Zinc ointment for colds on the lips. Treatment of herpes with zinc paste

Zinc ointment for herpes is a drug with the widest spectrum of action. The tool effectively fights inflammation of various origins, viral infections and even heals wounds. After detecting the primary symptoms of the disease, it is important to apply the remedy to the affected area so that the ointment can eliminate pain and cosmetic defects as soon as possible.

Salicylic-zinc herpes paste is a drug that has a positive effect on the skin:

  • soothing,
  • antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • drying.

The structure of the pasty product

With herpes, delay can lead to serious consequences. The disease progresses rapidly, gives significant complications.

Pasta contains:

  • zinc oxide. The component is harmless to human health, but deadly to the virus: it reduces its activity and prevents further development. Genital herpes is recommended to be treated with zinc paste, because the remedy perfectly dries the blisters that form on the body. The drug does not allow the rash to spread further.
  • Beeswax . It affects the internal and external foci of the disease, disinfects wounds, forms a protective layer that keeps the medicine on the affected area.
  • Vaseline. Forms a protective film on the skin and mucous membrane, helping to keep the medicine in the affected area, prevents the infection from spreading to other areas, being transmitted to others.
  • Calendula extract. The extract from the plant eliminates pain, inflammation, restores the structure of the dermis and mucous membranes in the shortest possible time. The product does not cause an allergic reaction on the skin, does not exude aroma, does not cause discomfort.

When is the drug prescribed?

The ointment has certain properties and indications for use. It is accepted by the drug to treat various ailments associated with skin pathologies in adults and even children. The remedy is prescribed:

  • herpes,
  • ulcer,
  • cuts,
  • psoriasis,
  • acne,
  • dermatitis,
  • uneven complexion,
  • freckles,
  • wounds,
  • diaper rash
  • wrinkles,
  • viral diseases,
  • prickly heat,
  • lichen,
  • diathesis,
  • eczema,
  • chickenpox,
  • scratches,
  • acne eruptions.

Use and allowable dose

Before smearing zinc ointment on the affected area of ​​​​the skin, you will need to treat your hands and the area with the rash with an antiseptic.

Important: the use of the most harmless means should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. It is he who will determine the treatment regimen, dosage, frequency of procedures.

Lip cream in the form of zinc ointment must be used strictly following the instructions.:

  1. Treat your hands with an antiseptic.
  2. An effective zinc paste for herpes on the lips is applied using a cotton swab, disc or special swabs.
  3. After the specified period of time after applying the ointment, it is recommended to remove the residues.
  4. Repeat the process with the frequency indicated in the annotation.
  5. The drug is used until complete cure.

It should be remembered: it is necessary to follow these rules in order to recover faster and not start the disease, provoking serious complications.

When the use of ointment is contraindicated

Even this remedy has contraindications and side effects. The medication in individual cases can cause an allergic reaction, usually local: the area treated with ointment becomes inflamed and burns, a small scarlet rash may appear.

If you applied the remedy and an allergic reaction occurs, immediately wash off the ointment with soap and water, take an antihistamine immediately.

Contraindications for the use of the drug are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to the active ingredient;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane or on the skin, accompanied by purulent processes.

How to determine an overdose?

Symptoms will be observed only after the drug has been ingested. If it is applied externally, you can not be afraid of an overdose. The ointment is non-toxic, safe, and it is allowed to use it in any dosage, because the drug is not absorbed into the blood, but acts exclusively on the skin. Zinc ointment causes an overdose only after penetration into the body.

In this situation, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • chills,
  • cough,
  • heavy sweating,
  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness,
  • pain in the joints, head and muscles.

To destroy the virus, you will need to use the remedy in combination with other drugs prescribed treating.

  • Almost everyone is familiar with such a problem as herpes. Obsessive, itching pain on the skin, after which blistering can be expected. This not only causes inconvenience, but also greatly spoils the appearance. There are many remedies that will help get rid of herpes.


    In order to completely get rid of the virus, it is necessary to act in several directions at once. If the disease is already running, the herpes ointment alone will not help the cause. But this is if an ulcer appears on the sore spot. If this stage has not yet been reached, conventional means can be dispensed with. If you feel itching, you must immediately take action. In this case, the most effective remedy will be an ointment for herpes. Its advantage is that it acts purposefully - only on the inflamed area. There are many such drugs. Consider the most popular of them.

    The drug "Acyclovir"

    It is available as an ointment and cream. Consumers believe that in this case the cream is better. It works in the same way as an ointment for herpes. But when it gets into the mouth, the cream is not bitter, but rather pleasant to the taste. The remedy should be applied to the sore spot immediately after the symptoms are detected. The ointment or cream works very quickly. After twenty minutes, the symptoms will disappear, and there will be no trace of the virus. The drug "Acyclovir" is very popular with buyers. It is good not only for its efficiency, but also for its low price.

    Ointment "Zovirax"

    This drug is an analogue of the previous one. Its composition is slightly different. However, its action is the same. Those who prefer this ointment should keep in mind that the price of this remedy significantly exceeds the cost of the Acyclovir drug.

    Herpes ointment "Levomekol"

    This drug will perfectly cope even with the advanced form of the disease. It can be used even if the skin already has an abscess. The ointment acts directly on the focus of inflammation. At the same time, pus does not interfere with the work of the active substance. The drug works only where it is needed. When using this herpes ointment on the body or lips, the following must be remembered. With the simultaneous use of antibiotics, a disease such as candidal stomatitis can develop. You should value your health and carry out the treatment correctly. The composition of the drug "Levomekol" includes two active components: levomycetin, methyluracil. Combined with ethylene glycol, they form a powerful cure for the virus. Treatment is fast. Symptoms in the form of itching and burning disappear within an hour after the start of use.

    Ointment "Oxolinic"

    This tool is purchased, rather, for prevention, since it does not have a quick therapeutic effect. This drug can help at the very beginning of the disease. However, you won't get a quick result. In the case of an advanced disease, you will have to endure about two weeks before the ointment begins to act. Such a speed of recovery is hardly acceptable for anyone. If you still prefer this remedy to others, then buy in addition the Furacilin solution. The last thing you need to wash the sore spot before treating with ointment.

    Ointment "Zinc"

    This remedy is perfect for the treatment of herpes in children, pregnant and lactating women. It is non-toxic, does not contain harmful impurities, overdose is excluded. This drug is used to treat diaper rash in newborns. The tool is excellent for the treatment and healing of weeping wounds. Painful blisters of herpes in a neglected form constantly get wet when they burst. In this case, the ointment will help no worse than an expensive drug.

    The drug "Panavir"

    This ointment is for herpes in the nose, on the lips and other parts of the face. It acts very quickly at the beginning of the disease and a little slower in the case of a progressive infection. The great advantage of this remedy is that it consists of natural ingredients. It can be used to treat young children.

    Auxiliary drugs

    If none of the above is at hand, and you feel that the virus has already got on the skin, you can use improvised means. These include: brilliant green, iodine, tea tree oil, alcohol, the drug "Fukortsin", fir oil. It is often undesirable to use iodine and brilliant green. You can treat the wound with them once every two days. They will stop the spread of the virus and slow down its action.
    It is impossible to recover completely with their help, but this process can be accelerated. These funds can be replaced with a solution of "Fukortsin". This liquid dries the abscess and disinfects it. This drug showed itself perfectly in the fight against herpes and chicken pox. In addition, it does not leave marks on the skin, like iodine or brilliant green. In the case of herpes, it is much more pleasant to use different oils. They act gently, but no less effectively. Fir or tea tree oil is applied to the wound. As a result, a film is formed that protects the sore spot. Alcohol is also a great option. It disinfects the painful area. It is applied to cotton wool and cauterized on the sore spot. This method is a bit painful but effective. All of these tools can be used separately. But it is much more effective to combine them with ointments. The latter can be used no more than four times a day at certain intervals, while auxiliary drugs do not have such restrictions. Thus, by combining several means, you will get a quick result. It is worth noting that you should not use more than two drugs at the same time.

    Zinc ointment for herpes is an easy-to-use remedy, the effectiveness of which in the treatment of symptoms of the disease has been proven by time. It contains only two components: zinc oxide and petroleum jelly.

    Zinc oxide is an active substance known for its antiviral, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, the action of which is focused directly on the relief of symptoms - rashes, itching and inflammation, in addition, it perfectly dries blisters.

    It is important that zinc oxide-based drugs do not cause side effects, so they can be used to treat even infants.

    The use of the drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to its constituent components.

    The product is intended only for external use for herpes. At the first signs of the disease - itching, burning, slight tingling - it is applied in a thin layer, slightly rubbing into the skin, applied to problem areas. The medicine is applied to washed and well-dried skin.

    By starting treatment in time, you can prevent the appearance of painful blisters, and prevent the development of a herpes infection. If the initial stage of the disease is missed, then using the drug, you will accelerate healing - it has an absorbent effect, draws out fluid and ichor - and minimizes pain.

    The frequency of use depends directly on the severity of the disease and its spread. Usually applied every 3 hours until the rash and inflammation disappear.

    Instead of zinc ointment, zinc paste for herpes can be used. These two drugs have the same purpose and effect. They differ only in different content of the active substance.

    Zinc oxide in combination with a vaseline base forms a protective film on the skin surface, which prevents the spread of the disease, relieves discomfort, helps restore the affected skin, and also protects it from external irritants.

    After using the antiviral drug, wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap. This must be done for two reasons:

    • herpetic eruptions are contagious;
    • from your hands, the medicine may accidentally get into the mucous membrane of the eye.

    The tool is inexpensive and affordable, so if you are prone to a herpes infection, let it always be with you. It should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 15°C.

    Use of zinc ointment.

    Zinc ointment is considered an affordable and useful pharmaceutical product. Often zinc ointment is used by teenagers who are concerned about acne and other skin problems. In our material, you can learn about the purposes for which you can use zinc ointment.

    Zinc ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use

    Zinc ointment is a simple drug that contains only 2 ingredients: petroleum jelly and zinc oxide in this 10:1 ratio. The active substance here is zinc oxide, which perfectly relieves inflammation. In addition, zinc ointment has hygroscopic properties. This means that the agent dries up the inflammatory zones more actively and more effectively and creates an environment in which the affected area recovers faster.

    Apply zinc ointment as directed in the instructions. Be sure to cleanse your skin before applying. Apply the ointment in a thin layer evenly on the place where the inflammatory focus has formed. To achieve maximum results, apply the product every day, preferably 4 times or more.

    When you use the ointment, try to abandon other cosmetic preparations. Otherwise, the effect will be questionable.

    Be sure to use zinc ointment before bed. Fresh irritations and inflammatory formations require emergency use of the remedy, then everything will disappear much faster.

    To get the best result, you need to follow the following rules:

    • Use zinc ointment regularly.
    • Eliminate soy protein from your diet. Also avoid eating foods that contain copper. This component inhibits the positive effects of zinc.
    • Eat as much as possible: nuts, legumes, beans, eggs, because these ingredients contain a lot of zinc.
    • If you will use the ointment during acne treatment, then do not use other drugs in parallel. As a result, a negative reaction may occur, and the work of zinc will be suspended.

    Zinc ointment during pregnancy: indications

    You can use this ointment during pregnancy with such indications:

    • With diaper rash and rashes on the skin that occur from excessive sweating
    • For diaper rash
    • With herpes
    • With inflammation of the skin, various ulcers, streptococcal pyoderma
    • For burns

    In addition, zinc ointment can be used during pregnancy in the treatment of eczema, numerous wounds, bedsores. Zinc ointment effectively fights acne and pimples.

    When using zinc ointment, some side effects may occur, for example, inflammation of the blood vessels or scabies. Accordingly, before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    Zinc ointment for herpes, for colds on the lips

    If you have herpes or a cold on your lips, you should immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for you. But there are situations when you need to quickly cure herpes, and zinc ointment can help you with this.

    Zinc oxide acts against viruses, it heals wounds, relieves inflammation in the affected areas, eliminates the symptoms of many problems (itching, inflammation, rashes).

    Zinc is an active component that acts on the DNA of the disease. Accordingly, the further development of the virus is slowed down.

    Do this:

    • Apply for 2 min. zinc ointment to the site of the lesion, and after a while, remove the agent.
    • Do not forget to wash your hands well after removing the ointment so that a rash does not appear.

    Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids

    In the practice of doctors, there are some options for using zinc ointment during hemorrhoids. Depending on the complexity and severity of the disease, zinc ointment is applied by various methods.

    • For moderate hemorrhoids, apply the ointment in a thin layer on the sore anal area.
    • Apply the ointment preferably with your finger or a cotton swab.
    • Perform hygiene of the affected area before applying the ointment in advance.
    • Apply the product no more than 6 times after 4 hours or after emptying the intestines.
    • Wash your hands well after use.
    • Use soap or any disinfectant for this.

    Never use ointment to treat the rectum. Do not allow the product to penetrate the vagina.

    Zinc ointment for burns

    Zinc ointment is ideal for treating burns. And all because the tool has the following properties:

    • It destroys microbes that can infect the wound.
    • The ointment improves skin regeneration, thereby accelerating the healing process.
    • It protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
    • Ointment reduces the manifestation of inflammation.

    Apply ointment 3 times a day. Sometimes doctors advise increasing the amount of ointment treatment up to 6 times. Use the ointment until the wound is completely healed. As a rule, this process lasts up to 15 days.

    Zinc ointment for allergies

    The ointment itself is hypoallergenic. It has no contraindications, it can be used by almost all people. Dermatologists often prescribe this unique ointment for allergies, which occurs due to the intoxication of the human body with certain foods and medicines.

    Ointment during the treatment of allergic manifestations soothes inflammatory foci, reduces skin rashes, eliminates itching. The product must be applied to the skin, but before use, the skin must be pre-treated with a local antiseptic.

    Zinc ointment from depriving

    An ointment made from zinc and petroleum jelly is considered the most popular remedy that fights lichen well. It disinfects, kills microbes, dries the skin, dries weeping and flaky crusts, cleanses the skin.

    Zinc ointment for psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is affected by precipitating factors, such as exposure to the sun or an unhealthy therapeutic diet. Not every patient knows that the use of zinc ointment helps relieve swelling and severe itching.

    The ointment brings positive results after the first application. But it is only an auxiliary drug during treatment. The ointment accelerates and enhances the overall therapeutic treatment. To completely get rid of psoriasis, you should first consult a doctor and be patient.

    Zinc ointment for worms

    Thick zinc ointment only kills pinworms. This is because the worms are small in size, and when they crawl out, they fall into a viscous mass that is able to hold the pinworm and prevent it from laying eggs.

    Zinc ointment is not considered the main remedy. It only speeds up the recovery of the patient.

    If you want the treatment to go right:

    • Before applying the ointment, wash yourself well, and then dry the skin of the anus with a towel.
    • Apply ointment around the anus.
    • Carry out this procedure at least 4 times a day.

    Zinc ointment for eczema

    If you develop weeping eczema, your doctor may prescribe a zinc ointment. Many patients who have already used ointment for the treatment of this disease spoke only positively about it. Zinc ointment dries the skin, it also regenerates the pathological focus. Treat the sore spot 6 times a day, even if the wounds are located in the hair.

    Use the remedy only during a relapse. Be sure to treat sore spots with any antiseptic before applying zinc ointment. After treatment, do not wash off the ointment, do not apply a bandage. Otherwise, you will not achieve a full recovery, only damage your health.

    Zinc ointment for seborrheic dermatitis

    • If you want to cure dermatitis, apply zinc ointment only in a thin layer, covering the entire affected area.
    • Perform this procedure 3 times a day. It is worth noting that you can see a positive effect after a couple of days, and discomfort with itching will disappear literally after the initial treatment with ointment.
    • Remember, zinc ointment is an additional remedy during the treatment of dermatitis. The tool helps reduce swelling.

    Zinc ointment for nail and foot fungus

    Zinc ointment is not the remedy that kills fungi. But despite this, the ointment was able to establish itself as an ideal remedy due to its own antiseptic qualities. This drug is safe, respectively, apply it a maximum of 5 times a day.

    • Before you apply the ointment, steam your legs well. To do this, you can use a bath made from vinegar.
    • Carry out the procedure daily a couple of times a day.
    • Apply the ointment in an even layer over the entire surface of the legs, while rubbing the product into the nails.
    • During the procedure, wear rubber gloves on your hands so that the fungus does not pass to the skin of your hands.

    Zinc ointment for bruises

    Zinc ointment is an ideal remedy that has a resolving, adsorbing, anti-inflammatory, drying, antiseptic and anti-edematous effect.

    Zinc ointment helps to dissolve blood accumulations under the skin, thereby reducing the shade of the bruise. If you want to get rid of a hematoma faster, apply the product in a thin layer on pre-cleansed skin up to 6 times a day. You can stop treatment after the bruise has completely disappeared.

    Zinc ointment for hives

    Zinc ointment helps to cure a mild form of hives. It is able to dry blisters, destroy germs and relieve inflammation.

    The advantage of the ointment is as follows - it can even be applied to the skin of an infant (unless, of course, there is no intolerance to this drug). Apply daily zinc ointment to the skin in a thin layer in 6 stages. There is another plus of this tool - the ointment is relatively inexpensive.

    Zinc ointment for bedsores

    Many people speak positively of zinc ointment as a remedy for bedsores. It can be used at stage 1 of the disease. The main effect of this remedy is that the ointment tends to dry the wound.

    Zinc oxide has an antiseptic effect. It has been used for a long time in the treatment of bedsores. Due to the fact that the ointment forms a thin film, it protects wounds from infection and bacterial growth.

    Zinc ointment reduces swelling and pain. Apply it at least 6 times a day. The duration of treatment should be about 2 months.

    Zinc ointment for warts, papillomas

    An ointment prepared on the basis of zinc helps to cure many types of skin diseases, including papillomas and warts. It softens the formation, dries it. This allows you to eliminate the papilloma or wart at an early stage of occurrence.

    Apply the remedy every day 3 times. There are some contraindications: it is not recommended to use zinc ointment if there is an allergy to the drug or signs of skin irritation.

    Zinc ointment for balanoposthitis

    Balanoposthitis is a disease that only a doctor should treat. The disease appears due to a variety of microbes, for example, from staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus, spirochete, fungi, E. coli, and so on.

    Very often, zinc ointment is prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis. This remedy is used, as a rule, in the first forms of the disease, since it has an anti-inflammatory property. Also, the ointment dries up wounds and is considered an excellent antiseptic.

    Zinc ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area from 4 to 6 times a day. Before treatment, be sure to rinse and dry the skin well. The treatment course is approximately 30 days.

    Zinc ointment for irritation

    The anti-inflammatory qualities of zinc ointment can eliminate not only cuts, burns and scratches, but also a variety of skin irritations, for example, caused by poison ivy.

    Zinc ointment for irritation

    Zinc ions, when they get on the skin, are based there for a long time, after which they begin to stimulate wound healing. Zinc ointment activates re-epithelialization of the skin, but its exact effect has not yet been clarified to this day. Apply the ointment as much as necessary to treat the affected surface.

    Depending on which corn is present on the leg, the treatment method is selected. However, from the very beginning, treat the affected area with a remedy. Today, cosmetics manufacturers offer a huge number of drugs, but not every one of these drugs brings a positive result. Zinc ointment will cope with this problem without much difficulty.

    This tool has a primitive composition. But despite this, it “works” perfectly and eliminates the problems that have arisen in the form of corns. If you properly treat the corns with this ointment, they will disappear very quickly. Apply the ointment to the affected area every day.

    Zinc ointment dries the skin, forms an "obstacle" for the growth of infection. If your corn is very swollen, but has not yet burst, treat it with ointment 4 times a day.

    Zinc ointment for thrush

    This ointment cannot kill candida.

    Zinc ointment for cracked heels

    Zinc ointment is considered an inexpensive remedy that helps heal cracked heels. Use the ointment according to the instructions:

    • Apply the ointment every day in 2 steps. First time in the morning, second time in the evening. Apply the product in a thin layer, while gently rubbing it with massage movements into the skin.
    • Before use, steam your feet and treat your heels with a pumice stone.
    • In order for the cracks to disappear quickly, the course of treatment should be up to 10 days.

    Zinc ointment for mosquito bites

    Zinc ointment helps against mosquito bites and other harmful insects.

    • Apply it to the affected area with a gauze pad.
    • Wrap this cloth around the area where the mosquito has bitten, then secure it with adhesive tape.
    • Change the bandage 2 times a day.

    Video: Zinc ointment for acne and wrinkles

    Herpes is a viral infection that causes multiple rashes, burning and irritation on the skin. When the disease requires the selection of the most effective treatment.

    Zinc herpes ointment for external use can be an excellent remedy, which can have an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiviral effect.

    Characteristics of the drug

    Zinc ointment against herpes is a medicine for external use with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, drying, bactericidal effect.

    The drug is produced in the form of a thick 10% milky ointment, odorless. The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies in aluminum tubes of fifteen and thirty grams.

    Zinc is considered the main active component of the drug, and petroleum jelly acts as an additional substance (in a ratio of one to ten). Some companies may add lanolin to the preparation to soften the skin, as well as essential oils, fish oil and vitamins. Is it possible to smear herpes with zinc ointment?

    Operating principle

    The pharmacological effect of the ointment is due to the substances that make up the drug, zinc ointment has on the surface of the skin:

    1. Wound healing effect - enhances the recovery of the epidermis.
    2. Astringent - when applied to the skin, it forms an invisible film that prevents irritation and itching.
    3. Suction action - reduces the secretion of pathological secretion by affected skin cells.
    4. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    5. Drying action.
    6. Protective influence.
    7. Softening effect.


    1. Acne (inflammation that forms in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland).
    2. Scratches (shallow damage to the skin with sharp objects).
    3. Inflammatory disease of skin folds and other contact surfaces of the skin.
    4. Diaper dermatitis (irritation of the skin in places of contact with a diaper or diaper).
    5. Weeping eczema (a dermatological disease that develops with a decrease in the protective functions of the body).
    6. Neurodermatitis in the acute stage (a skin disease of a neurogenic and allergic type, which occurs with periods of remission and exacerbation).
    7. Irritation of the skin after prolonged exposure to sunlight.
    8. Irritation of the skin that develops due to increased sweating and delayed evaporation of sweat.
    9. Treatment of bedsores in seriously ill patients (necrosis of soft tissues as a result of constant pressure, accompanied by local circulatory disorders and nervous trophism).
    10. Diathesis (the predisposition of the human body to the appearance of certain pathologies or diseases that occur, as a rule, in children).
    11. Chickenpox (acute viral disease with airborne transmission).
    12. Psoriasis (a chronic disease of non-infectious origin that mainly affects the skin).
    13. Lichen (a group of polyetiological skin diseases characterized by the appearance of loose, itchy elements).
    14. Acne (an inflammatory skin disease caused by changes in pilosebaceous structures).
    15. Wrinkles (visible folds of the skin surface, which occur due to increased activity of facial muscles, a decrease in the elasticity of the epidermis).
    16. Uneven complexion.

    What prohibitions does the drug have

    How to apply ointment correctly

    The medicine is intended for external application. Usually, the ointment is applied pointwise or in a thin layer on a previously cleaned area of ​​​​the skin two to three times a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is determined by a medical specialist on an individual basis.

    Is it possible to smear herpes with zinc ointment? Zinc prevents the further spread and development of a viral infection that adversely affects the structures of deoxyribonucleic acid.

    The result can already be observed two to three minutes after the application of the drug. For surface treatment of affected areas of the skin, a solution of zinc sulfate (four percent) is considered the most effective.

    Dressings must be applied every one and a half hours, which leads to the elimination of unpleasant symptoms in a matter of days. The medication accelerates healing, prevents further spread of rashes throughout the body and new outbreaks of herpes.

    As a result, the herpes rash will begin to dry out, form a crust, and fall off. Only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment with this drug. Much depends on the stage of the disease, the symptoms present, and the area of ​​the lesion.

    So, when eliminating diaper rash in babies, the treatment of herpes on the body with zinc ointment must be done up to four times a day. Additionally, you can apply baby cream. If suffering from diathesis on the face, then the drug is used up to six times a day.

    Zinc ointment for herpes on the lips

    A single dosing is equal to 0.5 cm of a strip of thick composition squeezed out of a tube. In the early days, it is necessary to apply the drug every hour, alternating with other drugs. After the elimination of the focus of inflammation, it is necessary to use the medication up to four times a day. Zinc ointment helps to eliminate herpes on the lips only in combination with the following drugs:

    • antiviral;
    • antibacterial;
    • immunostimulating.

    To get a quick effect from therapy, the drug is applied to the affected area of ​​​​the skin at the first symptoms of the disease. As soon as the lip turned red, itching appeared, you should start treating herpes with zinc ointment. Before its implementation, it is necessary to treat the hands with antiseptic agents.

    Can the ointment be used during pregnancy?

    The drug, if necessary, can be used to treat the epidermis for pregnant women. The active components included in the structure of the drug are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not provoke developmental problems in the fetus.

    If it is necessary to apply the ointment during lactation, the expectant mother should avoid applying the medicine to the area of ​​​​the nipples and mammary glands in order to prevent the child from swallowing the medication.

    Side effects

    As a rule, zinc ointment is well tolerated by people, but with prolonged and uncontrolled use, adverse reactions may occur.

    Like any medicine, zinc ointment should be prescribed on the advice of a medical professional. After all, although in rare situations, allergies can occur. As a rule, zinc ointment helps with herpes.

    If an allergic reaction occurs in the form of itching, nettle rash, irritation, you must immediately stop using the medication. At the pharmacy, you can buy a number of other medicines that have zinc oxide in a lower dosage.

    Zinc ointment cannot cure a bacterial or fungal infection. The drug affects only certain viruses, diaper rash, as well as weeping eczema.

    Signs of an overdose of zinc ointment when it penetrates into or into the mucous cavities will be the following manifestations:

    1. Increased sweating.
    2. Cough Syndrome.
    3. Migraine (a neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe pain).
    4. Myalgia (a disease that mainly occurs due to inflammation of muscle fibers).
    5. Joint pain.
    6. Chills.
    7. Hard breath.

    It must be remembered: no matter how harmless the drug is, you should consult a medical specialist before using it and thoroughly read the instructions for use.


    Situations of drug overdose are not described. In case of accidental ingestion of zinc ointment inside, it is necessary to provoke vomiting, as well as rinse the stomach and take an enterosorbent. The medication is intended for external use.


    If necessary, with zinc ointment, people can be prescribed antibacterial agents, hormonal preparations for oral and topical use in the form of a cream and ointment.

    Do not use medications containing zinc oxide in conjunction with the ointment, as this increases the likelihood of adverse reactions and severe dryness of the epidermis.


    Immediately after using the medication on the affected area of ​​the skin, a person may experience itching, which disappears on its own after fifteen to twenty minutes.

    When applying zinc ointment to eliminate teenage acne and acne, the medicine can be applied pointwise to rashes (overnight) and left until the morning.

    Zinc ointment, if necessary, can be used to treat the skin and folds in infants who have diaper rash or diaper dermatitis.

    The drug is widely used in cosmetology and dermatology, and if zinc ointment cannot eliminate the underlying disease, it will significantly reduce the harmful symptoms that are observed in skin ailments.

    Analogues of zinc ointment

    The following drugs have a similar pharmacological effect with zinc ointment:

    1. "Sudokrem".
    2. "Zindol".
    3. "Desitin".
    4. "Diaderm".

    Before changing the prescribed medication with one of these substitute drugs, you must carefully read the instructions for use, since the drugs have different composition and contraindications.


    Zinc ointment is dispensed from pharmacy chains without a prescription. It is necessary to keep the tube with the drug in a cool, hard-to-reach place for children, avoiding sunlight on the package.

    The shelf life of the medicinal product is thirty-six months from the date of manufacture. The cost of the drug varies from 30 to 50 rubles, depending on the pharmacy and the region.