The banking system includes. The concept and structure of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The concept of a bank comes from the Italian language, and in translation means a bench, a table. Banchieri - the so-called money changers and usurers in medieval Italy.

Bank- This financial institution, which performs various types of operations with money and securities. Banks are financial and credit institutions that provide financial services to the government, individuals and legal entities. Bank Properties:

  • making a profit;
  • implementation of banking operations;
  • opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • activity on the basis of a state license;
  • lack of rights to carry out trade, production or insurance activities.

Bank types not numerous: central banks and commercial ones. Central banks- regulate the banking system at the state level, including the issuance of the national currency. Commercial banks conduct business activities in the banking system.

Commercial banks are of three types:

  • investment banks (investments, securities);
  • savings banks (deposits, deposits);
  • universal (all types of banking).

Functions of banks.

  1. Keeping the client's money: the first historically, and still one of the main functions of the bank.
  2. Transfer of money from one client to another by bank transfer (by changing the relevant records).
  3. Loans(loans have a stimulating effect on the production sector of the economy and on entrepreneurship; in addition, another positive aspect of this function is the creation of additional money supply).
  4. In the resources of banks, attracted and borrowed capital prevails over its own, which entails increased responsibility to depositors and creditors.
  5. Simultaneous work with clients from different fields of activity, including with opponents (competitors).

Bank resources consist of equity and borrowed funds. Equity capital is a reserve fund of the bank, a means of protection in case of loss of liquidity by the bank and the need to return deposits. Equity capital consists of:

  • authorized capital (minimum size of the bank's property);
  • funds at the expense of profit;
  • additional capital (income on the sale of securities, on exchange rate differences and the difference in the revaluation of fixed assets).

Raising funds in the resources of the bank is:

  • deposits of individuals and legal entities;
  • interbank loans;
  • bank bills and bonds.

Banking system.

Banking system is a complex of all types of national banks and credit institutions. Structure of the banking system consists of two levels.

At the top level, the central or issuing bank, which regulates the activities of the entire system. At the lower level are commercial banks (universal and specialized - investment, savings, mortgage, credit, etc.).

The main elements in the infrastructure of the banking system:

  • legislative norms;
  • rules for performing transactions;
  • accounting, reporting and database processing;
  • the structure of the management apparatus (management).

The banking infrastructure is something without which the banking system cannot develop normally; it represents for banks the same regulator of behavior as for a person - moral and legal norms.

Speaking about banks and the system of banks, one cannot fail to mention the concept bank secrecy- a kind of bank code of honor. In some countries, all bank employees are prohibited from distributing information about customers, their accounts and movements of funds.

I have never been particularly interested in stocks, the structure of the banking system, lending and other economic topics. Until I had to personally deal with the banking system in Russia, however, then I was looking for accurate and correct information about this topic for a long time, because almost no one had written about it before.

A few years later, I began to professionally understand the economy, including the banking system of the Russian Federation. If you, like me a couple of years ago, need to understand the banking topic, then I will be happy to tell you about all its intricacies.

So, let's start with the definition of the banking system:

  • The banking system is a combination of various types of national banks and credit organizations operating within the framework of a common monetary and credit mechanism.

In Russia, there is a two-tier banking system:

  1. The top, most important level, is occupied by the Central Bank of Russia (Central Bank, or Central Bank). It is obvious that he also occupies a dominant position among other banks, and has greater powers in comparison with them. Let us single out the main functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: issue (issue) of money, control over the activities of other commercial banks and issue a license to them, as well as regulate the value of the national currency.
  2. The second level consists of various credit organizations. They include commercial banks (+foreign banks) and non-bank credit organizations (NCOs). Many people who do not carefully delve into the economy mistakenly believe that commercial banks and non-bank credit organizations differ only in name, but this is not so.
  • First of all, it is worth noting that commercial banks work with individuals, while non-profit credit organizations work only with legal entities (they are prohibited from working with individuals).
  • Secondly, commercial banks work with foreign currency in any form, and NCOs only in non-cash form.
  • Thirdly, the conditional capital of banks is 5,000,000 euros, while NPOs are only 100,000 euros.
  • Fourth, NPOs, unlike commercial banks, are prohibited from establishing branches and representative offices.

Thus, the differences between NPOs and commercial banks are significant, so it is worth remembering them so as not to confuse these credit organizations.

Non-bank credit organizations

For a better understanding of the term "non-bank credit organizations" I want to give a short list of examples of NCOs:

  1. Leasing companies.
  2. Savings and loan companies.
  3. Credit unions and cooperation.
  4. Investment funds.
  5. Insurance companies.
  6. Share (mutual) funds.
  7. pension funds.
  8. Collection firms.
  9. Pawnshops.
  10. Organizations of financial markets.
  11. Trust companies.
  12. Creeling (settlement) centers.
  13. Rental points.
  14. Dealing companies.
  15. Other credit and financial organizations.

Features and catches of non-bank credit institutions

It should be noted that in the last few years the number of non-bank credit institutions in Russia has been growing rapidly. It is impossible to determine exactly what this is due to, but it can be assumed that the growth in the emergence of NCOs in Russia is a consequence of the revocation of licenses of many commercial banks. After all, it is on the basis of such banks that NGOs are usually organized. Now, at the legislative level, more and more control is being established over such organizations in connection with their growth and vigorous activity.

To finally understand the topic of NPOs, it is worth noting the procedure for opening and registering NPOs, which take place in two stages:

  1. The first stage consists of the collection of constituent documents (business plan, authorized capital and its contents, structure of the organization and its composition and other documents), which are submitted to the Central Bank for further consideration.
  2. At a later stage, these documents are considered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which later makes its decision on the creation of this organization.
  3. The decision taken by the Central Bank is submitted to the registration body by the authorized body.
  4. Then an entry is made in the register, and you receive a notice of the decision.
  5. If your application is approved by the Central Bank, then you need a 100% contribution of the authorized capital stated in the documents submitted to the Central Bank at the first stage.

Non-bank credit organizations are often associated with the word “risk” and this is quite justified, because by investing your savings in an NPO, you risk much more than investing in a commercial state bank, because it has insurance, unlike an NPO.

So, non-profit credit organizations in our time have gained considerable popularity, although many people are still afraid of them and prefer to cooperate only with state-owned banks. Opening your own NPO is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because control over such organizations is growing every year. The activities of a non-profit credit organization after registration are also scrupulously controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Functions of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The banking system of the Russian Federation has many different functions, but we will highlight only the most important ones:

  1. The emission function of the banking system is the production and redistribution of funds in the country. This is one of the most important functions of the system, because banks combine the financial resources of most market participants, and this already constitutes a huge economic resource.
  2. The regulatory function is to regulate supply and demand in the market.
  3. Efficient payments in the country's economy.

A separate function of the Central Bank is to control the activities of all credit organizations in the country.

Thus, it is very important to maintain the integrity and proper functioning of the country's banking system, because it performs very important functions in its economy.

Features of the banking system of the Russian Federation.

The main problems of the banking system of the Russian Federation

Due to the fact that the banking system in Russia is not very well developed, it has a number of serious problems that hinder the development of the system in the country. One of the main such problems is the low professional level of the management in banking.

Also, another problem is the high dependence of banking organizations on large shareholders and financial and industrial groups. Also, some banking organizations are directly dependent on foreign investment, which sometimes makes it difficult for the stability and growth of a banking organization.

The remaining problems can be divided into two groups:

  • internal problems.

The main internal problem of the modern banking system of the Russian Federation is the distrust of the population in banks. Most of the population of Russia remain illiterate in the economic sphere, in connection with which there are fears and distrust of banks, because they are unable to understand the principle of their work and the need for their existence. That is why it is very important to try to understand the economic sphere, because sooner or later everyone in life will have to face this.

Another serious problem is the low level of capital investment and the high share of non-performing loans. It is these two factors that influence the further growth and development of the banking organization. If they are not eliminated in time, the organization will simply go bankrupt.

  • external problems.

The main external problem of the banking system is the excessive dependence of the economic sector of the Russian Federation on the changing exchange rate of the ruble. In other words, the main external problem of the banking system of the Russian Federation is the instability of the national bargaining currency, on which the country's economic sector is completely dependent.

The state of the banking system of the Russian Federation at the moment

The banking system of the USSR was one-tier, which led to a crisis, so the old one-tier system was replaced by a two-tier system, which proved to be more effective than the previous one. At present, the banking system in Russia is developing with significant leaps: the quality of service and the level of modernization are getting higher every year. Also, one of the current trends is the emergence of numerous branches and representative offices not only within the country, but also abroad.

At present, large and medium-sized banks predominate, which “absorbed” small ones, because this allowed the most efficient use of economic, energy and labor resources of banks. In other words, in our time, such a phenomenon as monopolization is increasingly manifesting itself.


  • The banking system of the Russian Federation consists of two levels.
  • The first level is occupied by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • The second level is occupied by various banking organizations.
  • Currently, control over non-bank credit organizations is increasing.
  • The present time is characterized by an increase in monopolization.
  • Despite significant advantages, the two-tier banking system also has significant disadvantages.

Financial and legislative structure of the Central Bank, credit and settlement institutions, microfinance organizations, infrastructure and legislative norms in the banking sector.

The banking infrastructure includes settlement systems between various banks, a deposit insurance system, bank card payment systems, as well as audit organizations, consulting companies, processing technology providers and firms specializing in educational services in the banking sector.

The foundations of the banking system are laid down in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the country. Additional documents - laws on banks, on the Central Bank of Russia, on the national payment system, on deposit insurance, on consumer credit, as well as other regulations.

If we consider the banking system according to the gradation by levels, then the Central Bank will be at the first and highest level, and all other elements will be at the second.

The first level of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The Central Bank is the main regulatory and supervisory body in the banking sector. It is he who monopoly establishes the rules for the implementation of any financial transactions for all participants in the country's banking system.

The prerogative of the Central Bank is also:

  • issue of funds;
  • issuance of licenses for banking activities;
  • management of the payment and settlement system in the state;
  • the establishment of certain economic norms for credit institutions in the country;
  • ensuring a stable state of the ruble and the financial state system as a whole.

The second level of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The lowest level of the system is all banking and non-banking organizations that provide financial services to clients and other subjects of economic relations in Russia. That is, this includes Russian commercial banks, microfinance companies, as well as representative offices of foreign credit institutions and their branches.


Banks, in turn, can work both independently and as part of banking associations and holdings. Their activity is regulated at the legislative level. The commercial orientation of the work of banks does not exclude their division into private and public. The latter do not necessarily belong entirely to the state - half of the state assets plus one share is enough for this.

According to the form of ownership, banks are divided into joint-stock, cooperative and joint. According to the volume of assets - large, medium and small. According to the internal structure - into branchless and with a large number of branches. According to the operations carried out - into specialized and universal.

Separately, systemically important banks are singled out - the largest in terms of assets and customers, and the most influencing the state's economy. At the moment, there are 4 state banks in this list, 4 private ones without foreign capital and 3 private traders with foreign capital.

Schemes of work and permitted types of financial activities for representative offices of foreign banks are enshrined in the relevant legislative acts. The Bank of Russia has the authority to impose restrictions on the conduct of banking operations by foreign banks.


Non-bank credit organizations can only carry out certain types of financial transactions that are established by the Central Bank of Russia. Usually these are credit and settlement operations, as well as collection of bills and cash. NPOs are prohibited from conducting cash transactions, as well as from establishing branches. Non-banking institutions are not included in the mandatory deposit insurance system.

The banking system is a combination of national and commercial banks, as well as non-banking credit institutions. Thus, in addition to the Central, commercial and state banks, it also includes NCOs.

Classification of types of banking systems according to the degree of development

According to this criterion, three types of systems are distinguished: administrative-command, market, and transitional.

Administrative systems are characterized by:

  • state form of ownership of banking institutions;
  • the monopoly right of the state to open new credit institutions;
  • the presence of only one level;
  • formation of the interest rate by the administrative method;
  • control over all credit institutions by the government;
  • concentration of emission and credit functions in the Central Bank;
  • conducting monetary policy by administrative methods.

A similar system was characteristic of the Soviet Union. At present, China has followed its path, the banking system of which is also administrative.

Market type system typical of developed countries. Among its distinguishing features, we highlight the following:

  • the presence of mainly two levels: the first of them is the main bank of the country; on the second - credit organizations;
  • a wide network of infrastructure institutions: rating agencies, credit bureaus, collection organizations;
  • conducting monetary policy mainly by market methods;
  • the absence of a state monopoly in the banking sector;
  • formation of the interest rate on loans on a market basis;
  • high level of competition;
  • division of credit and issue functions between the Central Bank and credit institutions.

Some scholars also distinguish transitional development system. It tends to move to a market type, but still continues to retain some signs of a command-administrative system. According to some experts, the banking sector of our country belongs to the transitional type. This is due to the weak level of competition between credit institutions. Thus, more than 50% of assets are concentrated in banks with state participation.

Classification of systems by structural feature

Banking systems can be classified on a structural basis. According to this criterion, they are divided into:

  • single-level;
  • two-level.

Single-level systems are inherent in countries with totalitarian regimes. All operations are concentrated at one level, where the Central Bank and credit institutions with state participation (if any) are located.

At the first level of the two-tier system is the Central Bank. He is responsible for performing the function of issuing money, that is, it produces their release into circulation. At the second level, the banking system includes credit institutions. Commercial banks, according to the scope of operations performed, are divided into universal and segmented. First perform a wide range of operations. Their main advantage lies in the diversification of activities, which reduces risks. Segmented institutions specialize in a narrow range of operations. This allows them to provide higher quality services. However, the activities of such institutions are at greater risk.

Some economists also distinguish three-level systems. A typical example is the banking system of the EU countries. The first link is the European Central Bank, the second is the national banks of the EU member states (for example, the Central Bank of Austria), and the role of the third link is played by commercial banks.

Goals and functions of the banking system: main characteristics

To understand what the banking system is, one should study its goals and functions. The key goal of the banking sector of any state is to provide loans to the economy represented by the following entities: the state; business; population.

The main functions of the banking system include:

  • ensuring the economic development of the national economy through the provision of credit funds and the regulation of an uninterrupted settlement system;
  • mediation between individuals who have an abundance of funds and entities in need of them, which leads to cost savings and an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of resources in the economy;
  • accumulation of funds and their mobilization;

These functions determine how the banking system works. The degree of their development depends on the level of development of the banking system of a particular state. In Russia, its purpose and functions are not fully implemented. This is due to the weak level of development of lending to both businesses and the population. In particular, high interest rates on loans turn them into an inefficient way to develop the economy.

In addition, commercial banks are reluctant to issue long-term funds to enterprises that represent the real sector of the economy. The reason for this is the lack of "long" money among their resources and the high level of risk of these operations.

Features of regulation of the banking sector

At present, no one doubts the need to regulate the credit sector. However, this was not always the case. Until the Great Depression of 1929, which hit first the United States and then many other developed countries, government intervention in the functioning of the economy was considered detrimental. During this period dominated monetarist concept.

However, the crisis showed the fallacy of this theory at that time. And since the 30s of the 20th century. more and more attention is paid to strengthening the regulation of the banking system and the creation of specialized bodies. Thus, the Central banks of developed countries are beginning to pay more attention to conducting monetary regulation.

The main institution that regulates the banking sector of any state is the Central Bank. It is also the first link of a two-level system. Among the main possible goals of the activities of central banks, the following stand out:

  • ensuring the stability of the credit sector;
  • decrease in the volatility of the national currency;
  • ensuring the smooth functioning of the payment system, etc.

These functions are largely achieved thanks to the Central Bank's prudent monetary policy. In each state, the Central Bank independently chooses one or another goal, depending on the current economic situation. In particular, its goals may be: reducing inflation, ensuring a balanced growth of wealth, reducing the unemployment rate, strengthening the country's currency ...

It is customary to refer to the main international regulatory body, first of all, the Basel Committee, which is located in Switzerland, in the city of Basel. At present, the so-called Basel III standards have come into force. They regulate and limit the risks of banking activities, in particular the risks of transactions related to derivative instruments. It was the latter that served as the main cause of the latest global financial and economic crisis that hit developed countries in 2008.

The standards of the latest Basel Accord are also being implemented in Russian banks. In particular, guided by these international requirements, since 2016 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been applying new regulatory restrictions for banks. So, the minimum allowable capital adequacy level for banks has been changed - it has been lowered from 10% to 8%.

Features and problems of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The banking system of the Russian Federation is a two-tier one and belongs to the market type. Although some economists are of the opinion that it is still in transition. The mega-regulator of financial markets is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It means that it controls not only the country's banking system, but the entire financial sector as a whole.

The Central Bank pursues an independent monetary policy. Although he is formally accountable to the State Duma, he determines the goal of monetary policy independently. Currently, it is inflation targeting. This means that the main goal of the Bank of Russia is to reduce inflation.

Thus, the target is to reduce it to 4% already in 2017.

Let us note the main problems of the banking system of Russia at the present stage of its development:

  • High level of monopolization, as a result of which the vast majority of assets are concentrated in the four largest banks with state participation.
  • Low concentration of banking activity. In particular, most of the credit institutions are concentrated in the Central District, mostly in Moscow. At the same time, the banking presence in the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, remote corners of the North continues to be insignificant.
  • A small number of regional banks. At the same time, it is this group of banks that ensures the development of regions, in particular small businesses.
  • Direction of monetary policy to reduce inflation. This ignores the need to ensure sustainable economic growth. Thus, it is impossible to simultaneously achieve a reduction in the level of inflation and a sustainable level of economic development.
  • Inefficient use of attracted banking system of investment funds.
  • Instability of the Russian banking system. This is manifested, in particular, in a large number of general licenses revoked from commercial banks, which negatively affects the level of public confidence in credit institutions.

The current political and economic situation did not contribute to the development of the country's banking system. Domestic banks turned out to be "cut off" from the world community. This was manifested, first of all, in the fact that, due to sanctions, Western banks stopped providing cheap loans to Russian credit institutions. Therefore, the latter were forced to resort to more expensive refinancing in the domestic market.

Interesting statistics: TOP-10 largest Russian banks by assets

For comparison: the key rate in the EU, which directly affects interest rates in the economy, is 0%. And in Russia, the level of this rate at the present time is 10%. This explains the high interest rates. They significantly hinder the economic development of the country.

Thus, we examined what the banking system is briefly. The banking sector is the "circulatory system" of the economy of any country. Any disruption will inevitably lead to economic problems.


1 The concept and structure of the banking system, types of banking systems

2 Bank as an economic entity, its functions and operations

3 The central bank of the state, its functions and operations

4 Characteristics of the banking system of the Republic of Belarus

Credit system - a set of credit relations existing in the country, forms and methods of lending, banks and other credit institutions organizing and implementing such relationships.

Banking system- a collection of different types of national banks operating within the framework of the general monetary mechanism. The banking system includes a central bank, a network of commercial banks. The Central Bank conducts the state issuing and foreign exchange policy, is the core of the reserve system. Commercial banks carry out all types of banking operations.

Depending on the subordination of credit institutions, as well as depending on from a hierarchical structure banking system, allocate:

- single-level banking system - provides for the presence of horizontal links between banking institutions, the universalization of their functions and operations. It is used in countries with underdeveloped economic structures and in countries with a totalitarian, administrative-command control regime;

- two-level banking system - based on building relationships between banking institutions, both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, these are relations of equal partnership between links (commercial banks); vertically - between the central bank as a leading and managing center and lower lower levels (commercial banks).

In developed market economies, there are two-tier banking systems. The top level of the system is represented central (issuing) bank. At the lower level there are commercial banks, subdivided into universal and specialized banks (investment banks, savings banks, mortgage banks, consumer credit banks, industry banks, intra-production banks). In addition to banks, the credit system includes non-bank credit and financial institutions(investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, pension funds, pawnshops, trust companies).

International practice knows several types of banking systems:

Distribution centralized banking system;

Market banking system;

banking system in transition.

Distribution (centralized) banking system: the state is the sole owner, the state monopoly on the formation of banks, a single-level banking system, a single bank policy, the state is responsible for the obligations of banks, banks are subordinate to the government and depend on its operational activities, credit and emission operations are concentrated in one bank, the head of the bank is appointed by the central or local authorities by higher authorities.

Banking system market type characterized by the absence of a state monopoly on banking activities. Banking competition is typical for the banking system in market conditions. Issuing and lending functions are separated from each other. The issue of money is concentrated in the central bank, lending to enterprises and the population is carried out by various business banks - commercial, investment, innovative, mortgage, savings, etc. Commercial banks are not liable for the obligations of the state, just as the state is not liable for the obligations of commercial banks.

Banking system transition period has features of both distribution and market banking system.

Due to the fact that banking is one of the varieties of entrepreneurial activity, general and specific principles apply to it. General principles are fundamental to all business activities in general:

Inviolability of property;

The principle of freedom of banking;

Encouragement of competition and protection against monopoly;

The principle of banking activities in a single economic space;

Combination of interests of all banking entities.

Specific Principles:

1 building and development of the banking system:

The principle of a two-level construction of the banking system;

The principle of economic zoning in the organizational structure of the Central Bank;

Separation and fixation of the powers of the upper level of the banking system;

The principle of independence of the Central Bank from other state authorities;

2 principle of the procedure for carrying out banking activities:

Responsibility of the Central Bank for its actions;

The principle of monopoly implementation by the Central Bank of the issue of cash and the organization of their circulation;

The principle of combining state management of the banking system with self-governance;

The principle of inadmissibility of interference of state authorities in the operational activities of a credit institution;

The principle of the exclusive legal capacity of a credit institution, is entitled to carry out banking operations from the moment of obtaining a license;

The principle of bank secrecy;

Payment for banking services.

Banking system of the Republic of Belarus- an integral part of the financial and credit system of the Republic of Belarus. The banking system of the Republic of Belarus is two-tier and includes the National Bank and other banks.

Financial and credit system The Republic of Belarus, in addition to banks, includes non-bank credit and financial organizations.

banking- a set of banking operations carried out by banks and non-banking financial organizations aimed at making a profit.

Basic principles of banking in the Republic of Belarus are:

Obligation for banks and non-bank financial institutions to obtain a special permit (license) to carry out banking activities (hereinafter referred to as a license to carry out banking activities);

Independence of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations in their activities, non-interference on the part of state bodies in their work, with the exception of cases provided for by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus;

Separation of responsibility between banks, non-bank financial institutions and the state;

Mandatory compliance with the standards of safe functioning established by the National Bank to maintain the stability and soundness of the banking system of the Republic of Belarus;

Providing individuals and legal entities with the right to choose a bank, non-bank financial institution;

Ensuring banking secrecy on transactions, accounts and deposits (deposits) of clients;

Ensuring the return of funds to bank depositors.