CNS diseases presentation. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system

INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (G00-G09) G00 Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified Inclusions: arachnoiditis leptomeningitis bacterial meningitis pachymeningitis Excludes: bacterial 0 Influenza meningitis G00.1 Pneumococcal meningitis G00.2 Streptococcal meningitis G00.3 Staphylococcal meningitis G00.8 Meningitis due to other bacteria G00.9 Bacterial meningitis, unspecified

G04 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis Inclusions: meningomyelitis meningoencephalitis acute ascending myelitis Exclusions: benign myalgic encephalitis (G93.3) myelitis: - acute transverse (G37.3) - subacute necrotizing (G37.4) multiple sclerosis (G35) encephalopathy: - NOS (G93.4) ​​- alcoholic (G31.2) - toxic (G92)

G06 Intracranial and intravertebral abscess and granuloma Use additional code (B95-B97) if necessary to specify infectious agent. G06.0 Intracranial abscess and granuloma G06.1 Intracranial abscess and granuloma G06.2 Extradural and subdural abscess, unspecified G07* Intracranial and intravertebral abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere G08 Intracranial and intravertebral phlebitis and thrombophlebitis : - non-suppurative origin (I67.6) - complicating: - abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.7) - pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium (O22.5, O87.3) non-suppurative intravertebral phlebitis and thrombophlebitis ( G95.1) G09 Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system Note: This category should be used to indicate conditions primarily classified in G00-G08 (excluding those marked with *) as the cause of consequences that are themselves classified elsewhere. The concept of "consequences" includes conditions specified as such or as late manifestations or consequences existing within a year or more after the onset of the condition that caused them.

A20.3 Plague meningitis A32.1+ Listeria meningitis and meningoencephalitis A35 Other forms of tetanus A39 Meningococcal infection A39.0+ Meningococcal meningitis (G01*) A42.2 Cervicofacial actinomycosis A52.1 Symptomatic neurosyphilis A52.2 Asymptomatic neurosyphilis A52. 3 Neurosyphilis, unspecified

VIRAL INFECTIONS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (A80-A89) A80 Acute poliomyelitis A80.0 Vaccine-associated acute paralytic poliomyelitis A80.1 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis due to wild imported virus A80.2 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis due to wild natural virus A80.3 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis poliomyelitis other and unspecified A80.4 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis A80.9 Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified A81 Slow viral infections of the central nervous system A81.0 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

A81.1 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis A81.2 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy A81.8 Other slow viral infections of the central nervous system A81.9 Slow viral infections of the central nervous system, unspecified A82 Rabies A82.0 Forest rabies A82.1 Urban rabies A82.9 Rabies, unspecified A83 Mosquito viral encephalitis

A83.0 Japanese encephalitis A83.1 Western equine encephalitis A83.2 Eastern equine encephalitis A83.3 St. Louis encephalitis A83.4 Australian encephalitis A83.5 California encephalitis A83.6 Rocio virus disease A83.8 Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis A83 .9 Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified A84 Tick-borne viral encephalitis

A84.0 Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian spring-summer encephalitis] A84.1 Central European tick-borne encephalitis A84.8 Other tick-borne viral encephalitis A84.9 Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified A85 Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified A85.0+ Enteroviral encephalitis ( G05.1*) A85.1+ Adenovirus encephalitis (G05.1*) A85.2 Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified A85.8 Other specified viral encephalitis A86 Viral encephalitis, unspecified

A87 Viral meningitis ) A87.0+ Enteroviral meningitis (G02.0*) A87.1+ Adenovirus meningitis (G02.0*) A87.2 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis A87.8 Other viral meningitis A87.9 Viral meningitis, unspecified

A88 Other viral infections of the central nervous system, not elsewhere classified A88.0 Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthema] A88.1 Epidemic vertigo A88.8 Other specified viral infections of the central nervous system A89 Viral infection of the central nervous system, unspecified

HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS DISEASE [HIV] (B20-B24) B22.0 HIV disease with manifestations of encephalopathy HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS DISEASE [HIV] (B20-B24) B20.0 HIV disease with manifestations of mycobacterial infections B20.1 HIV disease with manifestations of other bacterial infections B20.2 HIV disease with manifestations of cytomegalovirus disease B20.3 HIV disease with manifestations of other viral infections B20.4 HIV disease with manifestations of candidiasis B20.5 HIV disease with manifestations of other mycoses

Relevance of the topic Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system in the structure of the general pathology of the nervous system occupy a significant proportion - about 40%. The urgency of the problem is determined by the severe course of diseases, high mortality in this group. Infectious genesis prevails in the group of diseases under consideration.

General clinical and biochemical blood test, RW Urinalysis Consultation with an ophthalmologist (eyeground, diplogram if necessary) LP (if there are no contraindications) with clinical, biochemical analysis, RW, fibrin film MRI of the brain (spinal) cord, SCT of the brain and spinal cord (subject to information content) Serological and immunological diagnostics of blood of various types of viral lesions of the National Assembly Serological and immunological diagnostics of cerebrospinal fluid X-ray of the spinal column (by department) Additional diagnostic methods: X-ray of OGK, SNP, mastoid processes. SCT (MRCT), if necessary, by departments Consultation of an infectious disease specialist, neurosurgeon, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, ENT doctor, dermato-venereologist, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon

Etiotropic therapy Antibacterial: We take into account the permeability through the blood-brain barrier, the sensitivity of the microflora ofloxacin, lincomycin, penicillin, amikacin, levofloxacin, DO NOT FORGET: prevention of fungal infection fluconazole, restoration of intestinal microflora yogurt, bifiform.

Etiotropic therapy Antiviral therapy: Specific: - immunoglobulins, sera - acyclovir, valaciclovir in infections caused by herpes viruses, CMV, Epstein-Barr - ganciclovir in CMV in patients with HIV. Nonspecific: - interferon interferon, laferon - interferonogens - cycloferon

Pathogenetic therapy Anti-inflammatory therapy Steroid corticosteroids: dexamethasone, solu-medrol, depo-medrol, prednisolone LIMITATION! Secondary purulent lesions of the nervous system, some viral lesions (herpetic), tuberculous lesions, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension. DO NOT FORGET: replenish potassium deficiency: asparkam, panangin Non-steroidal - salicylates: salicylic sodium, acelysin, aspirin - diclofenac Antihistamine therapy suprastin, citrine, diazolin.

Pathogenetic therapy Decongestant therapy - L-lysine aescinate - Furosemide (do not forget to replenish potassium deficiency with asparkam, panangin) - Corticosteroids dexamethasone (in the absence of contraindications) - Magnesium sulphate (in the absence of arterial hypotension)

Symptomatic therapy Antioxidant - vitamin E, lipoic acid Metabolic: - actovegin, ceraxon, mexidol, cerebrolysin - group B vitamins: neurorubin, neurobion, neurovitan, milgama Immunomodulatory - dibazol, potassium orotate, vitamin C Anticholinesterase drugs - neuromidin meningitis, meningoencephalitis) - sodium etamsylate, calcium gluconate, vitamin C, vikasol Anticonvulsants (with convulsive syndrome) - finlepsin, valproic acid, topamax, lamotrigine Analgesics analgin, xefocam, dynastat.

... (mumps) Mumps (mumps) - infectious disease, occurring with a predominant lesion of the parotid salivary glands and ... a regimen of at least 10 days. Dysentery dysentery - infectious disease digestive tract, characterized by inflammation of the wall of the large intestine, ...

Infectious diseases with contact mech...

Tetanus (Tetanus) is one of the most severe acute infectious diseases caused by the toxin of the anaerobic pathogen C.tetani. Characterized by... spinal deformity or tetanus kyphosis Chronic non-specific diseases lungs Differential diagnosis of tetanus in the initial ...

Hyperhomocysteinemia Migraine Sleep Apnea Syndrome infectious diseases An increased risk of developing dyscirculatory encephalopathy with ... NINDS-AIREN) Presence of dementia Presence of manifestations of cerebrovascular diseases(anamnestic, clinical, neuroimaging data) The presence of a causal ...

Migrating, they open the gates to pathogenic microflora, contributing to the emergence of various infectious diseases. Immunity has not been studied. Disease symptoms ... changes consistent with allergic and toxic manifestations diseases. Pathological and anatomical changes At autopsy, they note ...

Signs: Incarceration of the penis from the very beginning diseases expressed by the impossibility of self-retraction into the cavity of the prepuce ... inflammatory - diseases spinal cord and its membranes, sacral nerves, lumbago, hemoglobinemia and prepuce vein thrombosis; 5) infectious- influenza...

farms. Medical contraindications: diseases central nervous system, mental; diseases of cardio-vascular system; diseases musculoskeletal system; diseases bronchi, lungs; chronic diseases stomach and intestines; chronic...

General provisions Infectious damage to the CNS is always the result of the interaction "guest - host" Except in cases of high infectious activity, damage to the CNS is always the result of a decrease in the immune defense of the host Primary immunodeficiencies Secondary immunodeficiencies The tropism of the lesion is due to the antigenic structure of the tissue and the affinity of the agent

General provisions Modification of anti-infective immunity is impossible, only its complex increase is possible: Normalization of Trophics Psychoemotional Anti - "guest" therapy (bacteria, virus, etc.) is real only under the condition: Sufficient saturation with the damaging number Availability for the agent Specificity for this agent

Pathogenesis 1. Acute inflammatory reaction after bacteria enters the meningeal membranes: Vessels dilate (1-5 hours) Exudation of plasma proteins Migration of neutrophils 2. Accumulation of exudate lasts about 3-5 days 3. Then, as part of the immune response, the appearance of lymphocytes and plasma cells

Main clinic Nonspecific general infectious syndrome Nonspecific general infectious syndrome Specific meningeal symptoms Specific meningeal symptoms Specific cerebral (cortical) and subcortical syndromes Specific cerebral (cortical) and subcortical syndromes

Cortical Cortical Epileptic Seizures Epileptic Seizures Partial and Secondary Generalized Partial and Secondary Generalized Focal Aseptic Encephalitis Focal Aseptic Encephalitis Disorders of consciousness (from drowsiness to coma) Disturbances of consciousness (from drowsiness to coma) Subcortical Subcortical Hakim's Triad Isolated subcortical dementia Hallucinosis

Diagnosis etiological Nature of the process (inflammation? Other irritation? Reactive changes?) Diagnosis of the topic of the process (only subarachnoid? Is there a violation of liquor circulation? What is the nature and stage of the violation? Intracerebral processes? Volumetric formations? Ischemia?)

LP Increase in pressure up to 200 - 400 Turbid Leukocytosis from hundreds to 1 mm 3 Protein up to 500 mg / dL Decrease in glucose concentration (

Treatment The beginning of therapy is immediate! Every hour of delay in antibiotic therapy increases the chances of complications Starting antibiotic therapy immediately after LP, without waiting for bacteriology results! When CSF pressure is above 400 mm in. With. - mannitol Duration of ABT - 10 - 14 days (3 days after the fall of t to normal)

Empiric therapy for bacterial meningitis Patient age Antibacterial therapy 0–4 weeks Cefotaxime + ampicillin weeks 3rd generation cephalosporin + ampicillin + dexamethasone 3 months–18 years 3rd generation cephalosporin + vancomycin + ampicillin 18–50 years 3rd generation cephalosporin + vancomycin + ampicillin > 50 years 3rd generation cephalosporin + vancomycin + ampicillin Decreased immunity Vancomycin + ampicillin + ceftazidime 50 years 3rd generation cephalosporin + vancomycin + ampicillin Reduced immunity Vancomycin + ampicillin + ceftazidime CSF shunting 3rd generation cephalosporin + vancomycin Fracture of the skull base 3rd generation cephalosporin + ceftazidime

Intracranial septic thrombophlebitis Lateral sinus - with ear infection, venous outflow from the head is disturbed and CSF pressure increases without ventricular enlargement Infectious processes on the face (above the upper lip) - cavernous sinus thrombosis Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis - inferior paraparesis, seizures, severe GB

Tuberculous meningitis Since 1989, there has been a sharp surge in incidence - by 16% per year in Armenia. In the Russian Federation also up to 7 13% growth per year. Mycobacterium is a hematogenous pathway, after the stage of bacteremia that occurs periodically with pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as: With miliary tuberculosis From brain tuberculomas Rarely - from foci in the ears, intestines, kidneys, etc.

Clinic and lab. data Fever, GB, disturbances of consciousness, hallucinations, drowsiness Everything develops subacutely Frequent FMN damage: III-VI, VII, VIII Frequent seizures of CML: increased pressure, pleositosis, transparent cerebrospinal fluid, lymphocytes, glucose

Viral infections of the nervous system After penetration through the BBB, the virus multiplies in certain areas of the brain or spinal cord, choroid plexuses and meninges. 6 neurological syndromes are possible: Acute aseptic meningitis Acute encephalitis and meningoencephalitis Ganglionitis in shingles and herpes simplex "slow infection" (prions) Encephalitis - syndromes in AIDS Acute anterior poliomyelitis

Aseptic meningitis A common clinical syndrome characterized by: Fever, GB, other irritation symptoms m.o. Photophobia, eye movement pain There may be confusion Predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis Normal CMF glucose Absence of bacteria and fungi in CMF as determined by bacterioscopy and culture.
57 Aseptic meningitis: Etiology Viral (almost everything!) Non-viral Spirochetoses (syphilis, Lyme disease) Mycoplasma Bacterial infections of organs located close to the membranes Malignant lesions of the membranes in lymphoma or cancer (carcinoid) Chronic irritation of the membranes by blood components contained in the craniopharyngioma or introduced under the membranes substances Unclear etiology: Vogt - Kayanagi - Harada, sarcoidosis, in rheumatic diseases (SLE, Behcet's disease, etc.), Mollare meningitis, etc.


Herpez simplex encephalitis The clinical picture grows over several days Temporal symptoms: visual, olfactory, gustatory hallucinations, temporal checkpoints Symptoms reflect localization: 1 - 2-sided lesion of the temporal lobes

Chronic infections caused by prions Causative agents - prions (particles that do not have DNA, RNA and other characteristics of viruses) Alter the formation of normal brain proteins Mechanisms of infection are unclear, sporadic cases Cannibals of New Guinea Hereditary forms in sharp mutations (SCJ)

"Treatment room" - Mode in the treatment room. Sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. Complex of anti-epidemic measures. Sanitary maintenance of premises. Asepsis. Sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of the treatment room. used syringes. Primary requirements. Amidopyrine test technology.

"History of Medicine" - General. I. General history of medicine. Ancient writing documents. Witch Doctors; Healers; healers; Folk hygiene; Connection with modernity. In primitive society, healing was a collective activity. Tasks of studying the history of medicine. Sections of the history of medicine. Methods of healing in primitive society.

"Medicine in Ancient Egypt" - Gynecological section. Physicians of Egypt. Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Dentistry. Medicine prescriptions. Hesi-ra. Anubis. A patient with a broken leg. Large medical papyrus. Military doctors. Papyrus E. Smith. God of wisdom Thoth. clinical picture. The body of the deceased. Imhotep. Egypt. Book of preparation of medicines for all parts of the body.

"Disinfectants" - Dynamics of the development and registration of disinfectants. Conventional designations. State of development and registration of modern disinfectants. The system of testing, registration and certification of disinfectants until 2005. Sporicidal activity HOURS. Composition of active substances. Modes of application of almost identical means.

"Medicine of Russia of the 18th century" - Peter II. The staff of the medical college in 1799. Paul I (1754-1801), Russian emperor since 1796. In the first half of the 18th century. There were 5 medical schools in Russia. Transformations of archiater Rieger. About the position of the operator. State in the Medical Office. Anna Ivanovna. At the end of 1803, the Medical College was liquidated.

"Mathematics in Medicine" - Both in biology and in medicine, mathematical statistics are used with might and main. Pharmaceutics. Math statistics. Mathematics and medicine. Much attention is paid to the conclusions and interpretation of the calculation results. Mathematics is especially important in pharmaceuticals. Cardiology.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

Frequency - PNS diseases rank 3rd in the overall incidence Frequency - PNS diseases rank 3rd in the total morbidity Causes: 1. A large number of PNS formations and their large extent 2. There is no bone protection and the blood-brain barrier 3. High sensitivity PNS to exogenous and endogenous influences

TERMINOLOGY Neuropathy - all forms of peripheral nerve diseases: mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies Neuropathy - all forms of peripheral nerve diseases: mononeuropathies, polyneuropathy Radiculopathy - root lesion Radiculopathy - radicular lesion Plexopathy - plexus lesion Plexopathy - plexus lesion

Functions of a nerve cell - the ability to perceive, conduct, transmit a nerve impulse Functions of a nerve cell - the ability to perceive, conduct, transmit a nerve impulse Synthesized - enzymes, mediators, lipids, proteins Synthesized - enzymes, mediators, lipids, proteins provides the exchange of ions and some molecules The cell membrane performs barrier and transport functions, provides the exchange of ions and some molecules

Axon - is an elongated continuation of the body of a nerve cell Axon - is an elongated continuation of the body of a nerve cell Neuron provides trophic functions of the axon by axonal transport - organelles, glycoproteins, macromolecules, enzymes move Neuron provides trophic functions of the axon by axonal transport - organelles, glycoproteins, macromolecules, enzymes move Due to myelination, the main function of the axon is provided - the conduction of a nerve impulse Due to myelination, the main function of the axon is provided - the conduction of a nerve impulse

Axonopathy - the nerve fiber primarily suffers. Causes - more often exogenous and endogenous intoxications, metabolic diseases. Axonopathy - the nerve fiber primarily suffers. Causes - more often exogenous and endogenous intoxications, metabolic diseases. Myelinopathy is the breakdown of myelin. The most characteristic is a decrease in the speed of the nerve impulse. Causes - more often inflammatory, autoimmune processes. Myelinopathy is the breakdown of myelin. The most characteristic is a decrease in the speed of the nerve impulse. Causes - more often inflammatory, autoimmune processes. Neuronopathy is the death of a nerve cell. Causes - poliomyelitis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc. Neuronopathy - the death of a nerve cell. Causes - poliomyelitis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.

Electroneuromyography Establishing the nature of the process is necessary for diagnosis - identifying the etiology of the disease, determining the prognosis and approaches to treatment Establishing the nature of the process is necessary for diagnosing - identifying the etiology of the disease, determining the prognosis and approaches to treatment

Classification According to the predominant clinical features According to the predominant clinical features-Motor-Sensory-Autonomic-Mixed By the distribution of lesions According to the distribution of lesions - Mononeuropathy - Multiple neuropathy - Distal symmetric limb involvement - polyneuropathy, polyradiculoneuropathy - Plexopathy - Radiculopathy

Classification By etiology By etiology - Infectious - Post-infectious - Allergic - Transitional (a combination of toxic and infectious factors) - Toxic - Dysmetabolic (avitaminosis, endocrinopathy, endogenous intoxication) - Hereditary - Traumatic - Compression-ischemic - Dyscirculatory (with vasculitis) - Mixed

Plexopathies Injury of the upper part - Duchenne-Erb-C5-C6 palsy (proximal) Injury of the upper part - Duchenne-Erb-C5-C6 palsy (proximal) Injury of the lower part - Dejerine-Klumpke palsy (distal) -C7-D1 Injury of the lower part - Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis (distal) - C7-D1 Total damage Total damage

Ganglionitis Viral (herpetic) lesion of the spinal or sensory ganglia of CNV Viral (herpetic) lesion of the spinal or sensory ganglia of CNN Pain, trophic disorders, herpetic eruptions in the zone of innervation Pain, trophic disorders, herpetic eruptions in the zone of innervation

Mononeuropathy Causes: Causes: Injury or compression Injury or compression Infection Infection Vascular damage, microcirculation disorders (atherosclerosis, vasculitis, DM) Vascular damage, microcirculation disorders (atherosclerosis, vasculitis, DM) Manifested: pain, sensory, vegetative and motor disorders (peripheral paresis ) in the zone of innervation of the nerve. Manifested: pain, sensory, autonomic and motor disorders (peripheral paresis) in the zone of nerve innervation.

TUNNEL SYNDROMES Damage to the peripheral nerves in the anatomical narrowings (tunnels) through which the nerve trunks pass: Damage to the peripheral nerves in the anatomical narrowings (tunnels) through which the nerve trunks pass: Aponeurotic fissures Bone canals Bone canals

Causes Microtraumas (domestic, professional, sports, iatrogenic) Microtraumas (household, professional, sports, iatrogenic) Endocrine disorders Endocrine disorders Injuries and diseases of the joints (arthrosis) Injuries and diseases of the joints (arthrosis) Inflammatory processes Inflammatory processes

Predisposing factors Diabetes mellitus, endocrinopathies Diabetes mellitus, endocrinopathies Alcoholism Alcoholism Avitaminosis Vitamin deficiency Renal failure Renal failure Hereditary predisposition Hereditary predisposition Anomalies - congenital narrowness of the canal, fibrous bands, additional muscles Anomalies - congenital narrowness of the canal, fibrous bands, additional muscles

Etiology Endogenous - metabolic (diabetes mellitus, uremia, somatic diseases) Endogenous - metabolic (diabetes mellitus, uremia, somatic diseases) Exogenous - chronic or acute intoxications (alcohol, salts of heavy metals, drugs, etc.), infectious diseases Exogenous - chronic or acute intoxications (alcohol, salts of heavy metals, drugs, etc.), infectious diseases

Clinical features Widespread symmetrical pathological process, usually involving the distal extremities and progressively progressively proximal

CLINIC Sensory disorders - pain, numbness, paresthesias Sensory disorders - pains, numbness, paresthesias Motor disorders - peripheral paresis, muscle atrophy Motor disorders - peripheral paresis, muscle atrophy Decreased or absent reflexes Decreased or absent reflexes Autonomic disorders Autonomic disorders

Autonomic disorders Autonomic disorders include: Autonomic disorders include: 1. Local vegetative-trophic disorders in the distal limbs 1. Local vegetative-trophic disorders in the distal limbs 2. Autonomic peripheral insufficiency 2. Autonomic peripheral insufficiency

Depending on the severity and prevalence of symptoms, the following forms are distinguished: Depending on the severity and prevalence of symptoms, the forms are distinguished: Motor Motor Sensory Sensory Vegetative Vegetative Course: Course: Acute Acute Subacute Subacute Chronic Chronic Recurrent Recurrent

Examination of a patient with polyneuropathy Purpose: determination of the etiology, differential diagnosis Purpose: determination of the etiology, differential diagnosis CLARIFICATION OF THE HISTORY - previous diseases, medication, poisoning, chronic intoxication, hereditary diseases, concomitant diseases, etc. Clarification of the ANAMNESIS - previous diseases, medication, poisoning, chronic intoxication, hereditary diseases, concomitant diseases, etc.

INITIAL EVALUATION CBC CBC Urinalysis Urinalysis Creatinine Creatinine Glucose Glucose Lung x-ray Lung x-ray Serum electrolytes Serum electrolytes Liver function tests Liver function tests

FOLLOW-UP Electrodiagnosis - electromyography, conduction velocity, evoked potentials Electrodiagnosis - electromyography, conduction velocity, evoked potentials CSF examination CSF examination Biopsy Biopsy

Needle electromyography (EMG) EMG is a method of recording and studying the bioelectrical activity of motor fibers and muscle motor units using needle electrodes at rest and at arbitrary voltage. EMG is a method of recording and studying the bioelectrical activity of motor fibers and motor units of the muscle using needle electrodes at rest and at arbitrary voltage.

EMG allows you to: Differentiate a primary muscular lesion and a neurogenic one Differentiate a primary muscular lesion and a neurogenic one Determine the stage of the denervation-reinnervation process Determine the stage of the denervation-reinnervation process

Principles of treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system Influence on the etiological factor, treatment of the underlying disease Influence on the etiological factor, treatment of the underlying disease Improving the metabolism of the nervous tissue Improving the metabolism of the nervous tissue Improving microcirculation Improving microcirculation Treatment of neurological manifestations - pain, paresis, vegetative disorders. Treatment of neurological manifestations - pain, paresis, autonomic disorders. Physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy - depending on the etiology, stage of the disease, the predominant symptoms. Physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy - depending on the etiology, stage of the disease, the predominant symptoms.