Pinched nerve in the spine symptoms. Pinched spinal nerve in the spine - how to get rid of pain

As a rule, a pinched nerve in the lower back occurs due to mechanical pressure in the lower part of the spine. There are many nerves there, and anyone can pinch.


The most important symptom is a sharp pain, for the suddenness and painful sensations, popularly called “lumbago”. Depending on the primary localization (in the sacrum or lower back), the pain is felt a little differently:

  • If the pains are felt in the sacrum and pass through the buttock to the back of the leg, these are signs of sciatica or sciatica;
  • If the pain is localized in the lower back (the area is above the sacrum), the back and give to the elbow - this is lumbagia;
  • If there are lumbar pains with a return to the sacrum, and then to the biceps of the thigh (back of the leg) - this is lumbar ischialgia, a more extensive lesion.

Pain radiates to the leg and numbness

The first option is more common - sciatica. It occurs due to pinching of the sciatic nerve, and in translation from Greek the word means "seat, pelvis, thigh." This nerve is responsible for the motor activity of the lower extremities. Therefore, when it is pinched, there is a sharp pain that radiates to the leg, under the patella, and in some cases drops lower - to the very foot. The pain is usually accompanied by numbness or tingling. In some cases, numbness reaches such strength that a person almost does not feel the leg.

In medical language, the problem sounds like "radicular compression of the last lumbar nerves or the first sacral nerve." When this happens, people often think they have sciatica. But sciatica is an independent disease, which, under certain conditions, can indeed develop into chronic sciatica.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Unlike the acute form, the disease may not appear immediately, but increase gradually. For some time, discomfort in the lumbar region may disturb. The pain responds in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, aggravated by lifting weights. In the morning, heaviness in the legs can be felt, they become naughty.

It is believed that this misfortune affects men to a greater extent than women, but in reality everyone is at risk. With age, the likelihood of getting sciatica increases, as motor activity decreases, metabolism slows down, and related problems accumulate.

The reasons

A pinched nerve can occur due to excessive muscle tone and for a number of other reasons. But The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc.. But why does it occur? A hernia is the result of a narrowing of the intervertebral space. Reasons for the formation of a hernia:

  • Osteochondrosis (violation of the elasticity of cartilage tissue) is the first stage, which develops into a hernia;
  • Excess weight, which all the time presses on the spine, as if flattening the vertebrae. Weight also provokes the occurrence of osteochondrosis;
  • Violation of posture;
  • Spinal injury;
  • The tumor is malignant or benign, any neoplasm.

Many people suffer from most of these problems, but not everyone has backache. The fact is that pathologies often accumulate in the body for years, and strong physical exertion, overheating with sudden hypothermia, etc. can provoke an attack.

Do not expect the disease to go away on its own. Without treatment, the sore spot will swell, become inflamed, the pain will intensify and the same sciatica will occur.

During pregnancy

Sciatica during pregnancy is common. Most often, it overtakes women in the most difficult third trimester, when it is already difficult to move around. In the last weeks of development, the child quickly gains weight, and the center of gravity can shift dramatically. The load on the lumbar region can cause pinching. During pregnancy, this is very painful, and medication is limited.

Sharp lower back pain in pregnant women may not be associated with a pinched nerve. Similar symptoms are characteristic of kidney problems. The body of pregnant women undergoes a restructuring of many functions. Therefore, you can not guess the diagnosis and self-medicate. At the first pain in the lower back, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The first step is to ensure the rest of the lower back, sitting on a hard surface. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe special medications. Physiotherapy during pregnancy is also not contraindicated.

Treatment at home

Alternative ways to relieve symptoms exist, but they should be used as additions to the main treatment, if the doctor approves.

  • Laurel tincture. Two or three tablespoons of crumpled bay leaves pour 200 g of alcohol or vodka. Let it brew for 2-3 days. Rub into the sore spot.
  • Honey-flour compress. Mix 100 g of honey and the same amount of flour. Apply the cake to the sore spot and fix it, you can wrap yourself up and leave it all night;
  • Therapeutic baths with sea salt or decoctions (suitable for oak bark, chestnut and calamus roots). The bath should not be hot, but warm, and lie down while comfortable;
  • The sore spot can be rubbed with fir oil, natural mint or valerian tincture.

In the acute stage of the disease, massages and warm compresses should not be applied. Perhaps for a short time the pain will recede, but strong heat will increase the inflammatory process. On the contrary, cold will help in this situation: ice compresses, ice packs or a chilled towel.


Often use injections of B vitamins, which normalize the functioning of nerves and increase metabolism. Also use preparations: "Neurobin", "Combilipen", "Trigram". The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Non-steroidal drugs in injections reduce the inflammatory process. The disadvantage of such injections is the risk of side effects. Ibuprofen and analogues are considered less dangerous. If things are really bad, novocaine blockades are prescribed. Sometimes hormonal preparations are prescribed in the form of injections.


It is best to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This may be the already mentioned Ibuprofen (in the form of Nurofen capsules and under other names), Indomethacin, Voltaren and some others. Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Dicloberl, Movalis will help relieve acute pain. They reduce inflammation, reduce fever and pain, but do not act as a method of treatment. Although necessary at the first stage of solving the problem. With muscle spasms, the drug Mydocalm helps.

Tablets will be needed in any case, at least in order to reduce acute pain and be able to get to the doctor. You have to take a good dose. If there are no anti-inflammatory pills, you can take any painkiller that is at hand (analgin, baralgin, pentalgin, etc.). Ordinary aspirin will do just fine.


Many drugs that help with sciatica are available in various forms: injectable capsules, tablets, and ointments that have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The aforementioned "Voltaren", for example, is even better known as a gel. The same effect is exerted by Fastumgel, Kapsikam, Dolobene, Viprosal, Nikoflex, Menovazin ointments, Chaga balm, Ketonal cream and many others.

The pharmacological composition of all these medicines is very similar, sometimes they simply duplicate each other, differing only in names. They contain substances such as menthol, anesthesin, novocaine and other compounds.

Do not confuse these drugs with warming ointments. For example, the "Badger" warming balm in this case can be harmful. Almost all massage creams also have warming properties.


In the fight against a pinched nerve, exercises such as squats, bends, push-ups, and footwork are well suited. Exercises help both with pain, in order to ease them, and during the recovery period, as well as as a preventive measure, but not in the exacerbation phase.

  1. From the “emphasis on bent knees and straightened arms”, lean back and slowly lower the buttocks on the heels, then lean forward until the legs are fully extended, and bend slightly in the lower back, raising the head up. Up to 12 repetitions.
  2. From the same position, make mini-swings with the shins from side to side, imitating a kind of “wobble”. The toes of the feet are lowered down, but do not touch the floor. The axis of rotation and the main support in this exercise are closed knees. The loin is thus set in motion. Can be repeated up to 15 times on both sides.
  3. From the same position, smooth lowering of the pelvis alternately to the right, then to the left side. The knees do not come off, the feet lie on the floor. Try to touch the floor with your thigh, but if pain occurs, do not lower yourself too much. Up to 15 times in both directions.
  4. Exercise "kitty": alternately bend in the lower back, lifting the chin up, then arch the back, lowering the head.
  5. Lying on the floor on your back, lower your bent knees either to the right or to the left. The feet remain in place, but slightly off the floor at the moment the knees are fully lowered.
  6. From a lying position on the floor, alternately pull your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and holding them against your chest for a couple of seconds. Repeat 15-20 times. Then, about 5-6 times, pull both bent legs together.
  7. Pushups. From the knees (sparing option) or standard.

As you can see, each exercise involves the lumbar region of the spine. Therefore, any activity that enhances the motor activity of this part of the body is useful.

What to do first

The first step is to relax: find the most comfortable position of the body. Then you need to take an anesthetic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the main of which were listed above.

Be sure to remember that with an acute attack of pain, you can not warm up the lower back. When warmed up, the pain may subside, but then it will return, since the increase in temperature will increase blood circulation, and swelling will increase. The swollen tissue will increase pressure on the pinched nerve. It is better to apply a cool compress and move less.

And go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Which doctor treats

As soon as you "grabbed", you need to go to the local therapist or, if possible, directly to the neurologist. If the district clinic accepts strictly by appointment, you should make an appointment with the doctor for whom there is a free coupon as soon as possible. A neurologist would be helpful too. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will redirect to a more narrow specialist. If the condition is very serious and urgent, you can contact the traumatologist on duty or call an ambulance.

The ideal option is a chiropractor who combines the experience of both a therapist and a neurologist in his qualification. A chiropractor will help relieve swelling and restore movement between the vertebrae, improving blood circulation with special techniques. His task is to unfix the sore spot. But not every manual is what it claims to be.

If the doctor does not ask anything, does not find out the details, but immediately prescribes procedures, it is better to stay away from such a doctor. A real doctor will definitely require the results of an X-ray or tomography, and in their absence, he will prescribe these studies.

How long does it take

If properly treated, the acute pain component goes away within 7 days, or even earlier. The subacute period can last 8-10 days or longer. When remission occurs, massage sessions and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed, this helps to accelerate the healing process.

Lack of treatment will lead to severe ischial lesions. In the most severe cases, even temporary paralysis is possible. With the resumption of treatment, damaged nerves can recover, mobility will return to the limbs, but in this case, it may take months or years.

Sleep on hard or soft

Both sick and healthy people are recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. If there is no such mattress, you need to choose the most solid and even surface from all available in the house. But this does not mean that with backaches you need to immediately move to sleep on the floor! A draft can be on the floor, and such patients should avoid drafts and hypothermia, otherwise the situation can worsen.

Is it possible to swim

Swimming is not only possible, but highly recommended. The main thing is to wait out the acute phase of the disease. For recovery, you can swim 2-3 times a week for thirty to forty minutes. At the same time, you need to be careful in choosing a pool - there should not be ventilated rooms. You also need to dress warmer, and wipe yourself dry, especially if it is cold outside the windows.

If it is summer, then you can swim in the sea, river or lake, but do not sunbathe and do not overheat in the sun. Swimming races are best done in the evening, when the water is warm enough and the sun is close to sunset. It may still be too cold in the morning, and on a hot afternoon, those suffering from sciatica are contraindicated in the open sun.

Is it possible to bathe in a sauna or bath

In lumbago situations, you can often hear advice to take a good steam bath. The Russian bath is given a large place in folk medicine. But do not mindlessly follow the ancient traditions. The sauna is also dangerous during this period. Overheating will worsen the condition. Like a bath, a hot bath is contraindicated for sciatica, although it is tempting to immerse the sore spot somewhere where it can be soaked and warmed up well.

You need to understand that the nerve is pinched by bones or muscles, when heated, they expand, which means that they will squeeze the nerve trunk even more. Overheating can also cause inflammation.

Bath and sauna will have a beneficial effect only at the stage of remission or as a preventive measure. If the sharp pains have already passed, you can consult a doctor, and only after his permission to visit these institutions. If allowed, you can take a steam bath with a birch or oak broom, with the addition of a horseradish leaf and even nettles. You can visit the bathhouse with a chronic form of pinched nerve, but do not overcool: do not jump into snowdrifts and ice holes. Sauna with dry steam in this case will be more useful.

Nerve endings emerging from the spinal cord can be pinched by vertebrae, hernias, inflamed muscles, and tumors. This always causes strong painful sensations, expressed as burning pain.

With many types of pinching in the back, the cervical one is most often affected.

When a pinched nerve occurs in the lower back, pain is felt in different places, some muscles become numb.


Localization of pinching causes certain painful symptoms, by which the disease is determined, the causes of its occurrence:

  1. When the sciatic nerve suffers from pinching, the patient experiences a burning and tingling pain, sometimes shooting. When a nerve becomes inflamed, this is. can be , impact .
  2. When the cervical nerve is pinched, there is muscle tension throughout the neck. , turning the head, keeping it in tension for a long time. Symptoms may worsen at night, when coughing, sneezing, hypothermia.

Let's figure out how the back hurts when a nerve is pinched. Most often, burning pain in the lower back occurs unexpectedly, giving to the back.

This leads to a protective reaction of the body, instantly the muscles are struck by a spasm. The attack can last for several minutes, sometimes days.

The reasons

Nerve endings can be pinched due to the pathology of the cartilage of the discs, when the vertebrae begin to touch, reducing the gap as a result of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

The resulting muscle spasms pinch the blood vessels, the blood supply worsens not only to the brain, but also to the internal organs.

When such a process lasts for a long time, the lumbar nerve becomes inflamed, the nerve endings die off, the sensitivity of some parts of the body, the skin disappears.

There are other reasons too:

  • Sharp movements.
  • Injuries, fractures.
  • Congenital pathologies of the spine, acquired.
  • Disruptions in the field of hormonal.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Overweight.


When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, you should not self-medicate, a timely visit to a doctor will help proper treatment, speed up the healing process. To make the correct diagnosis, they resort to an MRI, an x-ray is taken.

As a treatment, procedures are prescribed that relieve muscle spasms:

  1. , Tibetan massage - eliminate pain.
  2. - releases pinched roots, restore the desired position of the discs.

Starting treatment, first of all, eliminate the pain syndrome. There is a large arsenal for a pinched nerve in the lower back.

Basically, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs are used in the form of injections, tablets, ointments. Good help UHF,.

The patient must comply with bed rest, it is desirable that the bed has a hard surface. You should follow a diet. After an acute period of the disease, it is usually prescribed under the guidance of a specialist.

Let's see if the back can hurt from the nerves? There is a connection between nervous shocks and back health.

Mental suffering leads to clamping of the vertebrae, physical pain is added.

If the stressful state is not eliminated, the body “remembers” this sensation, reacting in the future with a pain syndrome to each such case.

How does back pain appear due to nerves? Because of the depressed state, a person wants to hide, to close his heart.

He lowers his shoulders, his back stoops, all the muscles are clamped. This reaction to stress is inherent in us by nature.

If the troubles last for a long time, the muscles become stiff, they can pinch blood vessels, nerve endings. As a result, it turns out that the back hurts from the nerves.

There is only one way out - you should relax so that the muscles remember their normal state.

The person relaxed his muscles, straightened his shoulders, his posture is automatically corrected, his mood rises. It is worth convincing yourself that all these are temporary difficulties, and the muscles begin to soften. Overcoming stress, a person becomes slimmer, more beautiful.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, internist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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People of all ages can feel for themselves what a pinched lumbar nerve is. It is accompanied by acute, sharp, severe pain, which can hamper the movement of a person. A variety of diseases can provoke such a condition, but there are methods for their treatment and getting rid of discomfort.

Causes of a pinched nerve in the lumbar

Any negative impact on the nerve endings manifests itself in the form of unpleasant sensations, and every movement only aggravates the situation. Various diseases can cause such a condition, a pinched nerve in the lower back becomes only a consequence. The following ailments provoke pain:

  1. Intervertebral hernia. It occurs due to compression of the intervertebral discs when the vertebral spaces change, displacements. The hernia falls out of the spinal column and creates pressure on the nerve.
  2. Diseases of the spine. The main in this group is osteochondrosis, which develops after deformation, displacement in the spinal column. In parallel, compression occurs, there is pressure on the endings of the nerves in the lower back.
  3. Injury. Infringement of the nerve in the lumbar region is sometimes caused by physical impact, which provokes serious complications.
  4. Muscle spasm. Impaired contraction and inflammation of muscle tissue can cause pinched nerves and back pain.
  5. Pregnancy. With the rapid weight gain of the fetus in the last months of gestation, the center of gravity shifts sharply, which increases the load on the lumbosacral region. This causes a pinched nerve.
  6. Excessive loads. When playing sports or when the muscular corset is weakened, the displacement of the vertebral discs can cause additional physical activity. As a rule, it happens when the back is extended.
  7. Tumor. Any neoplasm in the lumbar region can reach such a size that there will be pressure on the roots of the spinal cord.
  8. Excess weight creates an additional load on the vertebrae in the lumbar region, which can lead to a pinched nerve.

Signs and symptoms

The manifestation of a pinched nerve in the lower back is characterized by sudden pain in the sacrum, in some cases, muscle numbness, and impaired functioning of nearby internal organs. According to the symptoms and localization of the pain syndrome, the following conditions are distinguished:

  1. Ischalgia - pain in the lower back, goes to the gluteal muscles, the back of the leg.
  2. Lumbagia - pain in the back, elbow, lower back.
  3. Lumbar ischialgia - pain in the lower back, goes to the biceps of the thigh.
  4. Cervicalgia - pain spreads to the arm and neck area.
  5. Sciatica - pinching of the sciatic nerve, in addition to pain, there is a burning sensation, tingling in the lumbar region, passing to the biceps of the thigh.

Diagnostic methods

There are many causes of pinching, there is no clear guide on how to relieve pain, but the doctor will be able to carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures that will help determine the direction of treatment. The success of therapy depends on the timely appeal to a specialist for help at the clinic. Even given the clarity of the symptoms of pathology, to determine the root cause, it is sometimes necessary to use several research methods, which include:

  • MRI and CT;
  • x-ray;
  • myelography.

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back

There is no single answer for what to do when a nerve is pinched in the lower back. The surest action is to seek medical help. Depending on the root cause, the specialist will prescribe:

  • medical course;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage, acupuncture;
  • course of manual therapy;
  • in extreme cases, surgery.

Medical treatment

One treatment option for many causes of pinched nerves in the lumbar region is medication. Depending on the degree of development of the disease can be assigned:

  1. Injections. Often, injections of B vitamins are used, which affect the innervation of the muscles, help in the restoration of damaged nerves, and normalize metabolism. The following drugs are used: Neurobin, Trigram, Kombilipen. The course of treatment of the acute phase is not more than 2 weeks. To reduce the inflammatory process, nonsteroidal drugs are prescribed. The disadvantage of such injections is that with the maximum positive impact, many side effects occur in half of the patients. Among the less dangerous are Ibuprofen.
  2. Local action - gels, ointments, creams. All these medicines are designed to have a point relaxing or anti-inflammatory effect, which will ease the compression of the nerve and relieve pain in the lower back. Among the popular preparations are: Chaga balm, Venitan cream, Grandmother Agafya's Recipes. Treatment of sciatica in 2 days is rare, but analgesics help to cope with pain, for example, Kapsikam, Viprosal, Nikoflex, Finalgon. They improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, improve metabolic processes.
  3. Tablets. Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Ketoprofen, Movalis, help relieve acute back pain. They reduce the inflammatory process, reduce pain, but are not a method of treatment, but only relief of symptoms.


The main function of such procedures is to strengthen, stretch (stretch) the muscles, which will help reduce pressure on the pinched nerve. Physiotherapy includes warming up the affected area, which will help relieve swelling, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain. The effectiveness of procedures is high in various forms of pathology. The following treatments may be prescribed:

  • UHF therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • phonofrez.

Manual therapy

In some cases, it is possible to get rid of a pinched nerve in 2-3 days. This is possible if the pain in the lower back is due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs, which put pressure on the nerve root. To do this, you will need a session of manual therapy, during which the doctor will be able to return the vertebrae to their place. As a rule, before the implementation of actions, the therapist must take an x-ray in order to more accurately influence the cause of the disease. This technique is not suitable for the destruction of the fibrous ring of the disc (hernia). Manual therapy helps:

  • eliminate muscle spasm;
  • release the nerve, restore the passage of brain impulses;
  • increase the clearance
  • stimulate blood supply.


After eliminating the cause of the disease, the patient will have to undergo a course of recovery. In this case, acupuncture can be used - a painless and safe procedure that has practically no contraindications. The main advantage of the method is the reduction of the negative effect due to the rejection of medications (the pharmacological load is reduced).

Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy and massage

Exercises for a pinched nerve in the lower back are important not only at the stage of treatment, but also to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Dosed physical activity on the lower back will strengthen the musculoskeletal system, preventing re-pinching. Good for this:

  • twisting on the press;
  • squats;
  • slopes without weight;
  • push ups.

To restore nerve conduction, self-massage of the lower back should be performed. It is recommended to massage for 15 minutes three times a day. If performed correctly, a steady redness, a feeling of warmth in the lower back should appear. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Apply massage cream to your hands.
  2. With slow stroking movements, massage the entire lower back, the upper part of the buttocks.
  3. Step back 3 cm from the spine, massage with your fingertips down and up parallel to the spine.
  4. Find the center of pain, in circular motions with clockwise pressure, massage this place. At first it will hurt, but after 5 minutes the lower back will feel better, pleasant warmth will spread.
  5. Clench your fists and knead the gluteal region and lower back well with them.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes, with infringement, a disease of spondylosis develops, which, in case of complications, has bone growths on the edges of the vertebrae. Outwardly, they look like spikes, they are called osteophytes. When they appear on the intervertebral canal, pinching of the lower back becomes chronic. With such a complication, there is a feeling as if the back is pinched. This indicates the need for surgical intervention, removal of growths. The operation is also prescribed in cases of intervertebral hernia, when the fibrous ring of the disc has already broken through.

Folk remedies

With a pinched nerve, traditional medicine can act as an additional treatment for lower back pain. Here are some of them that will help to cope with the disease, speed up treatment:

  1. A remedy that will consist of bay leaves and vodka will help cure a pinched lower back. Chop the leaves to make 2 tbsp. l. and throw them into 200 ml of vodka. Keep for 3 days. Apply liquid to the lower back until the pain disappears.
  2. Medicinal baths have a good effect on a pinched nerve. Put an infusion of calamus root, oak bark or horse chestnut into the water. Water procedures should take at least 15 minutes.
  3. Celery juice is a good remedy for a pinched back. Consume 1 tablespoon before each meal. Celery favorably affects the process of restoring the nervous system. You can also use the juice of this plant for compresses, apply on the lower back to the site of pain localization.

Video: what to do if a nerve is pinched in the lower back

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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In our modern world, a pinched nerve in the lower back is a fairly common occurrence. This occurs when the nerve roots of the spinal cord are compressed. Such nerve compression can occur as a result of narrowing of the space between the vertebral discs due to protrusion (bulging of the intervertebral disc outside the spine), herniated disc, and also as a result of muscle tension.

As a rule, a pinched nerve in the lumbar region is observed in young thirty-year-old men, after heavy physical exertion, which is accompanied by severe pain. This situation leads to injury to the muscles of the lower back and their overheating. At the same time, the pain is so strong that it can be confused with other pathologies of the lumbar region.

If there is a pinched nerve in the lower back, then such compression occurs along the entire spinal column. Since the nerve endings that branch from the lumbar region along the spine are stretched and spasmodic, they are squeezed and pinched during intense physical exertion. Periodic back pain is felt by a large number of people, but not everyone seeks medical help, but prefer self-medication.

A pinched nerve is a compression of the nerve roots of the lumbar region, which extend from the spinal cord and are compressed by neighboring vertebrae, or the pinching occurs for other reasons, including: muscle spasms, protrusions, tumors, intervertebral hernias.

If a nerve is pinched in the lower back, then in addition to pain, the sick person additionally suffers from a decrease in the sensitivity of a certain muscle group and disruption of the pelvic organs. Such disorders depend on which nerve was pinched, since both sensory and autonomic endings and motor nerves can be compressed. When the first and second are pinched, this is accompanied by severe pain that cannot be endured. When the latter is pinched, they resort to medical care late, which is fraught with the development of serious consequences. Delayed treatment can lead to massive death of nerve cells, and then to paralysis and a decrease in the quality of life.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back

When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, the symptoms are characterized by severe and constant pain. Their strength and regularity can vary depending on the cause that caused the pinching, as well as which nerve was pinched. If the autonomic nerve is infringed, then there are malfunctions in the work of internal organs. In this case, the pain appears in the area of ​​​​the stomach or intestines, which can radiate to the heart. When a sensitive nerve is pinched, the patient feels severe continuous pain. Well, if the motor nerve is clamped, then this affects the gait and impaired sensitivity in the limbs.

In addition to pain, there is also:

  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • burning sensation in the lumbar region;
  • damage and dysfunction of a certain muscle group;
  • gait disturbance;
  • an increase in pain during movement, sneezing, coughing or laughing;
  • impaired mobility;
  • feeling of weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities.

Sharp pain with pinching in the lower back can last for several minutes, or several days, or even weeks. At the same time, it can disappear as abruptly as it appears. After the acute stage, the symptoms of pinching are reminiscent of a feeling of slight numbness of the extremities, or slight pain in the form of tingling in the lumbar region. However, it is necessary to identify the cause of the jamming and eliminate it. Otherwise, the problem will remain, and will constantly remind of itself with regular relapses. In addition, each subsequent exacerbation will be more intense and more serious. Therefore, you should not just wait for the pain to subside, but to identify the cause of the pinching and provide adequate treatment.

If the symptoms of a pinched nerve are not taken into account for a long time, they will certainly lead to serious complications, such as: inflammation of the spinal nerve. Since the muscles are constantly spasming, the nutrition of the nerves and tissues that surround them is disrupted.

When pinched in the lower back, a variety of pain sensations are observed, therefore, depending on their localization, the following conditions are distinguished:

  • ischalgia, in which there is pain in the sacrum-shaped region, extending to the back surface of the legs and buttock;
  • lumbagia - pain is localized in the lower back and back;
  • lumbar ischialgia with pain in the lumbar region extending to the back of the leg;
  • cervicalgia with painful sensations radiating to the arm and cervical spine.

Causes of a pinched nerve in the lumbar region

It is obvious that a pinched nerve in the lumbar region never occurs on its own. There are always objective factors that lead to such pinching. Therefore, we can distinguish the main ones that cause nerve compression:

  • intense physical activity associated with professional activities;
  • carrying weights, sometimes it happens that a person who has lifted something heavy feels a sharp pain in the lower back, which does not even allow him to straighten up;
  • displacement of the vertebrae in the lumbar;
  • spinal injury;
  • tumors;
  • hypothermia;
  • osteochondrosis, leading to a reduction in the intervertebral distance;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • excess weight;
  • scoliosis of the spine;
  • lack of nutrition, vitamins and minerals;
  • uncomfortable bed, too soft;
  • due to bony growths along the edges of the spine (osteophytes) resulting from spondylosis;
  • herniated discs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sedentary work, lack of physical activity.

However, it should be noted that the most common cause leading to a pinched nerve in the lower back is anatomical damage to the organ resulting from trauma, atypical joint structure or disease. Such damage is called degenerative. This is a serious enough problem that requires adequate medical attention.

Another reason that causes pinched nerve endings in the lumbar region is age-related changes. In this case, we are talking not only about pinched nerves, but also about other age-related diseases: osteoporosis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. This fact greatly exacerbates the treatment of pinched nerve.

Diagnosis of pinching in the lower back

The above symptoms can only indirectly indicate the presence of the disease. To find out the exact cause that caused pinching and pain, it is necessary to carry out a variety of diagnostic measures. First of all, x-ray examinations of the spinal column are prescribed. Additional diagnostics can be computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), as well as a special type of radiography using a contrast agent (myelography). These studies allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back

With a pinched nerve in the lower back, treatment is based on the correct diagnosis of the cause that caused this problem. If the cause of the disease state is identified, then the patient is first of all prescribed bed rest.

As medicines are:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren and ibuprofen), which relieve pain and inflammation in the lower back;
  • novocaine blockades, which have an analgesic effect of those places where the nerve branches come out;
  • ointments, creams and gels for external use, as such are (Finalgon, Kapsikam, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Fastum-gel);
  • anti-inflammatory suppositories for rectal use;
  • a special diet that excludes smoked, salty, spicy dishes, and in the acute period you can not drink alcohol, rich meat broths;
  • massage that relieves muscle tension in the lumbar region;
  • therapeutic exercises, special exercises will help get rid of muscle spasms and tension in the ligaments;
  • reflexology;
  • water procedures;
  • physiotherapy methods;
  • sanitary-resort treatment.

If conservative treatment does not bring proper relief, then surgical treatment is prescribed. After attenuation of the acute phase, doctors prescribe auxiliary therapy (massage, physiotherapy exercises, water procedures). Both drug and auxiliary treatment is aimed at reducing edema, improving blood supply, and relieving pain. In the chronic course of the disease with frequent relapses, sanatorium treatment is recommended. An important factor in the prevention of pinched nerves is the fight against excess weight. In people with increased body weight, pinched nerve will occur constantly, despite timely treatment.

Exercises for a pinched nerve in the lower back

Conservative treatment involves taking medications: painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, you should not be limited only to them. If during treatment you perform simple exercises to stretch the muscles, then the pain and inflammation will disappear soon.

Stretching exercises can be very effective as they help speed up recovery and alleviate the condition of the patient. You should not do exercises with effort, they should have a minimum load on the diseased area.

So, for a speedy recovery, the following set of exercises should be carried out:

Stretching exercises while lying down

  1. Lie down on a flat surface and bend the affected leg (where the pain is felt). Gently pull it towards your shoulder. Hold the leg in this position for 30 seconds. Then straighten your leg and rest. Then lift and hold the other leg, and then both legs at the same time. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and gently pull up to your chest, without lifting your buttocks off the floor.
  3. Lying on the floor, cross your legs (put one on top of the other), wrap your arms around a healthy leg and pull yourself up. In this position, you should hold your legs for 30 seconds, then lower them and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.
  4. Lie on your back, put your hands under your buttocks. Make a movement with your feet that imitates cycling.
  5. Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides, bend your legs at the knees. Carefully take your legs to the side, but do not let go down. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  6. Lying on your side, bend your knees, then pull them towards you, curling up into a ring, then return to the starting position.
  7. Lying on your back, raise your legs and rest them against the wall. Move close to the wall so that the buttocks can be pressed tightly against it. In this position, you need to stay 5-10 minutes.

Standing exercises

  1. The legs are slightly apart, the arms are lowered below the waist. You should make circular movements with your hips in one direction or the other.
  2. In the same position (legs apart), raise one arm and tilt the body in the opposite direction. In other words, if you raise your right hand, then the slopes must be made to the left. Perform the exercise carefully, trying to go as low as possible.
  3. Take a chair, holding on to it and spread your legs for stability. In this position, do half squats.
  4. Raise one leg up onto the seat of the chair. In this position, try to sit down. It is necessary to go down smoothly, as low as possible. Stay below for a few seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Sitting exercise

  1. Sit on your heels, gently lean forward, touching the floor with your hands. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  2. The starting position is the same, but the arms should be spread apart parallel to the floor. Gently clasp your hands behind your back, or try to do it as close as possible.
  3. Sitting on the floor, clasp your hands at the back of your head, and stretch your legs. Gently and very slowly lie on your back. Spread your legs to the sides and raise them as much as possible. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Lower your legs down and try to stand through your side. Do not abruptly tear your body off the floor.
  4. Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs and bend your knees. With the help of arms and torso, one must walk on the buttocks: forward and backward.
  5. Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your head and cross your legs. In this position, you need to turn right and left. Changing legs, repeat the exercise again.
  6. Get on your knees, focus on your arms that are bent at the elbows. Take turns arching and arching your back.
  7. Sitting on your knees, lean forward and touch your forehead to the floor (as far as possible). At the same time, stretch your arms forward or stretch them along the body. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Do not forget that therapeutic exercises are performed only in the remission stage after examination and treatment. During the period of acute pain, it is strictly forbidden to carry out any physical exercises. Gymnastics should be started carefully and slowly, gradually increasing the load. Do not perform exercises intensively and abruptly, you can provoke an attack of acute pain.

Physical exercises performed carefully and correctly are an effective method in combating nerve compression in the lumbar region. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, eliminates stagnant processes in the muscles, thereby contributing to recovery.

What to do with a pinched nerve in the lower back

The first thing to remember: in case of an acute attack of pain, it is strictly forbidden to warm up the back. The thing is that the effect of heat on the problem area is fraught with swelling, because heat increases blood flow to the affected area. As a result, pressure on the nerve tissue increases and intensifies, which is a consequence of edema. Warming the lower back can partially soothe the pain, but for a short time, the result of exposure to heat will be the return of pain with a new intensity.

When acute pain occurs, the patient should first be laid on a hard surface. Even the floor can act as a hard surface, if it is not very cold. But still it is better to lay a thin mattress or blanket under the patient. A comfortable position of the body can alleviate the fate of the patient. Be sure to call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, if the patient has experienced this before, take an anesthetic in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories or injections. Only not all at once, one of three. With unbearable pain, it is better to inject with an anesthetic drug. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic: diclofenac, ibuprofen, analgin, ketorol. To dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in spasmodic muscles, it is recommended to take two no-shpa tablets, which will quickly relieve spasm.

When providing effective medical care, first of all, pain and spasm of skeletal muscles are completely eliminated. When the pain decreases, you can continue treatment with tablets and topical products, which include ointments, gels, creams containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

With spasm of skeletal muscles, muscle relaxants (mydocalm) are prescribed, which quickly restore the functions of muscles and affected organs.

With very severe pain, novocaine blockades are carried out: novocaine solution is injected subcutaneously or intradermally into the area of ​​greatest pain and along the spine on both sides.

To calm the patient, a sleeping pill and a sedative are prescribed, since the treatment of the central nervous system is of great importance in this therapy.

After the pain subsides, physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises are advisable. Treatment of a pinched nerve is effective in combination with basic (drugs) and auxiliary (massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises) medical measures.

Treatment of folk remedies for pinching in the lower back

Traditional medicine recipes can be very effective in treating a pinched back. However, such treatment should be carried out only in combination with the main treatment and only after visiting a doctor.

Remember! Do not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious complications, leading to immobilization and disability.

Here are a few recipes that can eliminate the symptoms of a pinched lower back:

Bay leaf tincture

Grind two tablespoons of bay leaves (fresh or dry), pour vodka in an amount of 200 ml. Let it brew for 2-3 days. The resulting infusion is rubbed into the affected area.

Honey and flour

A compress of honey and flour is done as follows: mix 100 grams of honey and 100 grams of flour until a homogeneous mass is formed. You should get a small cake. Apply the cake to the sore spot, apply a bandage bandage and wrap it with a woolen scarf. Leave the compress overnight and remove it in the morning.

Therapeutic baths

The healing effect of a pinched nerve can have therapeutic baths. For this purpose, an infusion of calamus roots, oak bark or horse chestnut is added to a bath with warm water. You can stay in the water for no more than 20 minutes.

celery juice

One tablespoon of fresh celery juice is taken before each meal. Also squeezed celery juice is applied to the lower back as a compress.

Fir oil and valerian infusion

Fir oil or valerian infusion is applied to the sore spot and rubbed until completely absorbed into the skin. Then I cover with a warm cloth or woolen scarf.

Prevention of pinching in the lower back

Preventive measures against pinching in the lower back are as follows:

  1. The fight against excess weight. Excess weight negatively affects the condition of the spine, as it affects the compaction of the intervertebral discs, provoking the appearance of hernias, which contribute to pinched nerves.
  2. Flat back. Correct posture prevents the development of diseases of the spinal column and internal organs. It is necessary from an early age to teach the child to follow the posture.
  3. Physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons that leads to pinching in the spine. Therefore, to prevent pinched nerves, it is necessary to increase physical activity and sports.
  4. Relieve the spine from unilateral pressure on it. For example, the habit of carrying a bag on one shoulder, in one hand. With a one-sided impact on the spine, a nerve on the side where pressure arises can be pinched.
  5. Avoid damage and injury to the spine.
  6. Do not make sudden movements during sports or when at rest for a long time.
  7. Avoid sleeping on overly soft feather beds, feather mattresses and high pillows.
  8. In case of sharp pains, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Compliance with the above measures will help reduce the risk of relapse.

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Many are familiar with acute sharp pain in the lower back or neck. In this case, they say that the nerve is pinched. This often happens with heavy loads, injuries or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. A pinched nerve in the spine is dangerous because sometimes it is not accompanied by pain, but causes neurological and vascular disorders in the body. Treatment of this condition should be started as soon as possible to avoid complications.

How does a pinched nerve happen?

In a healthy person, between the vertebrae is a spongy cartilaginous tissue - intervertebral discs. They provide mobility of the spine, its flexibility, and also protect against deformations. But under certain conditions, the discs are compressed, and between the vertebrae there is an infringement of the nerve roots that come out of the spinal cord.

This most often happens in the lumbar region or in the cervical spine. These places account for the greatest load in any human activity. The thoracic spine is less mobile, so there is less likely to be pinched nerves.

Causes of pathology

There are many factors that cause deformation of the vertebrae and discs. In addition to the location of the pinched nerve in the spine, you need to find out the causes of the pathology. Only then is it possible to choose the right treatment. The most common causes of pinching are:

  • various diseases of the spine (violation of posture, osteochondrosis or hernia);
  • injuries, especially falls and bruises, which often lead to displacement of the vertebrae and deformation of the discs;
  • a growing malignant or benign tumor can press on the nerve endings;
  • strenuous exercise, especially heavy lifting or jumping;
  • muscle spasms;
  • excess weight;
  • incorrect body position during sleep or prolonged sitting;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypothermia of the back;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

When the vertebrae or discs are deformed, the nerve roots are infringed

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

This pathology manifests itself in different ways, depending on which part of the spine the deformity occurred, which nerve is pinched. When sensitive nerve roots are affected, the main symptom is severe pain. If the motor or autonomic nerves are affected, the signs will be different.

  • Symptoms of pinched nerve endings in the cervical region are not only discomfort and pain in the neck and neck. This pathology causes numbness of the limbs, muscle weakness, and limited mobility. These signs are familiar to many of those who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. If there is also squeezing of the vessels, then the patient feels dizzy, weak, and may lose consciousness.
  • If a nerve is pinched in the thoracic region, muscle stiffness is felt, severe pain behind the sternum, often radiating into the arm. They get stronger with every movement. There is also a violation of the internal organs, most often the heart and liver.
  • When a nerve is pinched in the lumbar region, the following symptoms are observed: numbness of the legs or lameness, stiffness of movements, loss of sensation, disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is possible to determine where the pinched nerve in the spine occurred already with an external examination of the patient. In many cases, there is a noticeable deformation of the vertebrae, as well as redness and swelling of the tissues. And when feeling the back, there is a sharp pain at the site of damage to the nerve roots.

To effectively cure the disease, you need to determine the location of the pinched nerve.

How to treat a pinched nerve

First of all, painkillers are prescribed to alleviate the patient's condition. Tablets, injections or ointments are used. Most often, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketanov are prescribed. To relieve muscle spasms, antispasmodics are effective, for example, Drotaverine or preparations containing methocarbamol. To improve the blood supply to the affected area, angioprotectors and B vitamins are needed.

The second mandatory method of treatment should be to limit the mobility of the spine. It is best to lie on a hard, flat surface, you can use a special orthopedic corset. If the back no longer hurts, the following methods of treatment are used:

  • traction of the spine;
  • specially selected exercise therapy exercises;
  • therapeutic and acupressure massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture.

If such treatment is ineffective, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

All medical measures are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

First aid for a pinched nerve

With this pathology, you should definitely consult a doctor. But the pain can be so severe that first aid is necessary. First of all, try to eliminate the causes of pinching: overwork, cold or traumatic impact. You need to lie on a flat surface. Moreover, it is important to consider that with back pain it will be very difficult to relax the muscles. Therefore, you need to raise your legs and put a large roller of a blanket or pillow under them.

To alleviate the condition, you can take painkillers, such as Aspirin, Ketanov, or Ibuprofen. If it is not possible to lie down, you need to fix your back with a corset or bandage it with a scarf. Further treatment should be carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Prevention of pinched nerve roots

To prevent such a pathology, you need to take care of your back, do not overstrain, do not lift weights. It is also important to strengthen the muscular corset of the back by regularly performing special exercises. Swimming, yoga, dancing are useful for the prevention of vertebral deformities. It is advisable not to sit for a long time in one position, you need to periodically get up and do a warm-up.

It is desirable to sleep on an orthopedic mattress and a low pillow. It is important to monitor your posture throughout the day. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

A pinched nerve is a very painful condition. In addition, it is fraught with dangerous complications. Therefore, it is advisable to follow preventive measures in order to maintain the health of the spine.