Cholagogue tea, how to prevent stagnation of bile. Cholagogue herbs and fees for stagnation of bile What herbs are included in the choleretic collection

Cholagogue collection is different medicinal plants, selected and mixed in a certain way. They are used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and bile ducts. The composition of this collection includes leaves and roots of plants that effectively relieve inflammation and spasms, which have antiseptic properties.

They not only contribute to the outflow of bile and its removal from the body, but also restore the functioning of the liver, remove toxic substances from the body. You can not brew and take such herbal preparations without the recommendation of a doctor, so as not to harm the body. After all, like any medicine, they also have contraindications and cause side reactions.

Instructions for use

Bile produced in the liver is essential for normal digestion. In addition, it contributes to the destruction of bacteria. The gallbladder accumulates it, and, if necessary, delivers it to the 12-colon intestine to digest food.

At the slightest malfunction of the liver or gallbladder, there is an excessive accumulation and stagnation of bile. Its excess does not leave the body on its own. This is where various choleretic fees come to the rescue.

pharmachologic effect

Medicinal herbs, which are part of the fees, help to liquefy the thick bile secretion and effectively remove it from the body. They not only remove excess bile from the body, but also improve the condition of the liver, normalize its work, tone up the muscle layer of the gallbladder. Such medicinal preparations perfectly relieve spasms and severe pain, improve appetite, increase pressure in the digestive tract. This helps to quickly remove excess accumulations of bile from the intestines.

Indications for use

Similar drugs are prescribed in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis or hepatitis, anorexia and indigestion.

Violations of the liver and bile ducts and bladder are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • constant bitterness in the mouth;
  • feeling of heaviness on the right side of the abdomen, due to an enlarged liver;
  • diarrhea followed by diarrhoea;
  • feces become white and urine very dark;
  • belching;
  • severe pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting with an admixture of bile;
  • indigestion.

Herbs cope well with dyskinesia of the bile ducts, infectious inflammation of the biliary tract (cholangitis), impaired bile patency. Helps relieve nausea, spasms and pain in the gallbladder.

Often, choleretic herbs are prescribed to treat pancreatitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). With this pathology, the enzymes produced by the pancreas do not enter the intestine, but corrode the gland itself. Herbal decoctions help improve the digestion of food, are used in the treatment of giardiasis.

They are not used as an independent medicine, but only as part of a complex treatment, and only as prescribed by a doctor. It is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor, because such symptoms often lead to the development of liver failure and cirrhosis of the liver.

Mode of application

Cholagogue collection will benefit only with proper preparation. To do this is quite simple. It is necessary to pour a spoon (tablespoon) of dry raw materials with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and cook on the lowest heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then, the finished drink is insisted for about an hour and carefully filtered.

During the day, you need to drink about 200-300 ml of decoction, in several doses, and the treatment is continued for a month. If the collection is produced in bags, then you should take two bags for a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The further scheme of application is the same as when brewing in the usual way.

See also a video with tips on how to properly brew and take herbal teas:

Release form, composition

Cholagogue fees are sold in a pharmacy, both in the form of filter bags, and packaged in 100 grams in cardboard boxes. There are three types of charges: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.

The first collection includes:

  • mint leaves;
  • coriander seeds;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • immortelle.

Mint, due to its bitter taste, stimulates the liver, and the three-leaf watch normalizes impaired digestion. Coriander facilitates the removal of bile from the intestines. Immortelle is considered the best anti-inflammatory agent, dilutes bile, lowers bad cholesterol in the blood, and reduces pain.

Collection No. 2 includes the same herbs (mint, coriander and immortelle). Only instead of a three-leaf watch, it contains yarrow. This unique plant is part of a huge number of natural medicines. Yarrow is able to quickly remove the inflammatory process, spasms and pain, accelerates the excretion of bile

Collection #3 includes:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • mint;
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow.

Tansy actively fights not only inflammation, but also microbes, bacteria, and chamomile has a strong soothing and antiseptic effect. Calendula is also an anti-inflammatory plant that strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance.

Interaction with other drugs

Such medicinal fees can be combined with taking any medications. Studies on this subject have not been conducted, but herbal decoctions, as a rule, have no effect when used together with medications.

Side effects

Often, patients note that after taking such herbal drinks, they develop heartburn. Sometimes severe allergic reactions were observed, in the form of urticaria and itching.



Although these are natural herbal preparations, they are not harmless either.

You can not use choleretic fees for the following ailments:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • allergy to plant pollen (hay fever);
  • individual intolerance;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis;

Any of these diseases excludes the use of herbal drinks, and requires consultation with a doctor.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, you should not drink such decoctions. The doctor can prescribe them only in the most extreme cases.

special instructions

In order for medicinal herbs to be beneficial and not cause adverse reactions, it is necessary to take into account some features of the application. It is necessary to drink decoctions before meals, strictly observing the rules of brewing and dosage.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

It must be remembered that fees, which include immortelle, can significantly increase the pressure. It is worth being extra careful for people suffering from hypertension, especially when using collections No. 1 and 2. Due to a sharp increase in pressure, severe headaches and dizziness, loss of orientation are possible.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and subsequent feeding, women are not recommended to use choleretic fees. The doctor may prescribe them as a last resort, when the possibility of using medications is completely excluded.

Application in childhood

Children under 12 years of age are strictly prohibited from drinking decoctions. For older children, they are given strictly according to the appointment of a specialist.

In case of impaired renal function

With kidney disease, this remedy is contraindicated.

In violation of liver function

Severe liver damage, cirrhosis, are also contraindications to taking choleretic preparations.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Any choleretic collection is sold in all pharmacies without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is better to store the grass in its original packaging, away from drafts and moisture, in a dry and dark place. The shelf life will be no more than 2 years from the date of manufacture and packaging. The brewed drink is not stored for more than 2 days, even in the refrigerator.


This is one of the cheapest and most widely available choleretic drugs, which you can buy at any pharmacy.


The brewed corn stigmas, a decoction of their calendula and celandine flowers, and a rosehip drink have the same effect.

See the video for other recipes for the treatment of the gallbladder with folk methods:


The main function of the gallbladder is to secrete bile. However, when it is produced in insufficient quantities or cannot be excreted by the digestive system, choleretic herbs should be taken. An experienced doctor should make the appointment, because different herbal preparations are selected for each disease.

What herbs are choleretic

Many medicinal herbs have the corresponding effect. There is no exact list, but for convenience they are grouped according to the principle of action on the body:

  1. Increase in tone. The muscles of the gallbladder and liver under the influence of the herbal collection are reduced, the bile is evacuated into the intestines. Such formulations are not suitable for patients with gallstones - there is a risk of blockage.
  2. Liquefaction. Herbs contribute to the accumulation of water in the body, can dilute bile, help it to come out naturally.
  3. Improvement of the composition of bile. Such a collection simultaneously improves the composition of bile and ensures the production and timely outflow. It contains useful acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins. As a result, the gallbladder and liver begin to fully function.
  4. Antispasmodic property. A decoction of herbs has an analgesic effect, the muscles of the body relax, the volume of bile excreted through the intestines increases.

For each group, there are choleretic herbal preparations that help produce bile. Some of the drugs have contraindications for use, so it is recommended to undergo an examination before taking them. This will help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, decide on additional methods of therapy and choose the collection of choleretic herbs to treat the disease.

Cholagogue herbs - list

Many herbs used as folk cholagogues are well known to everyone. They grow in all regions of our country. Here is a list of choleretic herbs:

  • mountain arnica;
  • immortelle sandy;
  • elecampane high;
  • calamus root;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • stinging nettle;
  • corn silk;
  • common dandelion;
  • milk thistle;
  • common tansy;
  • large celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • peppermint;
  • yarrow.

A similar effect is exerted by leaves, fruits of some trees and shrubs - birch, barberry, dog rose. The availability of plants allows you to buy choleretic fees at a pharmacy or make them at home. Each has its own period, but basically they can be collected from the beginning of June to the end of August. Dry on a flat surface in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight.

Cholagogue fees

Plants are used for treatment individually, but more often cholekinetic formulations of several components are used. They are selected based on years of research. Popular choleretic collections (or phytohepatols) include:

  • No. 1. Contains: immortelle - 4 parts, peppermint, coriander seeds, three-leaf watch - 2 parts each. Suitable for the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis.
  • No. 2. Contains: immortelle - 40%, mint, yarrow, dandelion - 20% each. It is used to stimulate the outflow of bile, after operations on the gallbladder.
  • No. 3. As part of the preparation: common tansy - 8%, calendula, mint, yarrow - 23% each. It is prescribed for chronic cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Apply 2-3 times / day for ½ cup of infusion 20-30 minutes before meals. The advantage of pharmaceutical preparations is that they are inexpensive, sold in bags, have instructions with a detailed description of the composition and contraindications. At home, herbs are measured by eye. For cooking, pour 2 tbsp. l. collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour.

Cholagogue herbs for stagnant bile

With a poor outflow of bile, it cannot enter the ducts, a person feels pain in the right side near the ribs, a bitter taste in the mouth. If treatment is not started on time, gallstones form. Choleretic herbs are known, which are excellent for stagnation of bile:

  1. Dandelion common. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Use a decoction of the roots. Contraindicated in: large gallstones, colitis, gastritis and hemorrhoids.
  2. Corn silk. Help prevent stagnation of bile at the very beginning of the disease. Do not use in the presence of stones, varicose veins, pregnancy, thrombosis.
  3. Birch leaves. Contribute to the gentle removal of spasms, inflammation, relaxation of the bile ducts. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy.

Cholagogue herbs for gallstones

Once calculi or stones are found, treatment should be chosen more carefully. You can not take diuretic compounds that will provoke the movement of formations along the biliary tract and damage them. What collections of choleretic herbs for stones in the gallbladder are suitable, the doctor will tell you. More effective than other infusions:

  1. Calamus marsh. Combines with immortelle and St. John's wort. Contraindicated in pregnant women suffering from nosebleeds.
  2. Wormwood bitter. Suitable decoction and alcohol tincture of wormwood. Can be used with field horsetail. It is forbidden to apply to patients with thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers, overweight.
  3. Peppermint. Helps reduce the size of the stone or dissolve it. It is added to collections with lemon balm, chamomile. Contraindications: hypertension, breastfeeding, plant allergy.

Cholagogue herbs after gallbladder removal

Surgery to remove the gallbladder, or cholecystectomy, is done when the organ is not responding to medication. The patient after the procedure must follow a diet number 5. To prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, it is recommended to take the following choleretic herbs with a removed gallbladder:

  1. Corn silk.
  2. Knotweed or bird knotweed. Prevents re-stone formation, acts as a strong antiseptic. Do not use during pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
  3. Milk thistle improves liver function. Diseases in which it is impossible to apply: hepatic, renal colic, diarrhea, pancreatitis, individual intolerance.

Cholagogue herbs for cholecystitis

Suitable infusions of the same plants that are used for stagnation of bile and pharmacy fees number one and three. In addition, other choleretic herbs will help with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder): immortelle, calendula, sage, wormwood, chamomile, oats. The main condition when choosing plants for medicinal composition is their antispasmodic and antiseptic effect.

Cholagogue herbs for biliary dyskinesia

During this disease, the motor function of the gallbladder and ducts is impaired. The doctor prescribes choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia:

  1. Horseradish. Use alcohol tincture of fresh leaves.
  2. Angelica medicinal. Brings quick results along with mint leaves, sage, cumin fruits.
  3. Choleretic tea. Take 1 part of lemon balm, 2 parts of mint, buckthorn bark, immortelle flowers, 5-6 parts of rose hips. Take along with 1 tsp. honey.

Cholagogue herbs for inflection of the gallbladder

The inflection of the gallbladder occurs as a result of inflammation. The bile can no longer flow, as before. Therefore, you need to take the following choleretic herbs with an inflection of the gallbladder:

  • fennel;
  • chamomile;
  • gentian;
  • Phytohepatol No. 3.

Many herbs have choleretic properties. For example, a folk choleretic collection consisting of immortelle flowers, chamomile and lingonberries. All this must be mixed in equal proportions, after which two tablespoons of mixed herbs pour 0.5 liters. hot boiled water and let the collection brew for four hours. Store collection in the refrigerator. Drink before meals three times a day. Warm up before use.

Cholagogue fees can be done by yourself if you purchase the right herbs. However, fees can be purchased much more easily, as they are sold at any pharmacy. The most famous choleretic collections are collections called “choleretic collection No. 1”, “choleretic collection No. 2” and “choleretic collection No. 3”. All of them help to cope with diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts. However, in order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of your particular disease, you need to know what herbs are in which collection and how they act on the body. They sell fees mainly of two types: in the form of ordinary crushed grass in a cardboard box or in a filter bag, which is much more convenient to use, since ordinary grass still needs to be brewed and filtered. Each herbal collection is always accompanied by instructions on how to properly take this collection, because different collections have different herbs that can be prepared and taken in different ways. Cholagogue fees may have different names, for example, collection of hojimatov or phytohepatol. These are analogues of choleretic mixtures numbered 1,2 and 3.

Cholagogue collection No. 1

It consists of peppermint leaves, immortelle flowers, coriander, or rather its fruits and three-leaf watch. The chemical composition of the mixture consists of such elements as silicon, magnesium salts, flavonoids and tannins. Such a collection removes stagnant bile, gives an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves spasms.

  • Peppermint (only its leaves are used in the collection) is an excellent remedy for gallstone disease. It promotes the removal of stones from the bladder and its ducts. It also has sedative properties that help relieve pain. The value of peppermint also lies in the fact that it helps to stimulate the liver and gallbladder.
  • Three-leaf watch - is considered a good anti-inflammatory herbal preparation, it also helps to stimulate the food process. This herb also has a name - "water shamrock".
  • Coriander - in this collection, its seeds are used. They are considered a good choleretic agent and relieve inflammation well.
  • Immortelle is an effective traditional remedy for pathology and diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The properties of immortelle flowers are aimed at significantly improving the condition of the bladder and liver, help relieve spasms, and are capable of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Also, immortelle flowers can lower cholesterol and bilirubin levels, normalize and affect the viscosity of bile and its chemical component.

To prepare the collection at number 1, you need to take one tbsp. a spoonful of crushed grass and pour it with one cup of boiling water (200 ml), then heat it for about fifteen minutes and let it brew for 40-60 minutes. Further, the collection is filtered through gauze and diluted with ordinary boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Usually, the finished tincture is drunk 300 ml per day, taking 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. Before drinking, the decoction is advised to stir. The course of treatment with this choleretic mixture of herbs is 2-4 weeks, after which a break is made for a month. A course of four weeks is considered more effective.

Cholagogue collection No. 2

In its composition, it almost does not differ from collection No. 1. It consists of such herbs as: peppermint, coriander fruit, immortelle (often listed as sandy cumin on the packaging), and yarrow. It also includes such chemicals as essential oils, vitamins of groups B, E, C, K, carotene and other useful substances.

Yarrow. It has long been used in traditional folk medicine as an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the liver and bladder. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, as well as choleretic actions.

This choleretic mix is ​​often prescribed for children. Choleretic collection 2 is brewed in almost the same way. Drink it 300 ml per day, 100 ml. should be taken three times a day. Drink 30 minutes before meals. For children, it is advised to drink no more than 150 ml per day, also in three divided doses. If you purchased the collection not in the form of crushed grass, but in filter bags, then they are usually brewed two bags per glass of hot boiled water. The collection in this form is more convenient for preparation, because it only needs to be poured and let it brew for about fifteen minutes, after which it is ready for use. The course of treatment with this collection is one month. It is not advised to take such fees for less than a week, this will not bring the desired effect. When taken for more than a month, an overdose is possible. Therefore, after a month, the same break is made. Often, choleretic collection 2 is drunk for two weeks. This is followed by a break at the same time. Cholagogue collection number 2 is often prescribed when the gallbladder is removed, as an excellent prevention. Collection 2 is useful for stagnation of bile, it also relieves inflammation and has analgesic properties.

Cholagogue collection No. 3

The composition of the choleretic collection 3 differs from the composition of the two previous choleretic collections. It includes herbs such as calendula, chamomile, tansy and yarrow. From chemicals - contains essential oils, organic acids, bitterness and other useful substances.

  • Tansy - the collection includes exactly the flowers of this herb. Because it is they who manifest themselves as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bile-stimulating agent.
  • Chamomile - the flowers of this plant are capable of providing antimicrobial and choleretic effects, it is also great for relieving spasms. Chamomile is a good helper in getting rid of unnecessary bile.
  • Calendula - able to relieve inflammation, is a good tool in the fight against diseases of the liver and bladder. Able to ensure the removal of bile from the body.

Most often, choleretic collection 3 is sold in filter bags. The collection is applied in almost the same way as the previous ones. One or two bags of herbs are brewed in a glass (200 ml) for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to consume 3 glasses per day. One glass before each meal, preferably half an hour before meals. The course lasts from two weeks to one month. Collection number 3 is used for inflammation of the gallbladder or liver. Good for pain relief, helps to improve the secretion and outflow of bile. Often prescribed for prevention.


In many cases, cholagogue fees have positive reviews, they are considered useful and safe to use. However, you should not start taking the collection without consulting a doctor. Because unauthorized treatment can cause a number of side effects. For example, in the presence of stones in the liver, biliary and bile ducts, it is forbidden to drink phyto-collections. If the stone is in the duct and interferes with the removal of bile, taking such a collection will only worsen the patient's condition. Pregnant women and when breastfeeding children should use choleretic drugs with care. If a person is allergic to at least one herb from the composition of the collection, then taking this collection is contraindicated. With cirrhosis and other serious liver diseases, as well as with appendicitis, it is not recommended to take choleretic herbs. If you do not follow the instructions for taking the collection, side effects such as diarrhea, diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Dizziness, rash, heartburn, fatigue are possible. If there are stones in the liver or gallbladder, then there may be pain in the liver or swelling. When heartburn appears, do not be afraid, heartburn does not indicate complications of cholelithiasis or other serious diseases.

Liver cells constantly produce bile, which is not only necessary for proper digestion, but also is an antibacterial agent. The gallbladder plays the role of a store of concentrated bile. At the right time, the organ supplies the duodenum with the amount of bile necessary for normal digestion.

When abnormalities occur in the liver or gallbladder, for example, little bile is secreted, or the organ is not able to excrete it, it becomes necessary to take choleretic herbs. Their list is quite large, all plants have a lot of different properties, so a specialist should select them.

List of choleretic herbs

What herbs are choleretic? This list is well known to everyone since childhood, since they grow in large numbers on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This list includes the following:

The great advantage of plants is their availability. Fees can be either purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home. For each component from the list of choleretic herbs, there is a certain period of time when they can be collected. It mainly lasts from June to August, and they need to be dried on a smooth surface, preferably in the shade.

What are choleretic herbs for?

As mentioned above, almost all medicinal plants have a wide variety of properties. Therefore, the list of choleretic herbs for stagnation of bile is conventionally divided into several groups. They combine plants with similar qualities.

1. Increasing This group of plants reduces the muscles of the liver and gallbladder, due to which bile enters the intestines. The collection of such herbs is strictly contraindicated in patients suffering from gallstone disease, as this is fraught with blockage of the biliary tract.

2. Thinning. This group accumulates water in the body, which dilutes bile and promotes its removal.

3. Improving the quality of bile. Cholagogue herbs of this group contribute to the improvement and also determine its proper production and timely release. These fees contain many useful substances - acids, flavonoids, vitamins of various groups, tannins and much more. Thanks to their influence, the work of the liver and gallbladder returns to normal.

4. Antispasmodic. The list of choleretic herbs in this group has analgesic properties, helps to relax the muscles of the gallbladder, this increases the volume of outgoing bile. The list of antispasmodic plants necessarily includes dandelion.

Quite often, during treatment, it is necessary to solve more than one health problem, since indigestion entails many troubles. It is for this purpose that medical fees are compiled.

When to take and when not to take

Cholagogue herbs, the list of which was provided above, are used to treat such ailments:

Medicinal infusions and decoctions reduce the load on the liver, activate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse it of toxins. But, despite all the benefits, folk remedies can also cause harm, so it is imperative to consult a specialist. All choleretic herbs from the list are prohibited in the following cases:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • biliary colic;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • acute liver toxicity.

With such contraindications, it is better to choose an alternative treatment.

Herbs for stagnant bile

In the treatment of each disease has its own characteristics of the use of choleretic herbs. A poor outflow of bile causes pain in a person under the right rib and bitterness in the mouth. If treatment is delayed, stagnation of bile is fraught with the formation of stones in the gallbladder. In this case, the following herbs are used:

  • Dandelion - a decoction of the roots is usually made, it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Reception is prohibited if there are stones in the gallbladder, colitis, gastritis and hemorrhoids.
  • Birch leaves - relax the bile ducts, eliminate spasms, relieve inflammation. Reception during pregnancy is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Corn stigmas - have the ability to prevent the disease at an early stage. Prohibited for varicose veins, thrombosis and gallstones.

Cholagogue herbs for stagnant bile and dyskinesia

This disease is caused by a violation of the motor activity of the muscles of the gallbladder and biliary tract. In this case, the following plants are assigned:

Collection of herbs for inflection of the gallbladder

Frequent inflammatory processes cause bending of the organ. It cannot function normally, which means that the bile leaves badly. In this case, the following herbs will help:

  • fennel;
  • choleretic collection number 3.

Herbal complex for cholecystitis

For the treatment of this disease, medical fees under No. 1 and 3 are used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can relieve inflammation with the following herbs:

  • calendula;
  • immortelle;
  • oats;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • chamomile.

The main criterion for choosing these herbs is that they have antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.

Herbs for gallstones

With such a diagnosis, treatment should be treated more than carefully, since it is no longer possible to take fees that have a diuretic property. This can provoke a shift of stones, blockage of the ducts and their injury.

Appointments in this case should be made only by a doctor. The most effective are infusions from:

  • Swamp calamus, combination with immortelle and St. John's wort gives a good result.
  • Wormwood. With this diagnosis, you can use both a decoction and an alcohol tincture. Effectively combined with horsetail, it is not recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers and obesity.
  • Peppermint. Helps to reduce the size of the stone or its dissolution. The action is enhanced in combination with lemon balm and pharmacy chamomile. Do not take with high blood pressure, breastfeeding or individual intolerance.

Pharmacy herbs

All components from the list of choleretic herbs for stagnation of bile and other diseases of this organ can be purchased at a pharmacy and collected independently. You can also buy ready-made herbal teas that contain many plants and have a complex effect.

1. Choleretic collection No. 1. It includes mint, coriander, immortelle. Infusion No. 1 eliminates inflammation, activates the digestive system, relieves muscle spasm from the gallbladder and ducts, improves tone, has a choleretic and analgesic property. Proper preparation of the decoction is very important for healing. It is prepared as follows: place about 10-20 g of the collection in an enameled container and pour a glass of hot, but not boiling water. Put in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes. Then remove the broth from heat and cool for 45 minutes, strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

2. Choleretic collection No. 2. Contain immortelle, mint, yarrow and coriander. The decoction is prepared and taken in exactly the same way as collection No. 1.

3. Cholagogue collection No. 3. Consists of mint, yarrow, tansy, calendula and chamomile. The combination of these herbs has a calming effect and promotes the removal of bile from the bladder, relieves inflammation, and has antimicrobial properties. The collection is available in bags, and prepare as follows: pour 1-2 bags with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Cholagogue tea should be drunk from 300 to 600 ml per day.

Instructions for use:

Choleretic collection - a collection of plants that help with diseases of the biliary tract, gallbladder.

pharmachologic effect

Cholagogue collection of herbs promotes the excretion of bile, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, restores intestinal motility and improves appetite. There are three collections of different composition, which include plants similar in action.

Collection No. 1 includes mint leaves and three-leaf watch, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers.

Mint is known for its sedative effect, but the herb is also effective in gallstone disease - it helps to remove stones. It is also known that the bitterness of mint stimulates the gallbladder and liver.

The three-leaf watch is also called the water shamrock, it stimulates digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Coriander seeds have a choleretic, analgesic effect.

Immortelle is traditionally used for pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. The flowers of the plant relieve inflammation and spasms, anesthetize, increase the tone of the gallbladder, liver, affect the viscosity of bile and its chemical composition, reduce the level of cholesterol, bilirubin.

The composition of the choleretic collection No. 2 includes yarrow grass, mint, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers (on the package with the collection it is often indicated as sandy cumin).

Traditional medicine traditionally recommends using yarrow for diseases of the gallbladder. The herb helps reduce inflammation, relieves spasms, and improves bile excretion.

Collection for removing bile No. 3 includes tansy flowers, calendula and chamomile, mint leaves, yarrow grass.

Tansy is included in the collection, because. has a choleretic, antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. Chamomile also promotes the excretion of bile, relieves spasms, and has a sedative effect.

Release form

Choleretic preparations No. 1, 2, 3 are produced in the form of crushed plant materials in cardboard packages and in filter bags for single use.

Indications for use

Fees are prescribed to be taken in chronic reactive hepatitis; chronic cholecystitis - acute inflammation of the gallbladder; with poor appetite and digestive disorders; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts of an infectious nature; bouts of nausea; postcholecystectomy syndrome - a condition in which the work of the sphincter of Oddi is disrupted and, as a result, the patency of bile and pancreatic juice worsens.

Mode of application

Collection No. 1 is brewed as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials is poured with hot water (200 ml), heated for 15 minutes, insisted for at least 45 minutes. Before use, it is advisable to strain the broth and then bring it up to 200 ml with boiled water. Take a collection of 300 ml per day in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals. Therapy, judging by the reviews of the choleretic collection No. 1, is recommended to continue for 2-4 weeks to obtain the effect.

It is advisable to shake the decoction before use; it is not recommended to store it for more than two days.

Collection No. 2 is brewed in the same way as collection No. 1. Adults are recommended to drink it in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals - only 1.5 cups per day. Children are advised to give no more than 150 ml per day, in three divided doses.

Two filter bags with choleretic collection account for 200 ml of boiling water: they are poured and insisted for 15 minutes. Take a decoction in the same way as the one that is prepared from medicinal raw materials.

To prepare herbal decoction from collection No. 3, one or two disposable bags are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the remedy for 1.5-3 cups. It is also not recommended to store ready-made decoctions from collections No. 2, 3 for longer than two days.

In most cases, herbal preparations No. 2, 3 for the removal of bile are also recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Side effects

There are reviews of choleretic fees, indicating that they can cause heartburn and allergies.


It is not recommended to use choleretic preparations for allergies to plants that are part of them and for cholelithiasis, a disease in which there are stones in the bile ducts and bladder that prevent bile from leaving the intestines.

For pregnant, lactating women, fees for the removal of bile are prescribed in exceptional cases.