Women's tantrums. Who is to blame: a man or a woman and what to do? Hysterics

Any scene of hysteria causes unpleasant emotions and leaves a bad aftertaste. And even the eyewitnesses of the scene, not to mention its participants. What are the causes of female tantrums and how to deal with them?

In ancient times, ancient healers called the disease, accompanied by uncontrollable outbursts of emotions, the word Hysterus, which is translated from Latin as "womb rabies." Doctors believed that this ailment was characteristic only of women with an unstable hormonal background. To date, it is known that hysteria is by no means a female preference, men are also subject to it. However, according to statistics, there is one hysterical man for every 10 female hysterics.

What causes hysteria? As a rule, female hysteria comes from impotence and a desire to achieve from others what a woman has long wanted to receive. Hysteria in this case is the highest point, the threshold of emotional restraint that a woman transgresses when she can no longer endure. This is a kind of valve for the release of accumulated grievances. This process is uncontrollable for the woman herself.

Often, hysteria is associated with all sorts of female ailments, hormonal changes in the body.
Hysterics are divided into three categories:

1. Hysteroids are individuals who from birth have impulsive character traits, a developed and mobile imagination. These are artistic natures who are easily excited and are good at the art of manipulation.

By the way, congenital hysteria often not only does not violate their adaptation in society, but helps to reach certain heights. One of the very revealing examples of hysteroids is Zhirinovsky. Hysteroids are not treated, the maximum that they are shown is psychotherapy aimed at correcting behavior.

2. Suffering from hysterical neurosis. This condition is both congenital and acquired. Often, its first manifestations can be seen even in childhood, when the child suddenly falls, begins to roar heart-rendingly and clobber the floor with his hands and feet for little reason. And it is at these moments that you need to immediately deal with neurosis.

The main thing is to teach the child that you will not react to his seizures. Indifference is your best assistant against such escapades. A hysteric always needs an audience; without it, the intensity quickly fades away. And, of course, a child with signs of hysterical neurosis must be treated by a child psychologist. Otherwise it will get worse.

3. Suffering from hysterical psychopathy. These people are definitely not manipulators and blackmailers, their behavior is not a pose or an artistic trick, but a severe form of mental illness.

Hysterical seizures in these patients are of a rough, brutal nature - with loss of consciousness, impaired motor functions (legs are suddenly taken away) and even a hysterical arc (when the body arches like a bridge). These people need serious psychiatric treatment.

How to stop hysteria?

With the exception of serious medical cases where specialist help is needed, there are several very effective methods to stop a tantrum.

If possible, just get out of sight, leave the tantrum alone, and the attack without "audience support" will stop on its own.

Sometimes, if the tantrum is not the most extreme, a simple glass of water offered to the erupted person can help.

A quick and sudden pain effect will help to cut off a slight attack. You can sharply squeeze the hysterical hand, pinch it painfully, or even give a slap in the face, although, of course, all these are extreme options. It is better to try something suddenly and quickly distract the tantrum. For example, discreetly call his mobile phone.

If a tantrum was thrown by a person who is usually calm and reserved, but explosive, do not try to argue, be silent, listen. He will calm down and regret his outburst.

And one more observation: in general, emotional outbursts are normal and useful if they are appropriate.

Hysteria is a mild mental disorder associated with one or another type of stress that has occurred at some time in the life of a certain subject. Whether you are a woman or a man, it doesn't matter. Hysteria can take both of them by surprise. It can happen anywhere and anytime. The first symptoms of hysteria can be incessant laughter, crying, screaming, as well as deafness, blindness, and even increased sexual arousal.

Nowadays, there are enough reasons for it. Blockages at work, problems at home and with a loved one. Any occasion can become an approximation of this state, in which any of us has been more than once. Unfortunately, in a fit of passion, we do quite a lot of ridiculous and thoughtless actions, some of which radically affect our lives and change it, mostly not in a very good way. After all, the most important events that happen to us throughout our lives depend on every little thing and moment.

How to help deal with hysteria?

This question is relevant enough in our time. He excites ordinary people, busy people, families, students and others. But, nevertheless, there are ways and tips to deal with it. The hysteria is gaining momentum due to previously accumulated stresses. They don't need to be kept. You should get rid of them as soon as possible and start taking everything easier.

If you happen to be next to a person who has fallen into hysterics, you have the opportunity to help him. This should be taken very seriously, so we can say that you decide the fate of a person and perhaps help change the situation directly related to the future. You just need to switch his attention to something else, distract him from his problems, perhaps make him laugh. But here is the case itself. It all depends on the victim of the tantrum, as well as your ability to calm down.

In most cases, people who have experienced a tantrum, that is, experienced an emotional outburst, feel very lonely and devastated for a long time. After waking up, they react differently to what happened, and at some points it is not even clear what was happening to them at that time.

Very often, a person who was nearby makes a lot of mistakes that are directly related to calming the personality. In the worst case, this may result in even more inappropriate behavior. Therefore, it is recommended to calm the alarmist and give him a sedative or herbal tea and try to put him to bed as soon as possible.

We act independently

And in order for the situation not to reach the point of absurdity, or to the help of a specialist, there are several ways "how to deal with hysteria" on your own:

  1. First, you need to get rid of negative thoughts, which subsequently give rise to stress, which we talked about earlier. Get rid of them in different ways. Someone sits in front of the mirror and tells him about their problems. Some people try to get rid of them by shouting out in the open. Some people just try to forget about them. In general, this is a personal matter for everyone. After the released stresses, try to spend as much time as possible with your family and friends, as well as friends. After all, the benefits of this are enormous: you will think less about your problems, and just please your loved ones with your communication.
  2. No matter how trite it may seem, counting during a tantrum also helps. Try to calm down and count to 10, while you should observe even deep breathing. In those ten seconds, a million thoughts will flash through your head that may help resolve the situation.
  3. Think about what's next. That is, during a tantrum, inadequate words and actions are possible, which of course can show you not from the best side. So, it is worth thinking about what your relatives, perhaps friends, relatives or superiors will think of you.
  4. If this condition happens to you from time to time, then there is one of the wonderful effective methods. Do yoga! It will not bring harm, but the nervous system will restore and heal your body. There are special exercises aimed at proper breathing, contributing to calmness and suppression of stress. After all, suppressing the negativity in yourself is not quite so easy. Perhaps proper breathing will help you calm down at the right moment.
  5. Try to get a pet, and possibly pets. After all, it has long been proven that caring for someone relieves stress. Moreover, pets are very thermophilic and are able to give you their positive energy in response to your care, which, of course, can also calm down. It can be an aquarium with fish, a cat, a dog, hamsters, but anyone.

hotel cases

Incredibly, the fact is that men and women deal with tantrums and stress differently.

Men also tend to "fall into hysterics", just not everyone is ready to admit it. During unforeseen situations, they are mostly in complete calm, but this is not due to the fact that men do not experience stress or negativity, but only because they are actually quite shy and prefer to simply wait out the storm in a “warm place”. ' without really thinking about the situation.

As for women, in a hopeless situation, they begin to cry and become very cold-blooded. They behave completely opposite to the behavior of men. A woman in hysterics is capable of much.

Hysteria happens to people when they see no way out for the situation, when a person does not have enough attention, when they do not hear him and do not listen to his opinion. Absolutely any person, both men and women, is subject to this. Very often there are cases of children's tantrums, which require a special approach of parents, as well as the help of a psychologist, if necessary.

So let's be less annoyed over trifles, fraught with anger and stress, because all this has such a negative effect on our health, as well as on people close to us.

In psychotherapy, the state of hysteria is called a destructive disorder that can turn into a severe form of neurosis. Often people confuse hysterical seizures with other mental disorders. But they are easier to treat than any other disorder at an early stage, so it’s best to see a doctor right away if you experience these symptoms.

Causes of hysteria

Hysteria is a state during which a person is not able to adequately behave and respond to external stimuli. This behavior is demonstrative, more often reminiscent of a protest and a sharp reaction to some action of another person.

The main reasons for hysteria:

  1. Features of human development. It happens that a child is brought up in difficult conditions or he is overly spoiled. Then, having heard from his parents a contradiction with his desire, he falls into a state of strong hysteria.
  2. Behavioral features. Hysterical seizures affect people with increased emotionality. They do not know how to control their emotions, so it is easier for them to yell at someone than to adequately solve the problem.
  3. Physical stress. It happens that a person is overworked, mentally and physically tired and wants to rest, and others put pressure on him. He sleeps little (3-4 hours a day), eats irregularly, eats unhealthy food, refuses sports. Then he can not stand it, and there will be a splash of negative emotions.
  4. Moral exhaustion. Hysteria can be the result of emotional burnout, a nervous breakdown, professional deformation. It often manifests itself in women during PMS or critical days, dieting or not self-perception. The beginning may be a conflict, which soon develops into a serious scandal. Then a person really gives in to emotions and can start crying at one moment, and be happy at another.

In addition, hysteria can be the initial stage of mental illness. Such a symptom often manifests itself in people with manic tendencies, panic attacks or vegetovascular neurosis.


An attack of hysteria in each person has its own characteristics, but there are common symptoms of this condition. The first significant sign is confusion. A person does not know how to act correctly at a particular moment, cannot adequately assess the situation and make a decision. Gradually, internal tension builds up, and he begins to get very nervous. As a result, the following symptoms appear:

  • increased sweating;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • dizziness, faintness;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • muscle weakness, which may be accompanied by cramps and tremors;
  • inhibited reaction, etc.

The next stage of hysteria is attacks of convulsive crying, which can abruptly turn into laughter. Usually ends with loud screams, a request for help and strong crying. Sometimes a person in such a fit tries to somehow calm himself by saying affirmations.

The last stage - a person cannot control himself, and every day begins with sobs. He does not see the point in life, wants to fall asleep quickly and constantly gets into conflicts.

Features of hysteria in children

Hysteria in a child is the result of his disharmonic upbringing. It usually develops in families where parents constantly swear, humiliate their son or daughter, use physical force against him. Then such behavior is a manifestation of hopelessness. The child does not know how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Another option - the baby is the only child in a wealthy family. All attention to him, to which he quickly gets used. In the future, any refusal or prohibition causes him resistance in the form of screams and hysterics. The child becomes demanding.

Another case is families where there are too many prohibitions and restrictions, when the baby does not have the right to choose. He wants more freedom of action, which causes hysterical attacks.

Typical manifestations of hysteria in children:

  1. The presence of screaming or increasing crying. This is the initial stage.
  2. The child bangs his head against the wall. Other options - rolling on the floor, jumping a lot and hard, knocking his feet on the floor, hitting his parents or other people around him.
  3. The baby begins to scratch and bite others. May harm himself.
  4. The appearance of seizures. This is the last step. It usually manifests itself in the form of abnormal and strong bending of the body ("hysterical bridge").


During a tantrum, a person can be dangerous to others. He does not control his actions, acts impulsively and does everything on emotions.

If tantrums happen often, this can become the basis for the development of more serious mental illnesses.

The weakest among them is nervous breakdowns. This is the most common result of frequent hysterical seizures. Main symptoms:

  • sudden mood swings several times a day;
  • causeless tearfulness;
  • prolonged apathy;
  • long stay in depression;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia);
  • poor appetite, etc.

Ways to quickly end a tantrum

It is important to learn to recognize a tantrum and be able to stop it on your own. The methods are universal and are as follows:

  1. Don't persuade. Any persuasion, requests to calm down only exacerbate the situation and irritate the patient. The actions of such a person are not always thought out, the logic does not work.
  2. Exit the room. This is especially true in situations with children. The presence of strangers causes a desire to continue the tantrum. It is better to go outside, talk to the patient and give him time to recover.
  3. Splashes with water. A great way to bring a person in a fit to feelings. You need to splash a small amount of water on your face or pat on your cheeks, lightly press on a painful point, etc. The main thing is to do it carefully and without much effort so as not to harm.
  4. Calmly talk. In this case, it is important not to blame the person for their bad behavior and negative character traits. It should be explained that since such situations happen often, you should seek help from a doctor. It is important to do this without aggression, anger, but gently and calmly.
  5. Give water to drink. You can also give a sniff of ammonia.

If you need to stop the tantrum in children aged 2-3 years, the method when the parent begins to talk to the child as an adult will help. Explains to him why he cannot fulfill the request. Often parents say that such a situation also depresses them and makes them sad, after which they present an alternative way to solve the problem. As a result, the child forgets about the offense and agrees to the proposal.

You can try to distract the baby. Ask to look out the window, show or draw something.

For children 3-5 years old, an option with a sweet “pill” for tantrums is suitable. The bottom line is, at the first sign of a breakdown, give the baby a favorite treat (it must be harmless, that is, no chocolates, sweets or chips).

The easiest method is to just hug the baby. To say that he is loved in any case, but with excessive whims, he upsets his parents and makes them experience negative emotions.

Methods of treatment

Ordinary hysteria cannot be cured. This is only a temporary and demonstrative behavior, so you need to fight the reasons for which it occurs. Psychotherapy will help with this: cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy, as well as medication.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Its goal is to change the model of human behavior, the type of his thinking. In the process of healing, people learn to understand their thoughts, analyze their actions. By the end of the course, the patient should come to realize his own condition and that it can and should be fought.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is done with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. At the first session, he asks the patient leading questions:

  • what provoked such behavior;
  • why could not control emotions;
  • how often do such hysterical attacks of irritation and hatred, conflicts occur;
  • the patient is enraged by specific people or their actions, actions, manners, etc.

At this and subsequent stages, customer involvement is important. If he is not interested in treatment, it is not worth wasting time.

The course consists of 5-10 sessions, depending on the specific situation. One consultation lasts 40-60 minutes. In the process, aspects of human behavior are discussed. It is possible to attend group classes.

Treatment consists not only of individual sessions, but also of homework. The purpose of the latter is to work out their problems on their own. Understand the root causes of hysteria, learn how to quickly recognize and prevent it. In this case, introspection is connected to cognitive behavioral therapy.

After each session, the adult patient is asked what they have learned about themselves or their disorder. Often consultations take place in the form of role-playing games and active dialogue. This makes it possible to track progress and make a prediction whether the disorder will develop or this process may stop.

Art therapy

In psychology, this method of treatment is best for children from 3 to 10 years old. It consists in the fact that with the help of some kind of art you need to display your fears or hated things. Allows you to understand why the child behaves in a certain way during a tantrum.

The colors that the child used in the drawing, all lines and strokes, as well as ornaments are analyzed. The larger the size of the depicted object, the brighter negative emotions appear.

After art therapy with the baby, you need to talk. Ask to explain the drawing, which causes fear and provokes internal hysteria.

Art therapy will not cure hysteria. In psychiatry, they believe that it only gives an idea of ​​the nature of the problem, and psychoanalysis, hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy will help get rid of it. Suggestions and persuasion are used. The technique is chosen depending on the subject of the hysteria.

Medical treatment

Sedatives are one of the quickest options for recovering from a hysterical fit. They have a sedative effect. Herbal medicines will help:

  • valerian;
  • hypericum;
  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • oak;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint.

Sometimes the composition may contain B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

With increased excitability, drugs based on bromine are drunk. If hysteria happens often - tranquilizers. They relieve emotional stress, eliminate anxiety. The best among them:

  • "Buspirone";
  • "Atarax";
  • "Mezapam";
  • "Mebicar";
  • "Clozepid";
  • "Amizil";
  • "Phenazepam".

If the tantrum is so strong that it comes to insomnia, you need to drink a sleeping pill. Sometimes chamomile or mint tea is enough.


There are several ways to prevent.

  1. Breathing techniques. You need to take 3 deep breaths and exhale to calm down. The best technique is combined. It involves the collarbones, chest and abdomen. Inhalation starts from the abdomen, passes through the chest and reaches the collarbones. Exhalation is in reverse order. The interval between them is 3 s. Enough 3-5 times, no more needed, otherwise you may feel dizzy.
  2. Affirmations. These are positive affirmations that work for self-hypnosis. Usually these are words like “calm down, everything will be fine, I can handle everything.” They help if a person has a hysterical neurosis due to overload with business or moral exhaustion.
  3. Physical exercise. Running, walking, boxing, dancing, gymnastics, aerobics - there is no difference. The main thing is that a person enjoys the activities. Yoga and meditation are also considered a form of physical activity. 2-3 sessions a week are enough to get rid of the accumulated negative energy and stop hysteria.


Hysteria is a demonstrative behavior that is the result of the accumulation of negative energy and moral exhaustion. The main signs are a sharp transition from sobs to laughter, convulsions, inability to control emotions, suicidal tendencies. If these symptoms are found, it is imperative to consult a psychologist, undergo diagnostics and treatment.

Female hysteria is a special emotional state that is practically uncontrollable, accompanied, as a rule, by raising the voice to individually high parameters, crying, and also excessive gesticulation.

Most representatives of the strong half of humanity, faced with such emotional manifestations, are lost and have no idea what to do. And no wonder - in just a few minutes, an affectionate and caring woman turns into a screaming and waving vixen. To understand how to deal with this, you need to know what can provoke a tantrum, and in every possible way avoid such situations.

The reasons

The main triggers of female emotional explosions include:

  1. Chronic overwork - unfortunately, today many women are forced to provide for not only themselves, but also their children. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has a truly gigantic burden of duties - not only professional, but also domestic. in this case, it acts as a kind of relaxation - in a similar way, a woman simply throws off her accumulated fatigue.
  2. Following the fashion trends that have developed in society - in an effort to maintain themselves in a certain shape, and now a thin figure is considered beautiful, many charmers deny themselves proper nutrition. Their diet simply lacks fats and carbohydrates in the amount required to maintain the health of the nervous system. Sometimes a woman's hysteria is just a direct consequence of banal malnutrition.
  3. A simple lack of time for yourself - the need to take care of everyone and everything is inherent in women by mother nature. It's just that for some it comes to excessive forms - they help everyone except themselves. Outbreaks of aggression and - these are just the harbingers of the coming hysteria. You need to learn how to allocate your time so that precious minutes remain for yourself, the one and only.
  4. Irregularity or complete absence of intimate life - the body of Eve's daughters is designed in such a way that intimate life acts as a physical as well as psychological nourishment for their emotional balance. And one “spark” is enough - the absence of sex for some period, so that the body rebels, gives out a lot of negative emotions.

The reasons for women's tantrums can be different. The above is not a complete list of them. In order not to deal with such consequences, it is better to take care of the psycho-emotional health of your chosen one in advance - to give her more attention and love.

How to respond to a female hysteria

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity, due to the peculiarities of their thinking, believe that hysterical outbursts in women arise from scratch. This misconception is fundamentally wrong. By simply ignoring the tantrum, the man thereby achieves the exact opposite result - his chosen one will certainly calm down, but will remember for a long time the fact that her “cry of the soul” was left without due attention and support.

Not many men understand how to respond to a female tantrum correctly. It is not worth demanding reasonable arguments and explanations at this moment. This is a meaningless exercise - a woman simply does not control herself at this moment. She spills out all the negativity accumulated inside her and simply cannot cope with it.

A man can only listen and show maximum attention and empathy. Sympathy and love are appropriate in such a situation. Attention to words is the key to understanding the problem.

As a rule, a woman at the moment of hysteria directly declares that she was brought to a similar state. Following from this, a man must react - if a woman needs a strong shoulder on which she can cry, then substitute him. If she wants some specific promises, for example, a trip to the warm sea on vacation, then she should clearly speak out whether the desire will be fulfilled.

Such manipulative tantrums sometimes become the norm in some families. Therefore, they can be ignored by men. Sometimes this is a special personality type, their nervous system, an anomaly that leaves an indelible imprint on a person's personality. Such ladies can literally wind themselves up in a second so that they no longer control their behavior. The best tactic in this case is to listen, to agree, to do it your way.

How to deal with female hysteria

The tendency to emotional outbursts is traditionally considered the prerogative of the beautiful half of humanity. However, one should distinguish between those caused by stress or problems and hysteria. The latter is not always to be encouraged. It is better to anticipate an outbreak of negative emotions in advance and try to stop it at the very beginning of its appearance.

How to stop a female hysteria:

  • in the absence of time for rest, take on at least part of the daily burden, for example, buying food for the family and walking the dog so that the beloved can devote more time to herself;
  • take care of a balanced and proper diet - prepare dinner from light, low-calorie, but nutritious foods;
  • taking your soul mate during the holidays somewhere far away from everyday life, of course, focusing on the family budget, but even a week without household pots will benefit the woman;
  • compensate for dissatisfaction with sexual life with romantic dinners and hot sex by candlelight;
  • if the reason lies in physiology - the premenopausal time of life has come, it is better to seek professional help from a gynecologist, well-chosen hormone therapy simply works wonders with the female psyche.

In no case should you leave your “soulmate” with a problem alone. By ignoring the hysteria, you can face even greater problems in the family - it can be destroyed by misunderstanding and accumulated resentment. Having understood and eliminated the cause, a man will strengthen the marriage, create psychological comfort and coziness for himself.

Not all women are hysterical by nature, sometimes this is their only manifestation of overwork and a cry for help. And you can prevent outbursts of rage in your beloved by simply paying attention to her problems - not far-fetched, but real. So, it is enough to go for a walk in the park in the evenings or give pleasant little things that speak of love, for example, fragrant bath salts or a new hair clip. Yes, sometimes a simple conversation at dinner about what happened during the day - this will already testify to the man's attention to the cares and affairs of his chosen one, which she will certainly appreciate.