Hangover conspiracy. An old hangover conspiracy - do not forget to write down the Conspiracy from drunkenness

Alcoholism brings a lot of grief to the family. Addiction affects all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age category. An alcoholic may not realize that he is sick, reject any help.

If the patient has no desire to be treated, a prayer from the alcoholism of a husband or other family members can help get rid of a bad habit. It can help no worse than medicines and coding. In order for the prayer to bring results, you need to know who to pray and observe the ritual.

Petitions from female alcoholism must be made on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. It is necessary that a woman does not have a menstrual cycle these days. Prayer for alcohol addiction of a spouse should be read in the remaining days. Prayer is not performed on Sundays, major Orthodox holidays.

It is advisable to read prayers for alcoholism on the full moon or during the period of the waning month. Words spoken before images give a more effective result. Strong prayer from drunkenness can help even at a distance.

Prayers from unrestrained drunkenness and alcoholism will not work if you read them once. The ritual must be performed for several weeks, months. After reading the plot, be sure to bow and thank the Saints.

Holy Mother of God

A prayer against drunkenness to the Most Holy Theotokos is pronounced in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice":

» Holy Mother of God! We call for your help! Do not refuse us sinners, hear wives, daughters, sons, mothers. Do not leave in troubles, deliver the son of God (...) from intoxicating dope. As the Saints did not know vodka, did not try it, so the son of God (...) let him turn away from it. So that, apart from clean water, nothing else went down his throat. Give him holy water to drink, cleanse him from the destructive addiction.

2 prayer for healing:

“Merciful Blessed Mother, touch their hearts, direct them to healing abstinence, bring them. Ask Jesus Christ, let us forgive our sins, strengthen us in chastity, sobriety. Hear, O Lady of Heaven, the prayers of mothers, wives, and children who have lost their way, who drink nasty alcohol, who have been abandoned, who fall at Your feet. Let the cry of souls and our tears come, by Your prayers, to the Throne of the Most High.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayers against alcoholism may appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker. He saved Russia more than once by his intercession. Strong prayers addressed to his image can get rid of alcohol, lead to a sober life.

Praying relatives must have faith that their loved one is really healed. Otherwise, the ritual will not work. You need to appeal to the Saint sincerely, with a great desire to help heal from the disease.

In front of the image of the saint, it is necessary to light a candle and put consecrated water in front of you. Pronounce the text in silence, calmness and solitude. It is necessary to pronounce the text 3 times, each time being baptized and taking a sip of consecrated water.

Nicholas the Wonderworker!
I appeal to you with a request.
Have pity and come peace
From the “Green serpent cursed to the servant of God (...).
They found on him an aversion to the "green snake",
Release from the terrible addiction to all alcohol.
To not even look
To alcohol without disgust, disgust.
Let him not drink at any time of the day,
Not alone, not in company,
Not on a weekday, not on a holiday.
Your Holy Word will protect him from alcohol,
As Saints hops did not know
So let the Son of God (…) let him not drink.”

Appeal to the Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a miracle worker, an assistant in various sorrows. Saint Matrona never saw the white light, her eyes were missing from the moment she was born. Mother Matrona, before her birth, had a wonderful dream. She saw a snow-white bird with tightly closed eyelids. Like a bird, the Saint's eye sockets were tightly hidden under the eyelids.

The Matrona of Moscow did not become hardened, did not begin to hate people. On the contrary, her whole life was aimed at serving God and the people. Millions of people pray to her to get rid of sorrows. Prayers to her for sobriety are the most effective, with powerful power.

“Mother Matronushka, hear and accept us, sinners, crying out to you. Listen to the suffering, grieving, with faith, hope for your protection, crying out for compassion asking.

A speedy, miraculous cure came. Even now your mercy will not disappear to the unworthy, toiling in the bustle of this world and nowhere to find comfort, compassion in the sorrows of our souls and help in diseases of the body: heal us, deliver us from temptations, the torments of the devil, help us carry the heavy Cross, endure all hardships and not to lose the face of the Holy One in them, to keep faith until the end of our centuries, to have unshakable hope and hope in God, love without hypocrisy for loved ones.

Help, after death, get into the Kingdom of God with all those who are pleasing, glorifying the cordiality, the mercy of Our Father, in the glorious Trinity.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on yourself

If you are addicted to alcohol, are aware of your disease and want to be healed of it, a prayer said to the water will help you with this. You need to ask for sobriety sincerely, with all feeling. Before the ritual, go to the bath. If this is not possible, take a hot bath, preferably with herbal tea. It is important to read the prayer purified.

For the ritual, you will need clean, non-feeding water from a well or spring. If it is not possible to get it, let it stand in the dark with ordinary boiled water for 7 days. You need as much liquid as you can drink per dose.

The text is pronounced three times over water:

“In the name of the Holy Trinity. Alcohol and malt! Until the end of time, depart from me, the son/daughter of God! Leave me craving for alcohol! The wind is dashing, take the destructive addiction with you! There is a craving in a deaf thicket, get away from me, where people do not go, birds do not fly, animals do not enter. My word is strong. As he said (s), so be it.

After that, the water is drunk in one gulp. Not leaving a drop. The ritual must be carried out daily until the disease recedes.

Strong ritual for alcoholism

This conspiracy is not only possible, but also necessary to be read at any of the Orthodox festivities. The ritual requires a table, a large mirror, 3 church candles, 3 glasses, a liter of non-drinking water (preferably from a natural source). You will also need alcohol that an alcoholic loves and a small container.

Put a mirror on the table, in front of it are three candles, glasses and a jar of water. Be sure to put a dark scarf on your head, black clothes on your torso. Stand in front of a mirror, pick up a vessel with alcohol, read "Our Father".

After that, you need to pronounce the following text three times:

I will rise, daughter of God (...), I bless myself with the Holy Trinity,
I will cross myself, and I will leave the house through the door,
For the yard, my dear, I will run away through the gate.
I go to the east
I'll look into the river.
There is a huge stone in the pond.
Next to him is a fish whose eyes are burned with flames.
Her cheeks are of gold, her teeth are of silver.
To the son of God (...) she will come,
In the teeth of silver, addiction will carry away.
From her cheeks, her craving for alcohol will not return,
Never again will the son of God (...) know alcohol!

After pronouncing the text, open the bottle with alcohol and pour it into the first glass. Close the vessel and read "Our Father" again, a conspiracy three times. Open the bottle and pour the alcohol into the second glass. Repeat the same for the third time.

Pour the contents of the glasses and not drinking water from the jar into the container prepared in advance. This mixture must be gradually added to the food or drink of the dependent person. It is very important that he does not know anything about it.

The fact that the drug began to act, you will understand immediately. An alcoholic will show symptoms similar to a cold. Don't be scared, there's nothing to worry about. This only indicates that the conspiracy began to operate. Poor health will quickly pass and the person will no longer crave alcohol. The ritual must be repeated until it takes effect.


If one of your family members suffers from alcohol addiction, you can't just sit back and do nothing. If you have tried many remedies, but nothing helps, seek help from God. You need to turn to the Saints with a sincere desire to help and faith in their intercession.

your defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

hangover conspiracy

hangover conspiracy

“Lord, thou art a wine hop, a violent little head, do not pour down with a little head, wind around the salt; but from you I don’t know where you live, you stay; on top of a damp tree, he climbed to his master into copper barrels, oak barrels, beer and wine barrels; as these words came out of me, so let the hangover come out of him, the servant of God (name). Lord of the hops of wine, like a king, sits in his kingdom, so be in your place, where you were born.

Mr. hops of wine and beer, a violent little head, don’t pour upside down, you little hop, but pour after the sun, under the worg, but I don’t want to know you, I don’t want to know where you live, where you stay; on top of a damp tree climb to your master, into iron barrels, into oak barrels, into honey barrels, into beer barrels, into wine barrels; just as they cannot stay in the flame, so on this person (name) evil words, you will still empty this cup; how such words came out of me, so let the hangover come out of him, the servant of God (name). As the master of wine hops sits on the throne like a king, so you sit in your place, be born, sovereign.

Prayer 1

“Zoryushka, robin, red maiden, mother herself and queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear, take away from me, the servant of God (name), insomnia, midnight sleeplessness, in the middle of the dark night, come to me, the servant of God (name), a red maiden or queen mother, and take off me, the servant of God (name ), and take away the unclean, cursed power, give me, the servant of God (name), the reliable and strong hand of Spasov, Bogoroditsin Castle.

My guardian angel, my savior and holder, save and save my soul; adversary, renounce me, a servant of God (name). I am baptized with a cross, I defend myself with a cross, I call upon the great, divine power with the cross of a guardian angel, I drive away with a satanic cross.

Prayer 2

“You appeared to your servant without blemish, arbitrarily brought you from drunkenness and a hangover, a servant of God (name); how from the virgin you will be born, holy, crowned, wise martyr Boniface, affirm, deliver, protect him, the servant of God (name), from every hangover, from every drink of wine and beer, from every binge drinking; give him, the servant of God (name), the strength to resist and resist all kinds of unkind, dashing and circumstances now and forever and forever, amen, amen, amen.

A desert dweller, an angel in the body and a miracle worker, a righteous God-bearer, our reverend father, Moses Murin, with strict fasting, vigil day and night, with a hot prayer, he receives heavenly gifts, heals grief and sorrow with the power of the holy spirit, delivers constipation and drinking, fills Christian souls with faith . Glory to the eternal one who gave you strength, strength and long-suffering; glory and praise to the one who healed you with the power of the word.

Protect, deliver and eliminate the drunken rampage from him, the servant of God (name); remove from binge drinking and drunkenness. Moses Murin, spitting into the images of demons, mentally accepting you, like a clear sun with the bright light of your righteous life and shining with participation, instruct-teach him, the servant of God (name), on the true path, strengthen the power of repugnance to hops and drunkenness from now on and forever and forever and ever, from his birth to his death, for every hour, for every day, for every time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

From the book Moon and Big Money author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Poppy conspiracy On the new moon, go to the market and buy a poppy from a woman. Give money without change, if there is not so much, leave the change. You can't trade. At home, spread a black handkerchief on the table, draw a circle on it with a remnant of soap, which was used by only one person. AT

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From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from aphids Walk through your garden crosswise, reading such a conspiracy: As there is no fifth corner in my garden, the Tenth and the thirteenth, So there will be no aphids on my land.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) Such an old conspiracy helps to cope with this ailment: As Christ's wound has grown over And left no trace, So you, illness, Fall away without a trace from the servant of God (name). Descend on a dead field, on gray moss, On a dry stump. FROM

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love conspiracy (a conspiracy that is valid until death) On the same day in three churches, submit notes for the repose and for the health of the one you want to bewitch. After that, go to the cemetery, find three graves there, in which men are buried, who bore the same name as

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for the Unjustly Convicted (Retrial Conspiracy) Before you file an appeal, read the special conspiracy. Read it a second time when the petition is finalized. The conspiracy is this: The Most Holy Theotokos walked along the earth, walked, started, from

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Psoriasis Plot (Egg White Plot) At midnight, take an egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Over the protein, read a special plot three times in a row, spread it on the affected skin and leave it overnight. Rite spend twelve nights in a row. During treatment

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 32 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from excess weight (very effective conspiracy) On the waning moon, read a special conspiracy over water, which you then wash before going to bed. CONSPIRACY

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from intestinal polyps (a very good conspiracy) As Christ's wound overgrown and left no trace, so you fall away the disease without a trace, from the servant of God (name). Descend on a dead field, on gray moss, on a dry stump. From this day, from this hour, from this minute, from my mandate. Amen. Amen.

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Conspiracies author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

From the book Your defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From the book The Golden Book of Old Russian Magic, Divination, Spells and Divination author Yuzhin V.I.

Conspiracy 1 “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen amen. I speak with the servant of God (name) all the stabs and pain with this my strong and reliable conspiracy; I command you, stabs and pains, to roam, wander around the world, around the world, from the east side to the west,

From the author's book

Conspiracy 6 This conspiracy must be read three times, moving your hand over the water. After that, the charmed water should be drunk or rubbed into the sore spot. With the wind came the wind left.

From the author's book

Conspiracy for the year “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Our Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of God, you are not walking on damp earth, not on wet water, not on this side. There is a guardian angel, bright, reliable messenger of God to You,

From the author's book

A conspiracy from a hangover “Mr. thou, wine hop, violent little head, do not pour down the head, wind around the salt; but from you I don’t know where you live, you stay; on top of a damp tree climbed to his master in copper barrels, oak barrels, beer and wine barrels, how can a person not live in

From the author's book

From hard drinking and hangover: Live pike is put in tues or beetroot with wine and insisted for 12 days; pike gives a lot of mucus, and the infusion is rotten. They drink a drunkard to them, saying: As a pike does not tolerate wine, so the servant of God (the name of the rivers) would not tolerate him. * * * In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

When a terrible disease called "alcoholism" comes to the family, the drinker's relatives are ready to take any measures to cope with it. Beliefs and requests, coding, drug therapy sometimes do not bring the desired result, and sometimes change a person for the worse. In such cases, prayer from drunkenness becomes the last hope, even inveterate skeptics can turn to higher powers.

How it works

Official science denies the possibility of healing from alcoholism with the help of prayers and other alternative methods. They explain their position by the fact that dependence on alcohol is a serious illness that provokes changes in the human psyche and physiology. However, even narcologists admit that the desire to get rid of the disease must come from within. The task of traditional therapy is to create an aversion to any kind of alcohol, using medication or psychological effects.

In Orthodoxy and other religions - a disease of the soul, generated by demonic influence. Turning to God through prayer can purify a person, encourage him to give up a bad habit and return to a normal way of life.

The effectiveness of the method has no scientific explanation, but there are many cases when this particular method has helped. Prayers for drunkenness and alcoholism work only with sincere, strong faith in God. Requests that do not come from the heart are unlikely to bring positive results. In this complex matter, an integrated approach is important, you need to support the patient, protect him from temptations and reasons to return to the old.

The most effective prayers

The Orthodox faith is able to give deliverance from addiction to alcohol to anyone who is sincere and truly wants to overcome it. It is not necessary to read a special prayer, even the simplest “Our Father” has amazing power if the words come from the heart.

In Christianity, there are several saints, the appeal to which can save you from drunkenness.

To heal men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity most often suffer from addiction to alcohol. If the addict is unable to cope on his own, an appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker will help. The wife must perform a real rite:

  • on Thursday, buy a candle in the temple;
  • place near her the faces of Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona and the Virgin;
  • prepare a container with clean water.
  • then say the text:

“Wonderworker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Have mercy generously and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, find disgust and empty his craving for a drunken libation. He will not take a sip, he will not swallow, and he will not pour harmful drink without a shudder. And he will take a sip and pour out property into the womb of holy water. May your will be done. Amen".

The prayer is said three times in an empty room, focusing on the vessel. After such a conspiracy, water acquires miraculous power. The liquid must be added to the husband for 40 days, you can not skip it.

To save the son from drunkenness, the same rite is performed before the icon of Boniface, turning to the martyr:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Lord! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with addiction to drinking wine, and just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who ask you, so now deliver these unfortunate ones (names). Amen".

Boniface during his lifetime adhered to paganism and was a drunkard, but, having touched the holy relics, he gained faith, for which he later died in torment. Turning to him is considered one of the most powerful prayers that help save loved ones.

No less effective is the prayer to John of Kronstadt, canonized for help from alcoholism to ordinary workers. You need to pray to his face in the temple, always in front of candles, reciting the text of chapter 15 of the gospel:

“Saint John, look graciously on Your servant (the name of the alcoholic), deceived by the flattery of the womb and carnal pleasure. Help him to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and reap the fruits of the Spirit. Amen".

These simple words can work a miracle and get rid of years of drunkenness.

If the husband is away

An appeal to the Matrona of Moscow can cure a man at a distance:

“Oh, Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow, I appeal to you with a prayer. Not for wealth and prosperity, but about a drinking husband. Free him with your grace from alcohol addiction and do not let the immortal soul perish. As soon as he touches the bottle, hit him on the back of the head. As soon as he takes a sip, he will be a little sick. As soon as he gets drunk again, let him immediately beat in hysterics. Tears will spill from his eyes, he will drink for the last time. May your will be done. Amen".

Words are pronounced in front of the icon daily, until the beloved man returns. Prayer, judging by the reviews, works, even if the patient is against therapy.

This article contains: prayer for a hangover - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.


Methods of treatment with folk remedies

How to escape the pain of a hangover?

Many would pay dearly not to suffer from a hangover after a wild party or a long binge. If someone in your family has problems with alcohol, use proven folk recipes.

By trial and error, choose from them those that will help better, since they do not work the same for everyone - each body perceives the treatment in its own way.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • How to prevent hangovers and reduce the harm from alcohol

Secrets of traditional medicine

Collection of folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases and bad habits

hangover conspiracy

A hangover spell can save you from the severe consequences of alcohol intoxication. But the best solution is still considered to abstain from drinking.

My dears, I have no right to forbid you to ruin your health.

Even one glass of sparkling wine.

At present, our task is to reduce the hangover syndrome by calling for help a magical conspiracy.

In a rumpled form, not a foot to the Temple!

Do not touch church candles.

If you have an excellent hangover cure at your disposal, read these occult lines above it.

In a sickening drunkenness, a hangover, get out, it’s not worth it for me to be sick. Let all the alcohol come out with filthy vomiting, insight will soon come to the head. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

From a hangover I read a conspiracy, I save my soul from torment. Let the aches, heartburn melt away, the body will not want to drink wine. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

As I burp and spit my hangover, I will regain health and fun. Taking a pill, the pain will be removed, back to the head and the heart will not return. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Take care of your health by consulting a doctor in a timely manner and taking prescribed medications.

Declare drunkenness - fight!

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Prayers for the deliverance of alcoholism: how to cure a husband of drunkenness?

How to cure a husband and get rid of alcoholism

If your husband is an alcoholic, he needs to be treated to the last. There are various methods of dealing with drunkenness, from medical, folk and even magic.

Everyone can use them. But do not forget that the most important condition is the desire of the husband to quit the addiction.

Can you get out of drinking on your own?

Basically, everything is possible. But cases that a person quits drinking on their own do not occur every day. This may be due to the fact that the load on the heart increases, blood pressure rises, myocardial infarction, strokes, physical suffering are possible, and even delirium tremens may occur.

Prayers for getting rid of a husband’s alcoholism: how to cure a husband of drunkenness, you probably asked this question more than once.

There are prayers, rituals, or as it is also called magic, which will help your husband get rid of alcohol addiction, with their help, your husband's impulses for alcohol will begin to decrease every day.

It is not exactly known when this will come, but these prayers are considered one of the best and most powerful against drunkenness.

In this prayer, we will turn every time to the Matrona of Moscow:

“Oh, the greatest Old Lady Matrona, there is a request to you.

I am not addressing you casually, but grief in my family.

The husband (son) drinks and is not going to quit.

Help him get rid of the sin of the damned in order to save his immortal soul.

Just let him touch the bottle, hit him on the back of the head.

Let him just take a sip to make him feel a little sick.

Let if he gets drunk again, so that he immediately fights in hysterics.

Let tears flow from his eyes so that he no longer becomes an inveterate drunkard.

So be it, and let your word speak. Amen"

There is another well-known conspiracy, magic against husband's drunkenness, which will help you save your husband's problems, you need to read it until your husband is cured, every day.

“Holy Matrona, I turn to you with reliable help for you.

Deliver my husband of alcoholism, cleanse his mind from the poison of passion.

Ask God for mercy on my husband.

Spare him his sins before the deed.

Make it so that as soon as he touches the green snake, the insight opens before him.

As soon as passion appears, so that vomiting overcomes him.

So be it, and let your word be silent. Amen"

Prayer is an effective way to help in healing

Everyone is trying to find a really working way that will help save a husband from alcoholism or drunkenness in a day or a week. Everyone wants or at least hopes for instant results through prayer.

The most important success factor is to have true faith, willpower, in no case lose heart or give up, because praying for a husband is not an easy task.

Prayer- this is not a magic pill for you that will cure your husband in an instant. And this is something more and its power is invisible.

Sincere prayers that come from people close to the husband of an alcoholic give him a sense of strength that prayer radiates.

If you could only know what remorse he feels, inside him there is a war between good and evil, then you would pray even more and you would have much more faith to help rid your husband of drunkenness.

  • sincerely want to help her husband;
  • believe in the power of prayer.

The best way would be to take up prayer with the blessing of the priest.

Magic treatment for alcohol

To save a person from drunkenness, a conspiracy with a rite and even magic also helps. We need to turn to forces that are beyond our understanding with a request for help. And if you are serious, this method will really help effectively.

To save a woman from drunkenness, a conspiracy or ritual must be performed on days such as Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men, these days are different - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. There are different types of ritual and conspiracy from alcohol addiction: for water, photos and others, you just need to choose which one you should use.

A conspiracy that is intended for oneself is good when a person understands that he is addicted and wants to help himself. Then the treatment will be much more effective and fast. You can easily talk yourself out of alcohol so as not to ask for help from others.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Wine and hops!

Depart from me, the servant of God (name), for all time, to the grave.

Depart from me, all desire for wine and liquor.

Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dense forest, where only fierce animals and black birds live.

Take it, violent wind.

From me is a desire, a destructive passion for wine, and take it beyond the blue sea, to evil people and dashing people.

Attach yourself, my passion, to a dashing person who does not do good to people, but brings only evil, like a damned wine-potion.

Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my stomach. Amen."

Conspiracies with water- one of the most powerful conspiracies from alcohol or drunkenness, it should be done only on the 19th in any month of the year

“Just as the Lord God Jesus Christ didn’t know vodka, didn’t drink and didn’t tolerate like the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints didn’t know booze, didn’t drink and didn’t endure, so you, the servant of God (name), refuse to drink and pump out forever and ever . Amen."

After that, you will need to pour water into tea or into any dish with liquid. It differs from others in that it can work immediately or you have to repeat it several times.

Conspiracy in the photo- also very valid and one of the most popular rituals among the people, this is a conspiracy in the photo. With this method, a conspiracy takes place over a photo of the person you want to heal.

The condition of this strong conspiracy is that you need to pronounce it over the photo in the waning moon.

You need to pronounce the rite in the photo like this:

“As the moon is waning, so the alcoholism of the servant of God (name) recedes, moves away and completely disappears. I said so, and the moon did. Amen"

There are several other photo methods. You just need to read three times looking at the photo:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Hop and wine depart from the servant of God (name) to dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

Completely different rituals, prayers and conspiracies from getting rid of alcoholism

And now we will give you a few more options for alcoholism. It is best to take a bath before using them, or it is better to go to the bath in general. And besides this, it is advisable to fast for at least a couple of days.

For food- as you guessed, you need to say it over food, but the main condition of this prayer is that you can’t tell the victim about it.

“You would eat, seize, but drink would not drink. Flammable serpent, effervescent bastard, hiss, burn, not effervescent mash, flammable vodka. Tied with a word, commanded with a deed. Key, lock, tongue, Amen.”

On fire- you need to collect brushwood on odd days of the month, use it to make a fire and circle it around. Then sit outside the line and read a prayer without taking your eyes off the fire. Tears that come out should not be wiped away until the end of the prayer.

“I burn it - it burns out, the moon is waning - the passion for drunkenness disappears. Cleansing fire, consuming evil, take away drunkenness to attack, so that it is an abyss! As clothes burn, so the desire to drink alcohol in the servant of God (name) will burn out, decay, go out forever, without a trace, without a trace. May the servant of God be bright and holy. My word is stone, for my deed is right. May it be so. Amen."

On wax- a person with an alcohol addiction whom we want to help should bite a little wax before drinking. Then this piece must be taken away and a prayer should be read over it. Then you need to sew this piece of wax into the clothes.

“The dawn-dawn, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen, the moon is bright, the stars are clear, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight.

In the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay me down, and take away the accursed power from me, and give me the Hand of the Savior, Mother of God castle.

My angel, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart.

Enemy Satan, get rid of me.

I am baptized with a cross, I protect myself with a cross, I call upon an angel with a cross, I drive away the evil one with a cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know holy signs.”

Damage to alcoholism

Damage to alcoholism is one of the most powerful magical effects on a person; a negative program is laid in his mind. Because, a normal person cannot, without any reason, go down to the bottom, and also become an alcoholic, which means that he is most likely a victim of corruption. Such damage is established out of strong revenge or envy.

It is very easy to determine damage by a victim who has not particularly consumed alcohol before, suddenly he starts drinking many times more, which already leads to doubts. But it is more difficult to determine by a person who often got drunk.

But the main sign is a change in human behavior. If he was calm and balanced in a drunken state, then he suddenly became aggressive.

There are many ways to inflict such damage. From easy to the most difficult. One of them - you need to take several bottles of alcohol and pour from different bottles into one glass, speak it and give it to the victim.

And now about how to remove them - if you understand that alcoholism arose in a person in some other way, then these are all signs that a harmful damage was imposed on the victim and it can be eliminated only with the help of magic.

Here you need to use one of the methods:

  1. White magic - with the consent of a person for treatment.
  2. Black magic - if the victim does not realize that he (she) needs treatment.


What are the consequences of the fact that the patient quit the addiction to drink? Initially, a person will experience torment, both mental and physiological. It is recommended that at the initial stages there should be a medical supervision, then the treatment will be better.

Another very important factor is the support of people close to him.

In the future, the body will get used to it and the effects of alcohol will disappear and the treatment will get better every day. His attitude towards others and the world will change for the better.


How to develop psychic abilities. Conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness and a hangover

Prayers and conspiracies from a hangover and drunkenness

Conspiracy from drunkenness

  • “You, blue sky, hear; you, blue sky, see what I want to do with him, the servant of God (name). Maeren's body is liver teze. You, countless stars, bright stars, will fly down from heaven and fall into the wedding cup; and in that cup of the wedding water is icy, taken from a mountain stream. You, horned month, red month, descend from azure skies and enter my cell; and that cage of mine has neither a bottom nor a tire. You, bright sun, free sun, come down from the azure skies and come into my yard, and in that yard you can not see either people or domestic animals. You, clear stars, tame, appease him, the servant of God (name), from intoxicated wine, from intoxicated beer, from intoxicated honey; you, horned month, tame, calm him, the servant of God (name), from intoxicated wine, from intoxicated beer, from intoxicated honey; you, red sun, tame, calm him, the servant of God (name), from intoxicated wine, from intoxicated beer, from intoxicated honey. My plot is strong. My words have a key and a lock: heaven and earth.

Hangover conspiracy (option 1)

  • “Lord, thou art a wine hop, a violent little head, do not pour down with a little head, wind yourself with salt; but from you I don’t know where you live, you stay; on top of a damp tree, he climbed to his master into copper barrels, oak barrels, beer and wine barrels; as these words came out of me, so let the hangover come out of him, the servant of God (name). Lord of the hops of wine, like a king, sits in his kingdom, so be in your place, where you were born.

Hangover conspiracy (option 2)

  • “Mr. wine and beer hop, violent little head, don’t pour upside down, you little hop, but pour after the sun, under the worg, but I don’t want to know you, I don’t want to know where you live, where you stay; on top of a damp tree climb to your master, into iron barrels, into oak barrels, into honey barrels, into beer barrels, into wine barrels; just as they cannot stay in the flame, so on this person (name) evil words, you will still empty this cup; how such words came out of me, so let the hangover come out of him, the servant of God (name). As the master of wine hops, like a king, sits on a throne, so you sit in your place, be born, sovereign.

Prayer (option 1)

  • “Dawn, robin, red maiden, mother herself and queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear, take away from me, the servant of God (name), insomnia, midnight sleeplessness, in the middle of the dark night, come to me, the servant of God (name), a red maiden or queen mother, and take off me, the servant of God (name ), and take away the unclean, cursed power, give me, the servant of God (name), a reliable and strong hand of Spasov, Bogoroditsyn Castle. Guardian angel, my savior and holder, save and save my soul; adversary, renounce me, a servant of God (name). I am baptized with a cross, I defend myself with a cross, I call upon the great, divine power with the cross of a guardian angel, I drive away with a satanic cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.”

Prayer (option 2)

“You appeared unblemished to your servant, arbitrarily brought you from drunkenness and a hangover, a servant of God (name); how from the virgin you will be born, holy, crowned, to the wise martyr Boniface, affirm, deliver, protect him, the servant of God (name), from every hangover, from every food of wine and beer, from every binge drinking; give him, the servant of God (name), the strength to resist and resist all kinds of unkind, dashing and circumstances now and forever and forever, amen, amen, amen.

A desert dweller, an angel in the body and a miracle worker, a righteous God-bearer, our reverend father, Moses Murin, with strict fasting, vigil day and night, with a hot prayer receives heavenly gifts, heals sorrow and sorrow with the power of the Holy Spirit, delivers constipation and drinking, fills Christian souls with faith . Glory to the eternal one who gave you strength, strength and long-suffering; glory and praise to the one who healed you with the power of the word. Protect, deliver and eliminate the drunken rampage from him, the servant of God (name); remove from binge drinking and drunkenness. Moses Murin, spitting into the images of demons, mentally accepting you, like a clear sun with the bright light of your righteous life and shining with participation, instruct-teach him, the servant of God (name), on the true path, strengthen the power of repugnance to hops and drunkenness from now on and forever and forever and ever, from his birth to his death, for every hour, for every day, for every time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.”

Prayer for delirium tremens (option 1)

  • “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. A new man was born, the life-giving Cross was hoisted up, the demon was bound, the Lord our God was glorified; in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever, amen, amen, amen. Heavenly Holy Father Ostafiy and Heavenly Holy Father Nahumius, put him, the servant of God (name), in a holy place to think about the Lord, think about the Lord, think about the Lord, do according to the command of the Lord. The Holy Spirit will descend on him, the servant of God (name), all the heavenly army will shine, rejoice, all the heavenly will pass by him, the Hand of the Savior, the Cross of the Mother of God, the seal of Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. As the Lord our God created and established springs, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, so establish You, Lord, calm down, pacify the illness and disease sitting in the servant of God (name), with the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos, all the saints, fathers heavenly. From now on and forever, amen, amen, amen.”

Prayer for delirium tremens (option 2)

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. May the power of the devil, the black power, the unclean power, go out in you, the servant of God (name); may he rise again, dwell in you, the servant of God (name), the power of the light, the power of the great, the power of the Divine, the power of the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. God of gods, Lord of God, Jesus Christ the Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, all heavenly host, all heavenly power incorporeal, guardian angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, thrones, beginnings, authorities, forces, dominions, all holy forefathers , prophets, kings, apostles and evangelists glorified, all holy cathedrals, all holy faces, all holy images, male and female, deliver the servant of God (name) from ailments, heal the servant of God (name) from ailments, have mercy on the servant of God (name ). Amen, amen, amen.

May God arise and all His enemies be scattered, the angels rejoice, surround; sinners will rejoice at his presence. The Lord our God Himself, Jesus Christ, and all the heavenly host, all the saints, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nikita the Great Martyr, St. Razoel, St. Kuzma, St. Damian, St. Cyprian, St. Justinia, St. Nifant, St. Maroth, the Holy Trinity, the Most Holy The Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, will begin to rest. The Holy Spirit will blow on the water and on the sick servant of God (name) with his holy spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

How to get rid of a hangover

A hangover is an unpleasant condition after a heavy intake of alcoholic beverages. A hangover has the following symptoms: nausea, headache, extreme thirst, fever and chills, weakness, changes in blood pressure.

Usually a hangover occurs a few hours after a heavy evening drinking, and causes a lot of trouble for the patient, especially if he does not have the opportunity to stay at home.

The question is how to get rid of a hangover? - worries a lot of people.

There is an opinion that a hangover occurs only after a very large amount of alcohol consumed. But it's not. For some people, in order to feel terrible in the morning, it is enough to drink a rather modest dose of alcohol in the evening. And the result is a severe physical condition.

Why does a hangover occur, and what factors cause it?

1. Poisoning the body.

When alcohol breaks down in the body, poisons are formed, which, in turn, cause the formation of new toxins. Especially harmful in this regard are vermouth, tequila, whiskey, rum, as they greatly strain the liver with the need to process not only alcohol, but also all sorts of impurities.

2. Dehydration.

With a hangover, dehydration is not caused by a lack of fluid, but by its improper distribution in the body. The reason for this is alcohol. The fluid in the body is contained in sufficient quantities - where else would a swollen face and bags under the eyes come from?

3. Violation of the brain cells.

It is caused by acetaldehyde, which appeared in the body as a result of the breakdown of alcohol. The next morning after drunkenness, the patient's nervous system becomes hypersensitive. Even dim light and quiet sounds greatly irritate a person. He may have an unreasonable sense of shame and guilt, which is called "adrenaline longing."

By the way, the fight against a hangover forces the body to spend a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements. The body tries to restore the acid-base balance, normalize sleep, etc.

Hangover. How to get rid?

How to help a poor body to relieve a serious condition - a hangover? In order to remove a hangover, treatment should be based on an understanding of the mechanisms of action of alcohol on the human body.

Elimination of toxins

The main cause of a hangover - intoxication of the body - can be dealt with in different ways. The first way is the physical removal of poisons. This helps to make an enema and gastric lavage. If these methods are unacceptable for some reason, you can take pharmacy sorbents - activated carbon or preparations based on lignin ("Lignosorb", "Liferan", "Polifepan"). These medicines are recommended to be taken in doses of 3. spoons 2 times a day after 2 hours with 1.5 glasses of water.

Of course, our body is able to get rid of poisons on its own, but there are some hangover medications that will help to do it faster. You can accept the following:

1. Succinic acid - 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 6 tablets;

2. Eleutherococcus tincture - 20-40 drops before meals, if you need to raise your tone;

3. Juice of 2 lemons, diluted with water in proportions 1:1, and honey.

A good remedy for a hangover is kvass, as well as fermented milk products. Cucumber or cabbage pickle helps to normalize the water-salt balance in the body with a hangover.

Detoxification of the body in case of alcohol poisoning is accelerated by a contrast shower or bath, bath and sauna. They are also the main means to eliminate another cause of a hangover - dehydration.

Elimination of dehydration

What helps with a hangover, in particular, against dehydration? To properly redistribute the fluid, you can resort to one trick - the simultaneous intake of fluid and a diuretic, for example, water and non-alcoholic beer or natural coffee. But before using this method, you should definitely replenish the body with electrolyte salts - drink cucumber or cabbage pickle, mineral water or oat broth.

Normalization of the nervous system

When the elimination of toxins and the redistribution of fluid in the body are completed, you can begin to restore the nervous system. What to drink from a hangover for these purposes? The best remedy for restoring the nervous system after alcohol intoxication is glycine.

It is taken every hour, it is necessary to place a tablet under the tongue or on the cheek - up to 5 times a day. Glycine is a component of gelatin, hence the conclusion suggests itself that jelly is the best snack when drinking alcohol, just like fish soup, jellied fish and jelly.

Help with a hangover, both the nervous system and the heart, will be provided by tablets: Picamilon, Panangin, Mexidol, Pantogam. In addition to tablets, for these purposes, you can use natural products - milk and "live" beer (or non-alcoholic).

You can take hangover pills or "Enetrosgel", which intensively removes the breakdown products of alcohol from the body, causing discomfort. This drug is recommended to be taken in the evening after the feast and the next morning - 3 tables each. spoons. It is better to drink Enterosgel with non-carbonated mineral water.

How to survive a hangover?

If it is possible to stay at home after all the above procedures, go to bed. Prolonged sleep will help overcome even a severe hangover. If you need to go to work and other things, drink an energy drink - natural coffee, strong tea, or any pharmacy remedy for a hangover. A hangover after beer is removed in the same way as after vodka or wine.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover

1. Cold shower. As soon as after waking up you realize that you have a hangover and think what to do, get out of bed and go take a cold shower. This procedure will help the body to cheer up, and give strength to fight toxins. Just do not overdo it with the time of "cooling" so that after a hangover you will not be treated for a cold.

2. Cold compress. If your head hurts from a hangover, ice will help. Place a few ice cubes in a bag and apply this compress to your head. The dilated blood vessels will constrict from the cold, and the pain will subside.

3. Hot bath with essential oils. 25 times accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. Bath water temperature with lavender and rosemary oils should be 35-37°C. The procedure helps the kidneys to excrete salts from the body, so it gets rid of poisons faster. The duration of a hot bath with essential oils is no more than 20 minutes.

4. How to remove a hangover? The sauna will help with this. It is enough to enter the steam room 2-3 times for 5 minutes so that the decay products of alcohol are completely removed from the body.

5. An alternating shower will also help you get over a bad hangover. You should start with a warm shower, taking it for 3 seconds. Then make the water hot and stand under it for 2 seconds. Finish with a 5 second cold shower. If you don't know how to relieve a hangover, try this method along with others.

Eye exercises can also help if you don't know how to beat a hangover. You need to move your eyes to the sides - 30 times in each, of course, without turning your head.

Even a severe hangover in some cases helps to remove breathing exercises. It is better to do it after water procedures. To do this, you need to take a slow breath - for 6 seconds, hold your breath for 6 seconds, and then slowly exhale the air for 6 seconds.

hearty breakfast

Along with other methods of getting rid of the effects of an overdose of alcohol, it is recommended to have a good breakfast in the morning. Many people have a hangover just an animal appetite, but even if you feel sick with a hangover, you need to force yourself to eat. You can cook scrambled eggs with bacon and herbs.

Fresh greens will enrich the body with vitamins, especially necessary after alcohol poisoning, and freshen your breath. If one type of food makes you sick, use the best hangover cure - sauerkraut along with pickle. This product activates digestion and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

Plentiful drink

On a hangover, the body requires fluid, so you need to drink water - not simple, but mineral. Even better - add a little lemon juice (or other natural) to it. Rosehip broth, which contains a lot of vitamin C, helps with a hangover.

Everyone knows how you want to drink cucumber or cabbage pickle on a hangover. This is no accident - salt retains fluid in your body, which is so necessary for it in this situation. Milk and kefir also help well in the question of how to cure a hangover, as they remove toxins from the body. In addition, if you drink them in the evening after a feast, then you will not have a question - how to overcome a hangover?

Good help with a hangover tea with mint and lemon balm. It will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the body. Green tea, chamomile, milk and curdled milk have the same effect.

You can make a cocktail from tomato juice. To do this, stir a fresh egg and add it to a glass of tomato juice. Salt and pepper, mix.

Try chewing on a piece of willow bark. It can be bought at a pharmacy.

Brine, kvass, sauerkraut juice - folk remedies for the treatment of a hangover are known, restoring the water-salt balance disturbed by alcohol toxins.

From a headache with a hangover, tea from dandelion, rosemary, milk thistle, peppermint will help. The latter is best prepared in the form of infusion: 1 table. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of peppermint herb, let it brew for about half an hour. This hangover cure should be taken when you feel very unwell - half a glass every half hour.

Yogurt milk drink is a healing remedy for longevity and a solution to the question - how to treat a hangover. It is not for nothing that in the Caucasus he is certainly present at any feast. Matsoni can replace all other hangover remedies.

Try chewing and swallowing a couple of cardamom seeds (2-3 times a day). Or chew and swallow ¼ tsp. tablespoons of cumin seeds.

Hangover treatment at home is possible if the case of alcohol intoxication is not too severe. When the patient's condition does not improve after applying several methods of relieving a hangover syndrome, it is necessary to resort to medical help. In many cases, a hangover dropper helps to get rid of a serious condition.

How to avoid a hangover

1 Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. This is equivalent to intravenous alcohol. Before the feast, you need to have a light snack and preferably take 5-6 tablets of activated charcoal.

2. How to prevent a hangover after a feast saturated with alcohol? Foods high in carbs can help prevent hangovers. These are rice, pasta, potatoes. They will play the role of an absorbent. And the protein contained in meat and fish will slow down the absorption of alcohol and normalize metabolism. Fatty food is not desirable, as it overloads the liver, which is already suffering from alcohol.

3.Sweet increases the absorption of alcohol, so while taking alcoholic beverages, you should not click on desserts and grapes.

4. How to get rid of a hangover? Everyone knows the advice - do not mix alcoholic drinks, but it is usually forgotten. If you started drinking vodka, then the feast should end with it. By the way, after vodka, a hangover occurs much less frequently than after wine, champagne or alcoholic cocktails.