All about the treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in boys and adult men. Balanoposthitis in children and adults

Inflammation of the head of the penis in medicine is called postitis. In addition to pain, the disease brings with it a lot of unpleasant symptoms and is often accompanied by inflammation of the head of the penis - balanitis, and these two diseases together are another disease - balanoposthitis. First of all, the intimate side of the patient's life suffers, constant pain during urination, itching and other symptoms appear. We will tell you how to get rid of annoying symptoms and prevent them in this article.

The glans penis and the foreskin form a small cavity between them, in which human secretions (sweat, fat, urethral secretions and urine), moisture and dead skin cells accumulate during the day. This mixture is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms. However, smegma, which is the name of this mixture, does not cause irritation. For the development of the disease, one of the following conditions is still necessary:

  • Non-observance of personal hygiene - it can cause a disease as a neglect of the hygiene procedures of the genital organs or, on the contrary, excessive care when washing this part of the body.
  • Phimosis, paraphimosis.
  • Minor skin lesions in this area.
  • external stimuli. Allergy to soap, shower gel, condom lubricant, urine, etc.
  • Uncomfortable and tight underwear, constantly rubbing in the groin.
  • Infection with venereal diseases, fungal infections and herpes, as well as the development of somatic diseases: diabetes mellitus or psoriasis.
  • Chaotic sex life.
  • Hypothermia.

Stages of inflammation of the foreskin

There are 3 forms of balanoposthitis:

  1. The simple form is manifested by extensive inflammation and redness. Perhaps the appearance of small pustular ulcers. The man feels pain and burning in the groin.
  2. The erosive form is characterized by the appearance of swollen areas with a dead top layer of skin. Erosions appear with a rim of maceration. After timely treatment, erosion does not leave scars.
  3. Gangrenous form. The head and foreskin are covered with necrotic ulcers, which are constantly and very painful. After the ulcers heal, scars remain. Partial loss of sensitivity is possible.

If the patient does not receive proper treatment even at the gangrenous stage, then there is a high risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: photo

Causes of inflammation of the foreskin in men

All causes of inflammation can be conditionally divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious inflammation of the foreskin appears when pathogenic microorganisms enter the cavity between the head and the skin or as a result of overly active reproduction of their own microflora. The main diseases - pathogens today are called:

  • Chlamydia
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Candidiasis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Ureaplasmosis
  • Gonococcal infection
  • Gardnerellosis
  • Herpes virus and papillomavirus

With infectious balanoposthitis, the symptoms are more pronounced, and the inflammation quickly passes to other organs of the reproductive system. Inflammation of the foreskin and glans of a non-infectious kind is caused by skin diseases or as a result of inflammation of small lesions in the skin of the penis.

This type of balanoposthitis develops due to:

  • Allergic reaction to irritants;
  • Psoriasis and other skin conditions may present as irritation of the foreskin or head of the penis;
  • Some autoimmune diseases (Reiter's syndrome or pemphigus) also manifest as inflammation in the intimate area.

It is worth noting that an allergic reaction to the lubricant of a condom, as well as to the discharge of a sexual partner, is by no means a rare occurrence.

Symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin

Not one of the representatives of the stronger sex is immune from the occurrence of inflammation of the foreskin, so the following symptoms should alert you:

  • Mild burning and itching, especially when defecating or washing
  • Swelling of the foreskin and pain when pulling back the skin
  • The occurrence of pain instead of itching and burning, the skin and head become inflamed and redden

With inflammation of a penis with phimosis, unpleasantly smelling discharge of smegma and pus will be added to the symptoms. If the cause lies in a fungal or venereal disease, then their characteristic discharge is observed.

If the inflammation of the foreskin is not treated in the early stages, then the condition of the man worsens significantly. So, the following signs of the disease appear:

  • General weakness
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Possible signs of intoxication: nausea, muscle pain, headaches and others

Inflammation of the foreskin leads to very serious complications:

  • The sensitivity of the head is lost, since its surface and the surface of the foreskin are covered with sores and cracks.
  • Narrowing of the foreskin, as well as sores, lead to constant pain not only during urination, but during sexual intercourse.
  • The inflammation can spread up the urethra, causing urethritis. In especially neglected cases, cystitis and lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) develop. In some cases, inflammation of the testicles develops.
  • In the most difficult case, the disease can turn into gangrene.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis includes taking an anamnesis, examining the penis by a venereologist, as well as taking tests to detect or exclude sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men

If you experience the described symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and in no case self-medicate. Delaying a visit to the urologist due to shyness or underestimation of the condition can lead to serious consequences. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe a comprehensive treatment, depending on the cause and degree of damage.

  • With a mild course of the disease, the doctor will prescribe baths with a disinfectant solution (more often potassium permanganate, furatsilin and hydrogen peroxide).
  • With infectious balanoposthitis, in combination with local treatment, antifungal drugs or antibiotics are prescribed, depending on the pathogen infection.
  • When the disease starts, an operation is performed to excise the foreskin (circumcision).
  • With phimosis balanitis, washing of the skin sac is prescribed, and with progressive phimosis, circumcision.

How to treat inflammation of the foreskin in men?

  • As a local remedy (in the form of compresses or baths), bactericidal agents are used. For example, Miramistin is often used for this. This solution treats the entire surface of the genital organs. Burning sensation - a side effect - decreases after about 15 minutes.
  • Inflammation caused by a fungal infection is treated with a solution of baking soda.
  • Regardless of the type of pathogen, baths with a solution of Sangviritrin are excellent.
  • Baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or treatment with hydrogen peroxide are also recommended.

Often, inflammation of the foreskin, doctors prescribe the use of ointments. It is recommended to use them after hygienic procedures and only then, on the wiped dry affected flesh, an antibacterial ointment is applied:

  • Often doctors prescribe Levomekol as an antiseptic.

  • If an allergy to Levomekol occurs, Clotrimazole, Batrafen or Triderm are prescribed. Less often choose Lamisil (Terbinafine).
  • If none of the above remedies has yielded results, Dermozolon or Gioksizon is prescribed.

Within a week after the disappearance of symptoms, it is recommended to continue treatment with ointments to consolidate the effect. The duration of treatment required for a complete recovery is prescribed only by a doctor.

Folk remedies to combat inflammation of the foreskin

To speed up the treatment, it makes sense to turn to traditional medicine. In this case, all actions must be discussed in advance with the attending physician, because choosing the wrong methods can be useless and even exacerbate the problem.

St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, because its infusion is great for baths with balanoposthitis. For their preparation:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of powdered leaves and flowers of this plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  • After the time is up, strain and chill.
  • Use a warm decoction for washing.
  • It is advisable to carry out this procedure 3 times a day for a week.

Oak bark is also great for inflammation. To prepare the solution you need:

  • Grind 1 tablespoon of the bark to a powder.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, with a slight boil. After insisting in a closed container for about 30 minutes and strain. Use warm.

Lubricating the foreskin with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and healing agent.

Of course, it is necessary to use only those traditional medicines that do not cause an allergic reaction in you.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

The main methods for preventing inflammation of the foreskin and balanoposthitis are directly related to the causes of their occurrence:

  • An obvious and radical preventive measure is the circumcision of the foreskin.
  • Use a condom as a method of contraception to prevent STDs.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in due volume, but without excessive fanaticism.
  • Eliminate external irritants that are used in intimate life: replace condoms with others, change the lubricant, and so on.
  • Try to wear loose underwear, preferably cotton.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • If you are allergic to secretions from your sexual partner, you should practice protected sex.

For men whose sexual organ has a phimous foreskin, it is recommended to get rid of this defect. As an alternative to surgical treatment, we advise you to choose an ordinary stretching of the skin covering the head of the penis. Human skin is very elastic, so it is not difficult to stretch it a couple of centimeters, and if you perform the procedure systematically, you can get rid of phimosis.

Video: Circumcision of the foreskin in men

Inflammation of the foreskin of the penis is a frequent pathological process that accompanies men of different ages. This phenomenon is especially common among men of reproductive age.

Causes of inflammation

Pathology occurs against the background of various infections. Microorganisms are introduced sexually and accumulate in smegma, actively multiplying there. The causative agents can be Candida fungi, viruses, bacteria, protozoa. Fasting is more common among men who do not use barrier methods of contraception.

The inflammatory process occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Great importance is attached to the hygiene of the genital organs. Injury to the frenulum during sex can be a provoking factor in the occurrence of pathology.

Additional reasons:

  • narrowing of the foreskin;
  • diabetes;
  • anatomical features in which a lot of smegma accumulates;
  • chronic diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the foreskin is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • irritation of the head of the penis;
  • feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin;
  • redness of the frenulum;
  • the release of pus;
  • general unsatisfactory state of health;
  • rise in temperature.

If the pathological process is accompanied by phimosis, then the foreskin becomes almost motionless. When the infection enters the urethra, painful urination, burning and itching occur. In children, fasting practically does not manifest itself.


The following types of diagnostics are used:

Treatment methods for postitis in men

Postitis is eliminated with the help of an integrated approach to therapy.

The use of medicines

Groups of drugs used for treatment:

home treatment

At home, you can use baths based on medicinal herbs. For these purposes, you should use calendula, sage and chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Then filter and use 3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.

To speed up recovery, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you should use honey with royal jelly every morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. Another effective traditional medicine is an aqueous propolis infusion, which must be applied 2 times a day to treat the penis. Such a tool copes well with pathogenic microflora.

If the inflammation is caused by fungi, then soda can be used as an ambulance. 1 tsp dissolve the powder in 500 ml of warm water and rinse the head and foreskin with the resulting liquid. This should be done in the morning and evening for 3-5 days.

An infusion of a string will help get rid of irritation and eliminate pain symptoms. This requires 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and filter. Use to treat the penis.

In the fight against pathogenic microflora, tar soap will help, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. They need to wash their genitals once a day before going to bed, then wiping them dry. Laundry soap is no less effective.

During treatment, it is important to avoid sexual intercourse. If an infection is detected, then therapy should be carried out simultaneously in both partners.

If the cause of the disease is phimosis, then the treatment is only surgical. Anesthesia is performed, after which the foreskin is circumcised. This method is effective and quickly relieves pain.


Inflammation of the foreskin can lead to a number of consequences. The chronic form can provoke the transition of the infection to the head, which contributes to the development of balanoposthitis, which is more severe.

Complications that may occur:

  • decreased sensitivity of the penis;
  • inflammation in the urethra and bladder;
  • cystitis;
  • the formation of ulcers on the penis, which can provoke the transition of the disease to gangrenous balanoposthitis;
  • swollen lymph nodes.


Prevention rules:

To avoid the occurrence of dangerous consequences, at the first signs of inflammation, you should consult a doctor, because some representatives of pathogenic microflora can lead to infertility by affecting spermatogenesis.

The head of the penis consists of cavernous bodies and is equipped with a large number of sensitive nerve endings for sexual intercourse and ejaculation. At birth, the head is normally covered with a foreskin - a skin fold that protects the sensitive head from injury and drying out. At the same time, the inner part of the foreskin has glands that secrete a small amount of lubricant - smegma. Smegma prevents drying and coarsening of the head.

Excess leads to inflammatory processes in the region of the crown of the glans penis and the inner part of the foreskin.

Inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin is one of the most common reasons for men to visit a urologist. In medicine, the disease is called balanitis- inflammation of the head of the penis, or balanoposthitis- inflammation of both the head and the foreskin. The disease does not depend on age and can occur at any time in life.

A number of external and internal factors lead to such a pathological condition, which together increase the risk of balanitis or balanoposthitis. Among the predisposing factors, the most significant are:

  • Insufficient personal hygiene;
  • Increased secretory activity of the glands of the foreskin;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • and other metabolic disorders;
  • The presence of infection in the urogenital tract;
  • Long stay in countries with hot climatic conditions.

Inflammation can only be heads - isolated. However, much more often there is a simultaneous inflammation of both the head and the foreskin, which gives a characteristic clinical picture of the disease.

Forms of the disease

Urologists distinguish several forms of balanitis and balanoposthitis, among which are:

  • Infectious;
  • Circinar;
  • herpetic;
  • Traumatic;
  • Anaerobic;
  • Allergic;
  • Candidiasis (see).

All forms of the disease have the same clinic and symptoms, but differ in the causes of occurrence and the infectious agent that caused it.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

Symptoms of balanoposthitis include:

  • Hyperemia of the skin of the head. Redness of the crown of the glans penis and the foreskin adjacent to it indicates an incipient inflammation.
  • Edema. A little later, swelling of the foreskin is added to the inflammation, which eventually becomes well expressed and causes itching.
  • Pain in the region of the head. Discomfort and pain are caused by both edema and the inflammatory process itself. , which indicates the progression of the inflammatory process.
  • A sharp and unpleasant odor emanating from the penis.
  • Lymphadenopathy. and their soreness also indicates the progression of the disease.

If one or more symptoms occur, you should consult a urologist.


Balanoposthitis can be both an independent disease and a manifestation. Therefore, in two cases, diagnosis is required with the exclusion of sexually transmitted diseases: when an active sexual life is detected from the anamnesis and there are no significant risk factors leading to the development of balanoposthitis.

With primary inflammation of the head of the penis and the foreskin, the diagnosis is dispensed with by examination, collection of data on the life and disease of the patient. Next, the doctor prescribes local procedures and symptomatic drug treatment.

In the event of balanitis or balanoposthitis as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, a mandatory laboratory diagnosis is carried out. Such diagnostics include serodiagnosis, highly sensitive to a specific pathogen, and microbiological examination.

In most cases, balanoposthitis is primary and does not require additional research methods. Treatment does not include the use of potent antibiotics, but is limited to topical agents.

Medical tactics

If symptoms characteristic of balanitis and balanoposthitis occur, postponing an appeal to a urologist and self-medication can lead to disease progression and complications. In the most advanced cases, with purulent complications, it is even possible to use surgery with a long recovery period.

With timely treatment, it is possible to cure the disease in the early stages. At the same time, without resorting to the use of antibiotics and other medicinal substances with severe side effects.

Treatment consists in the use of local anti-inflammatory drugs in the form antiseptic solutions and ointments. Procedures using baths from a solution of potassium permanganate have a good local anti-inflammatory effect. Washing with a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide is also used.

The use of potassium permanganate can lead to burns of the tissues of the head and foreskin. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the manganese crystals.

If balanitis has arisen as a result of a specific bacterial infection or a fungus of the genus Candida, then antibiotic therapy or antifungal drugs are used. For example, Clotrimazole and Diflucam, in combination with local anti-inflammatory and anesthetic ointments and solutions.

For men who are sexually active, it is worth refraining from sexual intercourse during treatment and the recovery period. This will improve the effectiveness of therapy and accelerate tissue regeneration.

A prerequisite for effective treatment is the elimination of the causes that led to the disease. It is necessary to observe sexual rest and lead a healthy lifestyle. The basis of a healthy lifestyle is the normalization of nutrition. Proper nutrition implies the inclusion in the diet of more fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries and a decrease in the proportion of fried, meat, pastries, smoked meats. Maintaining the immune system through nutrition will improve the local protective properties of the skin.


With ineffective or untimely treatment, as well as non-compliance with the recommendations of the urologist, complications of the disease are possible:

  • Purulent complications;
  • and etc.

In addition to physical discomfort, the disease in the intimate area leads to psycho-emotional trauma. This can affect a man's self-esteem and be subconsciously oppressive.

Never be shy and ask your doctor for help in time. Take care of your body and be healthy!

Watch a video about the causes and treatment of balanoposthitis

The genital organ in men is often exposed to various diseases, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes on the head and foreskin. There are many reasons for this discomfort. Consider the most likely prerequisites for the appearance inflammation of the penis and effective treatments.

Main reasons

There are a number of pathologies that are characterized by inflammation in the penis. These include:

  1. Balanitis. With the development of this pathology, there is inflammation in the penis. Most often, its appearance leads to ignoring the rules of personal hygiene. Balanitis initially has an acute form. Without proper treatment, it begins to become chronic. It manifests itself regardless of age, so it can cause inflammation of the penis in a child.
  2. Balanoposthitis. Characterized inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. Non-compliance with personal hygiene can provoke the development of balanoposthitis. Also, its visual manifestations can be observed in the form of a reaction to an allergen.
  3. Cavernite. It is an inflammatory process of the cavernous bodies of the penis in men.
  4. Lymphangitis. This pathology is not venereal in nature. It usually appears as a result of injury to the penis or too frequent and prolonged sexual contact. Lymphangitis is characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the penis.
  5. Thrombophlebitis. This disease is a violation of blood circulation, resulting in the development of a tumor of the foreskin of the penis.
  6. Phlegmon. It is formed as a result of injury or surgery. Usually phlegmon is accompanied by purulent discharge.
  7. Candidiasis. This is a disease that develops as a result of the active life of yeast fungi. Apart from inflammation, on the penis various rashes may appear, itching and burning may be felt at the time of urination.

Some men have a question: why does the head of the penis become inflamed after drinking? Alcohol can exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases. Therefore, often such drinks lead to redness and severe swelling in the area of ​​​​the head and foreskin.

Inflammatory process on the penis in children

Most often boy penis inflammation observed as a result of the entry of pathogens under the foreskin. The most common prerequisites for this pathological process in babies are:

  1. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene of the penis. The genitals of the child must be washed with water after each urination and defecation. It is also necessary to change diapers regularly, preventing him from being in an overflowing diaper for a long time. The child accumulates an excessive amount of smegma under the foreskin, which is a favorable environment for the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Phimosis. Almost every child has congenital phimosis. This pathology is characterized by narrowing of the foreskin. If this hole is too small, smegma with urine remains accumulates under the foreskin. This may lead to inflamed penis in a child.
  3. Wearing poor quality underwear. Non-natural material may cause inflammation of the penis in a child. And also the sexual organ is subjected to friction when wearing tight pants, which negatively affects its condition.

If a the child has an inflamed penis, this symptom is accompanied without complications, then this condition does not require serious therapy. To improve well-being, it is necessary to wash the genitals with a solution of Furacilin or another antiseptic.

Severe stages of the inflammatory process require the use of antibacterial drugs. In some cases, even surgery. The essence of the operation is the dissection of the foreskin with its subsequent partial or complete removal.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process

penis inflammation in men, it is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms:

  • painful and other uncomfortable sensations in the foreskin area - this is how the initial stage of the inflammatory process manifests itself;
  • swelling and discoloration of the penis;
  • unpleasant fetid odor;
  • purulent discharge in large quantities;
  • sexual contact causes pain, a man does not experience any pleasure in this state;
  • the appearance of small sores on the surface;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin;
  • general weakness of the body.

What does it look like inflammation of the penis, can be seen on a photo.

If speak about inflammation of the head of the penis, it has the following features:

  • swelling and redness in the upper part of the penis;
  • it is covered with a dirty white coating, which has a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning;
  • pain during urination;
  • pathological narrowing of the foreskin.

With advanced forms of the inflammatory process, deep purulent ulcers appear in the head area, which cause severe pain when touched.

Treatment of pathology

Consider, how to treat penis inflammation. For this, drug therapy is prescribed, which consists in the use of drugs of such groups:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. Their action is aimed at the destruction of pathogens. Due to this effect, the man ceases to experience discomfort. What antibiotics to take for inflammation on the penis? The most common drugs in this group are: Ampicillin, Clarithromycin, Clindamycin and their analogues.
  2. Probiotics. They are prescribed to prevent dysbacteriosis, since it can develop as a result of the use of antibacterial drugs. The most popular probiotics include: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform, Lactobacterin.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their action is to eliminate inflammatory processes. They can be used not only in the form of tablets, but also as ointments and creams. Modern pharmacology offers such non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ibufen and others.
  4. Antihistamines. This group of medicines is used to eliminate swelling, as well as to increase the effectiveness of other anti-inflammatory drugs. Prominent representatives of this group of medicines are: Diazolin, Suprastin, Loratadin.

Important to remember! Medications for inflammation of the penis should be used only as prescribed by the attending physician! This will help to avoid dangerous consequences, since almost every remedy has its own contraindications.

Alternative medicine

Treatment of the inflammatory process on the genitals in men can be carried out using traditional medicine. But this applies only to the early stages of this pathological process. Alternative medicine suggests regular washing of the inflamed penis with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is also useful to use decoctions based on such medicinal herbs as local baths: chamomile, calendula, peppermint, oregano, horsetail. These plants have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Before treatment inflammation on the penis with the help of alternative medicine, you must see a doctor and undergo the required laboratory tests. This will help to exclude the development of sexually transmitted diseases and other pathologies.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing inflammatory processes on the genitals, the representatives of the stronger sex are required to carry out from an early age. If the head of the penis does not open by 4-5 years, a urologist should be observed, since the progression of physiological phimosis leads not only to inflammatory processes, but also to serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

At a conscious age, a young man is obliged to pay due attention to the hygiene of the penis. And also it is necessary to go for examinations to the urologist at least once every 6 months. These simple rules will help to identify pathology at the initial stage of its occurrence.

Today we will talk about:

Inflammation of the foreskin unfortunately not uncommon among men. This disease affects the skin of the penis and threatens with serious consequences.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in men and ways to eliminate this disease.

Most often, balanoposthitis develops for the following reasons:

1. Non-compliance by a man with personal hygiene of the genital organs, due to which a special substance (spegma) begins to accumulate under the foreskin. It creates favorable conditions for the rapid development of microbes, which infect tissues with infection.

2. The use of wet wipes, lubricants, soaps or other hygiene products that cause irritation and subsequent inflammation of the foreskin.

3. The use of low-quality condoms that affect the delicate skin of the penis and cause inflammation.

4. Various allergic reactions to certain foods can give impetus to the development of inflammation of the foreskin.

5. Defeat by various bacteria.

6. Damage to the genital organs by sexually transmitted diseases (it happens with unprotected sexual contact).

8. Fungal infections.

9. Diabetes mellitus, which is not treated.

10. Inflammation caused by urine.

11. Various pathogens (candida, Trichomonas,).

12. Lichen planus.

13. Various defects in the physiological structure of the genital area of ​​a man, because of which he becomes more susceptible to pathologies of the penis.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: symptoms and signs

Balanoposthitis has the following features of its course:

1. At the very beginning of the disease, a man begins to feel an unpleasant burning sensation during urination and severe itching of the glans penis.

2. Over time, the skin of the head of the penis will begin to tighten, and the itching will turn into a pronounced pain syndrome.

3. With the development of inflammation, the patient feels discomfort. Outwardly noticeably reddened foreskin.

4. On palpation of the head, the patient feels sharp pains. It is also difficult for him to pull the foreskin and open the head.

5. With a fungal or bacterial infection of the foreskin, a person may have a high temperature, fever and chills. From the foreskin and urethra, white mucus mixed with pus will begin to stand out. This is the alarming sign that indicates the urgent need to start antibiotic therapy.

6. Over time, all the signs of intoxication will appear: headache, malaise, nausea, weakness and drowsiness. The sex drive will disappear.

7. Frequent urge to go to the toilet.

8. The appearance of a rash along the contour of the penis.
Inflammation of the foreskin in men: diagnosis and treatment

When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should consult a urologist. He will take an anamnesis, examine the genitals and take a swab from the head of the penis.

For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct such studies:

1. Bacteriological culture.

2. Analyzes are not an exception to syphilis.

3. Examination of discharge from the urethra.

Treatment of balanoposthitis is selected for each patient on an individual basis, depending on the test results, the cause of the pathology and the symptoms observed.

Traditional therapy includes:

1. Appointment of antiseptics from microbes. Usually a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide is used for this purpose. They need to wipe the head of the penis daily.

2. With reddening of the skin, anti-inflammatory ointments and topical creams are prescribed.

3. For fungal infections, antifungal ointments (Clotrimazole) are used. These groups of drugs effectively fight fungi and suppress their activity.
4. In case of intoxication of the body and infection, strong antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

5. It is very helpful to wipe the penis with antimicrobial solutions.

6. To maintain the immune system, the patient is shown taking vitamin complexes.

7. For the period of treatment, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse.

8. When the body is weakened, immunomodulatory drugs can be prescribed.

9. At elevated temperature, antipyretics (Paracetamol) may be prescribed to the patient.

10. With the appearance of purulent discharge, the patient is shown more radical therapeutic measures. He needs to regularly apply compresses with ointments to the inflamed area and carefully wipe the head of the penis with antiseptic tinctures. Long-term antibiotic therapy (at least two weeks) is also recommended. After that, you need to take a second seeding for research and, if necessary, continue treatment, replacing the drugs with analogues.

11. With the development of phimosis, surgical treatment is indicated. It is done by cutting the inflamed foreskin. After the inflammation subsides, it is desirable to remove the foreskin to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: treatment, complications, prevention

At the initial stage of inflammation (before the appearance of pus), alternative methods of treatment can be practiced. The best recipes are:

1. Aloe remedy. To do this, thoroughly rinse the leaves of this plant and peel their peel, leaving only the pulp. It should be applied to the inflamed area for half an hour twice a day.

2. Tincture for external use:

Take 6 leaves of St. John's wort and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them;

Insist for half an hour;

Strain and rub the inflamed area after bathing twice a day. It will relieve pain and germs.

3. Grind plantain leaves and apply them as a lotion to the inflamed flesh. Leave for an hour. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

In the absence of timely treatment, or with improper therapy, the patient may develop such complications in the state:

1. Loss of sexual desire.

2. Apathy and irritability.

3. Violation of the sensitivity of the head of the penis.

4. The appearance of cracks and ulcers on the head due to severe dryness.

5. Violation of the natural flora in the penis threatens to increase the risk of infection.

6. Soreness during sexual intercourse, urination and even walking can occur with chronic inflammation of the foreskin.

7. If left untreated, a man runs the risk of getting urethritis.

8. Cystitis develops at an advanced stage of inflammation (it can be not only in women).

9. Purulent inflammation can cause serious disturbances in the functions of the penis. Moreover, in this state, a man risks the development of prostatitis.

10. Chronic inflammation can proceed in waves for a long time, only occasionally aggravating. However, this condition is dangerous, as it can sometimes cause oncological pathologies of the genital organs.

In order to reduce the risk of developing balanoposthitis, you should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Keep linen clean and change it twice a day. At the same time, the men's underwear itself should be made of natural materials and not have too squeezing seams.

2. Perform genital hygiene at least twice a day. This is the only way to protect yourself from the accumulation of spegma.

4. Have a permanent sexual partner. In case of casual sexual intercourse, contact should be protected (a condom is the best assistant in this).

5. It is important not only to monitor the condition of the male genital organs, but also to monitor and check the female reproductive system. This is explained by the fact that men's health directly depends on the state of the female genital organs and if the partner has diseases, the man also risks getting the same problems.

6. It is necessary to visit the urologist regularly and conduct a follow-up examination.

7. If the first suspicions and symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately consult a doctor until the pathology has led to the development of complications.

In many countries, due to the risk of inflammation of the foreskin, circumcision is recommended, but if you follow a number of preventive rules, you can avoid this procedure, while not exposing yourself to the risk of inflammation.