Yakhroma Agrarian College group in classmates. Heroes of the Yakhroma floodplain

Here are my author's articles about lawlessness in domestic agriculture, theft of agricultural land, bureaucratic bribes, infringement of the rights of villagers, the transformation of estate complexes into amusing establishments and much more. Draw your own conclusions.

IGOR NECHAYEV - editor-in-chief of Derevenka

“55 years is only the beginning…” Valentina Sharova, consultant of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Moscow Region, congratulated the staff of the Yakhroma Agrarian College at the anniversary evening with such hackneyed mean words. Please note that it was not the minister or his deputy who congratulated the people, but an ordinary consultant. Many people sitting in the hall perceived these words of the consultant differently ...

From the very beginning, things went wrong at this anniversary party. It seems that everything was done in accordance with the regulations: the guests are greeted with laid tables with sandwiches and hot tea. At the entrance - friendly girls-students. Director Sergei Amusov, head of the Sinkovskoye rural settlement Nikolai Zubov, head of the Dmitrovsky agricultural department Valery Sarbash are looking forward to the arrival of the head of the district Valery Gavrilov in the lobby of the Yakhroma College. And here he is. The whole retinue hastily passes into the hall. It's almost full. Most of the guests are elderly people, veterans of production, who have devoted their entire working lives to the state farm. But still something is wrong...
A dry male voice greets the workers of Yakhrovsky and congratulates them on their 55th anniversary. As it turned out later, the voice was recorded and turned on at the right time. The festive evening was divided into only two blocks - congratulations on the awards ceremony and performances by non-professional artists - college employees, and the same ones. In general, the cost optimization for the concert is evident. From poems in honor of the employees of the enterprise, the artists switched to ditties. The director of the college Sergei Amusov was the first to congratulate the team. According to him, today the achievements of this unique educational and industrial institution are much more modest than in the Soviet years. Three main specialties have been reduced: "Agronomy", "Zootechny", "Hydroreclamation". The production areas on the Yakhroma floodplain have decreased. The greenhouse complex was liquidated. The number of students decreased from two thousand to 360. A competent leader, Sergey Amusov devoted many years to the Yakhroma floodplain, worked as an agronomist and director of Kulikovo CJSC. But when he was appointed director of the Yakhroma College, he did not immediately understand how this educational and industrial institution still exists. In order for the reader to understand what is at stake here, it is necessary to recall the history of the college.

In 1958, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, a new type of secondary specialized agricultural educational institution was created in the village of Novo-Sinkovo, in which future specialists received powerful theoretical training combined with practical skills. The idea was simply brilliant - students directly from the classrooms got into the laboratories, sat down at the levers of the tractors, connected machine milking machines to the cows. Ivan Shcherbakov was appointed the first director of the Yakhroma state farm. In 1964, the state farm was transformed into the Yakhroma state farm technical school. Since 1964, this unique educational institution has trained mid-level personnel for agricultural production in four specialties: Agronomy, Zootechnics, Agricultural Mechanization, and Hydromelioration. At that time, about 2,000 students from all the republics of the Soviet Union studied annually in Yakhroma. Every year the technical school graduated 450 specialists. The state farm-technical school owned 3800 hectares of agricultural land, including 2940 hectares of arable land, the number of cattle was 2240 heads. The profit of the state farm annually amounted to more than 2 million rubles. Of these, 15% were deducted for educational work, improvement of hostels, equipping laboratories, amateur art activities. The yield of vegetable crops beat all records then. The average yield of vegetables was 600 centners per hectare, potatoes - 300 centners per hectare, grain crops - 49 centners per hectare. The milk yield per forage cow was over 4400 kg. The farm annually supplied more than 34,000 tons of vegetables, 7,000 tons of potatoes and 5,000 tons of milk. Together with the state farm-technical school, the village of Novo-Sinkovo ​​also grew. In a short time, residential buildings, dormitories, a school, a children's factory, a palace of culture with club and sports complexes, a building for practical training of mechanics and electricians were built here. The technical school had a powerful material and technical base: in classrooms and laboratories equipped with modern equipment, students studied the basics of theoretical knowledge in agronomy and zootechnics. Field and vegetable growing workshops, buildings of a greenhouse complex, workshops, vegetable stores, and livestock farms served as a practical training base for consolidating the material. In 1967, 33 classrooms and laboratories were organized at the technical school. The staff of the enterprise consisted of 120 teachers and 25 laboratory assistants. For the period from 1964 to 2008. more than 15 thousand specialists with secondary specialized education were trained. In January 1996, the Yakhroma state farm technical school was transformed into the state Yakhroma state farm college. Yakhrovsky ceased to receive state subsidies, milk yields decreased, and sown areas decreased. To save the Yakhroma Agrarian College in 2007, the government of the Moscow region decided to transfer the property of the enterprise from federal to regional ownership. Since 2008, the college has opened admission of students in the specialty "Computers, complexes, systems and networks." And in 2013, this specialty was safely closed. The reason is banal - the Ministry of Education of the region, which is in charge of the college today, simply did not give permission for a free enrollment. As a result, only three applicants applied for a paid admission.

The promises of the former governor of the Moscow Region Gromov were never realized - as before, the educational and production parts are inseparable from each other. In Soviet times, this was an ideal system for training personnel for the countryside. The caring state fed the educational and production part with subsidies. And the state farm-technical school itself made good money and did not need anything. All problems began when the 90s came, and subsidies ceased to come from ministries and departments. Production figures dropped below the plinth, debts began to accumulate on the accounts ... In 2013, the college management, due to gas and electricity debts, had to make a bitter decision to liquidate the greenhouse complex. People left the greenhouses with tears in their eyes. In order to somehow survive, part of the land and equipment were leased to neighbors on the floodplain, the Dmitrovskie Vegetables agricultural holding and Kulikovo CJSC. The enterprise cannot take an elementary commercial loan for development, because it is a state institution and is under the jurisdiction of the regional ministry of education.
With such results, the Yakhroma Agrarian College met its 55th anniversary. It is difficult to call this the beginning of the path, rather it is the end. What will happen to the school, time will tell. One thing is clear, there will be no such results as were achieved in Soviet times. This is understood by both production veterans and current employees. The former glory of the enterprise remained within the walls of the state farm museum.

P. S. Strangely, year after year in his messages to parliament, President Putin never mentions support for agriculture. This has been especially noticeable in recent years. Everything speaks about oil and gas production, about arming our army, about housing construction. Probably, the Kremlin has already set all the priorities, and this list did not include the agricultural sector. The reference point is obvious – import. The other day I was talking on the phone with a good friend of mine, farmer Viktor Savelyev. Last year, due to an epidemic of African swine fever, he was forced to destroy his entire livestock (he had 700 pigs). He still had rabbits and sheep on the farm. Now there are no more rabbits...

Valentina Petrovna Zudina

Ivan Andreevich Shcherbakov

Praskovya Fyodorovna Prusova

Vladimir Gavrilovich Surikov

Alexandra Ivanovna Petrova

AI Petrova - delegate of the XXI Congress of the CPSU. Being on a well-deserved rest, he does a lot of public work, heads the Council of Veterans of the Sinkovsky District. A tireless worker cannot sit idle. He speaks to young people, students of schools, colleges. Her name is on the Walk of Fame.

Viktor Petrovich Babarskov

Eduard Abramovich Samvelov

Evgeny Nikolaevich Tsarkov

Viktor Ivanovich Bespalov

Nina Vasilievna Kudryashova

Honorary citizen of the city of Dmitrov.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Nikolaeva

Sofia Semyonovna Pakhomova

Alexey Alekseevich Prusov

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Honored Builder of the RSFSR.

Leonid Ivanovich Pugin

Since 1963, he has been the chief agronomist of the Yakhroma specialized vegetable-potato-growing state farm.

Honored agronomist of the RSFSR.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor.

Valentina Petrovna Zudina

Valentina Petrovna Zudina was born in 1938 in the village. Blagodatka of the Tambov region. After finishing school, she worked on a collective farm. With the beginning of the development of the floodplain and the construction of the village, Valentina Petrovna got a job at the Yakhromsky state farm. First she worked as a nanny, and then as a kindergarten teacher. But still, I did not consider this work "my own". The earth pulled her towards her.

In 1963, she entered the Yakhroma State Farm Technical School to become an agricultural specialist. After graduating, she remained to work at Yakhrovsky as an accountant of the reclamation and plant protection detachment. Then she performed the duties of a hydraulic engineer, showed outstanding organizational skills. In 1968, she was appointed foreman of the vegetable growing brigade of the Sinkovsky department. Gradually and soon, the brigade of Valentina Petrovna Zudina was talked about as one of the best in the household.

For her conscientious work, Valentina Petrovna Zudina was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the October Revolution, the medal "For the Transformation of the Non-Black Earth Region of the RSFSR", gold and two bronze medals of VDNKh, the jubilee medal "To the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin."

And on May 29, 1990, for the high yields of vegetables received by a team of vegetable growers, foreman Valentina Petrovna Zudina was awarded the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The Hero Star and the Order of Lenin in the Kremlin were presented by MS Gorbachev.

Ivan Andreevich Shcherbakov

Ivan Andreevich Shcherbakov was born in 1921 in the village of Iletsk, Sol-Iletsk District, Chkalovsky Region.

Son of a hereditary Cossack. In addition to him, the family had ten more children.

Father - a church warden, chairman of the village council - during the Stalinist repressions was convicted under Article 58.

Eighteen-year-old boy Ivan Shcherbakov entered the first year of the Zooveterinary Institute in Alma-Ata. But the war made its own adjustments. From the third year he was drafted into the army and, as a particularly gifted person, was sent to study at the Moscow Military Veterinary Academy. A year before the end of the war, he successfully completed it and managed to fight as a senior veterinarian.

After demobilization, Shcherbakov worked as the chief veterinarian of a stud farm in the Kursk region. As in a kaleidoscope, his positions changed: head of the zoo veterinary section, head of the district agricultural department, veterinarian of the agricultural department.

In the Dmitrovsky district, Ivan Andreevich - since 1951. He is elected chairman of the collective farm. Lenin. And during the period of organization of a large vegetable-growing state farm "Yakhromsky" is appointed director.

Since 1970, Ivan Andreevich worked as the head of the Dmitrovsky production department of agriculture.

I. A. Shcherbakov was awarded the orders of the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, the Red Star and many medals.

Praskovya Fyodorovna Prusova

In August 1941, the 18-year-old Kulikovo girl Praskovya Prusova became the foreman of the field-breeding brigade. They grew cereals, potatoes, and made hay.

Then the brigade had 5 bulls, 8 horses - that's all the "equipment". But people worked heroically. Girls, women and manure carried, and they themselves plowed, and reaped bread, and threshed grain.

Despite the difficulties, the brigade received good harvests of grain, potatoes, fodder crops. The work of the team was marked by government awards. Many workers and foreman Praskovya Prusova were awarded the medal "For Labor Valor", and in 1947 Praskovya Fedorovna was awarded the first Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Two years later, two specialized potato brigades were created in Kulikovo. And soon Praskovya Fedorovna was offered to head one of them.

At first, not everything went well with the young foreman, there were difficulties. But Praskovya Fyodorovna did not hesitate to consult with specialists, to look into the book.

The work of Praskovia Fedorovna on the vegetable growing front was also marked by government awards. In 1966, she was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Vladimir Gavrilovich Surikov

Born in 1928 in the village of Artemovo, Kalyazinsky District, Tver Region, into a peasant family. In 1953 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. He worked as a machine repair mechanic (1947 - 1954), chief engineer of the meadow reclamation station (1954 - 1960), secretary of the Dmitrovsky Civil Code of the CPSU (1960 - 1963), head of the inter-district department of agriculture (1963 - 1969), from 1970 to 1987 headed Yakhrovsky state farm-technical school, director of the agro-industrial complex (1987 - 1992), general director of the joint-stock company APK "Dmitrovsky". By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 29, 1986, V. G. Surikov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. For a huge contribution to the development of the Yakhroma floodplain in 1988, he was awarded an honorary citizen of the city of Dmitrov. His name is imprinted on the Walk of Fame. Cavalier of two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor.

Alexandra Ivanovna Petrova

Born in 1936 in the village of Marachevskoye, Vologda Oblast.

In 1960 she graduated from the Yegorievsk Agricultural College. She worked as a foreman of the field crop team of the Yakhroma State Farm-Technical School (1960 - 1996). By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 8, 1971, A. I. Petrova was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for achieving high performance in agricultural production.

Viktor Petrovich Babarskov

Viktor Petrovich was born in 1924 in the village of Aleksandrovo, Dmitrovsky District, into a family of peasants. From the age of 15 he worked as a tractor driver in MTS Rogachevo. From 1942 to 1945 - a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Awarded with orders and medals of the Soviet Union. since 1953, V.P. Babarskov has been the director of the district industrial plant in the village of Rogachevo. In 1959, he was appointed director of the Rogachevsky state farm. Since June 1963, V.P. Babarskov was appointed director of the Yakhromsky state farm.

Together with him worked: Deputy. Directors N. M. Monakhov, agronomist M. M. Makarova, economist S. K. Bogdanov, V. S. Maslakov, B. I. Shcherbenok, V. V. Shcherbenok, A. T. Sevostyanova, I. E. Sevostyanov , A. I. Kukushkin, M. E. Petrov, I. G. Goloburdin, E. I. Bochkov, L. I. Pugin and many others.

During the work of V.P. Babarskov, three important events took place: the disaggregation of the economy, the organization of a state farm-technical school, and the introduction of a self-supporting management culture. The indicators of the economy under the leadership of Viktor Petrovich increased sharply. After unbundling, a significant economic effect was obtained. The business has become steadily profitable.

Between 1963 and 1967 25 residential brick houses, an educational building, a kindergarten, a school, and a hospital were built. The farm has been repeatedly awarded for its achievements with diplomas of VDNKh, the passing Red Banner.

And in 1966, Viktor Petrovich Babarskov, for his many years of work and exceptional organizational skills, was awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Eduard Abramovich Samvelov

Eduard Abramovich was the director of the Rogachevsky state farm. Born in 1928 in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR.

After graduating in 1952 from the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazeva Samvelov was a senior livestock specialist at the Breytovsky breeding farm in the Yaroslavl region

Since 1956, E. A. Samvelov has been the chief livestock specialist of the Luch collective farm in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, and then, after the collective farm was reorganized into the Rogachevsky state farm, he works in the same position. Here he did a great and multifaceted work to increase the number of social livestock, increase its productivity.

In July 1963, E. A. Samvelov, as an experienced and skillful organizer, was nominated for the post of director of the Rogachevsky state farm.

In 1964, Samvelov was accepted into the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

For the successes achieved in the development of animal husbandry, the increase in the production and procurement of meat and other livestock products, E. A. Samvelov was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Evgeny Nikolaevich Tsarkov

He did not come to earth immediately. He worked as an electrician in Dubna, as an installer at a construction site, and as a policeman ...

And the land on which he ran as a barefoot boy in the village, to which his father and mother gave the best years of their lives, imperiously called to him. He was loved and spoiled by village tractor drivers, who put KhTZ next to them on the "wing". And how glad this nimble lad was, even for a minute, to feel like a conqueror of the fields! ..

Increasingly, in the family circle, he spoke of an indomitable desire to become a tractor driver.

Eugene decides to enter the Dubna School of Agricultural Mechanization, after which he left to work at the Rogachevsky state farm.

Years passed… Evgeny Nikolaevich became a true master of agriculture. No worse than an agronomist, he knew the agricultural technique of cultivating the "second bread".

In 1965, the chest of the rural craftsman was decorated with the highest awards of the Motherland - the Order of Lenin and the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Alexander Konstantinovich Sarbash

On December 1, 1960, he was admitted to the Yakhroma state farm and sent to the Dubna school of machine operators. After graduation, he began working as a tractor driver in the Sinkovsky department.

Since 1963, he has been actively engaged in the cultivation of vegetables in the ridges. In 1966, he headed the branch for the cultivation of table root crops.

At the end of 1974 a. K. Sarbash is appointed to the position of senior agronomist of the vegetable growing department.

From November 1979, he was appointed head of the closed ground workshop. With his active participation, a greenhouse complex is put into operation.

On October 28, 1983, A.K. Sarbash was transferred to the open ground vegetable growing shop as the head of the shop.

On July 17, 1987, A.K. Sarbash won a landslide victory in the first round of voting for the post of director of the state farm-technical school. The path from the tractor driver to the director turned out to be a quarter of a century long.

For the achieved high indicators in the development of agriculture, A. K. Sarbash was awarded the Order of Lenin, medals "For Labor Distinction", "For the Transformation of the Non-Black Earth Region of the RSFSR". He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. He was repeatedly awarded with medals of VDNKh of the USSR. In the United States, he was awarded the Birmigam Torch international award for surviving in particularly difficult economic conditions.

In 1997, among other leaders, for his contribution to the economic and social development of the region, he was awarded the "Dmitrovsky sprouts" award. And in 2002 he was awarded a special diploma "Dmitrovsky sprouts" for social policy in the economy.

Viktor Ivanovich Bespalov

Graduated from Yegoryevsk Agricultural College, Correspondence Agricultural Institute.

Since 1961, he worked as an agronomist, head of the agronomic department of the Yakhroma state farm-technical school.

Chief agronomist, director of the state farm "Rogachevsky" from 1971 to 1975.

Since 1975 - Deputy Head, Head of the Agro-Industrial Association of the Dmitrovsky District.

In 1986, he was appointed director of the Dmitrovsky state farm.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Nina Vasilievna Kudryashova

Hero of Socialist Labor.

She was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Honorary citizen of the city of Dmitrov.

Since 1944, she worked at the Orudyevsk peat briquette enterprise.

From 1970 to 1978 - First Secretary of the Dmitrovsky Civil Code of the CPSU.

Later - the head of the Moscow regional production department of melioration and water management.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Mochalov

Graduated from the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy with a degree in agronomy.

Since 1952 - Chairman of the Pobeda collective farm.

Since 1959 - director of the state farm "Dmitrovsky".

Honored Worker of Agriculture of the RSFSR.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Nikolaeva

She worked in a field-breeding brigade, on a pig farm in the Pobeda agricultural artel, led a link of field breeders at the Dmitrovsky state farm.

In 1957, Ekaterina Ivanovna was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for great success in the development of animal husbandry. The Gold Star of the Hero and the Order of Lenin were presented to her in the Kremlin by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K. E. Voroshilov.

Sofia Semyonovna Pakhomova

She worked as an agronomist of the state farm "Plamya" (1956 - 1959), chief agronomist of the state farm "Rogachevsky" (1959 - 1972), in the Department of Agriculture of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee.

For outstanding achievements in the development of agricultural production, she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Since 1982 - Deputy Director of the Lorch Research Institute of Potato Farming.

Alexey Alekseevich Prusov

From the age of 15 he worked in a collective farm artel, in the Rogachev construction and installation department as a carpenter, builder.

From 1960 to 1989 - foreman, head of the integrated brigade of a mobile mechanized column (PMK-303).

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Honored Builder of the RSFSR.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1978).

The state budgetary professional educational institution of the Moscow region "Yakhroma College" is a non-profit organization and operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Federal Law "On non-profit organizations". The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Law of the Moscow Region "On Education", other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region and the Charter.
The college is a state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education in the Moscow region, which implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.
The state farm "Yakhromsky" was established in accordance with the order of the Moscow Regional Department of Agriculture of December 19, 1958 No. 72.
By order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR dated November 10, 1964, No. 303, the Yakhroma state farm was reorganized into the Yakhroma state farm technical school.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 12/18/1971, the Yakhroma State Farm College was renamed the Yakhroma State Farm College of the Order of the Badge of Honor.
By order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation of May 26, 1992, No. 304, the Yakhroma "Badge of Honor" state farm technical school was renamed the Yakhroma state farm college.
By order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation of February 17, 1999, No. 70, the Yakhroma State Farm College was renamed the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education State Farm College "Yakhroma".
By order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2003 No. 1072, the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education State Farm College "Yakhroma" was renamed the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Yakhroma Agrarian College".
In accordance with the order of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management for the Moscow Region of June 20, 2007 No. 594 and the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of September 19, 2008 No. 826/33, the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Yakhroma Agricultural College" was transferred became the property of the Moscow Region and was renamed into the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Moscow Region "Yakhroma Agrarian College".
By Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 11, 2012 No. 1135/34, the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Moscow Region "Yakhroma Agrarian College" was transferred to departmental subordination to the Ministry of Education Moscow region.
Our founder is currently the Moscow region. On behalf of the Moscow Region, the functions and powers of the founder of the Institution, within its competence, are carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.
In 2016, by order of the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region, the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Moscow Region "Yakhroma Agrarian College" was renamed the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Yakhroma College".