So ksr. What does a CSR blood test show?

Infections of the genitourinary system cause inconvenience and problems to patients. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine infection at the earliest stages of development. A common and informative way to detect urogenital infections is ureaplasma culture. An analysis for ureaplasma allows you to determine the infection in both women and men. The results of bakposev have a high diagnostic value in the field of urology and gynecology, as they provide an opportunity to determine infections in the genitourinary system with great accuracy.

Ureaplasma (ureaplazma parvum (parvum), urealiticum (urealiticum), spp) are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that live on the mucous membranes of the organs of the reproductive system. Microorganisms provoke the development of certain diseases, but can also be detected in a healthy person. Sexually transmitted infections are widespread and ureaplasma is no exception. Most often, ureaplasma, present in the human body, has no manifestations. If the pathology progresses, then the symptoms are expressed as follows:

  • inflammatory reactions of the uterus and appendages;
  • cystitis;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • cloudy color in the urine;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • premature onset of labor;
  • urethritis in males.

To identify the microorganisms ureaplasma urealiticum, parvum and spp in the body, cultures are carried out for ureaplasma and PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Sexually active people are most susceptible to infection through the genitals. Half of the females are carriers of ureaplasma urealiticum, parvum, spp, among men this phenomenon is less common. Infection through household contact is unlikely. If, after the analysis for ureaplasma, positive results are obtained, then ureaplasmosis is diagnosed. Ureaplasmosis is one of the infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

As a rule, with ureaplasmosis, ureaplazma microorganisms are not detected in the urine. A urinalysis is ordered to look for other bacteria present in the urine that may present with similar symptoms. If the obtained study is normal, then the doctor immediately excludes a large number of other infectious diseases. Many diseases of the genitourinary system are accompanied by the appearance of blood and turbidity in the urine, for example, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, KSD and others. With these diseases, a deviation from the norm of other indicators determined in the urine is characteristic.

What is ureaplasma culture

A tank of sowing on ureaplasma, the name of a cultural study is found - this is an analysis in which the test material is taken, and then placed in a special nutrient medium. During the analysis, laboratory assistants count the quantitative value of ureaplasma and mycoplasma per 1 ml of the material under study. Seeding for ureaplasma also involves determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics (AS). You need to take an analysis for ureaplasma when:

  • inflammatory reaction in the genitourinary system;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • irregularity of sexual partners;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • preventive examination;
  • pregnancy planning.

It is not difficult to take an analysis for ureaplasma and does not require special complex preparation. The sampling of the test material is carried out by scraping from the mucous membranes of the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems. Before analysis for ureaplasma, at least 4 hours must pass after the last emptying of the bladder and 24 hours after sexual contact. Tests for ureaplasma in men are taken from the urethra. Also in the process of research study the ejaculate. An analysis for ureaplasmosis in women is done in the interval between menstruation, scrapings are taken from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

The norm and interpretation of the results of the analysis

For the norm in the analysis for ureaplazma urealiticum, parvum (spp) recognize the quantitative value of microorganisms up to 10 4 CFU per 1 ml of the test material. The presence of bacteria in this volume is considered a normal result and means that there is no inflammation, but the person is a carrier of a ureaplazma urealiticum or parvum infection. If, when deciphering the results of the study, the doctor finds an excess of the value of microorganisms urealiticum or parvum relative to the norm, then this indicates the progression of the inflammatory process and requires a course of treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased due to the sensitivity to certain antibiotics, which is indicated by the abbreviation ACh, during sowing. To do this, use a special set of reagents ACh in various configurations. In the course of the AS study, the sensitivity of ureaplazma urealiticum bacteria to 12 or more antibiotics is determined. After receiving the results of the analysis, the doctor has a complete picture of the state of microorganisms and what treatment will be effective.

Often, doctors prescribe a second study, since it is possible that the results are incorrect. This can happen due to the human factor (laboratory error), or lack of preparation on the part of the patient. Retesting is also required in the following cases:

  • with incorrect and ineffective treatment;
  • with the progression of inflammatory processes;
  • in order to control after the course of therapy;
  • with the development of a concomitant venereal infection.

If, according to the results of the study, the quantitative value of microorganisms is within the normal range, then the treatment is prescribed according to the patient's personal statement. If surgery or pregnancy is planned, then therapy is mandatory; this will require mandatory testing for antibiotic sensitivity (AS). There are also additional methods for studying ureaplasmosis and they include: ELISA (enzymatic immunoassay) - allows you to detect antibodies in the blood for ureaplasma; PCR (polydimensional chain reaction); RNIF and RPIF (indirect and direct immunofluorescence).

Treatment of ureaplasmosis

After receiving a positive result (quantitative value above the norm) of the analysis for ureaplazma (urealiticum, parvum), AF and PCR, all the patient's sexual partners are required to undergo antibiotic treatment. Therapy consists in taking antibacterial drugs for two weeks. Antibiotics are prescribed only after receiving the results of the study on AF. At the same time, it is required to undergo a course of treatment with immunomodulators, local therapy (injections of medicines into the urethra), physiotherapy procedures, with the development of prostatitis in men, prostate massage is indicated.

During the course of treatment, the patient is required to exclude sexual intercourse and follow a diet. After the completed course of therapy, the analysis for ureaplasma (bakposev) is repeated. It is also desirable to pass a PCR analysis. A control study is required to study the quantitative value of microorganisms in dynamics and determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Repeated analyzes of bacterial culture and PCR are carried out for another 3-4 months.

After the end of the course of treatment, patients are prescribed vitamins B and C, lactobacterin and hepatoprotectors to improve the normal functioning of the liver.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis is effective only with an integrated approach to it, therefore, along with taking medication, you need to follow a special diet. In the daily diet, it is necessary to include foods high in vitamins (fruits, vegetables, dairy products). It is necessary to exclude fried, spicy, salty foods. Smoked meats and foods high in fat are contraindicated. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. With a comprehensive and correct approach to treatment, recovery will come much faster.

Ureaplasmosis is a disease of the genitourinary system that causes inconvenience in men and women. If you experience discomfort in the urinary and reproductive system (pain, burning, discharge, cloudy color in the urine, etc.), you need to consult a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe the necessary studies. Usually, doctors limit themselves to cultures for ureaplasma and AF, PCR, and also prescribe a urinalysis to determine other bacteria in the urine. The doctor should decipher the results and determine the need for treatment, independent attempts can aggravate the condition.

Ureaplasmas belong to the family of mycoplasmas - unicellular microorganisms that are an intermediate link between viruses and bacteria. These protozoa do not have a cell wall (its role is played by the cell membrane - a thin elastic protein-fat structure). Ureaplasmas got their name because of the ability to break down urea (this process is called ureolysis).

Microorganisms from the mycoplasma family are opportunistic pathogens. This means that they usually live in the human body without causing any harm to it. But under certain conditions (bacterial imbalance, reduced immunity, etc.), they begin to actively multiply, becoming the cause of the development of diseases.

From the mycoplasma family, two types of bacteria can live in the human body:

  • Ureaplasma - species Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
  • Mycoplasmas - most species are not pathogenic, pathologies can cause Mycoplasma pneumoniae (pneumonia) and Mycoplasma genitalium (inflammation of the genitourinary system).

Indications for the study

Ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas are transmitted by the same routes. In the presence of these pathogens in the body, in about 80% of cases, both those and other bacteria are detected. Therefore, bacterial culture for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is carried out simultaneously. There are two main ways of transmission of ureaplasmosis (an inflammatory infection caused by ureaplasmas):

  • Sexual (including oral sex).
  • From mother to child when the baby passes through the birth canal - about a third of girls are born with ureaplasma, there are fewer boys, in most cases self-healing occurs (more often in boys).

Domestic transmission rarely occurs.

In fact, ureaplasmas are observed in approximately 50-60% of all inhabitants of the planet (in women more often than in men), and in many they are part of a healthy microflora. Therefore, without the presence of symptoms of diseases, there is no particular point in conducting an analysis, since even if ureaplasma is detected, in the absence of pathologies and the number of bacteria that does not exceed the norm, treatment is not carried out. Ureaplasmosis is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Important! The exception is the period of pregnancy. At this time, the body is rebuilt and becomes vulnerable to diseases. And the "activity" of ureaplasma can affect the course of pregnancy, cause the birth of a child with a lack of weight, miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma is recommended to be carried out at the planning stage. If pathogens are detected, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

To provoke the pathological activity of ureaplasma are capable of:

  • stress;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • decreased immunity;
  • activity of other pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, gardnerella, etc.);
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • surgical intervention;
  • physical and emotional overload;
  • pregnancy.

In women, the indications for analysis are the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the vulva;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • pain or discomfort after intercourse (sometimes spotting is also observed);
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor or a strange color (greenish, yellowish);
  • cutting pains in the lower abdomen.

In men, bakposev for ureaplasma is carried out in the presence of such signs as:

  • burning or cutting when urinating;
  • pain in the scrotum;
  • cloudy discharge from the urethra - usually in the morning, in between urination.

The above symptoms may be accompanied by general malaise and fever.

Sowing on ureaplasma: why is it done?

Ureaplasma is often considered the "culprit" of the development of pathology if the patient has inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, but other possible pathogens have not been identified.

Ureaplasmas can cause in women:

  • vaginitis (colpitis) - inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  • the appearance of neoplasms on the cervix;
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium - the tissue lining the uterus);
  • adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes).

In men, ureaplasmas can cause the development of:

  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • orchitis (inflammation of the testicles);
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis);
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate).

Also in women and men, ureaplasmas can cause:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • urolithiasis;
  • joint inflammation.

In patients of both sexes, the bacterium can cause infertility. In men, ureaplasma can reduce sperm motility and activity, and in some cases, their death.

The elimination of ureaplasma becomes part of the treatment of the above pathologies. Bacterial seeding allows not only to identify the "pest", but also to determine its resistance to certain types of antibiotics. This makes it possible to quickly and more correctly select the “working” drugs in this case.

In addition, bacterial culture for ureaplasma is required for differential diagnosis (that is, when the symptoms correspond to several diseases at once, and “extra” pathologies must be excluded). For example, chlamydia or gonorrhea.

The study is also assigned to:

  • when planning a pregnancy
  • with a history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage in the past.

In this case, both partners are tested, since if the second remains the carrier of the infection, re-infection may occur.

Sowing on ureaplasma is also carried out to monitor the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. The analysis is carried out approximately 2 weeks after the completion of antibiotic treatment.

How is the procedure carried out

The resulting biomaterial is placed in an environment favorable for the reproduction of ureaplasmas (with a certain temperature regime). The following are observations:

  • whether the growth of a colony of ureaplasmas occurs (if bacteria are present in the biomaterial, they will begin to actively multiply);
  • whether ureaplasmas are sensitive to antibiotics.

Where and how material is taken

Most often, the material for sowing is scraping from the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra (urethra). However, other material may be used if necessary.

In women - scraping:

  • from the walls of the vagina;
  • from the mucous membrane of the cervix.

For men:

  • secret of the prostate;
  • ejaculate (sperm).

The material is taken by a nurse in the clinic or at home (if necessary, home visits are possible). The patient needs to know how to take a culture for ureaplasma so that the results are as reliable as possible. Before the procedure it is necessary:

  • Do not urinate for 3-4 hours before the procedure.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for 24 hours before sampling.
  • Carry out hygiene procedures in the area of ​​the external genital organs in the evening, on the eve of the study, cosmetics are not applied to the skin after washing.

Women need to take the material outside the period of menstruation. Intravaginal contraceptive pills, ointments and creams are not used for several days before the study.

Also for men, urine culture for ureaplasma can be carried out. In this case, the first morning urine is taken, about 50 ml. This study option is only possible for men, it is not relevant for women.

Important. Taking antibiotics can distort the results of the analysis. Therefore, they must complete the course of treatment no later than a month before the study.

Deciphering the results

Deciphering the analysis of seeding for ureaplasma for a patient is as follows:

  • The result is negative - there are no ureaplasmas in the biomaterial.
  • Result positive - ureaplasmas are found out.

However, a positive result does not yet indicate the presence of pathological processes. They can be judged if during the study there is a growth of a colony of bacteria.

Algorithm of actions upon receipt of a positive seeding result

A positive test result does not always indicate that the patient is sick and needs to be treated. If necessary, additional studies are carried out. Treatment is prescribed if the presence of ureaplasmas is accompanied by an inflammatory process. Antibiotic therapy is carried out (drugs are selected depending on the results of sowing).

If there are no signs of inflammation, and the microflora is generally normal, therapy is not required.

  • home
  • Diagnostics
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  • Diseases of the urinary system and genital organs very often disturb the mature population. The situation is complicated by the fact that many of the diseases are transmitted during sexual contact, recur and become chronic.

    Each of these ailments has its own pathogens, special symptoms, as well as a specific scheme for diagnosis and treatment. One of the most common diseases of the urinary system and genital organs is ureaplasmosis.

  • Ureaplasmosis

  • Complications
  • Diagnostics
  • Research objectives
  • Direction for backsowing
  • What is bakposev?
  • Sowing preparation
  • Sowing
  • Ureaplasmosis

    It can be transmitted in several ways:

    This disease affects both women and men, and can also have a negative impact on a person of any age.

    Very often, people do not even suspect that they are carriers of ureaplasmosis, since the microbe does not manifest itself for a long period of time. A sharp decrease in immunity, the occurrence of concomitant diseases, etc. can serve as a catalyst for the development of the disease itself.


    If the number of microbes in the human body is insignificant, then, as a rule, the doctor does not prescribe treatment. If the disease has passed into an acute form, then it is impossible to delay response measures, since ureaplasmosis can lead to infertility in both sexes, and is also the cause of the development of many concomitant diseases, both in women and men.

    Compulsory treatment is prescribed for women who are planning a pregnancy, or directly for pregnant women, in order to exclude a high probability of developing pathologies.


    It is carried out only by an experienced specialist in the laboratory - bacteriological culture is examined.

    With an external examination, you can notice the main symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, but this is not enough to make a correct diagnosis.

    Research objectives

    The study of bakposev is carried out in order to:

    • identify the causative agent of the disease;
    • detect the presence of possible concomitant diseases;
    • prescribe the right treatment that will help fight all the problems of the genitourinary system;
    • conduct a preventive examination as planned or after the end of treatment.

    Direction for backsowing

    The doctor may issue a referral for a bacteriological culture study in several cases:

    • During the examination, if a woman is planning a pregnancy;
    • When a disease is detected in a sexual partner;
    • With frequent promiscuity;
    • During pregnancy problems - miscarriages, premature births, ectopic pregnancy;
    • During the passage of a therapeutic course of treatment, as well as a month after its completion.

    What is bakposev?

    Otherwise, bakposev is called a cultural study, which is carried out in the laboratory in order to determine the causative agent of the disease, its type, and find out its sensitivity to antibiotics.

    For this, an antibioticogram is additionally prescribed. The fact is that frequent treatment with medications and the individual characteristics of the body lead to the fact that bacteria can lose their sensitivity to many drugs, so the treatment will not improve the patient's condition. During the analysis, bakposev taken from a person is placed in a special environment that is nutritious for bacteria. If the analysis is positive, then the microbes will begin to multiply. The degree of concentration of ureaplasma in the human body is determined by the number of colonies, and the colonies themselves are used to conduct an antibiogram.

    They are placed on a nutrient medium containing certain antibacterial agents. Their behavior determines the sensitivity to each group of drugs.

    The growth of bacteria is carried out within three days, so the results of the analysis can be obtained no earlier than 3-5 days.

    Sowing preparation

    The reliability of the results obtained during the study depends on how well the preparation for the analysis was carried out.

    In order for the study of bacposev to give correct results, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

    • Antibiotics, antifungal medications, and antiseptics should not be taken 2 days before the test. If this rule has not been observed, then it is worth informing the doctor who takes the analysis;
    • Approximately 2-3 hours before taking the analysis, you can not empty the bladder;
    • Women should be tested only a week after the start of the menstrual cycle, since during menstruation the acidic environment of the inner region of the vagina changes and may go beyond normal values.


    In men and women, the procedure for collecting biological material is different due to the peculiarities of physiology.

    Women have:

    • scraping of the mucous membranes of the vagina;
    • scraping of the cervical canal;
    • scraping of the urethra.

    For men, it is carried out:

    • scraping of the mucous membranes of the urethra;
    • analysis of the state of the ejaculate.

    Both men and women additionally take a urine test.

    Research results

    Any research results include an indication of the presence of ureaplasma in the test material, as well as the number of colonies and their behavior. If microbes are found in the culture, then the value of CFU is indicated - colony-forming units, according to which carriage or ureaplasmosis is determined.

    A negative result indicates that everything is normal - this microbe does not exist in the human body, it is not sick with ureaplasmosis and is not a carrier of the infection.

    A positive result with a CFU ratio of 10,000 or less indicates that the person is a carrier of ureaplasma, but their condition is not active, so additional antibiotic sensitivity testing cannot be done. In this case, treatment is prescribed only when planning pregnancy or in conjunction with the treatment of another disease.

    A positive result with a CFU ratio greater than 10,000 indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In addition, an antibiotic sensitivity test is carried out. With such results, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment for the disease.

    Ureaplasmosis is most often transmitted sexually, so the natural prevention of the disease is protected sex and the absence of promiscuity. If you have a permanent healthy sexual partner, it is almost impossible to become infected with ureaplasmosis.

    If the disease is found in one of the partners, then both must undergo a course of treatment, since the risk of re-infection is very high.

    In any case, with this disease, self-medication must be completely excluded, since microbes have no sensitivity to many medications.

    What is ureaplasma

    The habitat of the bacteria is considered to be the genitourinary system, lung tissue, in people who do not complain about health. Statistics show that women are more likely to become carriers of the disease than men. At the same time, harm to their body is caused in cases of a decrease in the immune functions of the body, sexual relations without protection.

    The factors provoking the reproduction of ureaplasma in women are diseases of the reproductive system (inflammation of the cervix, fallopian tubes, etc.). In men, an increase in the number of bacteria is recorded against the background of prostatitis, inflammation of the urethra, impaired spermatogenesis, and others. However, the presence of chlamydia and gonorrhea is stronger than others, affects the appearance of ureaplasmosis.

    The disease is transmitted from mother to fetus during gestation and passage through the birth canal.

    The disease may be asymptomatic, but when they appear, complaints are recorded that are similar to signs of sexually transmitted diseases. These include discomfort in the urethra, genital organs, discharge with an unpleasant odor (may be absent). In this case, the doctor prescribes tests for ureaplasmosis, PCR, ELISA, bacteriological culture.

    Varieties of tests for ureaplasma

    Their difference lies in the method of studying the biomaterial, the timing, and accuracy. The sampling of material also takes place in different ways, and each of them requires the fulfillment of certain rules before checking. Immunofluorescent analysis is a blood sampling from a vein. The doctor issues a referral, according to which you need to come to the laboratory in the morning. Before the study for 7 days, stop taking antibiotics. Breakfast should also be skipped.

    At the same time, antibodies to pathogens are detected in the patient's blood. Doctors call them immunoglobulins. The decoding of ELISA consists in the detection of two types: immunoglobulin M (img), which is produced in the human body 2-3 weeks after the attack of the microorganism, and immunoglobulin G (igg), which remains in the biomaterial for several years.

    The decoding of tests for ureaplasma in women takes into account a set of indicators, but close attention must be paid to the numbers. Of course, each laboratory has its own scale of determination, but the benchmark is the amount of antibodies. There is no fundamental difference in the diagnosis of ureaplasma in men. However, this method of blood testing is not a reason to make a diagnosis and in the future it will be necessary to pass additional tests.

    It is also called the cultural method of research. It has sufficient indication efficiency compared to blood sampling, and in women, the biomaterial is collected from the vagina, uterine and urethra. In men, the analysis is taken from the urethra. Less commonly, urine or glandular secretions are used.

    The collected materials are placed in a specific environment. And if ureaplasma is present, then you can observe the quantitative growth of bacteria. And also, a seeding tank is necessary, because it is used to determine the sensitivity of a microorganism to various antibiotics.

    The analysis is carried out a few days before menstruation or in the postmenstrual period (up to 7 days). When the scheduled day of the examination coincided with the beginning of the cycle, the visit to the doctor will have to be postponed to a later time. Preparation involves:

    • Refusal of sexual contact 2 days before scraping;
    • Cessation of washing with intimate hygiene products, douching, use of local contraceptives (creams, suppositories, tablets);
    • 7 days before the day of analysis, local drugs should be discarded if they are not agreed with the treating specialist;
    • Bathing is transferred to the evening, and in the morning it is prohibited. Washing should take place without the use of hygiene products;
    • The last trip to the toilet should take place 3 hours before the smear (basically, the rule applies to the stronger sex).

    PCR or polymerase chain reaction

    This method of examination shows 98% efficiency. During the study of the material, it is possible to identify even single bacteria of the pathogen, but a blood test does not reveal them at all. And also, he is the fastest among all. Its duration is 5 hours.

    It detects ureaplasma DNA, but this method has disadvantages. Among them: the lack of information about the activity of the infection, a false positive result in the case of a dirty sample, and vice versa - a false negative result when a patient undergoes antibiotic therapy a month before the analysis. The place of material sampling is the cervical canal of the cervix. Among the limitations that are described above, there is also the inability to conduct a smear immediately after a colcoscopic examination for neoplasms on the cervix.

    After receiving the results, the indicators are evaluated by the doctor, and even if the bacteria are present in small values, treatment may not be necessary. Self-diagnosis is not advisable.

    ELISA blood test, each laboratory has its own values. Qualitative, when positive or negative values ​​are put in the results column; quantitative implies an exact numerical designation, and semi-quantitative - approximate numbers or titers.

    The titer refers to the dilution of blood with the maximum amount of liquid and the fixation of antibodies by the test system.

    It is easier to disassemble the PCR study, since normally the value should not be more than 10 4 CFU per 1 ml. When the value is exceeded, then ureaplasmosis is diagnosed. It is worth remembering that different laboratories use their own scale of numerical values, therefore, in general, attention should be drawn to the digital value, not the verbal one.

    Indications for testing

    With a planned visit to the doctor and taking a smear, pathological flora can be detected. This may give impetus to further tests. But even with complaints that are similar to the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, you will also have to undergo additional examinations.

    As well as the presence of such diseases:

    • Fetal miscarriage and frequent miscarriages;
    • Pain in the pelvic area;
    • Chronic colpitis with erosion;
    • Pregnancy with complications;
    • Contact with a partner who has a disease;

    The reasons to undergo an examination include the frequent change of sexual partners.

    It is recommended to undergo blood tests and take smears at least once a year. An analysis for ureaplasma helps the specialist to identify pathologies associated with the patient's genitourinary system, the causes of inflammatory processes and violations of the microflora of the genital organs. Carriers of the bacteria are more often women, but it is possible to determine its presence by urine sediment in men. The latter may not be aware of such a disease, since it is almost asymptomatic.

    Signs include:

    • Unpleasant or painful sensations when emptying the bladder;
    • Allocations that are pathological in nature;
    • General lethargy, apathy.

    When planning a pregnancy, the doctor prescribes blood or mucus tests for ureaplasmosis to prevent problems with bearing. It must be passed to both family members. Infertility can cause the presence of ureaplasma in the body in both the weak and the stronger sex.

    Thus, it turned out that in order to detect the disease, either a smear or venous blood would have to be taken. Ureaplasma is only one of many infections that need to be tested regularly. This is especially true for people who have a history of past diseases of the pelvic organs, reduced immunity, often changing sexual partners.

    What is ureaplasma and why is it so dangerous

    The sizes of ureaplasmas are close to viruses, but the composition of cells is close to bacteria that have DNA and RNA. It is rather a transitional step from microorganisms to unicellular. Pathogens do not penetrate into the nucleus or cytoplasm (liquid part of the cell) of the host cell, but are located on the surface of cell membranes, penetrating into them. Thus, ureaplasmas “escape” from phagocytosis (attack by immune cells), which determines their ability to live in the body for a very long time. This state is called persistence.

    Ureaplasmas were previously classified as similar microorganisms - mycoplasmas, but because of their distinctive ability to break down urea, ureaplasmas were brought into a separate group. At the same time, the ability to form ammonia from urea is the main reason for the harmfulness of these microorganisms. Ammonia has a toxic (poisonous) effect on the cells of the urogenital tract in men and women and disrupts the biocenosis (composition of the living flora) of the vagina, reducing local immunity. This is associated with torpid (acute) and recurrent (repeated) course of urethritis and vulvovaginitis.

    Disputes about the true classification of the pathogen are still ongoing. In Russia, in 2000, an order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 315 was issued, excluding ureaplasmosis from the list of sexual infections - i.e. the disease is not classified as an STD. But according to the WHO (World Health Organization) classification of sexually transmitted infections in 2006, the subspecies Ureaplasma urealyticum (ureaplasma urealyticum) was precisely assigned to the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, we can say that it is included in the spectrum of examination for sexual and non-sexual infections.

    Why you need to take an analysis for ureaplasmosis

    A gynecologist or urologist directs patients to analyzes, suggesting that it was this pathogen that caused inflammation in the genitourinary system. The reason is the ongoing treatment, which does not give results.

    Due to the absence of a cell wall - it was replaced by a three-layer cell membrane, ureaplasmas are resistant (resistant) to drugs that destroy pathogens precisely through the effect on cell walls. Among the drugs that are not able to cope with ureaplasma include penicillin and its derivatives, which are the main drugs prescribed for the treatment of most genital infections.

    A complete analysis for ureaplasmosis reveals the microorganism itself, determines its concentration, and checks the resistance of ureaplasmas to various drugs. Treatment will be prescribed after determining the drug that can affect the pathogen.

    When is an analysis for ureaplasmosis needed?

    The analysis is prescribed in the absence of other possible causes of inflammation. The main indications for the determination of ureaplasma: diagnosis of ureaplasma infection, urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility.

    This analysis is necessary to identify the etiological (main, determining) factor of chronic inflammation in the genitourinary system, for differential diagnosis (comparison when clarifying the diagnosis) with chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma infection, for choosing antibacterial therapy, evaluating the results of taking antibiotics, conducting preventive examinations.

    What tests are given for ureaplasma

    Sowing on ureaplasma does not determine its type, therefore, if necessary, to clarify which pathogen - U. urealyticum or U. parvum is present in the body, you need to take a PCR test. Material for sowing on ureaplasma urealiticum - detachable urogenital tract.

    Ureaplasmas (U. species) are considered as the cause of inflammation in the genitourinary tract, if other pathogenic microorganisms that cause these diseases are not detected during testing. For accurate diagnosis, the method of cultivation on nutrient media (sowing is done) is suitable. Practice shows that in 80% of cases with ureaplasmas, other pathogens are also detected - mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and other anaerobic (does not require oxygen) flora.

    How does a person become infected with ureaplasmosis

    The source of infection is a patient with ureaplasma infection or a carrier of ureaplasmas. You can get infected in several ways:

    • Antenatal- intrauterine. From sick mothers, up to 23% of unborn children become infected.
    • Intranatal- infection during childbirth. Only 50% of newborns have a chance to stay healthy. Once in the genital tract of a newborn, ureaplasma is able to remain there in an inactive state for an unlimited time. If there is a normal microflora - a kind of physiological barrier, the infection does not manifest itself in any way.
    • Contact household- this happens very rarely, since pathogens are not viable in the external environment. And yet this is possible if the microorganism is in humid, warm conditions with poor air access, for example, in a public shower, which is not cleaned or ventilated. Slippery walls, slimy from dampness, on which hot water does not fall, are very reminiscent of the conditions in the body.
    • Sexual is the main route of infection. From a sick person during sexual intercourse, a healthy partner can become infected. Most often, carriers of ureaplasmosis are women.

    Infection is not yet a disease, but already a carrier. Those. a person is already capable of infecting sexual partners.

    Causes of ureaplasma activation

    The cause of the development of infections are conditions associated with immunodeficiency (decreased immunity). For example, vaginal dysbiosis, as a result of bacterial vaginosis in women, impaired production of prostatic antimicrobial factor in chronic prostatitis in men, impaired local immunity, concomitant infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.

    Symptoms of ureaplasmosis

    Symptoms of ureaplasmosis are minor, sometimes they do not appear at all. After 20-30 days after infection, the patient may experience itching and burning when urinating. Men may experience discomfort in the groin area, sometimes there are mucous discharges from the urethra.

    Women are much less likely to experience symptoms of the disease: pain in the lower abdomen, burning during urination, vaginal discharge. Symptoms of ureaplasmosis are in many ways similar to other inflammatory processes. Running ureaplasmosis in women is often the cause of inflammation of the appendages, vagina and uterus, can lead to pregnancy complications and infertility, in men cause urethritis and prostatitis. Consequently, patients experience new symptoms of urological diseases.

    If the patient's immunity is very weak, then the ureaplasma spreads through the genital tract higher (ascending path). The result of this is inflammation of the uterus (endometritis), appendages (adnexitis). Signs of widespread inflammation are menstrual irregularities with intermenstrual bleeding. Critical days become plentiful and long. An important sign is pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

    What is dangerous ureaplasmosis for men and women

    In men ureaplasma - the cause of inflammation of the urethra (diagnosis - non-gonococcal urethritis), bladder (acute and chronic cystitis), prostate (acute and chronic prostatitis), damage to the testicles (orchitis), epididymis (epididymitis). Also, ureaplasmosis - violates the quality of sperm, causing a decrease in mobility and the number of spermatozoa, and this is guaranteed infertility. Ureaplasmas also affect other organs, causing reactive arthritis and urolithiasis.

    Among women ureaplasma is a common cause of inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis), cervix (cervicitis), and neoplasms. With weak immunity, inflammation of the uterus (endometritis), its appendages (adnexitis with complications on the fallopian tubes (development of adhesions) develops. This guarantees ectopic pregnancy and infertility. In addition, ureaplasmosis is the cause of cervical insufficiency, miscarriages, chorionamnionitis, the birth of premature, malnourished children ( less than 2500 gr.), as well as bronchopulmonary diseases (pneumonia, dysplasia), bacteremia and meningitis in newborns.

    The problem of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is that when ureaplasma is detected, the gynecologist has to choose between two dangerous consequences:

    • If ureaplasmosis in a pregnant woman is not treated, then there is a risk that the child will be born sick immediately or the infection will manifest itself later.
    • If ureaplasmosis is treated, and for this it is necessary to use a strong antibiotic, then the newborn can also expect consequences only caused by drugs. Antibiotics can also cause miscarriage.

    That is why gynecologists prescribe tests for ureaplasmosis when planning pregnancy and at the earliest possible date. If ureaplasma is detected before 6 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can have a safe medical abortion by planning a pregnancy after treatment.

    Danger for children

    In children infected by mothers, ureaplasmosis is activated with weak immunity. The immune system is quickly weakened by colds, congenital pathologies, malnutrition, living in a bad environment, etc. Ureaplasma is found in the lungs of premature babies with pneumonia, with respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Its isolation from the spinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) is described in the absence of pleocytosis, with meningitis, hemorrhages in the ventricles of the brain.

    It has been established that in children infected in utero with ureaplasma urealiticum, in the first 7 years of life, the level of nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is increased by almost 4 times. But at the same time, the determination of ureaplasma in a child without signs of pathology is not an indication for the appointment of an antibiotic. Treatment is carried out only with a manifest disease with the release of culture.

    When and what tests to take for ureaplasmosis

    A feature of ureaplasmosis is that it can be asymptomatic. That is why more often the infection is detected in the laboratory. An examination of ureaplasmosis is done if there are good reasons for this: the threat of abortion, before operations of the pelvic organs, infertility, miscarriage, etc.

    This disease is detected using the following methods:

    • serological method;
    • PCR (polymerase chain reaction);
    • bacterial seeding;
    • immunofluorescence reactions (RNIF, RPIF).

    For more accurate diagnosis, it is better to use several methods at the same time. This way you are more likely to have an infection. The most common and assigned primarily two options for analysis:

    • Bacterial seeding. It helps to identify the two types of virus (U. parvum and U. urealyticum) and to determine the amount as well as their sensitivity to certain antibiotics. For analysis, a smear is taken (from the cervix, urethra or vagina) and cultured.
    • PCR analysis, for which scrapings from mucous membranes or blood from a vein are used as the test material.

    Preparation for analysis

    For the serological diagnostic method, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach in the morning. Within 5-7 days, it is possible to determine the titer of antibodies of various classes. For the analysis to be accurate, it is not recommended to conduct it at a time when the patient is taking any medication. One or two days before the serological examination, fatty, “heavy” foods and alcohol should be excluded from the diet.

    When PCR diagnostics of ureaplasma in women, smears are taken from the vagina, urethra and cervical canal 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. Before taking the material, it is not recommended to douche, use vaginal ointments or suppositories. Men can be examined no earlier than 3 hours after urination, so that the pathogen is not "washed away" with urine. Before the analysis, patients are advised to refrain from sexual activity for a day or two.

    For bacteriological seeding for ureaplasma, women take smears from the vagina, cervical and urethra. In men, the urethral mucosa, prostate secretion and urine are examined. For research, morning urine is taken in a volume of 40-50 ml. Before the examination, it is recommended to refrain from sexual relations and alcohol. In this case, not only the pathogen itself is detected, but also its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined.

    Immunofluorescence reactions (RNIF, RPIF), in which swabs from the genitourinary tract are also examined. Preparation for them is similar to that recommended for bacterial culture and PCR diagnostics.

    Deciphering the analysis for ureaplasma

    Several types of tests are used to diagnose ureaplasmosis: a serological method, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), bacterial seeding for ureaplasma, immunofluorescence reactions (RNIF, RPIF).

    Interpretation of the results of the serological examination

    Serological examination of blood determines the presence of immunoglobulins in it. The decoding must indicate each of their types, since this is very important for diagnosis:

    • Presence of class M antibodies means that the disease is still in the developmental stage and a protective reaction to ureaplasma is being formed.
    • Detection of group G immunoglobulins indicates that the infection has been in the body for a long time, Sometimes a positive result can persist even after recovery, Sometimes the presence of G-antibodies indicates that the disease has already been cured, for example, when taking antibiotics for another disease.

    In addition to the presence of immunoglobulins, their quantity is also indicated in the analysis. If the result is negative, there are no antibodies in the tests.

    Deciphering the PCR analysis

    In this case, the analysis indicates whether Ureaplasma urealiticum is detected. This method is very accurate, but its implementation requires accuracy and experience. If the analysis is performed incorrectly, or poor-quality reagents are used, its result may be false positive or false negative.

    With a deeper localization of the pathogen (ovaries, uterus) or the use of antibiotics, the PRC study may not diagnose the presence of ureaplasma even if it is present.

    Interpretation of bacterial culture results

    The material is sown in a nutrient medium, while the maximum concentration of microorganisms should not exceed 10 * 4 CFU / 1 ml. (ureaplasma 10 to 4 degrees is the norm). This type of research also makes it possible to identify the resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics. Which antibiotic will help with ureaplasma is indicated as a result. But the name of a group of antibiotics is not yet a cure! The drug for ureaplasma will be prescribed by a doctor, while he will take into account other types of pathogens that are found along with ureaplasmas.

    Interpretation of the results of RNIF, RPIF

    Reactions of direct and indirect immunofluorescence are positive and negative. In the first case, the pathogen is present in the body, and in the second case, it is absent. In doubtful cases, it is recommended to conduct several types of studies - this will give more accurate results.

    Features of the treatment of ureaplasmosis according to the results of the tests

    Based on the results of the tests, the doctor draws conclusions about the prescription of drugs. If ureaplasma is not detected or is present at an acceptable rate, no treatment is required. If the allowable indicators are exceeded on the basis of research, the doctor prescribes those antibiotics that are most suitable for this type of ureaplasma and concomitant infections - ureaplasmosis is rarely alone. Together with ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonococci and trichomonads, mycoplasma, gardnerella, human papillomavirus (HPV) and genital herpes are detected.

    Treatment of ureaplasmosis is carried out for both partners if they are infected. During this period, sexual contacts should be excluded or a condom should be used. In addition to antibiotics, drugs that increase immunity and physiotherapy are used. To prevent relapses, you need to eat right, normalize body weight, observe the daily routine, temper, be physically active.

    Where to take tests in St. Petersburg

    We invite you to take tests for any infections in our laboratory in St. Petersburg at 10 Zanevsky Prospekt. Based on the test results, an appointment with a urologist or gynecologist will cost only 500 rubles.

    To determine the conditionally pathogenic microorganism Ureaplasma, a Ureaplasma culture is taken with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. This is a highly informative analysis that allows you to select the appropriate antibiotic for treatment, but the result of this study must be evaluated in conjunction with the results of a comprehensive examination.

    In medicine, several varieties of this pathogen are distinguished, but Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealiticum are considered the most dangerous for human health, since they affect the genitourinary system of the body, and in some cases are based in lung tissues.

    Infection can only be determined with the help of a laboratory test, at the moment, modern research methods can detect the presence of an infection, as well as its amount. From the amount of the pathogen, the method of treatment is subsequently determined, if the norm is not exceeded, then therapy is carried out by means of immunomodulatory drugs.

    (urealytivum, parvum) can be transmitted sexually and through household contact. Causes inflammatory processes that can lead to serious consequences, such as:

    • termination of pregnancy (miscarriage);
    • pyelonephritis.

    Note that ureaplasma parvum is a type of urealiticum, therefore, in medicine, the same drugs are used to treat them.

    Tank sowing on ureaplasma is mainly carried out to diagnose the infection itself, and a clinical blood test is necessary to detect the body's antibodies to the pathogen. In addition to sowing, as a rule, a study is carried out for sensitivity to antibiotics. The antibiogram determines how antibacterial drugs affect certain microorganisms. This procedure is necessary because antibiotics are used very often, and many bacteria have adapted to the drugs. With the help of this study, you can check the sensitivity of microbes to all antibiotics.

    In order for the results of the analysis for ureaplasmosis to be accurate, the biological material is taken only under sterile conditions. The test material for women can be a smear from the vagina and cervix, for men - a smear from the urethra, urine is also cultured for ureaplasma.

    For further treatment, the agent that inhibits ureaplasma to a greater extent is determined.

    Analysis results

    When the number of colony-forming units is more than 104, then the result is positive, and this indicates the development of an infectious process in the internal genital organs.

    Note that sometimes the results of the analysis are not correct, since the ureaplasmas in the body may be in a state of persistence, that is, the microorganisms do not multiply. This can happen if there has been inadequate treatment with antibacterial drugs. In this regard, doctors do not recommend before the results of the analysis are received. In addition, after antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to undergo control tests at least 3 times with breaks of 1 month. It is especially important for women to do this, as they are at risk.

    The decoding of the analysis is complex. Before making a diagnosis, the attending physician is also based on what type of pathogen is found, what is its quantity, what is the level of development of the inflammatory process in the urogenital tract. Data of survey of the sick person and tool researches are important for the doctor. And for effective treatment, antibioticogram indicators are additionally taken into account.

    Thus, when ureaplasma is found in the body, it is imperative to start treatment, otherwise there is a risk of getting a chronic form of ureaplasmosis, which in turn can seriously harm health. And for proper and effective treatment, it is better to take tests for the sensitivity of the microbe to antibiotics.

    Bacteria that are present in the body of almost every person. In the analyzes they are found quite often, but this is not always an indicator of the presence of the disease.

    Ureaplasma is found in 30% of healthy women, but it should be borne in mind that these bacteria are often found with other pathogens, for example,.

    A culture tank for ureaplasma and mycoplasma can be prescribed in many cases - both for the diagnosis and for the treatment of diseases. Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are not sexually transmitted diseases, so this study may not be specially conducted.

    If there are no signs of inflammation and the presence of infections in the genital tract, this analysis is not specifically prescribed. Sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma if there are signs of inflammation, other pathogens are found.

    The essence of the method consists in the study of material from the urinary tract, which is placed in a special nutrient medium.

    In this bacteriological study, microbes are counted, and the titer of ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas to other pathogens is also counted.

    Initially, the collected crop is placed in a transport medium, from where it is transferred to a nutrient medium. In this medium, sowing is kept for three days, after which research and identification are carried out. DNA of microorganisms.

    To identify and make an accurate diagnosis, one sowing tank is not enough, most often additional studies are carried out and other tests are given.

    Why analysis is needed

    If a specialist has prescribed a culture for ureaplasma, what it is can be found out from a doctor. The essence of the analysis is the delivery of biomaterial, placing it in a nutrient medium and its further study.

    Tank seeding can be assigned to the patient in the following cases:

    Tank seeding for ureaplasma can be prescribed for non-carrying of pregnancy, frequent miscarriages, pathological pregnancies. The analysis should be carried out at both partners.

    If a seeding tank is prescribed to view the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, then it is carried out once in men and three times in female representatives.

    If sowing on ureaplasma and mycoplasma is prescribed (you can learn more about it from your doctor), then you should not neglect this analysis.

    Timely detection of infections and pathogenic bacteria will help to correctly prescribe treatment and get rid of possible problems.

    It is worth noting that the presence of ureaplasma and mycoplasma in the analyzes is not always a reason for panic and does not indicate 100% of the presence of the disease.

    Material for the study

    For this seeding tank, scrapings are taken from the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. The biomaterial is taken no earlier than two hours after urination. In women, the material is taken before or after menstruation. Scraping is taken from the vault of the urethra and from the walls of the vagina.

    In men, a scraping is done from the urethra, an additional analysis of seminal fluid is performed. The material for analysis is taken at least a day after sexual intercourse, that is, immediately before taking the analysis, it is necessary to refrain from sex.

    Analysis results

    The final results of the biological research carried out without fail include the following data:

    • the presence of microorganism DNA;
    • numerical value of microorganisms.

    10*4 CFU. If there is an inflammatory process, we can talk about the presence of the disease in excess of the norm. If there is no inflammation, then in this case the patient is more likely a carrier of ureaplasmosis.

    Based on the results of the study alone, the diagnosis is not made. The doctor conducts an examination, prescribes additional studies.

    Often, the seeding tank gives false results, since the ureaplasma is able to pass into the form of persistence and is not detected in the analysis.

    Therefore, you should not fully rely on this analysis. To obtain the most reliable results, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, and for women to pass the sowing tank three times.

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