Animals during the Great Patriotic War. Presentation

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark on the history of our country and the whole world. In this terrible time, the people showed immeasurable courage and courage. Friendship, devotion and mutual assistance were important as never before. But few people know that at that time, our smaller brothers proudly and bravely fought side by side with the soldiers.

DOGS German Shepherd DZHULBARS Served in the 14th Assault Engineer Brigade. The only dog ​​awarded the medal "For Military Merit". Thanks to his excellent instinct, 7468 mines and more than 150 shells were cleared. Dzhulbars took part in the parade on Red Square in 1945. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Dzhulbars was wounded. Then Stalin ordered to carry the dog across Red Square on his overcoat.

DOGS Ovcharka DINA The first and only saboteur dog. Member of the "rail war" in Belarus. She was able to successfully undermine the enemy's echelon on the Polotsk-Drissa stage. As a result, 10 wagons were destroyed and most of the railway was put out of action. She also distinguished herself twice in demining the city of Polotsk, where she found a mine in one of the hospitals.

DOGS Scottish Collie DICK Dick participated in mine clearance in Leningrad, Stalingrad, Lisichansk and Prague Mine detector. Dick participated in the demining of Leningrad, Stalingrad, Lisichansk and Prague. Thanks to his instinct, the lives of thousands of people were saved. Dick's most famous merit is the discovery of a 2.5-ton bomb with a clockwork. It was discovered by a dog in the foundations of the Pavlovsk Palace (Leningrad) an hour before the explosion. During the war years, more than 12 thousand mines were discovered and neutralized with its help.

CATS MAKSIM The only currently known Leningrad cat that survived the siege. The need during the war years for cats was great in Leningrad, there were practically none left, rats attacked the already meager food supplies. Four carriages of smoky cats were brought to Leningrad. The echelon with the “meowing division”, as the St. Petersburg residents called these cats, was reliably guarded. By the time the blockade was broken, almost all basements were freed from rats.

CATS While human-invented devices only scanned the air for bomb threats, living furry "radar" alerted people of danger, thanks to which countless lives were saved. A special medal "We also serve the motherland" was established for cats that saved the largest number of human lives in wartime. A special medal "We also serve the motherland" was established for cats that saved the largest number of human lives in wartime. catMurka

PIGEONS During one of the combat campaigns, a Soviet submarine torpedoed a Nazi transport and, escaping pursuit, fell into a minefield, was severely damaged - the radio went out of order. The boat could not return to base on its own. A pigeon named Golubchik delivered a letter about the breakdown in two days, flying over a thousand kilometers. The boat received help and was towed to its home base by another Soviet submarine. homing pigeon DOVE

Pigeons A reconnaissance detachment, being deep behind enemy lines, was surrounded and lost contact with its unit. The only radio was broken. The fighters had a single pigeon numbered 48. During the flight, the pigeon was attacked by a fascist hawk trained for this purpose and was wounded, but the 48th managed to escape. He flew to the pigeon station at dusk and fell under the feet of an ordinary soldier on duty. The dove was injured, one leg was broken. After the transfer to the headquarters of the report, the pigeon was operated on. rock dove 48 48

HORSES The 28th reserve army was part of the Soviet troops, in which camels were the draft force for guns. It was formed during the Battle of Stalingrad. A significant shortage of horses and equipment forced to catch and tame almost 350 wild camels. Most of them died in different battles. But a camel named Yashka participated in the battle for Berlin in a camel

During the years of World War II, a huge number of animals were used on the battlefields. Horses, dogs, cats and pigeons, like people, performed feats. And they died, just like people. Like the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, fighting animals saved thousands of human lives and helped bring the long-awaited Victory Day closer.

Svetlana Morozova
Class hour "They Helped Win: Animals at War"

Target: to acquaint younger students with historical events related to the participation of animals in the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment: computer, computer presentation "Animals at War", the board is decorated with posters and photographs on the topic of the class hour.

Class time course:

Teacher. The Great Patriotic War ended 69 years ago. The victory was not easy, all possible resources were used - even animals in these difficult war years provided great help to man.

Do you guys know what animals took part in the wars? (listen to second graders' answers)

You will hear about many interesting cases when nature helped people.

Student 1. Horses in the Great Patriotic War ... In fact, their number was huge: about three million. Indeed, in the army of that time, horses were not only in the cavalry: countless convoys walked along military roads, guns were transported on horseback and much more. The horse was practically the main draft force. Even in a rifle regiment, according to the state, it was supposed to have three hundred and fifty horses. The Germans had fewer horses at the beginning of the war, although there were cavalry units in the Wehrmacht. However, having got from Western Europe to the Russian impassability, the Nazis quickly realized the advantages of "four-legged" traction, and the number of horses in the German army increased greatly, mainly due to the occupied territories ... Horses also brought Victory closer, although their contribution was not so noticeable at first glance . And although most of them did not go on the attack (the same cavalrymen often preferred to act on foot, horses died and were injured in the war.

General Belov told about the combat path of the cavalry corps in his book “Moscow Behind Us”, where there are many pages about the liberation of cities and villages in the Tula region. You can also read about the glorious horse guards and their commander in the books of our fellow countryman - writer V. D. Uspensky "The feat of the general" and "Campaign without a halt." And on the Tula land, at the entrance to Odoev, there is a monument to the horse guards of General Belov, who liberated the cities and villages of our region. The author of the monument is the Tula sculptor A. I. Chernopyatov. The heroism of the horse guards will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

It should be noted that in our village and its environs (according to eyewitnesses) during the Great Patriotic War one could see both Red Army soldiers and enemies on horseback.

Teacher. The most faithful assistants to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War were, of course, dogs.

Student 2.

We respect the dog for good reason:

The dog was at the front


Signalman, sapper. sometimes

They rushed at the tanks during the attack.

Yes, in the war it turned out like that,

That "tigers", "panthers" were afraid of dogs.

Teacher. When in 1941 the Nazis rushed to Moscow, on the Volokolamsk highway, an enemy tank unit was attacked by demolition dogs. They immediately blew up two lead tanks.

Tank destroyer dogs terrified the enemies. A dog hung with explosives, trained not to be afraid of the clang of armored vehicles, was a terrible weapon: swift and inevitable. In the spring of 1942, in the battles near Moscow, the mere appearance of dogs on the battlefield turned several dozen fascist tanks to flight. And in the Battle of Stalingrad, dogs burned 63 enemy tanks - an entire tank brigade.

Pupil 3. Dogs blew up bridges, trains. On August 19, 1943, on the Polotsk-Drisa railway line, the shepherd Dina derailed an enemy train. She was controlled from a distance by a soldier-tamer Filatov. Dina dropped explosives on the rails and followed the trail to her leader. With its help, 10 wagons with enemy manpower were destroyed. There were no losses on our side.

Teacher. Writer Ilya Erenburg, a war correspondent, recalled many heroic signal dogs. Near the city of Vereya, 14 dogs kept in touch with the guards regiment, which was behind enemy lines.

The East European Shepherd Dog Asta, carrying a report on which the fate of the regiment depended, was mortally wounded. But, bleeding, she still managed to crawl to her own and deliver a report.

More than two hundred thousand reports and combat documents were delivered by dogs during the Great Patriotic War, when there was no other connection. In addition, 8,000 kilometers of telephone cable were laid by signalmen's dogs. Sometimes the successful actions of liaison dogs ensured the success of the entire military operation.

Student 4. And I will tell you a story about how cats rescued the pilot.

During the Great Patriotic War, a fighter pilot was beaten in an air battle. The plane caught fire and the pilot was injured. The pilot managed to jump with a parachute, but he landed on the territory captured by the Nazis.

Somehow, with the last of his strength, he reached the old windmill, crawled into its premises along the dilapidated steps and, completely exhausted, lost consciousness. And when I woke up, I saw some green moving dots in the dark. At first, the pilot thought that it was from weakness that he was imagining something, and looking closer, he realized that these were cats.

The wounded man spent two days at the mill among the cats, periodically losing consciousness. And suddenly he heard voices, he was delighted: he thought that they were the inhabitants of the village. However, when the voices got closer, I realized that the Germans were coming. Cold sweat broke through him instantly. Hiding, in the gap between the boards, the pilot watched the Germans.

The gallant sergeant-major stepped onto the creaking steps, banged on the door with his fist... and suddenly a wild cat's cry pierced his ears and forced him to back away. But that was not all. The leader of the cats - a huge cat - in the blink of an eye fell on the head of the German and began to tear his face with his claws ...

The Germans are gone. And the next morning the Soviet partisans came. They made a stretcher, put the wounded on them. And when they were about to leave, at the request of the pilot, they left small pieces of lard for the cats. After all, they, like partisans, were his saviors.

Student 5. And I want to tell you how during the war years birds rescued the wounded and hungry residents of Murmansk. When the Nazis were finally convinced that they could not take the city, they decided to burn it down. Thousands of cartridges with incendiary bombs flew at wooden houses, thousands of land mines fell on those who tried to put out fires. The situation in Murmansk, already difficult, became threatening. The city experienced great difficulties, especially with food. Everything was placed at the service of the front. The fishermen went to sea and caught fish under the fire of fascist planes. And the ornithologist Belopolsky organized the "egg operation" of the Sixth Special Division.

In Bezymyannaya Bay on Novaya Zemlya, where hundreds of meters of cliffs towered, millions of guillemots laid their eggs on the territory of their bird colonies. They were collected by fishermen under the leadership of Belopolsky. This matter is not easy. Yes, and the Germans discovered the fishermen and began to fire, but the Murmansk hospitals received over a million eggs of guillemots.

Teacher. Our class has come to an end. Of course, we have not told about all the animals that helped win the war. Our people won the Great Patriotic War. Veterans who survived deserve a low bow. We also remember those who died, giving us the opportunity to see the clear sky above our heads. But one must also remember the good friends of a man who helped him on the difficult path to victory.


1. Bondarenko L. N. Animals in the war. // Primary School. 2005, No. 3.

2. In the animal world. 1999. No. 5.

3. Zoomir. 2003. No. 5.

4. Book of memory. Soldiers of Victory 1041-1945, v. 8. Tula, 2008.

5. Photo for presentation from the Internet.

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Presentation - Class hour "Animals during the Second World War"

The text of this presentation

Dedicated to all animals that participated in the Great Patriotic War ...

More than sixty years have passed since the world witnessed the feat of the Soviet people. In those years, along with the soldiers at the front, those whom we call our smaller brothers also fought: animals and birds. They were not given orders, they did not receive titles. They performed feats without knowing it. They just did what people taught them - and died, like people. But, dying, they saved thousands of human lives ... We want to talk about the animals that took part in the Great Patriotic War.

During the war, horses were used as a transport force, especially in artillery. A team of six horses pulled the cannon.

The first and only Central School of Military Dog Breeding "Red Star" in Russia was created by a scientist, Major General Grigory Medvedev. Already by the beginning of 1941, this school was preparing dogs for 11 types of services.

Sled dogs
About 15 thousand teams, in winter on sleds, in summer on special carts under fire and explosions, took out about 700 thousand seriously wounded from the battlefield, brought 3500 tons of ammunition to the combat units.

mine detecting dogs
Our four-legged mine detectors cleared Belgorod, Kyiv, Odessa, Novgorod, Vitebsk, Polotsk, Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Berlin. The total length of military roads tested by dogs was 15,153 km.

signal dogs
In a difficult combat situation, sometimes in places impassable to humans, over 120,000 combat reports were delivered, and 8,000 km of telephone wire were laid to establish communication.

tank destroyer dogs
Such dogs went to their death by blowing up more than 300 fascist tanks. The Germans feared such dogs more than anti-tank guns.

Sanitary dogs
They found seriously wounded soldiers in swamps, forests, ravines and brought orderlies to them, carrying bales of medicines and dressings on their backs.

intelligence service dogs
Accompanied scouts behind enemy lines for a successful passage through its advanced positions, discovering hidden firing points, ambushes, secrets, assisting in capturing the "tongue", they worked quickly, clearly and silently.

Watch dogs
They worked in combat guards, in ambushes to detect the enemy at night and in inclement weather. These four-legged clever women only by pulling the leash and turning the torso indicated the direction of the impending danger.

Subversive dogs
They blew up trains and bridges. A detachable combat pack was attached to the back of such dogs.

No less dogs and horses brought benefits during the war and cats. Front-line soldiers started in the trenches and dugouts the most ordinary, but quite "suitable for non-combatant service" cats.

During one of the military campaigns, a Soviet submarine torpedoed a fascist transport and, escaping pursuit, fell into a minefield, received severe damage - the radio went out of order. The boat could not return to base on its own. A pigeon named Golubchik delivered a letter about the breakdown in two days, flying over a thousand kilometers.

Hardy animals reached Berlin along with the soldiers. And on May 8, 1945, the calculation of the gun, moved by camels, defended the soldiers who hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag.

About twenty moose were sent to the intelligence departments of the army. There are known cases of successful raids by our scouts on moose behind enemy lines.

In 1943, Maria Dickin proposed to reward animals that take part in wars with people.

The Maria Dickin Medal is equivalent to the highest military award in England - the Victoria Cross. A total of 63 awards have been presented since 1943.

Big little heroes

Completed by a 7th grade student

MBOU "Avdinskaya secondary school"

Bikmetova Valeria

We respect the dog for good reason,

The dog at the front was a nurse,

Signalman, sapper. Sometimes dogs

They rushed at the tanks during the attack.

Yes, in the war it turned out like that,

That "tigers", "panthers" were afraid of dogs.

Mine detector. Scottish collie named Dick. Thanks to his instinct, thousands of lives were saved.

Inserting a picture

According to official statistics during the Great Patriotic War, dogs:

- pulled out from the battlefield about 700 thousand wounded;

- found 4 million mines and land mines;

- participated in the demining of 300 large cities;

- 200 thousand documents were delivered in a combat situation;

- laid 8 thousand kilometers of telephone wire;

- Destroyed 300 enemy tanks.

My dear. Traveled more than a thousand kilometers in two days and delivered a rescue message

Blue dove at number "48", delivered a letter to the addressee with a serious wound.

However, not only cannons and shells were the concern of the horses. You can't feed a soldier without a horse -

after all, carts with food and field kitchens were delivered to the positions by horses.

Horses were indispensable for swift raids behind enemy lines, for raids and sabotage.

It is impossible to imagine the commanders of battalions and regiments without their faithful four-legged assistants.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than a million horses were lost on the battlefields.

Soon, on the initiative of one of the deputies, a monument to horses participating in the Great Patriotic War will be erected on Poklonnaya Hill. Undoubtedly, they rightfully deserve it.

Peace is the best word in the world

Adults strive for peace and children,

Birds, trees, flowers on the planet.

World this is the most important word in the world.