Great psychological game "incredible journey". Game for evaluating commands "balloon" Test throw a dog out of a balloon

The breakdown into teams is based on the following criteria: 1-who is the Deepest in the group - the Wise? 2-who is the most Kind - Heartfelt - Compassionate?, 3 - the most Hard Worker - Hard Worker?, 4 - the most Wild Barbarian? (select these leaders)


How good it is to be among friends! Each team is now in the balloon basket. You rise above the ground, you can no longer see the faces below, houses become like children's blocks, roads turn into strings - and you fly under the clouds. You are flying over cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you are over the ocean. The ocean is restless, you can see the white caps of the waves from above, but what do you care about this, your balloon confidently carries you into the distance. But what is it? A small dot appears on the horizon, and this car is approaching! This is a giant eagle, he looks at you with evil eyes! It circles above you, soars over the ball, disappears from your field of vision - and suddenly you hear a squeal, scratching on the lining of the ball, blows and hissing. You have a rifle, one of you shoots for luck - and the eagle, losing blood, slowly slides to the side and down on its wide wings. But your ball also begins to lose height. The balloon's basket can float on the water, but if there is a storm, the balloon will capsize. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, there are several islands, apparently uninhabited. There is a chance to be saved if you get rid of unnecessary things and fly to the islands. But what to throw away? After all, some things may be useful to live on these islands, but no one knows how long they will have to live there. Nothing is known about the climate in these latitudes: it’s warm there now, but what is winter like?

Everyone opened their eyes and found themselves in their group. Everyone will now receive a list of things in the ball's basket, and will sequentially throw things away in order to fly to the island. The first number marks what you decide to throw out first, the second number – the second, 17 – what you decide to throw out last. The work is completely independent; you cannot discuss anything with your neighbors. All work is given 10 minutes. After everyone has made their choice, a task is given for the whole team:

“Death has surrounded you on all sides, the only hope is to fly to the island and survive on it. If you don’t throw anything away, you will fall and drown in the sea. If you make the mistake of throwing away the right thing, you will die. Throwing everything away at once is tantamount to death. Everyone has made their choice, now each team must develop a common decision, but not by voting, but by unanimous consent. If even one person is against it, the decision is not made. In this case, you lose time: you can die, you have 20 - 30 minutes. Previously, they decided that you would have more things left. After finishing the work, sum up the results and find out whose individual decision will be closer to the group one. Then we will find out whose individual decision was the wisest or who is best at convincing others.” Team work lasts 30 minutes.

If there is bickering in groups, then it is necessary to intervene: “everyone has closed their eyes. Time has stopped. You are observing the situation from the side. A holey balloon hangs over the sea. The blue sea is choppy, it’s easy to turn over in a basket, and big hungry sharks are impatiently waiting for this moment. And there are conversations going on in the basket, and the longer they go on, the lower the basket falls. I wonder if these people will be able to survive? And on whom does it depend? Time starts again. We work

Those groups that came up with a solution first make up the list of discussion winners. It's done like this. Everyone has their own list, and there is a group-wide list. For each item it is necessary to calculate the difference module. If on item 1 someone has a rank of 3, and the group put it in 5th place, then on this item the difference is 2. By adding up this difference between the individual and general decision on each item, it is easy to determine how far the overall decision of one was from group, and compare whose decision was closer to the group one. You can discuss with the group: what is more important in their opinion - the ability to prove that you are right or to work as a whole to save the group. It is important to discuss everyone’s contribution to the discussion: which of us saved and vice versa (whoever you flew with).

List of things

1. Bowls, mugs, spoons………………………….9 kg

2. Rocket launcher with flares…………..6 kg

3. Maps and compass...................2 kg

4. Canned meat...................................................20 kg

5. 5.Axes, knives, shovels..................................12 kg

6. Canister with drinking water...................................20 l

7. Cotton wool, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green......7 kg

8. Rifle with a supply of cartridges.......................30kg

9. Chocolate........................................................ .......10 kg

10. Gold, diamonds...................................25 kg

11. Big dog...................................55 kg

12. Fishing tackle............................................1 kg

13. Dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo...3 kg

14. Salt, sugar, set of vitamins........................9 kg

15. Medical alcohol...................................10 l

(team) game that promotes group cohesion, leadership, and the leader's ability to support the effectiveness of his team. Students learn to distribute roles and functional responsibilities within their group, develop group norms, and strive for group unanimity. The game creates an awareness of the importance of group cohesion and the ability to effectively overcome controversial and conflict situations. Using this game as an example, you can trace the stages of team formation.

Game procedure
This game can be played without breaking into teams, but if the number of players is more than 20, you should split into teams. The breakdown is usually arbitrary, but groups can be formed according to certain criteria: the group of “Wise Men”, “Humanists”. “Hard workers”, “Wild barbarians”, etc. It is possible that leaders are chosen separately among boys and girls. Then the team will be formed around them. Both leaders then form their teams.
Introduction to the game situation
The presenter says: “It’s so good to be among friends! Each team is now in the balloon basket. You rise above the ground, you can no longer see the faces below, houses become like children's blocks, roads turn into strings - and you fly under the clouds. You are flying over cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you are over the ocean. The ocean is restless, you can see the white caps of the waves from above, but what do you care about this, your balloon confidently carries you into the distance. But what is it? A small dot appears on the horizon, and this dot is approaching! This is a giant eagle, he looks at you with evil eyes! It circles above you, soars over the ball, disappears from your field of vision - and suddenly you hear a squeal, scratching on the lining of the ball, blows and hissing. You have a rifle, one of you shoots at random - and the wounded eagle slowly slides to the side and down. But your ball also begins to lose height. The balloon's basket can float on the water, but if there is a storm, the balloon will capsize. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, there are several islands, apparently uninhabited. There is a chance to escape if you get rid of unnecessary things and fly to the islands. But what to throw away? After all, some things may be useful to live on these uninhabited islands, but no one knows how long they will have to live there. Nothing is known about the climate in these latitudes: it’s warm now, but what is winter like?

Everyone opened their eyes and found themselves in their group. Everyone will now learn a list of things in the ball’s basket, and will sequentially “throw away” things in order to fly to the island. The first number marks what you decide to throw out first, the second number – the second, the fifteenth number – what you decide to throw out last. The work is completely independent. You can't discuss anything with your neighbors. There should be items in the basket whose total weight is no more than 100 kg. You have 10 minutes to do the whole job.”

List of things in the ball basket:

1) bowls, mugs, spoons (9 kg);

2) flare gun with signal flares (6 kg);

3) geographical maps and compass (2 kg);

4) canned meat (20 kg);

5) axes, knives, shovels (12 kg);

6) canister with drinking water (20 l);

7) bandages, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green (7 kg);

8) rifle with a supply of cartridges (30 kg);

9) chocolate (10 kg);

10) gold, diamonds (25 kg);

11) large dog (55 kg);

12) fishing tackle (1 kg);

13) dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo (3 kg);

14) salt, sugar, set of vitamins (9 kg);

15) medical alcohol (10 l).

After everyone has made their choice, the next task is given to the whole team.

Presenter: “You are facing death, the only hope is to fly to the island and survive on it. If you don’t throw anything away, you will fall and drown in the sea. If you make the mistake of throwing away the right thing or everything at once, you will die. Everyone has made their choice, now each team must develop a common decision, but not by voting, but by unanimous consent. If at least one person is “against”, the decision is not made. At the same time, do not waste time: you can die, you have 15–20 minutes. After finishing your work, sum up the results, in particular, find out whose individual decision was closer to the group one. Then we will find out whose individual decision was the wisest or who is best at convincing others.”

Team work for 20 minutes. Those groups that made a decision in fewer minutes make up a list of discussion winners. It's done like this. Everyone has their own list and a group list. For each item, you need to calculate the module of the difference, i.e. if for item 1 (circles, etc.) Vasya has rank 3 (he decides to throw it out third in line), and the group put it in 5th place, then for this item the difference is 2; if Vasya had this item in 5th place, and the group in 2nd place, the difference would be 3. By adding up this difference between the individual and general decision on each item, it is easy to determine how far Vasya’s decision as a whole was from the group’s , and compare whose solution was closer to the group one. If the group failed to complete the task ahead of schedule, the determination of the winners can be skipped, but this moment is very interesting for the players. If possible, it is worth discussing with the group what, in their opinion, is more important - the ability to prove that you are right or to work as a whole to save the group?

In fact, it is important to discuss the progress of the discussion and everyone's contribution to it. What is the overall strategy, who contributed what, who saved the group, and who did the opposite? You definitely need to set aside 10 minutes for this. If this moment is missed, then for students everything that happened will turn out to be just an exciting adventure game, but not a life lesson.

Business game “Desert Island”

This game allows you to diagnose relationships, likes and dislikes, and identify leaders between team members; provide an opportunity to demonstrate the personal qualities of players (courage, wisdom, cruelty, irresponsibility, creativity, stubbornness, good spirits, mediocrity, etc.); show how the laws of human society are built, what is accidental in them, and what is born of the requirements of life itself. Usually four teams of 6–8 people play in parallel (“Wise Men”, “Humanists”, “Hard Workers”, “Wild Barbarians”). The order of the game.

The game continues for 60–90 minutes until one or two teams complete the game. During the game, discussions are held every 15 minutes (for this, each team receives questions). For example:

Culture- a concept that reflects symbolic, non-biological, that is, acquired aspects of the life of human society. Culture includes language, customs, and agreed upon traditions (conventions). The subject of cultural anthropology (as opposed to physical anthropology) is the analysis of the culture of human societies.

International organizations– these are supranational institutions whose purpose is to regulate and monitor the most important processes of the international economy. Currently, there are already more than one hundred international organizations, varying in composition, size, functions, and influence on the international economy.

Management – ​​1. The area of ​​management and economic activity that ensures the rational management of economic processes, the organization of management systems and its improvement in accordance with the tasks of socio-economic development.

2. The process of optimizing human activity by developing solutions for managing material and financial resources; an art that requires constant creativity.

Manager- this is a specialist who is hired to organize and manage some area to carry out management activities.

Methodology of sociological research– an integral part and special area of ​​sociological knowledge, containing a set of principles and methods of organizing, developing and evaluating theoretical and empirical sociological knowledge, a system of norms and regulations for conducting sociological research.

Social management methods– a set of methods of targeted influence on: 1) individual employees; 2) a separate group; 3) a whole team. At each of these three levels, management faces specific problems, and therefore develops appropriate methods; Some of them are applicable in each of the three cases, the use of others is limited to any one of them.

Group discussion method– a method of group work to solve problems, which, by providing in-depth study of available information and different points of view on a given problem, thereby contributes to the development of a solution adequate to the given situation. M. g. d. increases the involvement of participants in the process of this decision, which increases the likelihood of its implementation.

Learning organizationn) – a trend in organizational behavior in the 90s of the 20th century, based on the recognition of the value of knowledge for the growth of competitive advantages. Organizational knowledge is contained in the products of human activity (equipment, databases, design), in organizational structures (roles, reward systems, procedures) and people (skills, values, beliefs, practices).

Education– a system of organizations and individuals carrying out educational activities. Receiving an education appears as participation in educational activities as a recipient of transferred knowledge.

Educational policy– an integral part of state policy, a set of theoretical ideas, goals and objectives, practical measures for the development of education. O. p. is a system of economic, organizational, social and other measures with direct and feedback connections between its constituent elements.

Educational program determines the content of education at a certain level and focus. General education and professional educational programs are being implemented in the Russian Federation. OPs are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, and also at creating the basis for conscious choice and mastery of professional OPs.

Educational institution- an organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-profit nature, financed by him in whole or in part. An institution is considered educational if it carries out the educational process, i.e., implements one or more educational programs and (or) ensures the maintenance and education of students.

Public goods– goods that have the properties of non-rivalry and non-excludability in consumption. Non-rivalry means that adding an additional consumer does not reduce the utility of the others.

Public opinion– a set of judgments and assessments that characterize the consolidated attitude of mass consciousness to the most significant and actualized problems, events and facts of economics, politics, culture, public life, influencing the content and nature of the political process.

Organizational behavior. The emergence of the concept is usually associated with the report of R. Gordon and D. Howell (1959), in which the authors, based on an analysis of the results of surveys of students and teachers of business schools, came to the conclusion that studying psychology is not enough for future practicing managers and that it is necessary to create such an academic discipline , which would cover a wide range of issues relating to the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations.

Orientation of group members towards the task or towards themselves (task oriented behavior or self orientedbehavior). American psychologist Edgar Schein (1998) described task- and performance-oriented and self-oriented behaviors in both individuals and subgroups. With the help of these types of behavior, employees demonstrate mechanisms for the distribution and redistribution of roles in the group.

Social indicators– quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state, trends and directions of social development, used in management and planning to assess the compliance of the actual state of affairs in society with scientifically based requirements.

Organization policy- a system of rules in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people included in this system act. In the context of human resource management, it is necessary to consider personnel policies. However, P. o. is closely related to financial and foreign economic policy. This approach is typical for large private Western companies and the public service system.

Political orientations– people’s ideas about the goals of political activity that meet their needs and the means of achieving these goals that are acceptable to them. By. are formed as a result of processes occurring in the field of socio-political psychology and determining the direction of people’s socio-political behavior. By. differ from ideological and political concepts, party programs and movements studied by political science, the history of social and political thought.

Sociological Research Program– a statement of theoretical and methodological premises, a general concept in accordance with the main goals of the work being undertaken and research hypotheses, indicating the rules of procedure, as well as the logical sequence of operations for testing hypotheses. Development of P. s. And. begins with the formulation of a problem situation as a certain contradiction between awareness of a scientific, cognitive or practical need and ignorance of ways to satisfy it.

Vocation– a synthetic characteristic expressing the degree of satisfaction with one’s work. Max Weber defined labor as a system of thinking in which work becomes an absolute end in itself. Such an attitude towards work is not, however, a property of human nature; Such an orientation can only develop as a result of a long process of education.

Profession- (lat. “I declare my business”) means that for each person, work appears in the form of a limited sphere of activity that requires certain preparation. Of the number of factors that determine P.’s choice: the presence of abilities and individual inclination for a certain type of activity, high pay, P.’s prestige, family traditions, social environment, any one can become decisive.

Management style- this is a set of techniques, the manager’s manner of behavior towards subordinates, which makes it possible to force them to do what is currently necessary in order to achieve a certain result.

Human capital theory. Human capital is the stock of knowledge, skills, and motivations available to everyone. Investments in it can be education, accumulation of professional experience, health care, geographic mobility, information search.

Although the main contribution to the popularization of the idea of ​​human capital was made by T. Schultz, the treatise of the same name by G. Becker became a classic of modern economic thought.

Intelligence testing– measurement of individual intellectual abilities to solve theoretical and practical problems. In psychology, there are many models of intelligence, which imply different approaches to testing it.

Most of the early concepts and tests of intelligence were developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Tests– one of the most common and practically effective methods of psychological diagnostics. Completing tests requires updating some generalized skills that are important in human activity (educational, professional, sports, etc.).

Employment contract- an agreement between the employer and the employee concerning the future work of this employee at the enterprise. An employer can be an individual or legal entity (organization) that has entered into an employment relationship with an employee. In cases established by federal laws, the employer may be another entity with the right to conclude etc.

Control is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve the goals of an organization. Control is the conscious, purposeful activity of a person, with the help of which he organizes and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment, society, technology, and living nature. Management should be aimed at success and survival. In management there is always a subject - the one who exercises control, and an object - the one who is controlled by the actions of the subject of control, i.e. U.'s main task is to organize the work of other people. Management is distinguished between technical systems, economic, and social management, during which various relationships between people are regulated.

Educational management– the process of planning, organization, motivation and control necessary to formulate and achieve the goals set by society in the field of education. Structure of the industry vertical of the U. o. includes the federal Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), regional ministries and departments, district departments.

Sustainable competitive advantage (sustainable competitive advantage) – the long-term benefit of implementing a unique strategy aimed at creating value that is not currently used by existing or potential competitors and which cannot be copied.

Social fact- a single socially significant event or a certain set of homogeneous events, typical for a particular sphere of material life or characteristic of certain social processes.

Rating scales– sets of assessments that are given to specific acts of behavior. Distributed along the appropriate continuum, such assessments (reflecting the criteria embodied in such a scale) can be either sharply negative, or socially neutral (the norm), or maximally positive. The social assessment of individual actions is predetermined by an objectively existing set of their stereotypes included in the system of norms, values, ideals, etc.

Experiment- a form of knowledge of objective reality in science, in which phenomena are studied using purposefully selected or artificially created controlled conditions that ensure the occurrence in their pure form and accurate measurement of those processes, the observation of which is necessary to establish regular connections between phenomena.

Natural experiment- a type of experiment in which the researcher’s intervention in the natural course of events is minimized. The researcher looks for a suitable situation where the experimental factor would be in maximum isolation from other factors, and observes the development of events, recording (as far as possible) their main characteristics before and after the factor under study comes into play.

Innovative experiment– diagnostics of innovation by trial innovation. In broad social terms, E. and. acts as a mechanism for the transition of organizational, socio-economic systems from one state to another: it reduces the risk threshold, weakens the effect of secondary consequences, justifies future innovations, and determines the direction of development. Diagnostic function of E. and. acts as an identification of problems in the implementation of an innovation, as an assessment of the feasibility of an innovation and its effectiveness.

Hawthorne experiment- a series of famous studies conducted in the USA during 1924–1932. at the Hawthorne enterprises (Chicago) and had a huge influence on all subsequent development of industrial sociology. The research was led by Professor E. Mayo, who then headed the department of industrial relations research at the Graduate School of Business Administration at Harvard University.

Business Ethics– a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in one of the spheres: social and professional life, professional activity. E.d.o. is based on universal human norms and rules of behavior, but has some distinctive features. The professional role of any employee of an organization is integrally connected with his compliance with ethical standards of relationships with his external environment (colleagues, subordinates, clients and partners). Compliance with E. d. o. – one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.

Leader Ethics- a system of norms of moral behavior of a leader, based both on understanding and taking into account the psychology of employees, and on personality education, management culture and the ability to manage one’s feelings and emotions in the process of personal relationships between the leader and subordinates, senior managers and colleagues.

Etiquette- a set of rules concerning the external manifestation of attitudes towards people. These rules are largely determined by the specific conditions in which interpersonal communication occurs.

Speech etiquette– rules of speech behavior in the service. They distinguish E. r. conducting business conversations, meetings, public speaking and writing business letters. E. r. includes stable forms of address, presentation of requests, expressions of gratitude, methods of argumentation taking into account the current situation, etc.

Official etiquette– a system of personal relationships between a manager and subordinates, superiors and colleagues. The defining principle of E. s. – cooperation and mutual understanding. E. s. ensures the establishment of personal contacts, facilitates resolution of business issues, and creates a favorable social and psychological atmosphere in the team.


1. Reznik S. D., Igoshina I. A., Shesternina O. I. Organizational behavior (workshop: business games, tests, specific situations): textbook / M.: INFRA-M, 2012. 320 p.

2. Zaitsev L. G., Sokolova M. I. Organizational behavior: textbook / M.: Economist, 2006. 665 p.

3. Situational analysis, or Anatomy of the Case Method / Ed. Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Yu. P. Surmina Kyiv: Center for Innovation and Development, 2002. 286 p.

4. Bagiev G. L., Naumov V. N. Organization of practical classes in marketing. Case method. St. Petersburg, 1997. 89 p.

5. Reznik S. D. Organizational behavior: a textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2011. 460 p.

Recommended reading

  1. Richard L., Daft. Organization theory: A textbook for university students studying in the specialty “Organization Management”. M.: UNITY – DANA, 2009. 736 p.

  2. Kartasheva L.V. Organizational behavior: Proc. allowance. M.: INFRA-M. 157 p.

  3. Lutens F. Organizational behavior: trans. from English 7th ed. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. 692 p.

  4. Spivak V. A. Corporate culture. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 352 p.

  5. Organizational behavior: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., add. and processed / Ed. G. R. Latfullina, O. N. Gromova. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. 464 p.


  1. Brooks Ya. Organizational behavior: individuals, groups and organization: textbook / Per p. English V. L. Doblaev. 3rd ed. M.: Business and Service, 2008. 464 p.

  2. Vesnin V. R. Organization theory: textbook. M.: TK Velby; Prospect, 2008. 272 ​​p.

  3. Vikhansky O. S. Strategic management: textbook. 2nd ed. M.: Economist, 2008. 296 p.

  4. Lapygin Yu. N. Theory of organizations: Textbook. allowance. M.: INFRA-M, 2010. 311 p.

  5. Milner B.Z. Organization Theory: Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. 797 p.

  6. Reznik S. D. Organizational behavior: Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. 430 p.

  7. Vasiliev G. A., Deeva E. M. Organizational behavior: Proc. manual for universities. M., 2005.

  8. Krasovsky Yu. D. Organizational behavior: Proc. manual for universities. M., 2004.

  9. Arsenyev Yu. N., Shelobaev S. I., Davydova T. Yu. Organizational behavior: Proc. manual for universities. 2005.

  10. Reznik S. D. Organizational behavior (workshop: business games, tests, specific situations): Textbook. manual for universities. M., 2006.

  11. Oxynoid K.E. Organizational behavior: textbook. for universities. M., 2009.

  12. Aliev V. G., Dokholyan S. V. Organizational behavior: Proc. for universities. M., 2004. 310 p.


  • teach how to make collective decisions under conditions of uncertainty;
  • develop effective interaction skills;
  • teach cooperation.


  • making individual decisions;
  • developing a collective decision in groups;
  • discussion;
  • analysis of results and summing up.

Time. 1 class hour.

Information for game participants. “Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition, returning in a hot air balloon after completing scientific research. You carried out aerial photography of uninhabited islands. All the work has been completed successfully, and you are already preparing to meet your family and friends. You are flying over the ocean. The nearest plot of land is 500-550 km. But the unexpected happened: for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the balloon’s shell through which gas escapes. The ball began to descend. You immediately threw overboard all the bags of ballast (sand) that were stored in the balloon gondola for this occasion. The fall slowed for a while, but did not stop. After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall at the same, rather high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the gondola to discuss the situation. You need to decide what and in what order to throw overboard in order to ultimately land on the ground alive.

The following items remained in the gondola:

1) rope – 50 m;

2) first aid kit with medicines – 5 kg;

3) hydraulic compass – 6 kg;

4) canned meat and fish – 20 kg;

5) sextant (device for determining location by stars) – 5 kg;

6) a rifle with an optical sight and a supply of ammunition - 25 kg; 7) various sweets – 20 kg;

8) sleeping bags (one for each crew member);

9) flare gun with a set of flares – 8 kg;

10) 10-person tent – ​​20 kg;

11) oxygen cylinder – 50 kg;

12) set of geographical maps – 25 kg;

13) canister with drinking water – 20 l;

14) transistor receiver – 3 kg;

15) rubber inflatable boat – 25 kg.

Your task is to decide what and in what order you should throw away. First, each participant in the game makes an individual decision. Then teams of 5-7 people are created (depending on the number of participants in the game) and each team discusses the problem situation and develops a collective solution.”

Rules of the game:

  • Decisions cannot be made by voting.
  • You cannot calculate percentages: who is “for” and who is “against”.
  • You cannot “put pressure” on your partner (“do as I said!”).
  • It is advisable to achieve consensus through negotiations, and in case of conflict of opinions, a compromise.
  • Any crew member can express their opinion.
  • The number of statements made by one person is not limited.
  • The decision is considered made only when all crew members agree with it.
  • If at least one crew member objects to this decision, it is not accepted and the group must look for a new way out or new argumentation and persuasion technologies.
  • Decisions must be made regarding the entire list of objects and things.
  • When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. In the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part (for example, all the candy or sleeping bags, and not half).
  • The time available to the crew is unknown. How long the decline will continue largely depends on how quickly the participants in the game make a collective decision.
  • If an agreement cannot be reached, the crew will “die.”

The order of the game. After making decisions in groups, their presentation and justification begin, then during the discussion the most acceptable solution for the current extreme situation is developed (objects and things remain in the gondola to signal their plight and to support their physical condition).

Debriefing. At the end of the discussion, the presenter sums up the game. To determine the effectiveness of interaction, you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

What contributed to success:

  • level of competence of game participants;
  • constructiveness of interaction;
  • culture of controversy;
  • commonality of goals (individual and group);
  • effectiveness of using interaction strategies (compromise, concession, cooperation);
  • clear organization of discussion;
  • ability to listen to partners;
  • desire to win.

What prevented the team from working effectively:

  • poor competence in the significance and possibilities of the subjects discussed in the current situation;
  • ineffective interaction strategies (competition, avoiding disputes, yielding to aggressive partners);
  • the prevalence of personal goals (to pursue one’s line, to show oneself) over group goals;
  • weak leadership of the discussion by a formal leader or the absence of one;
  • low culture of argument, poor verbalization skills;
  • undeveloped emotional culture.

To complete the game, it is advisable for each team to formulate a lesson to be learned for the future.

psychological exercises for training

business games, exercises:

Game "Balloon Journey"

Purpose of the game: provide the opportunity to observe in a group the processes occurring during the discussion and adoption of a collective decision.

  1. Invite the game participants to choose a profession: (doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, etc. Ask one participant to be an observer).
  2. All participants in the game are asked to imagine that they are members of the same crew in a hot air balloon. The ball begins to fall and there is very little time left until it falls into the sea. To prevent this from happening, someone must jump out of the basket.
  3. The group must make a general decision about who will jump out of the basket, based on which of them would be less useful if the balloon lands on a desert island.
  4. After the discussion is completed, the group's work is evaluated.

The expert reports his observations on the course of the discussion: the use of compelling arguments, arguments in defense of “his” profession, the ability to listen to each other, “authoritarian manners,” etc.

good exercise, all processes in the group can be diagnosed)))
I conducted this exercise with teenagers from 14 to 15 and a half years old. Instead of debate, we kept slipping into the topic of imminent death and its inevitability. Moreover, if the team has already been formed, there is a high probability of a choice based on personal likes and dislikes. :(
A completely non-ecological exercise. Without association with specific members of the group, everything would have gone well.
I carried out the unrelated option myself. Quite brutal, but bearable.
My opinion is that the goal is not clearly defined.
In this form it looks like a training program for young Nazis.
I ask the author not to be offended, it’s just that my own practice has shown the inapplicability of this exercise in a youth audience with the successful projection of positions onto the participants.

For Konstantin. There is a more humane version of this exercise and it is fully consistent with achieving the above goal. If you're interested, I can print it.
Anna, I will be very grateful to you if you publish it!
interesting game! played on the teaching staff at the Moscow Region, but in a slightly different interpretation
The game goes well with adults.
damn, the game is very cool.
What matters here is how the coach works with the dynamics of the group.

Tatyana Dmitrievna
At one of the seminars, I took part in this game, only the condition was different: a group of 8-12 people are announced that they are flying in a hot air balloon in real time (the situation is as close to reality as possible). The ball begins to fall and one VOLUNTEER must jump overboard to save the others. The presenter escalates the situation until someone makes up their mind, and then asks this person questions:
1. What in your life are you losing by jumping now?
2. What are you getting rid of?
3. What would you like to say to those remaining?
3. What pushes you to take this step?
The person leaves the circle and the situation repeats until one of the group members says stop or until 1 person remains.
An exercise to realize the value of your life, your purpose. Very strong!

Psychologists recommend carrying out this type of exercise with caution.
An interesting exercise, of course, but for a very strong trainer. Especially the option with a volunteer.
I wonder if this game will be suitable for teenagers who are registered with the KDN?
I think the exercise needs to be adapted for one group or another. it's very strong. and you have to be careful with it.
Well, let's see this game in action tomorrow, then I'll report back
Julia, how was the game?)
Yulia was thrown out of a balloon

SG, why are you talking about Yulia like that?
I played the same game with students. I just focused on the ability to argue, prove... and the children chose roles from children's cartoons. Everyone liked it very much and no one felt any fear or horror. On the contrary, they joked and tried to give as many arguments as possible why he should stay on this ball.
I also had a great time with my students.
And now I decided to spend it in an orphanage with teenagers, but I read the comments and am somehow afraid now.

We had it at the university. Everyone liked it, it left a lot of impressions and thoughts! Yes, you definitely have to adapt to the group, it won’t suit everyone.
it doesn’t go too badly for argumentation, but I changed it to “the ball should go to create a new civilization, there are 6 of you and 4 places”
I was involved in something similar. At the training for psychologists, we were divided into threes who had to fight for a place in a boat (one!) in the ocean. Watching the second three, I clearly understood that I would drown myself and persuade my neighbor to drown herself. And it will be pure suicide and murder. All my psychosomatics were evident. She asked me to stop the exercise because... everything is clear: it is suitable for business (intense competition), for us simple educational psychologists... After such a shake-up, I give instructions like “You are an angel flying somewhere above something. You see those in distress... You are angels of life and do a small miracle... You send a lifeboat (raft, boat, rescue ship) to help. It can have time to pick up 5 (6) people, but it simply won’t have time to gather the rest, because your forces are still small, and the unfortunate ones are too scattered. Who will be closer to your boat, whom you can help, desperately flapping wings, albeit childish, but capable of help. And in the end, we make sure to pronounce the right to life of outsiders. Once I had a priest and a psychologist on the list. The youngster immediately said that everything the psychologist will understand, but the priest himself will refuse the place. Being an angel is somehow easier.
I now have a group of 25 people. I prepare them as specialized volunteers. A week later there is an event in which only 5 of them can take part. They know this, but everyone wants to compete for these places. Age 15-17 years. I will play a game for them based on the real situation. Each will have the task of convincing the others that they are worthy, while they themselves must determine who will be in this top five. I think that the group will determine what qualities these people should have and what they personally lack to be in the top five.

I'll do it and post the results :)

There is a similar game "Desert Island". They also made an interesting film about students, how they took part in a similar game, very informative. I just don't remember the name.
Thurman Uniom
Production of LED displays for sports, tickers, displays for gas stations

Purpose of the game: provide the opportunity to observe in a group the processes occurring during the discussion and adoption of a collective decision.

    Invite the game participants to choose a profession: (doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, etc. Ask one participant to be an observer).

    All participants in the game are asked to imagine that they are members of the same crew in a hot air balloon. The ball begins to fall and there is very little time left until it falls into the sea. To prevent this from happening, someone must jump out of the basket.

    The group must make a general decision about who will jump out of the basket, based on which of them would be less useful if the balloon lands on a desert island.

    After the discussion is completed, the group's work is evaluated.

The expert reports his observations on the course of the discussion: the use of compelling arguments, arguments in defense of “his” profession, the ability to listen to each other, “authoritarian manners,” etc.

Business game “Golden Nuts”

Guidelines for conducting: The business game is aimed at developing the skills of verbal and non-verbal forms of business communications among its participants.

To play the game, the group is divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. These teams must disperse to different rooms and have no opportunity to communicate with each other until the start of the game. Team members are prohibited from exchanging written role descriptions.

Members of each team are given a description of one of two roles. The time for familiarization with the role is limited by the teacher and is set within 20 minutes. This time should be used to read the material and discuss the overall line of negotiation with the other team.

To conduct negotiations, each team must nominate one negotiator. These negotiators will conduct direct verbal negotiations with each other.

Teams are also warned that during negotiations between their representatives, team members may not make any oral comments or give verbal instructions or prompts to the negotiators.

At the same time, however, it is allowed to write and transmit notes to the negotiators, which they can use during negotiations.

Any of the teams can contact the teacher with a request to interrupt negotiations and appoint a new negotiator.

Negotiations are held in a common audience where both teams gather. Negotiators should be provided with a negotiating table set up so that it is visible to all participants. Teams should be seated in such a way as to exclude the possibility of oral communication during negotiations (preferably behind the backs of their negotiators). The exchange of notes between teams is also prohibited.

The negotiation time usually does not exceed 20 minutes. Thus, the game takes one academic hour (45 minutes).

Role No. 1 Golden nuts Pill Company History

You work for a new pharmaceutical company, Pill, which arose from scratch several years ago. All employees of your company previously formed the backbone of one of the secondary laboratories of the All-Russian Research Institute "Chemical Defense" - a large research institute owned by the Ministry of Defense.

Your former laboratory at the All-Russian Research Institute "Khimzashchita" was engaged in purely civilian developments, to which the management did not attach much importance, because the budget financed the work of only “core” laboratories, and you worked under contracts with pharmaceutical companies. Some of your promising developments were collecting dust on the shelves - you could not prove to management that you were doing the right thing...

The transformation of the economy has created conditions for private entrepreneurial activity. The entire “team” left VNII and created a private company, Pill LLC. The “oldest” employee, your director, is only 35 years old.

The personal savings of the LLC employees were enough for the authorized capital, obtaining the appropriate license and renting premises. Old developments were successfully implemented at a large pharmaceutical enterprise, and the proceeds were used to purchase special equipment necessary for new research and development.

Not so long ago, your company developed a new unique drug X for the treatment of Dips disease. This insidious disease occurs during pregnancy and leads to the death of the newborn 2 weeks after birth. Timely (24 hours after birth) administration of drug X ensures complete cure in newborns. Moreover, vaccination of pregnant women reliably protects the fetus from the possibility of acquiring Dips disease. This is a pioneering invention - no other country in the world has anything like Drug X.