The meaning of the name Ilya for a boy. The influence of a name on a person's life

Short form of the name Ilya. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Lij, Lays, Eliot, Eli, Lias, Ile, Liash.
Synonyms for the name Ilya. Elijah, Ilyas, Elias, Eli, Elia, Elia, Illesh, Elijah, Elijah, Elias, Ellis, Eliash, Ilie.
Origin of the name Ilya The name Ilya is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Ilya is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning "My God is the Lord", and can also be translated as "believer". Otherwise, they interpret that the name Elijah comes from the name of Elijah, which means "the strength of the Lord" and "the power of God."

The name Ilya has many European analogues - Elijah, Eliash, Eli (emphasis on the first syllable), Ilyas. Eli's endearment should not be confused with the female name Elli, which is more often used as the name Ella, but is also an appeal to many other female names.

The most famous is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who is referred to in Islam as Ilyas. Among modern Catholics, the prophet Elijah is considered the heavenly intercessor of motorists and motorcyclists, and among the Orthodox - the patron saint of Russian airborne troops, quite possibly because he himself ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot. The dates of the Catholic name day are February 16, April 17, July 20. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name day of Elijah.

Ilya is artistic, ironic and many-sided. He is very deep in himself, but he is also able to empathize with others. Ilya is an adviser and teacher. He will tell and show everything to anyone who wants it, but only the elect will let his soul in.

In company, Ilya is cheerful and sociable. He easily communicates with any people, not conflict. Ilya always puts his family first, although for a short time he can still forget about her after listening to the advice of his friends. Coldness and neglect, which are simply unbearable for him, can alienate Ilya from his family and loved ones.

Ilya is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down. After quarrels, he repents of his incontinence for a long time. Although Ilya sometimes tends to cock, a man, as a rule, keeps his heart in check. Before proposing to his beloved, he will prepare all the conditions for living together. Ilya's impulsive actions often lead to failure and disappointment. To overcome them, a man helps his quickness.

Ilya has a well-developed intuition. He is able to correctly assess the situation, and, having assessed it, a man quickly makes the right decision and sets a goal for himself. But in achieving the goal, very often Ilya is hindered by all sorts of little things.

Ilya is smart, has a good memory, is able to judge events from different points of view.

In choosing friends, Ilya is not very picky. And the creative potential of this person to a greater extent depends on the degree of his love. To his chosen one, he is attentive, gentle and caring.

It is important for Ilya that his woman is close to him spiritually. Then he is able to appreciate it. The family for Ilya becomes the most important thing. He loves his wife endlessly, and is unusually gentle and kind with children.

Although more often Ilya seeks to choose an occupation that is not related to organizational activities, sometimes the profession itself chooses it. You can meet Ilya the doctor or Ilya the teacher. Whatever work this man chooses for himself, most likely, he will reach significant professional heights in this field. Ilya works best in tandem with a colleague whose character traits complement Ilya's character.

From childhood, Ilya has developed a sense of ownership. He prefers to organize games and business on his own, and then bear full responsibility for the results. Ilya rarely has his head in the clouds, a concrete result is important to him. By nature, he is kind and gentle, but expresses all discontent directly. Partly because of this, the implementation of the plan is not always possible for this man.

Ilya's name day

Ilya celebrates name day on January 1, January 21, January 25, January 27, February 3, February 13, March 1, April 5, April 10, June 23, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 16, September 26, September 30 , October 11, November 16, November 17, November 22, December 5, December 9, December 18, December 29, December 31.

Famous people named Ilya

  • Ilya Mechnikov ((1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, the discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, the creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation, the phagocytic theory of immunity, the founder of scientific gerontology. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).)
  • Ilya Erenburg ((1891 - 1967) Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure)
  • Ilya Repin ((1844 - 1930) Russian painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Memoirist, author of a number of essays that compiled the book of memoirs "Far Close". Lecturer, was a professor - head of the workshop (1894- 1907) and rector (1898-1899) of the Academy of Arts, at the same time taught at the school-workshop of Tenisheva; among his students are B.M. Kustodiev, I.E. Grabar, I.S. Kulikov, F.A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, also gave private lessons to V. A. Serov.)
  • Ilya Frank ((1908 - 1990) Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize winner (1958) for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (together with Cherenkov and Tamm), winner of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1971))
  • Ilya Glazunov ((born 1930) Soviet and Russian painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunova. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1997. Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)
  • Ilya Mazuruk ((1906 - 1989) Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Ilya Reznik ((born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)
  • Ilya Lagutenko ((born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group)
  • Ilya Muromets (Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main characters of Russian epics that arose in the 12-13th century. The full epic name is Ilya Muromets, the son of Ivan, less common is Ilya Murovets, the son of Ivan. Bogatyr, embodying the popular ideal of a hero-warrior, people's intercessor. Kmita of Chernobyl (XVI century) has Ilya - Muravlenin, not Muromets, Erich Lassota (XVI century) - Ilya Morovlin, in some epics of the XVII century - Ilya Murovich or Ilya Murovets.It is possible that in the folk epic the image of Ilya Muromets merged with the reverend Elijah Pechersky, he lived 800 years ago.)
  • Ilya Buyalsky ((1789 - 1866) Russian anatomist and surgeon, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. One of the founders of topographic anatomy.)
  • Ilya Ilf ((1897 - 1937) real name - Yehiel-Leib Fainzilberg, the pseudonym "Ilf" may be an abbreviation of his name Ilya Fainzilberg, but more likely an abbreviation of his Jewish name in accordance with the Jewish tradition of nominal abbreviations; Soviet writer and journalist. Ilf wrote materials of a humorous and satirical nature - mostly feuilletons. In 1927, Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov began a creative partnership with joint work on the novel "The Twelve Chairs". Subsequently, various works were written in collaboration with Yevgeny Petrov, the most famous of which is the novel " Twelve Chairs (1928) and the novel The Golden Calf (1931).)
  • Ilya Averbukh ((born 1973) Soviet and Russian figure skater (dancing on ice). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2003). Currently, he is an entrepreneur, producer of his own ice show, choreographer in figure skating. Paired with Irina Lobacheva: Olympic silver medalist in Salt Lake City, world champion in 2002, European champion in 2003, champion of Russia (1997, 2000-2002) Together with Marina Anissina, two-time world champion among juniors (1990 and 1992) .)
  • Ilya Averbakh ((1934 - 1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Ilya (Ily) Shatrov ((1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz "On the Hills of Manchuria")
  • Ilya Efron ((1847 - 1917) one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian printers and book publishers)
  • Ilya Vasilevsky ((1882 - 1938) pseudonyms: Non-Letter, A. Glebov, Phoenix; Russian journalist, feuilletonist)
  • Ilya Gruzinov ((1781 - 1813) professor of anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow University, who discovered in 1812 that the tracheal membranes can serve as a source of a human voice)
  • Ilya Kormiltsev ((1959 - 2007) Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, editor-in-chief of the Ultra.Kultura publishing house (2003 - 2007); main lyricist of the Nautilus Pompilius group )
  • Ilya Frez ((1909 - 1994) Soviet film director and screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974).)
  • Ilya Gringolts ((born 1982) Russian violinist. Laureate of the St. Petersburg competition "I am a composer" (I prize, 1993; Grand Prix, 1995, 1996). Performs solo concerts with leading symphony orchestras in Russia and abroad. Winner International Paganini Violin Competition (1998), laureate of other international competitions.)
  • Ilya Golosov ((1883 - 1945) Soviet architect who worked in the style of symbolic romanticism and constructivism)
  • Ilya Zubov ((born 1923) full holder of the Order of Glory, People's Deputy of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War)
  • Ilya Sadofiev ((1899 - 1965) Russian Soviet poet, translator)
  • Ilya Imyanitov ((1918 - 1987) Soviet scientist, researcher of atmospheric electricity, developer of instruments and methods for measuring electric fields in the atmosphere using aircraft, electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, volumetric charges of the atmosphere and clouds. Author and organizer of studies of the electrical properties of clouds.)
  • Ilya Ionov ((1887 - 1942) real name - Bernstein; Russian revolutionary and publishing worker)
  • Ilya Reiderman ((born 1937) Russian poet, philosopher, culturologist, music critic, member of the Writers' Union of Russia (2012))
  • Ilya Kan ((1909 - 1978) Soviet chess player, international master (1950), second to Mikhail Botvinnik during the world championship match with Vasily Smyslov (1954). Champion of Moscow (1936. Participated in 10 USSR championships.)
  • Ilya Konstantinovsky ((1913 - 1995) Russian writer, playwright and translator)
  • M. Ilyin ((1896 - 1953) real name - Ilya Marshak; Russian Soviet writer, chemical engineer. Younger brother of S.Ya. Marshak.)
  • Ilya Melamed ((1895 - 1938) Soviet military and economic figure, one of the organizers of the industry. Director of the 1st State Bearing Plant (GPZ) named after L.M. Kaganovich.)
  • Ilya Mate ((born 1956) Soviet freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1979). The first Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling from the USSR among athletes representing a rural sports society.)
  • Ilya Ulyanov ((1831 - 1886) statesman, teacher, supporter of universal education equal for all nationalities. Ilya Ulyanov was famous for his famous revolutionary sons - Alexander Ulyanov and Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin.)
  • Ilya Gorelov ((1928 - 1999) Russian philologist, Doctor of Philology (1977), Professor of the Department of German Philology at Saratov State University since 1982, one of the largest domestic specialists in psycholinguistics. He studied the problems of the ontogeny of consciousness, bilingualism, non-verbal communication. He also studied problems of the Volga Germans.)
  • Ilya Tchaikovsky ((1795 - 1880) mining engineer, major general, father of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky)
  • Ilya Nazarov ((1919 - 1944) senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Ilya Ostroukhov ((1858 - 1929) Russian landscape painter, collector. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, the Union of Russian Artists, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Friend of P.M. Tretyakov, one of the leaders of the Tretyakov Gallery. Collected paintings, icons. Collection of icons Ostroukhov was considered one of the best in Russia. In 1890, he opened a private museum. In 1918, the museum was nationalized, and Ostroukhov was appointed its life custodian. Since 1920, it was called the Museum of Icon Painting and Painting named after I.S. Ostroukhov. After the death of the custodian, the museum disbanded, and its funds went to museums. A significant part of the collection of Ostroukhov's icons is in the collection of the department of ancient Russian art of the Tretyakov Gallery. Now the museum "Russian literature of the XX century" is located in the memorial house of the artist and collector Ostroukhov. The museum organizes changing exhibitions on the history of literature of the XX century and exhibitions of artists associated with literature.)
  • Ilya Galyuza ((born 1979) Ukrainian footballer, midfielder)
  • Ilya Garkavy ((1888 - 1937) Soviet military figure, commander)
  • Ilya Veldzhanov ((born 1934) Belarusian and Turkmen statesman, diplomat and military man. The first lieutenant general in Turkmenistan.)
  • Ilya Artishchev ((1923 - 1981) major of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945))
  • Ilya Rigin ((born 1986) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Ilya Vasyuk ((1919 - 1969) captain of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944))

In the 21st century, ancient names are very popular, among them - Ilya. Name analysis is an exciting topic today. The name is now not only a sonorous combination of letters, but also a special sign, a symbol. It affects the character of a person, temperament, organization of life, predetermines the future. Modern parents show interest in rare names when they think about what to name their child.

Not everyone knows how the name Ilya is translated: “my God”, a believer. There are still several options: “the fortress of the Lord”, “blessed”, “my God is the Lord”. These expressions are from the Israeli Eliyahu (Yahweh). Ilya is a Russian name or not - there is no unambiguous version. Derived from Hebrew, the Russian variety sounds different. In Old Church Slavonic Ilya, then Ilya in Russian. It was mentioned in the most ancient source - the Old Testament. Briefly say: Ilya. Also: Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyakha, Ilyushka. Affectionate children's forms: Ilyusya, Ilyunya. Patronymic children: Ilyich, Ilyinichna. It is written in English letters: ilya. Its bearer is a man of great heart, sensitive, sympathetic. He is ready to help others, non-conflict, generous.

The origin of the name Ilya is associated with the emergence of Christianity. According to legend, nine centuries before the birth of Christ, the biblical prophet Elijah the Thesbitian lived. When the family was waiting for his birth, the father had a dream: as if the angels were talking to the baby. In the temple of Jerusalem, one elder explained to the man that the boy's life would be "gracious to God." And then the parents named their son Elijah. Later, for his belief in Christianity, he was persecuted by King Ahab. In those days, people worshiped paganism. Elijah once told them that the earth would be dry for three years until he begged the Lord for rain. In vain did they cry out to their idols for help. It wasn't until Elijah prayed to God that it began to rain heavily. On Mount Hariv, the Lord appeared to him and pointed out the disciple of the prophet Elisha. Elisha then saw Elijah ascend to heaven in a chariot of fire. Since then, Saint Elijah (we have Ilya) has been the ruler of the main elements: rain, thunder and lightning. Prayers are offered to him for the preservation of the harvest during long, torrential rains.

In the Orthodox calendar there are days of saints:

  • January 21 - Elijah of Egypt;
  • March 1 - the Egyptian martyr of Caesarea;
  • January 28 - Martyr Elijah of Sinai;
  • October 11, September 28, January 1, December 19 - Elijah Pechersky.

August 2 celebrate Ilyin's day. In modern Russia, it is believed that he protects the airborne troops.

The secret of the male name Ilya and its meaning involves the protection of higher powers, the name, as a powerful amulet against misfortunes. Not everyone knows, by the way, that Ilyusha's full name is Ilya. In childhood, Ilyusha: active, energetic, cheerful, his parents pamper him. He is sociable, mobile, sometimes prefers quiet games. Inquisitive, ready to explore the world around, capable. Since childhood, the boy has developed self-esteem, many friends. The child is kind, sociable, ready to stand up for the weak. It is better for him to allocate his room, where the baby will keep order. I really like helping my mom and dad run the household. Of the negative qualities: irascibility, aggression, irresponsibility. At times it may seem closed.

In order to teach a child to be responsible, you need to involve him in household chores, instruct him to do his job, he will be happy to help his parents.

He studies well at school, thanks to his excellent memory, diligence, desire to learn new things. Over time, the boy is interested in the exact sciences, languages ​​and devotes a lot of time to studying.

The child's health is good, favorite hobbies:

  1. Story.
  2. Physical training.
  3. Swimming.
  4. Football.
  5. Volleyball.
  6. Hockey.

In adolescence, Ilya quickly responds to help, honest, the characterization of the name speaks of his sociability, the ability to communicate in a team. For him, a warm home environment is important, where attention and care reign. Indifference, cold repel a teenager. He is happy to help friends, gives advice, but the young man is not too frank. In order to gain confidence in him, you must be extremely sincere, he cannot stand hypocrisy, falsehood, and is sometimes closed to close communication. The meaning of his life path is honesty and decency.

The boy does not choose the circle of his communication in the best way and can fall into a bad company. Parents should watch his surroundings.

Sometimes incontinence and irascibility is the cause of his disappointment, but the young man approaches troubles philosophically. The young man is prone to adventure, loves to learn new places. May not finish what he started because of impatience.

Ilya is soft, kind, frank, self-confident, has willpower. Able to communicate on any topic with different people. Restrained, attentive, does not indulge in dreams.

A more accurate meaning of the name by date of birth, in addition to this, Ilya also differs in time of year:

  • winter - strives for its goal, excessive impulsiveness and ardor prevent you from acting according to logic. Despite his sincerity, he lacks self-control;
  • spring - generous and disinterested, charming, emotional, has a special charm. Strive for the ideal, not satisfied with oneself, which interferes in life;
  • summer - arrogant, selfish, adventurous. He likes freedom, independence, adventure. Usually rectilinear;
  • autumn - assertive, relentless, fair. He always plans his actions, he is afraid to make a mistake. Responsive, sensitive. A good owner deserves the respect of others.

Ilya may have an interesting fate. Achieves success as a teacher, physician, lawyer. Ability to singing, music, visual arts are manifested. He usually does not work in leadership positions. His career advancement allows him to become a wealthy person, although not rich. He is attached to the house, loved ones, firm in his convictions. Sometimes he succumbs to persuasion, but not for long, integrity and consistency allow you to change your decisions.

Often a man is dissatisfied with his current position, believes that his happiness is yet to come. Therefore, he does not know how to appreciate happy moments.

Consonant patronymics: Olegovich, Antonovich, Leonidovich, Valentinovich form a contradictory character, stubborn, persistent. Vladimirovich, Alekseevich, Mikhailovich, Andreevich - a sociable person, resourceful, can get carried away with gambling.

A man likes love adventures, he can have many novels. However, a person with this name does not like rude, obsessive women. In an intimate life, it is diverse, with him sex is bright, memorable. He feels true love for the one with whom he has physical and spiritual intimacy. Ilya likes romance, from it he receives delight in the highest degree. She loves the process of courtship, seeks to conquer the body and soul of her chosen one.

To win his heart, a lady needs to share his hobbies, be independent, a little mysterious and enigmatic. Otherwise, having achieved his goal, he will lose interest.

He marries late, when he gains material well-being, stability. After an unsuccessful marriage, he does not trust the weaker sex for a long time.

When a man named Ilya has an apartment, a car, a permanent job or a business, then he is ready for marriage. He chooses a caring, economic, responsive, educated companion. Attaches importance to trusting relationships, does not accept secrets from each other. The chosen one has excellent chances to become happy and gain financial well-being. There is love, trust and respect in the family. His life is usually equipped, there is always a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. He does all the men's work himself, and can also cope with the women's. A moral person, adheres to morality, is faithful to his wife.

Almost always calm, from time to time negative emotions come out, loved ones get an outburst of indignation. Hot temper sometimes leads to quarrels. He quickly departs, and the family takes advantage of this.

Children often indulge, give gifts, allow entertainment. Sometimes he prefers rest from his family, he enjoys spending time with friends.

Good compatibility with:

  1. Sophia - an ideal relationship, solid, they are ready to be with each other until the end of their days.
  2. Elena is a real harmony, best friends and lovers.
  3. Svetlana - a stable union, a strong marriage.
  4. Natalya - a huge sexual attraction, understanding.

With Victoria and Alexandra, a long alliance with the ability to accept a partner as he is, not to try to remake. Difficult relationship with Irina, Yana, Julia, Anastasia.

The interpretation of character is based on male and female traits. The man is open, balanced, resistant to provocations. At the same time, he is smart, prudent, has an excellent memory, logic, a good interlocutor, is able to objectively assess the situation.

Description of positive qualities:

  • subsequence;
  • hardness;
  • decency;
  • diligence;
  • the ability to find a compromise;
  • thrift.

Despite the fact that Ilya lets go of grievances, shows condescension, empathizes with friends and acquaintances, highlights features that are unusual for most men:

  • complaisance, complaisance;
  • sharpness, cockiness;
  • emotional anger;
  • sensitivity.

He is fond of cars, fishing, gardening, hunting, skiing. Health is strong, the nervous system may suffer, so it is important to create a calm environment in the family and at work. With age, there are problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach. Be sure to follow a diet and exercise.

Sometimes boasts of his achievements, is sensitive to compliments. But in case of failure, he is able to quit what he started. Relatives need to support him, help.

It happens that he provides material assistance to others to the detriment of his family, he himself does not count on someone else's participation. Excessive responsiveness prevents him from becoming richer.

For Ilya, the signs of the zodiac are successful: Taurus is an excellent combination of name and month of birth, Leo is a symbol of will, has a good command of emotions, Capricorn is reliable and practical, with a sober mind. Virgo is a person of fine mental organization, restrained.

The main talismans are stones:

  1. Carnelian - calms the nerves, gives courage, protects from envy, damage.
  2. Fire Opal is suitable for people with pure thoughts. Protects from shocks, brings harmony, tranquility.
  3. Diamond - gives courage, strength, courage, endurance, protects from negativity, witchcraft. Can neutralize the poison added to the drink.

Good luck is brought by diamonds that were inherited by the owner, and also obtained by honest means. Strangers cannot be worn.

The letters of the name mean the following: And - aspiration somewhere, a state of search; L - the need for love; L - softness, I - self-esteem.

Elm tree - gives nobility, dignity, it is desirable that it grows near the house. Cornflower flower - gives purity, holiness, kindness.

Metal - silver, means light, shiny. Protects from evil spirits.

Colors: brown, yellow, scarlet. Number - 5. Planets - Saturn, Mars, sun. The element is water.

European and Asian peoples have their own variants of the male name Ilya:

  • Ilyas - Arabic;
  • Elia - Armenian;
  • Ilias - Greek;
  • Elias - Spanish;
  • Elia - Italian;
  • Elijah - Bulgarian;
  • Elias - Portuguese;
  • Elier - French;
  • Elijah - English;
  • Eliaz is Polish.

There is another variety: Ilyar is a Persian name, and means "friend of the country, people."

Both now and in the past era, individuals with that name achieved a lot. Most of them come from poor families, but by virtue of their natural gift, effort and patience, they found their place in life and became famous.

Ilya Muromets is one of the folk heroes. The character of ancient Russian epics, an example of courage, inflexibility of spirit, fearlessness.

Repin Ilya Efimovich - the son of a soldier, in his youth an icon painter. Russian artist.

Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich is an outstanding domestic biologist, scientist - embryologist.

Ehrenburg Ilya Grigorievich - translator, publicist.

Mazuruk Ilya Pavlovich - pilot, participant in the Second World War.

Reznik Ilya Rakhmielevich - People's Artist of Russia.

Kovalchuk Ilya Valerievich - Russian hockey player, forward.

Kireev Ilya is a young singer, composer, producer.

Ilyaz Safi is a football player.

Sviridov Ilya Timurovich - lawyer, politician.

The name Ilya is the embodiment of courage, strength, kindness, the best male qualities. It combines nobility and blessed with higher powers. It is especially favorable if the name, patronymic, date of birth are combined. This guarantees a happy fate, but only with the upbringing and support of parents.

According to several interpretations, the meaning of the name Elijah in Hebrew can be translated as “Yahweh is my Lord”, as well as “believer” or “God's power”. The characterization of this male name is not far removed from the translation. In life, Ilya is the master, manager, he will never be led.

When choosing the meaning of the name Ilya for a boy, parents should prepare for the fact that the baby will continually express such thoughts that they could not even think of, mom and dad will have something to learn from their beloved son. Despite his leadership manners, the boy also has not at all masculine qualities - softness and shyness.

But you should not invest only non-masculine characteristics in the meaning of the name Ilya for a child. This kid has more than masculine qualities - he is brave, brave, can protect the weak. Also, aggression is not alien to the child, although it does not manifest itself permanently, and he, having flared up once, very easily leaves, and literally in a couple of moments pleases those around him with his smile.

During his school years, Ilyushka attaches particular importance to the orderliness and control of the situation, therefore, he is often a good headman. A teenager is attracted by acting - he is naturally endowed with magnificent artistry, knows how to show himself favorably and emotionally.

The interpretation of the name also implies good communication skills of a teenager, Ilya always has many friends, and the boy’s merit is the formation of a friendly company, in which he is the main link. A small minus of the guy is compliance, but she also plays a role in winning and keeping friends near her.


For an adult, looking for his "only", a man is characterized by violent sensuality. Gentle, affectionate, courteous, which means that in love for this man there is no place for negativity and aggression. So any girl who manages to fall in love with this sweet young man will be the most adored wife. A young man attaches great importance to trusting, sensual relationships, and therefore does not accept any, even the smallest secrets.

He sees in his chosen one a woman worthy of affection and love. Sexual relations with Ilya will be based on mutual understanding and trust. Stormy passion from him can not be expected, but sex will be, though not bright, but still memorable.

A family

This man is lucky in love. He was simply born in order to create a family once and for all. A wife for him means an object of adoration, he will never raise his hand to her. You won’t find a more understanding husband, he can handle cooking, washing and general cleaning himself - just a treasure for a woman.

Children for him are the center of the universe, with their appearance, all life begins to revolve around them. Tenderness and kindness - these are the feelings that he shows to his children, which is why they often become spoiled, but this does not bother the father much, in any case - they are the subject of unconditional adoration.

A man is able to perfectly provide for his family, he marries only if the financial possibilities allow him to provide his spouse and planned children with everything necessary. Rarely leaves the family nest, because it is most comfortable there.

Business and career

For this man, it is very important to be independent in work, but leadership or organizational positions are not suitable for him - he does not have that vein that helps to lead. He prefers to work alone, which means that he attaches great importance to his personal space for reflection.

Weak activity is conducive to such professions as a doctor, pharmacist, writer or translator. Due to his pedantry, responsibility, he is often in good standing with his superiors, so career growth, to which a man attaches paramount importance, is not a problem for him, the main thing is that he himself wants it.

origin of the name Ilya

The origin of the name Ilya takes its roots from the Hebrew word Eliyahu, the meaning of which is “Yahweh is my god.” The locality where this word came from is not known for certain, but the etymology clearly agrees with the Hebrew language, from which we can conclude that the birthplace of the name is the same as that of Jesus.

Even from the Old Testament, the story of the great prophet Elijah has been preserved, whose name is still remembered by the masses. After his death, by the will of God, he was taken to heaven in a fiery chariot, and today icons depicting the face of a saint protect drivers and pilots from unforeseen situations. The secret of the name Ilya is such that the prophet, with almost the same name - Ilyas is revered in Islam.

Characteristics of the name Ilya

Sociability, the ability to cheer up a company of friends, the ability to make concessions that do not contradict principles are the main characteristics of the name Ilya. The soul of the company, and it is not a problem for him to make contact, to lure even the most gloomy and uncommunicative person with a conversation. This man cannot be underestimated, he attaches great importance to the respect of others.

Like everyone else, Ilya's character has both pluses and minuses. The main negative feature is the actual impossibility to say “no”, to refuse a significant, likeable person. Because of this, he may have problems. Of course, a man cannot be called a simpleton, but he is so gullible that sometimes this leads to disastrous consequences.

He has an excellent memory, an analytical mindset, the ability to objectively assess the conflict situation, mentally standing in the place of each of the opponents. This man was given the ability to level conflict situations from above, peaceful coexistence with everyone is of great importance for the life of this person.

Ilya has a highly developed intuition, and thanks to this quality, he can and makes the right decisions if he “turns off” his brains for a while. He is slightly unsure of himself, but disbelief in his own strength quickly disappears with proper support from loved ones.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Diamond.
  • Name days - January 1, 21, 25, 27, February 3, 13, March 1, April 5, 10, June 23, August 2, 25, 30, September 16, 26, 30, October 11, November 16, 17, 22 , 5, 9, 18, 29, 31 December.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.

Famous people

  • Ilya Glinnikov is a Russian actor, the hero of the sitcom Interns.
  • Ilya Ilyin is a weightlifter from Kazakhstan, the first Olympic champion - a native of this country.

Different languages

The translation of the name Ilya into different languages ​​\u200b\u200bwill sound somewhat unusual for the Russian ear. For example, the way the name is translated into European and other languages ​​is fundamentally different from the Russian pronunciation: Elias, Elijah, Elias, Eli, Eliash, Elies, Illesh, Eelis, Elez,

But in Chinese, when transcribed, the sound practically does not differ from Russian - Elijah, but is written in hieroglyphs - 伊利亚. In Japanese, due to the absence of the “l” sound there, the name will be pronounced as Iriya, and written using the katakana alphabet - イリヤ, or Japanese characters - 西蛇

Name Forms

  • Full name - Ilya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Ilyukha, Ilyushka, Ilyusha, Ilyunya, Ilyusya, Ilya, Ilyakha.
  • Declination of the name - Ilya, Ilya.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elijah.

Ilya is a prophetic male name, blessed by heaven, because it is interpreted as "the power of the Lord." A vivid example of the remarkable strength and courage of the bearer of the name is the Slavic epic character - Ilya Muromets.

Name origin

From the old biblical nickname Elijah, the name Ilya, familiar to all of us, was formed. The meaning of the name for the child is translated approximately as "God's fortress." The first variant mentioned could be a short form of the Hebrew Eliyahu, a name translated as "believer" or "my God is the Lord."

general characteristics

Ilyusha is growing up as a very neat and responsible boy with a developed sense of ownership. He handles toys with care, plays with them carefully so as not to break anything, and tries not to borrow things from anyone again, as he worries about their integrity.

The kid is always honest with others, he always answers the questions of the interlocutor concisely, briefly, without a share of slyness. Sometimes his straightforwardness is perceived as aggression. Communicating with peers, the boy tries to become a leader in the company, imposing his authority on the guys.

Parents should firmly understand that excessive praise will not benefit their child, and direct all their efforts to develop his patience and objectivity of judgment.

At school, Ilka does not really try to study, he takes the initiative only in the sciences that interested him. In other subjects, he often brings home poor grades.

Positive character traits

Ilya is an economic boy. It is easy to accustom him to work, already at preschool age the boy helps his relatives around the house, in the country or in the garden he works with enthusiasm.

The guy has a well-developed intuition that never fails. Listening to her, he boldly makes important decisions.

Adult Ilya is a friendly and sincere person. Thanks to his sincerity, he easily makes new acquaintances.
A man by nature is non-conflict, but if there are disagreements in a work or friendly team, he skillfully resolves the situation, repaying the conflict.

Negative character traits

Parents will have to control the circle of communication of little Ilyusha, because their child is subject to extraneous influence. Sometimes Ilechka lacks patience and he quits the work he has started a few steps away from success.

Usually a nice and smiling guy, Ilya sometimes becomes irritable. At such moments, he can easily flare up and is not able to restrain himself. If Ilyusha does not learn to pacify his irritation, his friends will begin to turn away from him, fearing sudden anger.

Zodiac sign

The name Ilya is suitable for such signs as Taurus and Cancer.
The patron planet of the owner of the Jewish nickname is the Sun.
The happy color subconsciously chosen by Ilya in clothes is red.
The talisman of the name among the stones is a diamond.


Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyushka, Ilyushik, Ilyukha, Ilyushechka, Ilyushenka, Ilenka, Ilyasha, Ilyakha, Ilyunya, Ilyunchik, Ilyunechka, Ilka, Ilechka.

Name Variations

Elijah, Elijah, Elias, Eli, Elias, Elia, Ilie, Illesh, Eliash, Eelis, Elez, Ilyas.

Historical figures

9th century BC the Israelite prophet Elijah.
1844 - 1930 - artist Ilya Repin.
1845 - 1916 - biologist Ilya Mechnikov.
1858 - 1929 - artist Ilya Ostroukhov.
1891 - 1967 - Soviet poet Ilya Erenburg.
1917 - 2003 - Belgian physicist-chemist of Russian origin Ilya Prigogine.
1947 - 2012 - actor and comedian Ilya Oleinikov.
1959 - 2007 - Russian poet Ilya Kormiltsev.
born 1930 - artist, teacher, founder of the Academy of Painting Ilya Glazunov.
born 1938 - poet and composer from Russia, author of hits Ilya Reznik.
born 1961 - Canadian actor Elias Koteas.
born 1968 - rock band vocalist, musician Ilya Lagutenko.
born 1973 - Russian figure skater Ilya Averbukh.
born 1977 - Russian serial and theater actor Ilya Lyubimov.
born 1979 - Ukrainian footballer Ilya Galyuza.
born 1981 Elijah Wood is an American actor.
born 1982 Petersburg violinist Ilya Gringolts.
born 1983 - hockey player of the SKA club Ilya Kovalchuk.
born 1984 - TV presenter, film actor Ilya Glinnikov.
born 1986 - promising Russian actor Ilya Rigin.

name day

January 01, 21, 25, 27
February 03, 13
March 01
April 05, 10
June 23
August 02, 25, 30
September 06, 26, 30
October 11
November 16, 17, 22
05, 09, 18, 29, 31 December.

The name Ilya came to us from Ancient Judea. This is a Russified form of the name Elijah, which in translation means "the fortress of the Lord." Ilya has a balanced and calm character, but sometimes he allows his emotions to come out. True, it usually does not reach protracted conflicts or major scandals, since he is able to stop in time and turn a major quarrel into a minor misunderstanding. Patience, perseverance and ambition help Ilya achieve his goals, but some of the results of his activities may turn out to be insignificant. The reason lies in the desire of the owner of this name to think about the future, which distracts his attention from the present. Therefore, ambitious plans are often realized by his children.

People around usually do not understand Ilya, so he is reputed to be secretive and withdrawn. External coldness often prevents him from establishing strong friendships.

Name astrology

Ilyusha's thriftiness manifests itself from early childhood. He tries to help his parents in everything. Ilya easily falls under the influence of others. This name suits Pisces, Cancers, Taurus and Leo, does not harmonize with the characters of Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo. Patronymic - continuation of the name ...

The origin and character of the name Ilya

According to several interpretations, the meaning of the name Ilya in Hebrew can be translated as “Yahweh is my Lord”, as well as “believer” or “God's power”. The characterization of this male name is not far removed from the translation. In life, Ilya is the master, manager, he will never be led.

When choosing the meaning of the name Ilya for a boy, parents should prepare for the fact that the baby will continually express such thoughts that they could not even think of, mom and dad will have something to learn from their beloved son. Despite his leadership manners, the boy also has not at all masculine qualities - softness and shyness.

But you should not invest only non-masculine characteristics in the meaning of the name Ilya for a child. This kid has more than masculine qualities - he is brave, brave, he can protect the weak. Also, aggression is not alien to the child, although it does not manifest itself permanently, and he, having flared up once, very easily leaves, and literally in a couple of moments pleases those around him with his smile.

During his school years, Ilyushka attaches particular importance to the orderliness and control of the situation, therefore, he is often a good headman. A teenager is attracted by acting - he is naturally endowed with magnificent artistry, knows how to show himself favorably and emotionally.

The interpretation of the name also implies good communication skills of a teenager, Ilya always has many friends, and the boy's merit is the formation of a friendly company, in which he is the main link. A small minus of the guy is compliance, but she also plays a role in winning and keeping friends near her.


For an adult, looking for his "only", a man is characterized by violent sensuality. Gentle, affectionate, courteous, which means that in love for this man there is no place for negativity and aggression. So any girl who manages to fall in love with this sweet young man will be the most adored wife. A young man attaches great importance to trusting, sensual relationships, and therefore does not accept any, even the smallest secrets.

He sees in his chosen one a woman worthy of affection and love. Sexual relations with Ilya will be based on mutual understanding and trust. Stormy passion from him can not be expected, but sex will be, though not bright, but still memorable.

A family

This man is lucky in love. He was simply born in order to create a family once and for all. A wife for him means an object of adoration, he will never raise his hand to her. You won't find a more understanding husband, he can handle cooking, washing and general cleaning himself - just a treasure for a woman.

Children for him are the center of the universe, with their appearance, all life begins to revolve around them. Tenderness and kindness - these are the feelings that he shows to his children, which is why they often become spoiled, but this does not bother the father, in any case - they are the subject of unconditional adoration.

A man is able to perfectly provide for his family, he marries only if the financial possibilities allow him to provide his spouse and planned children with everything necessary. Rarely leaves the family nest, because it is most comfortable there.

Business and career

For this man, it is very important to be independent in work, but leadership or organizational positions are not suitable for him - he does not have that vein that helps to lead. He prefers to work alone, which means that he attaches great importance to his personal space for reflection.

Weak activity is conducive to such professions as a doctor, pharmacist, writer or translator. Due to his pedantry, responsibility, he is often in good standing with his superiors, so career growth, to which a man attaches paramount importance, is not a problem for him, the main thing is that he himself wants it.

origin of the name Ilya

The origin of the name Ilya takes its roots from the Hebrew word Eliyahu, the meaning of which is “Yahweh is my god.” The locality where this word came from is not known for certain, but the etymology clearly agrees with the Hebrew language, from which we can conclude that the birthplace of the name is the same as that of Jesus.

Even from the Old Testament, the story of the great prophet Elijah has been preserved, whose name is still remembered by the masses. After his death, by the will of God, he was taken to heaven in a fiery chariot, and today icons depicting the face of a saint protect drivers and pilots from unforeseen situations. The secret of the name Ilya is such that the prophet, with almost the same name - Ilyas is revered in Islam.

Characteristics of the name Ilya

Sociability, the ability to cheer up a company of friends, the ability to make concessions that do not contradict principles are the main characteristics of the name Ilya. The soul of the company, and it is not a problem for him to make contact, to lure even the most gloomy and uncommunicative person with a conversation. This man cannot be underestimated, he attaches great importance to the respect of others.

Like everyone else, Ilya's character has both pluses and minuses. The main negative feature is the actual impossibility to say “no”, to refuse a significant, likeable person. Because of this, he may have problems. Of course, a man cannot be called a simpleton, but he is so gullible that sometimes this leads to disastrous consequences.

He has an excellent memory, an analytical mindset, the ability to objectively assess the conflict situation, mentally standing in the place of each of the opponents. This man was given the ability to level conflict situations from above, peaceful coexistence with everyone is of great importance for the life of this person.

Ilya has a highly developed intuition, and thanks to this quality, he can and makes the right decisions if he “turns off” his brains for a while. He is slightly unsure of himself, but disbelief in his own strength quickly disappears with proper support from loved ones.

Mystery of the name

Stone - Diamond.
Name days - January 1, 21, 25, 27, February 3, 13, March 1, April 5, 10, June 23, August 2, 25, 30, September 16, 26, 30, October 11, November 16, 17, 22 , 5, 9, 18, 29, 31 December.
The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.

Famous people

Russian actor, hero of the sitcom Interns.

Weightlifter from Kazakhstan, the first Olympic champion - a native of this country.