Does the interpretation of dreams depend on the numbers of the month and days of the week? Interpretation of dreams by days of the week and numbers of the lunar calendar Dreams and their meaning by days of the week.

On Monday - a dream will come true for those who were born on this day.
On Tuesday - a dream can be fulfilled in 7-10 days.
On Wednesday - a dream predicts.
On Thursday - the dream will not come true.
Friday - a dream predicts.
On Saturday - a dream comes true, but not always.
On Sunday - a dream seen on this (under this) day, do not tell anyone. If a child tells you his dream, keep it a secret from everyone.

Sleep by day of the month

Number 1 - Sleep predicts light family or personal troubles.
Number 2 - Dreams are soon and literally executable.
3rd number - Not executed soon and partially.
Number 4 - Dreams-warnings.
5th - The execution of the dream can begin on the same day.
6 number - Joyful dreams; even if a nightmare had a dream that night, he is a “shifter” - everything will be the other way around and safely.
7th - False dream.
8th - Dreams of pleasure and fun.
Number 9 - Senseless, chaotic, you can not attach importance to them.
10th - Some difficulties are promised; come true within 20 days.
11th - Difficult-to-perform dreams.
12th - Fantastic, means unforeseen events
13th - Dreams of pleasure and love luck come true within two weeks.
14th - They are performed accurately and portend good.
15th - Serene dreams, have an empty value.
16th - Quickly fulfilled and true dreams.
17th - Comes true within a year.
18th - A dream of good value.
19th - Comes true in three years.
20th - A happy dream, it is better to keep it a secret.
21st - portends the fulfillment of desires.
22nd - Soon they promise success.
23rd - It comes true, but trouble is predicted.
24th - Comes true within 11 days - to joy.
25th - Safely and quickly fulfilled.
26th - Shows difficulties.
27th - Favorable and quickly fulfilled dream.
28th - An empty dream, it doesn't matter.
29th - Resting dream.
30th - Dreams promise success and are fulfilled in a month.
31st - Dreams predicting profit and renewal.

Sleep on the days of the lunar calendar

1 lunar day - a dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreamed of. Good dreams can come true.
2 lunar day - dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless 3 lunar day - dreams are special, they are fulfilled quickly.
4 lunar day - The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often deals with karmic issues - about causes and effects in our lives.
5 lunar day - dreams of this day often show the state of health. A good sign if you cry in a dream, this indicates purification and recovery.
6 lunar day - dreams come true, but only if on that day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get annoyed and did not swear. In this case, dreams will give important information.
7 lunar day - be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Very soon come true. Most often, favorable, but you can’t tell anyone about them.
8 lunar day - prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true destiny, so be careful about such dreams.
9 lunar day - dreams come true, portending success. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, they should not be believed, and the bad will not come true.
10 lunar day is the exact opposite of the previous day. A negative dream comes true, but a positive dream does not.
11 lunar day - dreams do not come true.
12 lunar day - important - dreams - with a high degree of probability come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.
13 lunar day - significant dreams. Can show important new information about old problems.
14 lunar day - heavy dreams, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they do not come true, so you should not be upset.
15 lunar day - prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast moon and pointing to something positive. They talk about what needs to be done first. You need to be able to figure them out.
16 lunar day - dreams are often healing, carrying relief from tension. Often irrelevant.
17 lunar day - a significant dream. Shows the current state of things. If good - everything is fine, no - it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18 lunar day - Dreams often show a problem that worries us, and how to solve it, or be cured if there is a disease.
19 lunar day - dreams are frightening, but have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.
20 lunar day - dreams are special. You can see a dream on request. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in your dream. If the question is serious, it is likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.
21 lunar days - dreams are often pleasant, but they have little to do with reality, as a rule, they do not come true.
22 lunar day - dreams come true. 22 lunar day - the day of wisdom, intuition, tips. In dreams you can see the future or insights. Very useful information can be dreamed of.
23 lunar day - dreams are confused, chaotic, come true on the contrary.
24 lunar day - dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. They show how accomplished we are. If you have a bad dream, it means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, sexual realization.
25 lunar day - dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: "Where the night is, there is a dream." Before noon, open the cold water faucet, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes down the drain with the water, the water will carry him away.
26 lunar day - Dreams tell us what we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.
27 lunar day - dreams come true. Often they are inconsistent, confusing. But they carry intuitive insights, reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28 lunar day - prophetic dreams and carry clues. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be "cancelled" by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29 lunar day - dreams are not fulfilled, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day - dreams of the 30th lunar prophetic. Fantastic, but truthful in their essence, they have a rational meaning.

Sleep by moon phase

The New Moon is the time of rebirth. At this time, we have dreams about what we think too much about. If during the full moon there are many emotions, then during the new moon there are thoughts. New moon dreams reflect the deepest currents of our inner self. In this calm depth, dreams prepare the ground in our souls so that we can sow the necessary seeds in the following days.
Growing moon - in the dreams of the growing moon, on the contrary, something new arises that will soon happen in our lives. It is in them that we see what exactly and how best to start, in what areas changes are required. Such dreams are called filling. Their stories can be very diverse - from simple everyday stories to the most fantastic. But no matter how strange these dreams may seem to us, very soon they can come true. Dreams with a growing moon are calling into the future, this is what is called "prophetic dreams".
Full Moon - We see the most unusual dreams on a full moon. Everything that was dormant before wakes up and acquires a bright color. All nature at this time is filled to the brim with energy, the water in the rivers reaches its maximum level. We, on the other hand, feel overwhelmed with emotions that sometimes we cannot even cope with. This is worth paying attention to: dreams indicate those moments in which we show excessive emotionality. But what if, it’s not worth worrying at all and spending so much mental strength on something that is still impossible to change? It is worth listening to your dreams and be calm.
Waning moon - dreams with a waning moon show what will leave our lives, become unnecessary, uninteresting. It turns out that if we see a terrible and unpleasant dream during the waning moon, then this, oddly enough, is good. Such a dream means that there will be fewer troubles in your life, and then - the end of unpleasant feelings and emotions. That is why the dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. It is a pity that the favorable events that appear on the waning moon will not happen in real life. And yet, these dreams are good because in them we see what exactly in our life we ​​do not need, and portend situations or changes in worldview that will get rid of this.

Our dreams, depending on the day of the week, have different meanings. Every day of the week own planet rules. --- The influence of the planets on dreams is very important in the interpretation of dreams.


Since Monday is a difficult day, it is also under the influence of the moon, which has a greater effect on our dreams. Therefore, any dreams of this day are most often reflected in everyday things and family life.

If a the dream was long and filled with action then the hassle in life will be added, and they will be associated with hearth. Therefore, it is better if you had an unremarkable dream in which there were no significant events.

There is one important point in the dreams of this difficult day - do not take them as prophetic. Therefore, there is nothing supernatural and symbolic in them. As a rule, they are a reflection of our subconscious for the past week.


Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. We all know about this red planet, which is distinguished by its disposition, which is why dreams on this day are harbingers future confrontations, conflict situations or cardinal change.

If the dream was calm and measured, then you have nothing to fear. This means that all obstacles will be passed easy and successful and you are on the right way.

If the dream was full of events, and even left behind anxious and restless sensations, and your energy just shines over the edge, then it's time to take over, exercise initiative and search exit out of the situation. remember, that you can't delay, otherwise it would be complete nonsense to receive such a powerful signal and sit with your hands folded.

Naturally, dreams are always reflected in real life. When to expect this if the dream had a dream from Monday to Tuesday? Mostly Thursday or Friday.


Astrologers say that dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are mostly under the influence of Mercury, and this planet explains a lot, but leaves even more questions behind.

Because dreams are typical diversity, it is not always possible to remember him in the morning. But if, nevertheless, you were able to do this, then it is highly likely that you will be able to understand the dream correctly, to take out of it benefit and take the right decision.

Most often, dreams on this day indicate relations with friends and our environment in general. If we see many acquaintances, friends or relatives, this means that in life these people need in our attention, council or help. In other words, if in a dream the events bright and interesting filled with communication - this reflects how sociable you are in real life. If the dream is radically different from the above, was boring or unmemorable, then it means that you need communication or reflects your feelings that there is no one help in difficult times.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday will be displayed in real life in Friday or Saturday.


On the fourth day of the week, Jupiter influences our dreams, which means that most likely there will be changes in work or its stability, as well as options for solving an important matter or problem.

How much important career for you? Sleep on this day help answer to this question. If the dream was about some serious business, and you participated in it personally, then this promises career growth or attractive prospects. If a lot of people were not involved in a dream, then a career is for you. secondary Therefore, changes should not be expected.

Versions sleep should be expected on Saturday or Sunday.


On the fifth day of the week, our dreams are under the auspices of the beautiful planet Venus. It is with dreams on this day that our sensual side is associated.

As you already understood, for the most part dreams are intertwined with emotions, experiences, our personal life or relations in family. As a rule, dreams on the fifth day of the week reflect many of our secret desires or thoughts, enabling feel them, which in real life, alas, is almost impossible to do.

To dreams with Thursday to Friday should be treated with attention, because on this day there is most likely fulfillment of a dream into reality. When will you expect it? We do not have a specific answer to this question: the dream was bright and dynamic- wait in soon his incarnation, if the dream was dark and negative, then it is worth reviewing your personal relationships and changing them, because after a certain period of time Problems will come out and spoil what has been demanded for so long changes.


If you want to change in life, then pay attention to dreams with friday to saturday. They carry very important events, which can change Your life, as dreams are influenced by a powerful Saturn. But not everything is as simple as it seems. change they themselves will not descend unless you do and steps to meet them.

If the dream is filled colors, bright objects or huge space, then in the near future there will be no barriers that will prevent you from reaching your goal, and your plans - come true.


On this day, our dreams are influenced by the Sun, and this planet is considered a catalyst, that is, it tunes and opens that side of your nature that reflects creativity.

Most often in the dreams of this day we see people who occupy main place in our life. And since the Sun influences dreams, as a rule, they have iridescent shades and leave behind pleasant impression. This suggests that in your life will soon appear human who will give emotions wonderful meeting, changes that will bring to life, will go to you for benefit.

Sometimes there are boring dreams like spots on the sun. This is where it stands ponder and start change life otherwise you will have a period of stagnation and the absence of any events.

The world of human dreams is replete with a variety of unique images and plots, but not all of them can be interpreted and explained by an ordinary layman. Sometimes dreams are so incomprehensible and confused that it seems doubtful to us at all any intention to interpret them. The thing is that far from always a dream can and should be interpreted according to the dream book. This is due to the fact that only on certain days and dates of the month do dreams carry a symbolic or literal meaning for a person.

Many scientists undertook to identify patterns in the process of implementing the plot from a dream. The conclusions that were made led to the construction of a dream analysis scheme, which should be carried out immediately before the start of the interpretation of a particular plot. That is, before interpreting the images of a dream, it is necessary to shed light on whether this dream is significant at all, or whether it is nothing more than informational noise coming from the subconscious. This can be done, given what lunar day, day of the week, calendar day the dream happened.

On what calendar days do dreams come true according to the dates of the month according to dream books?

As regards the first two points, these stages of analysis are based on astrology, while the latter is more closely related directly to numerology. Ancient esotericists believed that the calendar date of the day carries special information, positive, negative or neutral, which can be identified by comparing the numbers of the month with numerology data about specific numbers. In other words, on the basis of the laws of numerology, a table was compiled that indicated on which calendar day and day of the month prophetic dreams, or on which day the dream is a completely opposite expression of reality.

It is worth noting that such an approach led to the fact that a separate classification of dreams was derived, depending on how significant and true they are according to the result of the analysis by the above method.

The classification of dreams by the days of the month looks like this:

1. Dreams that come true soon and carry positive omens.
2. Also prophetic, but warning of significant problems.
3. Visions that are a game of the subconscious and mean nothing.
4. Prophetic dreams that come true under certain conditions and the performance of ritual actions.
5. Dreams that deceive us, reflecting the situation in their content is not at all the way it really is.

As a result, it should be emphasized that this method of analyzing dreams before direct interpretation should be applied exclusively comprehensively, taking into account the influence of both the day of the week and the current lunar day. If you have a responsible attitude to the issue under consideration, you can push away bad thoughts from yourself and avoid delusions about your own future.

Since ancient times, the interpretation of dreams has been the most favorite thing for soothsayers. Their prediction was based on the time and the object they saw. Predicting dreams by day of the week will allow you to fully understand your own and, based on this, manage upcoming events.

Deciphering dreams by day of the week

Each day corresponds to a certain planet, which means that it affects what we will see in a dream.

  1. Sunday Monday. The patron is the Moon. Dreams tell about the emotional and psychological state, show internal conflicts and with their environment. Short ones do not portend problems, long ones, on the contrary, speak of upcoming chores and a lot of work.
  2. Monday Tuesday. The patron is Mars. Dreams are associated with your own aspirations, they show your dreams and desires. If the night passed anxiously, there is a possibility of a future conflict, calm, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday Wednesday. The patron is Mercury. Dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life, it is problematic to remember them. This planet is responsible for, if at night you do not experience difficulties, then everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. The patron is Jupiter. Dreams will tell you how to correct any situations related to your financial situation and activities.
  5. Thursday Friday. The patron is Venus. Prophecies almost always appear at night. It is proved that on this day the intuition of each person is very sharpened. You can even see the ways and timing of your desires. The acquisition of something speaks of the satisfaction of your feelings in reality, the loss warns of the limitation of needs.
  6. Friday Saturday. The patron is Saturn. Dreams make visible the secret causes of life situations, it is on this night that it is really possible to see the desired behavior strategy. Today there is a chance to learn about fate.
  7. Saturday Sunday. The patron is the Sun. Dreams will represent people who light up your life. You can expect clues to find happiness in life. A mean dream speaks of the nervous tension that was experienced during the day.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can find out about upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, which means that dreams tell about situations that will happen over a long time.
  2. Tuesday - what you see on this night shows all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered prophetic and will be fulfilled within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will happen tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - ordinary dreams, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night, what you see will surely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - after a hard week, the brain rests, dreams do not portend anything.
  7. Sunday is a festive day, the information received at night will come true in the first half of the day.

Fulfillment of dreams by day of the week

Whether the night vision will come true can be judged by the time when it was seen:

It is known that what you see at night can be made up, now, knowing the decoding, you can easily make a prophetic dream on the right day of the week.

The likelihood of dreams coming true is influenced by many different factors. The interpretation of dreams is very closely related to the day of the week when he dreamed. And all because every day of the week is influenced by the movement of certain celestial bodies and planets. To compare each day with a specific planet of the solar system began in Eastern culture. For example, in India, the names of the days of the week are absolutely consonant with the names of specific planets. There are similar correspondences in other cultures, so in English Sunday is Sunday, which, even with minimal knowledge of languages, obviously translates as "Day of the Sun."

In addition, in order to determine the significance of dreams for a particular week, direct conclusions made in practice during long-term analysis were also used. The foundation for such an analysis is psychology rather than esotericism. This approach is due to the fact that on different days of the week, the human subconscious is concentrated on various topics. So, for example, Monday dreams are the brain's attempts to analyze the events of the past week and plan what to do next.

Wednesday and Thursday dreams are difficult because they fall in the middle of the week, which in some ways is considered the peak of tension and fatigue for a person. Whereas the dreams of the last days of the week, as a rule, are associated with something detached from everyday life and secret for the dreamer. It should also be borne in mind that those people whose lifestyle is far from the concept of a work week, weekend or day off cannot be fully sure that with the above approach they will be able to find an answer to the question of whether it is important sleep or not.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

Sleep is a mystery that a person has been studying for more than one century. It is believed that dreams carry information that can answer many questions and predict the near future. However, not all dreams come true in the same way. The incarnation of some occurs the very next day of sleep, others - after many years. Some dreams do not come true at all, causing us to consider them meaningless. The fact is that the reliability of sleep depends on the day of the week on which we saw it.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

Planet of Monday -. Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, acute experiences and the state of the nervous system. The stronger the load on the psyche in life, the more strange and incomprehensible dreams are. As a rule, they do not come true in reality. However, if this happens, the incident will not be fatal. It is recommended not to pay much attention to dreams that appeared at the beginning of the working week.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Planet Tuesday -. A day of sleep from Monday to Tuesday expresses the dreamer's creativity. As a rule, it is bright and emotional. Here it is already worth paying attention to the omens that the dream wanted to convey. If the night gave you a lot of pleasant impressions, then today you can safely begin to implement new ideas, actively take up work. Or you woke up with an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, then it is undesirable to take on new beginnings. Seeing victory in a dream that night is considered a prophetic omen. The implementation of such plots takes place over the next ten days. If more time has already passed, then you should not wait for the incarnation.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

Planet of the environment -. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. Such dreams do not actually come true. However, there is a small possibility of the realization of some separate parts of dreams, which never contain anything bad.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

Planet of Thursday -. Dreams that appeared from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. It is highly likely that this night will help to find a solution to a long-standing problem, to answer important questions. A vision can be truly life-changing, showing methods of overcoming a financial crisis or ways to resolve conflicts.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Planet Friday -. The next night is important for those who are more interested in personal life than work. Sleep from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates results through dreams. All the stories that you manage to remember by morning will find a place in real life. The value of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events. If you dreamed of something pleasant, then in life you should wait for good luck.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

Saturday planet -. Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks of receiving a lot of positive emotions in the coming days. Often, visions on this night characterize the events of the near future, not only for the dreamer himself, but also for his close friends or family members.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Sunday Planet -. A dream that has been seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw something good, then you should probably wait for the incarnation. In the case of a negative coloring of the vision, it may not manifest itself in any way in real life.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can find out about upcoming events.

  1. Monday - dreams tell about situations that will happen over a long time.
  2. Tuesday - what you see shows thoughts and experiences, dreams often come true within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will happen tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - ordinary dreams, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night, what you see will surely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - after a hard week, the brain rests, dreams rarely portend something unusual.
  7. Sunday is a festive day, the information received at night will come true in the first half of the day.

Also, in no case should we forget that the ratio of the day of the week on which the dream happened is not the key one, because the calendar date of the dream and the lunar day on which the dream fell have a much greater influence on its feasibility . Thus, the material describing the meaning of dreams depending on the day of the week, presented on this page, is the result of a harmonious synthesis of the experience of esotericists of past years and the conclusions made by modern psychologists. This approach to the issue allows you to most fully and relevantly establish the significance of a particular dream, without abandoning any view.