processes.
VitabactThe composition includes piloskidin, which blocks the reproduction of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. Used to treat conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis. Not recommended for use in children under 8 years of age.
L-OpticThe active ingredient of the drug is levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is an antimicrobial substance with an extremely wide spectrum of action. In ophthalmology, it is used to treat bacterial inflammation, blepharitis, and dry eyes. It is prescribed for pregnant women and children from 1 year.
TsiproletContains ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial eye diseases (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, and also to accelerate tissue repair. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women.
UnifloxThe composition of the drops includes ofloxacin, due to which the drug is a new generation antibiotic. It is prescribed for the treatment of keratitis, ulcers, inflammation caused by other pathogenic organisms sensitive to the main component.
TobrexUrgent drops to relieve inflammation. Almost instantly eliminate redness and itching, thanks to tobramycin in the composition accelerate the recovery of the mucosa. Approved for use by children from 3 years.
ChloramphenicolThis is an analogue of Levomycetin. Inexpensive drops that quickly fight mucosal redness, swelling and bacterial exposure. Helps moisturize the cornea.

These drugs can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist who has performed the examination and tests.

Antiviral drops

If no pathogenic bacterial effect is noticed during eye irritation, then antiviral drops are prescribed for redness and inflammation.

NameComposition and scope
Acular LSKetorolacathromethamine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient quickly reduces the temperature, eliminates swelling and redness. It is strictly forbidden for use in pregnant women.
Diklo FThey are Diclofenac. Characterized by an analgesic effect. They are used to eliminate inflammation resulting from mechanical damage to the mucosa or cornea. Safe for use by children, have virtually no side effects.
NevanakThe best postoperative drops. In ophthalmology, they are used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgery or to remove an irritant in an invasive way. Contribute to the removal of fatigue, normalization of lacrimation, acceleration of regenerating processes.
Oftan DexamethasoneRepresentative of combined drops with a wide area of ​​action. The active substance is dexamethasone. It is characterized by the strongest anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Has a high speed of action. Removes redness, swelling, eliminates itching.

Drops against allergies

With an allergic reaction, itching in the eyes, swelling, uncontrolled lacrimation occurs. To get rid of these and many other symptoms, doctors recommend using specialized drops against inflammation and allergies.

NameComposition and description
OpatanolVery good drops. They consist of a solution of olopatadine. This substance is considered one of the most powerful antihistamine compounds. The tool is characterized by high efficiency and duration of effect. Suitable for long term use. Allowed for children from 3 years.
AllergodilContains azelastine. It is considered a drug of "urgent" action. Instantly removes puffiness, hyperthermia of the eyelids, eliminates itching and the feeling of "dry" eyes. It can be used for a long time, but only under the supervision of a specialist.
KetotifenConsists of clenbuterol hypochloride. This compound strengthens the mucosa, normalizes the viscosity of tears, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. At the same time, it blocks mast cells and eliminates visible signs of an allergic reaction.
Vizin allergyA unique composition that allows you to simultaneously get rid of inflammation, redness and restore normal lacrimation. It is an improved prototype of the drops of the same name. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, while wearing lenses, and children under 12.

Universal drops

Naturally, diseases are not always the cause of redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. When working at a computer for a long time, the body can react to a light stimulus in the same way as to a mechanical one.

To prevent dry eye syndrome, eliminate pain, fatigue and redness, it is recommended to use special drops for inflammation of the eyelids and eyes. This list includes:

NameComposition and action
VizinConstricts blood vessels, due to which it significantly reduces the redness of the protein. It has a local anti-edema effect, but is not recommended for long-term use.
OkumetilRefers to combined anti-inflammatory drugs. It has an anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive effect. At the same time, it helps to reduce puffiness and get rid of fatigue in the eyes. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
PolinadimThis remedy is the most effective combination of diphenhydramine and naphthyzinum. Such a tandem has a cooling and soothing effect at the same time. Due to this, immediately after use, blinking is relieved, fatigue disappears, and the mucous membrane is moistened.
AlomidThe main component is lodoxamide. The drug is able to block the release of histamine, urgently relieve inflammation and redness. It is also prescribed to restore damaged tissues, moisturize the eyelid.

Before using any drops, it is important to read the instructions for use. Otherwise, manifestations of side effects or aggravation of existing conditions are possible.

How to use drops

Brief instructions for the use of eye drops:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and wipe your eyes with Chlorhexidine solution. This will remove pathogens and clean the outer surface of the eye;
  2. Gently pulling the lower eyelid, you need to drip the number of drops indicated in the instructions into the eye bag;
  3. Excess funds must be removed with a sterile cotton swab.

Some time after instillation, there may be unpleasant sensations: blurred vision, tearing, or a slight burning sensation. If these symptoms do not go away within 10-15 minutes, then the remedy does not suit you and it is recommended to choose another drug.

Eye drops are used in ophthalmic practice for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the anterior segment of the eye, outer membranes and eyelids. Such funds can have a different effect on the eyes, they include one or more components.

Immediately before instillation of drops, the vial with the drug should be warmed in the hand to body temperature. The procedure should be carried out in a calm environment, after washing your hands. In order for the drop to hit the right place, the head should be thrown back and the lower eyelid pulled back. To avoid getting the drug solution into the nasal cavity, after instillation, close your eye and press on the inner corner.

An important feature of therapeutic eye preparations is that they quickly penetrate through the outer mucous membrane of the eye into the deeper parts of the visual apparatus. It is not permissible to use such funds on your own. Before starting treatment, it is important to read the instructions.

So, how to drip eyes for various diseases and what kind of eye drops, in general, are there?

Types of eye drops

Consider the list of drugs for the eyes, depending on the pharmacological action:

  • Antimicrobial. They include antibiotics, as well as antiviral, antiseptic and antimycotic drugs;
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antiglaucoma. They are divided into drugs that improve the outflow of eye fluid and inhibit the production of aqueous humor.
  • Drugs that improve tissue metabolism.
  • Antiallergic.
  • Medicines for the treatment of cataracts.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Diagnostic.

The best eye drops can be prescribed by a specialist, as he understands the composition and pharmacological action of the drug

The best eye drops

Next, let's talk about what are the effective means in the fight against various kinds of ophthalmic disorders. You can choose the best drops only after a detailed review and comparative analysis.


This group of drugs is used for fatigue and dry eyes. Experts recommend using moisturizers for dry eye syndrome, prolonged stay at the computer, as well as when exposed to adverse environmental factors. Such medicines are sold without a prescription form, so they can be freely purchased at the pharmacy network.

Moisturizing drops do not affect the tissues of the eye, but are artificial tears. Because of this, they have practically no contraindications. Consider the popular products from the group of moisturizing preparations:

  • Vizomitin. The tool has a keratoprotective effect, it fights against age-related changes in the lacrimal fluid, as well as dry eye syndrome. Visomitin has antioxidant activity, due to which the cells of the conjunctiva are normalized, the inflammatory reaction is removed and the composition of the tear film is normalized. Vizomitin is drops from pain, itching, burning and pain in the eyes. This is a unique drug that affects not only the symptoms, but also the very cause of the problem.
  • Systane. Relaxing preparation effectively eliminates dryness, fatigue and irritation of the eyes. Soon after instillation, unpleasant symptoms such as itching, redness, and burning are reduced. When drops fall on the mucous membrane of the eye, they form a film that protects against drying out.
  • Vidisik. The gel has a keratoprotective property. This is a combined remedy, similar in composition to tear fluid. On the surface of the eye, Vidisic forms a delicate film that lubricates and moisturizes. The gel stimulates the healing process.
  • Hilo chest of drawers. These are drops for relaxing the eyes, which are used for dry eye syndrome, after surgical interventions, as well as for feeling comfortable when wearing contact lenses. Hylo-chest contains hyaluronic acid, it does not contain any preservatives and is approved for use during pregnancy. Hilo-chest of drawers are drops for pain, itching and fatigue in the eyes.

Systane is a well-known eye drops for irritation.

Activating metabolic processes

Specialists prescribe such drops to slow down age-related changes and degenerative processes in the tissues of the visual apparatus, as well as in the treatment of cataracts. The active components included in the composition help to receive more oxygen and nutrients to the eye. Medicines of this group improve microcirculation processes, nutrition of the eye and restore functional activity.

Let's single out the brightest representatives of this group:

  • Quinax. It is often prescribed in the treatment of clouding of the lens - cataracts. Quinax has antioxidant activity and protects the lens from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Taufon. The remedy is prescribed for dystrophic changes occurring in the organs of vision. Taufon stimulates metabolic and energy processes, and also accelerates the healing process. The tool normalizes intraocular pressure and metabolism.
  • Catalin. It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes from diabetic and senile cataracts. Catalin normalizes nutrition, metabolic processes in the lens, and also prevents the appearance and development of cataract symptoms.

Taufon are cheap eye drops that activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye.


Antiglaucoma drops are prescribed for increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma, or hypertension of the eye, is fraught with the development of atrophic changes in the optic nerve and complete loss of vision. Drugs reduce the production of intraocular fluid and improve its outflow. Such drops are a good method of non-surgical treatment of glaucoma. The safety of the patient's vision depends on the correctness of their choice.

Let's talk about four well-known antiglaucoma drops:

  • Pilocarpine. The tool narrows the pupil of the eye and reduces increased intraocular pressure. Pilocarpine is also used in the examination of the eye, as well as after surgical interventions. The tool belongs to the group of alkaloids, which is made from the leaves of a plant of the genus Pilocarpus;
  • Betoptik. The drug belongs to the group of selective beta-blockers. Intraocular pressure is reduced by reducing the production of eye fluid. Betoptik selectively affects the receptors of the organs of the visual apparatus. The tool does not affect the size of the pupil and indicators of twilight vision;
  • Fotil. These are combined drops, which include pilocarpine and timolol, a beta-blocker. Fotil causes spasm of accommodation and constriction of the pupil. Within half an hour after instillation, an effect is observed that can last up to fourteen hours;
  • Xalatan. The tool improves the outflow of aqueous humor, preventing the progression of glaucoma.

Eye wash drops

Washing the eyes may be necessary in case of injury, as well as the ingress of a foreign body or aggressive substances. Doctors also recommend the procedure for inflammatory processes. Consider three types of eye drops:

  • Sulfacyl. Belongs to the group of sulfonamides. It has a bacteriostatic effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microflora. This means that under the action of the drug, the active growth and reproduction of pathogens is suspended;
  • Levomycetin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Getting used to Levomycetin is slow.
  • Albucid. It is an antibiotic with a bacteriostatic effect, which eliminates infectious and inflammatory processes. The active substance has antimicrobial activity and belongs to sulfonamides.

Albucid are antibacterial drops that are used to wash the eyes.


The pupil is the opening in the iris of the eye through which sunlight enters and is refracted onto the retina. Drops to dilate the pupil can be used in two cases:

  • Therapeutic goal. In the treatment of inflammatory processes and during surgical intervention.
  • diagnostic goal. To check the fundus.

Let's review the famous midriatics:

  • Atropine. The tool has a large number of contraindications and is highly toxic. Sometimes the action of Atropine persists for ten days. The drug can cause discomfort and blurred vision for a certain period of time;
  • Midriacil. Approximately twenty minutes after instillation, the remedy begins to act. Therapeutic activity persists for several hours, which means that the functions of the eye are quickly restored. The tool can be used by both adults and children. You can read more about eye drops for children;
  • Irifrin. The tool is used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. This is due to the ability of Irifrin to lower intraocular pressure.

Irifrin is used for diagnostic purposes to dilate the pupil


The main task of antiseptics is the disinfection of surfaces. These funds have a wide spectrum of action and therefore bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi are sensitive to them. They are low allergenic and do not have a systemic effect on the body. The drugs help to alleviate the condition with conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis and other inflammatory processes. Antiseptics eliminate redness and prevent the effects of pathogens.

Consider two well-known antiseptics for the treatment of eye diseases:

  • Vitabact. Drops have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Piloxidine is the main active ingredient of the drug. Vitabact is used for infectious lesions of the anterior parts of the eye: conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, keratitis, blepharitis.
  • Okomistin. Benzyldimethyl is the active ingredient in antiseptic drops. Okomistin is prescribed for eye injuries, keratitis, conjunctivitis. It is also used to prevent purulent-inflammatory complications.

Okomistin are antiseptic eye and ear drops.


This group of drugs is used for allergic manifestations in the eye area:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • burning;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation.

A feature of anti-allergic drops is that they only stop the symptoms of allergies, but do not have a therapeutic effect. Such drugs are prescribed for seasonal conjunctivitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by wearing contact lenses, as well as drug inflammation.

Consider the list of antiallergic drops:

  • Alomid. It is an antihistamine used to stabilize mast cells. After instillation, temporary itching, burning and tingling may occur.
  • Allergodil. The tool has a decongestant and anti-allergic agent. Allergodil is used for seasonal conjunctivitis, as well as year-round inflammation of an allergic nature. It is allowed to use the product after twelve years. Allergodil may cause eye irritation.
  • Opatanol. The active component of the drops is a potent selective antihistamine. Opatanol effectively fights the symptoms of seasonal conjunctivitis: itching, burning, swelling, redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that relieves inflammation and allergic reactions. Hydrocortisone relieves inflammation, irritation, redness, and also reduces the migration of protective cells in the focus of the inflammatory reaction.

Allergodil is an antiallergic drug that is used in the form of eye drops and nasal spray.


Such funds are used for swelling and redness of the eye. Such discomfort may be the result of an allergic, inflammatory reaction or irritation. Narrowing of the vessels leads to the fact that swelling and puffiness disappear within just a few minutes. You can use vasoconstrictor drugs strictly according to the doctor's indications and for a short time, as they can be addictive.

Let's take a closer look at the representatives of the vasoconstrictor group:

  • Octilia. The agent belongs to alpha-adrenergic agonists. Tetrizoline - the active component of Octilia - constricts blood vessels, relieves swelling, stimulates the outflow of intraocular fluid and causes pupil dilation. The remedy relieves unpleasant symptoms of eye irritation: lacrimation, itching, burning, pain;
  • Okumetil. This is a combined anti-inflammatory agent with anti-allergic, antiseptic action. Okumetil relieves swelling and irritation of the eye. After installation, the active ingredient is able to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, which can cause serious side effects from the internal organs;
  • Vizin. The active ingredient is an alpha-adrenergic agonist - tetrizoline. Vizin constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling. Within a minute, the effect of the drug is manifested, which persists for four to eight hours.

Vizin eye drops quickly constrict blood vessels


Antibacterial drugs fight bacterial eye diseases. But it is a bacterial infection that most often causes inflammatory processes. Let's talk about effective antibiotics in the form of drops:

  • Tobrex. The active ingredient of the drug is tobramycin. It is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides. Tobrex is used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes in people of any age, including newborns. Staphylococci, streptococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia and diphtheria coli are sensitive to tobramycin;
  • Digital. The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. Can cause adverse reactions in the form of allergic reactions;
  • Phloxal. It is an antimicrobial drug to which gram-negative bacteria are most sensitive. Floksal is effective in the treatment of eye stye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other diseases.


Antiviral drops are of two types:

  • Virucidal chemotherapy drugs and interferons. These agents destroy the viral infection.
  • Immunomodulators. Strengthen the resistance, or resistance, of the body, making it easier for it to fight pathogens.

Poludan is an effective antiviral agent

Let's talk about four popular antiviral eye drops:

  • Oftan I go. Idoxuridine is the active component of the drug, which is a pyrimidine nucleotide. Its main disadvantage is poor penetration into the cornea and the impossibility of influencing resistant strains of viruses and toxic substances. When instilled with Oftan Idu, itching, burning, pain, swelling may occur;
  • Oftalmoferon. This is a combined remedy that has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. A product based on human recombinant interferon was made. Oftalmoferon also has a local anesthetic and regenerative effect;
  • Aktipol. The tool has not only an antiviral effect, it has an antioxidant, radioprotective and regenerative property. Actipol is quickly absorbed into the tissues of the eye and promotes wound healing, as well as the removal of puffiness;
  • Poludan. Typically, drops are used in the treatment of adenovirus and herpetic lesions of the eye. Poludan also has an immunomodulatory effect. Sometimes the remedy can cause allergic-type side effects.

So, eye drops are effective drugs in the fight against various diseases of the visual apparatus. These funds are divided into different groups depending on the presence of the active ingredient. For bacterial lesions, antibacterial agents are used, but if the ophthalmic disorder is of a viral nature, then experts prescribe antiviral drops. In the case of a fungal disease, antimycotic drops are prescribed. And this is not a complete list of all available drugs for the eyes.

Eye drops can be used not only for medicinal purposes, they are also used for prevention and diagnostic testing. Be that as it may, medicines for the eyes should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

They have the ability to stop the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibit their development. These medicines are used in all areas of medicine, including ophthalmology. Antibacterial eye drops allow you to cope with the inflammatory process of infectious etiology and relieve the symptoms of the disease. They are used only as directed by a specialist. The doctor determines the treatment regimen and the optimal dosage.

Indications for appointment

In modern ophthalmology, eye drops with an antibiotic in the composition are prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with an inflammatory process, the development of which is provoked by a bacterial pathogen. A specialist can prescribe such drugs to a patient in the following cases:

  • treatment or prevention of keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, purulent processes, meibomitis;
  • complex treatment of viral or adenovirus infection;
  • prevention of the development of inflammation after an eye injury;
  • prevention of ophthalmic pathologies after surgery.

Even the most innocuous eye diseases can lead to deterioration or loss of vision. Therefore, do not neglect the appointments of an ophthalmologist. Antibacterial eye drops effectively fight pathogens at the local level and help prevent the development of complications.

What antibiotics are used in ophthalmology?

Antibacterial drops contain components that can kill pathogenic microorganisms or prevent their growth and development. In the first case, we are talking about a bacteriostatic effect, and in the second, there is a bactericidal effect. These properties are different

In ophthalmic practice, almost all known types of antibacterial substances are used: fluoroquinols, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, macrolides, chloramphenicols and sulfonamides. Each group has a certain spectrum of action and contraindications. Therefore, only an ophthalmologist (oculist) can select on an individual basis, taking into account the age of the patient, the presence of a history of allergic reactions, antibacterial eye drops.

List of popular antibacterial eye drops

When choosing eye drops with an antibiotic, you need to pay attention to the composition. Some components may cause an allergic reaction. The sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the active substance should also be taken into account.

The following antibacterial eye drops are considered effective:

  • "Tobrex";
  • "Levomycetin";
  • "Albucid";
  • "Normax";
  • "Sulfacyl-sodium";
  • "Tsipromed";
  • "Floksal";
  • "Sofradex";
  • "Vitabakt";
  • "Tobradex";
  • "Fucitalmic";
  • Oftadex.

The duration of treatment with antibacterial eye drops will depend on the severity of the patient's condition. Positive dynamics is observed already on the 2-3rd day after the start of therapy. If there is no improvement, the patient should consult an ophthalmologist.

Antibiotic eye drops for children

In children, inflammatory diseases are more common than in adult patients. The causative agents of such pathologies are usually streptococci, staphylococci and Haemophilus influenzae. The most common pathology is conjunctivitis. The disease can have a bacterial, viral and allergic etiology. In the first case, doctors always prescribe antibacterial eye drops.

Selected with extreme care. can be prescribed only after determining the type of pathogen pathology. In inflammatory infectious processes, babies are most often prescribed drops such as Tobrex, Albucid, Ciprofloxacin, Floxal.

Antibacterial eye drops for newborns are instilled immediately after birth. This practice helps prevent the development of an infectious pathology caused by passage through the birth canal.

Drops "Tobrex"

The drug "Tobrex" is considered, the active substance of which is tobramycin from the group of aminoglycosides. The drug is highly effective, it is often prescribed for the treatment of various diseases in ophthalmology. Newborns (under medical supervision) may also be prescribed these antibacterial eye drops.

Children's drops "Tobrex" are used in pediatric practice for the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other inflammatory processes. The tool effectively eliminates inflammation, relieves swelling and fights pathogenic pathogens: staphylococci, Klebsiella, streptococci, diphtheria and Escherichia coli.

The drug rarely causes side effects. Sometimes patients complain of the appearance of pain in the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyelids.


For adult patients, according to the instructions, the agent is instilled 1-2 drops up to 6 times a day (every 4 hours). Duration of treatment - 7-10 days. Improvements are usually seen on day 2. The amount of purulent discharge decreases, redness and burning disappear.

Children are allowed to instill 1 drop of the drug up to 5 times a day. The exact dosage should be calculated by a pediatrician or ophthalmologist, taking into account the age of the small patient. Tobrex drops can be used for 7 days.

"Sulfacyl-sodium": who are these eye drops suitable for?

An antimicrobial agent is able to cope with blenorrhea in newborns, conjunctivitis, keratitis, purulent ulcers and other eye diseases. Drops have antiseptic, bactericidal and antibacterial action. Prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria (gram-negative and gram-positive).

Adult patients are instilled with 1-2 drops of Sulfacil-sodium. Multiplicity of application of the product - up to 5-6 times a day. The solution can be 10, 20 or 30%. During the period of gestation, a woman may be prescribed these antibacterial eye drops. For pregnant women, the remedy is absolutely safe. Also, drops are used if it is necessary to treat infectious eye diseases during lactation.

Newborn babies are instilled immediately after birth. "Sulfacyl-sodium" effectively prevents the development of a bacterial infection. For treatment, a 10 or 20% solution is used.

Means "Fucitalmik"

Antibacterial eye drops "Flucitalmik" have the form of a viscous suspension and are distributed in tubes of 5 g. The product is also available in liquid form. The antimicrobial effect of the drug is provided by fusidic acid, a substance produced during biosynthesis by the fungus Fusidium coccineum. The component shows activity in relation to staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae and streptococci.

The viscous consistency of the drug provides a longer therapeutic effect. The tool can be used to treat blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis in adults and children. It is much easier for babies to drip a viscous suspension into their eyes than drops.

For the treatment of children and adult patients, it is necessary to use the medication twice a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days.

The drug "Flucitalmik" rarely causes side effects. A contraindication to the appointment is only intolerance to the components in the composition of the product. During pregnancy and lactation, antibacterial drops can only be prescribed by the attending physician if the expected benefit significantly outweighs the risk of side effects.

Antibacterial eye drops while wearing lenses

If the rules for wearing, storing and hygiene of lenses are not followed, various inflammatory processes can develop: keratitis, conjunctivitis. If a bacterial infection is attached, you will have to use antibacterial eye drops. At the time of treatment of the pathology, you should stop wearing lenses. Antibacterial components in the composition of the preparations can cause their turbidity.

Any drug must be taken and used correctly, because. if taken incorrectly, there will be no therapeutic effect and complications may arise. Eye drops are no exception, respectively, you should know how to properly instill so that they stay on the mucosa. Also, if you use it incorrectly, you may experience side effects.

Briefly about eye drops

Eye drops are a solution of substances of medicinal origin. They are used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Preparations are made from the active substances of aqueous and oily solutions. They are used not only to treat diseases, but also to relieve eye discomfort.

For the manufacture of special technologies are used that allow you to make the medicine as effective as possible. The selection of substances for the solution is carried out in such a way that they can penetrate the cornea to the anterior chamber of the eyeball within 30 minutes.

Important! To achieve the most effective action, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the ophthalmologist.

Mode of application

When using contact lenses, it is not recommended to use it, because the active substance of the drug may accumulate on the mucous membrane, which will cause an overdose. If it is not possible not, then it is necessary to remove it at the time of instillation of eye drops and not to put it on for at least half an hour.

In some cases, the optometrist may prescribe the use of several types of eye drops at the same time. Then it is necessary to maintain the interval between instillation of at least 20-30 minutes, i.e., drip the first type of drops, after 30 minutes the second and, if necessary, after another 30 minutes the third.

The duration of treatment and the amount of use per day, the ophthalmologist prescribes individually, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis. In acute infectious diseases, it may be necessary to instill drops up to 12 times a day. If you want to alleviate the condition, relieve discomfort, then you can use the medicine up to 3 times a day.

In the case when the doctor prescribes the use of ointment and drops at the same time, first of all, drops should be dripped, and after 3-5 minutes, lay the ointment behind the lower eyelid. If you do the procedure in the reverse order, then the drops will not get into the eyes, because the ointment will not allow the active substance to pass through the cornea.

Step-by-step instruction

If you know how to properly drip drops into your eyes, then you can avoid serious consequences. Incorrect instillation can damage the membrane of the eye or cause side effects. As for the instructions for the use of drops, then:

  • Unpacking the remedy, you need to check the tightness and check the expiration date. If the drug is contained in a transparent vial, you need to look for the presence of precipitation and impurities, which should not be.
  • Next, you need to take a comfortable position. For convenience, you can use the following postures: sit on an armchair or chair with a back, head thrown back or take a supine position, you do not need to put a pillow under your head. Do not attempt to drip drops while standing. For greater convenience, you can use a small mirror.
  • The position is accepted, now you need to pull the lower eyelid down with the index finger of the right hand, and look up.
  • Next, you should take the bottle with drops in your left hand, turn it upside down, bring it to the eye and drip 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac. You should try to instill drops closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Attention! Be careful not to injure your eyes. You can not touch the conjunctiva.

One should not be afraid of getting more drops into the eye than required, because the average drop volume is 25 microliters, and the eye of an adult can hold no more than 15 microliters. If an excess amount of the drug has been ingested, then it is excreted with tears. After instillation of drops, you need to close your eyes and hold without moving for about a minute, then massage the corners of your eyes with light massage movements. This will help distribute the medicine evenly over the eyeball.

If required, then the procedure must be repeated with the second eye. After, the vial with the drug should be tightly closed and placed back in the package. It is important to study the storage conditions of drops, since many drugs can only be stored in the refrigerator.

With frequent instillation of drops, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 30 minutes, since some components of different drugs, when interacting, can cause an allergic reaction or side effect.

Consequences of mistakes when instilling

The procedure for instilling drops should be carried out by a person who has the knack, despite the fact that the process seems simple. In some cases, inexperienced people make the following mistakes:

Instillation of drops in the eyes of a child

Quite often, doctors prescribe eye drops to children, who in more cases are afraid of any treatment. And then parents face a difficult task: how to properly instill eye drops in a child in order to avoid stress and cure the disease. If the child is already at a conscious age, then first of all you need to try to explain to him that the drops are good and do not hurt at all.

After the first procedure, the child will understand that he was not deceived and it really does not hurt to bury the drops, respectively, next time he will not need to be persuaded. If necessary, then repeat the process with the second eye, close the bottle and put it out of the reach of children.

Disease prevention

Eye disease can be painful and uncomfortable, for this reason, experts recommend preventing the processes. Subject to certain rules, the eyes will always be healthy:

If there are problems with the eyes (feeling of discomfort, redness, tearing), then you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of eye ailments

Treatment of any eye disease is a time-consuming and complex process. Quite often, full recovery requires surgery, which is dangerous. It is for this reason that doctors strongly recommend seeking help in a timely manner.

In most cases, eye drops for glaucoma and cataracts bring only a temporary effect and are not able to cure the disease. But they can help with conjunctivitis at the initial stage of development.

Commonly prescribed drugs for treatment:

The optimum temperature for storing drops is + 25C, but not higher. Otherwise, the medicine may lose its properties. An open vial should not be stored for more than 30 days.

You should not choose any drug on your own. Experts strongly recommend at the first symptoms to consult a doctor without delay. Since each of the diseases, even simple redness can cause serious complications and lead to complete loss of vision.

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