World Animal Day. World Animal Day: how to start helping smaller brothers? What can be done for our smaller brothers

International Day for the Protection of Animals is a holiday that has long been known throughout the world. This event should draw people's attention not only to their own problems, but also to the lives of other inhabitants of our planet.

International Animal Protection Day - October 4

It's no secret that every year more and more different biological species die out - from one to five. The rate of disappearance continues to increase. This factor, of course, is very sad.

The future of animals today is threatened by a lot of different things. Excessive consumption of natural resources, the destruction of forest and wetlands for the construction of new roads and sites, poaching destroy millions of innocent creatures. International Day for the Protection of Animals is a holiday created especially for them.

This applies, by the way, not only to the wild should also be protected, because every year the number of people who treat them cruelly is also increasing.

A bit of history

The roots of this wonderful holiday go back to 1931. animal protection began to be celebrated in Italy. It was a way of drawing attention to the dire plight of endangered species. At that time, a congress of supporters of the conservation movement was taking place in Florence. Since then, October 4 is celebrated by all the animals in the world.

This date was not chosen by chance. This is the day of memory of Francis of Assisi - the patron saint of animals.

He died in 1226, on October 4th. Therefore, the congress stopped on this date. This is how World Animal Day was born. The history and features of the holiday today are known all over the world. More than 60 countries host a wide variety of events dedicated to this date.

Pay attention to the unfortunate animals!

Humanity in recent years, of course, has become very hardened. However, there are still a lot of caring people in this world. International Animal Day should draw their attention to the many problems of the inhabitants of planet Earth. The idea of ​​holding a holiday has long taken root around the world. This pleases, because over the past 25 years, the diversity of the flora and fauna of our planet has decreased by a third! Accordingly, it is necessary to do something, to take some measures! This holiday does not let you forget about it.

Animals are the best lifeguards...

Many ancient legends exist about Francis of Assisi. According to them, he was able to communicate with any animals. In turn, they obeyed him and protected him.

Animals are actually the best rescuers. Many times they helped a person in difficult situations. Dogs serve as guides and save people in the mountains, cats charge with positive energy and even “treat” sick parts of the body. Moreover, there were absolutely incredible cases when a child was protected by a gorilla, or a whale pulled a drowning diver from the depths of the ocean.

…but people are not far behind!

However, the man also repeatedly acted as a rescuer. What is the story about the champion from Colorado, who returned home from Sochi not only with medals, but also with grateful dogs.

The Olympic Games demanded the so-called "cleansing" of the city from Gus Kenworthy was able to save his four-legged friends from death by taking them with him. Together with his friend Robin McDonald, the twenty-two-year-old freestyler began to cooperate with the International Humanitarian Organization. It was she who helped bring the dogs to America.

In addition, Kenworthy and McDonald created a special account called "Sochi Pups". Here you can see their favorites. In just a week, 17,000 users have already signed up for the account. On International Homeless Animal Day, they came here en masse to leave new comments.

On the eve of the holiday, by the way, you can also receive a special award named after St. Francis. It is awarded for special merits in the field of animal protection. Gus Kenworthy clearly deserved this award!

What can be done for our smaller brothers?

So how can you help the animals? What can be done to support International Animal Rights Day?

First, simply join a special protection society. A very large number of various actions will be held here, aimed at attracting public attention to our four-legged friends.

International Animal Day in Kyiv, for example, is held not only with the organization of various competitions for animals, but also with charity concerts with the participation of local musical groups.

In a word, similar initiatives are implemented annually in different countries of the world. On this day, people even come to nurseries, where many homeless city animals eventually find their owners. Here, those who wish to find a true friend will definitely be given the necessary advice, all recommendations for caring for a pet, and they will tell you about the method of finding a new family.

And to help wild animals that need human intervention, even a special Rescue Service has been created. Anyone can call the hotline. Service workers are always happy to take all necessary measures: cure their patients or give them a new home. That is, the organization strives with all its might to show that every animal deserves respect and worthy treatment from a person.

Target: Introducing children to the international environmental campaign «» . Introduce children to the Red Book and animals that are included in it.

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of diversity animals different continents of the earth. Develop an interest in the environment. Show the relationship of vegetable and fauna. Teach children to independently draw elementary conclusions and conclusions about life animals and environmental protection

Demo material: picture pictures Russian animals, insects, birds, presentation « World Animal Day» .

Handout: Whatman, silhouettes animals, glue, glue brushes, napkins, felt-tip pens, pencils.

preliminary work:

1) Reading K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"; L. Tolstoy: "Kitty", "Lion and dog", "Fire Dogs"; M. Prishvin "Fox Bread"

2) Riddles about animals.

3) D/I "Who lives where"

Lesson progress:

Guys, let's imagine that in one terrible day you leave the house and you will not see any birds, animals, or insects. Hear no chirping, no meowing, no barking. In fact, you don't even want to think about it!

Do you know what today day? Children: Not.

Guys 4 October is World Animal Day. This ecological holiday is celebrated in around the world. Every year in everyone around the world, people hold events dedicated to the protection animals.

Animals are animals, birds, insects, fish and other living creatures. Animals run, jump, fly, swim. They feed on plants or other animals.

Four paws, fifth tail,

There is a body, a head and a nose.

They live on land and in the sea,

Kingdom animals are headed.

What do you think animals fit this description? (children's answers).

- These are animals.: deer, wolf, fox, hedgehog, bear, squirrel, hare and others. Animals live in the cold north and hot south, in forests and seas. Animals differ in appearance. Some are big, others are small. Some animals have legs turned into flippers. Why do you think? (children's answers).

The world of animals is rich and varied. All animals take care of their cubs, feed them with milk.

Two legs and two wings

On the head is a beak and eyes.

Can run and fly

Swim and dive. Who is it? (children's answers).

Birds are also animals. Birds can be found everywhere: over the sea, in forests, deserts and mountains. Their element is air. Birds are caring parents. They build nests, incubate eggs, feed chicks, teach young birds to fly.

Tail, fins and head

The body is covered with scales.

They swim, dive, spawn.

They live in rivers and seas. Who is it? (children's answers).

Fish are also animals. They live where there are many water: in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. What fish do you know? (children's answers).

Body, antennae and head

Six legs always.

crawl, jump, fly,

Our world is inhabited. Who is it? (children's answers).

Insects are also animals. Insects live everywhere except the seas. They are very numerous. What insects do you know? (children's answers).

We need to take care of nature and living beings. After all, man is a part of nature, he must protect, protect and protect her.

Guys, do you like animals?

What does it mean to love animals?

How can you save animals? (summarizing children's answers)

Now there are special separate places called reserves - this is a place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. And a person does not interfere with them, occasionally comes to this place as a guest. Everything is protected in the reserve: herbs, mushrooms, slaves, and everything alive. What do you think, is it only in nature reserves that to protect nature? (children's answers)

people guard animals, of which there are very few left. Such animals recorded in the Red Books.

Neither a tit, nor a thrush,

Not a blind mole.

For nothing and never

Do not hurt alive!

That's right, you need to protect nature in any place. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. What can't be done? Children's answers

Reading a poem: .Forest rules. (children)

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break tree branches

Never forget

Clean up trash from grass.

In vain do not tear the flowers!

Do not shoot from a slingshot

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest

Here the owner is a pine and an elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

Well, you and I know where we are and know how to behave, and now we can wander along the paths of the reserve. (view illustrations from animals of Russia)

The beaver is an inhabitant of small forest rivers and streams, swamps. This semi-aquatic beast, in general, he only needs that the reservoir does not freeze to the bottom in winter and does not dry out in summer. Beavers - herbivorous animals, and an abundance of plants serves as food for them.

The reindeer is a resident of the Far North. He is not afraid of either severe frosts or deep snows. He has a wonderful coat - thick, soft. The reindeer's hooves are wide, and they can even move apart like spread fingers. And the deer walks without falling through the snow or the swamp. The main decoration of reindeer is their large branched antlers.

The Amur tiger is one of the largest predators on our planet. Unlike other big cats, tigers have striped fur. The striped color serves as a camouflage for the tiger - it makes it less noticeable among the tall grass.

Bison is a representative of a group of wild bulls. It can reach a weight of up to 1 ton. Bison, despite their large size and apparent bulkiness, are very mobile animals. They run fast and are able to overcome barriers up to 2 m high. They feed on grass, as well as leaves and branches. At present, the existence of this species is impossible without human support.

We have seen many interesting animals! And now let's turn into monkeys!

Physical education minute

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands.

Together let's jump to the ceiling

We raise our fingers to the temple,

Show each other noses

We will point our hands to the sky.

Let's stick out the ears

Let's take the tops

Let's open our mouth wide

Let's make faces.

How do I say word three

All with muzzles freeze

One two Three.

Guys, a lot animals, which we met today in the reserve, are listed in the Red Book. Why exactly Red? Because red is the color of impending danger. Attention! Stop, look around, think man! Think about nature! Are we taking advantage of her generosity too freely? And how can we help rare plants and animals? Children's answers.

Let us ourselves never offend them and let them offend others.

Let's see more pictures that I have prepared, and together we will make a poster in animal welfare. (view pictures)

Let's sit at the same table and take turns helping me. For us to work need: drawing paper, blue and green paint, water, brushes, pictures and glue with a napkin. But before we get started, let's remember the rules for working with glue and paints. And now we take a drawing paper and draw a blue background, and in order for us to get the sky, we take paints on the tip of the brush and add water. Well done! We took turns painting the sky! (children take turns drawing)

Now we will draw the forest with green paint using the application method to make it thick. We take a brush, pick up a lot of green paint and apply it on a piece of drawing paper, slowly. (Children take turns drawing)

In the meantime, our background dries, we will play D / I "Who lives where?" Well done, I really like how you work today!

Our background is dry, let's continue our work, take our pictures and place them on our sheet. And now we glue them in turn, and wipe the excess glue with a napkin. Guys, look how great we did! You are so great!

So we finished our poster! He will now decorate our dressing room, and now you will know exactly what 4 October is Animal Protection Day. But we are adults and smart guys, and I know for sure that not only 4 October we will remember animals, but always. We will love them and protect!

And most importantly, remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.


What interesting things did you find out? (children's answers)

What else would you like to know about? (children's answers)

Thank you, you listened very carefully to my story and remembered a lot. Well done!

Animals are part of the natural law, they have their rights because they are intelligent.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Animals are an integral part of nature. Some of them represent the world of wildlife, others feel like the owners of human homes.

International Animal Day is celebrated every year around the world. the world on October 4th. It was established at the International Congress of the supporters of the movement for the protection of nature, which was held in Florence (Italy) in 1931, and is designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of the inhabitants of the planet.

This day is also known as Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial Day. who is considered the patron saint of animals. According to legend, Saint Francis had an amazing ability to communicate with wild animals, urged people not to offend the "smaller brothers" - animals and birds, and paid great attention to nature.

Every year Animal welfare societies in many countries of the world hold a variety of mass actions and charity events aimed at protecting animals. On this day, seminars, conferences and exhibitions are held that tell about the important role of animals in the life of the planet.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources has compiled the Red Book, which contains information about 46 thousand animals that are on the verge of extinction.

Many species of animals and birds of the Luhansk region also belong to rare and endangered: marmot, desman, bandage, steppe polecat, eared hedgehog, otter, European mink, yellow-bellied snake, four-striped snake, copperhead, steppe viper, golden eagle, imperial eagle, serpent eagle, gray crane, stag beetle, machaon, bumblebee.

Even the strongest animals need our protection. A holiday dedicated to animals should remind people of a wonderful human quality - mercy, which should extend to our "smaller brothers". After all, their life and well-being largely depends on people.

Interesting Facts:

Mammals have red blood, insects have yellow blood, and lobsters have blue blood.

The bee has two stomachs, one for honey and one for food, but the moth has no stomach at all.

Seagulls can filter undrinkable salty sea water. The tonsils of these birds are designed in such a way that they filter and desalinate sea water, making it quite drinkable.

A mole can dig a tunnel 76 meters long in one night, and its hole can have up to 6 floors, which are connected by many pantries with different goodies!

The largest land predator is the polar bear. On average, he weighs about 500 kilograms, and can run at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. Subcutaneous fat helps the polar bear to endure low air temperatures and swim, keeping it in the water, like a life jacket.

The most eared animal on Earth is the jerboa, its ears are more than half of its body.

Cautious and naturally clumsy elephant before taking a step, feels the space in front of him with a sensitive trunk, and only then puts his front foot on the ground. Taking the next step forward, he steps with his back foot exactly in the trace left by the front. And the giant's trunk is so flexible and dexterous that it can even gently lift a pin!

Darwin's spider from the island of Madagascar weaves the largest web - up to 25 meters in length.

The most powerful animal on Earth is the rhinoceros beetle. He can lift 850 times his own weight.

Blue whales are the largest animals on earth. The average elephant weighs less than the average blue whale's tongue. They are the noisiest animals in the world. The melodic singing of blue whales can deafen a person, they sing at 188 decibels and can be heard for 800 kilometers.

Books on this topic that you can read in our library:

Beaumont E. Record Animals / E. Beaumont. - M. : Makhaon, 2007. - 128 p. : ill. – (Your first encyclopedia)

Bukobza L. Animals / L. Bukobza. - M. : Makhaon, 2010. - 128 p. : ill. - (Children's encyclopedia "Makhaon")

Dmitriev Yu. Neighbors on the planet: pets / Yu. Dmitriev. - M .: Children's literature, 1990. - 288 p.

Animals: questions and answers / Per. from English. V. Bolotnikova, T. Pokidaeva. - M .. : Makhaon, 2012. - 48 p. : ill. – (Interactive Encyclopedia)

Animals: an encyclopedia for children / M. Pimon. - M. : Makhaon, 2008. - 132 p. : ill. – (Your first encyclopedia)

Kerfolly F. The Great Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals: Animal World of All Parts of the World: More than 400 Animal Photos / F. Kerfolly. – M. : Makhaon, 2008. – 240 p. : ill.

Kolyada M. Secrets of the animal world: amazing facts from the life of animals / M. Kolyada. - Donetsk: BAO, 2006. - 288 p.

Lazier K. Animals of the planet / K. Lazier. - M. : Makhaon, 2008. - 192 p. :ill. - (Piggy bank of knowledge)

Prati E. Animals: an encyclopedia for children: facts, discoveries, fantasies / E. Prati. - M. : Makhaon, 2008. - 64 p. : ill.

Simons R. All about animals / R. Simons. - Belgorod: Family Leisure Club, 2012. - 64 p. : ill. – (Illustrated encyclopedia of knowledge)

Silaeva O. Talking animals / O. Silaeva // Children's encyclopedia: an educational magazine for girls and boys. - M .: Arguments and facts, 2009. - Issue. 2. - 72 p.

Such different animals / R. Few, D. Johnson. - M. : Makhaon, 2004. - 288 p. : ill.

Animal Protection Day is one of the main ecological memorable days on the calendar. It has an international status and is intended to serve as an annual reminder to people that other living beings live next to them, whose right to life must be remembered. What date is Animal Protection Day celebrated in 2019 - why this date was chosen for the memorable day, how long has this day been celebrated in Russia.

What date is Animal Protection Day in 2019

The date of Animal Protection Day does not change from year to year, it is always the same. In 2019, this memorable day, as usual, will be celebrated The 4th of October. This time it's Friday.

This memorable day itself originated in deeply Catholic Italy in 1931. Florence hosted the International Congress of supporters of the movement in defense of nature. The congress participants decided to establish a world memorial day dedicated to the protection of animals. The only thing left was to choose its date.

Since most of the participants represented traditionally Catholic countries, it was decided to choose the day of memory of St. Francis as the date of the new memorable day. The saint is the patron of animals and the environment (and at the same time - merchants and stowaways, that is, "hares").

You can even say that Animal Protection Day is a veiled Catholic holiday, St. Francis Day. Something like Valentine's Day is the day of remembrance of St. Valentine for the same Catholics.

However, such an interpretation of World Animal Day would be too simplistic. The Catholic patron of animals and the day of his memory is just an excuse to establish a specific date for this memorable day. However, Animal Protection Day itself has long acquired a truly international and non-confessional character. Living beings who are our neighbors on the planet need our help and protection, regardless of what religion we belong to and whether we belong to this or that church at all.

How Animal Protection Day is celebrated in Russia

This memorable day came to our country relatively late - more or less regularly in Russia it has been celebrated since 2000.

However, this, of course, does not mean that the actual protection of animals was alien to us before. In our country there was the Red Book of the USSR, now there is the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Practically everywhere - in more than 70 regions of the country - their own, regional Red Books are compiled.

The Red Books themselves are not a reference book of endangered species of animals and plants, but a list of those species that are especially protected by law. For the destruction of rare animals under the law, including criminal, serious liability may follow.

With regard to especially rare species that are on the verge of extinction, the state draws up special strategies for their conservation.

So, under special protection in Russia are the snow leopard, polar bear, bison, Sakhalin musk deer, Persian leopard, Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger and other species.

World Animal Day on October 4 is becoming an extra reason for holding various thematic events, charity and educational events. They remind us all of the work that environmentalists and animal advocates do every day.

world animal day

Every year on October 4, an international holiday is celebrated - Animal Protection Day, or simply Animal Day. The decision to create this holiday in 1931 was made at the International Congress for the Protection of Nature, held in Florence, Italy. Supporters of the movement chose this date because October 4 is known as the day of memory of Francisco of Assisi, the Catholic saint, the most revered among Catholics, the patron saint of animals, who died on this day in 1226. Saint Francis of Assisi, who lived in the 12th century, founded a mendicant monastic order. He helped all the persecuted and suffering, preached that animals are also God's creatures, they should be treated with love, like people. He urged to leave space in the gardens, both for flowers and for wild herbs, whose beauty glorifies the power of the Creator. Francis also spoke out in defense of animals kept in captivity. He ransomed the birds that were carried to sell at fairs and released them. According to one of the legends, when the Saint died, a flock of larks accompanied his soul to heaven.

In many countries around the world on this day - October 4, or a day close to the date, services are held dedicated to Animal Day. This day is intended to draw the attention of mankind to "our smaller brothers" - the rest of the inhabitants of the planet and their problems.

Societies for the protection of animals in different countries of the world declared their readiness to organize various mass events every year. The holiday has been celebrated in our country since 2000. The initiator was the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Today, according to world statistics, Russia firmly holds the second place after the United States in terms of the number of pets. Every third Russian family has a pet. In most Western European countries, pets are considered part of the family, they have equal rights with other members of society. On this day in our country, in many schools, bioethics lessons are held for students, where children are introduced to the basics of the relationship between humans and animals: kindness, care and responsibility. The children are told how they can help the four-legged.

The purpose of creating this holiday was, firstly, the need for public awareness of the need to protect animals and the environment, and, secondly, to increase activity in the field of animal protection. According to statistics, over the past 25 years, the biological diversity of our planet has decreased by more than a third. The statistics are very depressing, some species of fauna and flora are irrevocably disappearing from the face of the Earth. A person can stop this process.