The value of speech in human life. How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully

Isn't it nice to listen to radio announcers or TV show hosts who have a bright correct speech? It turns out that anyone who is willing to work hard on their sound can become the same speaker. For a beautiful story, you will have to learn the rules of the language in which communication takes place. But common truths about grammar, vocabulary, phraseology alone will not be enough. What else is missing the right speech? How to make it better?

Practice speech breathing

Good speech (phonation) breathing is the key to the correct placement of pauses in the story, the optimal duration of spoken phrases. Training the muscles of the chest and abdomen increase endurance, energize and even have a positive effect on vocal performance. One of the most effective exercises of this technique is done in this order:

  1. take a comfortable lying position;
  2. relax all the muscles, concentrate on your breathing;
  3. try to take a breath so that the chest does not rise - switch to the abdominal type of breathing;
  4. exhale slowly;
  5. repeat the steps until there is a feeling that breathing with the “belly” (and not the diaphragm) has become easier.

“Adjust” volume

The speaker speaking from the podium speaks loudly, boomingly. In everyday communication, the sound is different - more even, calm. If you change the situation in places, you get absurdity. No one will hear a quiet speaker. The listener, who suddenly began to sharply raise the tone, most likely will not understand such a change and will be offended.

In an ordinary conversation with friends, colleagues, relatives, a softer tone is used, without exaggeration of emotions. The story from the stage, on the contrary, sounds a little theatrical, loud. How to practice speaking voice:

  • read prose or dramas out loud, trying to present the climaxes as brightly and sonorously as possible;
  • start saying a long phrase almost in a whisper, and finish it with almost a cry and vice versa;
  • try to display the volume of sounds heard;
  • experiment with timbre, parody the voices of famous people.

Proper breathing, described in the first tip, also helps a lot in setting the sound volume.

Follow the pace of speech

The speaker took the stage. He is dressed in a clean, neat suit. Readiness to induce to action, determination is read on his face. The walk is confident. The hall holds its breath. Stopping at the microphone, the speaker greets the audience. Everything goes according to plan, nothing should interfere with success.

But one ill-conceived detail disrupts the whole process..

No, these are not problems in the text of speech, not a sharp breakdown of the microphone. The announcer suddenly starts talking like a fifth grader who does not like to recite poetry. He chatters, “swallows” the endings of words, often makes a reservation. There is a feeling that he is trying to get rid of the public as soon as possible. And the audience doesn't like it. The listeners don't even know what it's about. The speaker stubbornly ignores the problem

In fact, everything is simple. Speaking is stressful. When a person is nervous, all processes in his body are instantly accelerated. The pace of speech is no exception. How to handle:

  • 10 minutes before entering the stage, start speaking very slowly, drawing out phrases;
  • engage in articulation gymnastics - it will help you clearly pronounce every word even in a stressful environment;
  • during a speech, ask a question to a person from the audience, tune in to the pace of his answer, or better, even slower;
  • at home, voice the story using a stopwatch and counting how long it takes to play each block. Take a stopwatch or timer with you to the event so you can refer to it.

In everyday life, the temperament of the interlocutor also plays a role. Melancholic, phlegmatic love unhurried, long conversations. Cholerics, sanguines prefer to learn everything as quickly as possible. By capturing and adopting the style of conversation from a friend, you can better convey information to him.

Work with intonation

A completely neutral tone is acceptable only in a scientific presentation. In other situations, the transfer of emotions improves the story.

The correct change of intonation provides a smooth transition between the semantic blocks of speech, creates an impressive effect of contrast, surprise. The liveliness of the sound affects the audience better than the most reliable facts or arguments. To train the intonation background, as well as for the voice, recitation of works is suitable.

Improve diction

“Chewed”, “swallowed”, distorted sounds will not adorn either a public speaker or a simple storyteller. Good diction can be achieved in several ways:

  • pronounce tongue twisters, practice chanting, singing ditties;
  • pronounce complex bundles of consonants (dbdi-dbde-dbda, rzh-rsh-shr-zhr, skrpo-skpro);
  • do gymnastics of the speech apparatus;
  • study dictionaries to identify the correct stress in words;
  • read texts aloud with a wine cork, marble or stone between your front teeth.

You can use these methods individually, but in combination they will have a much greater effect.

Clear tongue

  • vulgarism, rudeness, especially obscene language;
  • borrowed lexemes where you can use your native language;
  • aimless tautologies - repetitions of the same words or phrases;
  • inappropriate terms, jargon, professionalism, slang;
  • inversions - the wrong order of words.

Wait a second and a half before answering

This simple rule solves several problems at once. It allows you to make sure that the interlocutor has finished his remark, which means that he will not be interrupted by the answer. Politeness, knowledge of the rules of etiquette are just as important as diction or literacy.

At the same time, a second hitch gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, to start a new phrase clearly, organized, clear. Only one and a half seconds is enough for the brain to start building logical chains. Instant response has no such advantage. This pause will not be too long, and for the interlocutor, it is quite possible that it will remain completely invisible.

Ask for help

At times, doing things on your own can seem like a daunting task. Asking for help in such cases is normal. To whom to turn?

To acquaintances. You can ask loved ones to listen to everyday conversations or the text of a speech and point out mistakes. Defects in speech, its scarcity, frequent repetitions, a departure from the main topic, an insufficiently refined sense of humor - this is what friends or relatives can reveal.

To the experts. Oratory, speech culture, diction courses will help develop communication skills. In addition, visits will allow you to speak beautifully:

  • personal development coaches (a confident person speaks accordingly);
  • speech therapist;
  • neuropathologist (prescribes drugs to improve brain activity, blood circulation);
  • a psychologist or psychotherapist (as in the example with the coach, only everything is at a deeper level).

To the internet. If you do not want to pay for success, you can try the option with YouTube channels. A large number of bloggers will gather here who share their “recipes” for improving conversational skills. However, there is a minus - in the speech of these "specialists" serious errors sometimes slip through. Therefore, it would be better to find the site of a recognized expert and look for videos on his blog. Sometimes these sites host online webinars for free.

A good voice recorder can help too. It will be enough to write down your recitation, and then carefully listen to it, identifying errors, and then carefully working through them.

The correct speech is not put in a matter of minutes. To master the art of communication, you will have to practice diligently and daily. However, after the time and effort spent, a worthy reward will come. People around will listen to the speaker's stories, eagerly “swallowing” every word. The train of thought will speed up. People will begin to listen to advice or suggestions more often. A good reputation will be established. Competent sounding is a reliable attribute of success.

How to write a word correctly

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Literacy is measured not by grams, but by knowledge, erudition, which means it is written from 1 m literacy, literate, literate. Although it came from the Greek grammata, it lost one letter "M". But in the word "grammatical" two "M" were preserved. Thus, it is written like this: You just need to remember or refer to the dictionary. And now we have analyzed the word "literacy". This adjective comes from the noun GRAMOTA, and it has one letter M. Indeed, why in Russian orthography the noun literacy and the word literacy formed from it are written with one consonant m? The word "gramota" was borrowed in the Byzantine era from the Greek language, and this is how it was written in the source language: On the way to Russian, the word literacy lost one consonant in spelling, like many other borrowed words: But the term grammar, denoting a section of the science of language, retained the double spelling of consonants at the root of the word: You will have to remember the spelling of one consonant "m" in the words "literacy" and "literacy" and not to be confused with "grammar". These are words that you should just remember - literacy and literacy with one letter M and grammar with two letters M, these words are exceptions, you cannot make them a rule. And therefore the word literate cannot be verified by the word grammar. A literate person, using his natural literacy and studied literacy, always writes only literately. We write a word with only one letter -M-. However, remember that the section and the word "grammar" is written with two -mm-. Very often, the spelling of this word puts schoolchildren into a stupor, and not only. It seems to them that there should be a double letter "M", because they draw an analogy with the word "Grammar". But you need to remember that these are completely different words. The word "literate" comes from the word "literacy", there is only one letter "M". The word is spelled with one M: Do not confuse it with words such as grammar, gram, Grammidin tablets for sore throat. When pronouncing, we do not draw M, but pronounce it briefly: Literacy The word literacy is written with one letter m, since it comes from the word literacy, and not from the word gram. Although the word “gram” also has the right to exist, but only in humorous jokes, when, for example, they laugh at a drunk, hinting that he does not mind drinking, that is, taking grams. They can say about this: How to write the word literacy correctly The word literacy was formed from the word - literacy, literate, etc. And not from the word "Gram". So we write the word - literacy with 1 M, although one really wants to stick the second m here. How do you spell "Literacy" or "Literacy"? According to the rules of the Russian language, the correct spelling of the word would be "Literacy". Write correctly, observe spelling and do not make mistakes! Spelling Literacy Russian Language Literacy How to spell How to spell correctly. Please enter at least 50 characters. Questions Leisure and entertainment Spelling How do you spell "grammotnost" or "literacy"? Please enter at least 15 characters. Questions and answers are submitted on the Answer site.

How to spell the word correctly

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"Massachusettsky" - this spelling is recommended by the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. However, if we go to Yandex.Dictionaries and enter "Massachusetts" in the search bar, we will find 61 articles with this spelling, including those in the TSB. True, it is worth noting that "Massachusetts" is found in Yandex.Dictionaries more often - 113 entries, including in TSB. On the other hand, there is paragraph 60 of the current rules, which reads: "§ 60. Double n and double s are written when combining the root and the suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or s: with the suffix -n-, for example: long (length), ancient (old), stone (stone), domain (blast furnace), legal (law), temporary (time base-); with the suffix -sk-, for example: Kotlas (Kotlas), Arzamas (Arzamas), Russian (Rus), but: Tartu (Tartu), Hankou (Hankou); with the suffix -stv-: art (cf. skillful)". Thus, if you follow the letter of the rules, then you need to write "Massachusetts". But that's not all. D. E. Rosenthal in the Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing (M. 1978, § 40 p. 10) writes: “If the stem of a noun ends in one with the preceding consonant, then before the suffix -sk- one with is usually omitted, for example : Reims - Reims, Wales - Welsh (but: Helsingfors - Helsingfors, Tammerfors - Tammerfors, Daugavpils - Daugavpils). So, does the rule of paragraph 60 operate clearly, de jure and de facto, or does it operate de facto in Rosenthal's edition, which also takes into account the "Massachusetts" case, which is enshrined in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences? Personally, my opinion is that one should distinguish between "Massachusetts", that is, referring to the Massachusetts (Indian tribe), for example, "Massachusetts language", and "Massachusetts", that is, referring to the state of Massachusetts, for example Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

How do you spell "illiterate" or "not literate"?

Unfortunately, the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences does not give such a choice, which leads to confusion.

The fact is that § 60 of the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” regulates the spelling of words that are somewhat different from the Massachusetts adjective in terms of word formation. The difference is this. In the words discussed in this paragraph, the double C at the junction of the root and the suffix is ​​not only written, but also pronounced: Russian, Arzamas, i.e., no truncation of the stems occurs. The word Massachusetts is formed differently. Here is how the academic “Russian Grammar” of 1980 writes about such cases: “In formations with morph - sk- and a motivating basis for the combination "consonant + | with |", including ss, the first consonant of suf. the morph is phonetically absorbed by the final of the root: SaxonsSaka, Provence -Provencal, Wales -Welsh, Odessa -Odessa, Prussia and PrussiansPrussian, Donbass– Donbass” (§ 633, note). This phonetic absorption of the consonant C is also reflected in the spelling of the word (which is discussed in Rosenthal's reference book).

We also note that when deciding on the spelling of a word, one should be guided by a dictionary recommendation, if it exists, and a rule if there is no dictionary fixation. In this case, it's true: Massachusetts(from Massachusetts). The orthographic distinction between the two meanings of the adjective, in our opinion, creates unjustified difficulties for the writer.

Is it written with capital or lowercase "wealth of the W (h) Western-N (s) Siberian subsoil"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with lower case. Please note: when writing in lowercase letters, the adjective West Siberian is written together.

Hello! Can you please tell me if an intonation dash is allowed in the following sentence? (In my opinion, if this dash is removed, the sentence acquires pronounced interrogative intonations, which is undesirable for this text). Can the use of a dash be considered correct, or is it better to rephrase the last phrase? "We hope that your child will enjoy the gift from ALFAVITA Kindergarten and the fruit flavors of chewable tablets. And you will entrust the vitamin prevention of your entire family to the preparations of the ALFAVIT series." Thanks a lot.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It is better to put a comma before the union _a_ and write this text as one sentence. The dash is not required.

Grammatically correct speech

Good speech will never go out of style. People are always pleased to deal with someone who not only shines with inner beauty, but also knows how to most accurately give his thoughts a speech form. Moreover, a well-delivered speech is not something like a gift of nature.

How to spell the word literate or literate

It can and should be developed.

Correct oral and written language

Each language has a unique wealth that is peculiar to it, and it would be a sin not to use it. This is especially true for a language that is native to a person. When you hear a competent speech or a perfectly designed text lies in front of your eyes, without a single mistake, then a positive impression about the author, the interlocutor is immediately formed.

To develop a culture of written and oral speech is the responsibility of everyone. And this happens every day in the process of communication, learning. After all, it’s not in vain that they say that it’s not only pleasant to talk with an intelligent person, but also just to be silent.

Criteria for literate speech

If we move on to a more detailed consideration of this concept, it should be noted that speech culture means:

  • the appropriateness of what was said;
  • literacy of written or spoken information;
  • accessibility in understanding the phrases of the interlocutor, clarity;
  • wealth, which consists in the use of various epithets, phraseological units, metaphors, etc .;
  • variety, lack of tautology, unnecessary repetitions that pollute the meaning of what was said;
  • aesthetics.

Lack of literate speech skills

All these errors cut the ear significantly and carry absolutely no valuable information about the speaker, do not create the image of a literate person.

How to develop competent speech?

The quality of literate speech must be improved daily, brought to perfection. After all, even if a person is intellectually developed, well-read, has a deep inner world, but, alas, is not able to express himself clearly, then only he will know about what he says.

So, the development of literate speech requires the implementation of several simple rules:

Many don't know how learn to write without errors competently, so that the text turns out to be interesting, beautiful, competent and without errors. Anyone can learn this, but if there is no strong desire and desire to write correctly, without mistakes, then accordingly there will be no results. Put our advice into practice, experiment, and you will find a way and method that suits you to write correctly and without errors.

In this article, you will learn how to write without errors competently, because a correctly composed text is good, but it is even better if it is correctly and beautifully written and without a large number of errors. After all, every person makes mistakes in his life, the most important thing is not to be afraid to make a mistake, but to correct your mistake in time. To do this, in our article you will learn some actionable tips to achieve this goal.

Start writing 2-3 texts a day

If you want to learn how to write correctly without errors, you need to learn not in theory, but in practice. To do this, start writing at least 2-3 texts a day. Then you can analyze your mistakes, correct them and start improving your writing results. Those people who write often become more literate and educated.

How to spell the word correctly

Check every sentence you write.

To learn how to write correctly without errors, you need to start checking every sentence you write as soon as you write it. If you forget and do not check it, then most likely it will have many errors and you will not be able to find out exactly what you did wrong.

Write slowly at first

To learn how to write correctly without errors, you first need to learn how to write without errors slowly and gradually increase the speed of writing sentences. When you learn to write quickly, you will have time to check the written sentence and the entire text. It is also useful for memory and brain development and quick wits.

Read smart books

To learn how to write competently without errors, you need to find smart and competent books by successful authors who can write competent texts. Read such books for 1-2 hours a day to learn new words, spellings and other details. When you learn to read carefully, your visual memory will fix complex words, so that later, when writing a text, you will remember how this or that word is spelled correctly. Do not read unreasonable books, as this will worsen the results of writing. Learn: how to learn to write beautifully and quickly.

Read the text twice

To learn how to write correctly without errors, you need to read it 2 times immediately after writing the text. The first time, you need to pay more attention to errors, punctuation marks, and the second time it is to the correctly composed text, its meaning and the sequence of certain sentences.


psychoolog. en

Correct spelling: write

At first glance, the word “write” is pretty simple, but some people often have questions about writing a soft sign at the end of a word and the letters “i” and “e” at the beginning and middle of a word. Therefore, in order to correctly write the word "write" it is necessary to disassemble it sequentially.

It is worth starting with the first vowel "and". In order not to make a mistake in the correct spelling, you need to apply a verification word to the word. That would be the word "write". Even during pronunciation, you can hear that the letter "e" cannot be there. It would seem strange to parse the word first, because it is already clear how to write this word. But, as the experience of not only teachers, but also statistics shows, 15% of schoolchildren do not know the correct spelling of elementary words. Therefore, in order for the word to be accurately spelled without errors, it should be parsed sequentially, looking for arguments that confirm your conjectures. By the way, if you look for a test word that will indicate the correct spelling, then the word that you are checking will be spelled correctly.

But not only with the first vowel questions arise, but also with the second. For example, "you write" or "you write." In order to find out this, it is necessary to ask the question “what are you doing?” to the word. At the end there will be the letter "e", which means that it will also be written in the word. This can be done with all the words to which you can substitute this question. And using such a small hint, you can learn how to write correctly without memorizing long rules.

Spelling of the word "smartly"

Also, there must be a soft sign at the end of the word. There are several rules that prove the correctness of writing a soft sign after hissing ones.

A soft sign must be written at the end of a feminine noun, at the end of a verb in the second person, present and future tenses, at the end of a verb of the imperative mood, at the end of a verb of an indefinite form.

In our case, with the word “write”, the variant is suitable - the ending of the second person, namely the present and future tense.

There are few rules for writing a soft sign after hissing ones, so it is very easy to remember them.

Properly spelled

Beautiful literate speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase "who owns the word - owns the world" is relevant in our time. After all, literacy and figurativeness of speech is a characteristic feature of world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey thoughts and ideas to others, then professional career growth is guaranteed to you.

Competent beautiful speech helps us to establish full-fledged communication with the interlocutor. And the wrong staging of speech with a large number of stylistic errors will nullify all efforts, for example, when communicating with the boss or in a conflict situation in the family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words, so even a good-looking person uses frank abuse in his speech, he still will not become a cultural intellectual. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and obscenities are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak to the point so that everything is clear to everyone.

Trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. To do this, speak, taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is the observance of the rules for placing stress, the ability to raise or lower the tone at the right time, observe intonation, and the ability to pause.

Criteria that determine speech literacy

Speech culture:

  • relevance;
  • literacy of voiced information;
  • accessibility of the statement;
  • the use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

The scarcity of vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and annoys. Even if you allow yourself tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to speak correctly when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will take over illiterate words from you.

How to improve speech

During the conversation, keep a friendly tone and change intonation depending on the situation. To make tonality and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech

Those for whom literacy is required for professional growth cannot cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the work of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal "Secrets of Stylistics".

Help from professionals

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will deliver you a competent speech. But where is it to be found? Contact your school teacher or a familiar philologist, and if the opportunity allows you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then you should take advantage of this.

Making speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this, you just need to want to.

It is difficult to imagine the conditions of modern reality without speech. Any action that requires contact with other people, we accompany with words. Every day we are bombarded with a huge flow of information, from which everyone chooses for himself what suits him personally. Speech occupies a significant position in human life: it determines the possibility of any interaction and accompanies it in any activity. How poor our lives would be without the ability to verbalize thought! The evolution of human speech occurred gradually: from antiquity to the present, it has developed, new meanings have appeared, and vocabulary has been enriched. If in the old days it was possible to replace speech with gestures, images, just a look, now almost any profession requires a person to speak the language at the highest level. In the 21st century, it is necessary to be able not only to correctly and accurately express your thoughts, but also to formulate intentions aimed at achieving better results. All this is impossible without speech activity.

Speech structure

Speech, like any other type of activity, consists of several elements.

Motivation- an important structural component, without which no interaction between people would take place. Before performing any action related to communication, a person must feel the need for interaction. Motivation can concern both the personal (internal) needs of an individual, and go beyond his needs.

Planning- the second element in the structure of speech. Here, the ability to predict and the expected result come to the fore. The personal interests of a person are involved in the process of distributing their resources and capabilities. Good planning necessarily includes introspection and reflection. A person must know why he is going to spend his resource, what he wants to achieve.

Implementation is a process aimed at achieving a goal. When the task is formulated, the person is highly motivated and takes a competent approach to step-by-step actions. Speech conveys information from one person to another.

Control is an integral part of any successful activity, and speech is no exception. To understand whether the problem is solved correctly, it is necessary to periodically monitor the result. We can hold a voluminous seminar on some issue, give people interesting information, but this is not enough if there is a desire for great achievements. It is extremely important to get feedback from the participants, to hear their opinion, to be convinced of its usefulness.

Speech functions

Modern psychological science defines speech as the highest mental function, an essential mechanism in the formation of intellectual activity, the process of transmission and exchange of information. Like any activity, it performs a number of important tasks.

Nominative function consists in the need to name, designate an object with a word. Thanks to this, everyone is able to understand their opponent and not get confused in terms. Communication between people is based on a pre-created model, which greatly simplifies the process of understanding.

Generalizing function serves to identify common features, properties of objects for further classification into groups. The word no longer denotes one object, but names a whole group of properties or phenomena. Here the strongest connection between speech and thinking is manifested, since such operations require intense mental activity.

Communicative function is the transfer of information from one person to another. This function can be manifested both orally and in writing.

Types of speech

In psychological science, there are two ways of expressing speech: external (conversation when two or more people come into contact with each other) and internal.

inner speech is a special form of expression. Unlike the external one, it is characterized by fragmentation and fragmentation, often chaotic and inconsistent. Such an internal dialogue takes place in the mind of a person, often it does not go beyond it. If desired, they can be controlled and controlled. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that inner speech is very strongly connected with the emotions and feelings of a person.

Features of human speech

Expression of the emotional component

The way a person speaks has a significant impact on the perception of his words by interlocutors. The timbre of the voice, intonation, pauses during pronunciation, speed give the sounding speech a peculiar coloring, individuality and originality. Agree, it is much more pleasant to listen to a person with a soft timbre of voice, smooth intonation and, in addition, an interesting topic. In this case, there is a great interest in the material that is presented.

Speech will help the individual to defend his position in the dispute, show sympathy for the person he likes, and reveal the emotional component. For example, if the topic is sufficiently to the liking of the individual, then, no doubt, she will strive to continue communication.

Transfer of accumulated experience

The child learns the surrounding reality with the help of sounding speech. First, the parent shows him the objects and names them. Then the baby grows, begins to interact with other people, learns from them a lot of interesting and important things for himself. Without words, it would be impossible for a child to learn new information, nor for an adult to convey it. Much here, of course, depends on the quality of the presentation of the material itself, but the meaning of speech is the determining factor.

The transfer of knowledge and skills, the achievements of modern science is an integral part in the use of speech. Without it, teaching would be impossible. The work of a writer, thinker, researcher could not find its application. Only thanks to living language, written and oral speech, we read books, listen to lectures, have the opportunity to share our own experience with others.

The value of speech in human life

Ability to learn

By reading books, a person improves, expands his understanding of the world and of himself. By studying any subject, he also accumulates knowledge. At the same time, speech is of decisive importance: after all, without knowing the language, without being able to communicate, assimilate material, a person would not have the opportunity to reach a new level of development and education. Without speech, it is impossible to imagine a single work, a single researcher, psychologist, teacher or politician. Even those who consider themselves to have mastered their native language and speech to a sufficient degree must constantly study in order to achieve high results.

The ability to learn is an important component of any activity if it is to succeed. Only constantly learning new things, improving existing skills can lead to successful promotion. Speech is used everywhere, in all spheres of life. Wherever a person goes, with whomever he comes into contact, he will need knowledge of the language as a tool of interaction.

Self improvement

Sometimes a person has a desire to correct the mistakes of the past, gain new experience, significantly change his life. Such impulses are usually dictated by the desire for self-realization. In this case, speech can be useful to him as a reliable aid. Studying the necessary material, reading books, conducting seminars or trainings - all this requires a certain preparation and moral strength. The extent to which a person is ready to make certain efforts to realize his intention is the extent to which speech is fully involved in this difficult task. Oral, written, turned outward and inward - it leads a person to new achievements, helps him achieve his goal.

Thus, the role of speech in human life is enormous, it is of paramount importance. Speech activity is applicable everywhere: in communication with friends and relatives, in education, teaching, trade, in any profession that requires contact with people. Language culture is closely connected with modern psychological science. If a person wants to acquire the skill of effective communication, to be known in his circles as an intellectual, a cultured and educated person, he must work hard on himself, devote enough time to the development of speech, the correct pronunciation of words and the construction of complex semantic structures.

How much does it mean in our lives. It is she who forms second, after the appearance, the impression of the interlocutor. Sometimes, you look at a well-dressed person, his neat hairstyle, ambitious behavior, and you think that his speech is probably as beautiful as his appearance. And as soon as he utters the first words, he already wants this subject to be silent. The other, on the contrary, does not produce a spiritual vibration in you by his appearance, but you are ready to listen to him for hours. He speaks so beautifully.

What is the reason for the dissonance between a person's speech and his visual image?

People are born with their individual set of qualities. It will not be difficult for someone to speak in public without any preparation. Moreover, he will speak confidently, competently and to the point.

And someone in a calm atmosphere - in a narrow circle of friends, conducts a conversation, the meaning of which is not clear to anyone. There are so many chaotic and chaotic expressions in it. The most interesting thing is that such a person strives with all his might to overcome his tongue-tied tongue: he reads a lot, learns whole poems by heart, writes compositions. But all his efforts come to naught.

Don't yell in my ear!

Key reason speech deficit may lie deep in childhood. Noisy sometimes annoy parents with their impulsive behavior and violent emotions. They speak loudly, thereby causing displeasure of adults. Children constantly hear in their address: “quiet”, “don’t yell”, “shut up”. These words accumulate in the subconscious. Growing up, it's time to obey these commands. And starting a conversation, such people lose their already unstable self-confidence.

How to help the unfortunate speaker?

Many find it difficult to maintain spontaneous speech. They struggle to find the right words. They have to constantly think about what to say next. To prevent this from happening, you certainly need to expand your vocabulary by reading classics and modern high-quality works, listening to audio books and learning from famous speakers.

The fear of being ridiculed fetters a person, and therefore, he is lost and cannot utter a word. To avoid this situation and learn to speak beautifully, you can practice on speech exercises.

Charging for the language

Well, let's try. To get started, choose any object that is near you, and begin to describe its characteristics, facts, ways to use it. Say EVERYTHING that comes to your mind - any associations.

At first, it will be difficult to say much about this subject. But gradually, day by day, acting as a speaker, just antiquarian thoughts related to the chosen word will come to mind.

For example, take the word "table". And we begin our story.

« This is a wooden table, it has 4 legs and a square top, it is painted black which gives it a matte finish. When viewed from above, it looks like Malevich's black square. Maybe it was the table that inspired the artist to write his famous work.

The table is light and therefore, it can be moved to another room. You can write on it, do crafts, work with a laptop, and it can also act as a kitchen furniture. My table looks like a piece of Japanese furniture (I think it's called kotatsu) : low, compact and you can sit behind it, sitting right on the floor.

The table is very convenient, because it can be disassembled and taken with you to nature. It is wooden, and wood is an environmentally friendly material. Therefore, this item does not cause harm to our health. It is inexpensive, and therefore it is not a pity if it breaks, or if a child spoils its surface with his pranks.

You can pick up the same inexpensive chairs for the table, or buy wooden blanks and paint them black yourself. Thus, you can assemble a mini-headset. This is a necessary piece of furniture. I use it all the time: I put books, magazines on it. Sometimes it serves as a support for my tired legs (a kind of alternative to an ottoman).

To sum it all up, my little black table is a versatile piece in our home. It is multifunctional, compact and maintenance-free.”

And this is just the beginning. Believe me, then a wave of ideas will cover you, and words will gush out, as if from a cornucopia. The fear of SPEAKING will disappear. You can easily support any topic. The main thing is not to abandon this activity. Believe in yourself. Do not be lazy, and every day pay a little attention to your speech. Do exercises for the tongue, and he will be grateful to you for it. :)

And in the following articles we will continue to develop competent speech with other interesting speech exercises.