British Bulldog is a game competition in the English language. British Bulldog - game competition in English Bulldog English language Olympiad results

We present to your attention questions and answers to the British Bulldog competition for 2015-2016 for grades 7-8.
Listen text :

Listen to the text and find the correct variants

1. Which country were the wolves brought to the park from?
Possible answers:
A) Canada B) Russia
C) Sweden D) Australia

2. By 2005, there were already thirteen... of wolves in the park.
Possible answers:
A) tribes B) packs
C) prides D) flocks

3. There are... grizzly bears in the park.
A) six hundred B) three hundred and twenty six
C) thirty thousand D) thirty five

4. Their animal population in the park is the largest.
A) Grizzly bears B) Wolves
C) Elk D) Mountain lions

5. Their animal population in the park is the smallest.
A) Wolves B) Grizzly bears C) Mountain lions D) Elk

Let's see how to make such snowflakes out of paper.

6. Many fires in the park are the result of….
A) thunder B) lightning C) earthquakes D) wind

7. … fires are started by people usually by accident.
A) Six B) About 35 C) Six to ten D) Ten

8. Some trees even... to forest fires.
A) use B) adapted C) are not used D) used

9. The heat of fire helps these trees to disperse their seeds.
A) Fir trees B) Oak trees

10. These trees sprout from their roots.
A) Fir trees B) Oak trees
C) Aspen trees D) Lodgepole pine trees

Read the letter and fill in the missing words
Dear John,
… (11) I last wrote to you I thought … (12) I would be staying with some friends of … (13) in London … (14) house is on the Thames. Unfortunately, they were away at the time… (15)

I wanted to stay with them, ... (16) was a shame. … (17) happened next was lucky for me because I met a nice Italian boy at the station … (18) recommended a wonderful hotel in the center of London to me. I’ve also met a French girl … (19) staying at the same hotel and we are going to see the sights together. I'll phone you... (20) I get back.
Love, Michelle.

11. A) When B) Why C) That D) Who
12. A) who B) that C) which D) with whom
13. A) my B) mine C) me D) I
14. A) who’s B) which C) whose D) that
15. A) that B) who C) where D) why
16. A) which B) who C) whose D) whom
17. A) Who B) When C) That D) What
18. A) whom B) who C) which D) whose
19. A) whose B) who C) which D) who’s
20. A) where B) why C) when D) that

Choose the correct answer

21. I’m sorry, she’s not here. She… on holiday this week.
A) had been B) had gone C) has been D) has gone

22. Ann doesn’t like coffee. Her mother doesn’t like it… .
A) too B) also C) as well D) either

23. He... to do his homework.
A) hasn’t B) didn’t C) don’t have D) doesn’t have

24. I don’t think my driving is ... to pass the test.
A) good enough B) good enough
C) well enough D) well enough

25. My watch… in the station last Saturday.
A) was robbed B) has been robbed
C) was stolen D) has been stolen

26. Before last week’s competition, he… three medals.
A) had already won B) already wins
C) has already won D) had already been winning

27. I wish I…curly hair like my sister.
A) had B) has C) have D) have had

28. Both Mike and his friends…at school.
A) study B) studies C) studying D) studys

29. Neither Ann nor her sister … the answer.
A) know B) knows C) knowing D) didn’t know

30. In summer Ann worked … a waitress at the local caf?.
A) like B) on C) in D) as

What is he like? Find the correct answer

31. He is a lady killer.
A) He kills ladies B) He is indifferent to ladies
C) He hates ladies D) He is attractive to women

32. He is a butter fingers.
A) He likes butter B) He is clumsy with objects
C) He has 5 fingers D) His fingers are in butter

33. He is a couch potato.
A) He likes potatoes B) He lives a sedentary lifestyle
C) He likes his couch D) He wants to buy a couch

34. He is a killjoy.
A) He is cheerful B) He is a soul of the company C) He is funny D) He ruins someone else’s fun

35. He is a lazy bones.
A) He is active B) He often breaks his legs or arms
C) He is indifferent D) He is unwilling to do anything

36. He has a sweet tooth.
A) He has uneven teeth B) He has a strong liking for sweet foods
C) He has even teeth D) He has a set of false teeth

37. He is a chatterbox.
A) He has a nice box B) He is a very talkative person
C) He is an introvert D) He has a special gadget

38. He is a sleepyhead.
A) He has a headache B) He always makes his bed
C) He can’t fall asleep D) He is a sleepy person

39. He is a nose poker.
A) He tastes dishes
B) He rubs his nose
C) He is calm
D) He involves himself in other people’s business

40. He is pigheaded.
A) He has a big head B) He is very clever
C) He likes pigs D) He is stubborn7

Find the correct facts about Great Britain

41. The largest monument to Walter Scott is located in this city.
A) Manchester B) London
C) Edinburgh D) Leeds

42. What is Ben Nevis?
A) A mountain B) A lake
C) A river D) A town

43. What is the national instrument of Wales?
A) The drum B) The violin
C) The harp D) The piano

44. Where is Stonehenge located?
A) England B) Wales
C) Northern Ireland D) Scotland

45. Who signed her first works with the pen-name Mary Westmacott?
A) Emily Bronte B) Charlotte Bronte
C) Agatha Christie D) Beatrix Potter

46. ​​What is the Shard?
A) The tallest tower B) The longest bridge
C) The biggest shop D) A famous museum

47. Who is the national hero of Scotland?
A) William Wallace B) William the Conqueror
C) Robin Hood D) Richard the Lion Heart

48. Which of the following is also known as The Houses of Parliament?
A) Westminster Palace B) Buckingham Palace
C) The Tower D) Westminster Abbey

49. This museum is in London.
A) The Louvre B) The Met
C) The Hermitage D) Madame Tussauds

50. This British ship took part in the battle of Trafalgar.
A) Discovery B) Victory
C) Cutty Sark D) Titanic

Look at the pictures and choose the most typical produced sounds

51. A) Ring B) Sing C) Crack D) Gobble
52. A) Scream B) Hiss C) Tick D) Buzz
53. A) Squeak B) Scream C) Shout D) Cry
54. A) Break B) Murmur C) Creak D) Bang
55. A) Squeak B) Splash C) Fizz D) Shuffle
56. A) Hiss B) Fizz C) Buzz D) Sizzle
57. A) Crackle B) Twitter C) Crunch D) Hiss
58. A) Buzz B) Hiss C) Sizzle D) Quack
59. A) Rustle B) Crunch C) Crackle D) Rattle
60. A) Click B) Grunt C) Twitter D) Roar

British Bulldog 2015 - 2016 answers: 7-8 grades

Skills training "Development of games for children"

"British Bulldog" is a game competition in the English language. This competition is being held in Russia for the first time, under the auspices of the Institute of Productive Training of the Russian Academy of Education and the British Institutes.

listening to task No. 1 of all options:
(downloads: 8403)

TASKS 5-6 CLASSES (with answers)
(downloads: 25285)

TASKS 7-8 GRADES (with answers)
(downloads: 16442)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES (with answers)
(downloads: 11525)

2008-2009 academic year

"British Bulldog" is a game competition in the English language. In Russia, this competition is held under the auspices of the Institute of Productive Training RAO and British Ins titutes.

The competition task consists of 60 questions. For each of them you must choose one of the three proposed answer options. For a correct answer, 3 points are awarded, for an incorrect answer - 0 points. A question left unanswered is assessed as incorrect.

download grades 5-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)


TASKS 7-8 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 9301)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2009-2010 academic year

The competition task consists of 60 questions. For each question you need to choose one of the three proposed answer options. The tasks are divided into 6blocks of 10 questions, each of which corresponds to the type of language activity (listening, reading and understanding texts, completing tasks to master the basics of grammar, etc.). The first 10 questions are listening questions. The assignments are completed in class and 75 minutes are allotted for answers.
This year, for the first time, students from grades 3-4 took part in the “British Bulldog”.
Participants and winners received as prizes: certificates, flyers, pens, magnets with the symbols of the competition, CDs with English language rules, the book Apshtein G., Kazanskaya N. “The Magic of Saint-Petersburg”, visual dictionaries.
Number of participants - 475,558 students.

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

(downloads: 1879)

TASKS 7-8 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 1352)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 906)

2010-2011 academic year

The competition task consists of 60 questions. For each question you need to choose one of three proposed answer options. You have 75 minutes to complete the tasks. The tasks are divided into 6 blocks of 10 questions, each of which corresponds to the type of language activity (listening, reading and understanding texts, completing tasks to master the basics of grammar, etc.). The tasks are compiled for four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades (participation of 2 grades is allowed upon request).

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 3-4 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 5-6 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 1592)

TASKS 7-8 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 1026)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2011-2012 academic year

The tasks are prepared for students of four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades (participation by 2nd grade students is allowed upon request). Traditionally, competitive questions are grouped into blocks, each of which corresponds to a type of language activity (for example, understanding oral speech, reading and understanding texts, mastering the rules of grammar, etc.).

This academic year is an anniversary for this project: “British Bulldog” is being held for the fifth time! In this regard, the tasks for each age group contain simple questions related to the history and culture of Great Britain.
Forced participation in the competition is prohibited.

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 3-4 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 5-6 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 1714)

TASKS 7-8 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 1160)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2012-2013 academic year

On December 18, 2012, the sixth English language game competition “British Bulldog” took place.

Competition tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades. Participants were asked to answer 60 questions (50 questions for grades 3-4) of varying degrees of difficulty in 75 minutes. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions each) aimed at various types of language activity (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of connected text, understanding of speech). The first 10 questions are listening questions.

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 3-4 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 5-6 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 4673)

TASKS 7-8 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)
(downloads: 3022)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2013-2014 academic year

On December 17, 2013, the seventh English language game competition “British Bulldog” took place.

Competition tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades. Participants were asked to answer 60 questions (50 questions for grades 3-4) of varying degrees of difficulty in 75 minutes, choosing for each one of the four proposed answer options. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions each) aimed at various types of language activity (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of connected text, understanding of speech). The first 10 questions are listening questions.

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 3-4 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2014-2015 academic year

On December 16, 2014, the eighth English language game competition “British Bulldog” took place.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” program, which is part of the coordination activity plan of the Innovative Institute for Productive Learning of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education.

Competition tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades. Participants were asked to answer 60 questions of varying difficulty in 75 minutes, choosing for each of them one of four proposed answer options. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions each) aimed at various types of language activity (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of connected text, understanding of speech). The first 10 questions are listening questions.

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 3-4 CLASSES (with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

TASKS 9-11 GRADES(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

2015-2016 academic year

Competition tasks consist of 60 questions, for each of which you must choose one of four answer options. The questions are divided into blocks that take into account various types of language activity (knowledge of grammar, knowledge of vocabulary, understanding of connected text, understanding of speech).

download grades 3-11(with answers + audio recording for task No. 1)

    British Bulldog or British Bulldog is a game competition in English, in which students of different age groups participate: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11 grades.

    This event will be held in 2016 December 14 for the tenth time. The results, according to the regulations, will be summed up and announced by the organizing committee before March 19, 2017. Accordingly, all answers, tasks and solutions will be published no earlier. They can be viewed on the official website. There you can also see assignments from past competitions.

    British Bulldog - This is a competition among students in grades 3-11 for knowledge of the English language. Pupils of these classes can test their knowledge of English by answering competition tasks, which are written in a game form.

    The competition itself in 2016 will be held on December 14. You can find tasks for the competition on the official website.

    The results will be known by March 19 next year. You can find out about them on the specified website.

    The British Bulldog is a competition that allows numerous Russian schoolchildren to test their strength. Participation is voluntary; it is enough to pay a symbolic amount to the organizers. Assignments are given out on December 14, which is when the English language competition starts. The results, as well as the results, including previous years, can be assessed on the website - link (information is provided for informational purposes).

    This is a great chance to assess the level of knowledge, to find out in which discipline your child’s knowledge is not up to par. This could be reading, grammar, translation or listening comprehension.

    In the future, you can improve your level and try your luck again next year.

    In almost every subject, students can test their level of knowledge.

    Competition (Olympiad) British Bulldog will help you evaluate your knowledge of the English language.

    In 2016, it took place on December 14. The results will be summed up after 3 months. That is, participants will be able to learn about the results no earlier than mid-March. It is then that the tasks, solutions and answers of the British Bulldog competition will be announced.

    And now you can only find out those tasks, solutions and answers that were in competitions of previous years.

    Nowadays, there are many competitions for schoolchildren in which children can try their hand at, and the British Bulldog competition dedicated to the English language is no exception. You can view the tasks and find out the answers on the website dedicated to the competition. Solutions for 2016 will be posted after the results of the competition are summed up.

    Already today, a competition with the unusual name British Bulldog is starting in many schools of the Russian Federation. Students from grades 3 to 11 can try their hand at English. The tasks are made in a playful way and are divided into different age groups. The older the students, the more difficult the tasks become. The results of the competition will be available only in the spring of next year, usually in March, on this website. All the tasks are on it. The competition is being held not for the first time, but since 2007.

    Most recently, the Russian language competition Russian Bear Cub was held in November of this year, and now today, namely on December 14, another competition for knowledge of the English language, British Bulldog, is being held. Schoolchildren from 3rd grade to 11th grade can take part in it. All tasks will be posted on this website, but the results will only be in 2017, in March, also on the same source. Participation in this English language Olympiad is paid, but the contribution is small.

  • British Bulldog 2016

    The British Bulldog competition is essentially an Olympiad on knowledge of the English language. Any schoolchild can take part in such an Olympiad, for this you need a desire, and you also need to submit an application and pay a symbolic organizational fee. Participation in the Olympiad is a good way to find out your strengths and weaknesses.

    You can find out the tasks and answers, as well as the winners of previous years, on the official website of the competition at this link

  • Various annual Olympiads are now held in all schools.

    Such a mini-exam or test helps students assess their capabilities and demonstrate knowledge in a certain area.

    The British Bulldog is an English language Olympiad in which all interested schoolchildren can take part.

    You can get acquainted with the tasks, answers and results of the British Bulldog 2016 on this website, but not before summing up the results (March 2017).

    For previous years, all information has already been posted on the website.

    On December 14, 2016, the next international English language competition-game for schoolchildren in grades 3-11, British Bulldog, took place.

    Participants in the competition in 2016-2017 were divided into 4 age groups, for each of which 4 versions of tasks were prepared, each containing 60 questions.

    The time allotted for completing the task is 75 minutes.

    The tasks are designed to test the participants' knowledge of understanding English text, knowledge of grammar, and vocabulary.

    To download the answers to the 2016 competition, go to this website.

    The international British Bulldog competition is an Olympiad in the English language. This is just a great opportunity to check the student’s level of knowledge in English. Such an Olympiad is held among all interested schoolchildren who study in grades 3-11. You can find tasks and answers from the competition on the official website of the competition, but not earlier than March 2017.

British Bulldog is an international game competition for schoolchildren in the English language.

Official website: Date: December 12, 2018 International English Language Competition “British Bulldog”

The British Bulldog competition will be held 12 times in 2018. The Olympiad tasks are intended for school students of different levels of training and are designed to develop interest in the English language and the culture of English-speaking countries.

Rules for the British Bulldog Olympics

“British Bulldog” is held directly in schools. Anyone from grades 2 to 11 can take part. Participation is paid. The cost of participation, conditions, application deadlines, contacts of the organizing committee of your region can be found on the official website of the organizer.

Olympiad participants are asked to answer 60 questions of varying difficulty in 75 minutes. Students in grades 3 and 4 are offered 10 fewer questions.

All tasks are divided into blocks, each of which is aimed at different types of language activity: vocabulary, speech understanding, grammar, understanding of connected text.

Each participant receives a form with tasks and an answer form.

History of the British Bulldog competition

The competition was first held in 2007 in Italy and immediately gained popularity. The idea of ​​the creatures belongs to the British Institutes, an English organization.

In Russia, the competition is organized by the Center for Productive Training (St. Petersburg).

Why British Bulldog?

The name “bulldog”, that is, a bull dog, is associated with its original and immediate purpose, namely to attack a bull. But over time, such fights were cancelled. And the dog has become the indispensable companion of a true gentleman.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the British bulldog has become associated with the image of good old England. The British themselves consider the bulldog an unofficial national symbol. The breed's resemblance to the character traits of a "true gentleman" cemented the image in people's minds. And the use of the image by artists and writers finally established the British bulldog as a symbol of England throughout the world.

How to prepare for the British Bulldog competition in the 2018-2019 academic year?

British Bulldog Previous Year Questions and Answers

2017-2018 academic year

We present to your attention questions and answers to the British Bulldog competition for 2015-2016 for grades 3-4.
Listen text :
Listen to the recording and answer the questions

1. Where is Tony?
Possible answers:

C) At the shops D) At the sports ground

2. What is Tony doing now?
A) Swimming B) Playing football
C) Shopping D) Talking on the phone

3. On what day of the week does he usually play football?
A) Sunday B) Saturday
C) Friday D) Thursday

4. Where is Tony’s mother?
A) At home B) At the swimming pool
C) At the shops D) In ​​the park

5. Who did Tony’s mother go to the shop with?
A) Tony B) Her daughter
C) Her friends D) Her husband

6. How often do they usually do the shopping?
A) Twice a week B) Once a week
C) Every day D) At weekends

7. What is Mary doing at the moment?
A) Doing shopping B) Chatting with friends
C) Swimming D) Lying on the beach

Let's see how to make such snowflakes out of paper.

8. How does the woman who is calling Tony feel?
Possible answers:
A) Happy B) Pleased
C) Fine D) Disappointed

9. What does the woman want Tony to do when he returns home?
A) To go to the shop B) To swim in the pool
C) To call her back D) To send her a message

10. Who does the woman want to speak to? Select the option where the names are in the right order.
A) Tony, Mary, mother B) Mary, Tony, mother
C) Tony, mother, Mary D) Mother, Tony, Mary

Read the text. For each question choose the correct answer
Sylvia Venner is a 12-year-old dancer. She’s from Australia but lives in Whitstable, England, with her parents, her older sister Gloria and younger brother Charlie. She dances in competitions. Her dream is to dance on stage in a London theatre. When Sylvia was four, her mother started dancing with her for fun. A year later, Sylvia joined a dance school in the town where she lives. She works hard at dancing. “I practice for two hours every day after school and for three hours every Saturday morning. My feet are still growing. It’s important to make sure you have the right size shoes when you dance in competitions so last month I went to London to buy some new ones.”

11. Whose family lives in the UK?
A) Sylvia B) Parents C) Sylvia’s D) Her parent

12. Which child is the oldest in their family?
A) Gloria B) Charlie C) Sylvia D) Their mother

13. What’s Sylvia’s greatest wish?
A) To go to Australia B) To go to the theater
C) To buy new shoes D) To dance in a London theater

14. How old was Sylvia when she started dancing?
A) Three B) Four C) Six D) Seven

15. How old was Sylvia when she began to study at a dance school?
A) Four B) Five C) Six D) Seven

16. On what days does Sylvia study dancing in the morning?
A) At weekends B) On Saturdays
C) On Sundays D) On all week days

17. What is Sylvia’s problem?
A) She is tired B) Her feet are growing
C) She feels bad D) She often falls down

18. In Sylvia’s opinion, what is important when dancing in competitions?
A) To be tall B) To have nice shoes
C) To be thin D) To have the right size shoes

19. When did Sylvia go to London?
A) Next month B) Last month
C) This month D) Last year

20. Why did Sylvia go to London?
A) To buy new shoes
B) To take part in a dance competition
C) To consult the doctor
D) To enjoy her free time

Do you know who they are?
Choose A) B) C) or D)

21. He/She cannot go to the ball because he/she doesn’t have beautiful clothes.
22. He/She lived in Sherwood Forest.
23. He/She ate a piece of an apple and died.
24. His/Her Fairy Godmother gave him/her a pair of glass shoes.
25. He/She helped the poor.
26. He/She was raised by a pack of wolves.
27. He/She lived in a wood with the dwarfs.
28. He/She is a character in The Jungle Book.
29. The black panther and the bear were his/her friends.
30. His/Her beautiful dress disappeared at midnight.

Put the words in the right categories.
Choose A) B) C) or D)

31. Cupboard
32. Felt-tip pens
33. Tangerine
34. Apron
35. Apricot
36. Eraser
38. Trousers
39. Pencil sharpener
40. Shirt

Choose the correct answers

41. Lory is... girl in my class.
A) younger B) the youngest
C) the youngest D) young

42. Whose cat is this? It’s….
A) my B) me C) mine D) our

43. There aren’t ... cups in the cupboard.
A) some B) much C) a D) any

44. Tony... three foreign languages.
A) speaks B) cans speak C) spoken D) is speaking

45. Look! It….
A) snow B) snows C) snowing D) is snowing

46. ​​Billy is… in fantasy books.
A) interest B) interested C) of interest D) interesting

47. Tom wasn’t … school this morning.
A) at B) to C) of D) out

48. My sister…speak English very well.
A) can to B) cans C) can D) will can

49. Mary…her homework at the moment.
A) does B) doing C) is doing D) do

50. … friends do you have?
A) How many B) How much C) How long D) How often

Find the correct answers

51. The Thames is a river flowing through….
Possible answers:
A) London B) Paris
C) Budapest D) New York

52. The most famous lake monster in Scotland is said to live in ….
Possible answers:
A) Loch Shin B) Loch Awe
C) Loch Ness D) Loch Lomond

53. This is the largest island in Europe.
Possible answers:
A) Rhodes B) Crete
C) Sardinia D) Great Britain

54. The colors on the British flag are….
A) white, red, blue B) white, orange, green
C) white, blue, black D) red, blue, gold

55. When children knock on the door on Halloween they say: “… !”
A) Trick or life B) Trick or money
C) Trick or sweets D) Trick or treat

57. Originally Guy Fawkes Night is a/an … celebration.
A) German B) British
C) Indian D) American

58. Which country was contemporary football first played in?
Possible answers:
A) the USA B) Spain
C) Brazil D) Great Britain

59. The Beatles are from this city.
Possible answers:
A) Glasgow B) London
C) Liverpool D) Manchester

60. The oldest underground in the world is in….
A) London B) Beijing C) Moscow D) New YorkA

British Bulldog 2015 - 2016 answers: 3-4 grades

Skills training "Development of games for children"