The meaning of the word biyoquinol in the reference book of medicines. Antisyphilitic drugs Release form

Dosage forms: 8% suspension of quinine bismuth iodine in neutralized peach or olive oil. In vials of 100 ml.

Medicinal properties: Anti-inflammatory.

Storage: List B.

Indications for the use of Bioquinol

All forms of syphilis (in combination with penicillin preparations), non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system (arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, etc.), skull injuries.


Bioquinol is forbidden to be taken under the age of 6 months. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe forms of tuberculosis, cardiac decompensation, gingivitis, stomatitis, hypersensitivity to quinine.

Side effects

Bioquinol can cause salivation, the appearance of a dark blue border along the edge of the gums, gingivitis, stomatitis, dermatitis, bismuth nephropathy, albuminuria, polyneuritis and trigeminal neuritis.

Instructions for use

V / m. To avoid getting into the vessel before injection, the vial is heated in warm water and shaken thoroughly. With syphilis, 2-3 ml is administered 1 time in 2-3 days (at the rate of 1 ml per day). The course dose is 40-50 ml.

The highest single dose for adults is 3 ml (1 time in 3 days). With nonspecific lesions of the central nervous system, 2 ml every other day. The heading dose is 30-40 ml, depending on the stage of the process.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Bioquinol in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Bioquinol (Biiochinolum)

Pharmacological action of the drug.

It has a therapeutic effect in spirochetosis (human diseases caused by microorganisms of a spiral form), as well as anti-inflammatory and resolving effects.

What is used for. Indications for the use of the drug.

All forms of syphilis (in combination with penicillin preparations); non-specific lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis (inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain), meningomyelitis (simultaneous inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the spinal cord), etc .; skull trauma.

Dosage and method of application.

Intramuscularly in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks, in a two-stage way. Before injection, the vial is heated in warm water and shaken thoroughly. With syphilis - 3 ml every fourth day. Heading dose - 40-50 ml. The highest single dose for adults is 3 ml (every 3 days). Children according to age.
With nonspecific lesions of the central nervous system, 2 ml every other day. Heading dose - 30-40 ml, depending on the stage of the process.

Side effects and actions of the drug.

Possible salivation, gingivitis (inflammation of the gum mucosa), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), dermatitis (skin inflammation), bismuth nephropathy (kidney damage due to treatment with biyoquinol), albuminuria (protein in the ureters), polyneuritis (multiple inflammation of the peripheral nerves) and trigeminal neuritis (inflammation of the facial nerve).

Contraindications and negative properties.

Age up to 6 months. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding), severe forms of tuberculosis, cardiac decompensation (a sharp decrease in the pumping function of the heart), gingivitis (inflammation of the gum mucosa), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), hypersensitivity to quinine.

Release form. Package.

In bottles of 100 g.

Terms and conditions of storage.

List B. In a cool, dry, dark place.

The main active ingredient of the drug.

quinine iodobismuthate


Description of the drug Bioquinol» on this page is a simplified and supplemented version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Bioquinol (Biiochinolum)

pharmachologic effect

It has a therapeutic effect in spirochetosis (human diseases caused by microorganisms of a spiral form), as well as anti-inflammatory and resolving effects.

Indications for use

All forms of syphilis (in combination with penicillin preparations); non-specific lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis (inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain), meningomyelitis (simultaneous inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the spinal cord), etc .; skull trauma.

Mode of application

Intramuscularly in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks, in a two-stage way. Before injection, the vial is heated in warm water and shaken thoroughly. With syphilis - 3 ml every fourth day. Heading dose - 40-50 ml. The highest single dose for adults is 3 ml (every 3 days). Children according to age.
With nonspecific lesions of the central nervous system, 2 ml every other day. Heading dose - 30-40 ml, depending on the stage of the process.

Side effects

Possible salivation, gingivitis (inflammation of the gum mucosa), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), dermatitis (skin inflammation), bismuth nephropathy (kidney damage due to treatment with biyoquinol), albuminuria (protein in the ureters), polyneuritis (multiple inflammation of the peripheral nerves) and trigeminal neuritis (inflammation of the facial nerve).


Age up to 6 months. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding), severe forms of tuberculosis, cardiac decompensation (a sharp decrease in the pumping function of the heart), gingivitis (inflammation of the gum mucosa), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), hypersensitivity to quinine.

Release form

In bottles of 100 g.

Storage conditions

List B. In a cool, dry, dark place.

Active substance:

quinine iodobismuthate

The authors


  • Official instructions for the drug Bioquinol.
  • Modern drugs: a complete practical guide. Moscow, 2000. S. A. Kryzhanovsky, M. B. Vititnova.
Description of the drug Bioquinol" on this page is a simplified and supplemented version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult a doctor and read the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

A) short-acting (benzylpenicillin sodium and potassium salts)

B) long-acting (novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin, bicillins)

    Other antibiotics (tetracycline, erythromycin, cephaloridine)

    Bismuth preparations (biyoquinol, bismoverol)

2. Chemotherapy for patients with syphilis

Treponema pallidum does not develop resistance to penicillin. Benzylpenicillin has a rapid and pronounced treponemicidal effect. His preparations are effective at all stages of syphilis. They are prescribed courses, the duration of which is determined by the form and stage of the disease. Allergy to penicillin is an indication for treatment with tetracycline or erythromycin.

The Herxheimer (or Jaresh-Herxheimer) reaction is associated with the death of a large number of spirochetes and the release of the toxin from them. An increase in body temperature is a common occurrence within a few hours after the first injection of penicillin. The patient develops tachycardia, headache, myalgia, malaise, which last for 1 day.

3. Characteristics of individual drugs used for chemotherapy of syphilis

Benzylpenicillin preparations

Benzylpenicillin is an antibiotic that is a waste product of various species of the fungus Renicillinum. In medical practice, it is used in the form of sodium, potassium, novocaine salts of benzylpenicillin.

Benzylpenicillin is active mainly against gram-positive cocci (staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci), gram-negative cocci (gonococci, meningococci), anthrax, diphtheria bacilli, spirochetes and some pathogenic fungi. Antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Shigella), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rickettsia, viruses, protozoa.

Mechanism of action.

Antibiotics of the penicillin group are specific inhibitors of cell wall biosynthesis, and the selectivity of their action is determined by some features of the structure of the bacterial cell wall, compared with the animal. Under the influence of bacteriostatic concentrations of the antibiotic, growing cells stop dividing, their morphology changes dramatically. Microbes significantly increase, swell or take an elongated shape. The altered cells disintegrate with the formation of small particles and die. The basis of the antibacterial action is the suppression of the synthesis of murein - the supporting polymer of the cell wall.

Penicillin inhibits the last step in cell wall synthesis by preventing the formation of peptide cross-links between linear murein chains. Due to the structural similarity of penicillin to the peptide substrate of the cell wall, the antibiotic competes with it for the active site of transpeptidase.

Penicillin is used in the form of aqueous solutions (sodium, potassium soluble salts) or suspensions (novocaine, bicillin and other sparingly soluble salts).

After i / m administration, sodium and potassium salts of benzylpenicillin are absorbed very quickly. The concentration in the blood reaches a maximum after 15 minutes and lasts 3-4 hours.

Penicillin easily crosses the placenta, and 1-6 hours after administration to the mother's body, its concentration in the bloodstream of the fetus is 25-30% (from 10-50%) of the level in maternal blood. Penicillin is excreted in the urine (50-70%), as well as in saliva, sweat, milk and bile.

Side effects.

Headache, fever, urticaria, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, joint pain, eosinophilia, angioedema, may be anaphylactic shock. With severe allergic reactions, adrenaline, glucocorticoids, antihistamines, penicillinase are prescribed. In anaphylactic shock: the introduction of adrenaline, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride, the use of cardiac drugs, the inhalation of oxygen, warming, after removing from the state of shock, penicillinase is administered.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, urticaria, hay fever and other allergic diseases, epilepsy.

Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt.

Novocaine salt is a long-acting drug that provides a therapeutic concentration of penicillin in the blood for up to 12 hours. It is excreted from the body with urine.

Novocaine salt is used only intramuscularly. Intravenous and endolumbar administration is not allowed.

Bicillin - 1, Bicillin - 5.

When mixed with isotonic sodium chloride solution or distilled water form a stable, thin suspension. The body creates a depot of penicillin, which persists for a long time.

other antibiotics. See Antibiotics.

Bismuth preparations


Bioquinol - 8% suspension of quinine iodobismuthate in neutralized peach oil.

Bioquinol is used to treat various forms of syphilis, mainly in combination with antibiotics of the penicillin group. Enter intramuscularly. Before the introduction, the bottle is heated in warm water (not higher than + 40 0 ​​C) and shaken thoroughly. Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties in biyoquinol, it is used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, etc. Side effects: the appearance of gingivitis and stomatitis, a gray border appears relatively often along the edge of the gums and around individual teeth (especially carious). Perhaps the appearance of gray spots on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, tongue, palate. Very often there is nephropathy, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

Contraindications: lesions of the oral mucosa, amphodontosis, kidney disease, acute and chronic liver disease with damage to its parenchyma, hypersensitivity to quinine.

Bismoverol .

7% suspension of the basic bismuth salt of monobismuthic acid in peach or olive oil.

Used to treat patients with syphilis, usually in combination with antibiotics of the penicillin group. Enter intramuscularly.

Contraindications and side effects are the same as when using biyoquinol.

). A suspension of 8% quinine iodobismuthate (contains 23.5 - 25% bismuth, 56.5 - 58% iodine and 17.8 - 18.4% quinine) in neutralized peach oil. After thorough shaking, the suspension acquires a uniform brick-red color. On standing, a brick-red precipitate forms. 1 ml of suspension contains 0.02 g of metallic bismuth. Bioquinol, as well as other bismuth preparations (bismoverol), is used to treat various forms of syphilis, mainly in combination with antibiotics of the penicillin group. Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties in biyoquinol, this drug is also used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, residual effects after cerebrovascular accidents, etc. It is injected intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock with a long needle. After inserting the needle, it is necessary to monitor whether blood appears from the cannula; only after making sure that there is no blood, they attach a syringe and slowly inject the drug. Before injection, the bottle is heated in warm water (not higher than + 40 C) and shaken thoroughly. In the treatment of syphilis, adults are administered 2 - 3 ml 1 time in 2 - 3 days (at the rate of 1 ml per day). For a course of 40 - 50 ml. In the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system, 1 ml per day or 2 ml every other day is administered. For a course of treatment 30 - 40 ml. The highest single dose for adults (into the muscles) is 3 ml (1 time in 3 days). Children are injected intramuscularly every 2 days in the following doses: Dose per 1 Total Age administration, naya dose ml per course of treatment, ml 6 months - 1 year 0.5 - 0.8 8 - 10 From 2 to 3 years 0.5 - 1.0 12 - 15 >> 4 to 5 years 1.O - 1.5 15 - 20 >> 6>> 10 >> 1.0 - 2.0 20 - 25 >> 11 >> 15 >> 1, 0 3.0 25 - 30 When using biyokhinol and other bismuth drugs may develop gingivitis and stomatitis; the so-called bismuth rim appears relatively often; a gray border along the edge of the gums and around individual (especially carious) teeth. Gray spots may also appear on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, and palate. With appropriate hygienic care for the oral cavity, bismuth border is rarely observed. Relatively often, in the treatment of bismuth preparations, nephropathy occurs, usually transient after discontinuation of the drugs. Contraindications: lesions of the oral mucosa, amphodontosis, kidney disease, acute and chronic liver disease with damage to its parenchyma, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypersensitivity to quinine. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, the condition of the liver, kidneys. With the appearance of protein, cylinders or bismuth cells in the urine, damage to the oral mucosa in the form of gingivitis or stomatitis, it is necessary to take a break in treatment. Release form: in orange glass bottles of 100 ml. Storage: list B. In a cool, dark place.

. 2005 .


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