The second principle of Buddhist healing: Guasha and Tok Sen healing massage. Guasha therapy, ancient Chinese massage - body rejuvenation Chinese scraping massage

The ancient Chinese guasha massage has not lost its relevance to this day. Moreover, in China, it is included in the system of a healthy lifestyle as an element that promotes active longevity. Medical centers of different countries, having thoroughly studied Chinese guasha massage, are willing to master it as a therapeutic and preventive procedure.

The name of the massage comes from two words: "gua" - scrape in one direction, "sha" - bad. The whole process is carried out with an oval or horn-shaped scraper. Scrapers made of jade and buffalo horns are suitable for the face. For the body, in addition to them, scrapers made of tortoise shell, porcelain spoons and silver combs are used.

Provides three types of impact: fast with strong pressure, slow with weak pressure and slow with strong pressure. First, a special mixture of safflower and sesame oils is applied to the skin. This mixture has high moisturizing and antitoxic properties. In addition, it does not leave greasy and sticky marks on the body.

Gouache massage is characterized by peculiar manifestations on the skin. At first, the massaged areas turn very red and a burning sensation is not ruled out. Then, in those places where the pathological process is localized, dark spots appear, almost black. Namely, this is how the “waste” of the process containing a significant amount of lactic acid is collected. With running processes, pain may appear in places of hemorrhage, which disappears immediately after the cessation of exposure. During the massage, it is necessary to get rid of the released toxins in time. To this end, massaged areas of the body are cleaned and rubbed.

The procedure time is about 20 minutes. Each subsequent session must be carried out immediately after the resorption of hematomas from the previous massage, i.e. 1-2 times a week.

Guasha massage is a powerful physical effect on the body. It is not surprising that immediately after it the patient experiences severe fatigue, need for rest and thirst. On this day, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of warm water. This will contribute not only to the restoration of the body's water balance, but also to the rapid elimination of toxins.

The healing process, most often, occurs through an exacerbation of the disease. this is considered a good indicator of cure. By the end of the course, the patient's condition improves and a lasting therapeutic effect occurs, which, preferably, should be reinforced with an annual massage. The recommended number of treatment sessions is 10-20.

Guasha massage has a strong therapeutic effect by removing stagnation and inflammation, increasing blood and lymph flow, and improving the drainage functions of organs.

Experts recommend it for osteochondrosis, cholecystitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs and small pelvis. Neurologists note in patients who have undergone a course of massage, the removal of anxiety symptoms, improved sleep and appetite.

The perfect combination of ease of execution and effectiveness popularizes gua sha massage. Reviews of patients who have recovered from acute and chronic diseases speak of the power of the ancient Chinese procedure.

Contraindications are: infectious and allergic skin diseases, skin injuries, pregnancy, high blood pressure at the time of the procedure, reduced kidney function.

Even though gua sha massage has been known for centuries, it is still very new and foreign to many people. This traditional form of Chinese massage is also called scraping massage, as it is performed with special scrapers made of various materials.

In recent years, interest in it has begun to grow in many Western countries, and many people have already seen for themselves about its benefits.

The name itself translates as "cleanse, scrape off all the bad." It is characterized by slow movements with light pressure on the massaged area.

According to traditional Chinese-oriental medicine, our internal meridians are located on the back. Carrying out a back massage with the help of plates, a redistribution of energy occurs: it is transferred to where it is needed and balanced where it is accumulated.

After the session, the skin first becomes red and burns a little. Bruising may appear. But they are practically painless. Chinese experts believe that it is through these lesions on the skin that toxins are released and the body is cleansed. They pass in 2-3 days.

By the color of bruises, oriental masters can determine which organs are not working properly and improve their functioning.

What is useful for back gouache

People suffering from back and neck pain can finally feel relief after visiting a few sessions of this type of Chinese massage.

It is popular to this day not only in China, but also in many Asian countries as one of the effective methods of treating a number of diseases.

Quite often, back pain is associated with muscle strain or sprains. It can occur for a variety of reasons, including heavy lifting, being overweight, or poor posture, even from an uncomfortable sleeping position.

Sometimes strain or sprain causes immediate back pain. In other cases, soreness and stiffness may occur hours or days later.

Spasm may occur in damaged muscles as a protective reaction to the restriction of mobility in this area. As they sometimes say, "jammed back."

The effect of guasha is due to the improvement of blood circulation where it used to be stagnant.

During massage, stagnant blood in damaged tissues will begin to be diluted with new blood, which will go through the capillaries and further throughout the body. As blood flow improves, the pain will subside and mobility will be restored.

It promotes:

Improving lymph circulation;

Increases oxygen delivery to tissue cells;

Helps with spinal problems;

Improves joint flexibility;

Reduces pain syndrome;

Removes puffiness and spasms;

Helps with various inflammations in the pelvic organs;

Improves well-being.

Gouache massage is indicated for:

Chronic back pain;

Injuries and pain in the shoulders;



Headaches caused by tension in the neck;

muscle spasms;




Postoperative rehabilitation of knee and hip joints;

Ligament sprain;

For the restoration of muscles and ligaments in athletes.

Back massage can help with:



How to do gua sha back massage

The most common indications for massage therapy are acute or chronic pain.

Before starting the procedure, the skin is lubricated with massage oil. The massage itself begins with light strokes of the hands to warm up the muscles.

For back massage, mainly square scrapers are used, made of polished animal bones and horns, semi-precious stones.

Scrapers with rounded edges are used in an area parallel to the spine.

During the session, the massage therapist can apply one or more scrapers, depending on the massaged area, which he holds at an angle of 45 degrees to the skin surface.

Massage is done gently and smoothly with short, quick movements resembling strokes. Closer to the spine, the scraper pressure is lighter.

Massaging occurs along and across from above and up to the midline. The main goal is to force blood out of the capillaries. The area is massaged until the appearance of sha, i.e. red lines. Then move on to the next area.

If there is no stagnation of blood in this area, then the lines do not appear, and the skin becomes only pink.

The massage therapist can finish the procedure with a Tui-na massage to cleanse and remove stagnant energy.

An experienced professional knows exactly how much pressure to apply in a particular area in order to increase blood circulation in the affected area without causing discomfort.

The red streaks that appear should not be confused with the rupture of capillaries, which occur with shock and bruising. These bands indicate the absence of normal blood flow in the area. The darkest of them serve as an indicator of the nature and severity of poor circulation.

Guasha contributes to its improvement, the movement of old stagnant blood. New blood, rich in oxygen, can again flow throughout the area. Ultimately, this restores the normal filtration process throughout the body.

After the massage, the patient should avoid direct sunlight until the redness has subsided. Otherwise, it can lead to hyperpigmentation.

How many times a week to massage

The first 2-3 sessions should be done once a week.

The following can be done 2 times a week.

As a preventive measure - once a month and only if necessary.

Guasha back massage for children

This type of massage can be done to children from 4 years of age. It is great for treating allergies, flu, coughs, colds. Most children respond quickly and well to it.

For a younger child, it is better to use sweet almond or jojoba oil. For older people - special massage mixtures with essential oils, provided they do not have allergies.

How to give a back massage to children

First, apply a layer of oil to the child's upper back, focusing on the area on both sides of the spine between the spine and shoulder blade.

Using firm but gentle pressure, run the edge of the scraper down the fleshy area on one side of the spine until it turns pink.

Then switch to the other side of the spine and repeat.

You can alternately massage on one side and the other until the skin turns red.

The main condition is that the child should be comfortable.

Basic massage rules for children

Apply firm but gentle pressure.

Do not forget to regularly monitor the reaction of the child. If signs of discomfort appear, stop the massage.

Watch your movements and reactions.

Change sides periodically so that only one side does not hurt.

Children are massaged until pink skin appears.

The skepticism of many people towards this massage is the presence of red stripes. Seeing such a picture, they get scared and compare it with medieval torture. But those who have been treated with this type of massage note the high effectiveness of the procedure.

Video how to do gua sha back massage

Part one

Part two

Among the original methods of treatment used by people were stone needles, massage, hot compresses and Guasha.
The earliest source that mentions Guasha method, is the "Huang Di Nei Jing" (Yellow Emperor's Canon of the Inner), a fundamental treatise of traditional Chinese medicine, which is more than two thousand years old.
Much more mention of Gouache contained in the works on medicine of the Yuan (1271-1368) and Ming (1368-1644) eras.
In the writings of Chinese traditional medicine, this method is also called "Xia lue" (夏掠).
By the time of the Qing era (1644-1911), the descriptions regarding Guasha become more detailed.
For example, Guo Zhisui in the book “Jasper Balancer for Serious Diseases” (Sha zhang yu heng) / 1674 / writes: “When using Gua Sha, measles rashes on the entire spine from the bones of the neck, on the chest, shoulders, are scraped off with a copper coin moistened with fragrant oil , or the base of a female hair comb; on the forehead and legs, rashes are scraped out with a silk or hemp bundle of threads soaked in fragrant oil.

In addition, an even more detailed description of the specific purpose and use of Guasha is given: "When rashes on the muscles, it is better to scrape them out, on the blood vessels it is better to refrain from this."

The doctor Wu Shiji (1806-1886) in the treatise “Discourses on Purification in a Parallel Style” (Li lun pian wen) / 1853 / also mentions the use of Guasha: fragrant oil; strengthening the links between the five organs. If you scrape, the harmful principle decreases, the disease itself weakens.

Thus, it is obvious that since ancient times, treatment with Guasha method widely used and the tradition of its use has been preserved to this day.

Basic concepts of Gua Sha technique

TGouache technique Since ancient times, it has been widely used by the Asian population in conjunction with massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, bloodletting and other methods of treatment.

The term "guasha"(Chinese 刮痧; pinyin: guā shā) consists of two characters.

"Gua"- a verb that has a number of meanings:

1) scrape, scrape, scrape

2) scratch, scrape, scrape off; those. scrape

3) shave; shave off

4) peel off the skin

5) spread

6) to touch, hook (when moving); rub

7) comb your hair

8) blow, winnow (about the wind).

"Sha"- noun meaning

1) Chinese medical terminology - cholera

2) the popular name for a number of infectious diseases.

Literally, the term "guasha" means "fever cleansing", in a looser interpretation - "treatment of diseases by scraping the skin to redness (Sha)".

BUT "Sha"- this is the substance of the disease, which comes out in the process of treatment on the surface of the skin in the form of specific reddish dots or spots - petechiae.

In Vietnam, this technique is called "gau yo", in a free interpretation - "choose (scrape) the wind."

In the canon "Su wen" (Questions about the simplest) of the treatise "Huangdi nei jing" it says: "The wind is the head of a hundred diseases."

The wind is the main external pathogenic factor, while other pathogenic factors very often penetrate the body along with the wind, causing sha-syndromes.

Sha syndromes caused by wind (风 feng), cold (寒 han), dampness (湿 shi) lead to blockage of the meridians, which manifests itself in the form of chills, fever, pain and bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tension and numbness in the limbs, etc.

The Gouache technique is also known in Laos as "hud lam", in Cambodia as "kos khyol", in Indonesia as "kerik" or "kerokan".

What is the oldest method of Guasha from modern views?

At first glance, Guasha is positioned as an instrumental massage.

But in the process of studying and practical application of the Guasha therapy method, new facets of understanding, practical significance and applied effectiveness of this method are opened.

Guasha therapy is a therapeutic and prophylactic method, unique in its effect.

The selection of zones of influence is determined according to the etiology of the disease and is determined by the basic concepts of Chinese medicine about the relationship between dense and hollow visceral organs.

The impact zones topographically coincide with the system of channels and collaterals (for more details, see G. Luvsan, 1986; M. Porkert, 1982).

In the process of performing Gua Sha manipulations, a pronounced hyperemia is formed on the patient's skin, or extravasates are formed in the subcutaneous layer - a characteristic cutaneous-vascular reaction to exposure, in areas of pathologically altered tissues, which manifests itself in the form of red, blue-dark, purple-bluish-violet spots with large and small dotted petechiae.

Extractable, rich in protein and cells of hematogenous and histogenic nature, the fluid that oozes from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation is called exudate.

The biological meaning of exudation lies in the fact that together with the exudate, immunoglobulins, active complement components, plasma enzymes, and other biologically active substances are released into the altered tissue, which are released by activated blood cells.

Entering the focus of inflammation, they, together with tissue mediators, provide activation of the pathogenic agent, thereby stimulating tissue immunity and providing subsequent tissue repair.

Together with the reflex effect, the processes of autohemotherapy and detoxification of the body are launched.

There is an intensive and effective binding and removal from the body of many toxic compounds of various chemical nature and metabolites.

This stimulates the nonspecific immunological reactivity of the body (G.I. Kostina, 2006)

Often, by people who are not familiar with the technique, extravasation that occurs when exposed to Guasha is mistaken for a hematoma.

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the tissue cavity, which occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall, that is, rupture of blood vessels.

Extravasates also occur on the skin or mucous membranes as a result of the smallest capillary hemorrhages, which are the result of a change in the permeability of the vascular wall, and not a violation of its integrity.

Guasha therapy, in essence, is a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, bloodletting and massage procedures.

The practical significance and therapeutic efficacy of this method is confirmed by a number of articles and publications:

  • Positive dynamics in diseases of the musculoskeletal system with various vertebrogenic lesions (Boreichenko, I.V., 2004);
  • Positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of cervical spondylosis (Gou X, 1995; Wu FL, 1996);
  • Beneficial effects on the spine in herniated disc (Wang ZG, Tao Y, Wu NT, 2004);
  • High efficacy compared to acupuncture (Li J, Li GZ, 1996; Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008); Analgesic effect in fibromyalgia (Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008);
  • Positive dynamics in chronic neck pain (Braun M, Schwickert M, Nielsen A et al., 2011), etc.

Theoretical aspects of the application of the method of Guasha therapy

The Gouache therapy method involves the use of a special plate made of various materials: Asian water buffalo horns, semi-precious stones, tortoise shell, rattan, shells, porcelain and metal, which is used to treat certain anatomical areas of the body for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The surface of the skin is disinfected.

A thin layer of oil is applied to the patient's skin, which has a complex, multicomponent composition (Chinese angelica; cassia; Chinese cinnamon; camphor oil, etc.), which has a therapeutic effect due to diffusion, and manipulations are performed in certain areas using a Guasha plate.

Processing of affected areas by Guasha therapy has a certain specificity.

Guasha therapy includes three main methods of exposure:

Se-gua - fast movements, with strong pressure (scattering method);

Bu-gua - slowly with weak pressure (stimulation method);

Pin-bu, pin-se - slowly with strong pressure (harmonization method).

Orientation of movements: from top to bottom, from the center to the periphery.

First, the head and back are processed, then the abdomen and limbs.

The angle of inclination of the Guasha plate, the applied force, the duration of exposure depends on the syndrome and severity of the disease.

The guasha plate repeatedly covers the area of ​​the used acupuncture point, capturing nearby tissues. The therapeutic effect is not diminished.

With possible allergic reactions to the components of the oil, it can be replaced with wine, water infusion or water.

One of the main criteria during a Guasha session is the need to keep the body warm, due to the need to prolong the effect of enhancing hemomicrocirculation and drainage of harmful substances of endogenous and other origin.

In this connection, among other things, it is shown to drink plenty of fluids after Guasha therapy.

Scraping plates can be disinfected, washed with soap and water, and then wiped dry with a towel. Their surface can also be wiped with alcohol.

The duration of the Guasha treatment session is 25-30 minutes.

Guasha therapy is prescribed in the amount of five to ten sessions per course, depending on the indications.

Sessions are repeated as petechiae "Sha" disappear.

It can also be performed as a preventive procedure twice a year.

Indications for Gua Sha therapy are:

1. Violation of the trophism and functions of the peripheral nerve trunks: sciatica, intercostal neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuralgia, as well as spasm and paralysis of the facial nerve, neurodermatitis, etc.

2. Diseases of the central nervous system: neurosis, neurasthenia, epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

3. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system: bruises of the joints and soft tissues, damage to the ligaments and tendons, tunnel symptoms, desmogenic contractures of the joints, periarthritis of the shoulder, aseptic bursitis and tendovaginitis, contusion of the chest, abdomen, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, senile cervical spondylopathy, shoulder periarthritis, etc.

4. Arrhythmias, heart disease, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia.

5. Thromboangiitis obliterans, atherosclerosis, consequences of a stroke.

6. Colds, rhinitis, tracheitis, asthma, rehabilitation after pneumonia or bronchitis.

7. Acute and chronic nonspecific gastroenteritis, reflux esophagitis, dyspeptic disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystopancreatitis, gastric prolapse, intestinal adhesive disease, constipation, diarrhea.

8. Urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, enuresis, anuresis, etc.

9. Algomenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine prolapse, inflammation of the pelvic cavity, climacteric syndrome, mastopathy, etc.

Guasha therapy can be used to improve the patient's condition:

With edema

muscle spasms

Insufficient joint mobility

Insufficient blood supply or lymph flow

Inflammatory processes in tissues

Decreased functional activity of organs and systems of the body

Contraindications for Gua Sha therapy are:

1. Tendency to bleeding caused by diseases of the blood or microvascular bed (thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, acute anemia of various origins).

2. Exacerbations of chronic somatic diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism).

3. Serious infectious diseases (severe hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.; infectious diseases during hyperthermia).

4. Women during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation in the lumbosacral region and in the region of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as in the region of the mammary glands.

5. With pustular skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes in the acute stage.

6. Children in the head, neck, spine.

7. In debilitated chronic patients of elderly and senile age.

8. People with mental illness, alcohol or drug intoxication.

  • Avoid scraping birthmarks, tumors, surgical scars, etc.
  • Do not scrape the area of ​​​​the eyes, auricles, nostrils, tongue, mouth and lips, the external opening of the urethra and anus, the navel, etc.
  • You should refrain from conducting a session when you feel hungry, oversatiated, thirsty, very tired, in order to avoid dizziness or fainting.

In case of fainting, it is necessary to lay the patient on his back with raised legs, unfasten tight clothes, and provide an influx of fresh cool air.

We provide peace and control of the condition of the victim.


At present, the wide geographical distribution of the therapeutic and prophylactic Guasha method speaks of its popularity and is based on the therapeutic effectiveness of this method.

Guasha therapy compares favorably with other methods of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, moxo therapy, etc.) by its relative ease of implementation, which makes it accessible for mastering and widespread use by Russian specialists.

Guasha therapy, in essence, is a complex effect on the body, consisting of a non-invasive acupuncture effect on the skin, and it is the result of a variety of effects of acupuncture-zonal exposure (for more details, see Vogralik V. G., 1961; Vogralik V. G. ., Vogralik M. V., 1978; Tykochinskaya E. D., 1979; Tabeeva D. M., 1982; Luvsan G., 1986; Chang H., 1979; Richter K., 1983; Heine H., 1988) and the totality of the effects of the procedure of bloodletting and massage.

The obtained results of the research give grounds to recommend the use of the Guasha therapy method with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose for use in sports and rehabilitation practices.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the method of Guasha therapy requires further scientific and practical study.

Boreichenko I.V.

Employee of the Research Laboratory of Biomechanics and Kinesiology

Surgut State University of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, rehabilitation specialist.

St. Petersburg.

All over the world, the fashion for everything oriental has gained great popularity, this also applies to the Guasha technique, which, like well, is considered the oldest type of massage. This technique has never been a secret, moreover, it is the most democratic of all the variety of types of effects on the skin of the face. Previously, in China, each village had a master who skillfully owned this technique.

Let's take a closer look at what is the peculiarity of such as Gua Sha massage for the face.

Guasha procedure: what is the principle?

Gouache massage of the face - getting rid of skin defects or diseases with the help of scrapers or special plates

If you look in more detail, the word Guasha consists of two Chinese characters, "gua" - scrape, scraping movements directed in one direction and "sha" - a disease, a painful condition. Thus, Guasha is getting rid of the disease with the help of scrapers or special plates.

During the massage, reflexogenic zones are processed, which are located on the face or body. If we imagine the principle of Guasha scraping massage in a more simplified way, then this is an effective way to eliminate foci of stagnation in tissues that form in the human body during various failures and disorders.

Thanks to this effect, Guasha massage eliminates not only the very consequence of the disease, but also the cause that caused it.

Types of Chinese massage

Cosmetic massage - elimination of various diseases of the face, as well as cosmetic defects on the face and body

According to Chinese teachings, most of the diseases are formed due to the influence of external factors: heat and cold, wind or dampness. In this case, most often they penetrate the human body through the skin.

Therefore, the removal of the symptoms of the disease itself and getting rid of it will also be most effective through the skin, and scraping massage works on this task.

Beauty salons now offer customers three variations of Guasha:
1. Cosmetic, its focus: the elimination of various, as well as cosmetic defects on the face and body.
2. Preventive: the purpose of its implementation is the prevention of various diseases to which a person is predisposed.
3. Treatment and diagnostic: performed to identify diseases that already exist in humans, as well as to select methods for their treatment.

You can learn more about other types of facial massage, for example,.

Mastering the massage technique is quite easy. Having a sufficient level of knowledge about the Gua Sha procedure, it can be performed independently at home.

Gua Sha Massage Scrapers

For Chinese massage, special scrapers are used, which have a variety of shapes: they can be either flat plates or ordinary spoons, but only without thin sharp edges. The plate may have a rounded convex edge of varying degrees of curvature, several protrusions or teeth. The most important thing is that the scraper does not have sharp edges that can injure the skin during exposure.

For Chinese massage, special scrapers are used, which have a variety of shapes.

We describe the most famous types of scrapers:
fish scrapers - used for facial massage;
comb-shaped scrapers - convenient for head massage;
triangular-shaped scrapers - used for massaging the limbs and neck;
square scrapers - most suitable for back massage;
universal scrapers - suitable for full body massage.

Also in the final part of the Guasha massage, spoons are used, which have a stronger effect than flat plates. Scrapers can be made of stone: jade, agate, jasper, bian stone. In their manufacture, animal horns, metal (brass, copper), plastic can be used.

In China, back in ancient times, it was the coin that was used in the treatment or self-treatment of Guasha. More affluent or inventive people made a scraper from various improvised materials, which could be stones (onyx or jade), from the bones of livestock. Massage plates were also made from tortoise shell.

In the photo: features of working with parts of the scraper, depending on the part of the face

At home, various improvised means can be used as scrapers: coins (copper is best), jar lids, ceramic mugs.

Basic techniques of Chinese Gua Sha facial massage

Methods have a wonderful effect on the face - thirty-six movements, the magic of youth, bewitching eyes. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Massage "36 movements" can be prescribed for anyone, but most often recommended for dry, dull, yellowish, without natural shine. Thanks to the procedure, the metabolic processes in the skin are affected, the epidermis is filled with nutrients and oxygen, the skin cells are activated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the aging process is slowed down. Massage for wellness care: 4 sessions (1 time per week); for intensive care, 12 massage sessions are required (1 session in 4 days).
2. After course "Magic of Youth" you will look 5-10 years younger. Massage helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté, smooth mimic wrinkles, moisturize and nourish skin cells. Massage creates an excellent lifting effect. The wellness massage course is designed for 4 sessions (1 time per week); intensive care course - 12 sessions (1 time in 4 days)
3.Massage "Charming eyes" recommended, which is often prone to various problems (excessive dryness, fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes). This care makes it possible to moisturize and soften the skin around the eyes, tighten it, smooth out wrinkles. Recommended number of sessions for regular wellness care: 4 sessions (1 time per week), for intensive care: 12 sessions (1 session every four days)

Knowledge of the characteristics of the human body and the acupuncture points located on the face have become fundamental to the movements of professional massage therapists.

Guasha massage for the face: what are the features?

Each Guasha massage lasts 60 minutes, but the effectiveness of its application becomes immediately visible.

This massage has its own characteristics, secrets and benefits:
unlike conventional cosmetic massage, it differs in the depth of impact;
the procedure is carried out with special plates;
during the Guasha massage, biologically active points of all meridians of the body are involved, which allows to achieve a healing effect;
lymphatic drainage occurs, purification from toxins, pollution, metabolic processes improve;
after the massage, the skin will naturally regenerate

There are 8 meridians in the face area, massage is carried out exactly along them, this makes it possible to stimulate various biologically active points on the skin surface. Thanks to this, microcirculation of the skin improves, it makes it possible to fill it with oxygen and various nutrients, which leads to cell regeneration.

Facial Gua Sha massage helps to cleanse the skin and improve its condition. The procedure leads to skin whitening, smoothing of wrinkles, and. Due to the special massage technique, the smooth surface of the scrapers and the means through which the effect on the skin passes, the skin does not move and does not stretch during the procedure. During massage, all tissues and layers are processed, therefore, it is recommended even for the elderly. What kind of skin care is needed after 40 years, you will find out by reading.

Facial massage technique

There are 8 meridians in the face area, the massage is carried out exactly along them, this makes it possible to stimulate various biologically active points on the surface of the skin

A milk or oily cream is applied to a cleansed face so that the fingers can glide well over the skin.

During the procedure, you need to sit straight, fingers and palms should first be rubbed so that you feel warm.

Each exercise is performed 10 times, calmly and measuredly:
put your palms on your face and blink, while you should perform rotational movements with your eyes;
close both eyes with the bases of the palm, slightly pressing on the eyeballs, the pressure must be maintained for 10 seconds, then pause and repeat;
at the inner corners of the eyes (near the bridge of the nose), put your thumbs, press lightly, apply pressure for 5 seconds, then pause and repeat again;
pat on the cheeks with fingertips, while the force of pats must be alternated, then weakened, then strengthened;
push the chin forward, try to cover the upper lip with the lower lip. Then you need to press the jaw area under the chin, massaging it with the fingers of both hands
ear massage: it is carried out with middle fingers from the tragus to the earlobe

Chinese facial massage is a fairly popular procedure in cosmetology, due to its painlessness and safety. Cosmetologists and masseurs convince that this procedure can “steal” 5-10 years from you. To do this, you just need to go through the entire course of prescribed procedures and become young and attractive.

Frequently asked Questions

Marina, 20 years old
Tell me, can I do this massage myself?

Expert answer:
Good afternoon, Marina. Training in Guasha massage is possible, but in order to understand and study the centuries-old Chinese wisdom, it will take a lot of time. In addition, you will need a very experienced mentor for this, otherwise you will not see any benefit from the procedure.

Yana, 30 years old
Tell me, are there any contraindications for Gua Sha facial massage?

Expert answer:
Hello Yana. Like any facial procedure, massage has its own contraindications: infectious skin diseases, wounds or other damage to the skin of the face.

Chinese Guasha massage is little known in our country, but interest in the original oriental technique and the number of followers is growing every year. In the article you will get acquainted with the intricacies of performing Chinese massage, learn about the indications and contraindications for use.

Chinese traditional medicine is unique and original. Its main principle is not only in treatment, but also in the desire, with the help of a unique technique, to put into operation the reserve forces of the human body itself.

Gua Sha massage is one of a kind, translated means “scrape off the bad”. Initially, a coin was used as a tool for scraping, and anyone could do a massage without special training and skills.

The whole technique of execution consists in the directed movements of the plates along the reflex points. If we rub two solid bodies against each other, heat is released - this is known from a physics textbook. When rubbing the upper layers of the epidermis, blood and lymph circulation increases, metabolic processes in the body are launched.

The method was loved for its accessibility and simplicity. In China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Gua Sha massage has become a common procedure for colds, but its possibilities are much wider, it all depends on the goal.

There are three types of Gua Sha massage:

  1. Preventive, to prevent diseases such as the common cold. It is good to do massage in the autumn-winter period before the flu and SARS epidemic.
  2. Cosmetic massage for the purpose of healing the skin, getting rid of wrinkles, age spots and excess weight.
  3. Therapeutic massage is the fight against diseases and their diagnosis by the “sha” spots that appear after the session.

For home Guasha massage you need: a scraper, hands, desire and ability to perform the exercises correctly. In beauty salons, depending on the time spent on guasha massage, the price starts from 1000 rubles.

Guasha Massage Scraper

Initially, massage was done with the edge of a coin, now a wide variety of scrapers are used for this procedure. The shape, degree of curvature and the number of teeth of the scraper have no definite boundaries, the main thing is that it exerts the necessary pressure on the body, does not have sharp edges and does not scratch the skin.

Scraper (plate) - an indispensable tool for massage is selected carefully. It should be comfortable, beautiful, working with it should bring pleasure to the master and the client. A tool for performing Guasha massage is made from various materials:

  • stone (jade, agate, shungite are most often used)
  • buffalo horn or bone
  • tortoise shell, shell
  • sandalwood
  • metal (copper, silver)

Professional massage therapists often order handmade scrapers, choosing the material based on their personal horoscope, zodiac signs and spiritual kinship.

The shape of the plate can be the most diverse:

  • rectangular - for the body
  • fish and drops - for the face and neck
  • combs - for head massage
  • triangular paws - for limbs
  • spoons - for the final stage of the session.

You can buy a scraper for Guasha massage in specialized salons and online stores that sell a variety of tools and oils needed for massage sessions. Most often, lovers of oriental traditional medicine perform a massage with Guasha (byanyshi) stone - a type of jade. The price of a jade scraper starts from 800 rubles, if you choose a tool from a buffalo horn, then around 400 rubles.

Guasha massage oil

Initially, coconut or olive oil was used to better glide the scraper over the body, now various components with a disinfectant and aromatic effect are added to it. Oil for Guasha helps to open the pores of the skin, prevents the penetration of bacteria and infections, and has an analgesic effect. Online stores offer:

  • aromatic oil for body massage
  • moisturizing, anti-wrinkle face massage oil
  • oil that moisturizes the skin after the session

The composition of cosmetics includes a combination of oils and natural ingredients that have been purified and processed.

Exotic Gua Sha massage: technique

Gouache massage is desirable to take place 1-2 times a year, 5-6 sessions are enough with a break of several days.

The main rule for performing Guasha massage:

  • the scraper movement lines should go from the center to the sides and from top to bottom
  • making a massage of the limbs, the vector of the movement of the scraper is directed to the toes
  • back massage - with the direction of the scraper from the spine to the periphery
  • we start abdominal massage from the visual line - the meridian with the center where the navel is located - to the sides to the sides

The scraper is placed at different angles to the body surface:

  • The first scraping method is called "gua", the plate is placed at an angle of 30-45 °

  • The second method of “tui” is to push, we make intermittent pushing movements with a scraper, gradually moving it along the surface of the body. In one place, we repeat the movements 5-7 times, holding the scraper almost parallel to the body.

  • The third method of "mo" is ironing. Gentle movements without strong pressure are used for cosmetic Gua Sha massage of the neck and face. In some cases, such a massage lasts an hour and a half.

  • The fourth “tribute” method is point pressure on a certain place at a scraper angle of 90 °

  • The fifth method of "sha" is knocking out the disease by tapping the movement of the scraper.

There are many schools of training in Guasha massage. There are conservative ones, where teachers adhere to the classical canons of the direction of the movement of the plate from top to bottom. Modern centers and solitary followers often offer individual treatment and diagnostic regimens.

Sha spots: what do they indicate?

After a session of Guasha massage, drawings from hemorrhages appear on the body, they are called “sha” spots. Each client's bruises differ in color intensity and area occupied.

They resemble the spots that appear with vacuum therapy, these two methods are often combined to achieve a greater effect. Specialists investigated what microhemorrhages are and established the presence of:

  • blood cells
  • blood plasma
  • biologically active substances, enzymes, hormones

All of them have a stimulating effect and the body itself begins to fight diseases, this process is called autohemotherapy. As long as spots are visible on the body, the process of self-healing continues at the expense of the internal resources of the body. After a few days, the “sha” spots practically disappear, you can again continue the sessions of wellness massage.

In addition to beneficial substances of a stimulating effect, harmful compounds exit the body through the “sha” spots. Where there are bruises, there is a diseased organ. After 5-7 sessions, blood spots cease to appear on the body after the next massage, or they become almost invisible.

Already after the first sessions of Guasha massage, people's reviews are positive. At the end of the course, they feel a surge of energy, their mood and well-being improve.

Gua Sha back massage

The duration of Guasha massage of the whole body is more than an hour, and the duration of the back massage depends on the area of ​​the treated area, on average 20-30 minutes. Massage on the reflex zones of the spine improves blood circulation in the affected area, removes pain symptoms, relieves muscle spasm.

Back Gua Sha massage technique:

  • We distribute the oil evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back with smoothing movements.
  • We grope for the cervical vertebra and with the angle of the scraper begin to process the spine in small segments (7-10 cm) up to the coccyx.
  • We choose the pressure and speed of the scraper ourselves.
  • We repeat the movements on each segment an average of 8 times.
  • We step back from the spine and draw two strips parallel to it on each side with the edge of the scraper and start moving from them to the sides. Speed ​​and pressure do not change.
  • We feel for the areas between the ribs and the sharp angle of the scraper from the spine along all intercostal spaces 5-6 times.
  • The final exercise - with a wide edge of the scraper, we draw from the spine to the sides along the entire back, along the shoulder blades, passing the armpits.

Those who have mastered the wisdom of Guasha massage well can use two scrapers at once and massage two zones at the same time.

Gua Sha massage of the abdomen

We know how quickly extra pounds are deposited on the stomach, this is facilitated by the “office worker syndrome” common in modern society, when you sit at the table all day without movement and physical exertion. Gouache massage will help to remove wrinkles on the stomach and waist. It is also advised to women who have stretch marks after childbirth, and the abdominal muscles have not acquired their former shape.

  • It is better to do Guasha massage in the morning after drinking a cup of tea and eating a light breakfast. If you decide to have a session after lunch, then wait a couple of hours after eating.
  • The bladder, rectum must be empty before the start of the session, abdominal massage improves the functioning of the intestines and bladder.
  • We start the session from the central meridian, which divides the body into left and right sides
  • First, scraping movements are made with a plate below the navel from top to bottom, affecting the zones associated with the genitourinary system.
  • Then - above the navel from top to bottom, affecting the zones of the digestive system, without touching the navel.
  • Slightly stepping back from the meridian, we make scraping movements from top to bottom to the sides above and below the navel.

After the session, weakness and fatigue may occur, so the procedure is best done in your free time so that you can relax. Two days after the session, you need to drink only warm water in large quantities to enhance metabolic processes and the release of toxins from the body.

Refrain from sessions during menstruation, pregnancy and 5 months after the birth of a child.

Gua Sha Facial Massage

Our face, like in a mirror, reflects health problems, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and age-related changes in the form of a network of wrinkles, sagging face oval and dry skin. Guasha facial massage is performed for cosmetic purposes, it is called rejuvenating.

  • Movements of low intensity, gentle, without strong pressure.
  • On the face, apply nourishing Gua Sha oil or moisturizer, or milk. Some masters prefer to massage on a clean face without any cosmetics.
  • We divide the forehead into two parts and begin smoothing movements from the center to the temples 7-10 times along lines parallel to the eyebrows.
  • We lower the scraper below and begin to scrape from the wings of the nose to the temples - 1-2 times on each side of the face.
  • From the corners of the lips and chin, we make movements with a scraper to the temple 20 times, on one side and the other. You can repeat 2-3 times.
  • We draw the edge of the scraper from the nose to the upper lip several times.
  • From the lower lip to the chin, and down to the clavicular fossa.

At the end of the session, you can apply a nourishing cream to your face. Guasha massage improves elasticity and improves skin color, removes pigmentation and acne.

The benefits of Guasha massage and contraindications

Guasha massage is used to treat diseases associated with dysfunction of muscle tissue, skeleton and internal organs.

Guasha massage application:

  • headache relief for chronic migraine
  • in diseases of the joints, reduces swelling and improves their movement in the articular bag
  • with colds and respiratory diseases: temperature decreases, cough, wheezing and shortness of breath decrease
  • with cholecystitis, spasm is relieved, pain decreases
  • massage of the lower abdomen normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, removes adhesions, treats women's diseases and restores reproductive function
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal motility
  • blood pressure normalizes, heart rate returns, shortness of breath disappears
  • after a session, a person sleeps better, his appetite is restored, his mood improves
  • the skin is cleansed of acne, age spots and age spots, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin color improves.

Contraindications for Gua Sha massage:

  • wounds, injuries, allergies and skin infections
  • non-united bone fractures
  • hypertension and blood clotting problems
  • large varicose veins
  • postoperative period
  • women during pregnancy and lactation
  • oncology
  • mental illness on the background of exacerbation

Massage can be done independently at home, without resorting to specialists for help. Gouache massage: photos and training videos can be found on the Internet.

If you are tired, the body is subjected to physical and emotional stress, you need rest, Guasha massage will come to the rescue. Who cares about their health - head to the East, because the average life expectancy of the Chinese is 80 years. To treat diseases and relieve nervous tension, they turn to traditional medicine, choosing the Chinese Gua Sha massage, proven by many generations.

Video: "Chinese Guasha Massage"