Lesson cf gr development of speech. An effective lesson on the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten

Purpose: to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle

  1. Activate and expand the vocabulary of children through participation in verbal and speech games.
  2. Develop dialogic speech: participate in a conversation, express your point of view, answer questions clearly for the listener.
  3. Learn to understand the meaning of riddles, guess them.
  4. To evoke positive emotions in children from reading poetry.
  5. Foster curiosity

NOD plan:


Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a healthy lifestyle, what is it? Who can answer me? (Children's answers)

You say everything correctly, to be healthy you need to eat wholesome food, and also wash your hands, brush your teeth, move a lot in the fresh air, play sports.

Let's play a game "Tell me a word" about sports and sports equipment.

  1. Waking up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make my own bed

I quickly do ... (exercises)

  1. Not offended, but inflated.

They lead him across the field.

And hit - nothing!

Do not keep up with ... (ball).

  1. On the icy platform cry,

A student rushes to the gate -

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Bay! »

Fun game ... (hockey).

  1. Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my ... (bike)

  1. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny ... (skates).

  1. I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails

I stuffed planks on the bars,

Give me snow! Ready ... (sled).

  1. I want to become an athlete

I come to the strong man:

- Tell me about this

How did you become a strong man.

He smiled back.

- Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift ... (dumbbells)

What sports do you know? (children's answers)

That's right! Do you know sport begins with physical education, get up on your feet, we will warm up a little (Physical education minute)

What is physical education?

"Phys" and "kul" and "tu" and "ra".

Hands up, hands down.

It's "phys".

We turn the neck like a steering wheel.

This is "cool".

Jump high.

It's "that".

Run for half an hour in the morning.

This is RA".

Repeat everything after me (showing movements: turns to the sides, tilts to the sides, elbow-knee, helicopter, squat, clap under the knee)

By doing this, you will be strong, dexterous, courageous.

Plus a good figure.

That's what physical education means!

What good fellows you are! Real athletes!

Have a seat

And now we will talk with you about you and your parents. What sports do they play? (Children's answers) Do you work with them? (Children's answers) Well done!

We have already said that playing sports alone will not make a person healthy, we talked about healthy eating. What do you think it is? (Children's answers)

You need to eat a lot of fruits, drink natural juices, give up soda, hamburgers, sandwiches and french fries. Eat porridge and drink milk.

And there is another very important condition for health. What do we do every time before eating? (Children's answers) Right! I wash my hands. And why do we do it (Answers of children). What can happen if something dirty gets into our mouths? (Answers of children). The stomach will hurt, worms can even start in it.

Now, let's think about what inedible objects you can take in your mouth? (Children's answers) This is a toothbrush, a spoon and a fork.

So, our lesson has come to an end, what did you learn today? (Children's answers)

Need to move more and play outdoors, do sports

eat wholesome food

wash your hands and brush your teeth.

In this article:

The successful implementation of the program tasks of the kindergarten primarily depends on the people who are called upon to carry out the tasks of raising and educating preschool children: educators, nannies, teachers, psychologists. They create the atmosphere in which the baby is most of the day. The way of life of the kindergarten, its routine, material and technical base, location are also important. Together, all these factors determine how successfully the tasks of raising, developing and educating preschool children will be implemented.

Efficiency in solving these issues depends on the conscientious and painstaking work of adults working with children. The main criterion for the success of teachers and kindergarten teachers is love for children and the work they do. It is love that is the driving force of all inspiration and patience, wise answers and instructions.

Speech development in the middle group of kindergarten

The middle group of the kindergarten is attended by children aged 4-5 years. The very first factor to which work in groups is directed is the development of speech. It is carried out through various directions. We list the most important of them:
Deepening children's knowledge of various subjects
. Children gain knowledge about the details and names of various parts of certain things.

In the classroom, words are studied that denote the properties of objects and phenomena (shape, color, size, texture, concepts of time and space, etc.).
The vocabulary of kids related to the field of professions is replenished.
Children learn words denoting relationships between people and generalizing concepts: clothes, shoes, vegetables, fruits, furniture, dishes, animals, birds, fish, etc.
Children are taught to group and classify objects already familiar to them (clothing - summer, winter; animals - domestic, wild, etc.)
Preschoolers learn to express themselves in sentences with more complex grammatical structures, in which there are definitions, additions, homogeneous circumstances.
children of the fifth year of life are taught to express their thoughts in complex sentences, grammatically correct, so that their speech is understandable to people around them.

Tasks of the educator at this stage

To solve the set tasks aimed at the development of speech, all educators and teachers in the middle group must have a plan-outline and purposefully conduct their classes. Abstract
should reflect the main task of the development of children of this age. Classes for the development of children's speech in the middle group of kindergarten are aimed primarily at the ability to listen carefully and understand speech. Encourage children to participate in collective conversations, answering questions and formulating them. The summary of the educator on the development of speech for kids of the middle group must necessarily contain sections that provide for the education of socially significant character traits of the child: restraint, tact, sociability.
It is necessary that the notes of teachers and educators contain a plan for working on the sound side of children's speech, its culture. At this age, such work comes down mainly to the development of phonemic hearing in children, the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sounds of their native language, especially those that often cause the greatest difficulties for preschoolers. These are whistling, hissing and sonorous.

Since the main place in the development of speech at this age belongs to storytelling, then all classes with children on the development of speech must necessarily be based on the development of this skill. Children are taught to compose different narratives:

Since children at this age cannot yet follow their articulation well enough, lesson plans must necessarily contain items related to work on the articulation of the crumbs, expressiveness and tempo of speech, the ability to control the volume of the voice, clarity of pronunciation of words, correct stress, and also correct breathing. while speaking.

The development of speech in the middle group affects another important aspect. It is necessary that in the classroom there is time for tasks to familiarize children with fiction. Reading a work of art should be included in the lesson plan for every day.

Features of working in the classroom with children

The main working method for The development of the speech of preschool children of four to five years is training. Classes for the development of children's speech are planned and held every week. After these lessons, the material is fixed in free communication.

Babies in the fourth or fifth year of life make a significant leap in development, although they are still characterized by instability of attention, high emotionality, and rapid fatigue.

Tasks to consolidate the studied material, especially those that require multiple repetitions, should be joyful and interesting for the crumbs. It is necessary to try to make the children perceive them as very important and necessary. These activities include:

  • work on a clear pronunciation of sounds;
  • tasks for adding new grammatical word forms to children's speech;
  • compiling stories from a picture or pictures;
  • memorization of poems and some others.

Since the ability to tell children is in the developmental stage, the teacher or educator needs to take this into account when he makes a summary of the lesson. When working on it, it would be advisable to include additional time for reflection, long
pauses, because without this the lesson will turn out to be crumpled and uninteresting, and, therefore, empty for many children.

Interest in the lesson is achieved not only by a diverse and exciting handout and oral material, but also by a positive emotional atmosphere of the lesson. Everything is important here: the chosen pace of work, a clear change of stages, i. the rhythm of the lesson, the ability of the teacher to maintain a positive, active state of mind of children, as well as a good mood. It is necessary to show special tact in the classroom, because kids at this age are very vulnerable and acutely perceive public comments. Benevolence and wisdom in censure will surely endear the hearts of children to the teacher.

It will be good if, during the classes, the teacher uses indirect praise in relation to the children, as if casually mentioning "Sofia's industriousness", "Nastya's attentiveness", "Oleg's determination", etc. Having received such a characteristic with everyone, the child will try very hard to match it. If you need to make a remark, then the words of censure should go separately from the name of the child, so as not to become a stigma. It is also correct to express an assessment not of the child himself, but of his work, activities. For example, it’s better to say: “Sasha, try to be more careful” than “Sasha, what kind of slob are you!”. Remarks must be made in a calm tone so as not to encourage children to condemn their comrade.

If the child is shy, you need to help him overcome unnecessary embarrassment, especially if you see
that the kid knows the answer, but fear prevents him from speaking out in front of everyone. Such modest fellows should be allowed to answer from their seats without calling them to the board.

Since each child is an individual, in the process of preparing for the lesson, it is necessary to take into account the features of perception of each individual child that you already know. Someone is silent and modest - ask him from a place until he gets comfortable and stops being shy, and one of the kids has a quiet voice - you need to put him closer so that the answers can be heard well. Katya is more likely than others to make mistakes in answering questions - it would be nice to give her the opportunity to answer several times. Such methods of work, and most importantly, attention and love for their pupils will allow the teacher to quickly achieve the desired results in the development of children's speech.

In any group of children, especially in the group of preschool children, it is easier to work if the adult has not only an outline, but also a desire to find a common language, to achieve authority among the kids, and with them - the goals set.

Elena Valentinovna Lozbeneva

overview of GCD for speech development in the middle group

Topic: "Our Kindergarten»

Lozbeneva E. V.

Educational area: speech development.

Integration: Artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Educational: to teach children to know the names and patronymics of all employees of the kindergarten; reinforce the names of professions in children.

2. Educational: continue develop memory, attention, thinking through games and game exercises; develop children's speech activity in the classroom.

3. Educational: to cultivate love and respect for employees of the kindergarten; develop respect for kindergarten.

Program content:

To expand children's ideas about the world of adults, to arouse interest in their professional activities.

Continue to introduce children to childish garden and its staff,

Improve the ability to freely navigate the room kindergarten;

Build respect for employees kindergarten

(educator, ml., educator, music director, cook, nurse, manager).

Enrich vocabulary verbs: teach, practice, cook, heal, cook, play, compose, count, sing, take care.

Develop auditory attention - the ability to listen to the speech of an adult, logical thinking - to recognize actions by characteristic movements through classes;

Replenish children's vocabulary based on improved knowledge through nouns (bedroom, dressing room.)

Raise respect for the work of adults and the desire to help them.

Instill in children the love of kindergarten, sympathy for comrades.

preliminary work:

Conversations about professions using photographs;

Excursions around kindergarten(kitchen, manager's office, nurse's office);

Role-playing games: « Kindergarten» , "A family", "Hospital";

Reading fiction literature: "All work is good", "I'm going to Kindergarten» .

Working with parents:

Watching a show "GOOG night kids";

Parents' story about their place of work.

demo material: pictures with professions of people.

move directly educational activities.

caregiver:Look, guys.

Animals came to visit us

Did you guys recognize them, who is this?

Children: Bunny and bear.

caregiver: Yes, only something they are sad, I ask - what happened.

Bunny: We are just sitting on the shelf,

For games baby staring

We want to play games

And about kindergarten know!

caregiver: Guys, let's tell the little animals what it is Kindergarten.

caregiver: listen to a poem about d / s

The children live in the kindergarten

Here they play and sing

Find friends here

They go for a walk with them.

Children's The garden is our second home.

How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids

The kindest house in the world! (G. Shalaeva.)

Tell me, guys, what is the name of our Kindergarten?

Children: "Firefly"

caregiver: What is it built from? Kindergarten?

Children: - From bricks

caregiver:AT. - So what is the building?

Children: Brick.

caregiver:How many floors in our kindergarten?

Children: Three

caregiver: What is the name of our Group?

Children: "flower - seven-flower" middle group

caregiver: - On which floor is our Group?

D. - On the second

AT: What rooms are there in group? Show.

What do they do in the locker room, in the bedroom, in group, in the washroom?

In the garden, one must live together not to quarrel, to call each other by name.

caregiver: Who walks with children, studies, plays, reads fairy tales?

Children: What are the teachers' names?

AT: Who helps the teacher? (nanny, teacher assistant)

Who else works in our nursery?

(cook, nurse, doctor, carpenter, music director, physicist, worker) what are they doing?

caregiver: Children, what is the name of the musical director, physical, worker, carpenter ...

caregiver: Kindergarten is fun, glorious!

Well, who is the most important here,

Who is in the office?

All who lead (manager)

caregiver Q: What is the name of our manager?

Children: Svetlana Viktorovna

caregiver: What do you know about the work of the manager kindergarten?

Children: The manager makes sure that in children's the garden had beautiful furniture, toys, so that we could feel good here.

caregiver: Bunny and Mishka learned a lot about our kindergarten and those who works in it.

caregiver: Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye to Bunny and Bear.


reflection: That's how many people of different professions work in our kindergarten. Together they take care of you. And moms and dads were calm for you. You are very loved here. Guys, did you like our guests? What did you tell them about our kindergarten? Shall we invite Masha and Zaika to join us? (Children's answers!

Related publications:

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State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 81 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children

Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Synopsis: "A lesson on the development of speech in the middle group."

Performed: educator

Petrova Victoria Alekseevna

St. Petersburg



State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 81 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children

Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg


Done: educator

Petrova Victoria Alekseevna

St. Petersburg



"A lesson on the development of speech in the middle group."

Lesson on the development of speech for children of the middle group on the topic: "Journey to the country of colored pencils"

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming, ICT.

Objectives: to develop the dialogic and monologue speech of children, to lead to an independent continuation of the fairy tale begun by the teacher.


Educational:to consolidate children's knowledge of the surrounding reality, to correlate colors with objects. Learn to use adjectives correctly in speech, form words with the help of suffixes. Continue to work on a clear pronunciation of words and phrases. Continue to learn to find a certain sound in words. Exercise in the ability to divide words into parts, use diagrams. Understand and explain the concepts of "sound" and "letter", vowels and consonants, hard and soft.

Developing: the development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. To promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing.

Educational: to cultivate the desire to study, perseverance and the ability to fulfill the tasks of the teacher.

Material for GCD:

A. Wenger's poem "Colors of the Rainbow". Colored pencils: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. "Magic Bag" Scene pictures about winter, spring, summer and autumn. Multi-colored springs for physical education. Workbooks for each child. E.V. Kolesnikova "from word to sound". Medium sized rubber ball.

Direct educational activities:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs in front of a magnetic board.

Guys, look at the colors around us. Why do builders, artists, craftsmen paint furniture, fabrics, toys in different colors? Do you love to draw? What color are your favorite pencils?

The teacher distributes colored pencils to the children (optional).

Look, you have turned into multi-colored pencils. Now each of you will tell about yourself (what color is it, what can you draw with this color) And I will help you and read poems.


Red radish grew in the garden,

Next to the tomatoes - red guys,

Red tulips stand on the window

Red apples lie on the ground.

(After the poem, the child talks about the red pencil. Ensure that the answer is in full sentences).


orange fox

All night the carrot dreams

Looks like a fox tail

Orange too.

Now the "orange pencil" will tell us about itself.


The yellow sun looks down on the earth

A yellow sunflower follows the sun.

Yellow pears hang on the branches,

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

Now the “yellow pencil” will tell about itself.


We grow: green onions

And green cucumbers

And outside the window - a green meadow

And a green tree.

Green house under the green roof

And a cheerful gnome lives in it,

In green trousers he walks new,

What are sewn from maple leaves.

A "green pencil" comes out and talks about himself.


Island in the blue sea

(way to the island is far)

And a flower grows on it -

Blue - blue cornflower.

"Blue Pencil" talks about himself.


Violet violet tired of living in the forest,

I'll take it and bring it to my mother on her birthday.

With purple lilac she will live together

On the table in a beautiful vase by the open window.

"Purple Pencil" also talks about itself.

Why are pencils needed? How should they be treated? Where are pencils stored? But not only pencils are colored, but also music. What do you think, what kind of music can be "colored"? And now, let's take the multi-colored springs and show our color dance.


Phonogram "multi-colored game" with springs.

And now get up all in a circle and we will play the game "Big - small". I will name a large object, and the one to whom I throw the ball,


Now, look at the pencils and tell me about them, what they are. (Long, wooden, multi-colored, smooth, ribbed, sharp ...) We see and feel all this. And if we put the pencils in an opaque bag, dip our hand into it and try to talk about a pencil? Can you tell the color of a pencil in a bag?

Now look at the picture (spring) Tell us what color the objects in the picture are, which pencil drew the most here.

The same is said about the picture about summer, autumn and winter.

Well done boys. Now look what we have on the tables? That's right, these are our notebooks. But before we start working in them, let's remember what "sound" is (this is what we say and hear). And what is a “letter” (this is what we write and see). What sounds do we call vowels (which can be sung and pulled) What are consonants (you can’t pull and either sponges, or teeth, or tongue help us).

Work is being done in Kolesnikova's workbooks.

Topic No. 25. “Sounds G - K. Painting over objects. Modeling. Listening to jokes.

Well done, you did a very good job today. What did you like the most? And I really liked how attentive you were, how well you completed all the tasks. Here I have boxes in a magic bag. I wonder what is there? Those are colored pencils. Now they are yours and you can draw whatever you like with them.

GCD on the development of speech in the middle group "Forest parcel"

Work description: Synopsis of directly educational activities for children of the middle group "Forest Parcel". The material will be useful for teachers of preschool groups. This summary of an educational lesson for preschoolers 4-5 years old, aimed at summarizing and consolidating the topic "Wild Animals".
Target: Expansion of vocabulary and consolidation of knowledge of the names of wild animals in preschoolers.
1. Fixing in speech the names of wild animals, and their cubs, body parts, dwellings.
2. Development of thinking on the material of descriptive riddles.
3. Consolidation of the ability to compose a story using mnemonic tables.
4. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".
Materials for work:
- parcel with locks, letter;
- cards with the image of dwellings of wild animals;
- didactic game: “Whose tail? ”;
- subject pictures depicting wild animals and their cubs.
Preliminary work: Acquaintance with wild animals in the classroom on familiarization with the outside world, through outdoor games, imitation of animal movements. Conducting finger gymnastics, guessing and inventing riddles. Educator: Good morning, guys. This morning a parcel and a letter were brought to our group. Let's read the letter.
Hello guys!
We send you a parcel with gifts for you. But in order to open it and find out who it is from, you need to pass tests. For each test you pass, you will receive a key to the lock. We wish you good luck!

Educator: So guys, are you ready for the test? (children's answers)
caregiver: In order to learn how to speak beautifully and correctly, you and I need to do a warm-up for the tongue.
1. "Smile", "Fence"
Our lips smiled
Straight to the ears stretched.
You try "I-and-and" say
Show me your fence.

2. "Tube"
An elephant came to visit us,
amazing baby,
Look at the elephant
Sponges proboscis pull.

3. "Smile" / "Tube"
If our lips smile
Look - the fence appears.
Well, if the sponges are a narrow tube,
So we can play the flute.

4. "Watch"
One after the other, one after the other
Arrows go around.
You lick both lips

Show me how the arrows move.

5. "Pendulum"
There is a minion in the clock:
To the left is tick, and to the right is so.
You will be able to do this:
Tick ​​and tock, tick and tock?

6. "Swing"
On a fun swing
Tanya and Nikita sat down.
The swing went down
And then they flew up.
Probably with the birds
They wanted to fly.

Educator: Well done, you did a great workout. So, the 1st test is guessing riddles (with the correct answer, an image of an animal is displayed).
What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a column under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head.
Answer: hare
Who is cold in autumn.
Is he gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

This glorious redhead
Lush tail, white belly,
Very scary trick
Chickens in a cage will count
And the owners will be scared
Instantly run away and straight into the forest.
Answer (fox)

In the pit sleeps in the long winter,
But as soon as the sun begins to warm,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Heading off …
Answer (Bear)

I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.
Answer (Squirrel)

Well done boys. All riddles solved. Here is the first key to the lock. Tell me, what animals did you and I guess riddles about? (children's answers). Why are they called that? (children's answers). That's right, wild animals live in the forest, and everyone has their own house. The next test is called "Who lives where?"

On the tables are cards with the image of an animal and a dwelling. Children are invited to connect the line of the animal and its dwelling. When completing the task, the teacher asks related questions:
Where does the wolf live? (In the lair)
Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow.)
Where does the fox live? (In holes.)
Where does the hare live? (Under the bush.)

Educator: Great, and passed the test. Here is the second key to the lock. And our next test is called "Name it right."
The child chooses a picture from the series "animals and their cubs" and names:
Fox - fox - fox cub (foxes)
Wolf - she-wolf - cub (wolf cubs)
Bear - she-bear - cub (cubs)
Hare - hare - hare (hare)
Squirrel - squirrel - squirrel (squirrels)

caregiver: Good job. And for this we get another key. And now I suggest a little rest. (physical minute)
Naughty animals.

Bunny jumps on the bushes,
Through the swamp and over the bumps.
The squirrel jumps on the branches
The mushroom carries baby squirrels.
A clumsy bear walks
He has crooked paws.
No paths, no paths
A spiny hedgehog rolls. They jump on two legs, making "ears" from their palms.

They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

They go side by side.

They move in a half squat, making round backs.

Educator: We rested, but there is still a test, and it is called “Make up a story”.
The child is invited to choose an image of one animal and use the mnemonic table to compose a story. Children's responses are heard.

Educator: Another test is behind us, and we have another key. There remains the last test "Whose tail?"
On the tables are pictures of animals without tails. The child is invited to find the desired tail and stick it while naming whose tail (fox, wolf, squirrel, hare).
Educator: Guys, all the tests have been passed, let's see what's inside the package (open it, there's a treat).
Educator: Who do you think sent you the package? (children's answers). That's right, the forest dwellers sent you gifts.
The children are given treats.