Cancer woman born in the year of the tiger. Characteristics of Cancer man - Tiger from A to Z! Horoscope for a cancer woman born in the year of the tiger

The signs of Cancer and Tiger are completely opposite. Cancer is reserved and patient, while Tiger is freedom-loving and independent. The first one constantly hides inside himself, creating a closed world, inaccessible even to the closest people, and the second one likes to be in the center of attention and constantly communicate with people.

Characteristics of Cancer in the Year of the Tiger

On the one hand, these personalities are very contradictory, but still they manage to combine the incongruous. They are opposed to passivity and vitality, mind and emotions.

Cancer looks at life soberly, he is sensitive and closed, practical and pragmatic, and the Tiger is a free dreamer who does not recognize any framework, strong-willed and hardy.

Since two principles are fighting in this person, he is constantly torn apart by contradictions, in his life there are ups and downs, then hopes, then disappointments. These people are extremely attractive in appearance and charming in communication, he is optimistic, friendly, but at the same time power-hungry and despotic.

They have impeccable taste, which is manifested in the style of clothing, and in the decoration of the house, even in the arrangement of the workplace.


These are refined and beautiful people, they have an attractive appearance and dress elegantly. At the same time, they are smart, witty and do not like to simply waste their time. They highly value the spiritual side of life, try to think less about the material and never talk about financial problems.

Since they have a broad outlook and a desire for knowledge, they prefer cultural recreation. They are happy to go on educational trips to historical places. They easily get along with people, have excellent manners and are always in the spotlight, although their controversial nature confuses others.

Weak sides

Personalities born in the year of the Tiger under the sign of Cancer lack stability and inner endurance, the ability to calm down in time and calm others.

In the business sphere, variability of character is very disturbing. He has just been active and full of energy, and is already sitting with his head bowed, immersed in heavy thoughts.

They are not good at analyzing the behavior and mood of other people, because they are completely occupied with their own person and their own experiences.

What qualities should be developed

It is necessary to learn to control the constant change of feelings, emotions, worldviews and actions. To do this, he needs a close person who can correctly respond to the behavior of his partner and direct his energy in the right direction.

In the Cancer-Tiger family, they always strive to lead, they are authoritarian, and their home may not like this state of affairs. If they do not learn how to dose care and control, they can ruin relationships with children.

Features of the male character

Crayfish-Tiger men are charming and everyone likes them, they are attractive, smiling, friendly, they try to maintain good relations with everyone. But sometimes they mark time in one place, they are afraid to take decisive action.

In fact, even though they can easily explode, start screaming and show other signs of aggression, this is all just because he wants to stay with himself and that no one bothers him.

Features of the female character

The Tiger-Cancer girl is attractive, charming and sociable. She is extremely well-groomed and flirtatious, therefore she has many admirers. A woman is just as capricious, changeable and contradictory as a man.

Just now she was sweet, smiling, restrained and benevolent, and in a moment we see an angry fury in front of us, impudent and stubborn.

This lady knows how to stand up for herself and her loved ones and she will defend herself to the last. Such women are inquisitive, therefore they have many interests and hobbies, they will never look for an occupation, they are full of ideas and new plans. Women devote a lot of time to home improvement, they like to create comfort and take care of their loved ones.

Feature for girls and boys

Here the character manifests itself even brighter than in adults. Children are even more controversial. At first they seem quiet and withdrawn, but in which case they react to everything very emotionally and as soon as they get used to it, it becomes the soul of the company.

Sometimes parents reassure themselves that these are perhaps the costs of adolescence and soon everything will change for the better. But this behavior in both boys and girls continues throughout the school years.

Parents need to constantly monitor the learning of these children, otherwise they will jump from hobby to hobby, not stopping at one.

How Cancer is born in the year of the Tiger

Cancer is a sign of water, changeable and dreamy. The tiger is a dangerous aggressive predator that seeks to win. Sometimes the Tiger suppresses Cancer with its determination and firmness, and sometimes Cancer dominates the Tiger with its dreaminess and vulnerability.


They have excellent memory and perfect taste. On the one hand, they dream of public recognition and active actions, on the other hand, they want to sit out in class without attracting attention to themselves.

Their inconsistency makes them change interests and activities, so they can not always be relied upon. They can make commitments, but if they lose interest in the case, they will not fulfill their promises.

Representatives of this sign are inquisitive, but from a young age they need to be explained what can and cannot be done, what is good and what is bad. To instill a sense of responsibility and teach to see things through to the end.

In work

Since the representatives of the signs are very contradictory, their career goals are not clearly expressed either. Sometimes they dream of occupying a high position, and sometimes they want to be inconspicuous cogs in a huge mechanism and not be responsible for anything.

Under the influence of emotions, they can do things that they will later bitterly regret. For example, they will refuse a good job or an enviable position.

Their financial affairs are directly related to success in the business field. Serious financial problems are never particularly experienced. In business with these people it is difficult, because they are subject to their emotions.

In the bed

Personality Cancer-Tiger is gentle and passionate at the same time, so he is constantly in search of new vivid sensations. In the intimate sphere, he is ready to obey, despite the fact that in real life he does not tolerate dependence. This is a refined and delicate person, therefore, in the intimate sphere, he does not tolerate rudeness.

In bed, he appreciates simplicity, without frills, but loves true passion and strength. At the same time, he will place high demands on the external design of the bedroom, he will never lie in an untidy bed with an unscrupulous partner.

In love and family

Romantic hobbies and loves in people of Crayfish-Tigers arise from early youth. These people hope for tenderness and care, attention and devotion. They themselves are ready for such a relationship almost from childhood. Family for them is a place where you feel completely protected.

For their children and the second half, they are ready for anything, so very often a fleeting relationship develops into a strong union. Because these people know how to appreciate love and devotion and are themselves capable of them. Representatives of these signs usually marry earlier than others.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

High compatibility with other Cancers, stubborn Taurus, gentle Virgo, dreamy Pisces and haughty Scorpio. Sometimes, with efforts on both sides, there may be a successful alliance with the stubborn Capricorn and the regal Leo.

But alliances with ardent Aries and Sagittarius, dual Gemini and Libra, and with thoughtful, but conceited Aquarius will be doomed to failure.

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope

Tigers get along well with other Tigers, with loyal Dogs and stubborn Horses. Pretty good chances of creating a strong alliance with a kind and charming Pig, an obedient Rabbit, a wise and reasonable Snake and a conceited Rooster.

But the Bulls, Dragons and Goats will have to work hard to maintain normal relations. An alliance with the Monkey is doomed to failure, since the quirky Monkey loves to pull the Tiger's minds, and then escapes to a tree and teases the royal animal from there.

What is the best name for a child?

Since this is a very controversial combination of signs, the names of children should smooth out variability and stabilize mood.

Ideal names for boys: Mikhail, Svyatoslav, Venko, Slavomir, Tikhon, Ivan, Miroslav, Milan, Daniel. Ideal names for girls: Svetlana, Zaryana, Milan, Ivanna, Miroslava, Vlad, Zabava, Darina, Irina, Iraida.

Famous Cancers born in the Year of the Tiger

  • Statesman, first minister of France, Giulio Mazarin, July 14, 1602,
  • Artist Camille Pizarro, July 30, 1830,
  • American actor Tom Cruise, July 3, 1962
  • Inventor George Eastman, July 12, 1854
  • Actor, director Konstantin Raikin, July 8, 1850.

We have already noted that Tiger Crabs do not have a large representation in world history. Therefore, we will have to limit ourselves to a simple enumeration. The success of Tiger Crabs in business and the presence of a business and leadership vein in them is confirmed by: the inventor of the Kodak camera, George Eastman; industrialist Alexander Putilov; television journalist, president of the ViD company Alexander Lyubimov; hotel empire owner Robert Pritzker; actor, director and head of the "Satyricon" Konstantin Raikin. All of them successfully combine creativity and business.

Of the politicians, it is better not to mention anyone. It is unlikely that such names are known to anyone. Franz Mesmer, who treated people with suggestion or "animal magnetism", was, in general, a deceiver. In the same team were the illusionist, inventor of card tricks Johann Hoftsinzer and the illusionist and conjurer Emil Keogh.

Cancers, and Crayfish-Tigers in particular, always find their rightful place in the cinema. This is a sharp-tongued and with caustic humor Oscar-winning film director Mel Brooks (“Spaceballs”, “World History”, “Producers”); film directors Paul Verhoeven (Robocop, Basic Instinct, Total Recall) and Alexei German (Traffic Check, My Friend Ivan Lapshin); actors Pyotr Aleinikov (“Seven Courageous”, “Tractor Drivers”) and Andrey Myagkov (“Irony of Fate”, “Office Romance”) “with their modest, outwardly unremarkable, but spiritually rich heroes”, who are “people of a subtle soul and pure motives” .

Crayfish-Tigers are not very friendly with sports, but we note football player Alfredo di Stefano, boxer Boris Lagutin and swimmer Denis Pankratov. With science, too, not everything is so bright: biochemist Paul Berg, neuropsychologist Alexander Luria, astronomer who discovered the asteroid Ceres, Giuseppe Piacii.

Among the Crayfish-Tigers there are also such persons: nouveau riche Artem Tarasov, politician Sergei Yushenkov, composer Serafim Tulikov (“We are for peace”, “March of Soviet Youth”), singer Sergei Lemeshev. As well as two famous American gangsters: Meir Lansky and John Dillinger. Finally, Superman comic book writer Joe Shuster.

Cancer-Tiger woman's horoscope

These are women of character. They demonstrate to the world inner weakness and outer strength, the desire to protect their family. Their life cannot be called easy, and their character is a mystery to others. Actress Hunter Tulo once entered into an uncompromising dispute with the film empire of Aaron Spelling. And all because she became pregnant and thereby violated the contract, for which she was kicked out of the Melrose Place series. The family turned out to be more important for her than work, but the actress achieved her goal - she sued the film company for a million dollars.

Actress Natalie Wood, along with an outstanding acting talent, had a character for which she was called the "queen of scandals" in Hollywood. She starred in 25 films, the best of which are West Side Story and Rebel Without a Cause. Somehow, as a girl, she saw director Robert Wagner and, when she grew up, became his wife. Natalie cheated on her husband and at the same time was insanely jealous, drank a lot and dabbled in drugs.

The marriage of creative people did not last long. But the former spouses reunited, as they were united by a passion for drinking and a common daughter. The actress was distinguished by wild antics. In 1981, she drowned under mysterious circumstances after falling drunk overboard on a yacht. This is the official version of her death.

Women of this astrological group are generally good actresses: the first Hollywood sex symbol Ted Bara (“It was stupidity”), Svetlana Kryuchkova (“Big Break”, “Burnt by the Sun”), Leah Akhedzhakova (“Irony of Fate”, “Office Romance”) , Nancy Allen ("RoboCop"), Helen Mirren ("Long Good Friday"). But there is also the poetess Vera Inber (“Pulkovo Meridian”), the singer Joan Osborne and the “metal” rock diva Lee Aaron.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Tiger on fire. Less active, more sedentary lifestyle.

Eastern horoscope: year of the tiger
Zodiac horoscope: cancer sign

The combination of these two opposites creates a mysterious and often overly sensitive person. He is sometimes eccentric, but his character is generally pleasant. Cancer-Tiger is prone to introspection. He needs to submit to discipline in order to achieve something in life.

The cat, as Chinese astrologers believe, is a sign of wisdom, calmness and sophistication. Male and female Cancer-Cat is one of the best combinations that includes sensitivity and sophistication. These people are expressive.

They have a sharp mind and desire its constant stimulation, especially if they are bored. These people worry about having nothing to do and hate wasting time. They are self-confident, but can be prone to depression, especially if things don't go their way. They like to be surrounded by nice things and beautiful places. They value money, but understand that emotions are more important than materialistic matters.

Despite their external confidence, inside they are not so full of it. Some individuals suffer from an inferiority complex and sometimes radiate doubt. Friends and partners should keep a close eye on these bouts of uncertainty and do everything possible to return them to their previous form as soon as possible. In personal relationships, these are loving people with a sense of gratitude, especially to those who help lift their spirits. They have an excellent memory, so they always remember and are ready to repay the kindness of other people.

These men and women have fantastic taste and color, so their artistic beginning is at a fairly high level. This taste manifests itself in all areas of their lives: clothing, home decor, vehicle, etc. If you want to buy a gift for this person, it's best to ask their opinion before going to the store.

The weakness in the personality of such a person is that they are sometimes suppressed. They strive for a peaceful and quiet life and dislike confrontation and competition, so they try to make their daily lives easy, which can result in them becoming lazy. Laziness can prevent you from moving forward to the fullest use of your creative skills.

The year of the tiger and the sign of the zodiac cancer is an unstable combination that gives a constantly fluctuating nature. Such a person is characterized by mood swings, frequent changes in life position, likes and dislikes. Cancer tiger is never completely sure of anything, and therefore can suspect others of anything.

Tiger Cancer is a rather closed person and tries to either hide all his emotions or show them in a delicate form so as not to inadvertently offend the interlocutor.

Cancer tiger woman is a big fan of beauty in any form - she can go somewhere just to get acquainted with a masterpiece of architecture or an interesting person. Tiger cancer man is a big fan of parties, private shows and elite meetings.

All crayfish tigers know how to win over people and have excellent manners, but as business partners they are unreliable, so it is quite difficult to cooperate with them in business.

You are constant, do not like to change your lifestyle and habits. You often become attached to people, pets and even things and really appreciate family relationships. Your mood is changeable - today you can be full of plans and ideas, and tomorrow you can be sad and show despondency.

Your character can hardly be called predictable - it has a lot of contradictions. You can value friendship, but because of a trifle, break off relations with a person you are interested in, dream of great love and find fault with trifles. You do not like to command and you can hesitate for a long time before deciding on a bold act.

Cancer-Tiger Woman in Love

In love, they are capricious and contradictory - it all depends on your mood. Strive for great love, pure and harmonious relationships, but it is not easy to please you. You can quickly lose interest in a partner, and then remember him fondly. Sometimes you don’t even know what you want, obeying the moment. You avoid responsibility and often hide behind a strong male shoulder.

Married Cancer-Tiger Woman

You are very sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time masterfully manage others, achieving what you currently need. You long for the perfect relationship in marriage, you can choose a partner for a long time and very carefully, but you will appreciate him if he meets your expectations and keeps his distance. They are prone to impulsive acts, betrayals, do not tolerate pressure and constantly change their decisions and plans.

Cancer-Tiger woman in bed

Intimacy is of great importance - you want to get everything at once. Rough, passionate relationships are unlikely to attract, sincere disposition, love and tenderness are important to you, so you can only open up to your partner over time. You decide on a frivolous relationship only out of great love or for reasons of profit. True love or marriage attracts you much more.

Cancer-Tiger woman in a career

You make a career through cunning, skillful diplomacy and the ability to wait. You can give the impression of an indecisive and unambitious person, waiting for the moment to come forward. You achieve success through influential acquaintances and communication with stronger people. You yourself rarely show fighting qualities and determination.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Wood Tiger (1914, 1974, 2034)

Your impulsiveness and short temper are combined with poise and gentleness. You rarely scandalize and quarrel with people just like that, if you inadvertently lost your temper. But don't get in your way if you're aiming for a career and want to reach professional heights. For you, a career is more important than family life; in marriage, routine and obligations cause a strong annoyance.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Fire Tiger (1926, 1986, 2046)

You strive for a prosperous and vibrant life and simply physically cannot stand the routine and monotony. It is important for you to prove to yourself and others your importance, so you are trying with all your might to win your place in the sun, no matter what it costs. In love, passion is characteristic of you, but you quickly burn out and lose interest in your partner, switching your attention to someone else.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Earth Tiger (1938, 1998, 2058)

You strive for a prosperous and vibrant life, you easily overcome obstacles, you are not afraid of dangerous situations, you try to be inventive and creative. Do not like loneliness - you always have many like-minded people and friends. In addition, you are amorous and have difficulty choosing one option out of several.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Metal Tiger (1950, 2010, 2070)

You strive to bring any business to a shine and are not afraid of dangerous situations. On the contrary, it is they who add spice and brightness to your life, so you yourself try to get into them, feeling your power both over circumstances and over people. Beauty is important to you in everything you do. Family life will always be in second place after your favorite business.

The Tiger-Cancer man is quite difficult to understand. On the one hand, such a person strives for solitude and peace, and on the other, for constant movement. These contradictions prevent him from living, because in the struggle of the mind with feelings, he can miss many vital opportunities.

Characteristics according to the horoscope

The Tiger-Cancer man is ambitious, and therefore does everything possible to ensure that his appearance is always impeccable. For him, public opinion is of great importance. Such a person has a polite and courteous character, and appreciates decency and neatness in people. He cannot be met in an inappropriate form, since his every exit from the house is carefully considered.

The representative of these signs is a leader by nature, but in order to gain authority, he has to spend a lot of time and effort on self-development. Even in his youth, he tries to succeed in all his endeavors, whether it be studies or social life. Having set a goal for himself, such a person will not give up on what he has planned and will achieve his goal.

At first glance, the Cancer Tiger seems to be a moralist to the core - he never breaks the rules and gives no reason to doubt his honesty. In fact, such a person does everything to ensure an impeccable reputation, and therefore does not allow himself unusual and reckless actions. Due to this, the representative of such a horoscope cannot be suspected of committing a bad deed.

A man born in the year of the Tiger under the zodiac sign Cancer has a kind and patient character. He can be described as a brave and intelligent person who knows how to give valuable advice in time. He knows how to correctly allocate his time in order to get the maximum benefit from the planned cases. This ability helps the individual to reach incredible heights.

Much depends on the influence of the elements on a person's horoscope. For example, the fiery Tiger in combination with the water Cancer allows you to get an inquisitive man who is distinguished by a restless and impulsive character. But the earthly horoscope personifies a strong nature that does not know how to listen to others and relies solely on its own experience.

Despite many positive qualities, such a man has a number of shortcomings. He is overly ambitious and does not know how to relax. The most important thing for him is to meet the expectations of society and hide the true face. It is difficult to hear your own opinion from Cancer-Tiger, since most often such a person says only what the interlocutor wants to hear.

The biggest fear for this man is the possibility of exposing all his secrets.

Therefore, when communicating with such a person, you should not count on excessively sincere and frank communication.

Compatibility in love

When building love relationships, the Tiger-Cancer relies on scenarios that are found in romantic films and books. Too idealizes love and requires the same dedication from a partner. If such a person has fallen in love, he will try to express to the object of his sighs his overwhelming feelings and emotions.

However, a relationship with a girl does not always mean the love of a young man. Sometimes meets with the opposite sex only for certain benefits.

For example, in order to achieve location, fit into a certain social circle or gain social status.

The Cancer-Tiger man needs a girl accustomed to work and not afraid of work. To win the demanding heart of a chosen one, a lady must have a good outlook, a great mind and the ability to always look perfect.

In order to fall in love with such a person and become his wife in the future, the girl needs to be a good housewife. She should be able to do all household chores, as well as show an interest in needlework or have another hobby associated with primordially female hobbies.

The ideal partner for the Tiger-Cancer man will be the Scorpio-Pig woman, Rabbit-Pisces, Tiger-Scorpio, Dog-Pisces and Horse-Pisces. Such a person has good compatibility with the Snake-Scorpio, Pisces-Rooster and Snake-Scorpio.

Family and marriage

For the Cancer-Tiger man, family well-being is important, and therefore such a person always tries to smooth out conflicts and make concessions. Despite frequent mood swings, he is able to hide his feelings for the benefit of the family. First of all, he builds partnerships with his wife, so that even after many years of marriage he can maintain good ties.

Children for the head of the family are of paramount importance, so the father builds strong ties with them. His attitude towards children is based on mutual trust, love and friendship. At any moment, the father is ready to help the child, he can close his eyes to petty children's pranks.

Before marrying, the Tiger-Cancer chooses a companion for a long time and meticulously. A man bases his choice not only on feelings, but also on reason. It is important for him that his wife is not only a good wife and lover, but also a mother and keeper of the family hearth.

And if such a person marries, then once and for all.

Career and finance

The representative of this horoscope loves money, and therefore he does not need to make a lot of efforts to achieve financial well-being. However, the monetary sphere of such people is of little interest. They do not strive for wealth and luxury, they are content with what they have.

Tiger Cancer values ​​​​its own independence. The representative of this horoscope is always full of ideas that, if desired, can bring good income to the entrepreneur. Having opened his own business, a man can realize his ambitions and learn on his own to achieve ever greater heights.

About the sexuality of the Cancer man, see the video below.