Taiga gum. Taiga resin - natural healing chewing gum


Refined pine resin (Pinus sibirica)


Taiga cedar resin - natural chewing gum. For manufacturing, the resin of the Siberian cedar is used. Cedar resin is a rich source of dihydroquercetin (a bioflavonoid of the vitamin P group). Helps neutralize free radicals, recognized as one of the main causes of premature aging of the body and a trigger for the development of more than 80 types of diseases.

Taiga resin does not contain artificial components - dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers. "No chemistry!" It is a natural remedy for oral hygiene and caries prevention. Powerful source of natural antioxidants.

Thin - forest, taiga - aroma and taste

Convenient packaging

Safety and environmental friendliness

Easy to chew

Does not lose taste

Reduces cravings for smoking

Taiga resin is produced using unique patented technologies:

RF patent No. 2631031 "Chewable product"

Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2459418 "Chewing composition".



Strengthens teeth and gums

Cleans the mouth

Freshens breath

Chewing gum "Taiga cedar oleoresin" - brown tablets, different shapes. Forest aroma and taste

Selling Features

Without a license


Quality mouthwash.

Destruction of harmful microorganisms.

Natural breath freshness

Prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.

Strengthening gums and chewing muscles.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product, acute forms of periodontitis.

Resin (turpentine, coniferous amber) is a sticky, resinous substance with a pleasant aroma that is released from the damaged bark of a coniferous tree. It hardens and reliably protects the plant from pests and pathogens.

Properties of coniferous amber and its use

The unique properties of turpentine have long been used in folk medicine. With its help, disorders in the digestive system and kidneys, diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems, rheumatism, purulent skin lesions, snake and insect bites, toothache and headache were treated.

Coniferous amber was used to speed up the fusion of bones after fractures. It was used to make chewing gum, which treated inflammation and bleeding of the gums, disinfected the oral cavity, and protected teeth from caries.

Nowadays, resin from coniferous trees is used not only in traditional medicine. It serves as a raw material for the manufacture of creams, oils, ointments and balms with analgesic, wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunostimulating properties, as well as turpentine and rosin. Coniferous amber is part of many toothpastes that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, and chewing gums.

Healing properties of larch gum

♦ prevents the development of diseases in the oral cavity;

♦ helps to strengthen the gums;

♦ makes breath fresh;

♦ stops inflammation in the gums;

♦ relieves nausea;

♦ increases appetite and improves digestion.


There are no preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemicals in medicinal chewing gum. It consists only of natural ingredients. Therefore, it does not cause allergies and has no side effects. Chewing gum is contraindicated only with individual intolerance.

Taiga resin is a natural chewing gum. For its manufacture, we use purified resin (resin) of larch and cedar, collected in the taiga of Altai and Khakassia, as well as extracts of herbs and berries.

To make it, we do not use artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. Refusal of artificial components is the main principle of the company.

When Taiga Gum is useful:

  • After meals to remove food debris and stimulate digestion
  • For the prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums, strengthening the teeth and gums, masticatory muscles
  • To eliminate strong odors - onions and garlic, tobacco, alcohol, etc., as well as to maintain fresh breath
  • To relieve dry mouth
  • To reduce the craving for smoking
  • With nausea, motion sickness in transport

The main properties of resin are antibacterial and antioxidant. "Taiga resin" destroys pathogenic bacteria - the main cause of diseases of the teeth and gums and bad breath. Phytoncides and bioflavonoids (vitamin P group) contained in the resin strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, reducing inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

When you can not chew "Taiga sap":

  • In acute form of periodontal disease

In other cases, no side effects were detected, there are no data on allergic reactions. Individual intolerance to some components (plant extracts) is possible.

How to chew Taiga Zhivitsa correctly:

Before use, chewing gum should be warmed up in the mouth so that it becomes soft. Hard resin can not be cracked!

Release form— blister, 5 pcs. packaged.

Shelf life 3 years. Store in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight, away from strong odor sources.

Types of "taiga resin":

  1. "Taiga resin with cranberries"
  2. "Taiga resin with sea buckthorn"
  3. "Taiga coffee sap"
  4. "Taiga resin with mint"
  5. "Taiga resin with propolis"
  6. "Taiga resin with blueberries"
  7. "Taiga oleoresin with wild rose"
  8. "Taiga resin with eucalyptus"
  9. "Taiga sap"
  10. Resin taiga cedar