Charging for the eyes to restore vision: exercises, instructions and effectiveness. Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten: why you need it, types and examples of exercises Examples of specific exercises

From an early age, we know that physical education is useful. Physical activity makes our body healthier, and the spirit stronger, they raise vitality and have a positive effect on all processes in the body. Our eyes also need exercise. They will be especially useful for children and those who spend more than half a day in front of the monitor.

Why do you need eye exercises?

When we hear the word "physical education minute", the first thing we imagine is classes at school. And it’s true, because even from the school bench it’s worth protecting your eyesight, and a simple and exciting exercise for the eyes helps a lot with this. Experienced and attentive teachers know that taking a break for eye gymnastics is very important. There are several reasons for this:

  • Performing simple exercises helps relieve nervous strain. And we all remember that studying is not an easy task, requiring constant concentration.
  • Such a break allows you to fight fatigue caused by increased stress on the eye muscles during reading and writing.
  • It is believed that gymnastics for the eyes prevents the occurrence of certain diseases of the organs of vision and does not allow the development of such ailments as myopia and hyperopia.
  • Physical minutes work like a "switch" and thus make the learning process easier. Children begin to get bored in monotonous classes, with difficulty focusing on what they are studying. A short warm-up interferes with the usual rhythm and acts encouragingly. Thanks to this, the information in the lessons is absorbed better, and the child's interest is maintained at the right level.

Standard set of exercises

The main thing is to do gymnastics with a good mood! Many methodological complexes for teachers have been developed, you can find them in presentations and videos on special websites. And although gymnastics is mainly aimed at working the muscles of the organs of vision, it often includes exercises to strengthen posture, relax the muscles of the cervical region and hands. It is recommended to arrange such breaks every hour, approximately at the 20th minute of the lesson. In time, they should take at least two minutes.

Here are some exercises that will be useful for the guys:

  • Without turning your head, look left, right, up and down, draw a figure eight with your eyes or, for example, the first few letters of your name.
  • Blink quickly, close your eyes and do not open them for five seconds.
  • Extend your right hand forward and look at your index finger for a few seconds. Sharply refocus on a distant object.
  • Look at an object in front of you and turn your head left and right without taking your eyes off the object.
  • Close your eyes tightly, wait three seconds, open and refocus your gaze into the distance.

Do not forget about these exercises for adults, especially those who sit at the computer for hours. Everyone knows that when sedentary work you need to take breaks. A couple of such five minutes should be devoted to gymnastics for the eyes - they will rest from overexertion, efficiency and concentration will increase, and mood will improve.

Alla Mokretsova

Every day, during dynamic pause, I spend with children gymnastics for the eyes.

The purpose of the visual gymnastics- is the formation in preschool children of ideas about the need to take care of their health, about the importance of vision, as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health.

visual gymnastics used:

to improve blood circulation and intraocular fluid of the eye;

to strengthen muscles eye;

To improve accommodation (this is the ability eyes a person to good quality of vision at different distances)

Each person perceives and studies the world around him with the help of five senses or sensory systems: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Eyes considered of all the senses as the most precious gift of nature. 90% of information a person perceives from the outside world through vision.

As modern research has shown, « gymnastics for the eyes» improves blood supply eyeballs, normalizes the tone oculomotor muscles, contributes to the rapid removal of visual fatigue.

The first exercises to preserve vision were created long before our era. Yogis, creating complexes for the whole body, did not forget about our eyes. They knew for sure that for the best result, you need not only training, but also a good rest.

Gymnastics for the eyes necessary even for people who believe that their eyes are fine. Exercises for eye provide for movement eye apples all over the place. Everyone should understand that vision is important to protect and preserve. Children in this respect are much more susceptible to various influences. The development of vision in childhood should be given special attention. For this there is gymnastics for the eyes. But children are much more willing to do it when gymnastics associated with poetic rhythm. So that children can show their activity, we recommend that all classes with them be carried out in a playful way.

visual gymnastics should be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. For gymnastics you can use small items, various simulators. gymnastics can be carried out according to verbal instructions, using poems, nursery rhymes.

I bring to your attention several sets of exercises that I use in my work.


One to the left, two to the right

Three up, four down.

And now we look around

To see the world better.

exercising a muscle eye.

We'll see better soon

Check it out now!

Now let's press a little

Dots near your eye.

movements eye according to the text.

We give them a lot of strength - a lot,

To amplify a thousand times!

blink fast eyes.

"Our eyes are resting» .

Our eyes are resting,

Exercises are performed.

Children stand with closed eyes.

And now we'll open them

We will build a bridge across the river.

open eyes, draw a bridge with a glance.

Let's draw the letter o

It turns out easily.

Eyes draw the letter o.

Let's go up, look down

Turn right, turn left

movements eye according to the text.

Let's start working again.

The children sit down.

"Fun week".

All week in order

Eyes do exercises.

Monday when you wake up

Eyes smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back up.

Raise eyes up, lower them down, the head is motionless; (removes eye strain) .

Tuesday clock eyes,

They look to and fro,

Walking left, walking right

Never get tired.

Turn eyes to the right, and then to the left, the head is motionless; (removes eye strain) .

On Wednesday we play hide and seek

Strongly we close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five,

We will open eyes.

We squint and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time

What is near and what is far

Eyes must be considered.

Look straight ahead, put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from eye, look at the tip of the finger to look at it, lower the hand. (strengthens muscles eye and improve their coordination).

On Friday we didn't yawn

Eyes running around.

Stop and again...

Run to the other side.

Raise eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; eye) .

Even if Saturday is a day off

We are not lazy with you.

Looking for corners

To run the pupils.

Look at the top right corner, then the bottom left, look at the top left corner and the bottom right; (improves complex movements eye) .

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then let's go for a walk

To eyes hardened

You need to breathe air.

Close eyelids, massage them with circular motions fingers: upper eyelid from nose to outer edge eye, lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa; (relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation)

Without gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes can't live!


an airplane is flying,

I took off with him.

Children look up "flight" aircraft.

He took the right wing away, looked,

Left stole took, looked.

Move to the right side (left) hand, look at them.

I start the engine

And I look closely.

Rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest, watching them with a look.

I rise up, I fly

I don't want to return!

They stand on their toes and pretend to fly an airplane.


We saw a snowflake

They played with the snowflake.

Pull the snowflake forward, focus on it.

Snowflakes flew to the right

The children looked to the right.

Take the snowflake to the right, follow the gaze.

Snowflakes flew again

Eyes look to the left.

They take the snowflake to the left, follow the gaze.

The wind lifted the snow

And dropped to the ground.

Follow the movements of the snowflakes eye up and down.

Snowflakes fly up and down.

Everything! They lay down on the ground.

Look up and down behind the snowflake, sit down, lowering the snowflake to the floor.

We close our eyes,

Eyes are resting.

Children close eyes and rest easy.

I will continue the compilation of material in the next blog.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Come on, admit it, who does exercises every day?

I'm going to confess publicly. I have long wanted to start such a useful habit, but everything does not work out - either laziness, then there is no time, then I forget.

The maximum that I can do is to squat a couple of times and wave my hands in front of the bed, where my still sleepy daughter is sitting. She will be very amused by such unusual mother's actions.

And few people think that the eyes also need charging. They work all day, and we often, instead of letting them rest, sit down in front of the computer, turn on the TV, launch the toy on the phone.

But the implementation of simple exercises does not take much time, they can be done "in between times."

Such a charge will provide invaluable assistance to our hardworking eyes.

I found a very interesting article on this topic, which talks about the importance of eye training, as well as effective exercises.

Some eye problems can be successfully dealt with with the help of special exercises. The ophthalmologist of the highest category of the polyclinic of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Irina Alekseevna Kostyreva, talks about “eye gymnastics”.

There is a wonderful prevention aimed at maintaining visual acuity and relieving the strain of tired eyes. This is a charger.

A set of simple exercises perfectly trains the eye muscle, prevents its spasms. Gymnastics brings the most tangible benefits to young people - with its help they can even improve the quality of vision.

And for those who are older, regular performance of the “eye” complex will help slow down progressive myopia and quickly relieve fatigue.

Gymnastics for the eyes should be done twice a day, preferably at least 3-5 minutes.

Eye prophylactic complex

Relaxation. Close your eyes tightly and try to relax. To perform this exercise, it is worth remembering some pleasant moments of life: a love date or the first smile of a son, a splash of the gentle sea or a forest walk. Every person has their own happy memories.

Circular movements. Make circular movements with open eyes: first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.

Movement in straight lines. Intensively move your eyes horizontally: right-left, and vertically: up and down.

Blink. Intensely squeeze and unclench your eyes.

Diagonals. Direct your gaze to the lower left corner, that is, look, as it were, at the left shoulder and focus on this point. After three blinks, repeat to the right.

Mirror Diagonal. Similarly to the previous exercise, squint your eyes to the upper left corner, then to the right.

"Dark Relaxation" Place warm palms over your closed eyes, fingers crossed on the forehead. Relax and try to achieve deep blacks.

Blink. Blink your eyes lightly and quickly at least a hundred times.

"Slanting eyes". Bring your eyes to your nose. To perform this exercise, put the tip of your index finger to the bridge of your nose and look at it - then the eyes will easily “connect”.

"Close-far, or the work of the eyes at a distance." Go to the window, carefully look at a close detail. It can be a leaf of a tree growing outside the window, or a small paper dot glued to the glass at eye level. Then, over the selected point, draw an imaginary straight line that goes into the distance, and direct your gaze far ahead, trying to see the most distant objects.

Execution rules

  • All exercises, except for the last one, are performed while sitting, in a comfortable position. The back is straight, the neck and shoulders are as relaxed as possible.
  • In exercises where the eyes move in certain directions, fix the final point of each movement for a few seconds. Each such exercise should be repeated at least 7-10 times in each direction.
  • Exercises can be performed in different sequences and an unlimited number of times.
  • It is worth choosing a few exercises and repeating them during the working day. Such a mini muscle exercise is especially necessary for everyone working at a computer.
  • It is worth introducing gymnastics of the cervical region into the “production complex” - tilting the head forward, left and right and circular rotations.


In the orbit are 8 muscles involved in the movement of the eyeball. Exercise for the eyes is primarily a training of the eye muscles.
The ideal option is morning exercises for the eyes. It has been scientifically proven that the muscles of the eyes do not rest at all during sleep.

People who work at a computer for a long time often feel fatigue in their eyes, various discomforts, and in the future, a decrease in vision.

In order for your eyes to be beautiful and attractive, and it was simply impossible to tear yourself away from your gaze, it is necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes. Exercising for the eyes with myopia will help not only relieve eye strain, but also develop eye muscles.

Exercise for the eyes is very useful for those who work at the computer, rewrite the text, make small sketches, edit articles and many other things that have a harmful effect on the eyes, making the eyes tired and strained.

Exercise for the eyes is a special set of exercises that allows you to prevent eye fatigue or recover from long-term work that requires concentration of vision (for example, at a computer).

All exercises for the eyes are quite simple, and for greater efficiency, they need to be done away from the monitor or in a completely different room.

Exercise for the eyes of yoga was invented in the most ancient times, at least it does not look painfully modern. Be sure to do it every day, without missing a single day. They say that one day of skipping and you can lose the effect achieved over the past couple of weeks. I don’t know if this is true, because the warning is so scary that I don’t even want to check.

Charging can be done at any time of the day, the main thing is at least four hours after eating.

All exercises, except for the last one, are best performed while sitting in the lotus position.

If this is too difficult for you, just sit comfortably with your back straight.

Between exercises, let your eyes rest by relaxing them and blinking frequently. Exercise for the eyes in the morning is good to continue with water procedures: cold water perfectly stimulates the organs of vision.

Exercise N1

Take a calm breath through your nose and close your eyes. During a slow exhalation (also through the nose), massage the closed eyelids with the pads of the palms - those that are located closer to the wrist - towards the nose and away from the nose. On a pause after exhalation, without opening your eyes, place the palms of both hands over your eyes, nose and mouth so that no light enters your eyes. Stay in this position for as long as you can without inhaling the air. Then, without taking your hands off your face, open your eyes and take a calm breath through your nose. And on a slow exhalation through the nose, open your palms so that the little fingers are, as it were, the axis of their rotation. This exercise can be done separately from all the others at any time of the day - if your eyes are very tired. The exercise is performed once.

Exercise N2

Continue to sit with your eyes open and look straight ahead. Make a calm and slow exhalation through the nose and at the same time look as far down to the left as possible (lower left corner). Fix your gaze for as long as you can without inhaling. On a slow breath through the nose, return your gaze to its original position. The exercise is performed once.

Exercise N3

It is performed in the same way as the previous one, only the gaze must be directed to the extreme right lower corner.

Exercise N4

It is performed in the same way as the previous one, but the gaze should be directed to the tip of the nose. Once is enough.

Exercise N5

The same thing, but the gaze should be directed to the mid-eyebrow.

Exercise N6

This exercise is a rotational movement of the eyes: first, in the left extreme lower corner; then on the mid-eyebrow; then to the right extreme lower corner; and finally to the tip of the nose; then again to the extreme lower left corner - and so on. The exercise is performed on a pause after exhalation for as long as you can not breathe.

Exercise N7

Do the same rotational movements with your eyes as in the previous exercise, but in the opposite direction: the right extreme lower corner - between the eyebrows - the left extreme lower corner - the tip of the nose.

Exercise N8

Repeat exercise #1.

Exercise N9

To complete this exercise, you need to go to the bathroom. Stand in front of the sink and turn on the cold water. Take a mouthful of water so that your cheeks swell up like a hamster's. Lean forward with your eyes wide open.

Now take handfuls of water from the tap and splash it into your eyes wide open, without blinking, until the water in your mouth warms up (10-20 times). It's not easy, and it will take several days before you manage not to blink.

The exercise is performed once on a pause after exhalation. Now spit the water out of your mouth and massage your closed eyes.

Cold water in the mouth stimulates blood circulation in the nose and eyes, improving vision. Rinsing the eyeballs with water acts as a massage, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and on the eye muscles, and tones the nerve endings.

Now look at yourself in the mirror. If you have bright red eyes like a rabbit, don't be scared - it means that you did all the exercises correctly. The redness will go away very quickly.

This exercise is not only for people suffering from myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. Even if your eyes are absolutely healthy, you can do it as a preventive measure.

Eyes need to rest

One of the causes of fatigue and eye disease is constant monotonous stress. For example, working at a computer, reading, leisure time watching TV.

Therefore, one of the effective measures to prevent vision problems is specialized sets of exercises for the eyes.

Of course, we must not forget about the general well-being, general physical activity. But today we will talk about exercises for the eyes.

Improving blood supply to the eye muscles

When the eyes receive a monotonous load - the muscles seem to “freeze” in one position, blood supply is disrupted. And as you know, the most effective method of preventing "stagnant" phenomena is adequate physical activity.

Exercise for the eyes will strengthen the blood vessels, relax the muscles of the eye. So, let's begin!

External eye muscle training

In a sitting position (head is motionless), slowly look from the floor to the ceiling and back, then from left to right and back (repeat 10-12 times).

Circular eye movements(head is motionless) in one and the other direction - repeat 4-6 times.

Frequent blinking for 20 seconds

Training of the internal muscles of the eye. leaf on the window

We attach a small sticky note “for notes” to the window. We write something pleasant on it, for example: "HE LOVES ME!!!" We move a meter away from the window.

Alternately focus on the leaflet, then on what is outside the window.

We repeat first for 2-3 minutes, after a week of training, the time can be increased gradually to 10 minutes. Within a month, you will notice an improvement in vision.

Training of the internal muscles of the eye. ball game

Football, volleyball, tennis and even the simple dodgeball that we played in childhood are not only a good exercise for the arms and legs, but also exercise for the eyes.

The ball that you have to watch closely is a moving target, which allows you to quickly refocus your eyes. And refocusing is the best eye muscle training!

So, we arm ourselves with this knowledge, and at any opportunity we take a racket in our hands, go to the football field or the yard basketball court - TREAT EYES!

"Finger gymnastics"

Strengthen the muscles of the eyes will help ... your own fingers. All that is needed is that standing or sitting, place the thumb of the right hand along the midline of the face at a distance of 20-30 cm from the eyes, look at it with two eyes for 3-5 seconds, cover the left eye with the palm of the left hand for 3-5 seconds, remove the palm, look again with both eyes at the finger for 3-5 seconds. The same - changing hands. Then close your eyes, relax your eyelids, massage them with your fingers, open your eyes and blink quickly.

This improves blood circulation and improves the circulation of intraocular fluid.

Strengthen the eye muscles

These exercises help strengthen the eye muscles, maintain the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids, slow down the aging process and “sagging”.

First, open your eyes wide, then close your eyelids tightly. Repeat with an interval of 30 seconds 5-6 times. Then - look up-down-right-left without turning your head.

The next exercise is to look down to the upper right corner of the room, down again and to the upper left corner. Repeat the same for the bottom corners. At the same time, do not turn your head - let only your eyes work.

Eyebrow massage

In Eastern healing methods, gymnastics (internal work of the body) is inseparable from massage (external influence on the body). So we will adopt the following methods of Chinese gymnastics "do-in".

So, close our eyes and with the back of the second phalanges of the thumbs stroke the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back. It is necessary to act with little pressure. Repeat 20-30 times.

"Watch your hand!"

Stretch your right hand to the side, fix your gaze on the fingertips (palm open), without turning your head. Then start slowly moving your hand in front of your face horizontally towards your left shoulder. Do not take your eyes off your fingertips.

Thus, the eyes will make a large semicircle, training the internal muscles. A similar movement of the hand and eyes is carried out in the opposite direction.

In total, you need to make 5 such movements in one direction, 5 in the other.

Relieve eye fatigue

Tired eyes? We need to help them relax! To begin, sit or lie down comfortably so that your head, neck, and shoulders feel comfortable.

We close our eyes, let them rest for a minute, then press the inner corners of the eyes with the pads of the thumb and forefinger.

We rest for another minute or two and continue to press with the fingertips - now on the points under the eyes. Here you can make circular movements of small amplitude. In no case do not "press"!

Exercises for beautiful eyes

In order to prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes (the so-called “crow's feet”), the pads of the thumbs are pressed on points located 1 cm from the outer corners of the eyes.

Pressing should last about 1 minute, then a 2-3 minute break. You need to repeat the exercise that activates the dosire points at least 3-4 times.


Tiring work at the computer affects the condition of the eyes in a far from the best way, because the huge volumes of daily processed information require constant tension from them. Rest for the eyes is necessary for everyone, and if you fill such moments of rest with useful gymnastics, you can not only save priceless eyesight, but also significantly improve it.

What is eye gymnastics for?

It is no secret that many vision problems often arise due to overexertion. Hard work, especially at the computer, can lead to rapid reddening of the eyes and their dryness, as well as to the fact that a person can begin to see much worse into the distance. Therefore, it is extremely important to periodically perform exercises specifically designed for the eyes. It is gymnastics for the eyes that will perfectly help not only to relieve the accumulated tension and redness, but also to maintain vision, which is extremely important for a person, and sometimes even restore it.

By the way, the first exercises to preserve vision appeared among ancient people, long before our era. Such exercises have not lost their relevance even now. Even wise yogis, creating whole complexes of asanas for the human body, did not forget about exercises for the eyes.

Eye fatigue exercises

Such exercises will not take much time - it will take only 5 - 7 minutes to complete them. At the same time, they will definitely help to properly relax the muscles and get rid of eye fatigue.

  • Without closing your eyes, you need to try to smoothly and slowly draw a figure eight in the air with them. In this case, you should move your eyes in different directions, trying, if possible, to breathe in time with the actions performed. And, of course, it is better to do without sudden movements. After doing 5 - 7 repetitions, you can move on to the next exercise.

  • The right hand is extended in front of you and raised to eye level. Then, for five seconds, you should look at the thumb, gradually, smoothly and rather slowly moving your hand to the right and not taking your eyes off the thumb. The head during the exercise should remain motionless. Having completed it with the right hand, they pass to the left hand. Each action is performed 5-7 times.
  • First, look for a few seconds at any distant object that is directly in front of you. Next, the hand is raised so that its thumb is at a distance of about 25 - 30 cm from the eyes. After looking at the finger, the hand is lowered, and the gaze is again moved to a distant object. This exercise is done 10-12 times.
  • Raising your hand, make sure that the thumb is at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from the eyes. For five seconds, look at the tip of the finger, and then, closing the right eye, continue to look at the thumb for another five seconds. Then they open their eyes, and, counting five seconds again, close the left eye, continuing to look at the finger all this time. Ten to twelve repetitions will be more than enough.

Exercises to improve circulation

Insufficient blood circulation in the region of the optic nerves and eye muscles plays an important role in visual impairment. Such basic massage techniques as kneading, pressing, vibration and stroking help to cope with this unpleasant situation. And to achieve the best effect, massage is recommended to be combined with special exercises.

  • Eye movements in a straight horizontal line, first to the right and to the left, and then up and down.
  • Eye movements diagonally: first from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then vice versa.
  • Rotation of the eyes in a circle (both counterclockwise and clockwise).
  • Having placed a finger on the bridge of the nose, you need to try to see it with both eyes at the same time.
  • For a few seconds, you need to quickly and intensely close your eyes, and then relax.
  • Fast blinking for a few seconds.
  • A small circle or some other mark is pasted on the window glass, and any large object (for example, a tree in the yard or a distant house) is marked far behind this mark. Then you need to move away from the window for a meter or two and begin to look from the mark located on the window to the selected distant object and back.

Eye massage

Massage has an excellent tonic effect on blood circulation, as well as on the optic nerves and on numerous nerve endings. Massage manipulations for the eyes are extremely simple - stroking closed eyes with your fingertips, light kneading, pressure, vibration and massage with your palms.

Perhaps the most common massage technique is the simultaneous massage of both eyes with the help of two fingers - index and middle. All movements along the lower edge of the eyes are carried out towards the nose, and along the upper edge - above the eyebrows. Repeat these movements eight to fifteen times.

Also, closing your eyes, with the backs of the thumbs (or, to be more precise, their second phalanges) of both hands, with a slight pressure, stroke the eyebrows in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. It is enough to make 20 - 30 such movements.

There is another equally effective massage technique: three fingers press three times on the upper edges of the eye sockets located under the eyebrows, directing the movement upwards and trying not to touch the skin with the nails. Do the same with the lower edges of the eye sockets, while directing the movement down.


  • The eyes are the mirror of the soul! Gymnastics for the eyes. , a social network for losing weight
  • Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov, a social network for parents
  • Gymnastics for the eyes: improving vision, women's social network

Many people with poor eyesight dream of restoring it, drink advertised drugs, and collect money for an operation. At the same time, they are skeptical that vision can be restored by charging designed for.

Without putting a drop of effort, they say that this is a waste of time. Let's try to prove the opposite and convince those who doubt the benefits of eye exercises.

The muscles and nerves of the eye, like other organs of the body, are also prone to weakening and various diseases. They, like other tissues of our body, need good nutrition, blood circulation and metabolism. Lack of vitamins, pastime at the computer or TV, non-observance of visual hygiene contribute little to their health.

We often forget about it or simply do not want (can not) spend time on proper nutrition, normal rest and physical or visual training. Indeed, why do you need exercises for the eyes? It is easier for us to buy a miraculous drug to improve vision, take it and wait for a miracle of insight. But in practice this does not happen. Only an operation can quickly help. But even a successful outcome of surgery does not exempt a person from eye care. This will be confirmed by every ophthalmologist.

Still, it seems not without reason that exercises for improving and restoring vision, developed by W. Bates of vision a century ago, are still remembered. During this time, of course, it has undergone changes, it has been used in combination with other methods of treating visual disorders. But the meaning of charging remained the same - to save a person from glasses.

Before convincing yourself and others that exercises for the eyes do not work, it is advisable to see for yourself. To do this, you need to practice not a day or two, but daily for a month or two. Only then can its effectiveness be judged.

Gymnastics to improve vision can be divided into two categories: relaxation and training. In the first case, it is aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles. In the second - to strengthen.

Let's take a look at the last option. Eye exercises are performed while sitting or standing. Before starting, we calm down and take a comfortable position.

Getting Started:

  1. Straining the muscles of the eyes, close them. We count to 5 and open our eyes, relaxing the muscles. 5-6 sec. we look into the distance. We repeat 5 times.
  2. Back straight, head straight, 10-15 sec. we blink slowly.
  3. We quickly shift our gaze diagonally: first to the right up - to the left down, 6 sec. we look into the distance. Then we do the opposite exercise.
  4. Keep your head straight, without turning it, look to the left, fix your eyes for 5 seconds. Then we look into the distance and hold our gaze. Next, we perform gymnastics with fixation of the gaze to the right side, up, down. We repeat 2 times.
  5. For 5 sec. we close our eyes without straining the eye muscles, then we open them wide and look into the distance for 5 seconds. We perform 3 times.
  6. We keep our back straight, head straight, with slow circular movements we drive our eyes in different directions: first clockwise, then back. After that, we look into the distance.
  7. First we look at the tip of the nose, then we look into the distance. We repeat 7 times.
  8. Keeping your head straight, fix your eyes. At the expense of 4, we shift our gaze to the right side, fix it. Again, at the expense of 4, we look to the left, we return to the starting position. We continue according to the scheme "up-straight", "down-straight". Then we perform the exercise in the same way, moving the gaze diagonally.

If exercises for the eyes, aimed at training them, are performed for the first time, then you should not be too zealous and repeat the exercises many times. This, out of habit, can cause pain and discomfort in the eyes. The number of repetitions should be increased gradually.

Gymnastics to relieve tension from the eye muscles

Relaxing the eyes is just as important as training them. Excessive tension of the eye muscles is considered one of the causes of myopia. Let's look at a few exercises that help them relax.

You can do them as many times as you like and in any order. Any posture - sitting, lying, the main thing is to tune in the right way - to throw all the problems out of your head, calm down and relax.


  1. We do this exercise while sitting: we close our eyes and make several circles with our heads in the course of the clock, then against it. We rest with our eyes closed for a couple of minutes. At this time, it is advisable to think about something pleasant.
  2. Three palms together until they become slightly warm, apply and lightly press them to the eyes. Massage the eyes with light circular movements for 5 seconds.
  3. A similar exercise, only the palms do not need to be pressed to the eyes. We just apply them to our closed eyes and imagine how heat comes from the palms
  4. Having taken a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and begin to remember. It doesn't matter what it will be - the main thing is that the memories are pleasant.
  5. Blink frequently for a few seconds.

It is advisable to choose for yourself a few optimal exercises and perform them throughout the day. Such exercises for the eyes are especially useful for those who have vision problems, work (rest) at the computer for a long time or are engaged in visual work. Also, to restore and maintain vision, it is desirable to overcome yourself and change your lifestyle.

In conclusion, we suggest watching an interesting video on how Taoist massage can restore visual functions:

What do you think about the effectiveness of visual gymnastics? We are waiting for your opinion in the comments to the article!